Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jan 1928, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JuARY 18, 1928 Fri -- / PAGE ELEVEN -- AR ai verti ---- | Es Sing to loan. "Office Sa Qshavea. Phove N & CREI N--BAR- sie. Office aver aver A A GERMAN & MAC- rristers, rion. N, a FAR BARRISTER, t arg RE ny 0 loan. 8 Stes Toney Office. Phones, office 1014; residence, 2299). Tos S. HYMAN AND COM Barristers, Money to loan. Svor Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe -_ north, Phone 67, residence \ (t0) i. Medical DR. E. R. BARTON, PHYSICIAN surgeon and obstetrician. Office 'and residence 142 Simcoe St. Norn, Phone 2621, (Jam, 13-Feb, 13) C. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, i , Obstetrician, office and : ce, 556 Simcoe street north. Cor. Arlington. Phone 3415. (Jan, 18-Feb. 18) a R. EL McMULLEN, PHYSI- Sin, surgton, and of obstetrician, Of- : home, . 456 Simcoe vo Mog hone 2602, | (114t1) DR, HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI clan, Surgeon, Obstetrieis ofal reference to maternity work and diseases of women, Two years' post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N,, (cor. Broek) phone 308, '(119-t8) DR. MERAY PHYSICIAN, SUR- er. Office and resi- goon. 4 King St. East, commer Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94 R. GRANT BERRY, TILIA ses of infants and children, Of- and ' residence, 97 Bond east, Phone 1155, DR. B. . HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- "Surgeon, special attention | A X-ray work and Electro- Office, Disney Block. Phone , Office open 9 a.m, to p. 1 Residency 161 King ut Py Bae Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist {DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 16 BLOOR | West, Toronto, will be at his over Jury & ell's. Dr Store. each Saturday, from 1 till for consultation and treatment of ear, nose and throat Appointments e be made store, Phone 49-tf) only. {® Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist DR. A. W, HARDING, POST GRA- duate ay Harper's Hospital, Detroit, Bdinburgh and Vienna, Austria, 16 Simcoe street N, Phone 1490, Residence 2548, (Jan, 13-Feb, 18) rams Dental ------ DR. D. R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe St. Bouth. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for ex. traction. Phone 281, res. 2082. 4 (148t0) Ta ---------------------------------- te. S.J. Pi PS, i Phong, $80: & over ssetts', 36, / DR H. M. COOKE, S h 7 oe Srasion." Re PELE E al Lo DENTIST, oxid oxy, tions. Office, i, Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence, 1378M spit OFFICE 1780, W. H GIFFORD Theatre Bldg. Engineering and Surveying Io Land 5 AND SMEh, ONTAR uy Pe 16%, Dressmaking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable Call at 21 Rowe St. Phone ( 19-Jan. 19) Window Cleaning A WINDOW CLEANERS cleaning, woodwork (104-16) wil. "tows Sito, tows oan Sur and (Jan. 3-Feb. 3) ve. Phone is Caraeel ire Feb. 18) MRS. J, W, JAMES IS PREPARED give vocal lessons to beginners. 284 Festubert Ave, or 10 William Sry es east, (Jan. 2-Feb. 2) Tih | HERBERT C. TRENEER IS FRE {paved to accept pupils a gh Fn nd vocal full i Ty wil Spl fur uest, street east, Phone 466. upon. Teg A -------------------------- rr --------" ARTHUR LYNDR, VOCAL TEACH. er (Hambourg To ronto) pupils Pi exams. Oshawa, coe St. North. Phone ny, ta MURDOCH'S mbna Sl vice now at 37 Warren avenue, Phone 1687, Our service satisfies. (Jan. 6-Feb, 6) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, hd 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fi ency in Oshawa. | putable i oe Mt Qed WHEN PLACING NSURANCE | consult R. N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north. g. | Sout intufance wants attended to te: rotected. an. ashi Oct. 11-1yr. Money to Loan PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of thelr motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKensle, 3 King 8t. E. 144t0) UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST mortgages, Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone' 169, 420, (96-tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission. Building loans. Legal work done at this office, Parkhill, Barrister, Disney Bide Phone 1614, (176-tf) Building Supplies ANNOUNCEMENT - TO HOME Builders and - Contractors--large stock used timbers, joists, planks, sheeting various dimensions and lengths up to 40 ft., piping from % in, to 10 in, plum ing, struc- tural steel, complete hot water ahd steam heating units, Phone or wrife- Frankel Brothers ldmisea, Salvage Departmtnt, Toronto, Ger: rard 4100, (Dec. 30-Mar. 30) BURIAL 67 x ms en CF Be Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from 'business. Dr. Dean, Specialist, 40. Gerrard St. E., Toronto, (Jan. 17-Feb. 17) Woodworking H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING S EB. Phone 2854). We specialize in storm sash, screems, cup doors and frames, ote) ing, and © manicure. 