MacIMINAL DL RAKE ior, etc Simcoe and els! Streets Oshawa (108 oh NK S$ ER BARRIST ER N he ¢ \ otary onveyancet ha. i Music Batteries |oan A. RENWICK, ORGANIST sSmeoce (/nited Church, teacher of piano, organ and singing. Studie 1 Connaught street. Phon« ; (Feb. 3-Mar. 3) M. LEE, TEACHER OF PIANO forte. 613 negle avenue. Phone 2351). (Jan. 18-Feb. 18) n Rom. 2. Rowval nk | M Bond streets (121 me) & ANNIS. RARRISTERS ws, Notaries ie tc Con and general practice ces 7% a Simcoe St south Phone 63 G. D (onant LB: AF Annis, BA. LL (38th \ WEN EN TAIR. KC, BANK Ly AIR (116 Ver) yi MANGAN BA. BAR ister, Solicitor, Notary Puhlic. Con meer Money to loan Office ing St. East Oshawa Phone 18 Revaence phone 837 ee & CREIGHTON-BAR Conveyancers Notaries Pub lic, ete Office over Standard Rank Entrance Simcoe St Phone 13 | Tal BA. T K Creighton SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC Kenzie. Barristers Convevaneers. Notary Public, ete All branches of Criminal! and Civil Law Money to loan. Office over Lambhle's store 2 Kin; east. Phone 940 D A I H N German. F G dackenzie A J PARKHILL, Solicitor, Notary ancer, money to loan ig Post Office residence, 2239) Y 8 HYMAN AND COM vy, Barristers Money to loan Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe etréet north. Phone 67, residence 1897W, (tr lll i na Medical DR. EB. R BARTON, PHYSICIAN surneon and obstetrician. Office and pesidence 142 Simcoe §¢ North, Phone 2621. (Jan 12-Feb DR, C. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, ofire and residence, 556 Simcoe street north Cor, Arlington, Phone 2115. (Jan, 18-Feb 18%) PR R E McMULLEN PHYS] cian, surgeon. and obstetrician Of fice and home, 456 Simcoe street south. Phone 2502, (114i) BARRISTER Public. Convey Disney Bldg Phones, office (621) 0) 12 una, J, W. JAMES (8 PREPARED to give vocal lessons to bexinners of | 284 Festubert Ave., Phoae 1551J. ' (Feb. 2-Mar, 2) HERRERT C TRENFKER IS FRE pared to acerp! pupils m piano, or «an and vocal A free booklet Seve Sod" "oauen, "be "ore street: - an of ARTHUR LYNDE VOCAL TEACH er (Hamhourg Conservatory, To ronto) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, Fridays. 93 Sim soe St North Phone 370) (1201) USL: SALES "AND HERVICE Car and Radio Batteries recharg ed. rented, repaired. Called for and delivered. Adanac Garage and Machine Shop. open evenings. 161 King street west. Phone Li (8th Sse cy ADANAC GARAUE AND MACH INR Shop, Sucesior to Durrant Machine Compa All «ginds of machinery repai aa. cracked mo tor blocks and most anything Oxy-acetylene welded, Connecting rods rebabitted. , Fly wheel start: ing teeth installed. 161 King St. W. Phone 1214, (8 tf) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST Fast. Ambulance. - Residence, 1% Divison g 6 King east ne 4 street REGENT DANCE . ORCHESTRA, music for all occaslons. Phone J. Watson, 2334M, or Gi. Rey nolds, 693. (Jan. 23-Feb,22) MURDOCH'S INSURANCE SER vice now at 27 Warren avenue Phone 168] Our service satisfies (Jan. 6-Feh, 6) Chimpey Cleaners GRIFFIN AND WOODCOCK. NO moving stove pipes, no mess, no smell. Agents for Chimney Fire kx. tinguisher., "Phone 2710W. 37. Notice Re Classified Ade] " 3 Effective "eed tely clos + mg time for classified ads 93 am Monday to y and 230 am. Saturday. Ads for Teo Late to Classify and Coming Events, received yp to 1030 am. ; hb - 3 . Classified Ads. Fivst insertion--13% "- per word. . Minimum charge--30¢. Each subsequent insertion lc per word. Three consecutive inser: tions for the price of two first insert"ons (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Professional or Business Short Celina St. (Jan, 18-Feb 18) Rectal Specialist INSURANCE The oldest 30 Re (181 th DAVIS AND SON 19 King St west, Oshawa Fire Agency mn Oshawa stable F ire Companie $ WHEN PLACING, INSU RAN( T consult R N [ohns 80 Simene north Your msurance wants attend d to and vour mferests protected (Oct 11 lyr) Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN FOR FIRST mortage on farm or city property Rates reasonable, Phone 1694W. (28 ¢) PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of thelr motor cars or those desiring to re-finaunce tne purchzse of their motor cas, see iwanson, Germany and McKenzie 2 King St. B 144110) UNLIMITED FUNDS FO) RFIRS| mortgages Budding loans arranged Bradley Bros Phone 169 420 (96 1f) i { | PILES AND FISTULA TREATED | without detention from business | Dr. Dean, Specialist, 40 Gerrard | St, B., Toronto, (Jan, 17-Feb. 174 Woodworking Cards, $250 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC COMFLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment. HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID and finished by ex;ert. Special price for one week only. 14 cents per square foot and up. First class fin- ish guaranteed. rpentering jobs done. Phone 2012, , (308) C H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St. B'YPhone 2854J. We specla.ize In storm sash, screens. cupboards, ors and frames. (hers Corsetiere ORSETIERE SPIRE! LA SHOP 82 Ewin east Mrs Annie Pent: a.d an. .ng curset ere Liven ngs by appnintment Phone 442) C13sn FoR CITY AND FARM LOANS DR. HAROLD W TRICK PHYSI- clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. ela] reference to maternity work and diseases of women Two years post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Bimcoe Bt. N., (eor, Brock) phone 303 (119-0 DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR eon. Accoucher. Office and resi: ence, King St. East, enter Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone % DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN. diseases of infants and children Of fice ad pesidence, 97 Bond east Phone 1 DR. B HAZLEWOOD, PLIYSI cian and Surgeon, special attention ven to X-ray work and Electro fet Disney Block. Phone 206 fice open 9 a.m. to 9 p m, Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. (tr) Building loans Legal work done at this office J Parkhill, Barrister . Disney Bldg Phone 1614 (176-1) Building Supplies ANNOUNCEMENT TO HOME Builders and Contractors--Ilary: stock used timbers, joists, plank: sheeting various dimensions ani lengths up to 40 ft., piping from % in. to 10 in, plumbing, struc tural steel, complete hot water and steam heating units, Phone or write Frankel Brothers Limited Salvage Departmtnt, Toronto, Ger rard 4100, (Dec, 30-Mar 30 WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim Beecroft Whithy, umber and woodyard, Osh awa, phone 324 169-tf) wm Watch Repairing FP. A. VON GUNTEN INPER | Swiss watchmaker repair shop at 4% King Street West Your pat ronage is solicited (29 tf or Architects J C € STENHOUSE architectural work Royal Bank Building Res. phone 909) Dressmaking AT HOME WOMEN'S or Children's garments, Made or repaired, also men's shirts. Phone 1637]. . (30b) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING Children's clothes a specialty, Ap- ply 217 Huron St. (29¢) GENERA! Second flnor Phone 1496 SEWING Painting and Decorating Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 for consultation and -treatment of sears of ear, nose and throat Appointments maye be made store. Phone 97 97 (49-£) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist DR. E. F. RICHARDSON, IN- ternist and post graduate New York, over a years study on the Continent. