AUARY 11, 1926 TT CHURCH WELCOMES PASTOR HERE ON SUNDAY Rev. Dr. Joseph Thonne to Admivister Sacrament on Sunday 1S NOTED SCHOLAR Js . Medical Graduate and Speaks Twelve Different Languages Tomorrow Albany Street Ukrai- alan Church will -welcome as their pastor, Rev, Dr. Joseph B. Thonne, speaker of twelve languages, who will be stationed permanently in this field of the United Church of Canada. Services will he held in the church tomorrow at 11 o'clock in. the morning. 2.30 in the after- noon, and 7 in the evening. 'Rev. Mr. Thonne comes to this city from Buffalo, where he has n very successful in a similar field of work. He is a member of the French Legion of Honor, and a medical graduate of the Univer- sity of Paris. Mr. Thonne had four vears' experience in the war, and 4s. a fluent speaker In twelve different languages and dialects, He comes to Oshawa charge pre- pared to administer the sacrament and to take all services, and all Ukrainians are especially assured of a cordial welcome. NOT SAME MAN John Fraser, 547 Mary street, wishes. us to state that he was not the man of this name who appear- ed in police court yesterday on a B.L.C.A, charge. EXPLOSION IN CORK PLANT {INJURES SEVEN, ONE MAY DIE Beaver Falls, Pa.,, Feb, 10.--An ex- plosion caused by an accumulation of cork dust rocked the plant of the Armstrong Cork .Company here at noon today, injuring seven workmen and setting fire to the plant, One man is believed fatally hurt. One thousand workmen were forced to flee from the plant following the plant following the blast. Immediately after the explosion fire occurred, but it was quickly extin- Hr The damage is estimated at y In Memoriam WILSON--In fond and loving { memory of our dear husband and father, Robert E. Wilson, who died February 11, 1921, However long our lives may he , Whatever lands we view ! Whatever joy or grief be ours We will always think of you, H Sadly missed by Wife and Family. In Memoriam (35a) ATTERSLEY--In loving memory of Ernet Martin Attersley, who , __bassed away February 10, 1923 : Mentories drift to scenes long past Time rolls on but memories last, From brother Bert and sister-in-law. (35a) Too Late to Classify FOR SALE--TROPICAL ELEC- tric heater, nearly new. One good large carpet. 11 ft. 6 ins. by 15 ft. . Apply 221 Arthur St. (34c) Coming Events RATES 8 Cents per word each in- sertion, Minimum charge for each insertion, 85¢c. CARNIVAL AND SKATING . party, Simcoe street south rik, Tuesday, February 14th, 8 p.m. Band in attendance, (35a) "50 NIGGERS IN OUR CHORUS and they ell can sing. Hear them wig lb the A.Y.M.C. Fourth Annual + "Minstrel Show, February 15, 16, "IT, (35a) DANCING AT THE OSHAWA ? Winter Garden, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday each week. Pri- vate - ~rties arranged. Phone 2675. a ( E RE ENTAL BAND CONCERT : aud permission of Lieut.-Col. £ . and officers of Ontario J Regiment, Sunday cvening, 8.30 ; o'clock, February 17 Silver collec- "tion at door. (33¢c (KNOX PRESBYTERIAN + Church, Simcoe St. N., anniversary supper and concert, Monday, Feb- suary 13. Supper 5.30 to 7.30. Con- cert 8 o'clock. Tickets 50 cents. i (34h) EUCHRE PARTY TO BE HELD * son Monday, February 13, in Cana- dian Legion Hall, Prince street. (34h) PAMIST AT Phone 2372F. (tH MADAME ROSE, 21 Maple St. Hours 2 to J. ------ --_-- STORM WINDOWS 1 ' Combination Doors Machine Fl or Sanding 151 King St. W. Office pone 481; Res 18 R 2 DARLINGTON TP. COUNCIL MEETS Many Important: 'Matters Come Before Regular Meeting The regular 'monthly meeting of Darlington Township council held bers all present, Reeve C. A. Wight presiding. Counties' Treasurer gave notice of the admission of Peter Geddes and Henry Phillips to Bowmanville Hospital and of Mrs, Marion Flet- cher to the Oshawa General Hospl- tal. Filed. Mar People gave notice of re- ilvert- prices for year 1928. Jd. - Customs and Excise Office Bow- manville made request for the names and addresses of the own- ers of sand and gravel pits in the Township. Clerk to reply, Mrs, E, V, Scobell forwarded re- newal of guarantee bond for treas- ured. Filed, Department of Public Highways acknowledged receipt of by-law No 913, the appointment of T. H, Richards as Road Euperintendent for year 1928, Mrs, W, T.