5 About to Cross US. VICTIM THREATENED Coroner's Jury Will Hear Evidence on Case Today Andover, N.B,, Flanary, recently employ- Jan, §.--Mrs, 'ed as housekeeper of Edward BE. __strong's Armstrong, who was found mur- dered near Perth on Saturday night, is held in Victoria County jail here, as a material witness. Mrs, Flanary is sald to have prophesied and foretold Arm- death under circum- at 8 o'clock She had been tlements and had suddenly left her employment. had been closely police. watched New Phase correspondent of a newspaper wires from Perth, N.B,, as ol lows: ! aged 64, Perth farmiér, when fi became known that just a fe ter into their own hands, and destroyed in the Armstrong's house, where was evidence of a been made hastily, er, empaneled a jury for am in- quest into Armstrong's death, Captain BE, C. P. Salt, commis- sioner of provincial police, was present with Officers McMann, Leach and Wilson, "After the swearing in of the jury at the Andover Court House, the party proceeded to the home of the murdered man at Perth Th. A. TAYLOR AGAIN working in one of the back set- Her movements by the Saint John, NAB, Jan. 5.--A "A mew phase has opened up in the investigation here inte the murder of Edward BE. Armstrong, hours before he was last seen on Wednesday afternoon he eéxhibit- ed a threatening letter he had received signed "K.K.K." to the effect that if he did not get rid of his housekeeper and settle up his affairs, they would take the mat e letter has not been found, but it was thought probable it might have been removed from the body Le stove in there' fire having "Dr. Aden F. McIntosh, coron- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1928 MAYOR OF MONCTON Three Old Council Members Defeated in Annual Election Moncton, Jan, 5.--~By a majority of 873, Mayor Budd A. Taylor was re- elected chief magistrate of the city of Moncton for the year 1928. As the result of the voting which took place Monday four new men will be at this year's council, three of the old members seeking re-election be- ing defeated. The new council will be composed of B.A. Taylor, mayor, R, A, Frech- et and G, Foster, aldermen at large; W, E. Marks and Fred Breau, ward one; Clarence Redmond and J, E. Wetmore, ward two; Carl Wolfe and J. D. Rushton, ward three, The vote for Mayor stood: Taylor, 1463; M, A. Hutton, 590, The vote for ald- erman at large stood: R. A, Frech- et, 958; G. Foster Perry, 920; C. H. Hlakeny, 816 and Dr, A. T. Mc- JEWISH COUPLE WHILE INPORTS SHOW INCREASE Canadian Trade With Ger many and Italy An Ex- ception in 1927 Ottawa, Jan, S--Analysis of the trade returns for the twelve months ending with November com deduction that Canadian trade and industry are not holding their own against outside competition world struggle for position and lead ership. are down $74,000,000, of which for in agricultural and animal pro- Kingdom are down $60,000,000, Examination of the returns indicate that this apparent decreasa is not explainable by the British trade re- turns only, The increased imports from the United Kingdom amount to $16,200,000, while total imports are higher by $82,000,000 over the previ- ous period. With Argentine, Austral. ia, Belgium, France and New Zea land, Canadian exports are down and imports are up in each instance. German Trade COMMITS SUICIDE Only with Germany and Italy does . Canadian trade show a healthy in- | crease in both exports and imports: exports to Germany mounting to Husband and Wife Found $37976000 with imports at $4881, in Gas-Filled Apart. ment 000, while the exports to Italy amounted to $23,697000 with imports at $3,996,000, Trade with Russia showed more in the! 000,000 are accounted] tecti ducts alone, Exports to the United | [HELP AT BORDER ON HERDER COUNT Youth Who Escaped from Essex Jail Again in Toils Windsor. Qat., Jan. 4.