Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jan 1928, p. 5

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[ WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST VS. LES PLANNING BNET Brn pe @ day was given by mn, d 3 nness of he Valin a who 0) e theme, a Whe Rive Date Harvest", She referred to the op. 'portunities facing the world today : urged necessity of haste in the 's work, e ladies are asked to attend (the Presbyterial at Port Hope to- orrow, There is a bus leaving the Post Office at 8 a.m, 'GIVES SUMMARY OF PAST YEAR'S WORK The Young People's Society of street United church held regular meeting last evens » under the direction of Mr, id B, Gay, who gave a talk eo past 8 work and an outline of the work for the coming year, Mise Arnold of the South Oshawa ¥Y, P, oplety rendered a delightful solo Which was enthusiastically receive s Dr, Dougall continued with his ten minute talks on "The Man hood of the Master," speaking last Sfening of the frankness and loy- of Jesus, Plans were m for the entertaining of the Ebene- gor Boclety, who are {invited to Simcoe street church on January th, Next week it is hoped that A B, Lovell, of Jun and Lov. | School elll, will give his fll on his trip to Europe, gave to the Rotarians, ted takl which he ay" Sa \ RUSSLES L 5 COX. 5 CHURCH ST TORONTO Build up for Winter and lcense was suspended for two days. CNR, Earnings The gross ings of the a Railways, exclusive of A a and the Comal Ver [] Ra for th Torry 7 tert FT compared ih R75 or te on of one per cent, Fo va given the executive of the Oshawa Hockey League at last night's meeting to Jo ers to replace men lea or takin on the O upon play. ving the City the place of men used LA, teams, Dane Found was installed as Jestident in the absence of Cyri] Elliott, who will be away for about six weeks, ------ False Alarm Loafers that delight in causing in- convenience were responsible for a oe for the local fire department at 5.50 last night. According to the fire department this was a false alarm 4 someone pulling the fire box at Simcoe and Oak streets, apparently for the excitement of seeing the fire apparatus turn out, -- Fined $90 and Oost Albert street, Claude Wager, and & bottle of intoxicating beverage Was a very unlucky combination for the sald Claude Wager, who pleaded gullty in police court this morning to being in an intoxicated condition in a public place, was arfested at 13.45 this moring on Albert street, and when arraign- od in court had nothing to. say in his own behalt, He was fined $30 and costs with sn alternative of thirty days, BY.PV, oglar Meeting The BY, \U, regular meeting held last night in the Bunday 1 room was under the direc. tion of Mrs, Howard's group, The chair was occupled by Mr, Keith Bteher, the Vice President, and owing to the resignation of the president Miss Ada Letson, Miss Peggy Rice was appointed to this position, The topic of the evening was taken by Mr, L, Fen. tom, it being the tirst two chapters of the new study book "The Enter- prize." Mr, Fenton tarted the study off in @ manner which, if carried through will be most profitable at the end of the year. Mrs, IL, Fenton pleased the audience with a well-rendered solo then the meeting was closed in the usual manner, SHOWER OF GIFTS NEW YEAR BABY Merchants Give Presents on Stork's First Visit in Hamilton 17.~~The first Hamilton, Jan, baby born in the mew year within the city limits of Hamiiton is al- ways "born lucky," for numerous pitts are showered upon the new arrival by merchants of the city, This year the New Year prizes go to the infant som of Mr, and Mrs. B, J. Cooper, who was born at 12.35 a.m, January 1, 1928. The merchants keep a record each year of the stork's first visit to a #amilion home, and as spoon 'as the birth fs certified by a medical man the gifts begin to pour in, The luck, however, is practivally sll with the parents, as the gifts consist chiefly of milk tickets from several milk dealers, bouquets of 4 fait : hn fy j if im : oT 7] LEND-AAND CLUB REGULAR MEETING Pt | Elects Officers for the Ensu- ing Year With Sister Spencer President EE --------_-- The Lend-a-hand Club held its regular meeting last evening at the home of Sister Idella Spencer the vice-president of thé club. Sister Mary Shaw, president of the club was in the choir. The club consists of the Past Noble grands of the Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 8, of which four are also t District Deputy presidents, these being Sis- ter Caverly, Sister Spencer, Sister Knox and Sister Disney. Sister Mary Shaw is a present District Deputy President. An outline of the work done during the ten months that the olub has been. formed was given and showed that much had been accomplished and enough funds raised to purchase a collar for each of the Past Grand Nobles, which were presented to them recently, The meeting is held once a month at the home of the different