Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Feb 1928, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY LIMES, wilh iaian., + =B8RUARY 8, 1928 acDONALD, BARRIS ete Simcoe and Rich wa. Phone (108 Wh BARRISTER -mo) RISTERS, ic. Ete. Con ctice ANNIS, BAR Notaries Public an neral A Simcee t Conant, Phon AAELE.: FA 'Anes, BA: Li a FEE 8 JOSEPR-P MANGAN" BA. --BAR- ieitor, Notary Public, Con Mcney to loan. Office bh Qeha: Phone ERSON & CREIGHTON-BAR veyancers, Notaries Pub- et. ce over Standard Bank mcoe St Phone 13. 1 n, BA, T. K Creighton Batteries JOHN H. RENWICK, GRANNY Smecoe United Church, plano, organ and singing. Studio 11 Connaught street, 200W. (Feb. PRY Ag 3) kM. LEB, TEACHER OF PIANO |forte. 613 Carnegie avenue, Phone 2351J. (Jan, 18-Feb, 18) MRS. J. W. JAMES IS PREPARED to give vocal lessons to beginners of | 984 Festubert Ave., Phuae 1651J. (Feb. 2-Mar, 2) 1] HERBERT Cc JRENEER IS PRE red to ac ano, or: pan and hi muse A Ide hos let [J oh i) rics ost, 8 Drew street cast Phone 466. tf ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) Jupla prepared for all exams. Oshawa, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe St. North Phone 371) (120tf) Insurance USL SALES AND SERVICE Car and Radio Batteries recharg- ed, rented, repaired. Called for and delivered. Adanac Garage and Machine Shop. open evenings. 161 King street west. Phone bi 4 Machinery Repairing ADANAG GARAUE AND MACH- INE Shop, successor to Durrant Machine Company| All kinds of machinery repairing, cracked mo tor blocks and most anything Oxy-acetylene welded. Connecting rods rebabitted, Fly wheel start. ing teeth installed. 161 8t, W. Phone 1214, © (8-t1) Undertaking UKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. st. Ambulance. Residence, 19 jon St. 69 King street east. Phone 210]. Chimney Cleaners DAVIS AND SON INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. Thes Sidest Fire Agency, in Oshawa putable Fire Companies, Neth WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N Johns, 80 Simcoe north Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected (Oct 11-1yr) Money to Loan PERSONS DESIRING. LOANS ON a security of their motor cars, or those desiring to gp-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzle, 2 King St, B. 144t1) UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST mortgages Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420. (96 tf) FOR CITY. AND FARM LOANS No commission Building loans Leng! work done at this office. Parkhill, Barrister Disney Bio Phone 1614 6-11) vil Law lise ne A i RWSL, BARRISTIR 4; residence, 2239) (62) ye 8 Roms, Phone 67, residence surgeon! and obstetriclan. Office DR, Cj W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, (Jan, 18-Feb. 18) south. (14 and qu 8 of women Two years "LL RMAN & MAC Barnsters Convevancers, dc All hra "oe of b "Lam! ¢ i Phone 0 A of Corman F, G. Stich » Nuiary Public, Convey: anger, money to loan Dirney Bldg. s itp Post Office Phones, office LOUIS /8, HYMAN AND COM ny, Barristers Money to loan. er Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe 1807 (th) WE 2 v0 Medical DR, BE. R'BARTON, PHYSICIAN and regldence 142 Simcoe Br. North, Phone 2621, \ (Jan. 12-Feb. 12) Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and residenge, 656 Simcoe street north Cor, Ar} {ngton, Phone 2415. DR. R.: E MeMULLEN, PHYSI cian, surgedny.and obstetrician Of- fice and home, 45 Simcoe street Phone 3502, DR. HAROLD W. TRICK. PAYSI- clan, , Obstetrician, Spe- olal oferanie 'to maternity work post te experience, Office and B44 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) 'phone 303 (119-t0) Building ---- ANNOUNCEMENT TO HOME Builders and Contractors--Ilarge stock used timbers, joists, planks, sheeting various dimensions and lengths up to 40 ft., piping frow' % In, to 10 In, plumbing, struc, tural steel, complete hot water and steam heating units, Phone or write Frankel Brothers Limited. Salvage Departmtnt, Toronto, Ger: rard 4100, (Dec, 80-Mar 80 WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS, ed timber lath, shingles, sash, and interior trim. F L Beseroft Whitby, lumber and woodvard, awa, phone 324. th) | DR. McKAY, - PHYSICIAN, SUR: on, Accoucher. Office and resi: nce, King St. East, camer Victoria St. Oshawa ' Phone 9 DR. GRA nfl BERRY, PHYSICIAN. farm nfants and children Of vesidence, 97 Bond east fe DR. B.