Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Feb 1928, p. 8

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Ff. ea HECTIC ARE FEATURE OF CITY HOCKEY LEAGUE Simcoes-Service Draw 1-1, Saints Nose Out Times ~ While Fittings Win Easily watch clicked. Fittings were 11 goals| St. The City League concluded its heavy program of six games this week with a triple-header last even: ing, three games having been writ- ten off the books on Monday. Two of the games developed into hectic affairs, with the final result always a matter of doubt. The result of the Service-Simcoe® set-to is still a matter for doubt, as the teams skated off the ice, deadlocked at 1-1, after Service had led the way for the greater part of the piece, Simcoes pressed hard in the last period; and playing four men up managed to draw up on cven terms, with the "We Aim to Please" outfit, St. George's galloped into an early lead of 3-0, over the Daily Times, but about half way, the Printers closed pinging in two goals, and with about a minute to go, drew up alongside, but failed in the final dash, St. George's ringing in the winning marker three seconds be- fore finis was written, Fittings made it five straight when they played rings around the Presbyterians, and goaus were rung in as often and with as much regularity as the stop In a joyous comedy romance in "Beau Geste" getting! Bhe loved a man who loved another but she was used to having her own way, so she kidnaps him, takes him out into the desert-- and tames him! SHE'S A SHRIEK hc ¥ With RICHARD ARLEN WILLIAM POWELL Days Starts Thursday MATINEE DAILY 2.30 P.M. up at the end of hte fiasco, the score sheet reading 13-2, E Matched Simcoes and Service appeared evenly matched, and from the out- set a stern slashing = session was shown .In the first period She play was fast, with plenty of ty evi dent on both sides of centre, Black for Simcoes as usual did a lot of work, and kept Neal, in the Service nets busy. Neal, came through again with a sensational game, and must be given a lot of credit for Service's fine showing. Stacey scored the Ser- vice lone counter on a hard shot from close in early in the first per- iod. The second period was score- less, and replete with rugged hockey and sparkling rushes from both ends of the rink. A few penalties with the resultant feuds livened the Jreceedings up near the end of the rame. Simcoes came strongly in the final lap, and showered Neal with shots from every conceivable angle. Peter- son, in a scramble was left uncover- ed in front of the net, and Neal had no chance to save, Prior, also was unbeatable in the opposing nets, Owing to the number of games play- ed in the evening, overtime is not played, and each team was credit- ed with one point, The teams: Service--Goal, Prior; right de- fence, Balsam; left defence, Peter- son; centre, Black; right wing, Rom- bough; left wing, Burr; substitutes, Jackson and Morison, Simcoes--Goal, Neal; right de- fence, Little; left defence, Stacey; centre, Elliot; right wing, Drinkle; left wing, Smith; substitutes, Donald and Keller, "Scotty" McDonald was one of the "big" reasons that the Presbyterians never appeared in the picture in the second game, He kept up the good work that has characterized his play in the last games. The little fellow packs a real shot, as the Presbyter- jans would say, after Moran and Mack, "We found that out" He scored three goals in quick succes- sion after the game had hardly got started, and after Shein and Cotter had scored for their teams, he count- ed his fourth, Williams did not look any too good on some of the goals. The management evidently thought this quite fair and retired" him for a time. Shein was next in line, and he scored three of his teams' total, Jamieson and Meltz each bulged the twine twice. The score at the end of the first period read 7-2. The second period the Presbyterians began to press a little more, and made it look like a hockey game for a time, Jack Purdy was knocked out for about five minutes in this frame when he was hurt in a crash against the boards. He continued after a short rest. The third period was just a repetition of the second, the