All Slot Machines | In Oshawa Have Disappea De (HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1927 Soo MARKETS bi Foie 8 & Co) Noon ; Ask Raper AVivanae 49 Bros. LEERY Bell ° Telephone hh Bi B. asec snannensy Fish POPP Su ON soqasnsnnans Burt Nett sannee Bread ....ieqa00e Brewing .vyeq10s Malting ..vqq000s hnistie Brown F, plassey fiir teadaree Shredded Wheat saan Span, River .. Twin City . NN... Wm Barry Hollinger ....,% BERAVEr sevvresvararees EEE REE RRR) Kirkland Lake ......, Kootenay Florence ,,, Lake Shore .vevvvevess Laval-Quebec Macassa ,,.. L COLLIS & SONS 80-54 King St; W, Phone 738W Opp, Centre St, 'For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store #8 SIMCOR 8. PHONE 889 Cash or Terms 4 YHE BEST IN RADIOS THE MARCONI SHOP Cor, King & Celina, Phone 2604 kL Felt Bros. TheLEAD ING JEWELERS Betablishe) 1886 12 Simcoe St, South 13 TO APPEAR ON Manhattan's Courts Heavily Burdened--To Hear Them All in Jtnuary (By Associated Press) New York, Dec, hattan's courts are to grind a hevay grist of murder trials in the first month of the Rew Year, Thirteen persons, woman, all Indicted for firat before nudge Ponnellan in spe, cial sessions today to have trial dates set, District Atteiuey Banton asked the judge to sign or ders for special jury panels for the trials which he said he hoped to have all concluded during January, Noranda ..eveeesrrees 2395 Min, Corpn, Teter aes MURDER CHARGES YOUNG PEOPLE TO HOLD A WATCH NIGHT SERVICE In accordance with the custom of the few years, the Baptist Young ple's Union of this city will hold a watch-night service in the church on New Year's eve. The service is open to the public and will commence at 10.30, in con venient time for the Saturday night shoppers to attend and par- ticipate in the ceremony of greet: ing the year 1928. The service will be conducted by the members of the Youug People's Union from Whitby, who are to be the guests of the local union for the evening when a social time will be spent together in the Sunday School rooms, commenc- ing at 8 o'clock, Adjournment will be made to Jrompily when the Oshawa B.Y, U. gives over the conduction of the watch-night ceremony into the hands of their guests. For several years past, these two societies hav exchangd invita: tions of this nature at the New Year's festival and it is confident: ly anticipated that next Saturday's gahering will be as thorough'y worth while as the last one held in Potterdoal Premier ,,.. Ribago iv vaes San Antonio ,..vee0 Saint Anthony ,.4eeees Teck Hughes ..vvvvees Tough Oakes ..., Vipond sevens Wr, Hargraves vee Wiltsey Coghlan 444. Amity Central Man, «vieevees Federal Kirkland ,,,.. Jack Manion ,,,,eeees 84 Sudbury Barn ,,,,.,,, 1125 Silver--5714, Total sales--899,683, NEW YORK STOCKS Stock High Low Amer, Can, 78% 73% Atchison ,,198% 102% Balt, & Ohio 118 117% Briggs Mfg, 23% 23% Can, Dry, 66% 663% Can, Pac, ,213 211% Chrysler ,, 62% Congoleum 29% Dupont ,,,228% Dodge "A" ,81% Erie ,,,,., 66% Fam, Plyrs, 114% Gen, Asph, 81 Goderich ,, 88 Gen, Mot, 138% Gold Dust , 738 Hudson , 80% Int, Comb, 57 Int, Nickel 8 3% Int. Har, ,1456% Int, Paper 74 Kan, City 8, 60% Lehigh Val, 94 Marland Oil 34% Man, Elee, 525 Radio ,,,, 92% Sears Rbek, 883 Studebaker 60 U.S, Rubber 55% U.S. Steel ,152% US CI 215% Wys, Ovid, 18% Woolworth 1028 eee 56 37 195 76 85 1140 3614 193 75 781% 1021 231% Yellow Cab 838% On = 2! Hoot i is here agar. in roaring actien THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY a riot of 2PM, Dorothy Devore in "The Little Rube" FIRST EPISODE of the NEW SERIAL "THE TRAIL OF THE TIGER" Oshawa when the Whitby Society carried out a beautifully symbolie candle service, Born SCOTT--At 290 Montrave Avenpe, Friday, December 23, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs, Benson Scott, a son (Leslie Raymond), WEIR--At the Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday, December 24, to Mr, and Mrs, H .J. Weir, Alice St.,, a daughter, (Joan Isobel), (1492) In Memoriam BENTLEY--In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Ernest Bentley, who died sud- denly December 27th, 1821, "Gone but not forgotten. " Wite and Son. (1492) GUENETT--In loving memory of «my dear husband, James Guenett, Vio passed away December 26, 1923, (149a) I am thinking of you today Jim Thinking of the past Picturing you in memory Just as