¢ CTT PHYSI clan B Surgeon, special attention ven to X-ray work and Electro eopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 8050, Office open 9 a.m. to § » Repldence 161 sKing East. Phone 416, (tf) $5 Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR est, Toronto, will be at his office dver Jury & Lovel's Drug Store each Saturday. from 1 till 4 pm. for. consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments s wage be made store. (49-tf) TH A . Specialist B.. F. RICHARDSON, IN- + 'and - post graduate New York, over a years study on the Oontinefit. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store; hours 10 to 12 a. m, 2t 4 pm, 7 to8 pm; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, and by appointment. (Jan. 21-Feb. 21) DR. A. 2 HARDING, POST GRA- Lg at Harper's Hospital, Detroit. Edinburgh and Vienna. Austria 14 N. Phone 1499 street Raion "2845, (Jan. 13-Feb. 13) Dental Dk. D. R DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe St. South Nitrous 'oxide oxygen gas for ex- #astion,, Phone 231, res. 2082. (148tr) Painting and. Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER hanging, graining, ete. Toenty years' experience Prices right Wor uarahted. 151 Huron street Phone S067 W (45-tf) Beauty Parlors CECIL HOWARD BEAUTY SHOP, 19 McLaughlin Blyd,, phone 4527, Marcelling, Facials, Superior Halr- cutting, Scalp Treatments, Open evenings, (Feb, 7-Mar. 7) LADY MASSEUSE, FULL BODY treatments. Ladies only, Tresat- ments by appointment, Phone 814J, 2650 Albert street, (Jan. 14-Feb, 14) NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESS- ing Parlor, Marcelling, shampoo- ing, and manicure. 6561 Simcoe street north. Phone 918M for appointment, (Jan. 31-Feb. 29) Orchestra REGENT DANCE ORCHESTRA, musie for all ocessions, Phone J. Watson, 2334M, or G.. Rey- nolds, 693, (Jan. 23-Feb,29) Transportation GRIFFIN AND WOODCOCK, NO moving stove pipes, no mess, no smell, Agents for Chimney Fire kx- tinguisher, 'Phone 2719W, 377 Short Celina 8t, : (Jan, 18-Feb, 18) Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business. Dr, Dean, Specialist, 40 Gerrard St, BE, Toronto, (Jan, 17-Feb, 17) Woodworking Notice Re Classified Ade. Effective immediately clos ing time for classified ads. 9.30 in Jain 0 to and for T oy to Classify | ron] received 4p to am. 8 Rates for Classified Ads. Firat inserion--1% cents per word. Misiecue charge--30c, Each subsequent insertion 1c per word. 1 Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents, Boz number 10¢ additional Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per (onth i for 20 wards or fn | n cents a word per for each dditional oth TIMES CLASSIFIED ! | ADS COST LITTLE; ACe | i COMPLISH MUCH ! | TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: |]! | I---- -- -- SDE L HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID and finished by expert. Special price for one week only, 14 cents per square foot and up, First class fin- ish guaranteed, 'arpentering jobs done. Phone 2012, (J0¢) C. H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St. B. Phone 2364J. We specialize in storm sash, screens, cupboards doors and frames, (oth Corsetiere CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Ekin east. Mrs. Annie Pent- land, managing corsetiere. Even ings by appointment Phope 442) (133th) Watch Repairing F, A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King eet West. Your pat ronage is solicited (29 tf Architects C. C STENHOUSE - GENERAL architectural work Second floor Royal Bank Building Phone 1496 Res. phone 909) 7 Dressmaking SEWING AT HOME WOMEN'S or Children's garments, Made or repaired, also men's shirts, Phone 1637], 2 (30h) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING Children's clothes a specialty. Ap- ply 217 Huron St, (29¢c) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices, Apply 21 Rowe St., Phone 1347M. (10tf) tf) tegms arranged, Articles For Sale ,and 9, Real Estate for Sale NEW MODERN FIVE ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, all conveniences. Two hundred cash, Balance $3,600 on monthly pay- ments, Wm. D. Peebles. 