Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jan 1928, p. 10

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RESIDENT DEAD Samuel Moon, who for up- of half a century had been Belleville, passed many years decéased was en- in the carting business, re- but recently, He was a mem- of the United Church, and in olities, a staunch Conservative. son and four daughters survive. LADIES' AID ANNUAL The annual meeting of the jes' Ald Society of the United hurch of Oxford Mills was held, th a large attendance, and with e President, Mrs, R, Gardiner, the chair, The following of- ers were elected for the ensu- year: President, Mrs, A, Greer; , Mrs, W, Hargraves; urer, Mrs, T, W, Halfpenny; Secretary, Mrs, G, Atkinson, With twelve candidates 0 =, and with five to be elected to the seats of the Priscott Coun- Board made varant by the first inees failing to qualify, the on held yesterday was keen- rontested and an unusually farge vote was cast. The 'ollowing were elected: F, W, Dubrule, pas; ¥. 'W, Elliott, 511; W, I. Purkis, 3905; George Mason, 881; J, J. Shaver, 240. D OFFICERS At a meeting of the Canadian rotherhood of Railway Employes, vision 176, held at. Belleville esterday officers for the year were SE -- For Better Values "DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store gs SIMCOE 8, PHONE 880 Men's Special. T LEADER DRY GOODS Phone 740; 82 Simcoe St. 8, Felt Bros. ThelEA) ING JEWELERS After an {illness of | quration there passed there for the pf a. and one- half years, coming from the Ken- more and Russell charges, The late Mr. Telford was born at Stirl- ing 55 years ago, a daughter of Solomon Denike. She is survived by her husband, two, Aone and two daughters, Mrs, G. 'D, MacLaren and Dick Telford of Toronto, and Robert and Mary, at home, NAVIGATOR P. Capt, W. H, Plumb, ore of the most proimnent citizens of Ogdens- burg, died suddenly Sunday, He was & son of the late Capt. Lewis R, Plumb, and was 70 years of age., He was widely known in marine cireles as 'a skilled navigator and ablel commander, For many years he sailed the St, Lawrence River and Great Lakes, and later took the position of First Officer of the steamer Rochester, He was a 82nd Degree mason, and a 'member of the Presbyterian Church,, and took a deep interest in municipal af- fairs, Surviving are his widow and two sons, William Henry and Lewis Robert, both of Ogdensburg. FRENCH MESSAGE Three Rivers, Jan, 16.~--~When the president of the Toronto Board of Trade sent a New Year's tele- gram in French to the local' Chambre de Commerce, he touch- ed a chord which is still vibrat- ing. Newspapers here carry at length speeches made at the llast meeting of the Chambre, at which members referred with gratifica- tion to what they termed this "flattering significance of the bonne entente," REAL OLD ICE STORM DELIGHTS FRUITMEN St, Catharines, Jan. 16.--~After considerable worry about mild weather in the fruit district, like || ly to cause a premature budding of peach trees, the 'groweps were pleased tonight with a old ice storm. The coating of the trees with ice is regarded as one of the most effective of nature's remedies against insects, particularly the San Joe scale, In previous years a Winter of ice storms has in- variably been followed byy a big fruit crop and immunity from San Jose stale according to the oldest and most experienced fruit grow- QUEBEC | == ers here, ; to give 1 ble outline of perations for the Jour: ous on ertaking was a play p local talent under the di- of Mr. Zarfas. was and n to our 'plan was the most all our plans. We and dance for the preciation. J Our usual = March the 17th Bridge was held in the Nurses' residence. Mrs, Kinnear and Mrs. n | ATEUS were the Conveners of the B | Committee who had this in charge. It was mot only most enjoyable, but the net results, $107.00, were very gratifying. Two rummage sales were held in March and November respec- tively, Hospital Sunday held in May was not as successful as we had hoped for. Our returns from this source are getting less every year, being $20.00 less this year than in 1926. It would seem that ft should be a much better source of revenue than it is, as so many can be appealed to from the Church, Our Auxiliary helped with the Graduation Exercises of the nurses held in June. The Anniversary of the opening of the Hospital was observed by 1s- suing an . invitation through the Daily Paper to the Citizens, invit- ing them to visit the Hosnital and Nurses' Residence on the 11th, 12th and 18th of August. I regret to have to report, however, that very few responded to our invita- tion, A very pleasant surprise in connection with this anniversary was a check for $100.00 from Mr, McMaster, of Montreal, sent to Mrs. McLauchlin as a