Jrionda 1a Enpigeil ied ln daying In Tor- r. and Lorne MeCoy vis- tod Mr. By Norman Wood- to. a . W. J, McDonald, of Cobourg, visited Mr, and Mrs. - Mr, John Fraser motored from 1 Joh Saturday snd spent ' week end with Mr, and Mre, D, K. Fraser, Mrs. Fraser re turned to Toronto with him for 'a short visit. ; Members of the Dramatic Club 'are agitating for a play again this winter, | $ Blustery snow and some ram has made sleighing possible in this distriet. hg TYRONE Tyrone, Jan, 26.--Mr. Ross | rd, last week. A Ye . ameron has gone to £ romano, Where she has accepted 4: Jan, 26.--Mr. D. K.[& J Fraser visited his b Nr, { Fraser, at Pont , last Mr, and Mrs. T. J. T. Cole visit-| rs. A. W. Annis went to Tor- on Friday, where she will the marriage of her niece, h Dorothy McFeeters on Satur- fined ta her bed. Mrs. A. W. Annis and Miss Viola Short, 'the abnual meet- ing of Preshyterial, at Port Hope, on Thursday. : The annual thank offering, will be held on February 5th. Rev. J. H. Stainton, of Courtice United Church, will be the speaker. Weather is much colder and two days of snow has made good sleighing. Such changeable wea- ther ought to suit all tastes. SEAGRAVE sesgrave, Jan, 27. most cou mendable feature of our Sunday School services held last Sundoy morning, was the memorial se:- vice held in conjunction with the hauzing of the redecorated iabiet in memory «f the boys of our community, who paid the suprome sacrifice fighting for their Coun- a re. Bdward Virtue is stil con- sol an auction sale of farm stock implements on February 2 Mr. Foster and family will moving to thelr new home Bowmaaville. The madly friends rooms, twice winners of the South Ontario Hockey League. another brother with the Maroons has graduated to the Port Perry intermediaes and is doing well, THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Jan. 27. We are all glad to see a little sleigh ing mow, only the snow is quite thin in many places. We think it will be easier for Mr. Ssunder's to make his route with the mafl as some of the roadi ave very Washington, Jan. 27.--Threats to bar some newspaper writers from the senate press gallery were made Wednesday by Senator Hef- lin, Democrat, Alabama, in object ing to some of the accounts of in which he assailed his critics and renewed his attacks on Catholic Church and ith of New York, Obtaining recognition late in the Alabama senator fined his remarks to denials' of statements written In stories pub- referred to the writers as * and "hickory muts," Mr. Heflin denied published as- sertions In the Washington News that he had sald he would quit the Democrat party if Al Smith were nominated for president. He gave notice that he was going to ask the senate to take some ac- tion against "seme newpapermen who lle about me," if he found any more of it PERPETUAL MOTION? Geneva, Switzseerland, jan. 26.-- A "perpetually running" clock, invented by Jean Reuter, an en-' gineer of Neuchatel, is arosuing interest in Switzerland because of ita possible relation to the time- honored search for the principle of perpetual! motion. The official organ of the Swiss clockmakers says that the power for the clock comes from force furnished by variations in temperature and. at- mospheric pressure. The clock has already run several months without stopping. lished in twe Washington papers. rough. Clear cold weather is much appreciated after so mueh re' and goft waathan MSS Aun A ei oo jos and Miss Annie Wood, of Brooklin, were visitors this week with Miss Susie Stonehouse, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. French left | this week for a long trip, taking in many places during their jour- SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1928 MANITOBA LIQUOR BILL IS NOW READY - FOR THE THIRD STAGE Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 37.--With ust one section to be disposed of committee of the whole, Mani- toba's new liguor bill probably will come up for third reading Monday night. Today various clauses of the | Bill, which will permit.the open- . ing of beer parlors and a cash-and- ' carry system for hard lquars, were approved. Ig wag decided hat liquor stores and beer palors ill be allowed to remain open on days when advance pool voting in connection with elections takes place; limitations of the number of prescription forms that a phy- sician may have in a month to 50 was removed and the liquor com- mission given power to increase the number at its discretion, and a clause approved setting a 10- ounge glass as standard for beer [one of the parlors, ~ DEATH TAKES D. DREHMER an, 27.