9 Bond east. Phone 869. (32-0) FOR SALE--3 ROOM HOUSE garage, hen house, large lot, $100 cash. Balance $1,600 on monthly payments. Wm. Peebles, Phone 869, 9 Bond east. (32-2) FOR SALE--BRICK AND STUCCO seven roomed house. partly finished attic, Modern. Lot 40 x 207. Double garage. A bargain. Apply after 6 p. m. 162 Burk St. phone 1430M. Ah t FIVE 6 ROOMED BUNGALOWS for sale. $400 down. To see these, phone Mr. Barrow, at 2201, (41-¢) FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. All conveniences, Apply 346 Jarvis St. Phone 2363]. (30c) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK veneer house. 169 Agnes St. Dec: orated, furnace, electric fixtures, French doors, three plece bath, wired for électric stove, hardwood floors, garage, cement drive, deep lot, For price and terms apply 16 Bond St. W, evenings between 7 (20-t1) 'FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK house, furnace, electric stove and fix- tures, French doors, three piece bath, hardwood floors, garage. Private side drive, Also two lots. Terms at 220 Clarke St (31) | FOR SALE--TWO NEW 4 ROOM frame bungalows, wired for light, (mew garage, side drive, large lot, | Price $2,000. Small payment down and $20 a month carries it. Apply K. McKay, Wilson Road, or phone 2437W., (3le) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, 10 iron beds and brass beds, com- plete, steel springs, new felt mat- tresses, twenty and twenty-five dollars, at nine and ten dollars, gliding couches, child's crib, sideboards, extension tables, chairs and rockers, dressers, washstands, | carpets and rugs, 5 coal and wood ranges in good order, 2 kitchen cabinets, 17 Prince street, (32-c) ELECTRIC WASHER FOR SALE, Phone 1024M. (30¢ For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT: Phone 465M. _ (29-1) Take Notice After several complaints and fre- quent warnings in regard to the King St. United Church driving shed, it will be closed to the public, except on Sundays, after February 11. By ) , order, the Official Board, (291) FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity, Delivered anywhere in city, Phone y (Jan, 30-1mo) APARTMENT SIZE, Bargain for cash or Phone 2433J. (31-c) FOR SALE--A QUANTITY OF; corn fodder, Apply 'to F. B,' French, North of Thornton's Cor- ners. Phone 1708J. (3t¢) APPLES! SPIES, SWEETS, | BMdwins, etc. Also potatoes and vegetables. Sold by peck, bushel, or barrel, Delivered. F, Shaw,! 84 Pdrk Rd. 8. Phone 681, (Jap, 24-Feb, 24); HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale = Good condition. Low price. This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square | feet of floor space. before new addi- ! tion was erected. [It should be just the thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106-tf) PIANO, nearly new, Furniture SECOND HAND DEALER, Bloor St. East. Phone 1617M, (Jan. 18-1 mo) Piano Tuning 186 Room and Board FURNISHED ROOM FOR GEN- tleman, private home, board if de- sired. Eight minutes north Mo- tors, conveniences, Phone 2433J, (31-¢) PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR- ing. Mr. Brown, Phone 1132M. _ (Jan. 28-1 mo,) Tire Repairing 'ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal. Fire Shop. Tires for sale Jamieson Bros. e 4 ah CARTAGE AND TRUCKING, prompt service. Work done by day bour. Phone 1236M or 53W. (Jan 12-Feb 12° COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR age. 86 Bond St West. e 82 6 trucks for prompt service Moving van and storage warehouse equipment Bageads transferred Jo and from all trains tf) nable prices. : Cleaning and Pressing IF IT'S A BOILED SUIT OR Dress have it cleaned at the Uni- versal Cleaners and Dyers, with confidence. Repairing and altera- tions dome by expert tailors. Prompt service. Telephone 509. (Feb. 4-Mar. 4) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen. Private home, Near General Motors, Apply 272 Jarvis, street, (31-¢) BOARD AND ROOM FOO THREB men. Close to G.M.C. Apply 276 French 31-b) street, (7 FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT TWO young ladies willing to share. Board if desired. Phone 846. (30c) BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted. Also extra meals given and meals at 11.30. Apply 97 ei orne St. E. (Jan. 30-Mar. 2) | ROOM AND BOARD. THREE! minutes from G.M.C, Phone hd 314 Haig St. (32b Veterinary Surgeon DR SHIRLEY. VETERINARIAN. ialist animals. Fa and Dog. Hospital. 