Be \ fan Ivers Kelly, Repre NOTICE 0 HONRANY ILE SUBSCRIBERS Any Bowmanville subscriber who -- have same delivered by 3 hoo wach Af- hoy. mill, natty the 2%: Renan. ar tho allive of Wyblicatind'se of 10¢ a Melville E. thet Oshawa. So adie "ben & ROTARY CLUB WILL ENTERTAIN MAYOR, COUNCIL, OFFICIALS ' (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 4.--The Ro- tary Club of this town is emter- taining the Mayor and council elect and town officials 'at lun cheon in the Bowman House on Friday at noon. Those expected to be present are, ihe mayor, T. 8. Holgate, who is also a prominent Rotarian, the council, H. M, Min- ore, W. P, Corbett, W. A. Rdger, A. J. Wadhams, George Crombie, and . C. Caverly, reeve, .W. Thickson and deputy-reeve, W. Carrothers chief of police Richard Jarvis, fire chief, Willlam Edger, town engineer, Fred C, Palmer, Alex town treasurer, Lyle, and clerk, John Lyle, DEATH OF WILLIAM G. RUNDLE (By Safi Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 4--The death occurred here last Monday of Wil- -- --_-- = $0 LEADER DRY GCODS Phone 740; 82 Simcoe St. 8, ------ avant f-- For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 28 SIMCOE 8, PHONE 880 Cash or Terms ---- LT stom DOM 1] We are making a Special Offer on our eas this week, These Teas are of exceptional value and we invite you to give them a trial a PW hg Green liam G. Rundle, prominent mem- ber of the Manonic Order at Orono, Ont. He wad in his 69th year and had been in failing health for only a short time. Surviving him are is wife and two daughters, Mre, Everton White of Bethesda, and Mrs, Esley Oke of Ebenezer. The funeral will be held frum his late residence at Bethesda, on Thursday afternoon, services being held at two o'clock, and will be conducted under Masonic auspices. Rev, Trumpour of Tyrone will offi- ciate, USUAL LULL IN BUSINESS ' AFTER CHRISTMAS RUSH (By Staff R Bowmanville, Jan, Retail stores in this town are finding trade to be slack, as usual after the holiday sea- son. Although most of them report good business done during Christmas week, this has let up for the present, and indications show that these con- ditions will probably remain the same for a few weeks to.come. Town officials also report retard- ed operations most of the on len bills having been looked after during the last part of the year. DEATH OF ISAAC PLUMLEY (By Staff Re aporier) Bowmanville, Jan, Isaac Plum- ley, for the last three months a resi- dent of Maple Grove and formerly of Oshawa died at his home in Maple Grove last night, He was in his 57th year, The funeral will take place from his late residence on Saturday after- noon at two o'clock, Rev, R. J. Shires will conduct the service, Interment will be made in Union Cemetery, Oshawa, der water due to the heavy rains at there is plenty of skating nS an. S5--William Bradd al family of Bowma today to re © is station with the acturefs surance = Agency, EE I living in ts for several years and had ak innumerable frien = altho Bradd's work took 'him to a Jgeater past of hi part of his time, THORNTON'S CORNERS ---- Thoraton's Corners, Jan. 4-- Skating on the Ponds now is the chief attraction for the young peo- So many of the fields were throughout the district, Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Smith and family of Oshawa spent New Year's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stonehouse en- tertained a number of their friends and relatives in their home on New ear's Day. We are very sorry to hear of the illness of Ted Robinson, who has been quite ill for a few days with influenza. We hope he will be bet~ ter soon. A resident of Toronto has pur- chased the Colton farm, where Mr. Geo. Marnien has been farming for a number of years. The purchaser is now engaged in cleaning up the orchard and grounds, blasting trees and intends to make a beautiful dwelling and grounds in the near future... Mr. Marnien will vacate the place and is undecided now just where he will locate. Mr, Lambrey and family of West Whitby have moved into the new house recentlv built on the Sonley property. We welcome them as neighbors. School reopened last Tuesday morning after a very pleasant holi- day over Christmas and New Year's Day for both teachers and pupils. A good attendance for the opening day was very gratifying for the teachers, M. F. Hepburn, M.P. for West Elgin, describes the U.F.O, 'as a very bad omelet." There isn't any doubt about it leaving a had taste in the mouths of the people of On- tario when it was in power.