fe ita, fhe said. Horushy ident Fuchs that he be glad to play in Boston, there truth n ahe statement that p will oust Jack Slattery as mana- raves anticipate mo acy Y. Jan 'i3--The Post- (Se pd say. toda posed purchase of the Syracuse Foational League franchise by 'Donnelly - brothers, former own- 'of 'the se City club, is merely 'step toward "bringing Providence into the circuit, - e, Bonnelly, brothers sold their wit holdings last year to a ¢aded oF George Stall- gs; zhi transferred the franchise 5, Mon wit Py 1 thy racuse club | provided ag FL Cardinals, fo a re Pry Stars, succeed in he" the Rochester franchise, expected to be. definitely ecial meeting of the E 'in Now ork Monday, PLAY TIE { Ly York, Jan, Angark And Boston battled 2% ag 11'tle last night in an N.H.L, . Goals by Eddie Score and Oliver in the closing minutes big play forced the game overtime, which ended with- the deadlock, Mur- fai ucher were responsi. a Rangers' score, INN, Y, 13--The New LCoiite © Sons 1 . Ring 8 W, Phone 738W tro St, Be ol ue stellar CN Jats that the | Detroit N.Y. Rangers . Pittsburg Forde EERE EE) ------------ Detroit, Jan. 13--Detroit Cougars got one of the worst games of their Sarees worked out of their system here last night and the Toronto s, by persistently nating Jor openings, walked off ision in a slow defeat knocks the hoster wom. of Jack Adams out of first place in the American division and the win puts Toronto closer to the thick of the fight in the Canadian section, After a rather interesting first period, when two goals were scored, 4 was mediocre hockey, The mana- ers frantically switched forward ines to try and get cffective atack- ing combinations hut to no purpose, The Leafs had a slight edge but even they didn't have a smooth;worki attack at any time, The goalies loa: ed most of the evening, while the defence men and close-checking for- wards smothered all assaults, It fell to the lot of the hard-work- ing Bill Carson to slap in the tally that broke a 1 to 1 tie three minu- tes before full time, game seemed inevitable when Carson started to step out, Holmes robbed him of ane deserving effort but Wil- liam was r ight back again onthe next play, He swung wide arBund Noble and let go just as he left the defence man in his' make. Holmes couldn't move fast enough to get the perfectly placed shot, which ca ught the far top corner of the cage. the last few moments the Cougars bombarded Roach but the little goalies was equal to all occasions and the Blue Shirts skated off with a welcome victory, PITTSBURG BEAT CHICAGO Pittsburg, Jan, 13--The Pitts- ee | burs hockey sextet defeated Chica- 80 2 to 0 in a National Hockey League game here last night. Bert McCaffrey, Pirate defense ace, led the victors' attack, assisting Dar- ragh to tally the first goal in the first period and making a wild dash through the entire Chicago defense to score the second coun- ter in the second period, Among My Souvenirs "Sensation of the day" Woz Trot Roger Wolfe Kahn and His Orchestra PA Just a Memory 'Paul Whiteman snd His Orchestra Harold Yates--Cooper Lawley Ons Dew, Dew, Dewy Day Toot - Not Shilkret and The Victor Orchestra with guitar Jims Miller--Charile Farrell uf i Also the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor artists proc forty r | Poll IN GIANTS CAMP \ New York, Jan, 13- 13-The closed incident, ! SEL "will be no more ts il be no. he por] 4 no fecks that it has presented the reason for the trade . If some people are not satisfied with the ex- etd Ls thelr paves vestigating 's their privilege. Ee "experts" still were ees ad- A ed however, had sett ed he theory that the Giants' field sro nd d the spark of their offen] sent. to Boston be- cause ad ind personal differences with President Stoneham. Pritchard Collins ,,. Bergermer Winton soya srgneee St, GeOrge 44.0 ss re. 84 QUABe vss errr r 170 126 Yet 76 664 Total 1177 Fair Plays JOX: srr rarennssnvaiens 90 OBLeN +s sesvrnes An overtime | H Total 1881 Maple Leafs Colson ',,... Logerman «+0163 seer esnesss 88 ve 94 .. 