Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jan 1928, p. 13

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i 10k USHAWA DAILY 1iMeD, SATURDAY. JANUARY 28, 1928 Classified d Ads Furnish Great B PAGE THIRTEEN argain Opportunities Music JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGANIST Smcoe United Church, teacher of piano, organ and singing. Studie 11 Connaught street, Phone 2600W, Gan. 3-Feb. 3) M. LEE, TEACHER OF PIANO- forte. 612 Carnegie avenue. Phone 23517. (Jan. 18-Feb. 18) MRS. J. W. JAMES IS PREPARED to give vocal lessons to beginners. 284 Festubert Ave., or 10 Willlam street, east. (Jan. 2-Feb. 2) HERBERT C TRENEER IS PRE pared to accept pupils in piano, or gan and vocal music. A free booklet giving full particulars will be fur nished upon request, 68 Drew street east Phone 466. ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all esams. Osbawa, Fridays, 92 Slm- coe St. North Phone 371J. (1291) C. MacDONALD, BARRIS: lictitor, etc Simcoe and Rich Oshawa. Phone (108 1f) S. EBBS. BARRISTER tor. Notary Public, Conveyancer, ey to loan. Room 2 Ruval Bank Simcoe and Bond streets 149%. (121 mo) T & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. Dlicitors, Notaries Public Etc. Con, , ing and general practice AW Offices 7% Simcoe St south. Shee 63 G. D Conant. 1 AF Annis, BA, LL1 aan TE N. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK merce Building. (116 1 yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN. BABAR. rister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Con , Money to loan. Office 434 King St. East, Oshawa: Phone 145. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR sisters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- ete. Office over Standard Bank trance Simcoe St. Phone 13. § Suerson. BA. T. K. Creighton, " SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC Ken Barristers, Conyevancers, Nota Orchestras {ENT DANCE . ORCHESTRA, all occasions, Phone 2334M, or G.. Rey- " (Jan. 23-Febh.22) Watson, nolds, 693. * Machinery Repairing ADANAC GARAUE AND MACH: INE Shop, successor to Durrant Machine Company| All kinds of machinery repairing, cracked mo- tor blocks and most anything. Oxy-acetylene welded. Connecting rods rebabitted. Fly wheel start ing teeth installed. 161 King St. W. Phone 1214. (8-tf) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 4 KING ST. East. Amb v Division St. 69 King, Phone 210) Chimney Cleaners GRIFFIN AND WOODCOCK. . NO moving stove pipes, no mess, no smell, Agents for Chimney Fire Ex- tipguisher, Phone 2719W, 371 Short Celina St. 1 ! (Jan, 18-Febh, 18) Rectal Specialist . PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without deteution from business. Dr. Dean, Specialist, 40 Gerrard St; E., Torontd! : : (Jan. 17-Feb, 17) Reside cast. a Insurance 2 MURDOCH'S INSURANCE SER- vice now at 27 Warren avenue. Phone 168J. Our service satisfies. * (Jan, 6-Feb. 6) AND SON INSURANCE, 10 King St. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency 1 Oshawa, 30 Re putable Fire Companies, (118 tf) PLACING INSURANCE ( N Johns. 80 Simcoe north 'our insurance wants attended, to and your interests protepied. (Oct. 11-1yr.) Money 1 to Loan SONS DI DESIRING | LOANS ON rity ot thelr motor gars, or se desiring to re-finance the chase of their motor cars, see vanson, German and McKenzie, King EB. 144t1) UNLIMITED FUNDS FQ RFIRST mortgages. Building loans arranged. i Bradley Bros. Phone | a 420. (96 tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission. Building loans. Lega! work done at this office. Public, ete. All branches of Crimh al and Civil Law Maney (to n,. Office over Lamble's' store. 2 St, east. Phone 940. D wanson, H. N, A {i German, F ackenzie. G A, J PARKHILL, Solicitor, Notary ancer, money to loan osite Post Office 1614: ; residence, 2239] LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND ny. Barristers. Money er Dewland's Store, 16 street north, Phone G7, res 1307W. BARRISTER Public, Convey Disney Bldg Phanes, DAVIS Oh (621) Gon to loan, Simeone idence (tf) Medical DR, E. R. BARTON, surgeon and obstetrician. and residence 142 Simcoe £ North, Phone 2621. (Jan DR, C. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, ofice and residence, 566 Simcoe streat north Cor. Arlington, Phone 2115. (Jan. 18-Ieh. DR. R. E. "MeMULL PHYSICTAY Off 12-Feb. 12) St, 2 18) PHY SI Of- cian, surgeon, and ohste trician J Simeoe ( fice and home, 456 south. Phone 2502, 1148) strect Pa J Barrister. Disney Bldg. i (176-tf) DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, clan, cial! reference and diseases of women. post graduate experience. and residence 167 Simcoe St. Tw (eor, Brock) phone 303. PHYSI- Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe- to maternity work 0 years' Office N., (119-tf) DR, McKAY, PHWSICI AN, geon, .Accoucher, dence, King St. East, rg Victoria St., Oshawa, Office Phone 94. SUR d resi diseases of infants and children. Of fice and Phone 1155 residence, 97 Bond cast DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, DR. BJ. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI cian and Surgeon. given to X-ray work and Electio theopy. 2060. m, Residence Phone 2416. special attention 161 Office open 9 a.m. King Oftice, Disncy Block. Phone to 9 Dp East. (tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR.F.T office over pm of onl, . Bt - store. Jury & Store each Saturday, from ! for comsultation and tr of ear, nose Appointments mave be made A» -ti) _Phone Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist 2 anc , BRYANS OF 160 RLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his Lovells Drug till 4 tment at | th t DR. E, F. RUWHARDSON, post graduate and ternist York, over a year's study Continent. Prug Store; hours 2 to 4 pm, IN- New on the Office over Mitehs Tuesday, Thursday and %uturday evenings, and by appointment. (Jan. 21-Feb. 21) DR. A. W. HARDING, POST duate at Harper's Hospital, Detroit, Edinburgh and Vienna, Sip 2 street Re % N. nee 2548. (Jan. Austria 1499. Phone 13-Feb. is 12) Dental Dy. P.. RB. Ward's Store, itroug oxide oxygen gas for €x- 231, res. 8, Phone DAVIES, Simcoe St. OVER Senib 208 oath) CRA- 4 wx Supplies ANNOUNCEMENT TO HOME Builders and Contractors--large ¢tock used timbers, joists, planks, Woodworking C. H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St, E. Phone 2354]. We gpecialize in 'storm sash, screens, cupboards, doors.and ey (941) Halrdrelsing NET ing THY IR. F 01] Parlor, Mo ing, and aman street north, appointment. H ATRDRESS- lling, shampoo- ur<. 5bl1 Simcoe 918M for Jd1-Jan., 31) i'hone (Dee i Covsetiere CORSETIFIE ¢ HLLA SHOP, 32 El in east. Mrs. Annie Pent. land, mana:i corsetiere. Even ings Ni appointment. Phone 442J (133tf) Wat ch Repairing PF, A, VON GUNT EN ¥ Swiss watchmaker, repair 44%: King Street West ronage is solicited EXPER] shop at Your pat (29-tf) TTT Le CX Profel cents up 10 10.30 ~ Rates for Classified Ads. Cards, | 'Notice Re Classified An-- am, | Effective immedia X 3. Noa to to Friday and for Too Late to Events, rec tn en, Three consecutive = inser. "tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cembe, Bex number 10¢ additional al First insertion--13§ cents per word. Minimum charge--30e¢. Each subsequent insertion ae per word, or Business .50 'per month for 20 words or less; 190 per month for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart- ment, Real Estate for: Sale om BRICK FoR SALE--SIX veneer house. 159 ed, furnace, Neen for electric stove, oy oors, garage, cement drive, deep Tot For price and terms apply 16 Bond St, W. evenings Between 1 and 9, (20-11) RESIDENCE FOR SALE, KING St. East, close to General Motcrs offices, eight large rooms, hot water heating, hardwood . floors, extra large lot and garage. Terms cash. Apply owner, Box "T" Oshawa Daily Times. : (23a) SEVEN ROOM BRIFK BUNGA- low, close ta G.M.C, two car gar- age, concrete driveway, laundry tubs, built in cupboards, oak floors up and down, chestnut and fir 'trim, French doors, abundance of {clothespresses, This .property is in a first class location, and the ce 1s right. 