--Ham- ilton Spectator, ONALS| ZZ Zot the 22 NW y~ RES INUNITED STATES} TEA 59°. D.S.L. Bully Domino ros. Richmello A real flavory a reg. 79¢ Golden Tip Broken Orange Pekoe WR Choice Hand-picked White Beans 4™25¢ or Yellow Finest Tos Spinach 1 Pumpkinfi=i, 1 Clark's No, 2 tia Pork & Beans 12¢ Heinz Tate 25¢ Xe Se Sugar TEA reg. ig. I Blend English Breakfast rid Peanut 10 Ibs, 68c SPECIAL TEA BALE A ral ~55" 1b. 65° iw. 75°. 85°. Toy Pail Butter i19¢ 1 { { { f f { f { f $6.65 Bag SER MR SE HR IR RE A I IR RI I McLaren's Invincible Jelly Powders 3 pts, 25¢ Chicken Som Soup 24c tin Butter Brae:zide Brand The finest butter to be obtained dc» | Mayfield Brand 42 ih. shall) } ALL EGGS ARE GUARANTEED ESTAS 1 9 dxf Storage FIRSTS 48 doz. PE "Special Prices on EGGS 424 Graded according to wy ASTY" BRPAD Best Bread or Te Taker -- 9° PS SE SR SR AE IR IR FRE IE RRR CALL ALALLCLLCELL ELL ECLA ITH HELL Bluebird Cocoanut Rizacaroons 25% te " "ook's Friend 2nd H.P, Sauce Boule 26c¢ Kkovzh Health Salts 18¢ tin Benson's Corn Starch Bigs Raking Powder 9c Domico Bakicg Powder 16-0 1s 25¢ Bureau of Internal Rev- enue Records Increasing + Wealthy Men is ited. States ent has noted: it with no Eh inary statistics by me Bu reau of Internal Revenue the sources of revenue show oy when 1926 closed there were 228 persons paying taxes on income of $1,000,000) or more. The total is 21 more than were of record for 1925, and 253 pa in 1924 and 154 more than en Individia boasted op of incomes of or more, just twice as in Ay New York, Jan. 5.--The Naluetor New York City real estate, as assess- ed for taxaticn in 1928, has been an- nounced by the Department of Tax: es to be $19,806,396,911. The budget for 1928 has been tentatively put at $490,000,000, These assessments show an increase of $1,617,189,163 over the 1927 figure. Taxable and non-taxable property and speci) franchises, taken together, bring the total valuations up to the gigantic sum of $20,316,- 397,586 (£4,063,279,500), but of this amount only $16,573094225 (£3,314, 618,800) is taxable. Huge as this ba sis for taxation is, it still leaves room for uncertainty, how the ¢ity is going po be able to finance inter alia a program of transport improvement which in- volves, during t next four years, expenditure for new subways alone of more than half a billion dollars (£100,000,000). Some of the largest assessments m different classes of real estate are as follows :--Equitable Building, $31,- 000,000 (£6,200,000) ; American Tele- phone and Telegraph Building, $18,- 000,000 (£3,600,000) ; Commodore Ho- tel, $14,000,000 (£2,800,000); an apart ment house on Madison avenue at 85th street, $5,600,000 (£1,120,000); Metropolitan Opera House, $5,630,- 000 (£1,126000); the Paramount Building, a combined cinema theatrc and office structure, $14,000,000 (£2,- 800,000) ; Roxy's and Loew's State- two cinema theatres--=$4,300,000 (£860,000) and $4,800,000 (£960,000) respectively ; University Club, $4,300, 000 (£860,000); and Altnran's a Fifth avenue department store, $16,700,000} (£3,340,000), Person Property Personal property assessments which include only tangible personal property, are fixed upon 87774 per- sons for a total of $1,106911,550 (£221,382,310), Mr. John D, Rocke- feller's name leads the list. He is down for $1,100,000 (£220,000), In the next group, assessed at $500,000 (£100,000), are Mr, John D. Rocke- feller, jun.,, Mr. Archer M. Huuting- ton, Mr, T. F. Manville, jun, Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Mrs. Gertrude V. Whitney, and Mrs, Heien Hay Whitney. 800 PRESENT AT NEW YEAR LEVEE Governor-General Holds An- nual Function in Crim- son Chamber Ottawa, Jan. 5.