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store; hours 10 to 12 a. m, 3to 4pm, T7te8 pm; Tuesday, Thursdey and Saturday evenings, "nd by appointment. (Jan. 21-Feb. 21) DR. A. W. HARDING, POST GRA- duate at Harper's Hospital, Detroit Edioburgh and Vienna. Austria 3% Simeoe street N. Phone 1499 Residence 2648. (Jan. 13-Feb. 12) Dental ni. D. R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store. Simcoe St South Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for ex traction. Phose 231, res. 2082 (1481 CE m---------- A ------------------ DRS J PHILLIPS DENTIST. OF bs 'over Bassetts' Phone Residence 300 #H M COOKE. 9 SIMCOE ST DR , over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for extraction Phone 54 DR I. E HIUBRFII DFENTIST irons Ox'd OXYReD Ras for extrac ions Office. Shope 948. residence. 1273M 3641 GIFFORD OFFICE WwW H Phone 1 7 66 11 Theater Rldg Residence 6% 2 Engineering end | Survey'rg | DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAK » Land Surveyors and Civil Fagin- > ng, sttb-divi town pl 4vyr} Roya! Bank Bldg ! R GUTSOLE, PAINTING. PAPER hanging, graining. ete Twenty years' experience Prices ngnt Work Suarantend 151 Huron street Phone (45-tf) Besuty Parlors LADY MASSEUSE, FULL BODY treatments, Ladies only. Treat- ments by appointment. Phone 814J. 250 Albert street. (Jan. 14-Feb. 14» MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, mani- cures, marcelling. Phone 2653. (Jan. 6-Feb 6 NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESS- ing Parlor, Marcelling, shampoo- ing, and manicure. 6561 Simcoe street porth. Phone 918M for apnointment. (Jan. 31-Feb. 29) EER Transportation CARTAGE AND TRUCKIN prompt service Reasonable prices Work done by day or hour. Prog 1236M or 53W. (Jan 12-Feb 12° LOLEN AS CARTAGE and STOR 8 Bond St West. Phone 8 6 trucks for prompt service Moying yan and storage warehouse equipment Bageage transferred to and from all trans 164 1f) Veterinary Surgeon DR SHIRLEY. VFTERINARIAN Specialist diseases domestic animals ,at and Dog Hospital 503 Masson St Phone 629 (50-tf) LS DICKENSON. ¥S DISEASES of all domestic animals -scient:fically eated Domimon Government Veterinary 34 Brock St. E Phone 1 105) (131 of) Insurance {C. E. HEPRURN, $4 McLAUGH tin Blyd , Oshawa District Repre- sentative for the Great West 1.ife Assurance Company of Canada (Feb. 1-1yr) 'amicival engineers. Bradley Block wa. Phone 1635. (108.51 Tea Rooms Window C'eaning OTTAWA TWANDOW (1 FANFR we cleanmp soodwork an! flo rs poiliched. screen and storm windows Put on and removed. Poose 1302W. FOUSE THAT JACR BUILT pecial small winter dance war ties. Supper ine adine: salad as orted sandwiches. cake and cof 'ee. $2400 per couple Phone res ervations 2209. Mrs. L M. Prior (Jan. 17-Feb. 17) ,| Bloor St. East. Phone 1617M. ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKINC done at reasonable prices. Apnl- 21 Rowe St.. Phone 1347M. (19tf) Articles For Sale ELECTRIC WASHER FOR SALE. hone 1024M., (300) OUR PIECE DEN SET tui sale, Fumed oak, Good condition universal Cleaners, 12% King St. W. (Jib) HOOSIER CABINET, Jate eiectiic stove and table J14 Richmond St, E, (ua) FOR SALE - STRICTLY NEW nid eggs in any geantity. Delivered nyWwiae.e in city. 