'W. G, Miller, 23 nd street east. (23-¢) BEAUTIFUL "HOME IN WHITBY, nly ten minutes drive fram Osh- wa, nine rooms, splid brick, mod- ern dwelling, built by Toronto architect. Large living room, with built in fireplace, book cases, china cabinets, ete. "Hot water heating, hardwood floo##, sunroom and porches, attached garage with concrete drive, terraced lawns, tennis court, perennials, ete. Phone 58, Whitby. v. (Sats.-tf) ' Situations Wanted Room and Board MATERNITY experienced POSITION AS nurse, desired b nurse. Apply 286 Verdun Ra. ' Articles For Sale strument, 0, Box 165, Osh VIOLIN CELLO, EXCELLENT IN- Bargain for $50. awa, .'awa Daily Times. (22-¢) CHILD'S 1052M, Simmons bed, lent condition, VALNUT for FINISHED sale, in excel- Reasonable. Phone | (23-h) FOR SALE--A LIBRARY TABLE armchair and rocker to match. Ap- ply 26 Erie street, Phone 1027J. (22-¢) Architects C, C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work, = Second floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496. Res, phone 909) Dressmaking sheeting various dim and lengths up to 40 ft, piping frow 1% in, to 10 in,, plumbing, straec- tural steel, complete hot water and steam 'heating units, Phone or write Frankel Brothers" Limited, Salvage Departmtnt, Toronto, Ger: rard - 4100, (Dee, 30-Mar, 30) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F, L. Beecroft. Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh awa, phone 324. (69-1) Painting and Decoraling R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER hang Jing, graining, etc, Twenty - | vears' experience, Prices. right. Work | guaranteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 67). (45-tf) Beauty Parlors FULL BODY Treat- Phone MASSEUSE, treatments, Ladies only. ments by appointment. 814), 250 Albert street, (Jan. 14-Feb. 14) JARIE © RENWICK'S BEAUTY hop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, manj- cures, marceiling, Phone 2653. (Jan. 6-Feb. 6) LADY ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe St., Phone 1347M, (19tf) Tea Rooms HOUSE THAT Special small winter dance par- ties, Supper including salad, as- sorted sandwiches, cake and cof- fee. $2.00 per couple, Phone res ervations 2209. Mrs. L. M. Prior. (Jan, 17-Feb, 17) JACK BUILT. USED HEINTZMAN & CO, PIANG, mahogany finish. Must be sold this week, Box "F" Oshawa Daily Times, (21-4) da (21-¢) LADY WOULD LIKE PLAIN sewing and embroidery. to do .at home. Hand sewn baby clothes a specialty. Apply Box "U" Osh- (21-¢c) BOARD A! AND | RQOM-- GOOD LO- cation. Convenient locality, home cooking. 307 Simcoe south. (22-¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR FOUR men at 101 Louisa St. Phone 1424F. (22¢) | ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO business girls. 152 Brock St. E. Phone 293J, (21c) Boum AND BOARD FOR TWO respectable "young men, 337 Colborne street east, off Oshawa Blvd, (23¢) APPLES! Baldwins, vegetables, or barrel. Delivered. 84 Park Rd. 8, SPIES, SWEETS, ete, Also potatoes and, F. Shaw, Phone 631. Haig street. | BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen, Sold by peck, bushel | Motors, three minutes from Apply 300 $7 per week, (21-c) (Jan, 24-Feb, 24) HOT WATER HEATING 'PL ANT for sale Good condition, Low pric This plant was used to heat Mundy Block, ahout tion was erected, It should be just | | UPHOLSTERING OF ALL He: | chesterfields made to 'order. Work 10,000 square, Manship guaranteed. feet of floor space, before new addi- stable, Work Wanted KINDS; G. St. A. Con: Phone 74 Mechanic (72.t1) the thing for a store or block. Apply C. M. Mund Daily Times, Telephone Fie Oshawa (106-tf) Avarment | SPECIALIZING flooring, timates cheerfully |given, 1984J, evenings. IN HARDWOOD gnable. Es- Phone (21-1) Prices re For Rent Furniture SECOND. HAND DEALER, Bloor St. East. Phone 1617M, A (Jan. 18-1 mo) 186 # : Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR. ing. Mr. Brown, Phone 1132M, (Jan. 28-1 mo.) Help Wanted --Female TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS Motor Cars to rent in a comfortable new home on Oshawa Blvd., near Rich- mond, Phone 2138M, (21¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM IN PRIV- ate home to rent. All conveniences. Central, Apply 195 Albert St. 3 mileage Jess Pontiac coach, coupe, $650, terms, Phone 1826F. BARGAINS--1927 ' MODELS, than five thousand. $760; Chevrolet Chevrolet cabriolet, extras. Cash or (23-e) $675; Many (21e) TO RENT--FURNISHED BED- room, suitable for two gentlemen. CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE, 19256 model, M, Times. ' ' Cheap for cash. C. The Oshawa Daily Mundy, (23-10) All conveniences. Central, Apply 46 Bond street west, Phone 1259W, (20-tf) Agents Wanted LADY ASSISTANT FOR SHOE Store. Knowledge of Stenography agd Bookkeeping an asset but mot essential. Age 18 or over, Apply The Burns Co. Ltd. Oshawa. 9tr)) Transportation CARTAGE AND TRUCKING, romnt service. Reasonable prices. Work done by ddy or hour, Phone 1236M or 53W. (Jan 12-Feb 12} COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR age, £8 Dond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt seryice. Moving van and storage warchouse iment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64-tf) Veterinary Surgeon DR SHIRLEY, VFTERINARIAN, Specialist discases domestic animals, 'vat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. - Phone 629. (56-tf) DE 5. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST. OF - Bassetts' fice over Phone 95) ; 19r DR. H. M» COOKE, 9 SIMCOF over Mitchell's Drug Store. north, Gas for extraction. Phone 5 BR L. E. HUBBFLL. . Nitrous oxid "tions. Office, Royal sin Bide |i niversal Cleaners a Phone 943, residence, DE £4. NTIST. Oxygen gas for extrae 541) i alterations. PR W. H GIFFORD Regent Theatre Residence 669 1dg ( FEL Phone Se Fi A and Survey' no DONEVAN AND SMF Rr town i. ON jo Lard Surveyors and Civil E sub divisions; p! mut..apat engineers, Bradley Oshawa. Phone 1635 TAR an Block! (104, tf) Window Cleaning ¥ OSHAWA WINDOW ng ~House clean floors poli-Ted windows put Phone 1302W. Oo n Win , Sereen and and Cl FANTE t 57 ; Materials made up. C.'S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES all domestic. animals scientificall; Dominion © Government 34 Brock St, E. Phone (131-tf) SY. Ceanine and Pressing 'Times. JIRLS WANTED--EXPERIENCED in bipdery work and mailing. Ap- ply H. Boyce, The Oshawa Daily Times Office, ' (21¢) YOUNG LADY WANTED--TO elp with houework, age prefer- red between. 17 and 25. Apply 361 Verdun road, corner Mitchell avenue, after 6. (19-1) EXPERIENCLD CENERAL wanted, Small family. Apply Mrs. Beaton, 76 King St. W, Phone 448. (21e) Wanted to Buy if desired. Apply 263 Albert St. MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries; old cars and poultry. Goods called for. Phone 2060M. Residence Xx vm street. (111tf) WANTED 3 BUY--FIVE OR six room bungalow. All conveni- ences, State all parliculars in first letter, Box "C" OshaWwa Daily (21c) NEW MANAGEMENT, Dyers, 123 ttention to Your own Phone 509. > (Dee. 20- Jan. 31) { UNDER Practical Repairs. {ing west. tteries AND SERVICE d, répajred. Called for lelivered. Adanac Garage and Shop, open evenings. 