503 Masson DR. S.J TY DENTIST. OF fice over Bassetts' 950; 506. 4-1 yr DR H COOKE. 1 4 SIMCOE ST Goh, Over Muschlly Drag Store LE HUBBFIL DENTIST oxid Phone 4s, ritaoncs 1378M 3541 W. B GIFFORD. OFFICE Theatre Bidg Phone mm t p34 DICKENSON. V.S DISEASES all domestic ani s scientifically Hd) Dominion Veterinary 34 Brock St. 105). (131 -¢) Insurance J Help Wanted--Female MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Phone 291]. (30h) EXPERIENCED MIDDLE AGED ted. One who can take full charge. Must be good cook. Good home. Steady work year around. Box "B" Oshawa *| Daily Times. (31-b) EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED Ref. For Rent TWO FURNISHED ROOMS 9 rent. Phone 1024M. FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM id rent. Breakfast if desired. Ap- ply 185 Arthur street. (31-0) ; TO RENT--2 ROOMS FOR LiGRT housekeeping, partly furnished. N children. Apply after 5.30 to 376 Short Celina street. (32-b) ouple. otors. For Sale By Tender Tenders will be received for the sale of the large driving shed of King St. United Church up to Feb- ruary 11. The above shed to be re- moved by April 1, Highest or any other tender not necessarily accept. ed. Address tenders to E, F. Caw: ker, Chairman of Committee, 300 King St. E 296) Help Wanted--Male WANTED--A MAN WHO IS A foreman, or who has charge of a pumber of men in Oshawa, A man in this position can Increase 'his earnings by writing Box "L" { Oshawa Dally Times. (27-1) Wanted to Rent WANTED--LARGE ROOM FUR~ nished or unfurnished. Provision for electric or gas stove. Account- ant Box No. "G" Oshawa Daily Times, (32-c) WANTED TO RENT-TWO OR three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. Box * Oshawa Daily Times, BUSINESS MAN DESIRES FURN- ished room. Central. Apply Box "H" Oshawa Daily Times. (81-¢) WANTED TO RENT--TWO OR | three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. - Box "K'" Oshawa Dally Times. (31-2) WANTED--THREE ROOMS ON or about March 165th, by married Central or near General Phone 657F, (31-1) Tenders Wanted Sealed Tenders marked respec- tively "Tender for Heating Plant' and "Tender for Power House", and addressed to the undersigned, for the construction of a Central Heating System and Power House for the Oshawa Hospital will be received by the Board of Directors of the Oshawa Hospital until twelve o'clock noon of Saturday. the 11th day of February, | 1928. ) | obtained from upon payment of deposit which will be refunded upon return of plans and specifications. G. D. Conant. 7% Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontario. | Chairman of the Board. (W.8.-Feb. 8) ! [forced to admit that there was ) [effort to decide whether it is a SENSATIONAL TURN IN MURDER CASE MAY BE EXPECTED Signature of Alleged Ante- Mortem Statement May Be Questioned Simcoe, Ont, Feb. 7, ~ Petite and smart in a black satin coat and cloche hat, Mrs. Tessie Tal- ley, accompanied by her nine- year-old daughter. and in charge of a sheriff's officer, stepped into the courtroom about 9.40 o'clock this morning. Calmly she took her place in the prisoner's dock, and without & quiver she answer- ed "not guilty,' when the, indict- ment was read, charging it with murder, by administra of strychnine, of her husbai a Em- mett Talley, on July 31st last, With all the sangfroid of ane ac- customed to court procedure, she looked at the jurors, as they came forward to be sworm, Through- out the long tedious day she re- tained a truly rematkable poise. Her steel grey eyes scrutinized each witness, but never by. move or change of expression did she indicate her reaction fo any plece of evidence, Witnesses swore that Talley died in severe convulsions, that one and a half grains of strych- nine were found in the stdmach of the dead man, and that on one oceasion, Mrs, Talley had sald she wished Emmett Talley's squl was in hell, and she had 8 receipt for it, Crowds Turned Away Again great crowds of people were early at the doors of the courthouse, but few except those on the jury and those having bus- inéss at the coury were admitted, Accommodation was at a premi- i vised her nof to orated much of .the