551 Simcoe street north. Phone 918M for appointment. - (Dec. 31-Jan. 31) Corsetiere CORSETIERE SPIRELLA TT 82 RElgin east. Mrs. Annie Pent. land, managing corsetiere. Hven- ings by appointment. Phone 443), (183t1) Watch Repairing F, A. VON SN, EXPERT sv Teaishiunken, ToD 3% King Street West, "yo ronage is solicited, (th Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909). shop iy Ron] EMMY Tot als Tenders Wanted FOR SALE--FOUR ROOM B | Bungalow. Price $150.00 cash, | ance monthly payments. Apply {bi St. Julien St. (12e) SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE on paved street near General Motors, Basy terms. Apply 376 Jar- vis 8t. Phone 1831W. (12) LOT FOR SALE. APPLY J. Brown, 213 Nassau street. Phone ar (13-¢) | HOUSE FOR SALE--363 MARY St. All conveniences, garage. Pos- session February 3. Terms, $1. 000.00 cash. Balance easy terms. Low price for quick sale. Conant and Annis, Barristers & Co. Osha- wa, Ontario. (121) REAL VALUES IN REAL ESTATE qJoha W. Lint, 67 Bond street east, Oshawa. Phone 2193. (Dee. 23-Jan. 23) SE rEEEE------ Work Wanted FIRST . CLASS CARPENTER wants work. Workmanship guar anteed. Interior finish and stair- ways a specialty, Phone gr S ¢ SPARE OR FULL TIME WORK wanted » Janitar, oftices and stores cleaned, furnaces Beaded bane Apply Box "W" Oshawa Times, UPHOLSTERING oF KINDS, Shestirfel ad mad . 38 ie A stable, 74 te S A phone 16954. (73.1) SCOTCHMAN, 21, HANDY AND desires position. Good reliable, references. Box. "T" Oshawa (13-¢) Tea Rooms HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. Special small winter dance par- ties. Supper including salad, as- sorted sandwiches, cake and cof- fee. $2.00 per couple, Phone res- ervations 2209, Mrs. L. M. Prior. (Jan, 17-Feb, 17) Chimney Cleaners GRIFFIN AND WOODCOCK, NO moving stove pipes, no mess, no smell, Agents for Chimney Fire Ex- tinguisher. Phone 2719W. 377 Short Celina St. For Rent ROOM TO RENT, TEN MIN- utes walk from G. M, ©. Phone 758M. (13b) WE HAVE ROUGH: AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors nd Interior trim. F. L. Beecroft. Whitby, lumber and wooljurd, Osh- awa, phone 324. 69-tf) Painting and Decorating R ig PAINTING, #2 'PA APER anging, grain ete, years' experience. Prices right. ge guaranteed. 151 Huron street. Phori A is Beauty Parlors LADY MASSBUSE, FULL BODY treatments, Ladies. only. te ments by appointment,; e 814J. 250 Albert street. (Jan, 14-Feb, 14) MARIE RENWIOK'S BEAUTY | Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shop. - Water waves, mani- cures, mmreelling. Phone 2653. (Jan. 6-Feb, 6) Transportation CARTAGE AND TRU prompt service, Reasonable™Prices. Work done b, ay or hour, Phone 1236M or 538 (Jan 12-Feb.12) COLEMAN SARIAGE and STOR CA t. West. Phone 6 uc. ING, | within easy distance TO RENT--BEDROOM SUITABLE for one or two gentlemen. Break- fast if desired, Apply 288 Golf St. Phone 1841M, (14a) FOR SALE-- ONE CABINET style (Mitchell), Gramophone, and thirty-seven records, beautiful walnut finish, good as new, price $110. Easy terms to responsible party, Apply Box 332 orgphone 289J, Bowmanville, (13¢) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale. Good condition, Low price. This plant was used heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square feet of floor space, before new addi tion was erected, It should Be just the thing for e fore or apastment block. Apply GC Mundy, Uhans Daily Times, Telephon 3 06-tf) FOR SALE «~~ WESTINGHOUSE electric stove, in first class condi- tion. Cheap. 