Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Feb 1928, p. 12

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"Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Best Features bt erie (M3)--Regina. Voca: and instru- etwork:~The Torrid Tots. 4 tha rituals, 3 MAE Wise: WRVA, WSBT, "on Fa NI R' (42)=Newark, Moming gym. 7.00 CKCL (SP =Torenta. Setting up exer KFNF (461)~Shenandoah. Sunrise con RNA (85)-Shessndoah, Farm talk; 7.0 da Vi YMCA, exer Ses. The Bom KSO 45 hy 0¢ areas. Hane er bid rol 3 W (428)=Cinci. Healthful exercises, 815 aed Refwart = Chesric" from WEAF, 80 WEMC ({80~Berrien Springs. Early 2.00 WBAP® GFL. Worth, Moming i. wiih (50)--Kansas City, Morning ble Lesson. Who (535)=Deca Moines, Victor pro- 20 Wy (353)=Detroit, "Tonight's Din. 10.00 KSAC (333)-Kansas State College. Rurat scl WLW {an =Cinel. Women's hour, 7)' to, usic, we Warp \ 283) ~Columbus. Scripture; "os Phila. Housekeepers chat, Won ra ve Women's hour, WLS (315)=Chicagoe, Home question box, WNAC (461)--Boston, Women's hour, 11.0 WEAF pie Nes Music; household Wen (416)=Chicago, Home manage: riod, LH a Y, "Keeping Fit" WSB (476)--Atlanta, lomemaker's hour, WAMD (222)--Mpls, Musicale. ad WHO (535)=Des Moines, Organ, 1200 Noon CFCA (357)=Calgary., News; weather, KMA _(34)=Shenandoah, WADC (238)=Akron, Studio program. WAIU (283)=Columbus. Musicale, WEBH (366)--Chicago, Women's hour, WIZ (459-N. VY, Luncheon music, WLS (345)=Chic. R.F.D, Dinner hell. Yoo (349)~Phila, Luncheon music, (448)=Chic. Home economics, (a) Milnsulee. Organ, as W Y, Rolle's Er ieatra. WIT BY (08 Phila, Religious Service, WeAL (261)--Phila, Orches (400) = Cleveland, reverts 10.4 Songs. 1838 CCP a i mllontiesl Mt, Royal Or. stra, ae 357)=Toronto, Luncheon music, ne wou GN Farm and home od "Kor, (319) = Council Bluffs, amy Clarinds, Luncheon music, ras (385)--Hot Springs. Concert, WCCO (405)=Mpls-St, Paul, Farm hour, WCFL (484)=Chicago, Organ, WDAF (370)~Kansas city, side chats, WGR (303)~Buffalo, bedi (394)=N, Y, Wire (306)=Chicago, Organ, Al Car- WALA 448)=Chica Melodies, WMC Sofi Nemiite, Orchestra, WMCA , Y, String ensemble, WSB bi an Music, WIM J (294) =~ Milwaukee. Luncheon music, WWJ (353)=Detroit, Organ, .m, WGHP (278)=Detroit, Tuller wi € (535)=Des Moines, The Ambass- bis 1.30 KENT (en = Shenandoal, nner WE ES Dallas, Thursday Programs NOON PROGRAMS A P (278)--Detroit. Music, 0 RIOR (422)--Newark. Vocal; piano, WSB (476)-- Atlanta, mysie, 2.15 KOA (326)--Denver, Organ, 2.30 EMby (230)--Clay Center, Neb, Musi Weer 508)--DBoston. Musicale. WGR (309) Buitalor Radio Trades con, bidodod (448)--Chicago. Musical pot. 8.00 WAIL (283)--Columbus, Music, WENR (288)--Chic. Popular requests, WFI (405)--Phila. Musicale. WGBS (349)--N.Y. Address; music, WHAM (280)--Rochester. Studio prog. Wea (370)=N.Y. Service program, RNY (326)--N.Y. The Troubadours, 3.10 WN Y aN, Y. Loew's Theatre. 