Mesic JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGANIST Smeoe United Church, teacher of (Feb. 3-Mar. 3) M. LEE, TEACHER OF PIANO forte, 613 Carnegle avenue. Phone 2351). (Jan, 18-Feb. 18) BARRISTERS. lie Etc. Con eral practice Iw i Erne. Phone 3 onant rapt AF Annis, BA. tLe W. E N SINCLAIR, KC, BANK of erce Building (116 1vr) JOSEPH P MANGAN RA ~BAR . Solicitor, Notarv Public. Con A uney Ou. « mame t. East, awa King 3. phone 837. 14 GRIERSON & C REIGHTON- --BAR otaries Pub ete. Lge Standard Bank t Simeoe St Phone 13. En, BA. T K Creighton. SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC Kenzie. Barristers Conveyangers otary Public, etc All branches of inal-and- Civil Law Manev to Office over Lamble's store 2 ng St. east. Phone 940 D A A HN FG fackenze ) PARKHILL, icitor, Notary German. BARRISTER Public, Conyev ancer, money to loan Disney Bldg ite Post Office Phones, office 1614, residence, 2239) (624 LOUIS 8 . HYMAN AND COM Barristers ny. Money to loan Bver Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67, residence pith (th DR. BE. R. surgeon and obstetrician, and residence 142 Simcoe North, Phone 2621, (Jan. 12-Feb 12) Medical BARTON, PHYSICIAN Office 8 MRS. J. W. JAMES [S PREPARED to give vocal lessons to beginners 284 Festubert Ave., Phuae 1561J. (Feb. 2-Mar, 2) HERBERT C TRENEER 1S FRE pared in piano, and oat mosc A ree bo broke t Cn far street east tf ARTHUR LYNDE. VOCAL TEACH er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe St. North Phone 371) g (1201) Insurance EE -------------------------------------- ADANAC GARAUE AND MACH- INE Shop, Du Machine Company| machinery. repairing, cracked mo tor blocks and most anything Oxy-acetylene welded. Connecting rods rebabitted, Fly wheel start ing teeth ioatalisd. 161 wag 8t. W. Phone 1214 tf) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST p og ulance. Resid East. ence, 19 Division ot 69 King street east one Chimney Cleaners DAVIS AND SON INSURANCE. 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire fone m Oshawa 30 Re putable Fire Companies (Math WHEN PLACING INSURAN( E consult R N [ohns. 80 Simcoe north Your insurance wants attended to and vour interests protected (Oct 11 lyr.) Money to Loan PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a urity, of their motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, 2 King St. B 144th UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRS1 mortgages Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420. (96 tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission Building loans Lega! work done at this office Parkhill, Barrister Disney Bldg Phone 1614 __(176-tf) DR. C, W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and residence, 566 Simcoe street north or, Arlington, Phone 2115, ¢ (Jan, 18-Feb. 18) DR R E MeMULLEN. PHYS! cian, surgeon, and ohstetrician Of fice "and 456 Simeone. street south Phone 9502. (1140 DR, HAROLD W TRICK PHYSI, elan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. ela] reference to maternity work and diseases of women Two years post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N.. (cor. Brock) phone 303 po (11910 DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR , Accoucher. Office and resi Ha King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa Phone 9%. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN diseases of infants and children Of fice and residence, 97 Bond east Phone 1155 DR. B. HAZLEWOOD, PHYS! cian and Surgeon. special attention ven to X-ray work and Electro ,. Ofhee, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p m. Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. (tf) ASS Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. FT. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store Se Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat uy Appointments maye be made at store. Phone 97 (49-tf) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. B. F. RICHARDSON, IN- terpist and post graduate New York, over a years study on the Continent. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store; hours 10 to 12 a. m, 2to 4pm, 7to8 pm; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, and by appointment (Jan. 21-Feb. 21) DR. A. W. HARDING, POST GRA duste at Harper's Hospital, Detroit. Edinburgh and Vienna. Austria 14 Simeoe street N. Phone 1499 Residence 2548. (Jan. 13-Feb. 13) Em Dental 3 D. BR. DAVIES, OVER ard's. Store. Simcoe St. South oxide oxygep gas for es traction. Phone 231, res. 2082. (1480) A -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR. § J PHILLIPS, DENTIST. OF fice over Bassetts Phone 950; 41yr M COOKE. 9 SIMCOE ST over M 's Drug e extraction. 54. L E HUBBFIL "DFENTIST oxid oxygen gas for extrae Office, Roya) Bank Bidg Phone 948. residepce. 1378M 54 GIFFORD OFFICE Phone 1780 66 tf EE PR WwW. H Regen Thence Bldg Phone Building Supplies ANNOUNCEMENT TO HOME Builders and Contractors- lar. tock used timbers, joists, plank: sheeting various dimensions and lengths up to 40 ft, piping from % In. to 10. in, plumbing, struc tural steel. complete hot water and steam heating units, Phone or write Frankel Brothers Limited Salvage Departmtnt, Toronto, Ger rard 4100, (Dec. 30-Mar 80 WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber lath, shingles, sash, d and interior trim F L. Beeerph Whithy, lumber and woodyard: bi awa, phone 324. 69-11) rs 4Y; Kg GRIFFIN AND WOODCOCK. NO moving stove pipes, no mess, no smell, Agents for Chimney Fire Kx: 'inguisher, Phone 2710W. 371 thort Celina St, (Jan, 18-Feb, 18) " Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business Dr, Dean, Specialist, 40 Gerrard st. B., Toronto, (Jan, 17-Feb. 17) SSS Woodworking Notice Re Classified Ade Effective immediately tag time for th Monday to Friday £5 Saturday. 830 am Ads for Too Late to Classi and Coming Events, Soils. up to 10.30 am. Real Estate for Sale Motor Cars FOR SALE--BRICK AND STUCCO seven roomed house. partly finished attic. Modern. Lot 40 x 207. Dou garage. A bargain, Ap g ter 6p m, 162 Burk St. phone 1430M " 0th I fA ---- FIVE § ROOMED BUNGALOWS for sale. these, phone Mr. Barrow, at 2201, (31-¢c) FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. All conveniences. Apply 36 Jarvis St. Phone 2363]. (30e) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK | Ra ates for Classified Ads. Each subsequent insertion le per word, Three consecutive inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box aumber 10¢ additional Professional or Business Cards, $250 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: i ment, veneer house. 159 Agnes St. Dee: | orated, furnace; electric fixtures. French doors, three piece bath, wired tor electric stove, hardwood ' floors, garage, cement drive, deep lot, For price and terms apply 16 i Bond St, W, evenings between 7 jand 9 (20-t1) FOR SALE--HOUSE IN WEST. mount, five rooms with garage, and large henhouse, Small pay- , ment down. Balance as rent. Pos- isession April 1, Box "Q" Osh- awa Daily Times, (29-¢) | BOWN REALTY CO, Phone 2746 19 Prince St. 6 room, veneer brick, with attic, oak floors, chestnut trim. Every modern | convenience. Central. A fine home, $4900. Easy terms. i? room stucco. All conveniences. Newly decorated, Close to Four Cor gers, $4100, Balance as rental, A good | buy, '5 room bungalow. Oak floors, hard {| wood trim, Cabinets and closets. All conveniences, $3800, Easy cash pay- ' ments, Balance monthly, | (2c) | i ai HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID and finished by expert. Special price for one week only. 14. cents per square foot and up. First class fin- ish guaranteed. arpentering jobs done, Phone 2012, (30¢) C. H, MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St, BE Phone 2354J. We specia.ize in storm sash, screens, cupboards, doors and frames, (oe Corsetiere SPIRELLLA SHOP, 32 Ekin east Mrs. Annie Pent: aod, managing corsetiere. Even .ngs by appointment Phone 442) (133th) Watch Repairing F. A, VON_GUNTEN, EXP EXPER Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at treet West. Your pat ronage is solicited (29 tf) Architects CORSETIERE Painting and Decoraling R GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER hanging, graining, etc. Twent vears' experience Prices right Worl guaranteed. 