donation to the Auxiliary. Our tent at the fair this year was really very successful, We can hell vapors SnuFF a little Vicks well up the nose or melt in a spoon or cup of hot water and inhale, Medicated vapors reach the air passages direct. For other cold troubles ih ides on throm and 79 VISHR Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood Al Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desineo. » DIXON'S Wright Funerals Phone 1082 Comer Bruce and Celina Sts. Phone 1082 OSHAWA Ambulance Service Day or Night, OW SO WC JO 0 TH RC WJ WC J JRC WC WW 2 Capable. committee under the Con 4 venership of Mrs. Conant, Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Robertson ear- vied this through to a very sue- cessful conclusion, from which was realized the gratl ting sum ot odo : A Disappearing Bridge was an- other plan we undertook this year for the purpose of money for our oanital, and it proved to be a splendid addition to our vari- ous plans, We made over $400.00 in this manner, The monies received from our various helpers in our Hospital Auxiliary work through our Talent Dollar Plan, T am pleased to say is in excess of that received last year, being our largest source of rev- enue this year, in the mneighbor- hood of $650.00. If each mem- ber will' assist in an endeaver to place more of our Talent Dollars out this new year than we have been able to place before, may we not, in view of the great increase of population in our rapidly ex- panding City = réasonably = expect to increase this revenue : from this source to the sum of $1,000 for 1928, Supplies Costly Our greatest' expenditure this vear was for Hospital Supplies. This included material for Nursery Supplies, such as baby clothes, crib blankets, sheetings, pillow cases, towelling, both face and bath, table linen, flanellette, cur- tain material, and last but not least, material for Surgical Gowns. A very important purchase by our Auxiliary was what is known es a Quartz Lamp and D'athermy Outfit, costinz $700.00, This new equipment will add greatly to the efficiency of the Hospital in gen- eral, The Auxiliary paid for the paint- ing of the Nurses' Residence both ins'de and out. In addition we papered it, at a total cost of about $500.00, Among the smaller items pur- chesed were a gas stove and steam table for the diet kitchen, We received a donation of an Electric Breast Pump fronmr a well wisher of our Hospital; also a cheque from the Women's Institute of Brooklin, for blankets, and a cheque for $51.00 from the Minis- terial Association, the latter eom- ing as 'a donation from a. collec- tion taken on Confederation Sun- day. All of which was gratefully appreciated by our Auxiliary. The Social Service Department, with Mrs, B. A. Brown as Con- venor, has done splendid work this year providing clothing and medi- cine to needy patients in their homes after leaving the Hospital, and advising mothers in feeding their babies. 'The other Commit- tees in this department, the Library and Motor committee gave splen- did assistance throughout the year. The Auxiliary gave a donation of $25.00 to this Social Service Com- | mittee to aid them in their work. {The Committee were very for- !tunate in having Miss Knisley of | the Toronto General Hospital So- cial Service Department address them at a Special Meeting on this phase of Hospital work, 1 feel that we cannot say enough for the splendid work of the sew- ing ecommittea, Mrs, Bohn and Mrs, Layis, The amount of sew- ing and mending that this Com- mittee has cove is a great eredit to them, and of untold benefit to the Hospital, Lost Two Members Our Auxiliary suffered a very grevious loss this year as our President has alreudy stated, through the death of two very dear members; Mrs, Robert Wil. Yjams, end Mrs, H. E. Merphy, our Inte Treasurer, Both ploncers in the development of the Oshawa Hospital; women of outstanding character and integrity who gave unselfishly of their service and de- votion to this cause. Since the very inception of this Hospital and through all the years of its opera- tion they remained faithful to their self-imposed duties, and the mem- ory of their fellowship and kindly counsel always so graciously given, will be ever an inspiration to us all to carry on this good work for the benefit of the sick and in- jured. In closing, may I, on behalf of the Oshawa Hospital Auxiliary, thank the Citizens of Oshawa for their loyal and generous support throughout the year, and may I al- 4|s0 extend our very hearty thanks i| to Miss MacWilliams for her kind hospitality to our members in their various meetings throughout the year. The treasurer's report was algo read by Mrs. F. Bull, and met with the approval of those present. Receipts Cash on hand Jan. 1, '28 $360.86 Talent Dollar Recei _-- 647.75 Cheque W. I. Br ---- 33:52 Play * it Snappy" .. 