~Accused of two mgders in the United ¢7 escaping from the county a Sandwich, Wilham Fuller, 24-*earold desperado of Windsor, f» held by police at De the |troit. The youthful fugitive trom netice wan picked up two days ago in an a; t house by three De- troit detectives, but news of his arrest was withheld until tonight when he was identified by De t Duncan Macnab, of Windsor, Fuller had been at large since the morning of Saturday, October 16, 1926, when he sawed his way to fi om while awaiting trans- portal to Kingston Penitenti- ary, and trial by jury, on a charge of stealing an automobile, Fuller was found guilty hy Magistrate W. E Gundy at Windsor, of as- saulting Detective Joseph Bower and sentenced to two years at Kingston, The escape was effected by Ful ler sawing off the bolts which held the ventilator in place in his cell How he managed to squeeze through the small aperture, is still considered a mystery by jail au- thorities, However, he climbed to the roof of the new jail and swung over the high wall by using a rope made from twisted blankets and sheets, His escape was discovered when turnkeys went to the cell at Ten days after the escape, Ful ler is said to have shot and killed Leo Dipsia, Detroit gangster, dur ing a gun battle at a notorious resort at Fairhaven, Mich. Al though large rewards were offered for his arrest. Fuller evaded capture until Tuesday night. Be. tween the time of the Fairuaven murder and his arrest, Fuller is sald to have murdered a store proprietor at Jolett, Ill. Fuller told Detroit and Windsor detectives tonight, it is said, that he had been in Detroit nine months. visiting Windsor several times to purchase beer at the gov- ernment warehouse, HEROIC RESCUE ATSEA REVEALED American Tanker Saves Crew of Newfoundland Schooner in Storm Plymouth, Eng. Jan, 5.--~The story of two days heroic fight to save the crew of the Newfoundland schooner Ena A. Moulton was told when the United States tanker Dartford ar- rived with the six¢members of the crew of the schoo rescued Dec, 19 in mid-ocean, A terrific storm was raging when the Dartford's commander, Captain Kilmer, responded to distress sig nals from the schooner, The latter vessel was waterlogged and her can vas had been blown to ribhons, while the crew was exhausted by ash; less clinkers, C 110 King Street West \ re YOUR #UEL At Argue-McLaughlins COAL THE FAMOUS READING Egg, Stove, Nut, Pea and Buckwheat. Don't forget this is the finest Coal shipped into Canada, More heat; less OKE The Hamilton By-Product--The Famous Fuel. wOOD Good Body Hardwood, Hard and Soft Wood Slabs Argue-McL aughlin Coal Co. Phone 1246 "Quality and Service" our motto, Lines from the Dartford heaved aboard the helpless schooner were snapped three times and the vessels were torn apart, but the Dartford re- turned again and again dauntlessly to her life-saving task, The rescue ship fought huge waves and was RE------ until the night of Dec. 19, when the schooner's crew finally was hauled aboard, Before departing from the derilict, the Dartford set the Ena A. Moul- ton ablaze to prevent her becoming ) danger to navigation. volume, exports increasing almos 4 go ookiyn, od gm 5--TIsaac three fold to $3,159.807 and imnorts Reichman, | » nd i Wi 5, Hawa, of only $77,592. Exports to Japan ge, who ha ved 101 fell hack $9,000,000, amounting to themselves for 18 years, committed 9; i suicide together by turning on vo | $20 29.000, with imports at $11,623, gas jets and placing the tubes in their mouths, When Patrolman Herman Radke forced the door of their apartment open Monday, he found Reichman dead and Mrs. Reichman unconscious, She was taken to St, Mary's Hos: pital and died there later, A note addressed to Joshua Lodge Independent Order of Free Sons of Israel and signed by Reichman was | found in the apartment. Dear Brother: We want to be buried together from Joshua Lodge; Meyers Company, funeral directors," it read, "Please see that we get a double headstone, and have our graves looked after from the insur- ance that is due me, Fraternally yours, Isaac Reichman," and viewed the remains and in- six o'clock in the morning. Al spected the premises. Captain Salt personally carried out a minute inspection. The jurors were then dismissed to re-appear at the court house at 10 o'clock Thursday, morning to hear the evidence of the various witnesses, including those who discovered the body under its covering of blood-soaked straw, and others who had seen and talked with the man that day." long hours at the pumps, lashed by a hurricane for 37 hours _-- ~ _--_-- wy - -- rT -------------- With regard to the trade pact with Australia and New Zealand the bal ance remains quite favorable to Can ada. Exports for the twelve months ending with