members and are much enjoyed and of great benefit to the Order, The following officers were elects ed by acclamation for the next year: President, Sister Idella Spencer; Vice-President, Sister Mabel Dis. ney; Secretary (re-elected) Sister Marie Schwartz; Treasurer (ree elected) Sister Holdsworth, Past President, Sister Mary Shaw, then installed the officers and short speeches were given by each one after which all retired to the dining room where delicious re- freshments were served by Sister Spencer and her daughter, Miss Freda Spencer, and her mother, Sis- ter Caverly, The tables were beau- titully decorated in the colors of the order and lovely cut flowers. This brought the delightful meet- ing to a close and it was announe- ed that the next meeting will be held at the home of Sister Mabel Disney, V.P,, Simcoe street. south, on February 6, AN ILLUSTRATEN TALK AT AY.PA. St. George's Young People Enjoy IMustrated Adress By Mr, Slyfield The regular meeting of St. George's A.Y.P.A. was held in the parish hell last evening, and after the minutes were read, the program for the next four meetings was drawn up but it was decided to can- cel the meeting of next week on ac- count of the vestry meeting that is being held in the parish hall next Monday night, An interesting program was pre- sented at this time. Solos were given by Mr, A, Slater and Mr. N. Merrick, then the speaker of the evening, Mr, Arthur Slyfield, gave an address on "Sir Walter Scott's country", which was {illustrated with - lantern slides of different parts of Scotland, scenes of castles, lakes, mountains and cities, Mr, Slyfield described these scenes in 8 very comprehensible manner, tell. ing of the incidents In connection with each one, some historic, some humorous and some even tragic, A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Siyfield for his part in mak- ing the evening so very Interest- ing and enjoyable. The meeting closed shortly after 10 o'clock with the singing of the National Anthem, FOURTH ANAL WINSTREL SHOW To Be Presented By St George's Young Men's Club 'in February Citizens who have followed with interest from year to year the productions of the Anglican Young time in February in 8. George's Parish Hall, It "Oh, Doctor," In it is 8 knock-out, the director states, and is sure to go over even bigger than the play put on last ear wyhich ran 'for three nights before capacity houses. The personnel of "Oh, Doctor" is H. Smith, Bd. Jeffries, 0. G. Mil- ler, J. F. Chevors, Bill Adams, Clive File, B. Williams and H. Laurie. The musical director is 'Walter Jackson, while the show director is Ollie Miller, assisted by Pankhurst. a : 1 gave landlord notice yesterday in- of the rent, and he says it not do. Otta: Jan, 17.--The auth wa, Jan, 17. of the Canadian Parliament be JonEnt erly this Tear Jor money 8] on construc the first warahips 16 ba built at the order of this country, Canada for several years has had a mod- est navy, but not one of the ships com g that navy waa con- structed specifically at Canada's behest. The ships were presented to the inion by the Mother Country, while some of the suraller vessels were converted in- to hg after passing scme years of their life in other and more ul pursuits. Follow- ing the war, the British' govern- ment outfitted Canada with the nucleus of a navy when it pre- sented the Dominion with a light cruiser, "Aurora," which had seen fighting at Heligoland, and two destroyers, "Patriot" and "Patri- clan." These replaced a couple of obsolete vessels which Canada pos- sessed during the war years in "Niobe" and "Rainbow." A pair of submarines, some mine sween- ers and drifters comprised the re- mainder of Canada's naval force. 'In 1922 "Aurora" was put out of commission and laid up in Hali- fax Dockyard, but "Patriot" and "Patrician" were continued in the service, the former at Halifax and the latter at Hsquimault, I.C. Gradually the Naval Staff replaced thelr English crews with Cana- dians and Canadian officers, train- ed in the British Navy, took the nadian clusively native-born. With the passing of the destroyers are going of -the light-eruiser, these ships have mow been drawn from pervice, and vacated '| by thelr crews, Meanwhile, C without & navy ia which the ow under construction, ments have been made with the British government for this coun- try to obtain the loan of two other destroyers until the new ones are delivered, At present two destroyers of the S-class are being re-conditioned in England, "Torbay" and "Torea- dor," They were built in 1919, and are three years younger than "Patriot" and "Patriefan." Naval authorities here point out that while 11 years for the older de- stroyers seems @ short lease of life, "Patriot" and "Patrician" were built in a hurry and did not embody the workmanship which went into those ships completed after the war, They estimate that they are building Canada will have the loan of "Torbay" and "Torea- dor." and on January 2, the crew of "Patriot" sailed from Halifax for Portsmouth, England to take over one of these ships, FOUR MOTORISTS INJURED Caledonia, Ont, Jan. 16.