Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Feb 1928, p. 12

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= TE 10 PROGRAM vo 0) (S9-Detroit, "Tonights Dia 10.00 oi -Kenn State College, = Wements hour, ne he an ripe; chat, Wi 's hour, J ye mye 7.00 WEA Wak ( icage, Home Manage: jo is" yg Xn, "ne ID (222)--Mpls, Musicale, WHO (535)=Des Moines. Organ, Bo Neo CFCA iGaigre Be Ly Single a i News; he ae CP Io r bell. ri. a i Home economies, By Mt, Roys! Or» ith to, Luncheon muse, Ski (=Nosnvile Farm snd home on (50 Council Bluffs, oR Cine, Lo Lunchson le, Mpls: gh Pa y by oes ar Country: alo, Conce: ble. oy + News is Yeap aoc Organ, A Carr Slelodiss, of oo ou Vi Nioix: 'sing yi i Bin Luncheon nL 4 Ludi Orgen. m, WGHP (278)=~Detmit. (535)=Des Moines. The Ambass: BZ w Shenandosh, Farmer' music, ow Tp ture; musica mules } s Programs ll dr B20 KMM) (230)~Clasy Center, 'Afternoon } $0 uot 2 Ls Newark. Piano, ws ttawa. Musichle, Tuller | © | 10.00 Ks a i Hor" So fe cone ubiles Sing- FALE we fe | pn &- ty, aR 7 | brerion EERE FAN (220--Phila, Metropolitan Male AF Sn, Wow (517)=8t, Petersburg, Moses WiAM (400)--Cleveland, "The In. 9 3) (39)--Tulsa, Metropolitan male 344)--Chatt, Vie GrShtanans : GR Wh * ar) Atlantic i Test WSU (676) --Towa Cit WIMY (830 heaubee, ™ fy SE NT i WOW, FCA Ensemble, (319) Lincoln. Salon orchestra, (230) y Center, Variety. hila, The Concert HR nC rage pi. Y AN rs A K prs veland, MH vin (366)--Mooseheart, NY (3260)--N.Y, Music, Wir Ain --Dallas, Musicale, PAG (517)~Waorcester, Musicale, (400)~Cleveland, The Cava: lier: 3 KPRC (294)--Houston, Skyli t Red Network: nel pe: § y 9 TEAR, WGY ar KTHS Hor in BE vd | ano, 2 WX (400)--Havana, Musicale, WIP (508)--Phila," Mixed quartet, Red Network: --New Chamber Music Lee from WEAF, WII, WRC, KYW (526)~Chicago. Popular soloists, PWX (400)--Havana, Bolivian Hour, WDAF (370)--Kansas City, Popular Vioeram "(154)=N.Y, "Keystone Duo with balladeers. WTAM (400)--Cleveland, The Wander- Wiw Minstrel, (428)Cinci, tainers, 15 WCCO (405)--Mpls,-St. Paul, Musicale. WCSH (234)--Colymbus, Order of far monicas WENR (288)--Chicago, Program. Fac ific Chain} ro Hay Night Review, Kame KFI, A, KGO, KGW, KHQ, by Rial (319)~ Lincoln, Chamber of Com- KAU (285)--Roise, Idaho, Concert, KVOO (349)--Tulsa, Baritone, Whar (500)--Ft, Worth, Opera, "Car- Wire (258)--Charlotte, Jawaiins, WHN (394)---N.Y, Org Yio (306)--Chicago, Wo lar, Z (439)-N.Y, Slumber music, wk BR Gol) Dallas, Program, 361)--Cinci, Maids of Melod 11.45 weit Ps --Atlanta, Ernest Rogers Wed {ea 12 mid. Pacific Chain: KKOA, KGO, KGW, WGES (242)~Chicago, 1.00 a.m, WBBM (389)--Chicago, FEATURE TALKS 7.00 i KVOO (349)--Bristow, Worth, { 461)-- Boston. delights, (244)--Chattanooga: School lesson WRNY LN. Deadline," (294)--Milwaukee. Talk, Kruckerl X (545)--Bulfalo, Hockey, Sedg: Nichols, WAL '(461)--Boston, Hockey, Harvard vs. Dartmouth, 9.00 Waiag (448)~Chicago. Radio Photo: WEE 10.00 wico (405)~Mpls,-St, Paul, "Fireside er," WGES (202)~Chicago. "Maggie and i AC (461)--Boston. Address by Vice President Chas. E. Dawes, "Relation of Milita Protection to Business." 11.10 WGN (416)~Chicago, * n Henry," 11.30 KVOO (349)--Tulsa, rides fer DANCE TO THES 7.30 pm. Red Ne hatiers Pannsyl- Yan a from WEAF, WGY, WGR, Eich, oF ditts, Bam dance. ~Chicago, National barn 4, a ve Y ( . At Dine: Party, 9.00 WEAF ir x Little Orcusatss, 9.3% WAY ol Phila. --Northfie i Sian n. Dace. rings. altimore. Wig prog. Ww w WR C, is KMM Pert Hawaiian enter KFI, KOMO, Bungalow prog. Jambourge ~Featyre, from KHQ, Sunday Sunday "Newspaper Sunday Cholly =r ATES aul fms marie betes 00. sod oo Hd ¥ w AA We Vr WPrG Ei City, ur Ses ie THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1928 (@)~Boston. Le Paradis Antic i. Dance or (261)~Mpls. Scandinavian Fr ashville. Regular bam (517)=85t. Petersburg. Dance IAG (512) Woreester, Baneroft, | rches, (261)~Phila. Pice; ly s 'estern (Y0)--Kansa A ov Net CE eho, from )--Denver, Chi zales. (405) ~Mpls,- St. Paul. Dance. ster, nee, Cok he lah Cowart joie oo re orel Col "Follies Elks Club, rehestra, icago, Edgewater (545)--Dallas, Dance. I Cadilwank WHA Done Med 's tr ul She a cite | Pf Osan x TRATPER GUARANTEES EUIMINATE WOLVES Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Feb. 16, ---Bob Beck, the Searchmont trap. per who has accounted for over a dozen wolves so far this Winter, has trapped another big timber wolf which measured over seven feet in length, The head of the animal alone weighed four pounds, Geo. 