560.24 Fees and Fines .-----e---- 49.85 Bridge at Residence ....... 107.00 Sundry Donations ......... 14.25 Cheque Mr. McMaster, Montreal = wer aan smuns 100.00 Proceeds Fair Tent --..... 549.50 Confederation Sunday Conertion Dance "at Winter Garden -- 160.55 Disappearing ridge --...- 412.30 INLOTOHE oe» » cm # 7 imme 5,38 Sale of Hospital Post Cards ,. 2.65 Rummage Sale ..._--------- 156.70 Hospital Sundey y Collections Simeoe St. United Chureh . 38.45 St. Andrew's United Church 47.42 Knox Presbyterian Church .. 4.75 Christian Church --.. 2.10 Salvation ATHY --sseeseme= 5.84 Albert st. United Chureh .... 3.00 St. George's Church ....... 10.81 King St. United Church ,, 27.98 Baptist Church . 5.25 Total onic scons +r $3341.10 Audited and Jamd currect : . P. SCHELL, : Auditor Hospital Supplies . ..... $1071.41 Advertising and Printing .. 21.15 Talent Dollars distributed --. 100.00 Painting and Papering Nurses' Residence .... 556.78 Florists , 39.00 Expenses of Fair Tent - 170.12 Singer Sewing Machine .... 8.40 Cheque for Social Service Work -- tmame---- 2 0:00 Miss Knisley's RR. Fare .. 1.75 Tuning Piano ae-comime=s ima 3.00 Quartz Lamp and Diather- my Outfit __. Express, Sales Tax and Customs for Outfit .... 38.77 Coleman's Cartage .....e 1.95 Hospital Fee to UH.AA, ._. 1.00 Balance on Hand eee 602.97 TOA] , youn mmsreains $3341.10 Audited and found correct: H, P. SCHELL, Auditor, The Social Service committee which has .been reorganized, has had a very good year, which was read by Mrs. B, A, Brown, follows in detail: oo 38.77 The following is a review of the | ¥¥ Social Service work carried on by our department during 1927: The Soclal Welfare with Mrs, made seventy-two committee visits, This branch of the work enables us to |B vicit the Patients in their homes af- | E& ter their discharge from the Hos- pital, in order that we may record their continued progress and home lft conditions, This information is filed in the office where it is rend- ily accessible to the Medical Staff, The Relief Comm/'ttee with Mrs, Soanes and Mrs. Weir as Con- venors, whose duty it is to invest:- gate homes of patients who are fi- nancially distressed and to assist them by supplying immediate ne- cessities, made thirteen calls. The thirteen homes visited were furn- ished with various articles to meet their urgent need. The Motor Committee under Mrs. Gray's convenorship, is avail- able at all times to convey patients i to and from the Hospital where circumstances demand free trans- portation, Dstribute Magazines The Library Committee distri buted magazines periodically to Patients in the wards. During the year four hundred and twenty- five were supplied, is convenor of this committee Two special meetings were held, one of which was addressed by Miss Knisley, Director of Social Service Work of the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. Her remarks were most interesting and instructive, This type of work is apparently appreciated among the sick as on every occasion the workers re- celved a warmr welcome hope this department may help to stimulate a good feeling toward the Hospital. We are pleased to report the gift of two sections of a Book Case donated by Mrs. McLaughlin to be used in connection with the Hos- pital library; the bequest of 24 books from the late Mrs. Morphy and the late Mrs. Williams; and the Oshawa Hospital Alumnae has sub- scribed $50.00 to be appropriated toward a fund for a part time paid Social Service worker. In addition to a cot, baby car- riage, a2 quantity of clothes and shoes were donated by members and friends of the Auxiliary, After this report was read, Miss MacWilllams told of the plan of the: murses' alumnae to retain a part time social seryice worker to carry on the follow up work, that is, to yisit the patient as soon as possible after they leave the hos- pital. The auxiliary welcomed this offer of co-operation with the nurses, all agreeing that someone trained in this work, it would be much more profitable and helpful to the patients. Se Committee The very interesting report of the sewing committee was read by Miss MacWilliams, being com- piled by Mrs. F, Robson. The sewing committee have had a very busy year. One afternoon a week has been devoted to the work; three machines have been kept in operation, We have en- deavored to keep all the linen in fairly good repair which is no light task in itself. With the able as- fstance of Mrs. Lavis to look after the cutting and planning of the new supplies, we have attended to all the requirements of the Nursery and the wards and over 1400 pieces were made up consisting of nursery garments, Pneumonia