- Rundle and family gratefully acknowledged the ex- pression -of sympathy of Council, Filed. Department of the Public High- ways called the attention of the Council to annual conference on voad construction, to be held in Toronto, February 20 and 21, Filed also as to the annual meat- ing of Ontario Good Roads Asso- ciation to be held in Toronto, ¥eb- ruary 22, 28, 24. Filed, Ontario Municipal Association asked for the co-operation of Council in the work of the assocl- ation and requested the granting of the annual fee of $10. Filed. Solicitor for the Liquor Control Board for Ontario forwarded sam- ples of by-laws which might be passed in the Township for the ap- nointment of officers under section 121, the Liquor Control Act, Filed. 8. A, Northcott and A, C, Tum- mon asked Council to consider the purchase of road machinery dur- ing the coming year, Laid over for further consideration, Norman 8. B, James and FV. F. Morris briefly addressed Council to consider making a further grant to the Nurses' Homes in connec- tion with Bowmanville Hospital. Laid on table for further consid- eration, J, W. Watchhorn complainned as to excess of water at Lot 24, Con, 10, and asked permission to cut down trees op roadside he- tween lots 22 and 23, Con, 9. Re- ferred to Road Superintendent for report, By-law was passed for the ap- pointment of E, M. Proctor, To- ronto, as Township engineer, By-law was passed providing for a payment to the Clerk of a fair and reasonable remuneration for services by him in carrying out the provisions of "the ditches and wa- ter-courses act," By-law was passed for the ap- pointment of 8. A, Northeott and A. W. Annis as sheep inspectors for the year 1928, Owing to the continued {ll- health of the 'Township Clerk, Council resolved to allow him three weeks' absence from his duties, Treasury acknowledged the re- quest of $1.786.59 for J. T. Pas- coe's taxes for 1927, and $4.90 from Lloyd Williams for wire. Orders were drawn on Treasur- er. Road superintendent's salary and supplies for December, $1,194; road superintendent, road mainten- ance, December, $190.64; road su- perintendent, salary and supplies, January, $58.44; road superinten- dent, road maintenance, January, $84.88; Mrs. E. V. Scobell, treas- urer's bond. $5; FP. G. Groat, sal- ary as auditor, $12.50; Kyle Squair, salary as auditor, $12.50; Division Registrar, reg. fees, 1927, $26.50; Municipal World blank forms and 7 copies of World, $9.- 73; Mrs. A. F. Rundle, supplies for F. Storms (charity), $4.88; R. C, Pearce, supplies for F., Storms (charity), $15.30; H. S. Button, supplies for Peter Geddes (char- ity), $21.42; Counties" treasurer, 50 per cent maintenance. J. A. Par- ker, December, $23.25; F. F, Mor- ris Co. 50 per cent of funeral ex- penses of the late Margaret Par- ker, $37.50; Toronto Stamp and Steneil Works, dog tags, $23.95. TREWING IS TO HANG FOR MONTREAL MURDER Montreal. Feb, 10--Frederick Trewing was declared guilty of murdering Willam Cowle, and sen- tenced to death by Mr. Justice Wil- son today, in the Court of King's ) | Bench. The jury, after deliberat- ing for about two hours, returned the verdict, adding a plea for clemency, The date for execution wes fixed for Friday, May 11. QUEBEC CROSSINGS IS ORDERED PROBE Is Ottawa. Feb, 10.