--Mr. and Mrs, John Hines and Mr, and Mrs, John Dennis, of Cayuga, were injured when thelr sedan turned over on the Hamilton highway about one and one-half miles north of here this evening. Mrs. Hines' collar-bone was 'broken and Mrs. Dennis badly shaken up. The men escaped with face cuts, St rE. - EE O not be careless during the important periods. thousands of doctors everywhere advise, Kotex'is scientifically correct. Softest, most absor- bent materials, Rounded corners, hence comfortable, Form-fitting, so non-detectable when worn, It deodorizes as it acts, You discard simply, without embarrassment, Two sizes--Regular and Kotex-Super, ,., Get Kotex at all drug, dry goods and departmental stores, KOTEX Sanitary Napkins Next Time... KOTEX All doctors recommend those safe sanitary napkins about your health, Guard it Use Kotex, as Made In Canada 4 y ui [71% the lov. Treatment enlists the beth Arden gow 40d Orange Skin F Phone 377 25 Old Bond Street, Loadon Nici Only keep your skin healthy ~and it will be lovely Ev Axoex's method only sims to keep the skin healthy, to quicken circulation through the tissues, to stimulate the action of . But, in " For every sep of the | izabeth - and correct wrinkles, coarseness and other blem- ishes. You can follow the method of an Eliza- Treatment every morning and night at home, cleansing, toning and nourishing the skin with Elizabeth Arden's Venetion Cleansing Creom, Avdens Skin Tou, Vienstion Special Astrin- Elizabeth Arden's Venssian Toile Preparations ore on sale ob : Karn's Drug Store Euzasers Azoex, 673 Fifth Avenue, New York ! IR) 4 # ill) SS the skin (] den of Next P.O, 2 sue de la Paix, Paris New York, Jan. 14.--Identifica- tion of a boy burglar, who plunged six stories to his death on the first night of his "career," revealed a story of how the thoughtless taunts of fellow students changed an Evander Childs High School Pupil into an amateur robber, The boy's mother told Detective Edward Byrnes, of Highbridge Sta. tion, that her son was an epileptic and had had fits in his classroom. This, she went on, so mortified him, and he was so treated by the other pupils that he refused to re- main in school, After that he did errands and other duties for his father in the latter's tailor shop. During this time he fell among bad companions, the mother said, and took to staying out late at night, The desire for "easy mon- ey," she said, came naturally after this, especially from his association with bad youths, Mrs. Meyer Rothschild, of the Bronx, put her five-year-old son, Meyer jr, to bed at 9:30 Tuesday night and was reading a book when she heard a rustling noise and turned to see a boy dart into a dark corner, She ran, screaming, to the hall, then fainted. Entered Through Window The boy, believed to have been terror-stricken by this unexpected turn in his expedition, leaped out to the fire escape by which he had entered through an open window, The adjoining building is six feet across an airshaft, with a roof five feet below the window. Apparently, he decided his best chance of escape would be by leap- ing dow: to the other roof, instead of going; down the fire escape, It should have been an easy jump, but he missed in his panic and fell six stories to the courtyard, dying immediately, He had taken nothing from the Rothschild apartment, but in his pockets were found two women's wrist watches, two white gold rings, a breastpin set with fifty two small diamonds, a ring with white and blue gems, all valued at several hundred dollars; four capsules containing a white pow- der, $3 in bills and $56.51 in change that may have come from a childs bank, and a pair of dice. Was Made Fun of Papers indicated he had been 8 student in Evander Childs High School, and detectives finally had the body identified as that of Harry Gordon, sixteen, of 1707 Nelson avenue, the Bronx, son of Jacob Gordon, a tailor, He lived there with his parente and hls brother, Louis, A short time ago, detectives were tolé#, Harry Gordon had an attack of epilepsy in classroom. Other pupils are said to have made fun of him because of his afflic PAGE FIVE Yds -- Little Girls' Winter Coats 135 to 5 YEARS Every Coat on the rack says good-bye this week. The Te woo date Colas of oun one $2.98 20 MISSES AND WOMEN'S FUR COLLARED COATS Regular $19.50 to $22.50 . or $9. 95 [A PE 10 MISSES' AND WOMEN'S LUXURIOUSLY FUR TRIMMED COATS. Handsome shawl collars of selected Thibetine. Regular $29.50 and 35.00, . 913.95" 10 MISSES' AND WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE COATS. Shawl collars of American opossum, deep cuffs, Cloths, ° French Broadcloth and Needlepoint. 