'hone 840, (Jan, 30 mo TWO PLATE ELECTRIC STOVE and one child's go-cart. Apply 74 Bond St., W. (29¢c) APPLES! SPIES, SWEETS, Ba!dwins, Also potatoes and vegelables, ©n'd by peck, or barrel, D..ivered. PF. 84 Park Rd. 8, DPhopre 631, (Jan. 24-Feb, 24) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale (ood condition Low price This, plant was u-ed to heat the Mundy Block abou 10,000 rw Apply ete, tion was erected It should be just the ting for a store or apartment block Apply C M Mundy Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (100 tf) 'Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE--BRICK AND STUCCO sevep roomed house. partly finished attiGedodern, Lot 40 x 207. Donble garage' A bargain. Apply after 6 p. m. 162 Burk St. phone 1430M. (30:6) Furniture SECOND HAND DEALER, 186 (Jan. 18-1 mo) Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR ing. Mr. Brown, Phone 1132M. (Jan. 28-1 mo.) FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE | All conven'ences, Apply 346 Jarvis, St. Phone 2353]. 3c) | BOARD AND ROOM f ROOMS AND BOARD. 106 WIL | BOARD AND ROOM, Box number 10¢ additional i bushel! Shaw, square! feet of floor space before new addi-! Room and Board Help Wanted--Male b BOARD AND R ROOM | FOR THREE wen. Apply 314 Haig St. (0b) FOR ONE young man. Single bed. Three "nin- utes from GM.C, 318 Pidision ay a) WANTED--A MAN WHO IS A foreman, or who has charge of a aumber of men in Oshawa. A man in this position can Increase his earnings by writing Box "L" Oshawa Daily Times. (27-1) (21h liam St "IROOM FOR ONE OR MORE boarders. Either young man or lady. Phone 2081W (28¢) 25 DIV] sion St. Phone 1066M, (29b) ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD in hot water heated home for two { gentlemen, Near Motors. Box "G" . Oshawa Daily Times. 129) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO men. All conveniences. 278 Albert St, (29¢) ; FURNISHED ROOM, sUIT TWO ! voung ladies willing to share. Board if desired. Phone 846. (30c) "BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted. Also extra meals given and meals at 11.30. Apply 97 Colborne | St. B, (June 30-Mar. 2) - For Rent TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS and bath to rent on ground floor, Heat, light and water. No children. Apply 304 French St. (30b) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Phone 1024M, (30c) FURNISHED BEDROOM TO rent. Swvitable for one or two gen- tlemens or young couple without children. Apply 18% Simcoe St S | Phone | 1236W. (3c) LARGE BRIGHT ROOM OR bath flat to rent. Suitable for two I gentlemen, with excellent hoa |. Phone 2189]. (29) COMFORT. \BLE ROOM TO rent, suit two gentlemen, to General Motors. Apply 1338 Al- ice St. or phone 1672]. (29¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. AP- ply 222 Jomes St. (29h) IDEAL OF arranced in| Central loece OFFICES TO RENT fice srace, can te sulte to s It tenant tion. vy Box *R' Times 4 NICELY FURNISHED Wan 11 'oom for rent. Suitable for young ventlemen. $8 a week, 20417. (20-¢) For Sale or Rent | FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW SIX roomed brick honse. 620 Hi.rtop Avenue. Apply Staughton, 8 Rich. mond St. E, (20h) Lost end Found LOST--STAKE_ON CHEVROI ET | one ton truck.- Finder please call at | (30¢) | 23 Celina St. or phone 108. LOST -- PURSF, THURSDAY | evening between Karn's and Maple St. on Simcoe. Reward. Phone %MR (29h) Wanted to Buy MR S JALOB DEAL ER I IN RAGS, "and all kinds of metals Buving scrap batteries, old cars and ponltry Goo1s called for. Phone BosoM, Residence 99 Mil' street. (111th) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM rid veneer house. 