Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Feb 1928, p. 6

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§ Sunday, ZION : Zion, Jun. 30.--Friends here 'were pleased to see Miss Orma Flintoff, of Detroit, Mich, who has he © home on a visit to her pare' Mr, and Mra, Herb Flint- off. Mr. and Mrs, F. B, Glaspell en- On Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs, F, B, Glaspell en tertalned ay two parties this week, On Tuesday night prizes were won by Mr, and Mrs, Foster Snowden and received a game of Lost Heir and a cup and saucer and for guessing beans Miss Mary Cam- eron was highest and received a cream pitcher. On Friday night Mr, Herb Flintoff veceived a pretty handkerchief and Mrs. A, Stin- ton a pretty aluminum sauce pan and Mrs, Herb, Flintoff guessed the closest to the bean bottle, there being over 2400 in a long necked bottle, and she guessed to within 27 of the ocrrect amount and ve- ceived an aluminum basin, Mr, and Mrs, Jesse Arnott, Mr, and Mrs, J. W, Balson attended 4 party given by Mr, and Mrs Jas, Short, of Courtice, on Wed- nesday night and all had a splend- id time, Mrs, Arnot winning & fancy towel, The farmers were very pleased to have the fall of snow which came last week, It will help the fall wheat and new seeds consid- erable, which has suffered severly trom the mild weather and high winds, Mr, W. J, McMaster has pu- chased some high priced dairy cows, Mr, A. T. Stainton has engaged were guests of Dr, and Mrs, C. W. Slemon, of Bowmanville, on Saturday, Mrs, W, J, McMaster and Miss Annie have been visiting in To- ronto the past week, Mr. A. T, Staiton bas engaged Walter Vivian for next summer, Robert Killen and family ex- pects tor move to Oshawa in the near future, Doe Spry is spending a few days with Foster Snowden, February 14th, Valentine Day, the Ladies' Aid are holding =» social evening and a parcel post when each lady or young woman or girl will be welcome to bring a- long a parcel for sale. Mark the price on the outside, and also pro- vide some lunch. A fish pond will be for the children, nothing over 10¢ for them. A splendid program is being prepared. No admission. A good time is expected, Come around, near eight o'clock. Enpiskillen, Jan. 31.--The re- cent heavy fall of snow is our im real snow storm this winter. It has proven beneficial ss the farmers are now especially busy irawing wood, Roads were closed to car fic for a day or two but are in getting opened up. The " Secugog road open back to Blac k. We will loap you monies op your motor car, or if you cap Dot meet your present psyments we will pay off the cisims and repew your payments for apy term mp to twelve months and insure your car. See Swanson, Ger men & McEenzle, 8 King 'street east. Phone 9490. 'Suburban and District News 5 2 id Ph is pind il fifesas 1.8 i if i 7 rogram, every item of which was » entertaining Hy to be worthy of ton and family of Hampton, with Mr. Aylmer Beech, provided mu- sic and were encored again and again, Wm. Moore gave a reading entitled "Troubles," a humorous description of a farmerette's ex- periences on a "Western farm. Songs were sung by Messrs, T, M. Slemon, H, Stevens and BM, Cook, H. Stevens especially, pleased by singing 'Nothing's too Good for the Irish."; T, A. Wer- ry delighted with a recitation, "When the Women Folks Go Away;" Messrs Dr, W, Ferguson, Wm, Smith, W. J, Stainton, Rus- sell Gilbert and Thos, MeGill called forth rounds of laughter with their witty stories and rid- dles, The party wound up by com- munity singing, and crockinole fol- lowed by lunch, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Feb, 1.---Mr, Thos. Douglas, Indian Head, Sask., who has been visiting his parents here and his sister and family in Toronto, returned home last week, Mrs. 'W, J, Bell, (formerly Miss Alfreda Stapleton), accompanied by her little son and mother-in. law, Mrs. M, A, Bell, of Antler, Sask., arrived at her father's Mr, Thos, Stapleton's around the New Year and are planning to Jeave for their home soon, Among those present at Mr. Howard Pearce's coming of age party on Friday evening, Jan, 20, were Mr, and Mrs, Russell Col- will and children, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Williams and Miss Flor- ence Walkington of Toronto, and Mrs, 8. Sculthorpe of Port Hope. About thirty young people of the neighbourhood were also present to complimen; him on attaining his majority, Miss Ethel Lockhart, secretary of the library board, bas been carrying on the duties of librarian in the Memorial Library during the absence on holidays of the regular librarian, Miss Cors But- ler, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowe, Church street, on the arrival of a little daughter, mo- ther and babe are both doing well. Successful and e ble house parties were held week at the homes of Dr, snd Mrs. J. A. Butler and Mrs, W. I and Miss Ethel Lockbart. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beebe, Orono, visited st W. A. Adam's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, of Tyrone, visited with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Lake, Miss E. M. Holmes for seversl years teacher and principal of one of Oshawa's public schools has gone to visit friends in Californias. Mr. James McMinn recently re- turned from Scotland, visited bis cousin, Mrs. John Hendry on Bune dey. . Mr. John Bonathas who been very ill in 'Toronto diphtheria is expected home this week. He will require some time regain his health snd strength iE CHEVROLET OWNERS Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Factory aa special mention, Mr. Herb Stain- been fast the be the Me tine acy | 16 "com to Hampton o's [4 mone lar 0 ie bah | Hoaneser folk: rs ii £55: wi ing furry in its claws. He something kept on following % snd at last had the satisfac of drop. t_with one shot. As it ropped there fell from its pow erful talons a very nice mink, Will skinned the mink and al- though the skin was somewhat damaged he received $8.00 for it from a fur dealer, The dealer es- timated that if the skin had not ynetured in places it would have mn worth $15.00, The owl, Will says had a strong odor of skunk, as many of these birds have when caught or shot, for it is a well known fact that the great horned owl! wages determined Yarlare upon this smelly ure, crea- SOLINA | Solina, Jan, 30.~Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle with Mrs, Jane Me Kensle, Columbus, Mr, and Mrs. John Wonnacott were called by telegram to their daughter's home in Lambeth, Miss Kathleep Conlin, Kedron, 1 holidaying with Miss Nora Rob. ns, Epworth league Monday night was a decided success, President Chas. Shortridge opened by an- nouncing the hymn and extend- ing a hearty welcome to some sixty leaguers from Hampton, Mr, H, Salter presided, very ably an- nouncing the following program: Mr, Laverne Clemens taking the devotional exercises, Miss Helen Virtue well rendered a patritolc selection, Trio by Mrs. Peters, | Mrs, Wilbur and Miss M., Horn. Mr, Wallace Horn, violin solo and dience with her pleasing know- ledge of books to read. Instrument- al duet by Mrs. Bick and Miss Campbell, A humorous reading by Miss Ruth Johns and singing of a hymn concluded a splendid program. A social half hour with light refreshments concluded » grand winter's evening, Mr. Richard Wright, London, Ont,, spent the week end with his brother, Sidney, at J. Baker's, Thursday is Condelmas day. Half your pork and half your hay, throw half the candle away, A good time for farmers to do a little stock trading to determine when necessary to ease up a bit on mows and bins, . Sorry to repory Mrs. Wm. Wes} § lake still confined to bed. ® | hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Norval Wotten is doing Realy st Toronto General Hospit- sl, HAMPTON Hampton, Jen. $1.--The Young People's Lesgue on Friday evep- ing was in charge of the fourth vice president's group, Mr. Harry Cowling, fourth vice president, presiding. After the opening ex- ercises the president, Mr. Harold Salter, led in the business discus- Miss Lulu gave 8 very interesting and ul talk op "What Shall We Resd in 1928" emphasizing the Importance choosing good books, in that, The leadership of our Service is based op merit. Prompt, efficient and courteous. See for yourself. Fortory Trained Employees at Write Call Today Phone 900 Saturday, outfit at work for the farmers. on Wednesday attendin eral of the late Lieut,-Col. A. G. Hederson, ed the young people of Claremont to present their play, "The Quest of India," here on Friday night of this week, when a profitable time is looked forward to by all, have wood to haul and to all ap- pearauces every one good use of it, Saturday. day with Myrtle friends, encore, Mrs, Bick handled the | Miss Ethel Stuttford was much tople, "Winter Reading," in ex- | enjoyed. cellent style. Male quartette, Hoiwy w. Born, bi Salter, W, THORNTON'S R ur, and Lew Cryderman fur-" CO NERS nished two pleasing numbers, Miss Sadie Virtue captivated the auy- Thornton's Corners, Jan. $1. y ood sleigbing brought Mr. Chas. Butcher fs engaged |®/%- The good sle many out, All who came were with Isaac Hardy, welcome back. |. i100 to "hesr Miss Verns death occurred of Eva Mabel Pat- - | now as the severe Msg Jun, Tog Me. wil opkine a few days o in the eastern part of the ce, buying up a shipment of dairy cattle Ww he will sell trom his stable Mr. Jack Tarvis who has been undergoing treatment for the past six weeks in St, Michael's Hospl~ tal, Toronto, has returned to his home here and is much improved in health. Mr; George Lynde 1s making his annual rounds selling fresh fish, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Mole of Myrtle visited at Mr, Edward Ashe ton's last week, Mesars. Erle Batty and Innes