0 Regular $39.50 and $45.00, for ..........coonve.. $19.95 -- A -------- A ---- in the new, as they have been do- ing for 60 years. St. James' Church was the first Anglican Church in Toronto or York, The wooden church built in 1807 was altered in 1818 and pulled down in 1831, when it was replaced by a stone edifice which was partially destroyed by fire in 1839 and totally destroyed in 1849 in the conflagration that swept the centre portion of the city. The cathedral was built in 1850-1-2, Among the rectors of St. James' was the late Bishop John Strachan, first bishop of Toronto. 7 KILLED; 10 WO"NDED Berlin, Jan, 16.--Seven men were killed and tem wounded by an explosion in a blast furnace at the Roechling works, near Feld- ingen, in the Saar district, today. The explosion, which was probably caused by the ignition of coal dust, tore the furnace asunder and sent molten iron in all directions Two vietims were burned to a crisp instantly, while the five others died en route to the hos- pital, Several of the wounded men, who are all fearfully burned, are in a critical condition, FALL BREAKS THIGH Bault Ste. Marie, Ont., Jan, 16.-- Mrs. W. Thornelole, 187 East Street, sister-in-law of his Grace Archbishop Thorneloe, accidentally slipped and fell, breaking her thigh bone. She is & patient in the Plummer Memorial Hospital, -- [eel Dizzy? ! Headachy, billous, constipated? M~NATURE'S REMEDY --tonight, od mild, safe, vegetable remedy will have you by morning. You'll enjoy thorough bowel action wit: @tiping or discomtort, Only 2 id tn Make the test sonight-- NR TONIGHT > MORROW. "AL RIGHT Recommended and Soild by ALL OSHAWA'S 7 DRUGGISTS THE RIGHT WAY TO BANISH FAT Combat a cause whichmodernresearch has discovered, Turn food into fuel and energy, rather than into far, Supply a natural element which your system lacks, That isthe method embodied in Marmola prescription tablets, People. have used Marmola for 20 --millions of boxes of it, They nave told others the results. Now, in almost every circle, you can see the resulls in new beauty and new vim, Why not learn the way to attain them? A book in each box of Marmola tells you the formula, also the reasons for re sults, You willknow why the efiects come, and why they are beneficial, Go ask your druggist--in fairness to yo -for a $1 50x of Marmols. > tion, and #0 humiliated him he de- cided to quit school, though he was in his last year and would have been graduated this summer. His father allowed him to help around the shop. Tuesday night he left home early, saying he was going to the movies, Police say he may have committed two burglaries before he met his death in the unsuccess- ful attempt at the Rothschilds, About the time his body was be- ing taken to the Fordham Morgue, avenue, was reporting to the High- bridge police a burglary while his family was away, According to po- lice, Mr, Cohen identified the two watches, the breastpin and two of the rings as having been taken from his apartment, NEW PEAL OF BELLS FOR OLD ST. JAMES Toronto, Jan. 17.--~A proposal is on foot for the recasting of the old peal of bells in St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, and the addi- tion of mew bells in connection with the cathedral's 75th anniver- sary in October next. The anni- versary committee of the eathed- ral is pow considering the matter, If the proposal is adopted, it prob- ably will include the taking down and recasting of the present nine bells, the addition of about four new smaller bells, and the re- hanging of the whole peal, with better, up-to-date ringing equip- ment. In order to secure exactly the right tone and pitch of the new bells, it is necessary for the whole set to be recast. "Only seven of the original nine bells are in mse at present and the repairing of the two that are now defective, together with the addition of four mew ones, would provide us with a peal capable of playing 8 very much larger reper- toire of tunes, and would, in fact, be a new peal altogether, though with the old, beautiful tones," says the rector, Rev, Canon Henry P. Plumptre, in a letter to the comn- gregation of St. James' on the sub- ject of the cathedral chimes. The present ohimes of St. James' Cathedral were installed in 1865. They were cast in West Troy, N.¥. Ever since 1867 a member of the Milton Cohen, of 1780 Harrison i The Energy - Producing Power of | BOYRIL RL 10 to 20 Lye family, organ builders. Tor- onto has played the St. James' chimes which a few nights ago rang out the old year and rang In Experiments with BOVRIL on Human Beings, reported to the British Medical Association, an amount of BOVRIL proportionate to the small dark section of this circle has been proved to produce an increase in muscle and energy corresponding to the large light section, showing the Energy-Producing Power of BOVRIL to be times tho amount taken ! "it must-be-BOVRIL." - py £2 0 9: % " PuroTrEs ITNT ge W OF Wed PE $$ WPENEERECSSI{EcaulugEine En!

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