120 (EERE RR 138 132 HUME ess erstore 4474 598 Total 1072 Mars Rays McKinnon 138 129 serarensrnse 99 MErEAD ,..esvvesvess 138 BODIE i rvervvrrreee- 04 86 Hardman ,,,v0000,..,,160 139 476 502 Total 077 HART'S DAIRY LEAGUE Drivers No, 1 Aston +, ,..,,,,,,,188 Watson .,,0004.,,108 110 115 Willams ,,,,,,,,168 108 212 83 166 168 632 621 667 228 172 L. Keag Total 1820 158 101 114 206 182 121 157 110 Scammelle ,,,,,,,170 E. Hart ,..,..,.,,133 668 6579 6520 Drivers No, 8 Garner Henderson, Sr, Henderson, Jr, ,,,159 Leighton rerere BT HP Hart ,,.,..170 122 189 167 187 182 150 81 169 174 86 660 a1 689 781 Total 2180 Truckers WSR +44): WAram ,,svrs02s5s179 Stevens ,,.,,,,,,172 Anderson ,,,,,,,,183 Snowden ,,,,,,,,168 v000120 180 164 150 213 168 153 168 279 187 21v Total 2636 Toronto, Jan. 13.--Permission was given yesterday afternoon by the Ontario Athletic Commission for Tommy Burns, only Canadien to ever hold the world's heavy- weight championship, to referee the opening bout of the Shamrock Athletic Club's boxing show at the Colliseur, 80, when George Barber and George Preston, Toronto featherweights, meet, a former world's champion will be the third man in the ring Burn's a "Cyclone" Jack Humbeck, and Larry Gains of To- ronto, heavyweight champions of Belgium and Canadas, respectively, are at their best, both state, for their clash in the main bout. Gains be able to outhox the rushirg, hard-hitting Humbeck, heavy hitting on his own accoun:. rative bouts awaiting him. Waintz, the French middle will be in a similar positios. .: Sab gefent George Perrotta of Erie, s. TALK INTERNATIONAL DEALS New York, Jan. 13--John Con- President- of the 20 Jersey. City Club, said. Asked for or confirmation, himself with saying he "wouldnt deny anything after the Hornsby nk min Ka shane A A 3s League schedules and 3 do Teruen i . Dunne, Continued mild weather is playing havoc with ol 1A, and City st night, and fr luding, ere some since January RE Ko ; Pr and unless the Wate d to tell but in ications are there will be when these games will be played is. the meantime feats had bettr hold themselves in yeadings to play at ort Botice, | . Motor City followers of Queen's rughy team will de quite interested in the following item from Ottawa which says in part: "Queen's rugby hopes for next season are due to receive somewhat of a setback, 'Chub' star middle wing of the Senators, in 1926, and he was with "the Tricolor last fall will be back with the Gann of 1926. He has Vince Monahan has also d a'p ively and will shake the dust of Kingston off*; his shoes and come back home." Billy Hughes is mentioned as Sena- tor coac accepted a position with a local stock firm. And then there is a joke fro mthe Mail 'and Empire's "Following the Puck Chasers." It is as follows: "With University of Teronto Schools trouncing St. Andrew's College 16-3, and Kitchener knocking off Marlboro Seniors 8 to 2, it was a hard pill for Harry Watson tc swallow in one day, Oshawa Shamrocks, St. Andrews and Marlboros are coached by Watson and perhaps he is lucky the Motor City kids did not have to play the same day." Well, perhaps that is right, but if one or two of those Toronto critics would drop around to Mutual street or Ravina arenas some night when the Corrin-Leckey-Cox-Luke sextette is playing a league affair they might open their eyes. There is not a better junior club in the group--at least that is what Watson says--and the team should ave little difficulty in going right through this season, The Shamrocks, will play in Peterboro Monday night providing there is ice suitable to play on, Notice where Port Hope is having regular dressing room "practices" every night, It might be a good idea, but doubtlessly the other clubs in the circuit are doing the same and will be 'in just as good a shape as the Ontarios when they appear on the ice, No, Port Hope, Oshawa hasn't forgotten that little slip of a week