151 Huron street & hone 2067W. 45-tf) Beauty Parlors 19 McLaughlin Blvd, phone 4527, Mar-elling, Facials, Superior Hair- cutting, Scalp Treatments, Open evenings, (Feb, 7-Mar, 7) LADY MASSEUSE, FULL BODY treatments, Ladies only, Treat- ments by appointment, Phone 814J, 260 Albert street, (Jan. 14-Feb. 14) CECIL HOWARD BEAUTY SHOP, |! C. C. STENHOUSE - GENERAI architectural work Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 149 Res. phone 99) Dressmaking SEWING AT HOME WOMFN'S or Children's garments, Made or repaired, also men's shirts, Phone 637]. (30b) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING Children's clothes a specialty, Ap- ply 217 Huron Bt. (29¢c) 'APPLES! FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK Articles For Sale ELECTRIC WASHER FOR SALE. | Phone 1024M, 30¢ FOUR "PIECE DEN SET Fuk sale. Fumed oak. Goed condition. | Universal Cleaners, 12% King St. W. (SUD) FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity, Delivered anywaere in city, Phone 896, (Jan. 30 Imo) Aras miing plull Bargain for cash or Phone 2438J, (31-c) TWO PLATE ELECTRIC STOVE and one child's go-cart, Apply 74 Bond St, W. (20¢) FOR SALE--A QUANTITY OF corn fodder, Apply to F. E, French, North of Thornton's Cor- ners. Phone 1708J, (31¢) SPIES, SWEETS, Baldwins, ete, Also potatoes and vegetables. Sold by peck, bushel | or barrel. Délivered. F, Shaw,' 84 Park Rd. 8, Phone 631. (Jan. 24-Feb, 24)' Piano, nearly new, terms ar.anged, house, furnace, electric stove and fix- tures, French doors, three piece bath, hardwood floors, garage. Private side drive. Also two lots, Terms at 220 Clarke St, (3c) OR SALE-TWO NEW 4 ROOM POR bungalows, wired for light, new garage, side drive, large lot | Price $2,000, Small payment dovn rand $20 a month carries it. Apply K McKay, Wilson Road, or phone 2437W, (3le) ig For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OK RENT--NEW SIX roomed brick house. 620 Hiatop Avenue Arvly Staughton, 8 Rich- mond St. E, (30D) HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Phone 455M, (29-1) HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. Apply 160 Bruce St, or phone TE. bh) Take Notice After several complaints and fre- went warnings in regard to the ing St. United Church driving shed. it will be closed to the public, except Sundays, after February n By HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale Good condition Low price This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block. about 10000 square feet of floor space. before new addi- tion was erccted It should be just the thing for a store or apartment | block Apply C. M Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (1006 tf) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Applv 21 Rowe St,, Phone 1347M, (19tf) Furniture NETHER = EDGE HAIRDRESS- ing Parlor, Marcelling, shampoo- ing, and manicure. 65561 Simcoe street north, Phone 918M for appointment, (Jan. 31-Feb, 29) Orchestra REGENT DANCE ORCHESTRA, music for all occasions. Phone J. Watson, 2334M, or G.. Rey- nolds, 693. (Jan, 23-Feb.22) a EEE Transportation CARTAGE AND TRUCKIN prompt service Reasonable prices Work done by day or hour, Prone 1236M or 53W (Jan 12-Feb 12° SECOND HAND DEALER, 186 Bloor St. East. Phone 1617M. (Jan. 18-1 mo) Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR ing. Mr. Brown, Phone 1132M, (Jan. 2! 