74 Fisher street, Phone 1005F. (14-0) NEW $125 RADIO--$50, MUST sell, Tubes, power tube, 17 cone- speaker, batteries, aerial installed. Apply 301 St. Eloi ave, after 6 (12-4) AXMINSTER CARPET FOR SALE in good condition, Phone 740 or 2191, (12¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS AT 126 Gibbon street, Phone 1803W. ONE LARGE BEDROOM FO RENT; suitable for one or two gentleme roomers; also furnished rooms for light housekeeping for young mar- ried couple. No children. Apply 210 Prince st. G (12-¢) APARTMENT--2 LARGE; SUNNY front rooms, Private pofsh, Ent corner Metoalfe, (12¢) GARAGE TO RENT AT 215 Athol Bt. E, (12¢c) = Wanted to Rent WANTED BY SINGLE GENTLE: man, houuskeeping room, Central location preferred, Phone ber A (14 ------ . WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE, house with 2 or 3 acres of land, of Oshaws. Oshawa Dally (14:c) WANTED---TWO OR MORE FUR- nished rooms for light housekeep- ing, near General Motors. Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times, (13-¢) Apply Box "H" Times. To prompt service. storage warehouse Eaupmen B and from all naa hi Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases dortiestic animals, & and Bnd Dog, Hospital, 503 Masson Phone ew (56-tf) S. DI , D Reni all domestic od tens ally treated, Dominion og 34 Brock St. Phone | | 131-tf) Universal Cleaners and Dyers, 124 King west. Practical attention to alterations. . Repairs. Your own materials made up. Phone, 509. (Dee, 30-Jan. 81) SALES AND SERVICE, Radio Batteries recharg- od, rented, repaired. Called for and delivered. ' Adanao Garage and Machine Shop, hioaen eninge. 161 King street west. e Fuope md. & tf) ADANAC GARAGE AND MA INE Shop, "to Du Machine Com All kinds of machinery , Cracked mo tor blocks ant most anything. Oxy-acetylene Connecting rods ; wheel start ing il U.8.L. 161 King St. w. Phone 3404; (80) UNDER = NEW MANAGEMENT, |» : ray bate, old cars and WANTED TO RENT--THREE UN- furnished rooms by young mar- ried couple with one child. Apply Box "F" Oshawa Daily Tn, , co WANTED-SIX ROOMED HOUSE. must be near business section, Box *R" Oshawa Daily Times, WANTED =~ UNPURNISHED se roomed apartment to occupy pr 1 1, Box "V" Oshawa Dally Times. (14e) WANTED TO RENT--SMALL rtment. No children, Phone 1360. (152t1) Wanted to Buy 3 s JACOB, DEALER IN BAGS, all kinds of metals, Buying for. Phone Boson. Residence 99 Mill street. (111tf) SECOND HAND DEALER. 186 Bloor St. East. Phone 1617M. (Jan. 18-1 mo) Business Opportunity EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS OP- portunity for City of Oshawa, ex- elusive, fully protected. No opposi- tion. Revenue from tem to twenty thousand annually, Capital re- thousand. Principals only, strict! confidential. Apply in § first in stapee,W. Watkins, e¢-0 Surety rance. Use of basement. 96 Oentre, ks Burns Co. Ltd, Oshawa, Apply | st (12¢) | A Auired approximately four to = FOR SALE--BEACH GAS RANGE, 3 burner. In perfect condition. Ap- ply 106 Frederick St. (12-0) Help Wanted--Female LADY ASSISTANT FOR SHOR Store. Knowledge of Stemography and Bookkeeping an asset but not essential. Age 18 or over. Apply ary) ANTED, EXPERIENCED COOK general, Family of three. 212 King street east. Phone 1066W. (13-tf) YOUNG LADY WANTED TO charge of "Women's" and "Social and Personal" departments of Oshawa Daily Times and to assist with other reporting as may be wired, Local knowledge and ab lity to write well essential, Ap- ply by letter only, stating experi- ence, if any, references and salary wanted, Editor, Oshawa Daily Times. (ote) WANTED--YOUNG GIRL FOR general house work. Sleep out. Ap- ply to Mrs. Blatten, 108 Frederick s (12-2) WANT Ela WOMAN TO HELP kitchen work and do needle- i , Phone 425F, (12¢) YOUNG GIRL WANTED TO AS- sist with household duties, for board and small salary, Box "U" Oshawa Dally Times, ' (13-¢) WOMAN WANTED TO ASSIST with housework two days a week. ly 408 Simcoe Bt, N. (14d) Pets and Live Stock SALE -- oy Y-FIVE White Leghorn hens, r strain, W. H. Ferguson, 2662W, (14a) Apply Dally Times. Room and Board Wanted TWO GIRLS DESIRE BEDROOM and sitting room with board in private family. Call Miss Bunt, at 2681 between 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m, (12-4) Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM tlemen, Central. Close to Motors, Phone 2693W. (14-c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen, Phone 774W. (12¢) BOARD AND ROOM. TWO MIN- utes walk from General Motors. Apply 105 Colborne St. E. (121) Boarders Wanted ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE young men willing to share room. Apply 153 Agnes street, ' (13-c) FOR GEN- Situation Wanted WANTED---JOB WITH A FIRST class carpenter contractor, to learn trade, have had some experience. Box "I" Oshawa Daily Times. (9-0) PRACTICAL NURSE, DISENGAG- ed, Ten years' experience, Phone 431M. (14-¢) Lost snd Found LOST--BLACK AND WHITE collie ' puppy. Reward, Write Box 136 Oshawa P.O, (13-b) Help Wanted--Male TWO EXPERIENCED MEN FOR Oshawa and vicinity, to represent Canadian Life Assurance Co. First class contract given. Apply Box "Q" Oshawa Daily Times. (13¢) " Tire Repairing _ ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros, Phone (tf) Business for Sale Sige REPAIRING BUSINESS for sale, Apply K. Baran, 426 Simcoe street south, or 589 Al- bert street. (9-1) Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of William D, Huner, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of On- tario, Gentleman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that all ns having claims aghinst the Batate of the said Willlam D, 18th day of August, A.D, 192% {at the City of Oshawa, aforesaid , Phone are required on or before the 6th for of February, next to send po- theret GERMAN POLICE PUPS FOR sale, Best of registration, If ested write for particulars to are Mitchell, 2460 Yonge St., Téhonth 3b) THIRTY WHITE LEGHORN HENS for sale; Good layers. Apply 283 Simcoe street north, (13-b) GOOD JERSEY COW, DUE TO freshen March 1st. Cash or ters, Phone 728r12. (13-b) WANTED TO BUY---BIX ROOM- ed house, Must be near business gection| Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times, : (14¢) OLDSMOBILE COACH, PRIVATE- ly owned, in first class 'condition fi every respeet; has many extras and is insured for public liability, damage to property and fire. For auick rele, this car can be bought for little more than half price Bonds. Limited, 44 Adelaide St. W Toronto, (£19) ~ paid for it. Phone 968W. (13-¢) ® to the undersigned a or Solicitor for the Estate of the said Deceased with their full names, addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims, And take notice that after such mentioned date the Executor shall proceed to distribute the Assets of the said Deceased among the parties entitled thereto and will not be liable for the said Assets or any part thereof to amy person of whose claim Notice shall not have been received at the time of such disrima "Oshawa, this Seven- nan of January, A.D., 1928. ny P. MANGAN, f 3% King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario, Executor, or JOSEPH M. GARVEY, Barrister, &c., 330 Bay St. Toronto, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. (14-17-20) Hunter who died on or about the | Nations Sealed Tenders marked Jeapee: | aa "Tender for Heating Plant and "Tender for Power Ho! and addressed to the ude, for the construction of a Central Heating System and Power House for the Oshawa H tal will be received by the B of Directors of the: Oshawa Hospital until twelve o'clock noon of Saturday, the 11th day of February, 1928. Plains and specifications may be obtained from the undersigned upon payment of deposit which will be refunded upon return of plans % Chairman of the Board. (W.8.-Feb. 8) OYSTER TONGERS INBITTER FIGHT Among Warring Fishers of Bivalves Gloucester, Va., Jan. 18.--All was quiet along the oyster fromt Sunday night. Glistening bayonets and ugly looking machine guns were in evi- dence as state troops patrolled the Mobjack Bay shoreline, the scene of the recent outbreak between the state "oyster tongers. Military companies frome Nor- folk, Richmond and Petersburg ar- rived at 8 pm. and gave this sleepy, little fishing community a thrill seldom experienced on Sun- day as they manoeuvred under the sharp commands of officers. The troops were distributed along the Gloucester Point area, where the York River enfiters the Chesapeake Bay. The three companies are under the command of Major William W, Poindexter machine gun officer of the 183rd Infantry. They were ordered out by Governor Harry Byrd to quell disturbances by oys- ter tongers who are fighting to regain oyster bed areas assigned by the state to Frank W, Darling, Hampton oyster packer, The climax of the "war" came when Independent oyster tongers fired on a state patrol boat, the "Katy," when it entered the dis- puted area, The "Katy"' showed a clean pair of heels to the oyster dredgers when 206 rifles opened tire. The boat later returned with the flagship of the Oyster Fleet, the "Commodore Maury," while the guardemen were mobilized to keep the patrol from the shore. The independent tongers, whose livelihood depends on the oyster fishing, are asking that state beds in the Mobjack Bay region be thrown open to the public... They destroyed. buoys set up by the state and proceeded to dredge for the bivalves under the protection of Commissioner Ades armed with rifles. Affidavits filed by Governor Byrd complained that the poaching fishermen also tonged for oysters at night, which is in direct viola- tion of the state law. In answer, the independent tongers claim that Darling violat- ed €he state law, which limits acre- age to be leased to one individual by getting private persons to lease theoyster grounds and then tak- ing the beds over under a sub- lease, DEPORTEES SAIL FROM APIA} SAMOA Demonstration of Unrest Quiets Down Fol- lowing Incident Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 18.