or so ago and will get down to brass tacks when it plays that game in the Port. All the Red, White and Black are rarin' to go but have little luck in trying lo per- suade the Weather Man to come across, Included in the party of golfers sailing for Bahama Islands from New York today is Ada Mackenzie, well known Toronto lady golfer and sometime holder of several Canadian titles. Miss Mackenzie is well known in Oshawa Golf Club circles, having played here on several occasions, Her many Motor City friends wish her every luck inthe Bahamas Championship, Glenna Collett, also of Toronto, and twice National champion, is also in the party. She is defending the Bahamas champion. Walter Johnson continues to sign veteran. ball players for his Newark team, The "Fire Ball King" has a wide connection in both major leagues, and experiences little difficulty in getting material for the Bears, Undoubtedly he expects to do some pitching himself, and the spectacle of the tall, gangling Kansas farmer making his way to the heaving hummock will be threat enough for most batsmen. A little youth to be used in conjunction with the experience and dicky arms and legs of the old-timers might not be a bad idea, but Jo'inson is assembling the team, We make the suggestion most respectiully. Major leaguers have made the mistake in other years of uudcerestimat- ing the strength of the International. RM.C. TO WEST POINT _ Kingston, Jan. 13---The Royal Military College hockeyists are ma- king ready for. their annual trip to West Point, N, Y., to meet the Cadets of that famed military school at hockey, The Canadians are expecting to win the games. There will be quite a number of 1 flitary officers going to the sister | institution and among the number | will be Colonel Commandant Con- stantine, who Is an anthusiasti athlete and one who won fame on the ice in past days. REID SIGNS WITH LONDON London, Ont.,, Jan. 13---Harry Reid, former Hamilton senior O. H. A. and Grimsby star, and with Chi- cago Cardinals last season, has been signed by the London Panth- ers and will report in Niagara Falls tonight. Al Gauthier also will report in time for the clash with the Cataracts, ronto boxer will find several Juc-| 3%. NEW MARTIN NOW PLAYING "The Air Patrol" COMEDY "Scared Silly" and 'The Trail of the Tiger' Sed Episode, = oR=wpry LOX {H, Dr. J. B Sport Briefs NEW MANAGER FOR WINNIPEG Winnipeg, Jan. 13.--E. R, "Ros- fe"? Helmer of Calgary has been named manage rof the Winnipeg Marcons of the American Hockey Aszoctation, to succeed Fred "Steamer" Maxwell' of Winnipeg. No reason for the change of man- agement was "announced, TURNS FIRST SOD Montreal, Jan, 13-- Hon. Athan- aze David, Provineial BSecertary, yesterday took command of the con- trols of a steam ghovel and turned the first sod marking the com mencement of work on the new tario Street East and Delorimi Avenue. The park will be the hom of the Montreal team in the Inter- national League. Hon, Mr, David prophesied a prosperous future for the sports venture, More than 1, 000 persons witnessed the cere- mony. haseball park, at the corner of On- WILL PLAY "GRADS" TT=1'fax, N.S, Yan, 13--A com- composed of F. J, Mahar, I". R. Little, Col.. Stan, Bauld rd J. D. Learment, selectéd to nick an ali-Nova Scotia team to nlav the Toronto Grads, Allan Cup holders, and Canadian Olympie rep- "esentatives, here Jan, 21, annonne- 'top od the folowing line-up last night: goal; ; Currie, Hanrahan, Halifax, annett, Corbain, Kentville, Glennie, Oxford, Nicholson, New Glasgow, and Arthur, Halifax, defense; Mo- sher, W. Kennedy, G. Kennedy, "entville, Bates, Sydney, Murdoch and Kuhn, Truro, forwards. MUST USE SOME TEAM Cleveland, O., Jan. 13--Backed by a group of new owners commit- ted to "a winning team for Cleve- land," but with virtually the same old group of players that finished sixth last year, the Cleveland Indi- aps will enter the 1928 geason with their hopes pinned prineipalily on a better showing of the last year's veterans and the coming out of several promising recruits. Faflure marked all efforts during the win- ter to add any major league stars to the Cleveland camp and Billy Evans, the tribe's new general man- ager, faces the April start with al- most the game proven material that Jack McAlister finished with last October. CHOICE OF NEW CHIEF LEFT TO BEAMSVILLE BRIGADE Beamsville, Jan. 11.