Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Feb 1928, p. 5

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aba the city and ia lat Mountain Grove. ~--Measrs. Patierson of Muskoka attended the funeral of their sise ter, Eva, Mrs. R.:Luke, a bride of three weeks, whose funeral was held on Monday. ~--Mrsa, J, P. Owens entertained at her home on Russell Hill road yesterday afternoon, receiving the guest at the door of the drawing room, gowned' becomingly in flat, erepe of hydrangea blue, with sil- ver beaded / flounce over pink, necklace of brilllants and silver, slippers.', Mrs, Kenneth Owens, her daughter-in-law, who received with Mrs. Owens, was lovely in a beige and white crepe frock, the upper part: brocaded in gold and the skirt : finished with velvet in, two tones, her shoes were of beige suede and ghe. wore a pear neck- lace, The tea table was beauti- fully arranged with red roses and glpsophila with red candle in sil» ver candle sticks, Mrs, J. J. Mc- Laughlin of thls city poured tea; and Mrs, B. R. McLaughlin, also of this city, assisted with the serv- ing, Those from Oshawa who were present were: Mrs, Rgbert McLoughlin Mre,! W. R. port his home in --_ --_-- This duct Is fairly ebvioes, 'Tis worry, Sir, that kills, If from your life you'd banish care |] ' HE NATIONS LAXATIVE Jury & Lovell King St E. Simcoe St. S, v | Wilson, Frank Chappell, Mrs. G. D, Mrs. Fred 'Grierson, Mrs. Charles Miss Ruth Jones, Miss MacWilllams, Mrs, On Friday evening a number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs, N. Holmes and presented - Miss Edna Helmes, 'bride-to-be with a miscel- , Mrs, Eary' Smith read the fi add ress: Miss Edna Holmes, = { half 'of this assembled gath- of your' friends 300 acquaint. ances we have met in your home to do honor to you before your mariage which we understand i to take place in the near futute'and we t only wish to extend ur very best wish for a very prosperous fut re for you in your intended venture, | (But alsg hépe you will receive these gifts we are showering npon you as a token of respect in which you are held by us so that in years to come you may look back at this gathering with muany happy memories and again' we wish to ay we all wish you and your intended the best that Hg who is the guide and giver of all' good things may bestow upoun laneons, sho you, * On behalf of the gahtering we are Respectfull yours, The bride-to-be then opened the many parcels assisted by aliss Olive Keller, After thanking everyone for the lovely gifts a dainty luncheon was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in cards and dancing. TOYS THAT AMUSE |" MISCHIEVOUS DOG This is a catty story. But your dog is interested and so are you. Has your mischievous pup being worrying your long-sugering cat? and has the cat retorted with un- earthly music? During the scuffle the furniture received some hard treatment, no doubt, But that need not happen again. A black cat, made of hard, resilient rub- ber, can answer the purpose, The meow that she utters is all in con- formity with the treatment she receives, while the green eyes speak with a sinister and mean- ingful silence, And there's a dog biscuit that doesn't wear with eating. In con- tour and color it looks exactly like "the biscuit for which dogs sigh. This kind he can eat in the pres, ence of company and yet not have to be cautioned to eat gracefully and carefully lest he spoil the par- lor rug. The tough rubber will not even have a dent after hours of | hard usage. i it i { 1] EEE, hr of ot dd 5 : Have you heard the Orthophonic Victrola? Oshawa and District IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1928, EBENEZER LEAGUE Fine Program at Simcoe St. Young People's Regular + Regular Meeting 'A most enjoyable evening was held at the Simcoe United Churg Monday, - when the Young People's League from Ebenezer pail a wel- come Visiy The hymn "The Way of the Cross" opened he evening program. Mr. Anderson, the president of the Sim- coe. United League, gave a short ad- dress of weleome to the visitors. He then introduced Miss Osborne, presi- dent of the took charge of the evening program Ebenezer League. ; The evening: program was divided into