161 street west. Phone 1214. (8-41) Tire Repairing IN oF I IRE pe or sale Foon 438. Bros. re io Batteries recharg- : Wanted to Rent TO RENT--UNFUR- flat or three "P" Oshawa (21ec) WANTED rished appre ww ent, rooms. Ap Daily Iti 44 8, FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, suitable for two gentlemen, Cen- trally located. Phone 2134F, " . (21c) FOR RENT--FURNISHED DOWN- $100 WEEKLY EASY--EITHER sex. selling our cleaners. like Magig. sion. {bvre & Co., Alexandria, Ont. Works Upusual high commis- Free samples. #; A. Lefe- (23-a) stairs front bedroom, suitable for young couple, or two rooming to- gether, all conveniences, breakfast (21¢) ROOMS TO RENT--BREAKFAST if desired. Near G.M.C., 314 Di- vision street. (22-2) FOR RENT--FURNISHED TWO front rooms, one on ground floor, SALESMANAGERS AND SALES- men--Are you ready Are you advancing in your pres- ent sales position? fied with your Is your territory satisfactory? Does a general depression effect sales? Our line will correct these difficulties. ] Euclid Avenue, Clevelay for 19287 Are you satis- present income? your C.'D. Rogers, 5005 , Oho, (23-2) For light : housekeeping if desired. All conveniences. Apply 21 Warren For Sale or Exchange Ave. (22¢) THREE FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent for housekeeping. Ground floor. All convenien ¥ da 711M or ply 123 a i 2 OR THREE ROOMED APART- ment, heat, water, light, included n rent. Partly furnished if de- sired. Phone 234, Whitby. (17-28) GARAGE TO COL- (22h)! borne St. E. Phone Saw," Wanted TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, Apply 222 James St. (23b) FOR RENT--NICE WARM ROOM in new home. Private family, Also garage. Phone 2040]. Apply 147 Agnes St. Saturday p.m. or evening. « (23a) | WANTED ATTENTION MUSI- cians--players of bassoons, saxophones and trombones, are wanted to join the Fourth Osh- awa Band, Practise every Tuesday night'at 8 pm. in Albert St. United Church. or E. Jackson 1691W. clarinet, oboes, Phone Mr. Williamson, 558F (23¢) ROOM TO RENT FOR GENTLE- man. Apply 26 Gladstone avenue, or phone 2449W. (23-¢c) Notice of Application for a Divorce Pets and Livestock OMS WANTED I young couple. Oshawa Daily (2c) FURNISHED R RENT--BRICK for bakery. Ap- a Daily Times. (181) TO building, ply Box "I" Ofna Ww Room 21d Board Wanted SINGLE EOARD TIRE REPAIRING! whl RC \ ITH on zentlemean. Cen- waned xX tween 6 amd trol L TO 100 WHITE LEGHORN pullets 'Good laying sirain. $1.25 each. Phone 920ri2. (21-¢) ONE HQLSTEIN COW, DUE" JUNE 1, for sale. Apply W. Barnatd, R. R. No.*2, Darlington Town Line. (23-¢) Lost and Found LOST---SMALL SPOYTED HOUND |T brown and white. Answers to "Sport." Finder return to 38 (25-b) (ward. King® street west, Oshawa. Re- < 422-b) Street, Cobourg, On tors for Applicant. NOTICE jis hereby given that Cherles Henry Gifford of the City of Teronto in the Copnty of York in inist, of Canada thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Eleanor Harrison Gifford at present residing at the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario on"the ground of adultery. Provinee of Ontario, Mach- ill apply to the Parliament at the mext Session DATED at the Town of Cobourg in the Province of Ontario this 7th. day of December 1927. KERR & COCH NE, King . gholiei- (Saturdays, Dec. 17-Mar.17) Rubber Goods IF YOU REQUIRE RUBBER goods, write for ea and price list. Safe and nltary Rubber Works, Dept. 14, 4906 Wellington street, Montreal. (Sat.-tf) Tenders Wanted Sealed Tenders marked respec tively "Tender for Heating Plant" and "Tender for Power House", and addressed to the undersigned, for the construction of a Central Heating System and Power House for the Oshawa Hospital will. be received py the Board of Directors of the Oshawa Hospital until twelve o'clock noon Saturday, the 11th day of February, 1928. Plalns and specifications may be obtained from the 'undersigned be refunded upon return of plans and ) specifications. G. D, Conant, 33% Stmeos St. S., Oshawa, Ontario, Chairman of the Board. (W.5.-Feb. 8) ACTIONS WHAT ONTARIO WANTS Premier Ferguson: Alarmed Over Waterways Oniission From Throne Speech Toronto, Jan, 27.