3.30 CRCL ~ (357)--Toronto. Radio Movie KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. world. WON (#16)--Chicago. Artist recital, w Ba (306)--Chicago, Organ WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. uddies' hr. #.00 KFA® Gi incoln, Orches. con. 492)--N.Y. Afternoon concert, WEB Bho --Chicago, Afternoon mu- sie, WLW (428)--Cinci. Country- Concert ensemble, News flashes} mu- 1.15 Farmer', Address; music, Farm service; Tell-the- Piano selections, THE BEST IN RADIOS THE MABCONI SHOP Cor. King & Celina Phone 2604 Radio Electric 30 Prince St. Pheae 2477 S. COWELL, Prop, | Beach Ranges Burley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts snd sets in stock. cn ETT Wer, (484) Chic. Resi 5.30 KOA (326)--Denver, Matinee Jor Doves: music con, )-- . Di WOC (¥75)--Dav . Chimes oyun EET WHAQ (lChieage Topas Tarver 2.00 A yo Mi Band: WRC, pi ai 357) --Toronto, Musical Rrogram, KMA (34)--Shenandoah. Or KVOO (39) = Tula, B WEY (OBNY, Midweek Hyma 2.15 Ny (353) Detroit. Muss, 2,30 Red Network: --Comfort Hour, WeAn WEEI, WTIC, WJAR, WIA, WHK (265)~Cleve. 1.B.S.A. Ensemble. Blue witow Renal! Mixed Quar- Wik, 1 WHER (a6) N.Y. Studio 'orchestra, 00 Red Network :--Dodge Sesentation, from WEAF, WEEI, "wile WIAR, WTAG, WCSH, WFI, WRC, v, 'CAE, WTAM, WWJ, WSAI, woc, WHO, WwW DAF, KV WFAA, IAS, WSM, WMC, "Ws, WET, WGR, KSD, CFCA (357) ~Toronto. Music KMA (394)--Shenandoah, * Mandolin musicians. KSO (227)--Clarinda. Popular music. KOIL (319)=Council Bluffs, Old folks at home. KSO (a) Clarinda, Popular music. KSAC Bhan State College. "College o the Air, . PWX (400)--Havana. Vocal Waar (246)--Jersey City, Wi AL (285)--Baltimore, WBAL fee, Quartet. Jap (500)--Ft, Worth. Judy and WOAH (284)=~Columbus. Vocal. WCAU (261)~Phila, Blue Anchor vau- deville. WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular, WFAN (224)--Phila. Haxaiians, WGHP (278)~Detroit. Or WGST (270)--Atlanta, Wika (349)---Phila. Lord Calvert Hour, WNAC (462)--Boston, Radio Capollers, WNYC (526)-N.Y, Concert. WSEA (263)--Norfolk, Studio, 8.15 WOR (422)--Newark, * Concert. WRVA (254)--Richmond, Concert, 8.30 Red Network :--Hoover Sentinels, from , Wet, Woks Popular Hi school J weeo, KSD, WDAF, WHAS, WMC, WS, WSii, KVOO, WFAA, WLIB. Blue Network: --Ampico Hour of Mu- sic, from Wi Whe WERBLA, pian wLw, KYW, WHAM,' KDKA WIR, KWK, WIM], WRILM WEAQ (283)--Colunibus. Musidale. WGBS (349)---N.Y, Concert, WGR (303)~Buffalo, Studio, WAX (31)--Jackionvitle, Wecital, WLS (345)--Cl ica go: Symphony orches, WMCA (370)--N.Y ncert, WNAC (461)--Boston, Metropolitan Theatre, WPG (273)--Atlantic City, Playground Revellers, WSUN (517)--5t, Petersburg, McCahe Jubilee Singers. WTA (517)--Worcester, semble, WTIC (535)--Hartford, Capitol Thea. 8.45 WMAK (545) Buffalo, Program Classics, 9.00 Blue Neiwork; ~Maxwell Hour, from Wiz $ String en. ol WBAL, WBZ, WB BZA, KDKA, KYW, KVOO, WBAP, KPRC, WIAN, WDAF, WHAM, WHAS Wir, war! WLW, WHO, WoC, W WMC, wow, WSB, WSM, win WRHA, KS KLDS (283)~Independence, Mo. Con. KTHS (384)--Hot Springs, Gems of French Composers, Kr NT (256)--Muscatine, Old time fid- in' ! WAAT (246)--Jersey City. Concert, WADC (297)--Akron, Studio entertain- ers, WAMD (225)--St, Paul. Songs, WBBM (349)--Chicago. Vocal, WCBD (345)--Zion, Ill, Instrumental Trio 4 Chimes, wC 405)--Mpls.