28-1 mo.) Wanted GENERAL MOTORS STOCK WE will allow $145.00 per share on the purchase of a Williams Piano, Brun swick Phonograph, De Forest Cros- ley Radio, The Johns Piano Store, 80 Simcoe street north, (20f Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM FOR THREE men. Apply 314 Haig St. (0b ROOMS AND BOARD, 106 WIL- liam St. E (24tf) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRIN(, at Ideal [lire Shop. Tires for sale lanueson Bros, Phe er 438 h Cleaning and Proving COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR age. 8 Bond St West. Phone 82 6 trucks for prompt service Moying van and storage warehouse equipment B e transirrind 0 to and from all trains Veterinary Surgeon Fr I's A BOILED SUIT OR Dress have it cleaned at the Uni- versal Cleaners and Dyers, with confidence. Repairing and altera tions done by expert tailors. )| Prompt service. Telephone 509. (Feb, 4-Mar, 4) DR SHIRLEY. VFETERINARIAN. Specialiy Poreases dom domestic animals Bnd ess Hospital % -tf) Help Wanted--Female MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Phone 291]. (30b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO men. -All conveniences. 278 Albert St. (29¢) FURNISHED ROOM FOR GEN- tleman, private home, board if d»- sired. Eight minutes north Mo- tors, conveniences. Phone 2433J. (31-¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen, Private home. Near General Motors, Apply 272 Jarvis street, (31-¢) BOARD AND ROOM FO™ THREE men, Close to G.M.C. - Apply 276 French street, s1-» FURNISHED ROOM, sUIT TWO young ladies. willing to share. Board if desired, Phone 846, (30c) EXPERIESCED Mogi AGED bo S$ DICKENSON. V.S DISEASES of all ic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Goyernment Veterinary 34 Brock St. E Phone 105). (131 tO Insurance C. E. HEPBURN, 64 McLAUGH- lin Bivd., Oshawa, District Repre- sentative for the Great West life Assurance Company of Canada (Feb. 1-1yr) Tea Rooms HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT 'pecial small winter dance par = DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR so Land Surveyors and Cwil Fagn- cers, sub-divisions, town Planing wa. 10416) engineers. Dradley Block Window Cleaning ties. Supper inc.uding salad. as (Jan. 11-Feb. in Wanted to Buy who can take po girs Must be good cook. Good home. Steady work BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted. Also extra meals given and meals at 11.30. Apply 97 Colborne St. B. (June 30-Mar, 2) vear sround. Box "B" Osh Daily Times. (31-b) FINDERY GIRL - MUSE bE of instructing other girls. Apply H. Wagar, Oshawa Daily Times bis: EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for small family. References re- quired. Apply 23 John St. (20tf) LADY ASSISTANT FOR SHOE Store Knowiefge of Stenograpby and Bookkeeping sn asset but nor essential. Age 1s or over. Appl fhe Burns Co. Lid Oshawa. our) WOMAN WANTED HALF DAY A week, for housework. Apply even ings, 456 Masson street. (31-a) pie Phone 1635. O~1AWA WINDOW CO) FANFRS - Howse woodwork se put on and window, Phone 1302W. MR S IALOB DEALER IN RAGS, kinds of i Pets and Livestock COLLIE PUPS FOR SALF Phone 163 r (la) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman or lady. Apply 145 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 2081W. Gla) of order, the *Bificial Board, 21 | For Sale By Tender Tenders will be received tor the sale of the large driving shed of King St. United Church up to leb- ruary 11, The above shed to be re- moved by April 1, Highest or any other tender not necessarily accept- ed. Address tenders to E. Can ker, Chairman of Committee, 300 King St. E. (291, Work Wanted UPHOLS TERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order Work manship guaranteed, hanic St Phone stable, 74 Mechanic Ler | WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE day. Cleaning or cooking. Apply, giivng phone No. to Box Sip Osh- awa Daily Times. (30¢) Help Wanted--Male WANTED--A MAN WHO IS A foreman, or who has charge of a pumber 'of men in Oshawa. A man in this position ean increase his earnings by writing Box *L" Oshawa Daily Times, (27-0) Wanted to Rent BUSINESS MAN DESIRES FURN- ished room. Central. Apply Box "H" Oshawa Daily Times. (31-¢) WANTED TO RENT-TWO OR three unfurnished rooms for light bousekeeping. Box "K" Oshawa , Daily Times. (31-2) WANTED--THREE ROOMS ON or about March 15th, by married couple. Central or near General Motors. Phone 657F. (31-1) For Rent ble |M. Mundy. The Oshawa $400 down. To see|?Z CHEVROLET COUPE VOR FOR SALE. 1925 model. Cheap for cash. C. Times, Coupe. A for cash, Soe A mn | between od Lost end Found LOST--STAKE ON CHEVROLET one ton truck. Finder please call at 23 Celina St. or phone 108 (30c) LOST -- PURSE, THURSDAY evening between Karn's and Maple St. on Simcoe, Reward, Phone Notice AFTER THIS DATE I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts con- tracted by my wife, Mary Cutler, she having left my bed and. beard. H. Cutler, 241 Gibbs St, (31-a) I I RS ES Notice to Creditors IN THE MATER of the estate of ELLEN LUKE, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ellen Luke, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, widow, deceased, died on or about the 22nd day of De- cember, 1927, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 23rd. day of Febru- ary, 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the last mentioned date, the assets of the Hstate will be distrthnted amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims which the undersigned shall then have notice, DATED at Oshawa, this 31st & CREIGHTON, day of January, 1928 GRIERSON Solicitors for the above estate. (25-31-37) GENARO LIFTS THE FLYWEIGHT TITLE (Cont'nued from pare 8) tially dimmed by the blood from a cut over the ri"ht brow towards the end of the fifth round, Genaro Had Weight Advantage Genaro had quite an advantage What Price Do You Want 10 Pay? $67 Buys '27 Chev rolet Soda, only driven small mil $650 Bue nev 1927 $62 Buys '27 Chev- rolet Sedan, five good tires. A real bar- gain, $600 Buys 1925 Me- Laughlin 5-Pass- enger Sedan, good tires. $57 Buys '27 Chev- rolet Coach only driven small milage. $55 Buys '26 Chev- rolet Sedan, 5 good tires, See this one, $52 Buys '26 Chev- rolet Coupe in b=>=4 n-w conditian, ° $50 Buys 1924 Mas- ter-six McLaugh- lin Touring, special up- k- V-tever ap! art craft tan, $475 27. Does 1925 model, in splendid con- dian every wav, $45 Buys Essex '25 model Touring, new tires, snappy motor, Ar 4 ces to suit your purse ONTARIO MOTOR ot VA ae at mr in weight, At 11 o'clock yester- day morning he was a pound and three-quarters over the limit, and when he weighed in at 2 o'clock he had only taken off a pound. However, he worked the twelve ounces of within the hour's lim- it, but there is a doubt that he put on a couple of pounds after. wards. Belanger weighed in at 110%, and as he does not take on weight rapidly Genaro most likely had a three-pound or more margin in the avoirdupeis. While this may have had some bearing on the result, the change of own- ership of the title was die to Gen- naro's greater experience, ring generalship and more varied line of campaign, both defensively and o"ensively, . While Belanger was beaten, and by a good margin, he was far from disgraced. His rise to the top of the heap was sensa- tional and quick, and he deserves great credit for making the first defence of the title against the boy who proved his hardest op- ponent in his guest of the cham- plonship. He is far from through, and is still. among th» leading lads in the division, and with more experience he has ev- ery chance to win the title back again. ROUND BY ROUND Round