--The chief en- gineer of the Board of Railway Commissoners has been directed to make an inquiry and report om the whole situation of level cross- ings in Quebec City on the C.P.R. lines from Palais Station to the limits of the city. This in effect fs the judgment handed down today by the Board of Railway Com- missioners on the application of the City of Quebec in respect to the question of grade separation at highway crossings on the C.P BR. in that city. on Tuesday, February 7. with mem- | 'Banff Claims Youngest Musher Banff claims the youngest western musher, ladys name, Morning ablutions and breakfast over, this r-old dons her outdoor to of Jack, a Tait ul steed and companion, T around for his Niele mistress so she s patiently whilst. she harnesses him, Wi iss Sertrude walks to the rear of the sleigh, then--""Mush Jack" is the you ambitious t! stan right, and away in asks mother, "Oh! Me Some hey 2 later, cheeks rosy from the run Ryihtough air, the youthful musher returns. home, a and Jack mushed a to the depot to Miss Gertrude Steele and hies forth in ques latter is usually wa ig leads him to the sleigh where he After making sure all is h the exhilarat. ve you Been 14 [2] 'Where the \rain come in," or, "Me and Jack mushed to the Cave and Basin," is 2 generally the reply, She mushes, anywhere mother may need her to go. too, to the grocer's, the butcher's Gerirude and Jack are inseparable, morning and afternoon they are seen on the streets of Bantt, On Canada's youngest musher is being seen in action during the Banff Winter Carnival at present taking place, TORONTO STOCKS (Stoble, Forlong and Co,) Stock Bi Ask Arnold Bros, 16% Bell Relophoss +s 161 162 Brazilian -. -.... 53% Br, Amer, Oil 36 8 33% 37 47% 69% 9% 60 837% 107 42% 25% Canada Malting .. City Dairy ... y Hiram Walker .. Imperial Tobacco Imperial Oil ..., International Pete, Loblaw ... --ere-. 106 Massey Harris ... Seagram Shredded Wheat Mines vo 870 206 Amulet ,,, AVNER vr: 030see Argonaut ,,.,... ABMY vsvnvnneins Barry Haluger . Bedford ,, Beaver ,, Bidgood ,,,,,,.. Can, Manitoba ,,,, Chaput Hughes ,, Coast Copper ,,,4950 Dome ,., +0+1226 Howey vee 132 Hollinger ,,,,,.,1710 Hudson Bay ,.,,,1890 Jackson Manion , 73% Kirkland Lake ,., 210 Keeley 61 Kootenay Firnce, 35 Laval-Quebec ,,, 21 Lebel Ore ,.,.., 28 Macassa ,,.,,.., 42 McDougall ,,,,.. bl McIntyre ,,.,,..2660 Malartie ,.,.,,..,, 89% Min. Corpn, ,,.,., 885 Nipissing - ,,.,,,., 507 Noranda ,.,,,,,,,1935 Pioneer ....,,.., 63 Pend Oreille ,,..1285 Potterdoal ,,,,., 15% Premier ,,,,.. BIDAED. 2». i040: San Antonio ,,. Sudbury Basin .. Sherritt Gordon Teck Hughes ,,. Tough Oakes .,.. Towagamac' ,,.,, 320 Vipond. ...ses00s BP Wright Hargraves 465 Wiiltsey Coghlan 45 NEW YORK High Low 12.00 Amer, Can. 80% 803% 80% Amer, Tel, ,, 178% 178%178% Atchison ,,186% 186 Balt. & Ohio 111% Briggs Mfg. 23 Bald, Loco. 244 Can, Dy, . 65. Can. Pac, ,.203% Chrysler ., 60% Congoleum 24% Dupont ,..327% Dodge "A" 19% Erie ..,.,, b2% Fam, lig 11 Gen. , 76% Gooderich , 88% Gen. Mot. ,.138% Gold Dust 100% Hudson ,.,., 84% int, Comb. , 50% Int. Nickel #94 Int. Harv. 236 «mt. Paper , 76% Kansas City 53% Lehigh Val. 85% 34% 95% 20 64% .8. 54% U.S. Steel ..145%5% U.S. Pipe .,208 Wiys. Ovid. 185% Woolworth 183 Yellow Cab 21% EEE ETRY Stocks 29% ELECTRIC POWER EXPORT CONTROL CHANGE URGED Ottawa, Feb. 10.--Hugh Stewart, Brockville, had a bill on the order paper to change the law goverming the export of ilectric power. In his absence, Hou. R. B. Bennett explain- .| announced ed the purpose of the bill was to } take the authority to permit export HICKMAN GUILTY IS FOUND SANE Jury Takes Only 44 Minutes to Reach Decision--Sen- tence Saturday Los Angeles, Feb, 9.--Williamr Edward Hickman, kidnapper and killer of Marian Parker, was found sane by a jury of four women and eight men this afternoon and on Saturday morning will hear sen- tence pronounced. Under the new California code, applied for the first time in the present case, Judge Joseph J. Trabuceco may im- pose the death penalty or life im- prisonment. It is considered certain he will sentence the young murder- er to be hanged, The jury considered the two weeks of testimony and argument for just forty-four minutes before reaching its verdiet, The new code provides that where insamty '1is the defence, the jury shall only consider this peint. The law, however, has never been tested in the State Supreme Court and Jerome Walsh, Hieck- man's attorney, is