Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1927, p. 1

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VOL. 1--NO. 151 p SS RE ak 2 _--_ The Osh CE Sh Sh Except Sundays and ™ JOURN ALISTS GUEST dt mua Baily Times The Oshawa Daily Reforme: OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 192 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. WILL ENGAGE ATTORNEY T0 DEFEND HUNT Father of Alleged Accomplice of Hickman Arrives at Oklahoma PARENTS SEPARATED Fathers Both Declare They Want Square Deal for Sons (By Associated Press) Oklahoma City, Okla, Dec. 30-- George L, Hunt, father of Welby | [Bi Hunt, was here today to enlist the aid of an attorney to defend his som, who was implicated by William Ed- ward Hickman in the robbery and slaying of the California druggist. Hunt and the youth's mother, like Hickman's parents, separated several years ago, The mothers of both youths live in Kansas City, The elder, Hickman, is a crane operator at El Paso, Texas, while Hunt is employed at Seminole, Okla, he fathers both declared they only wanted a square deal for their sons, and that if they were guilty they! should be punished. Neither planned to go to Los Angeles, ENFORCE LIQUOR £300 IN WHITBY Special Officers Sent Out By Department to Assist Local Officers (By Staff Reporter) 'Whitby, Dec. 30--Special pro- vincial constables are being sent out by the Ontario Department to Whitby to assist Chief of Police Herbert Gunson and Provincial Constable George E. Cookman to see that the Liguor Control Act is observed in this town during the Liquor Control L)Py v the New Year festivities, The men will be in plain clothes and will walk into the restaurants, hotelsc Andrew Moffatt Heads New e- and other public plaes w brations are being hel to see that the law is being/observed. 'The same squad of officers, and gording to Provjcial Constable rge B., Cookman, 'The law was well observed", However, the officers did find a small quantity of liquor which they elaim was being kept illegal ly, but it was not in this vicinity. GREAT BRITAIN SNOW KING'S GR gndon Experiences Coldest ¥ Day of Year -- Gales on Coasts Still Rage (By Associated Press) London, Dec. Contrary to overnight predictions of milder wea- [Company at the time of its incep- ther, sreat Britain was established | more firmly than ever in grip of the snow king today while still colder rid hig forecast for tonight. mercury at eleven above zero, London and its environs ex- iricnesd the soldust day of he year. abated in the English Channel after raging inces- santly for four and a half days, and cross channel steamers resumed full as did the Continental Air RELOAD SHIPHENT 'OF LIQUOR COMING Million and a Querter Bot tles Leaving Glasgow for Vancouver (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Pass) Glasgow, Dec 30--The biggest ent of Whiskey ever | to Jeave on one vessel is being: load- ss Fig Fu Salacia which sails ior 'ancouver, BC, on Saturday. The vessel will carry 100000 cases of mssorted liquor and many casks, totalling more than 1,250,000 bottles, v Employes Royal Farm Fight to Keep Dicease Away From Cattle Who has re-entered Retail Auto a new automobile sales and serv ice organization that has been formed in Oshawa under the name of Consolidated Motor Sales to handle the Cadillac, LaSalle and Oldsmbofle lines for General Mo- tors of Canada Limited in Oshawa and surrounding district. ganized and will personally man- age the new Company, is ope of the nioneers in the automobile and annual supper, is being ar- don (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Lenton, Eng, Dec, 30--Stable help, farm workers and every. body else employed in active capacity around the Prince of Wales farm here was on the alert today in a-fight to keep the foot and mouth disease awa; famous herd of prize Shorthorns. This dread waledy, of Sattle was spreading ottingham. shive and other midland coun. ties. The suspected case was dis- amous Herd of Prince Threatened HEADS NEW SALES AND SERVIC™ CO. ANDREW MOFFATT mobile fie'd here as head of New Sales and Service Organizating to handle, Oldsmobile, Cadillae and LaSalle cars. CONSCLIDATED MOTOR SALES FORMED ERE Sales and Service Company PIONEER IN BUSINESS Will Handle Cadillec, La- Selle and Oldsmobile Motgr Cars Announce~:ent 's made today of Mr. Andrew Moffatt who has or- business having been connected with the Mci.an~hlin Motor Car tion in 1908 and continuing his ser- (Continued on page 2) FIREMENS BALL (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Dee. 30--A good pro- gram including novelty dances ranged by the firemen for the Ju- bilee Ball of The Whitby Fire De- partment for tonight at the Town Hall. The executive of the ball is looking forward to a good atten- dance. BOY ACCIDENTALLY WOUNDS HINSELE Bullet Lodges Just Below Heart and Behind Shoulder Blade BCC (By Canadian Press Lindsay, Dec, 30.