ope--Belgnger was first to step into the ring, and Genaro arrived a minute later and took the "lucky' corner, the north-west an- gle, where three of the night's winners had rested. The usual pre- liminaries followed. They sparred in the centre of the ring, and Frankie was the first to land, | bouncing into tap "Frenchy" light- ly on the head, Caution was the order of the round. Genaro boun- ded into several clinches, and "Frenchy" elected to let him do the leading, content with covering up. Genaro made the local boxer miss a pair of left hooks to the body. Not a solid blow was land- ed ip this frame. Round two--Belanger opened up and the pace became faster. He ducked 'under a pair of left hooks and speared his right lightly to Geparo's head. They clinched and rolled to the ropes. After break Geparo' slapped a left hook to the body, doing no damage. Belanger's BOARD AND ROOM. 25 DIVI- sion St. Phone 2099]. (312) Agents Wanted TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS and uy ent on around Soos hi eat, t water. No ren. por oo (30b) ONE OF THE LARGEST LIFE Assurance Companies in ne TWO. FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, 1024M. (30¢) quire a representative capabl organizing South oF tario County. We have a large vol- ume of business in force in the dis- trict and the opening is attractive for a capable man. Apply to P.O Box No. 1042, Peterboro. (31-33 35) Situation Wanted WANTED POSITION AS ALTER- ation hand or finisher, dresses, coats, ete. Would do amy kind sewing at ladies" own homes, Phone 1769W. (2141) FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM TO rent. Breakfast if oslint. M -~£ 3 ply 185 Arthur street. TO COMFORTABLE ROOM rent, suit two gentlemen, close, to -Geperal s. Apply 133 Al- ice St. or A672). (290) NICELY FURNISHED WARM room for rent. Suitable for young gentleman. $3 » week. Phone 2041), (29-2) 2g"~2 » 82 E55 Fs Hi] ty gh | ; FLAT TO RENT, PHONE ond a $58 : | ped a pair Frankie's head, and the latter re- talisted with a flurry of gloves ger, on his shift, slashed a left to the body. Genaro kept on top of him, smothering him in a rain of bewildering ever, held little power. sunk a right to the body and again Genaro opened his buzz-saw tac- tics. Frenchy came out of the fresh cut over his right eye, but his murderous right landed heay- fly on Frankie's kept pecking at the blood-covered face until the gong. clinch in the centre of the ring. Frankie's left hook landed lightly, and Belanger right to the midsection. He shifted and sent a'left to Genaro's solar plexus but the latter was going away. pounded to the body, doing little right and left supk selidly into the Italian's ribs. Sevatn slashed out another surprise chin. The latter pressed strongly. rushing 'the wily Italian to the ropes. They were milling stoutly on the ropes at the bell SALES LD. Whitby Phone 408 Oshawa Phone 900 was issuing a warning to the Itali- an at the gong, Genaro's general- ship began to become more ap- parent in this round, Belanger Slips to Mat Round four--Genaro opened a bouncing offensive, sending a tert tap to the head. On the next ex- change both looked at the referee, claiming a low blow, but the lat- ter waved them on. They were both light and of no consequence Genaro slung a right to the mid- section, and Belanrer retaliated with two light lefts to the face, Genaro snapped a solid right to the jaw and forced Frenchy to clinch, The latter met the New Yorker's. lead with a flurry of lefts and slipped as he retreated to the ropes. The French lad was up again immediately and tore in to send a right to the body, Genaro again landed a solid right to the jaw and outguessed Belanger's come-back, The invader smother- ed Belanrer in an avalanche of ~loves and speed, and wound up the round with a solid left hook to the face. Round five--The referee called the boxers to the