--Premier Fer- cuson is alarmed over the fallure lof the government to jnelude in the speech from the throne any reference to the St, Lawrence 'waterway 'plan. He atbacks the delay in ascertaining * the legal rights of the dominion 'and the provinces in respect to power de- velopment. In a tatement made publie recently, he says: *'It seems rather remarkable that there is no mention of such an outstanding and important subject in the speech from the throne. Tt comes as a matter of surprise and dia- appointment to the publie in gen- eral, particularly in view of the fact that it was generall under- stood that the advisory committee was called together in January to consider the problem and to make its report to the dominion govern- ment so as to enahle them to deal with it during this session of par- liament. "From the statement of Beau- dry Leman, a member of the ad- visory committee, and presum- ably speaking for them, it would appear that their recommrendation is that the dominion government should arrogate to themselves the right to deal with provincial pro- perty. The provinces of Ontario and Quehec are agreed and will have the sdpport of the other provinces in insisting that water- power rights belong to the prov- inces. "At the conference at Ottawa, Ontario and Quebec ptrongly urged that an agreement upon a submission to matter could be argued before the supreme court at an' early date and carried to the privy council and disposed of at the June sit- tings. We would then e defin- tte delimitation of federal and provincial jurisdiction, and the air would be cieared of uncertsin- ty, and the active work would be undertaken to increase the power resources. "The provinces have been ad- vised by eminent legal authority that their position is sound fp law, and we propose to insist up- on the recognition of our rights. We were very hopeful that a friendly reference might he brought sbont, but if 'the domin- ion government is determimed to accept the view expressed by the advisory committee, and attempts to filch from the provinces one of our most valuable essets, they will tind that they must establish their position in the courts. "Why there should be any de- lay in ascertaining definitely the legal position is beyond my com- prehension. The issue is bound to be fought out {in the courts. It would be infintely more satisfac- tory to have all the features of the situation outlined in a submission arranged by agreement than to particular movement of the do- minion authorities upon a point that might only deal with one phase of the problem. "What Ontario wants is action-- immediate action." ARGENTINA WANTS TARIFFS REBUCED Congress Insist on Freer Trade - Havana, Jan. Pueyrredno, Argentine ambassador to 'Washington and head of the Argentine delegation to the sixth Pan-American Conference, announ- ced last night that his delegration would not sign any convention for reorganization' of the Union that did not incorporate ns the duties of the Union those of studying means and ways to reduce, if 'mot to abolish completely, high tariff duties in inter-American commerce and supervise the application of agricultural and sanitary gquaran- tines. It is understood that they are still using the old model Fords in Norway. --Christian Science Moni- tor. BISLEY MEETING | accurate rifle now in use. { upon payment of deposit which will 3 le Je My dominion-provineial | J the courts hould be reached. The || force the provinces to attack ome Delegates to Pan-Asericen| 27--Dr. Honorje | CHANGES DECIDED Reduction in Size of Bull's: | w Eye Most Important ------ London, Jan, 27.--Some import. ant alterations have already been resolved upon in the program of thie National Rifle Association meeting at Bisley this summer, For all contests on the "short ranges, 200 to 600 yards, the di- mensions of the bull's-eye aFe to be reduced to obviate the great number of "highest possibles™ and ties resulting from the splendid ammunition and the wonderfully This year, for the firkt time in the history of the King's prize competition, markemen who fire in the first stage, which is the eliminating stage, will start their shooting at 600 yards, will pro- ceed to 500 yards, and will finish at 200 yards. This will prevent men placed in the late squads having to shoot at the longer ranges in a fading 'light. 