planning to ap- peal to that hody for a new trial and if he fails there, carry his case, it possible to the U, 8. Supreme Court, Hickman himself took the an- nouncement of the verdict without a flicker of expression. Although his jailers reported he had heen subject to fits of trembling during the poon intermission before ar- guments of counsel had heen eon- cluded, he walked with his usual jerky, rapid stride out of the court room while the jury was smuggled out a back way and the crowd of spectators quickly dispersed by deputy sheriffs. Sentenced on Saturday All the testimony was in when court convened this morning. Ali- enists, Hickman's parents, some of his former friends and his vietim's father had appeared on the stand and dozens of depositions had been read bearing on his sanity. It was just 2.19 o'clock when the jury filed out. Not a single spectator left his point of vantage, and at 3.03 the jury returned. Their verdict passed up to Jidge Trabucco and his clerk read slow- } y. . "We find the defendant was sane when he committed the act charged in the first count," the kidnapping charge. Walsh asked thet the jury be polled and this was done. Then a similiar verdict on the murder indictment was read, and again the jury was polled. Judge Trabuceo he would pronounce sentence at 9.30 Saturday morning and Walsh said he would have "some motions" to make. The trial of a youth who cele- brated his twentieth birthday in the court room was over. Half an hour after his comvie- tion, Hickman remained indiffer- ent to his fate, joking about his hanging and unconcernedly carv- ing his ipitials op a pipe. He per- sisted in his claim to guidance by a special providence, admitted he killed Marian Parker and said he would take his punishment. MRS. COOLIDGE INDISPOSED BUT ILLNESS NOT SERIOUS Washington, Feb. 10--Mrs. Coo- lidge, wife of the President, was un- able to attend the dinner given at the White House for Speaker an Mrs. Longworth last might. It was explained today she had a slight pain in her side, but an examination by physicians did mot reveal any func- tional trouble. It is believed it is caused by a cold. President and Mrs. Coolidge have accepted an invitation from Governor Byrd of Virginia to attend a recep- tion on George Washington's birth- day, February 22, at Richmond, Va, and they will proceed there on the from the Govgrmor-General-in-Coun- | presidential yacht Mayflower, it was cil and place i in control of Parlia- announced at the White House. d | that the OFFICE STAFF| SUNDAY NIGHT w. =. ate Company Ave Bandmaster Thomas Dempsey, newly appointed head of the On- tasis Regimental Band, will be en a civic welcome to this city on Sunday evening by Mayor Pres- ton, This 'will take place during the sacred concert whic h -the band will present in the Regent Theatre, and the introduction of the new bandmaster will be made by Lieut. Col, Chappell,. Besides the several selections by the band, solos will be sung by two of Oshawa's better known soloists, Mrs, R, Bale and Mr, G. Henley, Mrs, Bale is singing 'Jesus Lover of My Soul" and Mr, Henley "The Lost Chord," A feature number by the band will be Gounod's "Faust", a selec- tion which illustrates the high standard of the band in the selec- tion of their music, Bandsman Fountain is playing a number which will be recognized as dif- ficult by musicians, the triple- tongue cornet solo 'Rule Brittan- ia", This soloist was formerly with the famous 48th Band of Toronto. This will he the first public ap- pearance of the conductor, Mr. Thomas Dempsey, who, before his coming to Oshawa, was bandmas- ter of Listowell Citizens' Band, He was for a number of years a mem- ber of the Queen's Own Band of Toronto, and early in the war re- cruited the 166th Queen's Own Band, At Camp Borden this band won first prize in band competi- tion, While overseas Mr. Dempsey was bandmaster of the 12th Re- serve Band and was appointed W, 0, class one, The program will commence at 8.30 Sunday evening in the Regent theatre, A collection will be taken at the door for the Band Fund to keep instruments in repair and purchase new music, The program is: 0 Canada; March, "Casle Hall," McNichol; Prelude (Rachmaninoff) Lambert; Soprano solo, 'Jesus Lover of My Soul", Maecdougall, Mrs. R, Bale; Selection "Follow Me", Fulton; Cornet Solo, 'Rule Brittania", Hartman, Bandsman Fountain; . Introduction of Band- master, Lieut.