--More than 800 men representing all walks of life Monday paid their respects to the Governor General at the annual New Year levee. The reception was held this year in the Senate Chamber where His Exeellency surrounded by his personal staff and aides de p in dress uni- wr with all who forms, shook journeyed up the fey, windy ap- proach to Parli nt Hill to ex- tend their greeti Color has been added to the oe- casion under Lord Willingdon's re- gime. In other days the levee was held in the Governor General's of- fices in the East Block, but this year, for the cond time, tne crimson background of the Sen- ate was used. In the lobby the band of the Goffernor General's Foot Guards played throughout the reception and the galleries were crowded with ladies who, in the course of the next few weeks, wil! take part in ceremonies more dis- tinetively feminine at the annual drawing room following the open- ing of Parliamrent. Immediately after the levee re- ceptions were held in the mess quarters of the local militia units The officers of the regiments after attending the levee in full dres: uniforms, turned hosts in thei own quarters for the afternoon. Premier King was at home at Lau- rier House throughout the after- noon and received callers from two o'clock until nearly six. BRUINS IN OVERTIME Boston, Jan. 4. -- The Boston Bruins and the Pitsburg Pirates played through tow overtime per- jods to a scoreless tie in a hard fought National Hockey League game here last night. Pittsburg played through two overtime per- throughout, warding off the des- efforts of the Boston team to score. In the overtime session Connor of Boston and McKinnon of Pittsburg came to blows and each was given a major penalty. Detroit's victory over New York Rangers at New York last might left Detroit and Boston tied for first place in the American section of the league. Golfer: "Yes it was a poor lie" Non-Golfer: "Are yo ureferring to OLD RESIDENT William Henry Taylor Was Well Known as a Journalist Whitby, Ont., Jan. 4.---In the death of Willlam Henry Taylor, of Whitby, the community loses widely known and highly-esteem- ed resident. Besides being a fre- quent writer to Kit, in the Toron- to Mail and Empire, Mr. Taylor also contributed to other columns during his early days. Mr. Taylor was born in Cornwall, England, 79 years ago, and emi- grated to this country with his par- ents while still a young child. The family took up residence in Whit- by, within a stone's throw of the spot where he died yesterday, his father practising his stonemason's trade for some years, until the fam- ily moved to a farm in Reach Town- ship, near Port Perry. When he had reached young manhood, young William entered the office of the old "Ontario Ob- A a -- When you step out of The World of Romance, back Into the reality Of a five-roomed apart- ment with bath-- Cheese, jam and McCorm- ick's Oven-kist Jersey Cream Sodas Act as a wonderful buffer To break the shock-- And somehow they satisfy That midnight craving, N.B, We could not improve the flavour of the old favorite McCor- mick's Jersey Cream Soda--but we have made a moisture-proof package which keeps these delic. ious biscuits crisp and fresh in. definitely. If you have not yet tasted the new Ovenkist Salted Cracker--or the dainty Oven-kist Reception Wafer --you bave a treat in store. They fishing or golfing?" AR] servers, of Prince Albert, where he learned his trade, that of composi- tor. He moved to a Port Hope pa- per, but only stayed for a short time, after which he joined a New York daily. It was during his ten year's stay in New York City that he becameg,a member of the Cosmopolitan ge, A.F, and A. M., of New York City, and also married, Not long after his marriage, he let his trade for a few years, to run the farm in Reach township, as a market garden, After a number of years there, he came to Toronto, where he joined, the old * "World," staying with it as com or, and later as proofigreader, to the time of his retirement, about fifteen Years ago. Since that time, he has been re- siding in Whitby, at the old Brock street home, where his wife prede- ceased him some years ago, He was a member of No, 91 To- ronto, Typographical Union, and a past © member of Prince Albert Lodge, A.F, and