159 Agnes St. Dec ! orated, furnace, electric fixtures. French doors, three plece bath.' wired tor electric stove, hardwood loors, garage, cement drive, deep lot, "For price and terms apply 16 Bond St, and 9. W. evenings between 7; (20-0) ,on Sundays, after February HN Take Notice After several 'complaints and fre- auent warnings in regard to the King St. United Church driving shed, it will be closed to the public, except By (21; order, the Official Board. Tire Repairing ALI KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRINC, at Ideal [lire Shop. Tires for sale faneson Bros. e 438 (th | IF I ITS A A SOILED. "SUIT OR Dress have it cleaned at the Uni- versal Cleaners and Dyers, with confidence. Repairing and altera- tions done by expert tailors. Prompt service. Telepbone 509. (Feb. 4-Mar. 4) EE z Help Waoted--Female MAID, WANTED FOR GENERAL housework, Phone 291). (30h) WANTED--AN ELDERLY LADY to care for two children. Good home. Small remuneration. 185 King 5 Bh a) BINDERY GIRL -- MUST BE thorouithly experienced and capable of instructing other girls. Apply H. Wagar, Oshawa Daily Times ile 1 8 EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for smal family. References re- quired. Apply 23 John St. (29tf) LADY ASSISTANT FOR SHOE Store Know.edge of Stenograuvby and Bookkeeping an asset but nu. essential. Age 18 or over. Appl: The Burns Co. Ltd Oshawa 2 Sct). Motor Cars CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE. 1926 model Cheap for cash. C M. Mundy. The Oshawa Dail: Times. (23 0» FOR SALE -AN OLDSMOPILE sedan, mew battery, for cash or FOR SALE-TWO 38 FT. Fairview Park $750 each. 08). LOTS Phone (27¢) FOR SALE---HOUSE IN WEST- mount, five rooms with garage, ! and large henhouse. Small pay- ment down. Balance as rent. Pos- session April 1. Box "Q" Osh- awa: Dally Times. (29-¢) , HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Phone 456M. (29-1) For Sale By Tender Tenders will be received for the ! sale of the large driying shed of King St. United Church up to Feb- : ruary 11, The above shed to be re- "moved by April 1. Highest or any other tender not necessarily accept- ed. Address tenders to E. F, Can- ker, Chaitoan of Committee, 300 ' King St. 2f; BOWN REALTY CO. 2746 19 Prince St. 6 room, yeneer brick, with attic, oak floors, chestnut trim. Every modern convenience. Central. A fine home. $4900. Easy terms. 7 room stucco. All conveniences. Newly decorated. Close to Four Cor- fers, $4100. Balance as rental. A good Wi uy. 5 room bungalow. Oak floors, bard wood trim. Cabinets and closets. All conveniences. $3800. Fasy cash pay- ments. Balance monthly. 2)c) Wanted GENERAL MOTORS STOCK. WE will allow $14500 per share on the purchase of a Willams Piano, Bran swick Phonograph, De Forest Cros- ley Radio. The Johns Piano Sture, 80 Simcoe street north. (26H Situation Wanted WANTED -- POSITION AS ALTER- ation hand or finisher, dresses, coats, etc. Would do any kind sewing at ladies' own homes. | 15951. Work Wanted UPHOLSTFRING OF ALL KINDS chesterfields made to order Work manchip = guaranteed G A Cop stable, 74 Mechanic St ne g (72.40) OMAN WANTS WORK BY THE : day. Cleaning or cooking. Apply, gilvng phoge No. to Box "E" Osh- awa Daily Times. (30c) OFFIC CLOSED Until further notice on account of illness. Ww. J. SULLEY Real Estate Insurance Auctioneer Phone 716-J for Information Phare, 1769W.. 21-0) Agents s Wanted SALSMEN