centre of the ring and warned them to "cut out the rough stuff.' Genaro lifted a right to the body and then a smashing right to Belanger's eye. The latter's left optic was begin- ning to swell alarmingly. He snap- of harmiess lefts to which did little damage. Belan- thrusts which, how- Belanzer melee with blood streaming from a Jaw. champion's Genaro Round six--They fell into a retaliated with a Belanger pressed: and A Makes Frenchy Miss Round seven--Genaro's round- 3 TIME TABLES CNR [ME TABLE ndlentes Shatige lors Sime $ahiet 423 am. Joy cen Sind, al - 28s poe bs lv. 113 i except, Sunday, pm.=Luily except Sunday, pm. except Sundayl 42 p.m. ~Daily 11.09 p m.--baily except Saturday, 1s a.m. ~ Daily, Westbound Trains x Hails. erty excep! Sunday, Daily. Jaily except Sunday, Dail yi Sunday. y onl 0 aly except Sunday. Daily. Daily except Sunday. CPR. TIME TABLE am Jai Jai Daily except Sunday. Jo Westbound Trains 4 vn hab. except Sunday, a.m,~Sunday only, a.m. ~ Daily except Sunday, p.m, Daily p.m.~Daily except Sundav, Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Oshawa 2.05 a.m. 8.10 a.m 11.00 a.m, *12.10 p.m, 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m, *4.10 p.m. 5.10 p.m, 11.3 p.m, Going East Leave Leave Whitby Oshawa 6.30 am, 6.50 a.m 8.20 a.m, Arrive Bowman, 7.20 a.m, 8,55 a m, 10.05 a.m, 12,40 pm, 2,10 p.m, 4,10 pom 5.40 p.m, 6,40 p.m, 8.00 p.m, 10,45 pox 12,00 9.30 a.m. 12.05 p.m. 1.00 p.m. +H pm 6. 05 p.m 7.060.m J. p.m. pad pom Arr.8.20 p.m, 95Vp.m 10.10 p.m, 11,00 p.m. LW p.m. Viume marked * are turough busses to Whitby Hospital rpm 14pm SUNDAY AND HOL!DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Oshawa 10.40 a m. Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates ano Careful Orivers I. A. GARION PROPRIETOR Bowmanville-- Phone 412 Oshawa Waiting, Raom 10 Prince Stress section at the gong, but Genaro eluded him, Round eight -- Genaro swept across the ring in a windmill ofs fensive reminiscent of the late Harry Greb, He stayed right on top of Frenchy, tying him up and beating him to the punch, Belans ger appeared bewildered. Frankid sent two lefts to the body and Frenchy slashed a light left hook to the head. Genaro tapped Bel. anger"s jaw with his left and then drove his port mitt to the same spot in two heavy hooks, Round nine -- They tore fpto each other in the centre of the ring, and then Genaro rushed Bels anger to the ropes. The latter snapped a left to the body on his shift, and a moment later his right connected lightly to the face. Ge- paro kept on top of him and Frenchy again showed signs of be- wilderment. He gritted bis teeth and forced the fi~ht, seeking to land a knock-out punch. . The Its alisn tied him up tleverly, and they pounded each other to t body for a spell. Belanger tried to work his shift and Geparo beat him to the punch with 2 left to the face. Belanger missed a poisons ous right, and Genaro's left kept him busy until the gong. Round ten--Forced to knock out his opponent to win, Belanzey tore at the Italiap like a tiger. Ged naro wae called upon to use all hig wiles to weather a furious flurry of drives. Bel r's left ted to the jaw and Gena~o"siashed a right hook to the body and them tied the Toronto hover up. They milled furiously fn the centre the ring and Belanger chased paro to the rones with a series riebts and lefts to the body, but the Italien was goin= away on em ery punch. and thev did little do age. The gallant Belanger batt to the bitter end. but the decision' was never ip doubt. When Genas ro's hand was raised the. mew champion was given a hearty ovas Hon, but followinz it a heavy p of gloom seemed to deseend po" the erowd as it filed morosely out mixed] of the building. In his fatest book {pton Sinclaif hints that the American novelists mewspaper writers have bribed by Wal Street. If that's somebody's holding out on us.--Mach