A.M, Surviving Mr. Taylor are one sis- ter, Mrs. faker. | f Toronto, and two sisters-in-law, Mrs, James Tay- lor, of New York City; and Mrs, Joseph Taylor, of Toronto. The deceased was active up to his death, according to William Ash, of Toronto, with whom he spent a portion of last Christmas Day, and took an active interest in Masonic and union matters. His visit to Toronto last month brought him in contact with scores of old friends and notably a few of the older members of the Mail compos- ing room staff, with whom he had worked, as a World employee, years ago, SOVIET DELEGATE T0G0TO MADRID Esiab'ichment of Diploma. tic Relations Likely in Near Future Beruin, Jan. S5~--Recognition by Spain of the Soviet Government and resumption of Russo-Spanish diplo- matic relations have become possi- bilities of the near future, it is learned from authoritative sources here. The first step in this direction will be the establishment of a Russian trade delegation in Madrid at an early date. Pending restoration of normal relations between Madrid and Moscow this Soviet trade delegation in Madrid will be a subsidiapy of the Russian embassy in Paris, This development emerged from the recent visit to Madrid of Vice- President Batulin of the Soviet Nap: tha Syndicate, grhich culminated in an agreement which SSpain con- sented to underwrite 60 per cent, of the oil imports from Russia, Bataulin conferred with Gen. Primo De Rivera, who is reported to have received him in a wi friendly spir- it. The proposed hment of the Russian trade delegation in Madrid was mentioned during Primo De Rivera's convegtions with Batulin, SOVIET EXECUTIVE EXPELS TROTSKY Many Prominent Opposi- tionists are Dealt With by Legislature Moscow, Jan. 5.--~The presidium of the Soviet Russian Central Execu- tive Committee resolved unanimously to expel Leon Trotsky, Greggory S. Zinovieff, Leon B. Kameneff, Christ- jan Rakovsky, and several other prominent oppositionists who had al ready been expelled from the Com- munist party. The decision was taken upon the initiative of the Communist section of the Soviet Russian tive Conmnittee, which is the chief legisla- tive body of the country. The munists contended that persons ex- pelled from the party were unfit for membership in the legislature. MRS, LINDBERG BAGK IN DETROIT This New 1928 Symphony Console (Model 200A) RADIO RECEIVING. SET, is the ideal radio for your Somme You do not know--you cannot know--today's possibilities in electric radio until you have heard this superb new Rogers Symphony Console, The receiving unit is the same as the famous Rogers "220" (the standard model by which all electric sets are judged) combined with the Rogers Symphony Speaker in a beautiful genuine Walnut Cabinet, Let us place this new 1928 Symphony Console in your home for test and demonstration, If it does not perform to YOUR satisfaction you may have it returned FREE 'of all cost. Price, complete, $420--on terms to suit your convenience, Ge..eraior & Starter Co., Limited 153 Church St, Oshawa Phone 1433 pd in an sitomohlie to rest before re- turning to her tasks as a teacher at the Cass Technical High School here, Asked if she enjoyed flying, Mrs. Lindbergh replied quickly: "Of course, I do. Why I? "I am not the slightest bit tired and am certainly planning to teach | my pupils. We could not have been more comfortable than in the cabin of the plane. It was warm and the flights were not long. shouldn't Jhan to continue reading schegl; And I certainly wish to thank the. people everywhere we stopped whe: EGG GRADING DROPS Guelph, Ont, Jan. 4.--Figures' given out today by officials mn charge' of Guelph Egg Grading Sta- tica show that 94,564 dozen eggs were bandled by the gradess in 1927. This is about 19,000 dozen "I have no other pan" she said, | less than the previous year, ----- --_ ___-- -- Ss ME g------ forts to serve you, Wm.Garrard To the Electors of Whitby Tp. I take this opportunity of extending to you my hearty thanks and appreciation for the confidence you expressed by electing me as Councillor. shall be loyal to you by putting forth my best ef Wishing you all a | Prosperous New Year.