- St. . A WCFL (484)--Chfcago, Popular music, , Classical, WIID (366)--Chic, W (428)~Cinci, Vocal. Was (448)~Chicago. Musicale, 265)--Ames, Ia. Musicale, wor (461)--Dallas. x bicle, WSAIL Sane Xi 9.15 KMM --Clay Center, Studio, WWNC Gon Kohevie Hayden and KPH Qi B RE incoln, U. of Nebraska PAU Krai 0 (285)~Boise Idaho, Musicale. KIRS (384)--Hot wihcipitiss WiAu itor Springs, Willard Cav- 10.00 Red Network :--Smith Brothers, AF, KSD, WCAE, WCCO, wh AL, WEB , WEEI, vol, Wot, C) WSAIL~ WTAG, WW. Blue i=The Paul, Hamline from hers. Ly -- ar ee, (294)--Houston. Studio program. --Hot Springs. Concert, 348)~Tulss. Baritone wy [4° WFAA (565) WFLA 517 organ. Navy es Mh PYG and Ma. gon (375)--Dayenport. The Sicilians. M99 KFRU JZ ~Columbia, Popular KD oat Ca, Hes: WHA (17)--Clearwater. "Ed and COAL- COKE - WOOD Waterous-Meek, iio 7200 pm. METER SA Federation ag OF Cs) Davenport, "Intimate Life | 10. of Abraham Lincoln." SAL (326)~Cinci, Detter Business THE ¢ OSHAWA DAILY JMES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1928 7. WGY OE Shenectadr, Union Col- 7.45 me Net NetRork:-- 'Political Situation in ton Tonight": WjZ, -KDKA, 8.00 hg etwork:--~""Retold Tales": WJZ, 05 517)--Worcester, Travel talk, in Wi Rr Cotumbus. Travel talk 830 W (258)--Charlotte. Tible students. hak (265)=N.Y. Italian Bible Weir (278)=Detroit, Hockey, Olym- lec- | 11.30 Red Network : --Cass fa vs, Seratiord : WwW (5)~Buflale. Educational ". FE for. aate Een 10.00 WTIC ( ged 9.00 Red Network Wear SR ve: NE fins wan Wek, WGY, WIAR, C, WEAG. WWI. KM 230)--Clay Center. Old or wi (333)-- Springfield, Mass. 100 WADC (297)-- Akron, Bl Py WHK (265)--Cleveland Orchestra. WSUN (517)---5t. Petersburg. Dance. 10.15 WTIC (535)--Hartiord. Club Worthy, 30 Red Network :--Penusylvavians, from we WFi, WGR, WGY, WTIC, WCAU (21)--Phila. Piccadilly. NiAx Sii--phila. Tice: Dance. WRC (469)--Wash, Le Paradis Band. 3 CFA (357)--Toronto, Versatile Cana- "AMD (225)--St. Paul. Dauce (428)--Cinci, WNAK' (4 tiufalo. Orchestra. N.Y. Emie Golden. WRC (461)--Boston. Dance, R (42)--Newark. Dance. Hagan's Orkess tra, from WEAF, KSD, WHO, WHN (34)-N.Y, Dance. WPG (Z3)--Atlantic City, Follies' 12 mid ROI. (39)~Council Bluffs. is. Orches u YRHM ol) Scandinavian ss i CRr-Ranas sh grb, 1.00 a.m. oh (1)--=Vaucouver, Popular KGO nk pie RR 2.00 a.m. KNX oT Ti, Tue (Copyright, 1927.) All is serene on the Ottawa front, yet--Guelph Herald, U.S. INPORTERS IN FRANGE ANXIOUS Changes in Tariff Duties . Likely to Be Higher Paris, Feb. 7.