two parts. Miss:'Arnold, ©f the Chistian Fel- lowship Department, who had charge of the first half-lof the program, in- troduced Miss Annis, who gave a very interesting devotional address on "The Placé of Pleasure." Another very 'juspiring talk on "What 'Shall=F do to Inhert Eternal Life" wasogiven by Mr. Stainton. Mr, Stainton impressed. his listeners with variqus statements one of which was that our 'standard of living should be that of Jesus and not what others do. Miss Frances Hancock and Miss Hazel Rundle favoured the evening program hy a duet. The second part of the evening program, the Adult.Group, was con- ducted by Mr. Kenneth Courtice who introduced. several novel numbers, During this period a piano solo, min- uet in G Minor, was played by Miss Rundle, A comic song by Mrs, Cour- tice was emjoyed 'by all. Another | very popular number on the pro- | gram was a recitation given by Mrs. Archie Pierce, .the title being "The Messenger," Mrs, Pierce was great- ly applauded and gave an encore just as clever as the first, One could not help but feel the great responsibility on oneself as to their loyality to 'Canada after the address given by Miss: Osborne who spoke on Camadian Citizenship. The program ended with a very splendid duet by 'Miss Annis and Mr, Walters, The piano accompaniments for the evening were played by Miss Annis and Miss Hazel Rundle, After the program arn hour er so was spent in games after which re- frsehments were served, The meet- ing closed with the hyn, "God Be| With You: Till' We Meet Again," which was followed by prayer from Dr. Dougall, : Four Cases Adjonenéd 7 : Two cases -of non-fayment of wages, and two of common assault, to come up. at the Polics Court this morning, were adjournéd until next Wednesday, pt 10 o'clock, James Kelly is to appear -t6 answer two charges of non-paymént of wages; Henry Wybo and. Henry Block are charged with assault, - ~ PLEASING CONCERT AT WESTMOUNT SCHOOL A very pleasing and' successful concert was held Jast evening at the Westmount school under the au- spices of Miss Lear, principal, with the assistance of the teaching staff. Mrs. Jack Smith and Mise Bingham rendered twp- very delightful piano duets. Mr. Hamilton gave two splendid solos, Migs Muriel Haines, winner of the medal contest held at the King street church on Jan- Leah Garrow sang two very much appreciated solos. Mrs. McFarlane was heatily applauded tor her num- bers on the violin, Mrs. Jack | | will pay you to step in and hear the marvellous tope of this wonderful instrument. A demonstration gladly given. SOLD ONLY IN OSHAWA BY D.:J. BROWN ES 10 King Street West THE JEWELLER Smith contributed a solo and Miss | Dorothy Hainer favored the gather- ! ng with two readings. Mr. Jack "nith sang two solos. : Weddings ARE ENTERTAINED) uary 12, gave two readings." Miss | oy -- $e " . ah Ebenezer League, who vy which was conducted entirely by the | $%d&X » NUT-KRUST BAKERY Phone 2500--Oshawa _ COMPLETE PLANS FOR VISIT TO CHRISTIE STREET HOSPITAL The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Ca- nadian Legion, Post 43, held a short meeting last evening and made the final arrangements for their visit to the Christie street hospital on February 4, They also appointed canvassers who will call on the different people and mers chants who are interested, to col. lected the donations of the money or cigarettes for the 'boys', Af- ter the meeting a social time was spent, and Miss Ada Allen presided at the plano during the community sing-song. Miss Alice Buckley fa- vored the gathering with a piano golo, also, and the ladies enjoyed dancing. A fish and chip supper was served under the convenorsuip of Mrs. T. Dalby assisted by Mrs, A. Buckley, Mrs. W, K. Cullings, Mrs. L. Kellar, Mrs. R. Armitage and Mrs. E, Foote. DEATH OF FLORENA MCCAR-. THY WILL BE PROBED BY PO- LICE Port Arthur, Jan. 31.