--A telegram from Apia, Sa- moa, states that the impending de- portation of O, ¥. Nelson and A. G. Smyth from Samoa, arising from the recent investigation into Sa- moan unrest led to a demonstra- tion by 300 natives who came to Apia from Bavall last Thursday. A few of the demonstrators carried shotguns, which they discharged in the streets, but by the following morning their enthusiasm appear- ed to have died down and the de- portees sailed from Apia without further incident. "The New Zealand Government, which holds mandatory powers over Bamoa under the League of 8, ordered an enquiry re- cently into alleged "unwarranted uptruthe and sensational state ments concerning Samoa." Charges of "dictatorship" against Sir George Richardson, Administrator of Samoa, and complaints of extra- vagance in public expenditure, eriticism of the policy in regard to the sale of intoxicating liquors both to the natives and the white people, and the action of the ad- ministration in regulating the sale of coprs on behelf of native grow- ers, were brought by the citizen's committees of Samoa. The commission "of enquiry found that these charges were un- founded, and a sequel to the whole affair came when the administrator served deportation or upon Nelson, Smyth and W. 'W. Girr, who had been prominently identi- fied as members of he citizen's committee, i -------------------------------- IN CHICAGO (Wisconsin Octopus) Chicago Housewife: John. have they started riveting om that new building mext door already? Her husband: No, no dear, calm down! that's only a machine gur you hear. State Troopers Keep Order| navy and private | * Habit in 1928 Oldemobile 2-passenger Savirey 1928 model, oud Chevrolet Coach, 1926 model. A rare bargain. 1928 Oekland Coach; disc wheels, five good tires; 19285 Star Sedan, splen- . did motor. 1925 Oakland Touring 1928 Dodge Touring; one of the good ones. 1926 Chevrolet Tour- ing, driven small mileage. A Safe Place to Buy REPORT DUNPING OF LIQUOR CARGO 5,000 Gallons of Alcohol Go Into Bay of Fundy Halifax, N.S.; Jan. 18,--Claim- ing that about 5,000 gallons of alcohol, valued at $60,000, had been dumped overboard in the Bay of Fundy because bringing it into Canada would entail a heavy fine or bond under the double duty bond clause of the customs act if cargo was shipped to St, Plerre, Captain Herbert Thomas brought the schooner Stella R. of Halifax into port on Saturday at 9 o'clock. The vessel is now in ballast. On December 29 the vessel was seized by a United States coast guard boat off Cape Cod, The cut- ter claimed the vessel was eleven and a half miles off shore but in- side the 12 mile limit of the Brit- ish treaty. The crew claimed they were 17 miles off shore and when the case was heard at Boston where the vessel was towed, the officials of the coast guard and the courts accepted the statement of the erew that head winds had blown them inshore and released the ship. However a fine of $500 was im- posed for a violation of the Tariff Act in carrying alcohol when the manifest read general cargo. INSURANCE C. E, HEPBURN McLaughlin , Dit Gl gle Bi ob bi, fore you buy from the p---- Correct Glasses Correctly Pitted Ww. A. Hare ptometrist 8 King St. W Phone 888 TIME TABLES CNR, TIME TABLE SONIA La ME SN SEB akERkE 1.00 p.m, 4.35 p.m, 645 p.m, 9.40 p.m, Time watied * are through -- to Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 1L20 yi ly 1.45 p , Arr, 345 Dam. T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR Bowmanville--Phone 412 ARI AE JWON'T BE MOON Beas 100 -- do its best again if yom supply it with our coal, Let our fuel keep you warm this New Year, W. J. Sargant Bloor 6 Br "Phone ioe Yards--Cedardale Buy Reliable Fuel from a Reliable Firm COAL-COKE-WO00D Waterous-Meek Ltd. Phones---860 and 1288 Uptown AL ad King St, West

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