'In the St. George's contest the first stage will be fired at 300 and 600 yards, instead of at 200 and 600. The Duke of Montrose has an- nounced his desire to present the first prize in a new competition of much interest. This is a sport- ing rifle event for women moviti- ate rifle shots, to be called The Amazons," In recent years there has been a pretty good sprinkling of women on Bisley common who have taken part in the Saturday Club spoon shoots and in the Bis- ley meeting proper. In all the great newspaper events and In the Prince of Wales prize, the Donegal, the service rifle Wimbledon Cup, the Barlow and the Graham competitions, the number of rounds will be redue- ed next July from ten to seven, "What sort of a show was that you went to last night?" "It was a musical tragedy." --Life. EE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST What of those relief on. ly to find that they waited too long. "sd 1516 ~--PHONE-- 1518 Disney Block Opposite Post Office TT -------- For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 28 SIMCOE 8. PHONB 9 Cash or EE -- Your choice of 8 Cheyrotet aril models--Very of Sonihan Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX . DISTRIBUTOR ® Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1160 Felt Bros. TheLEAD ING JEWELERS 1880 12 Simcoe St. South , A" FREAKISH WEATHER IN BRITISH ISLES London, Jan 25. -- The British Isles experienced freak weather throughout their area today. There was snow in Scotland sun- shine and rain in Southern' Eng- land, and gales off the Irish coast, while London enjoyed a Spring- like day. The Thames Valley had & very heavy rain the river flood- ing its banks in several places in the region of Windsor. AGED INMATE CHARGES ABUSE AT INSTITUTION North Bay, Ont, Jan. 26.-- Claim that he had been abused at the Home of the Aged, Powas« san, John McCourt, aged 67, walk- ed into the local police station to- night to complain of his treatment and seek shelter. In spite of his advanced years and certain physical ailments he had walked all the way from Pow assan, a distance of over 20 miles. He had been on the road since Monday. Telcles hung from his beard, and he was in an exhaust- ted condition. TIME TABLES CNR, TIME TABLE (X) indicates change in former time tables (Effective May 1) Eastbound Irains 8.23 a.m. ~Daity except Sun a.m~Sunday ony Jatly. Ye Daily except Sunday Daily except y Daily except Daily. Daly except Sa Daily. Daily. Westbound Trains Daily. Daily, ¥ Jerly except Sunday, a.m. =Daily, Daily except Sunday, Daily ses § Sunday, Da:ly except Sunday, Daily. pm--Daily except Sunday, CPR, TIME TABLE Eastbound Trains 10.07 Sm eDally. pm.=Dail 8.08 p. Darl except Sunday. 11.10 p.m,~Daily. 12.09 a.m, ~Daily. 5.45 Trains except Sunday, only. except Sunday. ; except Sundav, Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCREPULE Going Wes } Arrive Whitby © Hzspital 7.25 a.m, .25 a.m, ] or Bier) tH 3 P PYYY vues gs 12.40 p.m, fis: TPE 228 . 2a Sane 4.35 pm, 6.45 pm. E3uRun us BESS8LSSBESBES z8e 8.40pm. BP Sw 2 8 B B2Ep pad =s EeerlrtonEiene EuBERehnNRE PTYPPPTT EafpEsss Arrive Bowman. 7.20'a.m, Fh 8.55 a.m, Jo am, .40 p.m, 1.00 p.m, 2.10 p.m, 4.10 p.m, 5.40 p.m, 6.40 p.in, 8.00 p.m. 10.45 p,m. 5pm, s5pm. 9.40 p.m. * are sorough busses to thy Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR " Oshawa Waiting Kom 13 or Prinse Street for rent either in Low rental. CHARLES TTT TTY YYY STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT About 12,000 ft, of good dry storage space, conveniently locate od, with Canadisa National siding, whole or in part, M. MUNDY c/o Mundy Printing Company, Limited Telephone 36 or 312

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