attending phy- 's evidence He declined to vé an opinion as' to whether Tal- ey, alleged to be a drinking man, had a normal stomach. There was nothing to arouse the suspi- clon of the witness as to the source of the strychnine which Talley had evidently taken. Gave Wife a Pain Mrs. Talley; according. to Cor- oner Dr. R. W. Tisdall, sald she had tasted the liquor her husband drank, and it gave her a pain in her stomach. Prof. L. J. Rogers, chemist, Unl- versity of Toronto, swore to mak- ing an analysis of Talley's stom- ach and finding '13% grains of strychnine. Recorded cases in- dicated, witness said, that death ensues from taking half a grain or more. The quantity taken would be: much more than a chemist could recover in the organs. On July 30, aocerding to Her- man Atkins, Delhi, Mr. Talley was swearing at his wife on the street about midnight. She was erying, and on being invited into Atkins' home she sald Emmett had hit her. Mrs. Talley asked witness to go home with her, He refus- ed, but went to the restaurant with her so she could telephone her father. Mrs. Vowell, housekeeper for the last witness, corroborated this and told of Mrs, Talley saying that every time Talley got drunk, he abused her, There were bootleg- gers uptown trying to coax him off, she had said. Mrs. Talley spoke of having her husband put in jail for the night. Witness ad- do that, Mrs, 'Talley then said she "wished Fm- mett's soul was in hell and she had the receipt for it." Cross-ex- amined, Mrs, Vowell positively de- nied that she was under a misap- prehension and was sure that Mrs. Talley was referring to her hus- band, not the bhootlegger's soul. She testified, however, that Mrs. Talley had a southern accent that amounted almost to an {mpedi- ment in her speech, Ross Jones, Delhi, testified that he remebered one occasion when um, Immediately after the court opened the foreman of the grand jury presented. the true bill, and in ten minutes the trial of the first woman charged with a capital crime in Norfolk County, was be- gun, One section of the court was reserved for women, and all | day those fortunate enough to gain admittance held closely those seats, some even having their lunches sent in that they wonld not have to take a chance on los- ing the coveted places, Despite a | drizzling rain many people stood outside all day. hopeful of an op- portunity to get fm," The limited accommodation became apparent when counsel asked that the wit- nesses be excluded from the court- room, and Sheriff Tisdall was no room large enough to hold all of them, Two only were ex- cluded. At 6.30 tonight the coury ad- journed until tomorrow, There | mm ------------. Talley, under the influence of 1i- quor, pounded his wife. James Norwood, Delhi, swore that he saw Mrs. Tally about 4.30 a.m. on the day of the tragedy. She wanted to take the body of her husband south for burial, On be- ing told there wouldbe a post- mortem she asked if it could be stopped, as she hated to see the body cut up. MID WINTER SALE Boys' Wool Sweater Coats, . 69¢ 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W. Phone 733W Opp. Centre St, CCl Ol lA la I. -o are still several Crown wit to be heard and the defence coun- sel proposes to call many in de- fence of Mrs, Talley, Climax to Crown's Case The crown will wind up its case tomorrow and it is reported that evidence will be submitted bearing on the finding of a let- ter alleged to have been signed by Emmett Tally a few days before his death in which he gave notice of his intention to commit suicide. It is understood the crown will call a hand-writing expert to pass an opinion on the document in an forgery or not. Doctor Tells Story | Dr, BE. W, Zumstein, Delhi, who attended Talley in the last ter- rible moments of his life, testified that about midnight, on July 31st, the call to go to Talley came. He arrived a few minutes later. Mrs. Talley opened the door and told bim "to come quickly, Emmett is choking," esdding that he had had similar spells before, but ney- er any so bad. He had, she said, been drinking "moonshine." Witness found the patient in a violent convulsion. He had ney- er seen one like it, but knowing the effect of strychnine, that im- mediately was suggested to his mind. He administered sedatives, returned to his office, called Dr. R. B. Hare of Simcoe, got some apparatus and went back only to find Talley dead. "Where were you when Dr. Hare came?" asked Crown Prose- cutor a 4 chamber." uestioning, abr ¢ this the room where Talley When 3 ihe physicia) 7 wer Bor lf told Mrs. 