-Col. Chappell; Civic Welcome, Mayor Preston; Inter- mezzo, "Forget Me Not", Macbeth; Baritone Solo, "The Lost Chord," Sullivan, Mr, G. Henley; Selection, "Faust", Gounod; Instrumental Trio *Gloaming'", Byer, Bandsmen Bryant, King and Toms, Jr.; Hymn "Abide With Me", Lambert, INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM CRITICIZED Delhi, India, Feb, 10--A resolu- tion in favor of the adjournment indefinitely of the bill providing a reserve bank of India, was pass- ed by the Indian Assembly today. The bill had been defeated two days ago. The Opposition today for more than an hour attacked the Government over the failure of the bill, which they believed would be an opportunity for India to attain financial autonomy. The country would heave a sigh of relief at the death of the bill, said Jamna Dasmehta, but Pundit Malayiya criticised the present fi- nancial system "whereby three hundred millions of people are subject to the control of one man 600 miles distant." Laj Patral said the Government should be warned by this lesson mot to try to rule the country by oTcisls nom- nated against the will of the peo- ple. Speculation in Bank Shares 'Bombay, India, Feb. 10--Follow- ing withdrawal in the Indisn As sembly of the bill for a reserve bank of India, there was consider- able speculation in shares of the Imperial Bank of India here. JEWEL THIEVES SENTENCED TO SIX YEARS IN MONTREAL Montreal, Feb, 10.--Sentences of six years each in itenti arraign today for the Hag they took in theft bo jewelr y valued at 60 property of S. P, P. Myers and Com- pany, local jewelers, from a sales- to face a charge of receiving stolen iewelry was $1,800 in connection with the same case, was acquitted of the accusation by Judge ont in Ea- quete Court today. The judge de- clared there was mo proof offered he complaint was justified. Vis) Ottawa, Feb. 10--The Liberals were in caucus this morning under the chairmanship of E. W. Tobin, M.P., Richmond-Wolfe. Assurances were conveyed that the budget would shortly be presented. Members were also assured that every effort would be mad» to shorten the session. Sas- katchewan Liberals mrged the Gov- ernment Minister to make substantial tariff cuts. 'deemed themselves Hosts at Delightful Social Event The W. E. Phillips Co. acted as mine host to the employees of the office last might when about fifty couple enjoyed the music dispens- ed for them at the Winter Garden by the G, M, C. Orchestra, There were novelty dances and Mrs. R, D, Preston received the prize of a bridge set, for being the fortunate lady on the lucky spot at the end of the dance, The lucky number dance was won by Mrs, Cassel Lar- mer and Mr, Wm, Jarrel. Mr, J, Reid and Miss Wacey gave a very pleasing exhibition of the Charls- ton which they executed with grace and ease, An appetizing supper was served to the guests at about one o'clock by J. Welsh, and May- c. Preston expressed the thanks of the guests to Colonel Phillips for the entertainment, which were to he conveyed to him through Miss Jean Boaprey, who acted as host- ess ip the absence of Colonel Phil- lips, occasioned through illness. For those who did not dance there were tables of bridge, The out- of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs E, Daniel, Mr, Eddie Daniel and Miss Daniel, Mr, J. Smith and Miss Smith, Mrs. R. V. Doolittle, Mr. P, Phipps, all from Toronto. Mr, W. Mitchell and Miss Mitchell of Pickering, The party broke up at 2.30 and the guests departed to their homes, agreeing that the af- fair was one to be long remrem- bered, BIG NAVY PROGRAM BEING REBUILT Washington, Feb. 10.