--~Orville Rmith of Reaboro, aged 14 years, was seriously wounded yesterday evening while out 'hooting pigeons, some the gun Be carried discharged contents just below the heart, the bullet lodging behind the shoulder blade, :The young lad is in the Ross Hospital here, M FIRE LOSS IS TWO MILLION DOLLARS Two Square Blocks and a Liner Destroyed in River Front Fire _ ad Associated Press) Hoboken, N.J., Dec, 30,--Flames roaring across two square blocks of the river front wreaked two million dollars havoc here today, Three hundred * foot Clyde Liner Seneca, ued at $2,000,000 was transfo d into inferno, her vap- tai nand first mate escaping down hand rope, and it was feared she was a total loss, Two 700 foot plers were also destroyed, and four barges con- sumed and.four other partly burn- ed, The steamer Handrick Hudson of Hudson River day line towed out inte the river, with her bow flaming. Flames were extinguished in midstream, The fire started from explosing gasoline on one of the destroyed piers, All Hoboken fire apparatus, dozen railroad and New York city tire hoats anu volunteers about the docks fought the conflagration while thousands rushed jcene, " "' CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND DONATIONS Following are further dona- tions to the Christmas Cheer fund which were not previously ac- knowledged: V. M, McMillan and"E, L. PHIIPB -.7rsvrnrrrrss C M..EVIDB ,..000004» Ewart McLaughlin ,,,.. CQ Bo sisssssssisrer J. G. Langwaid ......,. Employees: of The Osha- wa Dally Times ,.,... A, Well Wiser .....,., A Friend, Celine Street A Friend sess rrrsrnns P Dlgym 888 ee "=a meow E3353 88k i maps showing the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes, revealed he Hi ih hl i I I¥ ! | 1H | tin LINDBERGH ON WAY TO HONDURAS Thousand Persons See the Flier Take Off from Guatemala GREAT SEND-OFF Lindy Expects to Arrive at Belize About 9 O'Clock (By Associated Press) New York, N.Y. Dec. 30--~The Tropical Radio Telegraph Company announced today that Colonel Char- les Lindbergh took off from Gaute- mala at 625 am. central standard time, for Belize, British Honduras. If Colonel Lindbergh maintains the speed with which he travelled to autemala City from Mexico, it is estimated that he would be at Belize shortly after nine o'clock. If land- ing is not possible Lindy announced before leaving that he would fly on to San Salvador, 260 miles from Bel. 1ze, The departure wah witnessed by a thousand persons who had gather- ed at daybreak. Lindy personally supervised all preparations for his hop off. The plane was declared ready at six o'clock'and soon after- wards Lindbergh bade goodbye to his host, The Spirit of St. Louis got under way and under the firm hand of its pilot took the air and described a circle over the field at a height of one hundred feet, Then the nose of the machine turned to the north in the direction of Belize and the plane steadily swept from sight a shouts and acclamations from the crowd, REVENUE HELPS HEALTH BOARD T0 AVOID DEFIGT Keeps Within Appropriation Made By Council for Year 1927 NO PROSECUTIONS Citizens Realize Importance of Health Regulations of Municipality When revenue from plumbing ap- plications, etc, in their department is taken into consideration, the Board of Health just about equalized their expenditure for 1927 with the appro- priation of the council, according to figures presented to the closing meet- ing of the Board last night, No prosecutions were made by the Board this year through the court, so residents 'of this city may be said to realize the importance of the work bemg done in their behalf by this body, and falling in line with the re- gulations of the board. The work ot vaccination of factory employees in the city, while it dd not receive ex tended discussion, was reported to be progressing favorably, as is the im usizagion work among school chil en, A petition was received for resi- dents of