'W. Kidd of Nipissing has made; a proposal to Algoma farm- ers that he will!guarantee to rid any area by a trapping method which he has perfected, and some of the farmers here are showing & desire to give him a chance. - | HALIFAX OFFICE FOR CANADA'S LARGEST ADVERTISING AGENCY -- It 5 announced today that A. McKim Ldmited, General Advers tising Agency, will further extend its coast to coast chain of branches by opening an office in Halifax on February 16th. This step indicates appreciu- tion by Canada's largest advertis- We Noble Avg In a Jewelry BASSETTS JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main ing agemey of the important place occupied by the Maritime Prov- inces in the industrial activity of the country. The new office will be in charge of Mr. H. R. McDougal who ues had a number of years experience in the Head Ofice of the company at Montreal, developing advertis- ing accounts and carrying out merchandising and advertising plans for manufacturers and ethers [5 in a wide variety of businesses. While A. McKim Limited has for several years operated six of- fices, it has been felt that the chain was not complete without a Maritime Branch and the abund- ant signs of present and potential progress now apparent througa- out the three Atlantic Coast Prov- inces makes the present a most opportune time for the new branch to be inaugurated. Such development in practically every Mune of industry carried om in the Maritimés is in evidence, that the specialized council and service which the McKim organi- zation is equipped to give is sure to be welcomed by Maritime Proy- ince firms desiring further devel- opment of sales in their own and other Provinces, and by business men in other parts of Canada who wish to secure a share of the splendid voume of business avail able in Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick and Prince Edward Island. The addition of the Halifax branch will give A, MeKim Limit. ed fully equipped offices in Mont- real, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipe Vancouver, Halifax, and Londo England. DODDS KIDNEY PILLS The power of speech differen tiates the man from theb rute--- hi when he quarrels with. his wife, It concerned a man who was dor ing some climbing in the Alps, ace companied by a guide. ELLA CINDERS-- - a nh. Vlas aie west wara her A RICHEST EF THEY RAB CATED 0 IR WRRITR about to boil over - ne bd CASH| She C By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb THE SUR uM MINE AND YOUR PRESIDENT KEEP HER STEPMOTHER POOR, NO MAT SHE TRIBS PONT TALK BACK TO ME- BY GOLLY MAGGIE IS] | FOR ONCE \T 1SN'T ME- I'LL + & H TAKE 1928. by In) Feamre Service, Ins. ARRELIN' WITH OGHTER I'M GLAD Greer Britain rights reseive) ------ ELL WHAT ARE Nou BUT TING IN g: 8 By Geo, McManus YOU MIGHT- AND |F 1 | WASN'T FOR YOU: OUR DALIGHTER WOULD new ME MORE RESPECT- YOU SET A BAD EXAMPLE" THINGS HAVE | GOT TO CHANGE AROUND HERE: h § ANY ( CHAN E WiLL BC ig | SIDNEY LANIER WAS CALLED THE "SUNRISE POET" BECAUSE HE SO ULY INTERPRETED THE MISTY TWILIGHT SPELL OF THE EARLY MORNING HOURS, TOMMY, 'TELLING TOMMY WHICH FINALLY CAUSED HIS DEATH, SEPT, 8,1881 AT LYNN, NORTH CAROLINA, JERS FINEST WORK 15 THE HYMNS OF THE MARSHES THO OF WHICH, SUNRISE AND THE MARSHES OF GLYNN/ARE Thi SONGS OF A DYING MAN, THESE HYMNS RANK AMUNG THE BEST PRO- DUCTIONS OF AMERICAN POETRY, IRF 0MEY LANIER iS BORN IY MACON,GA. IN 1842 AND EDUCKTED AT OGLET PE COLLEGE I} THAT STATE HE FOUGHT ON THE CONFEDERATE SIDE DURING THE WAR OF SECESSION, AND WROTE SOME OF WS FIRST VERSES WHILE A PRISONER. FRY 1: VARD- SHIPS OF YiAR HE DEVELOPED TUBE C:50815 DO YOU KNOW WHO THE SUNRISE POET 1 YOU MUST BE THINK ? Ml OF THE MILkMAN WONDERFUL IMAGINATIVE DERT. OF COM INSPECTOR 1S GINE Ms TesY Ca MH, MAC, CAPT, LA FLE ¥S THAT TOMORROW THE MELEE vo (os) MM LUCK IN GETTING PE LONE ~ |PiLoTs UC Ense 2) Soke

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