--An esti- mate of $4,200,000,000 total navy cost for the next nine years, sub- mitted in confidence to Congress by the Navy Department, has choked the House Naval Affairs Committee, After two stormy sessions, how- ever, the committee has torn the department's $800,000,000 five- year building program to pieces, and {is ready to draw up its own bill with drastic reductions that may eliminate whole categories of ves- gels, and reduce the cost by half. $50,000 LOSS WHEN FIRE SWEEPS BLOCK IN WORCESTER, MASS, Worcester, Mass., Feb, 10--Fire, believed by police to have been of incendiary origin, swept through the five-storey Houghton Bloek in the business district today causing a loss estimated at $60,000 to $75, 000, SAULT JUNIOR SEXTET WINS FROM SUDBURY TEAM, 8-2, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Feb, 10-- Defeated twice earlier in the week in games away from home, Soo re- here tonight when they displayed fast and bril- liant hockey to defeat Sudbury 8- 2 in the last game of the schedule and by their win tie North Bay for the leadership of the southern group of the N. O. H, A, junior series, The game was one of the most thrilling of the season. Play was extremely fast, though ragged at times, and the teams presented a contrast as Delabbio in the Soo net handled 2 barrage of long range shots, and McArthur in the Sudbury net snowed under a flash of stick and puck ss the Soo bored in non the net, gave a sensation- al exhibition of goal-tending. Announcement is Made of Sale By Arthur Drew to E. A. Lovell of Property on Prince Street to Rear of Eaton's Store -- Store to Be Etended Back 20 Feet With Livery Stable Being Removed--Eaton's Take Whole Ground Floor A real estate deal which will in- volve the expansion of the business of the T. Eaton Co, Ltd. imethis city, and the probable establishment of a groceteria in addition to their pre- sent business, is announced today, This deal includes the sale to Mr. E. A, Lovell of the block with 56 foot frontage on Prince street owned by Mr. Arthur Drew, the extension of the present Lovell block to the rear for a distance of twenty feet by the building of an addition, and the re- moval of the livery stable business of James & Son to new premises on Richmond street. At the present time the T. Eaton Co. occupy the ground floor of part of the Lovell Block, Simcoe street north, to a depth of about 70 feet, and it Js understood that a lease is signed whereby they will extend their occupancy to the rear the same dis- tance, They will thus use floor space 140 feet deep. with thirty feet front- age. It is understood that this cx- pansion i- to include the establish- ment of a groceteria in this city, the present business being entirely of an office nature, The addition which will, it is ex- pected, be constructed on the rear of the Lovell block, will be of brick construction, The cost will be in the neighborhood of $5,000, including the excavation and installing of a cellar seventy feet in length by thirty feet wide, fifty feet of the length of which will be under the present structure. At present there is a garage on the site where the addition is to be made, and this will, of course, be torn down. The Prince street property, pur- chased by Mr, Lovell, is directly be- hind his block on Simcoe street north and the purchase will mean the con- tinuation of his property right through from Simcoe to Prince street with a 56 foot frontage. For some time it has been leased by A, Drew, but the James firm are now building a new livery stable on their own property just west of Bradley's rink, Richmond street, and will vacate their present building a- bout April 1, it is understood. CASTING VOTE ELECTS MAYOR OF PORTNEUF Portneuf, Que., Feb. 10.--One man elected J. A. Provost mayor of this town. Edmund Giroux was first de- clared elected by two votes. A re- count was demanded, spoiled ballots gave each candidate 259 votes, and the returning officer exercised his casting vote to settle the issue, 'PEOPLE'S COUNSEL MANITOBA PROPOSAL Winnipeg, Feb. 10.