--~The death of st-known figures in farm implement trade, David Drehmer, Deere mer was 63 years of age. Bigelow, of Oshawa, Is spending try's sake during the great war, [Dey South. They intend to visit a few days at home. Miss Florence Down, of Oshawa, | mya service opened with the sing- [for many weeks in Florida and 'spent the week end with Miss Mar-| 0' or ino soldiers' favorite hymn, | Other points of interest, before ve- |} - a : garet Moore. "0 God Our Help In Ages Past, [turning howe in the Spring. We 'Miss Edith Taylor, Mr. ands aweq hy on very appropriate ad- [#11 Wish them a pleasant journey | : A Mrs, Walter Parks and Mr. John |gq.o0 be the superintendent, Mr. [88d a safe return, - Many of our residents attended d therley motored to Sutton and 1 TIN " ; Hatherley Jahn Mark. Mrs, Howard Leask the yen dents sitauged ed friends. t K : . Withee and Mrs, W. J, Bradd, of then dglighiod all with Sok Ma the farm Mr. Denny, north of Oshawa, visited her parents," MT. |vouno men of the Nelson Bible |TROTnton's" Corners. Some fine | and Mrs, Dudley, class are to be co tulated on |Milch ecaftle sold for twa hundred Mr, and Mrs, Norman Byers, of | (;q Furl Rea Wutet the dollars. We think this was very 3 Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Tal-|mapiet has been decorated. The | 800d: f pert Findlay, of Thornhill, visit-|e nowine are the names of the, We are pleased to hear that ed at Mr, BE, Virtue's, boys who gave their all: Frank |\[7# P. Lofthouse, who is in Tor- Miss Hagel Turner and Mr. and | yoperioq Ernie Laidlard, Murray | OPO hospital after a serious opera- Mrs, Russell Wright visited Mr. iyweison' * Arthur Shackleford |tion: is improving as well as can and Mrs, Melbourne White at| yo). "ger and RoWret Par |Pe expected. Froaidents {fot SO J ore Mr, and Mrs, Lional Byam and; weinesgay's blizaard was just |ROmbers : visited her parents, at . = JU8 Club, who were skating for a jor aaughters, 4 a gentle reminder that we are ous two hours on Whitby rink ln: |e tar ua real winter 18 concerned, | Ti0ay night, were all entertain The roads were temporarily block- 8 Deole Fotursins Sone a all ed for cars, hut are open again. 4 A. BIG SALE NOW. ON Mr. John McTaggart had a gang very Pleasant time Was Den! ~--at the-- of men, out as toon cs the storm |DAYinE Eames and after a dainty | ; ; 8 lunch, all agreed the evening was Domimon Clothing Co had subsided and soon had the well spent. A cake with a lucky roads open. . 08 King Bt, W. Phone 3141 Mr. John Watson suffered a pisce of siivey Ti Based 3b painful injury last week, having was fortunate enough to get the his ankle erushed by a log while plece of money was entitled to working in the bush, entertain the skating party next Dr, Wm. Moon, our veterinary time. Just who was the winner! surgeon, had the misfortune to | 4 Tuesday evening will he re loce his good driving mare last gerved for a future issue, week due to a blood vessel burst- CLAREMONT 1; : ing in her head. Who likes Our village was nearly desert- w in » red on Monday evening las when ash: 4 about a hundred of our eitizens Claremont Jan, 26---Conmgratu-. were taking in the Lindsday-Port |jajons are being extended to Mr. The answer is obvious-- and what i 3 hg I Edit. Pekey match at Port Perry. |G, Mf, Forsythe on his election to od A How times have changed from our {the warden's chair on Tuesday equally so. There is an father's time, many of whom will | 13st, "Mac" will give 8 good me: ever-growing list of To- ell ot Rover having seen a game {count of himself, yonto housewives who I ig Javorite Niner sport Mr. John B. Stewart met with : Sh " a e ful accident one day last have solved the irl:some hors grow up with a hockey stick eu age Jost the My A fin- "family wash" problem i their hands, many of whom will | ger of his left hand and had an- by sending it to this Jom. | ho_Snicrialuing us ten or fifteen | other badly lacerated by coming | dry Rd oad ve siini in contact with the cutting-box. » They have ; found | "drs. Henry Topping of Oshawa, | We are glad to note that he is ynohe our five different | bas been visiting at the home of progressing favorably. of washing services| ro hl Scott during the past two | Mr, Wm, Thompson is home af- one that exactly fits their |" AY 0 Brew ter a few days' visit in the city and particular requirement | wor 0; H. Brown of Toronto, |is very much improved in health. ad R as? business visitor here last | Miss Myrtle Thompson is home and are now happy. Re-| veer, . with an attack of mumps, but iy member--soft water, the! - Mrs. Lamb is visiting her sister | able to be out again. purest soap obtainable, | "'F; Spinks iu Blackstock. Mr. Jas. B. Maddidll, who was sinsings, no mark- | cicsed mater, COMmMUBIty pur- | confined to bed with a severe cold, » ' (chosed sixteen of the Western |ig able to he np again. ing, and each wash donc horees sold at Port Derry last | The ladies' Ald held a successful patrons quality products with every reasonable service seperately. Prices are w; ek, meeting and tea fin the United . : 3 . pleasant feature, being |, "7, amc: Dusty Intends hold- | Church on Thursday afternoon. Besides an up-to-date Dairy with the newest and best ig 0? surplus gasily less than the cost!stock and innylemonts about the | soon ta move nie the ieee, far NY ment, we expect to manufacture and sell Butter and 4 by ce Cream, ai ee Beaton's Dairy Products, Limited, announce that Lambert Bros. (Maple Leaf Dairy) ht invested their dairy interests with , 43 BEATON'S DAIR PRODUCTS LIMITED Lambert Bros wish to thank all their customers for their patronage during the past three years and trust that we will be able to serve them in a larger and better way. The new Company expects to get into their building out Yate Ist (245 King Street West, opposite Canada read), Our Aim Beaton's Dairy Products, Ltd., aim to give their Phone today. hf osmemssnin chaged the house owned by Mr, El- : ~~ 7 7==|liott of Brooklyn and will occupy it in the near future. by a score of 9 to 2. | . wa fheating of the Nbrary board 100 lbs. of milk--That is good milk! We endeavor to keep it well above the standard. Our milk is from selected herds. We endeavor to have it reach you the richest, the Fi Lined Un- x Miss Rowena Cooper has been onfinefl to bed for a few days derwesr, Gmt., 49¢ but fe are glad to note she is im- brary room with a fair atten- dance. Mrs. G. M. Forsythe was re-elected president, M. J. Miller cleanest and purest. : pra . - i : ne ~ of home methods. May | middle of ¥ebruary. Mr. Dusty |tne h recently A Try A Bottle of Our Milk and LEADER DRY GOODS w game of hockey was play- | Driver Call for Milk, Cream, Buttermilk: and Chocolate Milk Drink opr young lady explain has a large stock of choice horses, | the late Mrs. Palmer. We wel- i [J he, Watch the Cream Line * ed in the school rink on Monday | fresh every day. wr all these things to yon? sake, i Ra vine tat Do st go dg Xi has pur- | Belt 'bmemn Casomost aad The standard of quality, as you know, is that it shall oklyn teams. © formce won | : contain not less than 3.25% lbs. of butter fat' to every, --ANOTHER 1,000 NEW CUSTOMERS WANTED -- Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited--A Trial Will Convince You druggist can assure yom with CASCARA. Just as as using force. and it's ndeed, it nothing but the bark of a tree. The Indicns chew this bark, and live to an old age with- out a day's sickness. What happens when you ofscar- ize the bowels? They will usu-| Until you don't feel the need of ally function well for SEVERAL {any aid of any sort for weeks-on- DAYS. One more dose--no larger. | end. and perheps smaller than the first £0, the only habit you get from --and the bowels function of their | cascara is that of natural and mor- own accord for a still longer time. jmal regularity. How different from things one must usually re- peat on the morrow! Caserfs is the ideal laxative; and the ia- miliar little candy cosearet is R E T ho doubtless ite ideal form. Cailiven . ASCA J beg for the:e tusty tableis, and} My. C. H. Found has been el- | many men ~~4 women ouldu': ccted Chairman of the board of | Work Ww think of tain ANVIHING «cise police trusices. LW {for the purre~. Apd EVERY iretary and Tm. Joes jdrugsto:c has (hem. the streets.