--The fnau- | 08: gural meeting of the 1928 Council was held Monday might, with the newly elected Reeve, 8, J. Wilson, in the chair. Appointment of com mittees and town officers took mp most of the time. A new Chief for the Fire Department is to be ap- pointed, but it was left to the brig- ade to suggest a proper man from the ranks. Following are Chair- men of various committees for the year: Finance, Reeve Wilson; Waterworks, E. B. Osborne; Ceme- tery, 8. Atkinson; Board of Works, R. 0. Wilcox; - Fire, Light and Property, A. D. Fleming; Clerk and Treasurer, > B. Fairbrother; M.O. Police, E. Jub Doris: "f can't stand Jack any mone." Jane: "Why?" Doris: "Why, last night I had to flell him to behave." Jane: "Oh! and he did, eh?" Law od; Chief of| 'THEY'RE MILD We STATE it as our honest belief that the tobaccas used in Chesterfield cigarettes are of finer qualty and hence of better taste than in any other cigarette at the price, LieGETT & Mvens Tomacco Co; or CANADA, Linives sud yet THEY SATISFY . Chesterfield CIGARETTES rT HI LANDIS REFUSES TO ACT AS COLLECTING AGENCY FOR MOORE ------ Chicago, Ill, Jan, 13.--Kene- saw Mountain Lgndis, Baseball Commissioner, has refused to act as a collection agency fur Frank Moore, Kentucky betting commis- sioner, who is attempting to cbtain $92,280 from Rogers Hornshy to satisfy gambling debts, Moare, attathes of the Commis- sioder's oitice reveaied ygsterday, sppehled to Landis to compel niornshy to pay the money, winiln, Moore says, Hornsby lost betting on horse races, Moore attemptey «0 make collection in the courts at wi. Louis, but the case was thiown QuL, Commissioner Lanis told Moore couit settled the case in so far as that the action of the Bt. Louis ue was concerned, McGILL DEFEATS U. OF ¢ BY 4 TO 1 Montreal, Jan, 13.--McGill hoc- key team defeated University oi toronto, for the past twelve years intercollegiate champions, 4 to +irst of this year's series, McGill literally skated the Biu. off their feet with a dashiu., brilliant attack o nthe forward lic tht served adequately as a sound detepse at the same time, and hau they extended themselvles in the tinal period they might have hau 4 couple more goals in the fina. reckoning, As it was, only Murra, Snyder's goal-tending, which ai times bordered on the miraculous, wiht a dash of:luck thrown in, saved the champions from 8 worse defeat, For about ten minutes of the tirst period it looked as if UJ, of 1. was going to make a ks le of ft, for shortly atfer the gam. starteu Richards opened the scoring by beating Powergaduring a scramble in front of the" McGill cage. Pow- er"s view was blocked by Asif» dozen players and he fell to too late to avoid a tally, t ooh Slipping beneath him as he went wh, ¥.M.C.A, AT GUELPH ASKS PUBLIC SUPPORT -- Guelph, Jan. 11.--Enlistment of the support of the general public in order that the Y, M. C. A, may Pmore easily meet its budget each year, was urged by D. T, Beltzor, President » Port Hope, Ont, Jan. 1L=Gioat interest is developing Orieeses iy GINGER ALE Keep a few bottles always on ice Q'Keefe's Beverages Limited, Toronto here last night, The game was i i Ii TI TIT TI Scotland Wooller Mills Mill-to Man-Tailors J [A TT Mill End Clearance We must clon' out our last lengths and sample lengths to make. room for our Spring Goods which" are arriving from the mills in the Old Country. SUITS =. $18.50 Every Suit is guaranteed as to fit and finish, Regardless of Special Sale Price. A emall deposit will hold your order until wanted, Scotland Woollen Mill a 11 Simcoe Street South Phone 597-W 5. ROTISH, Manager