--Anxiety among American importers of foodstuffs and some types of manfactured articles is felt here as French tariff increases are known to be in preparation. Thé® changes in the tariff duties, affecting princi- pally articles not included im the increases made last August, are reported to have beep completed at the ministry of finance, The contents of the measure are se- cret. It was said that Premier and Finance Minister Poincare will in- troduce a bill providing for the increases in the Chamber of De- puties soon, but does mot intend to let its provisions become public until they are approved im com- mittee. The increases have been made on the plea of agriculturists and a few manufacturers who com- plained to have beem left out of the protection afforded others. It is expected that importers of can- 'ned foodstuffs would be prinei- pally affected. The increases made last August are now sub- ject to a temporary agreement al- lowing American goods in on terms under which they cam compete with. those imported under the Franco-German commercial agree- ment. It is possible that France will consider the theory underly- ing the temporary agreement in applying the new increases. A treaty of commerce just con- cluded with Switzerland also may affect the rates on American pro- ane ~~ NAAN N\\\y ad 228 $3 ELLA CINDERS--An Inquiring Investor 09 (3) © ° {J © LJ le 0 0 L fl] 1 Fill BRINGING UP FATHER THESE BUNDLES.UP TO MY HOUSE RIGHT AWAY- TELL WILLIE TO TAKE HE'S DELIVERING DOME AS S00N AS HE GCGET™ BACK: I'LL SEND HIM LP- THAT KIL'© NAME SHOULD BE CHANGED TO-* SLOW MOTION" i, SAY IT I'M HANDIN' IN MY RESIGNATION: WHA MATTER? DON'T YOU LIKE TO THE YES-BUT | HATE TO DO A HORSE OUT OF A JOB- CARRY BUNDLED EAN Q, PEARLS ARE il FORMED BY IRRITATED OYSTERS, WELL, L A COUPLE MAD, DADDY ! ETS MAKE EDIBLE OYSTER TE SHELL AND IRRITATES THE®AMIMAL CAUSING THE FORMATION OF THE PEARL WHIFP OF SOME DELICATE PERFUMERY SUGGESTS ROSE GARDENS TO MOST PEOPLE, BUT TO MEN WHO KNOW, IT MAY SUGGEST SICK WHALES, AMBERGRIS, A QUEER AMD UGLY SUBSTANCE FOUND I" THE INTESTINES OF THOUGH INFERIOR PEARLS ARE SOMETIMES FOUND IN EDIBLE OYSTERS, PRECIOUS PEARLS ARE PRODUCED BY VARIOUS SPECIES OF PEARL OYSTERS. A PEARL ISA SMALL LUSTROUS DROP OF SHELLY SUBSTANCE PRO- DUCED BY MOLLUSKS. OF TEN A GRAIN OF "AND.OR- OTHER-FOREIGN SUBSTANCE FINDS 17 Y INSIDE SPERM WHALES 15 USED IN THE MANU FACTURE OF FINE PERFUMERY. AMBERGRIS APPARENTLY FORMS BECAUSE THE WHALE 15 SICK. IT SELLS FOR AS HIGH AS $ 300 A POUND, " FD 1928, by King Fes urm Syndicate. ne T'LL BET YOU DONY KNOW ANY OTHER SICK AHIMALS THAT PEOPLE MAKE MONEY OUT OF, BETTY, my Croat Britsin rights reserved Ant iT A PEACHE ANY FELLER WHAT OWNS A SWELL WAGON LIKE FIRSY VAS 2 SLORIOUD. CAPT. x, O 11 ABOUT IY My FLIGHT AND \T

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