and a happy day any. 3 laspell has been with Mr, and Mrs, T, OC, Alleen and Bernice Stain- have been holidaying with aunt, Mrs. Alan Lavis. Miss Bernice Arnott is spending Christmas week with her a other, Mrs, E, Osbarpe, of r, "Miss Mary and Master Alee irks, of Bowmanville, are visit Bg Mr. and Mrs, John McGregor. | Mr. and Mre. John McGregor at- éided the golden wedding cele. pation of Mr, 'and Mrs. John Pas. Solina, on Saturday, Dec. 24th, ir, yy assisted at the ed: years , When he pbly supported Tae vaom on that | Mr, Garfield Trevail and Mr, Jesse Arnott attended the funeral if the late Mrs, Annit Arnott, whe ' recently in Toronto. iss Gladys Doan is spending her holidays with her parents in ner, ~ Mr. and Mrs, Bert Northcott, Who have been residents of this locality for a number of years, (have moved into Oshawa, fi The Christmas conceit at Max- well's was a decided success, The hoo! was prettily decorated for occasion, and the program was (Presented in a splendid manner. (Miss Dora Ball, made a very able [chair lady, . The program consisted of the i following numbers: Chorus, "While F8hepherds Watched. Their Flocke [iby Night; recitation, Leonard { Ball; recitation, Bessie Mountjoy; | motion song, by the girls; recita- $tion, Walter Davis; duet, Hisle 'Bradley and Ella Mountjoy; dia- ie, "A Christmas Eve Dream;"" recitation, Percy Mountjoy; chorus, SChristuvas. Bells; pantomine, I "Wanted--A Wife; recitation, | Gladys Cobon; recitation, Donald vis; song, "My Kitty; recita- on, Jack Arnott, dialogue, "An Hour Behind Christmas; recita- 'tion, Elsie Bradley; recitation. nice Arnott; motion song, hy the boys; recitation, Elda Mount- EE -------------- Men's Fine Shirts, To dear $1 29 LEADER DRY GOODS 83 Simcoe St, 8, joy; chorus, an the Housetop;" At the proper time Santa Claus made his appéarance, and created a merry time by distributing the candies and gifts, Mr, E. Davis, in a few well chosen words moved a vote of thanks to the teacher, Miss Doan, who had so ably train- ed the pupils. This was heartily approved by all, after which the National Anthem was sung. COLUMBUS Columbus, Dec. 28.--Mr. and Mrs. W. Robson, Mr, Rob. Gilroy, and Miss Delma Gilroy, of Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Cook and children, Miss Evelyn Ellins and Miss Grace Cubbage, of Brooklin, Mr, and Mra, ©. Grills and child. Ten, and Mr, and Mrs, W, Ellins and Levi, at Levi Elling' for Christmas, Mrs, Robt, Scott had a new ra- dio installed in her home one day last week. Mr, and Mrs Edmund Ashton, from the West, are visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ash- ton. We are pleased to see Ed- mund around the village again after an abgence of several years, and also that he brings with him his bride, ' Miss Viola Benner is visiting her parents at Burlington this week, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Purves spent a few days of last week with the latter's parents at Chatham, Miss Coulter, of Toronto, spent Sunday at W, Bromell's. # The nomination of Reeve, deputy reeve and councillors held in the township hall on Monday last pass- ed off very quietly with the same council carrying on for another year. Mr. and Mrs, T, Cook and Elor- na spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, O, Murison, Stew- art and Ross, spent Christmas with relatives at Markham, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Dee, 29.--S8ervices on Sunday were as usual well at- tended, Beautiful Christmas mosic was renderet in the church service, insluding a duet hy Misses Mabel Stevens and Margaret Aber nethy and a solo by Mrs, Stainton Our pastor, Rev, H, J, Stainton, prearhed a splendid Christmas sermon, the holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. Laird, Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Morton and son, John, Cobourg, spent Christ. mas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Truman Power. Mr. Ray Snowden, spent Christmas at home, Miss Susie Laird, Grafton, Is holidaying at home, Toronto, Steckle Chiropractor and Drug- + noe st will pia the office, 146 street, north every afternoon and y, Wednesday and Fridsy evenings, 'orenoons by appointment, Resicential " 5 m, town snd surrounding di fe "Cnmiiaton is "free at office, Mr, and Mrs, Bam Snowden spent Monday with her parents Mr, and Mrs, W, L, Macklin, Co bourg. Mr, W, G. Ranton, spent Monday with his sister, Mrs Chester Power, | Mr. Thomas Snowden is spend -- | The Apex Electrophonic --- interprets the ver) - soul of music Models Priced from $115.00 to $385.00 THE COMPO COMPANY, LIMITED, LaCHINE, MONTREAL a BECORD ©O0., TORONTO, ON. Distributors: --THE VANCOUVER RECORD C0., VANCOUVER. Mr, Ernie Laird, Toronto, spent. Brantford | THE OSHAWA DALY T . Enniskillen, Dec. 29.~--~The rate- payers of 8.8. No. 16, which in- cludes Enniskillen village, held their annual meeting on Wednes- day at 10 a.m. Considerable funter- Cook was electad chairman, H. Ferguson, secretary, presented various reports which showed pupils attending, twenty-nine pro- gress in the school to be satisfac. tory and equipment ranking first class, : : Mr, T. M, Slemon retired as a trustee after serving for six years. After several ballots the vacancy was filled by the election of Mr. Fred Ellis, The trustees now are Thoa. Stevenson, Walter Oke, and Fred qi Sec.-Treas,, H, Ferguson, M. BE, Carter's tender for janitor was accepted for the ensuing year, Thos, Stevenson was elected delegate to the School Trustees' Convention, He also reported rela- tive to Continuation Work at En- niskillen which was favourably discussed but no action taken, rmyrw vy Almonds, Des. 28.