WANTED--A REAL opportunity for energetic men. Ev- ery encouragement given. See Mr. trade on good building lot. Phone 272. (28-¢c) ) Aikephead, 23 Bond St. E. p (29%) be sons asasassssss lens ssss LOANS .i0 Com: isso. 4 - : close | WEPIACK IS FOR ADULT, NOT CHILD Authorities Take Issue With the Dictum of T. P. O'Connor London, Feb. 6--T. P. O'Connor's dictum that if he were dictator of this country every girl should be married at eighteen and every man at twenty-one, if necessary by com- mariton, is severely criticised by au- thorities on social problems. "We have to realize that marriage is for adults and not for children-- that is an important point to remem- ber, especially when we are consid ving the future of the race," said Mr. Seaton-Tiedman, the secretary of the Divarce Law Reform Union. "From the binlogieal point of view it is better for the gil 0 be from' twenty-one to twenty-five an! the young man from twenty-five to thir- ty. At eighteen the girl is only just maturing, "From my own experience 1 should say it is much sounder for them both to be the adult age. "Of course we know there are some girls of eighteen who are quite as serious as women of thirty, while on the other hand there are girls ein" teen who are very flghty, "In the poorer classes girls mature much more quickly than in other ctions of the community," What a Rabbi Says Rabbi I. Mattuck said: "Early marriages have a value for social morality. But marriage is! more than a social institution li- censing a physical relation It .« in tself a relation covering the whole of life, with its roots in persuality "The charm of an early marriage vis impulsiveness. Its promise of per- E Oshawa Daily | (27 4) | |, twenty-four or twenty-five for tl Phone | Yio pe manency lies in the force behind tle 'mpulse. If the love in an early marriage expresses the whole per- n~'ity then it is holy. "At eighteen and twenty-one how wer, personal'ty is not sufficiently | develoved to trust itself, and at man, a decision for life should be better." "Ridiculous!" Dr. Alice Hutchison, the psycholo- list, Great Ormond street Hospital, said: "In the main I would not agree with Mr. O'Connor, It is rid. ulons to say he would make every girl of cighteen and boy of = twentv-one marry. The great majority of boys and girls of this age are not ready for marriage. In what he is engaged and in all that he intends to do, the initinls of | R, B. Bennett should stand for Real- | ly Busy Bennett.--Lethbridge Her- 1d. MOTOR CARS We will Joan you monles op your motor car, or If you can not meet your pres=2nf payments we will pay off the ciaims and renew yous payments for apy term up to twelve months and insure your car. See Swanson, Ger- man & McKenzie, 2 King street east, Phone 940, How Much $15 $55 TIME TABLES CNR [ME TABLE TY) wdicates change wn tormes Gime tables | (Effective May 1) Lastboung (rams fini except Sunday only. am. - Ua iy be] a Daily except Sunday. vm. Daily excent Sanday. $4 pm. bay except Sunday, 12.25 a.m. -- Daily, Westbound Traine 144 a.m ~ Daily. 5.45 a.m. Daily. 5.28 a.mi.=1\-y excep! Sunday. 6.20 a.m. ~ Daily, 458 am. Daily except dunday. 2.28 p.m. - Daily except Sunday. 