November mounted tr $16,984,382, with imnorts at $7,785.218 while exports to New Zealand for the same period amounted to $12. | 006,612 with imports at $5,563,966, The favorable balance for Canada there- fore amounted to $15,642,000, with the two dominions, The unsatisfactory balance of trade against Canada in returns of trade with the United States was increased by $42,000,000 additional imports, while exports rose by only $85,500,- 000, leaving the unfavorable balance at $233,789,000, This unfavorable bal- ance cancelled the favorable balance of trade with Great Britain of $240,- 863,000, leaving only $7,000,000 to put against the unfavorable balance of trade of 32,332 00000, the faviraie ally you want to talk to me about ' PAlance amounted to only $160,770, lots of things that you haven't got." $13,000,000 in trade with France, =, Prices Again Reduced 5s Thames is Still Rising-- : Mud and Debris Cover on all Edison Mazda Inside Frosted Lamps Wreckage London, Jan, 44.--Half of Eng- land is under water, according to the latest survey of the flood Effective immediately Inside Frosted Edison Mazda Lamps will sell at the fol- lowing new prices--the lowest at which quality lamps have ever been sold in areas, where the swollen River Canada: A ---- EE ry Hot Water Bottles SCHOONER'S FLAG AT HALF. MAST; MEMBER OF CREW LOST Shelburne, N.8., Jan, 2,--The United States fishing schooner Governor Foss, Captain Freeman Crowell, arriving here with flag at half-mast, announced the loss of James Dinn, member of the crew who failed to return in his dory last Friday when the schooner was on the bank, Search was kept up for two days without success, The weather was thick but calm, and Dinn's shipmates are hopeful that he was picked up by another schooner, the American, en route from Gloucester to the banks, was here today for shelter. Barona Model 4-40 $225 or with Electric Drive $265 EY x = Ta A TR Wife: "John, I've got lots of things 1 want to talk to you about--" Husband: "Glad to hear it! Usu- Thames and its tributaries show no signs of subsiding, The Thames rose 27 inches at certain points yesterday, and seec- tions of the river mre completely closed to traffic. The worst has not yet happened, since the upland snows have not yet melted, which means that a further thaw, with possible rain, would bring disas- trous results, Strewn With Timber As a result of yesterday's senss- tional developments on th® Thames when barges snapped their hawsers and careened crazily down the cur- rent, crashing against bridges snd upsetting, the river still is strewn with floating timber, which, with barges and cargo is making mpavi- gation unsafe, Kent County is the hardest hit by today's developments, » 30 cents LJ » 33 cents 50 cents «says Gigli--the great operatic tenor--' of his performances--as he hears them on the new Osthophonic Victrola. ground in a beautiful relief, exactly in its proper relation, So it is in hearing all music on the new Orthophonic Victrola with its Victor-controlled prinicple of "Matched Im- pedance" or "smooth flow of sound", Classic--yet beautifully modern in design-- and convenient are instruments, Elece trically operated (no winding) at slight ad- ditional cost. Instrument stops when the record stops. Models from $1400 to as low as $115 on convenient terms from all His Master's Voice Dealers. ; Theme, a Orthophonic Trade Mark Rep" Victrola D. J. BROWN "The Jeweller" 10 KING ST. W. " Above--four short, simple words! What a wealth of Weaning they hold! For a great artist does hear himself sing on the new Orthophonic Victrola, He hear§ himself as you may hear him,--his highest notes pure and clear; his lowest intonations full and deep in their rich resonance, The voice is perfect as in life, the instrumental music which accompanies, is like the back- force of the onrushing water swept it through houses whirling furniture in all directions, A curious anomaly is that the pity of Guildford may be cut of' from its Rg d supply, due to the EDISON [IAZDA LAMP A CANADIAN omens. ELECTRIC PRODUCT bears Ls128 Oshawa Electric Service 148 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH 3 Cine uh et © CaS OAL Ee SRT is C.B DeGuerre : i Fs} E ~ - SIMC TZ ST. Cleve F ox Hardware 15 SIMCOE ST, NORTH 4 PriONES 419 AND 26 i § 3 § § +