--Empanel- led by Coroner Dr, C. N. Laurie, a jury last night viewed the body of Florena McCarthy, found dead yesterday morning in a parked 'au- tomobile on North Allgoma Street, near the district jail. The jury took no evidence, the inquest being adjourned for a week to allow the police to complete an investigation, Joseph Boland, who accompanied Miss McCarthy on an automobile ride the night previous to her death, and who was taken in charge by the police, is still in cus- tody and will be held pending tne inquest, For Cool Days The smart windbreaker pictured , here is 8 comfortable and easily | fashioned style. The lower edge is ) gathered to a2 wide band and the ' collar may be worn open or buttoned | BARRONS---MOORE \ quiet wedding was solemnized t be Knox church manse on Tues- ay January 31, when Lilian Leti- 'a, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John James Moore, of Keene, Ontario, wi me the bride of Mr. Demin » rons, of Havelock, Ontario, The 'oung couple were attended, and | tev. R. C. Reeves conducted the eremony. Miss Moore was former- y on the staff of the Mary street chool which position she held for pe year. After a short visit to he bride's home in Keene, Mr. and Ars. Barrons will take up their residence mear Pittsburg. GIRLS' NECKS ARE CLOSELY OBSERVED Denver, Jan. 31.--Hugdr eds of the town's eligible youths glanced critic- reason. "If a girl's mose is white, her punk, her lips red and her ili ton, of Lowell, Vt, in a sermon. "Select a girl who isn't afraid to ise a family instead of 0 hauls about 2a Pekinese on "Don't marry a man. to reform snugly at the nesk. There are two nseful patch-pockets with laps snd | the long sleeves are gathered to | wrist-bands. No. 1674 is in sizes 6,8 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 10 requires 2% yards 27-inch, or 1% yards 36-inch material. (Price 20 cente the pattern.) The secret of distinctive dress lies in good taste rather than a lavish expenditure. of money. Every wo- man should want to make her own clothes, and the home dressmaker will find the designs illustrated in our new Fashion Book to be prac tical and simple, yet maintaining the spirit of the mode of the woment. Price of the book 1v vonts Enclosed find .... cents. Please send patterns listed be- GENERAL INDUSTRIAL STRIKE EFFECTIVE IN SPANISH CITIES Barcelona, Spain, Jan, 31.---la- borers in the shops and factories «f this city went on strike today in protest against a tax imposed on the salaries of the textile workers, Later the strike spread through the cities of Sabadell and Tarrasa, two of the biggest industrial centres in the Province. When the children Tumble in from school, And want a bite, It means They need a pick-me-up, Something That will give them That 8 o'clock in the morning feeling. There's nothing Can do it Quite so well As Oven-kist Sodas Broken into good rich ~ milk, They have that satisfying flavour : That keeps children con- tented Till Supper-time, low: Town Pro » srmssssapssprsnns Price, 20 cents stamps or coin. Wmp cols arefully, ses porns ssmssasssnsn It's an impossible task" - al MECORMICK'S Oven~kist JERSEY CREAM SODAS CANADA BISCUIT COMPANY Loader Mancer Menerss! Wiest NEWLY ORGANIZED 'KINSNEN'S CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Hae Already a Membership of Nearly Thirty--Much Enthusiasm YOUNG BUSINESS MEN Dr. L. Hubbell is Chosen President--To Visit Toronto Club Although only organized duri the past few days the Kinsmen's Club of this city has already a member: ship of nearly thirty and indica- tions point to steady and rapid growth, With principles somewhat along the same lines as the Rotary Club this organization promises to be not only a popular one but one of service. It is already in operation showing thc enterprising: spirit of the members and officials in lending to support to what will probably be one of Oshawa's leading organiza- tions among the newer fraternal bodies introduced here. At a largely attended mecting last evening a list of efficient of- ficers were chosen with Dr, L, Hub- bell, as president, Dr, H. Trick; are: vice-president, Dr. H. Trick; secretary, I. V. Evans; registrar, T. I. Wilson; treasurer, I. Bruton; directors, R, Storks, A. Mitchell and N. Mallett; attendance and catering, K. Donevan; classification and mem- bership, E. Bruton; good will, A. J. Parkhill; Interclub, Dr. H. Trick; music and program, L. E, Osier; pub- lic affairs, T. L. Wilson; sports, C. Houck; social, A, Mitchell; service, Dr. H, Trick; transportation, R. Storks, Tomorrow