Eulalie avenue, and signed by 12 citizens, requesting a sanitary sewer on that street. It was the opmion of the board that this sewer should be kid, 20 the* petition was on to a re- An honorarium of $200 was grant- ed to D. A. Hubbell in recognition of his work as secretary of the board. Monthly passed for December totalled $1,823.50, were aitived. by the vet- ennary mspector, sanitary in- ie on gow i i nurse, relating to their work the past year, and were received as read by the bcard, These reports are published today in another part of this paper. A COBRECTION In the report of the public meet- ing at which Aldermanic candidates spoke, an error was made in at- tributing the remarks made Mr. F. W. Watkinson to Mr. Crawford. If readers will refer to of the report referred to they wiil please mote this error. ELECTORS TO HAVE CHANCE TOBUY HYDRO Lindsay Town Council De- cides to Submit By-law to Ratepayers PRICE IS $13,000 Objects to Profit Going to Pay "White Elephants" in System (By Canadian Press) Lindsay, Ont, Dec. 30--At a spe- cial meeting of the Town Council last night it was decided to submit a by-law to the ratepayers in Janu- ary authorizing the purchase of the entire distributing system of the Hydro Electric Commission, within the boundaries of Lindsay, The purchase price will be $130,000 Lindsay is a member of the Cen- tral Ontario Power Association. It is stated that the town objects to profits accruing from the Lindsay system being used to pay "white elephants" in other parts of the system, WALL COLLAPSES DURING MASS One Child is Killed and the Mother Superior Injured * in Naples Church By Canadian Press) Naples, Dec. 30~--One child was killed and the mother superior of the orphanage at Barra was seri- ously injured today when the wall of a church there collapsed during Mass today, Prompt aid by tire- ment, military and olpice resulted in the rescue of the remaining or- 'phans, The church has heen Strongly buffeted by the storm which has prevailed here for the past few days. EMPLOYMENT LOSS (NUSUALLY SHALL Dominion Statist"cs Show Situation Best on Record Ottawa, Dec. 30,--The seasonal losses in employment recorded at the beginning of December were on a smaller scale than on the same date in any other of the last eight years, except 1923, and the situation continued better than on Dee. 1 in any previous year on the record, Statements were tabulated by the Dominion Bureau of Statis- tics from 6,276 firmg employing 886,430 persons, compared with 892,143 in the preceding month: the index stood at 106.8, compared with 107.5, on Nov, 1, and with 101.1, Dec. 1, 1928, The most noteworthy losses were again indicated in comstrue- tion, and in lumber mills, while unusually pronounced Iimprove- ment was reported in logging and trade. Mining, transportation and iron and steel plants were also busier, HAMILTON SWINDLER IDENTIFIED BY POLICE Hamilton, Ont., Dee, 29--*C. B Cook," who cashed two worthles® cheques at the Bank of Commerce snd Bank of Montreal Saturday, receiving $6,800, was identified b; the police today as G. A, Simpson slias Thomas J. Palmer, alias Lu clus A. Parmalee, a swindler with an international reputation. Simp- son is wanted in several Canadiar and American centres. JAPANESE STEAMER LOST IN SNOW STORM WITH ALL ABOARD (Cable Service to The Times by Press) S OF GENERA L MOTORS Many Prominent Newspapermen Given Pre-View of New and Better Chevrolet Motor Cal R. 8. McLAUGHLIN ada, Limited, ) J. H, BEATON Motors of Canada Limited, H, A. BROWN President, General Motors of (Can- Vice-President and General ager, General Motors of Canada, dt Oshawa old boy, now editor | beside Mr, R. 8S, Me hii if] Mr. Rossie and Mr, Mi ughlis |'Journed to the Convention Hal df MacKinnon and Mr, Marshall, ROSS MAOKINNON General Sales Manager, General General Sales Manager, Chevrolet Motor Company 30 BELOW ZERO IN MONTANA STATE (By Canadian Press) Kansas City, Kan., Dec, 80, Wit subzera temperatures general in northern Rocky Mountain States, the cold wave today moved into the middle west and southwest, Elk Park set a record for Montana with thirty below, Sharp slumps in temperatures were reported fin Wyoming, ALLEGED TO HAVE BRANDISHED KNIFE Ruffo Arangelo Remanded on a Charge of Assault Ruffo Arangelo, probably seeking fame in the same manner as Willian Edward Hickman, with a formidable butcher knife in "hand yesterday af- ternoon, it is