414 p.m. - Sunday only Do You Want to Pay? Buys Forl Touring, '22 mode! $50 good top, motor OK. $100 Buys Chevrolet Touring, "23 model, good tires. Buys Ford Sedan, '23 model A real good car for the price. Buys 1923 Chevrolet Sedan, «epainted, motor overhaul- ed, good tires! Buys Dodge Roadster, 1923 model, nearly new tires, good top and curtains. Buys 1923 Maxwell Touring disc wheels, good tires, per- fect motor, Buys 1927 Ford Coupe. real snanpy job. Buys 1925 Chevrolet Coach. A real bargain, Buys Chevrolet Sedan, 1925 model. A 'good family car Buys 1926 Essex Coach New tires, splendid motor Buys '25 M¢' avghlin Tour- ing with special upholstery, new artcrait top, new tires 8.45 p.m. ~ Daily except Sunday, CPR TIME FABLE Eastbound Traing 1007 a.m. --Daily. 2.05 pm. --Daily 803 pm -ilaily except 11.10 p.m. = Daily. 1208 a.m. = Daily. Westbound Trains am. -Haiy except Sunday, a.m. - Dail a.m. --dun ay only. a.m ~ Daily except Sunday, p.m. Daily p.m, ~Daily except Sundav, Sunday, »* 6. 1. 8 4. ? $20 $25 $300 $350 $40 $450 $50 Whitby. Oshawa. Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Oshawa Whitby {V5 am S.10am LLW am "12.16 p.m 20 p.m 3.06 p.m. "4.10 p.m AU p.m 15 p.m 7.40 p.m *9.10 p.m 10.10p.m 1L% p.m, Leave Bowman ol am Arrive Heospital A 12.40 p.m, 4 35 pom, % m. 6.48 pam, 9.40 p.m, Going East Leave Leave Wintby Oshaws 6am 6.50 am 5.20 a.m J 3 a.m 12.05 p.m. 1.35 p.m. 3H pm mAmT4LAL pm 30 pom 6.U> pm {Anan 4.4 p.m sd pom Arend pm INipm 10.10 p.m, 1 p.m ILE pm I"me marked * aie tniough Whitby Hospial SUNDAY AND HIOL:DAY SCHEDULE Going West cave Leave lospital Jam ND MANY OTHTRS AT PRICES | 0 TO SUIT YOU. ONTAF¥IO MOTOR SALES LTD. + 00 p.m Bom "nm 'Wpm 10.45 p.m, 1200 Jusses to Leave Jowzaanville WJ a.m 12.25 p.m 25 pan Osawa 10.40 am LW p.m 3.00 p.m, 4.20 p.m. 6.20 p.m, 8.20 p.m. 10.20 p.m, Whithy Phone 408 ! 245 mm 73S pom 145 pm Going East Leave Osawa 11.20 am. 1.45 p.m, . 34pm 5A p.m, 7.00 p.m. 5.45 pom. 9.00 paw, 0.4> p.m. 1LI0 p.m. Special Busses For All Occasions seasonable Rates ano Careht Orivers I. A. GAKION PRUPRIETOR Bowmanville-- Phone 412 Oshawa Waiting, Room. 10 Prince Street Leave Whitby LG a.m X pm. 5.3 pom. +4 pm. 145 pm. Bargains in Real Estate Five room Brick Bunga- low, 26 x 33, ll modern, hardwood trimmed. $3,800 ~5300 down, $35 monthly including interest and princigle, Paved street, seven minutes' walk from GMC, Box "A" Oshaw: Daily Times. $5,300 buys a house, $1,000 down, hardwood through- out, on Mary St. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 1380. No dealers apply. Box "A" Oshawa Daily Times. $2,400, $400 down, 6 rooms a Owner must ul ty, Apply Box "A" Oshawa Daily Times. No real estate agents apply, SE -------- --_-- rm -- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Wisdom in the care of the 'Syes is to supply what nature demands, Do yours meed attention? 242 1518 w= PHON Ee 518 Disney Block Upposite Post Office A Do You Own Your Own and Insurance DISNEY Better Houses For Sale New Houses Immediate Possession AUCTIONE || Shar aves ® ing $6. Band Org two storey $4 6 rooms, 4] house. Hardwood floors downstairs. All conveniences. Cen- tral, close to'school. Central' loca- tion. Cash payment $500. $2,200 Frame bungalow, 3 rooms and summer hit- chen. Good cellar. Water and Elec- tric light. Small cash payment. 481 Simcoe St. N. AR, PHSYE .C.YOUNG HaPrince > id Oshawa, Ont BARGAIN New Six Room Brick, two torey house, oaaved sweet, mak floors, chestnut 'ram, $8 Brick Bungalow. 8 rooms, finished in Quk. acres land. Good fruit trees. Large warage. Right on Highway. Suit:bie for Tourist Hote!. Will consider ex change for house in Oshawa. Bradley Bros. 29 Simcoe St. 5. large lot. Price for quick sale 4,500, $700 down payment. Horior & French MUNDY BLOCK Phones: 2696, Res. 1207W REAL ESTATE domes bulls to sult pur ase R.M KELLY S10 Simcoe St. N Phone 1668W