Grang sold some fine young cattle to Mr, Oliver Denny of Whitby on Mr. Walt Lynde has his tractor threshing clover Mr, Will Brash was in Toronto the fun. The Women's Guild have invit- leasant and The good sleighing of late has been a great boon to those who is making Mr. George Holiday was on a business trip to Little Britain on Mr, Harold Ballard spent Bun- Rev, W. B, Mitchell's discourses on Sunday were very lospiring. The solo at the morning service by Ten below zero Mondsy morning and with prospects of still colder weather after the recent storm which has made the best of sleigh- ing, especially for the farmers who are drawing hay and wood to market, and also for 'the parties who very much appreciate sleigh- ing for cold weather, The attendance at Sunday School last Sunday was seventy- Mackie of Brooklins, give a pleas ing solo to the school. Miss Mackie was sccompanied on the plano by Miss Louise Luke. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson were visitors last Sunday with frieds in nmi WR, After s brief fliness with pneu- monis in Oshawa hospital, the terson, age 21, wife of Mr, Rich~ ard Wallsce Luke of this vicinity, Particularly sad is their case, as she was a bride of only » few weeks. We extend our sympathy to all the bereaved ones. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Frances and Frederic were visl- tors last Sunday with friends is Courtice, We were all pleased to see the road for walking. Sleighing sn motoring is also made easier, Next Sidnday, February 65, be- ing Missionary Sunday, we should be pleased to see 25 Maby 85 cD come out to Sunday Bebool. The work on the bridge nesr Ross's Corners is very slow just cold weather makes it bard to handle the co- ment. A robin was seen last week af- ter the snow storm, around from lmb to sign of around all winter? PORT PERRY 30.~Mrs. bopping Nmb on 8 Port Perry, Coliscutt snd mn iii i : HH i i the lodge : for the Ae A Sor + Grad, Bro. W friends - FE Mise Marshall : v.G., i, sil id gif id Hf i ---------------------- On Men's-- | Overcoats | Suits | | Underwear Shirts Coat sweaters 'Scarfs Dressing Gowns House Coats £38) 4 se | | hadi Cawker: R.8.8, D. Harrison; Lh he Aid of the Univ | LES. Re Plum, AL the close of i - Church held a supper and . ng ments were i" . ra ae on Monday sith whisk wea vary | *orved followed v7 a svete rir. | Requires no skill to serve wuch appreciated. A little disap. On Thursday evening, Jan, 36th, t : y fries a Sate | Inrtchui lel GN | | JUST Warm in oven, add hot milk " ann ! : of 'Beaverton, who wes to have [party, abou; wirisiwe members| ANA del g the whole family bn a, wi Tene ARI | o MADE AT N# , but on evening was spent fin ng whale, ev ing was and a [games, after which there was the A N AR ARA FANG. mont enjoyable even wee Natentation of wake of Spin apent, wers tothe retirin negent, | sketch of the Life of Shakespeare. | Sam Master, ~ Velowin the Miss May Cockburn of Toronto, | Me. A. H. Rose, who hae held |The next number on the program | Shakespeare scene, Miss are "8 was home over the week end. that officer for. two years. Re: |wag the most impartant, ng |Cawker and Miss Helen Willard, ... Mr. Ross h of Toronto, |freshments were then served af- (the "Trial Scene' fram the "Mer [in costume, sang "Hark, Hark, . was in town on Friday night, ter which the guests departed | chant of Venice." This was an |Hear the Lark Cymbeline." ,. and Mrs, A. J. Carnegie |feeling that they had had & most nounced by a resume of the play | The Glee Club fon was "Let and daughter, Miss Louise Carn. | enjoyable evening. by the herald, Miss Frances {the Res; of the World Go By." .. le. have gone to 8t, Petersburg, | A meeting of the Port [Perry {Chelsty.~ The following took part: | Mrs, Farmer, the critic appointed -.. orida. High School Literary society was |The Duke, Miss Jean 8witsr;|for the meeting then spoke. She Mr. 8 Vermeer attended a [held on Jan, 20th, Miss Dorothy |Shyleck, Miss Doidthea . Nasmith; |38ld she considered the program Trustees' Association meeting in | Davey opened the meeting with a | Antonio, Alex Walker; :Bassapio, | had been' very iy presented. 8t. Thomas last week. {ano solo, this was followed by | Edwin Mitchell; Beltzagure (Por-| Meeting closed with the singing A meeting was held on Tuesday | business discussions. Mies Plor- | tia), Miss Helen Vickery; Her | God Save the King, night when Warriner Lodge, |ence McMillan and Mr. W, McMil- | Clerk, (Nerissa), Miss Iney Fra- No, 75, 1.0.0.F,, was visited by |lan then sang & duet, after which | lick; Lorenzo, Willian Grant} Sweden has a slortage of skille jis District Deputy Bro. Keele and 'Miss Annie Farmer §&Ve a short | The Guards, Ivan Wallace and 'el labor. 1 -- n---------- a. . ' AAAEFERT ¥ i i} ' 1d ' ' 1] ' ' ' ' I. ' ' ' ' ¥ ' ' 'o Aha ath bh eat LEE LTTE EE TE = ga RE AV

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