alleged, elected to exe cute some carving practice on Georges Lewis in the southern sec tion of the city. After pursuing his unwilling vietim about the house, if is alleged, brandishing his knife and becoming more and more intent upon his purpose, the story goes that Lew is was finally forced to the very un- graceful act of jumping through a window to get out of his alleged stopping to consider that the was closed, on his sudden exit. Ar angelo was arrested and with his former humour mot in the least in evidence, was arraigned before Mag- strate Hind yesterday afternoon charged with assault. The case was remanded until January 6. A FOUR EMPLOYEES ARE HURT IN EXPLOSION IN LEATHER PLANT (By Associated Press) Peabody, Mass, Dec. 30.--An ex- plosiion in the plant of the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company this morning caused fire which at ten o'- clock threatened to spread to other buildings. Four employees were seri- . ously burned and taken to hospital NEW DENAND FOR BUILDING PERMITS Engineer's Department Issue Permits Today Valued at Over $24,000 What promises to be a last minute A boost in the local building permit Nebraska, Kansas and Mis: |ngure was indicated today when per- sonrt, mits totalling well over $24,000 were reported by the city engineer's de- The largest item is that of $12,000 issued to P, Boko, who wil} erect a string of six homes on Currie Street at a total cost of approxim- ately $12,000, They will cost about $2,000 each, Two other structures will be erect- ed at a cost estimated to be about $10,600, Messrs. Kelley and Elliott will build a house at 49 Carnegie St. costing $5,600, while*J. T. Lethbridge will put up a store and apartment building at 94 Bond Street East, at a cost of about $5,000, The store and apartment building. will be of brick veneer on the first story and stucco on the second, A permit for $2,000 was also issued to W. S. Pogson of 234 Quebec street, covering the erec tion of a house. : With the addition of the above to tal the year's figure is stated wun- officially to: be well over $5,200,000.) ; it is quite possible that an additional $25,000 permits will: be issued by the time the end of the;year rolls around tomorrow. A complete and making report of the year's total cannot be and made before mext week, city engin: eer's department officials stated would-be assassin's way, not even |day: window 40 GYPSIES FOUND FROZEN TO DEATH partment. TWELVE PAG NEW CHEVROLET IS WONDER Visitors Much . With Showing and F tn . cal Demonstration of oft { Model -- Trip TI i Big Plant Between thirty and forty resentative Canadian newspay incr men are today guests in Osha ' of General Motors of Limited. The party were met Toronto by representatives the Company and brought Oshawa by special busses, were entertained at luncheon day at noon at Welsh's Parle Mr, Melville W. Rosie, the London Advertiser, wa among those present and was in vited to a seat at the head tab were schoolmates, After lunchéon the part Bl ] RE ER wn yo where the new Chevrolet was i spected and much admired by all Addresses were given by Mr. Rol of" the visiting ne i® were then treated to a ction demonstration of the magnificen new car, public announcement' which is to be made tomo This was followed by & tM through the factory and at 4 p. the entire party were entertsifief by Mr. R. 8. McLaughlin at "Parl wood" Arena. The party will h again for Toronto at 5 p.m, will be the guests of the Campbel por Advertising Agency at dips ry r at the King Edward this Ing, : At the luncheon at noon tg Mr, R. 8, McLaughlin, Presiden General Motors of Canada Limi gave a very inspiring addr viewing briefly the Repos pany and its present impo tion in the motor car facturing industry, He exp the 'structure of the organ and touched upon the happy rangements that have been m for co-operating with the number of employees that are m on the Company's payroll, many whom have become sharehols in the business, i Concluding his address Mr, Mos Laughlin introduced with p Bnd complimenta references ach case, the chief executives 'the Company and their : i Mr, Laughlin spoke as lows; : . May I say to you collectively individually that our organizatie feels deeply flattered indeed that you should have seen fit to accept our ifs vitation to be with ws here in Osh awa--Canada's baby city: ) | - in

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