Fit- tings adding four more to their al- ready ample total, The teams: Fittings--Goal, Simpson; left de- fence, Cooper; right defence, Meltz; center, Jackson, left wing, Shein; right wing, McDonald, Substitutes, Jamieson and Chapman, ; Presbyterians -- Goal, Williams; left defence, Carter; right defence, Brown; left wing, Rutherford; right wing, Conlin; centre, Purdy. Sub- stitutes, Cotter and Russell, Close Call For Saints The night-cap, or as some of the City League fans call it, "The Mid- night Frolic" brought forth a real battle, with the Daily Times, fight- ing back and managing to tie up the ame in the third period, but they were unable to withstand the last charge of the Saints. Clary who rang in two markers for St. George's and Hubbell who had a like number for the Printers, were a tower of strength to their respective outfits. Rorabeck provided a garrison fin- ish when he duplicated his feat of | Gal another night, and scored the goal that put the Newsies on an equal footing with their opponents, He played an aggressive game right through, and certainly deserved at PRIVATE-- --PARTIES Arrangements can be made at the office of the Oshawa Winter Gardens for the of Private or Jogos of rival Every Convenience at Moderate A Charges E. O. McCROHAN Manager ------------ THE GAME YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR FRIDAY, O.H.A.--HOCKEY--O,H.A. UNIOR) BOWMANVILLE vs OSHAWA ) FEB. 3rd ot 815 pam. pt THE OSHAWA HOCKEY RIN Here is the season's best--Both teams need this be a red-hot battle--BE ON HAND Y. K so it will evening's work The Daily Times--Goal, Dunstall; right defence, Rorabeck; left de- fence, Newnham; centre, Hubbell; right wing, Love; left wing, Authers; substitutes, Fletcher, 0.H.A. Bulletin Peterboro juniors have defaulied their remaiiung games in Group No. 3. Bowmanville juniors have two games to play at Oshawa, February J and the latter fixture being postponed" from January 9, The Bowmanville at Oshawa in- termediate game, scheduled for Feb. 8. has been cancelled, To break the tie for second place in intermediate group No. 6, George- town will replay the tie game of Jan. 19 at Eloro Friday, Feb, J, with A, Mollenhauer of 'l'oronto as ref- eree. The winning team plays Guelph for group honors, New Hamburg goes back to Tavi- stock tonight to replay the tie game of Jan, 30 in the intermediate series, and if Tavistock wins that team will play Stratford for the group title, at Stratford, Saturday, Feb, 4, and at Tavistock Monday, t'eb, 6. If New Hamburg wins tomght, Stratford and New Hamburg will be tied. for second place, and the teams will play a sudden death game at [lavi- stock, Friday, Feb. 3, to decide which team shall play Tavistock for group honors, If Woodstock defeats London Battery tonight, there will be a tie for second place in intermediate uroup No, 11 between the Battery and Ingersoll, and the teams will play a sudden death game at Wood- stock, Friday, Feb, 3, the winner meeting Woodstock, Monday and Wednesday, Feb. 6 and 8, with Woodstock having choice of games, It London wins tonight the group finals will likely be played Friday and Monday, Chatham, Alvinston or Glencoe will miecet Windsor in the second round of the intermediate series, likely Monday and Wednesday oi next week, Clubs are asked to watch the O. H.A. daily bulletin and govern themn- selves accordingly. J Stratford and Clinton juniors are tied in section "B" of Group No. 10, and will play off, either home and home games Thursday, February 2 and Monday, February 6, or a sud- den death game at Stratford, Mon- day, February 6, The winning team will meet Kitchener or Preston, Wednesday, February 8 and Friday, February 10, Changes in, and additions to, the referee appointments for tonight are as follows: Intermediate Series New Hamburg at Tavistock-- Jack Hemphill, Waterloo, Junior Series Galt at Guelph--Local referee. Markham at Stouffyille--D, A. Lowry, Toronto. Oshawa at Peterboro--Game is cancelled, Referees appointed for Thursiay's games are as follows: Intermedate Series Brantford at Port Colborn¢--Ernic Parkes, Toronto, Lakefield at Havelock (at Peter- boro)--Nip Dwan, Toronto, Port Hope at