'Pets and Livestock for small family. Quired. Apply 23 Johan St. (2918) C. E. HEPBURN, 64 McLAUGH- lin Biyd., Oshawa, District Repre- sentative for the Great West Life Assurance Company of Canada (Feb. 1-1yr) Tea Rooms 4 LADY ASSISTANT FOR SHOE Store Ksowiedge of Stenography and Bookkeeping an asset but nor essential. Age 18 or over. Appir The BurnsgCo. Ltd Oshawa. nr) Motor Cars WARM BRIGHT ROOM FOR rent. itable for two Centrally located. Phone BO), sib) TEAM OF HEAVY WORK horses for sale. Apply 49 Mechan- fc street. (32-¢) Work Wanted Lost end Found Ui in - ~ ¥ UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS rfie order Work PONEVAN AND Sry ONTAR Civil Engin- and Ci PROMDE. BUILT Special small winter gui par ties. Supper fnciuding salad. as sorted sandwiches, cake and cot fee. $2.00 per couple. Phone fes ervations 2209. Mrs. L. M. Prior. (Jan. 17-Feb. 17) ESS al Wanted to Buy hk HOUSE THAT JACK OSHAWA INDOW CLEANERS House 4 ing. wondwork and floors pol screen and storm windows on and removed. Phone 1302 MES IALOB. DEALER IN RAGS. and all kinds of metals Buying Soap baer, Sa 2 ag called for. Phone f Residence #9 Mill street. ( CHEVROLET COUPE For SALE, 1926 model. Cheap for cash. C. M. Mundy. The Oshawa Daily Times. © (23-6) ONE OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, 1927 model. Like mew. Mileage 4.- 000 miles.' Price $925. $400 cash. Balance easy terms. Phone 1024M. (32-¢) FOR SALE-1926 CHEVROLET Coupe. A bargain for cash. Phone R 2-1 evenings, between 6 and 1h Gy) WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE day. Cleaning or cooking. Avply, giivng phone No. to Box ."E" Daily 'Times. pd Situation Wanted WANTED-- POSITION AS ALTER- ation hand or finisher, dresses, coats, etc. Would do any kind sewing at ladies' own homes. Phone 1769W. (214) LOST--SILVER FOX FROM F. A. pon Gonten's Silver For | Ranch "Go this ay Phone 332 r 11. (32h) LOST-STAKE ON CHEVROLET one ton truck. Finder please call at 23 Celina St. or phone 108. (30c) sel. For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver if il ik Dr. RB. B. Hare, F.RCS.. Sim- coe, ocnsulting physician, corrob- Peace Metal Weather strip Installed by Hayton the Roofer Lathers and Shinglers 185 Arthur St. Phone 1648w I ---- Your choice of 8 Chevrolet Coaches ~Latest models--Very reasonably Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSO N-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR © Prince St, Oshaws Phone 1160 A CHIROPEACHD ly rr Bg Bi fos Therapi a og north, every Wi Sdussday and reno For ui Smesl: di; = W. A. Hare OPTOMETRIST 3 King St. W, Phone 838 -- gs: BESEEBIEER BEERE RN) : t= > m, --Sun pa ny except Sundays pm. y, p.m --Daily except Sunday, CPR. TIME TABLE uy. ally except Sunday, Daily, Westbound Traing Batty except Sunday, Day y only, patty cent Sunday, Daily except Sunday, 2 Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE CmPnawnisma 4 by Luks hinnuinh 8 PPPOPP PPT PERpEBRES | * oor S Pps 5: BSS255588 POPOPOPYY CEEEEEEE-E- ---- = Fodntinluw Nao, ---- 20ND n on * od ly E21 LEiZER ONS GB 1,00 p,m, PPEPeES PEN BR BEEPEB 4.35 p.m. 0.45 p.m. 9.40 p.m, oe $3 fime marked * are tnrough busses to Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR Bowmanville--FPhone 412 Oshawa Waiting, Room--30 Prince Stree EE ------ For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 28 SIMCOE 8. PHONE 880 Cash or Terms EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ¢ Every second car you see fis driven by a person who needs , Make sure of your eyes NOW, 243 i516 i518 =~PHONE-- MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present payments we will pay off the ciaims and renew your payments for any term ap to twelve months and insure your car. See Swanson, Ger- man & McKenzie, 2 King street east. Phone 940, be TA NT S. F. EVERSON 11 King Street East. Oshaws Office: Reford WELLINGTON STS Local Manager » Wice System Above CPR. Office Phones 143 and 144

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