evening a number of members of the local branch will visit the Toronto club while within the next two weeks Toronto mem- bers will visit Oshawa and put on an evening's program. In other words the Oshawa members will be guests of the Toronto Club right here in Oshawa, The Kinsmen's Club which is spreading rapidly from coast to coast in Canada in reality arose from the Great War, It was founded by a re- turned man who after the armistice found himself alone in the world wandering about in search of friend- ship. It was this spirit which in- spired him to realize the need for such an organization, It is a young business man's orgaization and is particularly strong in Western Can- ada, The age limit is from 21 to 40. SENATORS WIN FROM LEAFS 4-0 AT OTTAWA Ottawa, Jan, 31.--Ottawa Sena- tors showed real championship form to blank Toronto Maple Leafs 4 to 0 in a National Hockey League thriller here tonight, While the winpers had their op- ponents completely out-played throughout, the gallery of some 8,600 were treated to a real bat- tle by the dogged resistance of Connfe Smythe's clan. The win dropped Toronto into third place in the international division 'of the circuit. The Senators jumped into the lead in the initial period on a goal by Hec. Kilres, and Alex, Smith lengthened the advantage with a tally after going the length of the ice alone In e second frame. "Irish" Finn put the game "on ice" a pair of goals In the closing stanza, It was a disastrous game for the Leafs, Art Dunean receiving s splig rib in a bumping fracas in the opening period, while "Ace" Bailey went out with a bad gash over the eye in the second frame. Keeling and "Happy'"' Day turned in stellar performance for the los- ers. Rangers Nearing Goal Stanley Cup Games Madison Square Garden, Jan, 31. --The New York Rangers drew nesrer to the delirious hour when they will enter the Stanley Cup play-ofis tonight by disposing of a tough opposition team, the Mont- real Maroons, who are clamoring at the doors of the Canadian sec- tion of the National Hockey League, They blew the invading hosts of Stewart, Smith and Sel- bert, three of the mightiest of the rushing horde from the morth all over the fee' in 3 dynamic charge right at the opening of their game and collected a victory by a score of three to one. GENEVA CHOSEN AS SCENE FOR EDUCATION CONFERENCE Columbia, Mo. Jan, 31. -- The next World Conference of Educa- tion will be held in Geneva, Swit- erland, in the summer of 1929. Professor Charles H. Williams, Secretary of the World Federation of Teachers, of the OTTAWA 1S CONSIDERING CASE OF DORIS MACDONALD Montreal, Jan. 31--Doris McDon- ald, 21-year-old actress, under sen: tence of death, together with her husband, George McDonald, for the murder of Adelard Bouchard, La- chine taxi driver, has received word that the recommendation for merey brought in by the jury was being considered by the Minister of Jus- tice. A. LegaLlt, one of the defense counsel during the trial, has notl- fled the young woman that the Minister of Justice has begun look- ing into the case. U.B-GERMAN AMITY Ambassador from Germany, Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm von Pritiwita und Gaffron, today. President Coolidge declared that the present GRATIFIES COOLIDGE | Washington, Jan. 81. -- In ae- | cepting the credentials of the new | friendly relations betw United States and Phe iuh gg Source of particular gratication to m. "They are charged with d significance," Mr. Coolidge tol the Ambassador, "both in the light of the past 'and In contemw plation of the future and point the way to that everlasting collab oration in the paths of peace which constitute the greates hope for the futures welfare of all nae ons." For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store v8 SIMCOE 8. PHONE 389 Cash or Terms Of course, every one perspires, way nature rids the human system of one' to two pints of moisture every day. linpardonable _ Perspiration Odour readily avoided - What quality can match the beauty of a! lovely skin? And what social error can { so readily embarrass its possessor, as that subtle offence -- perspiration odour ? In this

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