Oshawa--Stan Bur- goyne, Toronto. Galt at Kitchener-- W, Easson, Stratford. , Stayner at Meaford--Lou Walk- er, Toronto, Junior Series Brantford at Paris--A. R. Oliver, i Markham and Stouffville are tied in junior Group No, B section, and are playing off tonight at Stoufi- ville, with the return game at Mark- ham, Monday, February 3. The win- ping team plays Lindsay, llonday and Wednesday of mext week. FITTINGS UNBEATEN IN GROUP A; TWO The teams fighting it out for The Daily Times Trophy in the City League are approaching the zero hour, with Fittings well in the lead in Group A, their record showing five wins, with no defeats for 10 St. George's are in second Fittings St. George's - vem 38 Times team's goals. Ted St. Andrew's outstanding player. * TIED IN GROUP B| SPOR1 SNAPSHO1S Port Hope have one last chance to avenge themselves. at the ex- pense of the Oshawa Intermediates and it comes Thursday night when they engage the locals at Barmhart's Arena. A goodly number of Port Hope enthusiasts are expected down to see their favorite sons endeavour to redeem themselves. The juniors meet Bowmanville the follow: night, and one of the best crowds of the season should be on hand at what is expected to be about the best tussle this group has had this season. The Grads have embarked at Antwerp, Europe, and are now lim- bering up in preparation for the forthcoming Olympic games. A de- spatch yesterday states that the German team is likely to provide the most serious competition for the Grads. The German representatives defeated the Paris Canadians two days ago, 6-0, and according to re- ports showed 'exceptionally good form. , Could it be possible that with 'many of the European countries taking to hockey, that the hockey play- ers of tomorrow will be produc | on the other side of the Atlantic? Any who have seen the Grad: perform lowever, think that (hat day will be delayed when the Continent will produce a team that can capture the Olympic championship, for «. least one year. Ross Taylor was said to have circled the ship 24 times daily for training purposes. We hope that this habit will not have any effect on his hocke: tactics. The Intermediate group title is almost certain to come to Oshawa after Monday evening's contest, in whicli the local intermediates de- feated Port Hope. Oshawa are not entirely gut of the woods yet; if Bowmanville can beat them in their one remaining contest with that team, and Port Hope captures their remaining games, Port Hope would go into a tie with Sammy Lowe's:gang, With past contests as a criter- ton, this feat does not seem possible but anything may happen in hoc- key, it is like horse-racing in that respect, at any rate. If the locals continue to show the form that characterized their play in all depart- ments at Port Hope, it will take a real championship aggregation to stop their march. They have developed a polished style that is a treat to watch, The forwards always break together, both Johnson and Chartrand are dangerous attackers from the defence, and they are well fortified in reserve material, with Conlin and Joyce who both shone at Port Hope, with Joyce as effective as any player performing. . One of the best james of the season will be played at Oshawa on Friday night, when Howmanville will endeavour to beard the "Sham- rocks" in their own den. Bowmanville can sew the group up, if they take a fall out of the juniors, and with the leadershig of the group at stake, some real, fast, aggressive hockey should hiv. 8 FALLS 2, DETROTI 1 | Hockey Records good indication of N. H. L. STANDINGS play, The standings of the clubs in the two groups of the National Hockey League, including last night's games, are as follows Canadian win, throughout, Group £.W.T.L. Pis 18 4 4 40|stif body jolts, fans witnessed Canadiens Ottawa Maple Leafs N.Y. Americans ..,.26 the tilt the final count. Niagara Falls, Jan. 381, -- The Falls won a clean-cut Canpro vie- tory from Detroit Olympics here tonight, , The score of 2 to 1 is a nat the evening's e homesters having just about enough edge to warrant a ; Play was fast and clean though the bumpers of both teams went as far as the law would allow in handin ogut Two thousand and all went away pleased, especially with NEW MARTIN FANS ~THEATRE- "S/R PIRATES TAKE FALL OUT OF CANADIENS Montreal, Que, Jan, 31.