--Mr. and «| Mrs. Albert Carruthers and family lof Ericksdale, Man., are spending a month with his mother here. Mrs Richard Carruthers, and other relatives. Mrs, C. L. Morcombe and daugh- ters of Omemee are spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. Balsdon, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Osburne and grandson, Croft, spent Christmas week-end with the latter's sister, Mr, and Mrs, Challis of Bowman ville, Mrs, R. Pilkey and children visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Corner of Brooklin, several days this week, Miss Maud Squires, of Toronto, is spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. F. G, Harris, Union 8. 8, No. 1 School meet- ing was held on Wednesday morn- OLDSM ing when the following Trustees Abe v ~UCT OF GENERAL FRINAY. DECEMBER were appointed: Mr. J. Chambers. Mr. Fred Gale, Mr. George Lee. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr, A, W, Richard son in the death of his father, which occurred Saturday morning after an iliness of over a year. Mrs, W. Balsdom, Mrs. C. L. Morcombe and daughter, Doreen, spent Wednesday with the form- er's sister, Mrs. James Gregory, of Oshawa. Mr. and Mra. Cecil Wood and son, David, spent Christmas with the latter's father, at Sunderiand. The Sunday School Christmas concert held im the church 'on Thursday evening last was largely attended and greatly appreciaied by all prestnt. Choruses, recita- tions and exercises under the di- rection of Miss Gretta Graham, our school teacher. A short Christmas play lasting a half hour entitled "All Honor to Jane" given by the young ladies and young men was greatly enjoytd and was filled with the real Christmas spirit. Old Santa was on hand with his abund- ance of Christmas gifts for young and old. Proceeds of the evening were $36. Miss Mable Rowe,. of Toronto, spent Christmas week-end at the homt of Mr. and Mrs. F. T, Rowe. Miss Mable Mackey, of Toronto spent the week-end with her moth- er, Mrs. M. Mackey, here. MICHIGAN BUSH FIRE LOSS LOWEST REPORTED IN YEARS Detroit, Migh.,, Dec. 29--Fores! fires:in Michigan during the year just closing swept, over 94,291 acres and caused damage amounting to $65,034, H. C. Andrews, chief fire warden of the State Conservation Department, reported today, The damage 15" the lowest reported in years. The cost of suppression was $41,267, There were 2,380 fires large and small, 499 of which were started by smokers, 301 by bush burning, 122 by camp fires, 386 by railroads and 70 were incendiary. The remainder were of undeter- 30,1927 BLACKMAIL CASES WORRY ENGLAND Crime Rampant in London and Scotland Yord is Busy REGULAR GANGS Members of Society Fail . Victims to Decoys and Rogues London, Dec. 30--The blackmail racket [3 worrying Scotland Yard Since the celebrated "Mr. A" case several years ago, in which a wtalthy and Influential Indian po- tentate was involved blackmail has become rampant in this country. So serious has the menace become, that judges now are agreed that the names of victims should be kept secret in order that they may be encouraged to prosecut cases in which they are Involved. Sir Henry Maddocks, the record- er of the city of Birmingham, ad- vocated Tuesday. 4 further step in the suppression of this erime, sug- gesting that all blackmallers should be flogged as part of their punishment, ., Several gangs who live and carry on their operations from a prominent section of the exclusive West End district of London are said to be responsible for the in- crease in blackmail. Recent police investigations have disclosed that these gangs have wcmen members who act as decoys. They sit in the lounges of the most exclusive ho- tels and night clubs, where they become acquainted with wealthy business men, particularly those from the provinges. Some Methods The usual method is for the wo Like a 2 eal nd ~ where they are surprised by ber} alleged husband, who demands money as the price of silence. Once the victims part with money, there is always a dema.d for more. It was recently revealed that the son of a well known peer fell into the hands of a blackmailer, who knew that the victim's father was a millionaire. In three years the father paid more than $3,000.000 to keep the case quiet. Then the blackmailer was prosecuted. The names of the persrar Involved were kept secret. There are other metnods equally favored by blackmallers., Jne la to find a professional man, Jerferably one who is just starting out In his profession. The voman coolly de mands money, threatening tu com- plain publicly of the man's con- duct, Dancing partners in public dance halls are another reaso. why some men or women hecome bankrupt A young man who was eugaged as a dancing partner in a public place recently tricked the daugnter of a prominent peer intn a compromis ing position. He then proceeded to blackmail her and had practically bankrupted her hefore her father learned of the circumstances of the cas eand had the prosecut- ed mined origin. OLDS MOTOR WORKS of Canada, Limited man to take her victim to her flat, CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY Four years of penal servitude is Of Canada, Limited . Announce the Appointment of GONSOLIDATED MOTOR SALE with premises at 26 ATHOL ST. WEST, Phone 428 As Dealers in Oshawa and Territory for [Oe ct JERE EE > OBILE - LaSALLE - CADILLAC a ------ Pw Prospective buyers of Oldsmobile, LaSalle or Cadillac Motor Cars will find the staff of Consolidated Motor Sales courteous and attentive. Modern service faci mechanics together with a sincere interest in their requirements assure owners at all times of prompt, effic- 1ent service, ities and good GINGER ALE . the usual penalty wn such cases and many judges are demanding al terations of the law to permit more severe sentences. Bl If seeing 1s believing, men ¥ should have implicit faith in we " men these c News. A long hair on a man's coat now may merely indicate that he keeps a horse.--Brandon Sun, MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present payments we will pay off the claims and renew your payments for any term up to twelve months and insure your car. See Swanson, Ger- man & McKenzie, 8 King street east. Phone 940,