jackets, bed- ding, towels, tray cloths and cov- ers, stand covers and numerous other supplies. The thanks of the committee aré gratefully extended to all who have in any way helped to make this work a success, and a hearty fnvitation is 'extended to all to in the work for the follow- year. A mysterious package which had lain on the table all through the meeting was opened by Mrs. Me- Leaughl'n, who drew out the mame of the winner of the china cabinet The report PX the year EM Fe Robertson as convenor |K Mrs. Phillips | i and we |B with |§ J. D, Storie, Mrs. T. H. rs. G. Pedlar. O'Neill, Mra. - H. B. James, Mrs. 8S. J. Phillips, and Mrs, J. J. Henry. Mrs. F\ and Mrs. Lavis were elected by ae- clamation to remain on the sew- ing committee. The religf com- mittee is to be composed oy oy G. Findlay, as convenor, Mrs. H. L. Broomfield, Mrs. R. A. Welr and Mis, B. A. Brown, Next year's somal welfare' committee will be composed of Mrs. W. M. Robert- son, as comvenor, Mrs. G. Hezzel- wood, Mrs. H. B. James, Mrs. A. E. O'Neill. The library committee will include Mrs. 8. J, Phillips, as convenor, Mrs. H. H. Rans and Mrs, H, E, Bradley, The mext item of business for the following year, was the arranging of the church representative for Hospital Sunday at each of the churches. For the St. Geor ge's Chureh, Mrs, N. Millman, Mrs/'W. J. Burns Mrs, C. A. Kinnear and Mrs, M. Can- ning were chosen; at St, Andrew's Church, Mrs. 8. J. Phillips, Mrs, Little, Mrs, Beattie and Mrs. Fer- guson. The representatives of Sim- coe street Church will be Mrs. D. J. Brown, Mrs. 8. Harris, Mrs. M. Lavis and Mrs. T. H, Evetson; St. Gregory's Church, Mrs. ¥. Rob- son, Mrs, M, Soames and Mrs. that the Chane re fo i pe ht by keeping all drain pipes free from germs, grease and other accumulation Gillett's Lye. 8, With GILLETT'S pure FLAKE] 47 JE eats omer Get'the genuine article-- refuse all substitutes ! a F, Finigan; Christian Chruch, Mrs. J. H, Manuel, Mrs. Johnston, and Mrs, Samuel; King Street United Church, Mrs. 8. J. Trick and Mrs, Goyne, At the Knox Continuing Presbyterian Church, Mrs, E, Henry and Mrs, Campbell, for the Salvation Army Citadel, Mrs, H. Osborne and Mrs, D, Coull; Baptist Church, Mrs, J. Galt and Miss Lambert. Mrs, R. 8. McLaughlin, on re- suming her position, spoke of the honor that was bestowed on her J.|in being re-elected to the presi- at-the dency of the auxiliary, and promis. ed that the mext year would as' much more successful as it was humanly possible to be. Mrs, Mc Laughlin also spoke beautifully and feelingly of the late Mrs. H, E, Morphy and Mrs. Robert Wil. liams, two of the former valuable members of "the auxiliary, The first objective for the next year will be to provide another sterilizer for the hospital, were there has only been one since the beginning of the auxiliary and the work m the hospital has outgrown it, i -------- a oF hr THE ARCADE WINTER CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL NOTICE THIS STORE REMAINS OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY STORE HOURS, 9 to 6--SATURDAY 9 to 10. : Harvey Vests . Ladies' Wool and Cotton Vests, no sleeve and short sleeve, sizes 38 » 44, Wed- a ~ $1.59 Harvey Ccm- binations Ladies All Wool Com- binations, short sleeves, tight knee, sizes 36 fo | 42, Wed. Eo, 92.98 and Cotton Bloomers, made roomy, Sizes 36 to 38. Wednesday, ... $1. 59 Wednesday All Day We Feature Harvey Winter Weight Underwear At Exceptional Savings =--- 2000 Ladies' Winter Weight Under Garments Will Go On Sale Wednesday Morning 9 0' clock SEIT Harvey Drawers Ladies' Wool and Cotton Mixture, ankle length drawers sizes 36 to 44. redsy 98¢ nesday .---- ---- X% Harvey Com- binations -adies' Pure Wool Tight Knee Com- binations, short sleeves. Sizes 36 3640 42, Wed- day, iy, $3. 95 --__s------ Harvey Vests Ladies' Wool and Cotton Mixture Vests, short sleeves, sizes 40 to 44, Wednesday, % 31.29 ; Table Napkins Irish Linen Table Nap- kins, size 20 x 20, Fine quality. Wednesday Bar- Bore, oer 91:99 Dozen, ...oo0000s Table Cloths All Pure Linen Table- cloths, hemstitched, size 66 x 66, laundered ready oe SE $4.35 nesday bargain Three Great LINEN SPECIALS For Wednesday Linen Towels sobs, blue and gold. Wed- - id 35¢ 200000000000 000000 THERE WILL BE A SCRAMBLE FOR THESE PRIZE BAR- GAINS, SO BE HERE EARLY, Something Worth While Wednesday Afternoon at 2 O'clock Grab Bags 39C ea. In the Upstairs Bargain Section tables will be uncovered at 2 o'clock sharp. Come and share in these glorious bargain prizes. No one will know what they contain but we guarantee the biggest money's worth of the season. BAGS CONTAIN GOODS: OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. SOME WORTH 3 TIMES THE PRICE.

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