--Odie Cleghorn's peppery Pittsburg Pir- ates scored a 2 to 1 victory over Canadiens in one of the most ex- citing National Hockey League matches of the local season at the Forum tonight. Out of the battle emerged one outstanding hero, the diminutive Roy Worters, Pirate goalie. Practically single-handed this wizard of the nets turned back the numerous onslaughts staged on his net by the red-shirted Habilants. The Canucks had a wide margm in territorial play almost throughout, but their distinct advantage failed to net them more than one connzer, such was the calibre of Worter's work between the posts. STRATFORD TIED FOR FIRST Stratford, Jan. 31---Defeating Hamilton Tigers 4-2, tonight, for the second time within a week, De- troit and Kitchener were losing, the Stratford Nationals made 1t a three-cornered tie for first position in the Canadian League, The game tonight in many in-| stances was one of the most inter- esting of the season, scrappy from start to finish, with the Nationals leading by a wide margin in the inj- tial period when they scored three tiems. The Tigers made a healthy spurt in the second spasm, drove in two goals and gave the fans many a heart throb as they kept poking the rubber at Dolson. The Stratford net-guerdian, however, rose to the occasion and played brilliantly. DAY RUN The Shellt Sound of the Police Whistle and the Shalek of the Five Alarm Siren - Signal HUGHIE JENNINGS DEAD Hughie Jennings passed away at 1.15 o'clock this morning at Scran- ton, Pa. Mr. Jennings was one of the foremost figures in America's greatest outdoor game. For. three years in succession he led the De- troit Tigers to pennants and later became assistant to John C. Me- Graw of the New York Giants. He was for years a member of the fa- mous Baltimore Orioles. Mr, Jen- nings was stricken seriously ill last Friday and his condition hecame grave on Sunday with little hope of his recovery. He put up a game battle, but shortly after midnight Also-- Lloyd Hamilton Comedy 6th Episode YIGER'S TRAIL Charlie Chaplin in "Work" rapidly. At 1.15 the famous figure of baseball passed to his reward He was 59 years old, this morning began to lose ground Additional Sport on page 13 American Rangers eT Boston Detroit Pittsburg Thursday--Montreal at Maple Leafs at Canadiens, Saturday--Detroit at Maple Leafs, Canadiens at Montreal, Rangers at Pittsburg, Sunday--Chicago at Americans. CANPRO STANDINGS The standing of the clubs in the Canadian Professional League is as follows ;=-- P.W.LT Pu Stratford ss0s00ee0027 15 10 32 Detroit ressssensrs 27 32 Kitchener .,,0004.,27 32 Ravinas 27 Hamilton .,, Niagara Falls e . Friday--Detroit at Ravina, Niagara Falls at Kitchener, London at Ham- ilton, Windsor at Stratford. Hockey Results Hockey games played Tuesday rec- sulted as follows: National League 4 Maple Leafs ...0 Rangers 3 Montreal ,......1 Pittsburg ......2 Canadiens , 2 Americans ,...,l Canadian League Stratford ......4 Hamilton , Ravinas ,.,....,2 Kitchener Niagara Falls .2 Detroit , Intermediate OHA. ---- a ----------------- STARTLING VALUES in ERE are practically all models of cars, including the moet popular makes. You will find the recent sport models-- ni Lakefield 3 Havelock Newmarket ....2 Bolton Palmerston ....4 Dugham . Junior 0. H. A. 6 Brantford tourings--coupes----and the coaches and sedans so much in de- mand as family cars, Study the cars--note their fine appear. ance--realize their condition and you will be amazed at the INEERERN} BURKING 2% QUESTION y That we will start and fin- ish 1928 with Mallett's ~ «NY \ ' For this special selling all the Used Cars on our floor Fave Been reduced to far below current market prices, creating a unique opportunity for those who are considering 8 Good Used Car, Look at the models listed here and remember that they are buf a few of many equal'y remarkable values to be found st the 1026 sport on want a $43 model unk B asses sserrrancenss ) OTOR SALES Limited wWHYITBY 408

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