--Appoint- ment of a "People's Counsel" who would give advice to persons un- able to pay for the services of a lawyer regarding rights which they had under the law in connection with garnisheeing of wages, seizure of goods and other matters, was urged in the Manitoba Legislature yesterday by John Queen, Labor, Winnipeg. Hon. W. J, Major, At- torney-General, promised to give the suggestion consideration. EGGS 45 CENTS Eggs were 45 cents a dozen and butter 42 cents a pound on the market this morning, Chickens were also on sale, at 40 cents per pound, James & Son livery stable from Mr.|e |WILL LIKELY OPEN UP GROCETERIA IN EATON STORE ON SIMCOE ST. STRUCK, KNOCKED DOWN BY A CAR That he was knocked down by a car and that his knee was injured in the accident, was reported to police headquarters by Ernest Dar- ling, 257 ,Eulalie avenue. The. re- port was received by the police de- partment at 6.05 yesterday after- noon, and although he did not know who was driving the car, Dorling secured the number and gave it to police officials, He was not badly hurt, and is around as usual today. HOCKE} RESULTS Hockey games played last night resulted as follows: -- Intermediate O.H.A, zBracebridge -. 2 Midland ,,--.. 0 zBracebridge wins round, 6-2, zWindsor ---_. 4 Chatham -o.. 2 zWindsor wins round, 9-4, | Oshawa --..- 3 Queen's cece 3 Walkerton -., 1 Palmerston .. Whitby , ....-- 2 Havelock .-ue Port Colborne 6 Simcoe - . Junior O.H.A, Michael's 5 Georgetown we Listowel ....., 6 Owen Sound .. bStratford 2 Kitchener p... bRound tied, 3-3. Newmarket .. 1 Parry Sound .. National League Montreal ...... 3 Chic2g0 wweww= Canadian League Niagara Falls 3 Hamilton ye. Junior N.,OH.A, London -... 2 Kitchener pe-e Soo Greyhounds 8 Sudbury eee SUDBURY IS TRIUMPHANT IN NORTH ONTARIO 'SPIEL St. Od 3] LJ 2 Do Ooo Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Feb, 10, --To all intents and purposes the annual honspiel of the Northern Ontario Curling Association might just as well have been held in Sud- bury this year, When the 'spiel finishes tomorrow Sudbury will take home three of the four major trophies. Entering five rinks in the bonspiel, they occupy the semi-fin- als of the President's Cup, Jubilee Cup and Sudbury Brewing Co. Cup, but are out of the McKellar Cup play. The Sudbury rinks are skipped by C. Carmichael, W. Dor+ sett, T. Kilpatrick and A, H, Tob« ¥. y The play: today was the elimind- tion of four Sault rinks, O'Brien losing in two events and Carrick, Shaw and West in one each, Dr, S. E. Fleming. Soo, reached the finals of the McKellar Cup when he defeated Kilpatrick by means of a six-end on the eleventh. Capt. Graham of Little Current remains in the Sudbury and McKellar Cups, The finals of some of the events will be played tomorrow, but it is expected that it will be left to the Sudbury rinks to play off the events on their own fice. W, BE. Best, Soo, is in the final of the consolation event, SCOTTISH STORIES (Letter in Toronto Globe) Would you kindly let the hus morous people (who seem to at- tend all public meetings) know what very bad form it is to relate stories against the Seoteh, and how unutterably weary we are of them. We are a very proud and homsick people out here, and all we ask is to be treated with eourt- esy, as we would treat you sll If you visited our beloved land. I cannot recall one instance of =a Scotsman standing up in sny pub» lfe gathering and deliberately hurting the feelings of any other nationality, Scotch Woman Toronto, Jan, 1 USED WASHER SALE One A.B.C. "Nasco" Electric Washer $78 Regular $125, used about 4 months One A.B.C. "Nasco" Electric Washer $70 Regular $125, used about 6 months One "Kribbs" Electric Washer $25 Good working condition ' -- SEE THE -- New Coffield Gyrator Washer $139 complete with four premiums Ironing Board, Tub Stand, Clothes Rack, Clothes Basket BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP 70 SIMCOE STREET NORTH