I saw you last, You left behind an aching heart That loved you most sincere That never did nor never will Forget you husband dear, Lonely Wif. (1492) Too Late to Classify MARTIN THEATRE EAST WHITBY REEVE WARREN DEARBORN Re-elected by acclamation to the reeveship of Bast Whitby Town- ship Council, PROPERTY SOLD BY MR. CAWKER Has Been in His Possession for the Past Several Years PRICE ABOUT $70,000 Mr. Cawker, Who Was Sole ' Owner, Operated Theatre Perzonally for a Time Definite consummation has been announced of the deal whereuy Harry Cawker, sole owner of the Martin Theatre, has sold the property to Alderman Ernie Marks This property transfer, a prelimin- ary announcement of which was made on Saturday, has cerated con- siderable interest in this city, and a further expansion of the New Martin Theatre hy mr, M2rgs, we a result of the deal, is expected. This property has been in tue possession of Mr, Cawker for my eral years, since he purchased ft from the Martin Estate, For som. time, previous to lcasing the rus atre to Mr, Marks, Mr, Cawker him self operated it personally, Approximately $70,000 was paid for the property, the sale being ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND lumber for sale, Doors, windows, ete, Apply opposite 81 Ontario St.. (140h) A CHANCE TO BUY A NEW 6 room bungalow at $4,200, Fully! modern with hardwood floors.' chestnut trim, French doors, fire- place, built in cupboard, This prop- erty is close in, Apply to owner Bex "D" Oshawa Daily Times, (1490) : LOST--BETWEEN NORTH OSH- awa and Enfield, Saturday nighr, straw suitcase with leather trim- mings. Reward, Apply 3eorge Stinson, Enfield, (149h) FOR SALE--TEN ACRES OF land close in, at a special price for cash. Must be sold this week. Investigate, John W ,Lint, 67 Bond St, E. Phone 2193, (1492) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, Immediate possession. Ap-' ply 298 French St. (149b) | LOST--SATURDAY ON WILLIAM | or Simcoe, one Boston hull har- ness, with tag. Finder please re- | turn to Mrs. A, Williams, 118 Di- vision street, (1492) HOUSES FOR RENT. MODERN six roomed house. Possession Feb- ruary 1. 635 Somerville Avenue, off McLaughlin boulevard. (149-3) COMFORTABLE ROOM TO RENT, suitable for two gentlemen, Few minutes from Motors. Breakfast if desired.. 137 Alice St. (149-¢c) WANTED TO RENT--SMALL apartment, Married couple, no children. Phone 194F. (149-¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, HEAT- ed, dowpstairs, Close to Motors and Fittipgs. Apply 186 Ritson road south. (149-¢) NICELY . FURNISHED FRONT bedroom. Suitable for two. Se- parate beds. All conveniences. 172 Celina street. (149-c) 5 ROOMED HOUSE, NORTH. elec All conv: W tric stove. $40. Box "R" Osh. (149-b) awa Daily Times. RADIO SET, 6 TUBE, elit: ing power tube, complete with A battery, all B and C batteries. All new two tubes, jas. Wa re room 4, Central Hotel 5 apd 6 p.m. aug + FOR SALE--RADIO § TUBE SET | consummated directly through Mr. Cawker. This block occupies one of the most advantageous locations in the city, The present structure was erected by the late Ford Mar jin, The deal icnludes the stores i , the building fronting on King = | DECEMPER PUBLIC SCHOOL STANDINGS (Continued from page 1) . ter Parks, Bessie Brown. E. 1. Allin, teacher, SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Senior IV.--Melville Smith, Mary Yuskiw, Herbie Cooper, Ruth Whiteoak, Rose Kushnir, Julia Gurniskli. A. M. Hope, teacher. Junior IV.--Willlam Paraschuk, Mary Iwasnik, Steve Remego, Florence Cochrane, : A. M. Hope, teacher. Junior IV.--William Clark, Eli- nor Warren, James Wilson, Wil- liam Lukow, Bert Jones, Jack Hess, Dorothy Burge, John Barker, Earnest Stacey, Tom Hess. C. 8. Cox, teacher. Senior 111.--Violet Hooper, Kathleen Kroll, Annie Sheplae, Doris Wheaton, Annie Kupnicxy, May Parker, Patricia Matthews, Eileen Harvey, Walter Franklin, Peter Yourkvich, N. B. McConnell, teacher. Junior III.--Gerald Gray, Lila Thomas, Mary Hunt, Joe Parson, Mary Molloy, Jeroslaw Salmers, Leta Lewis, Stella Starczewskl, Joan Townsend, James Canning, V. A. R., Langmaid, teacher. Junior 1II.--Inez Black, Burton McLaughlin, Bert Rujner, V. M, File, teacaer, Senior 1I,--Dolores Krantz, Tommy Parker, Lawrence MeCon- key, Nellie Szoldra, John Kalenko, Wolodymaira Salmers. V. M. File, teacher, KING ST, SCHOOL Senior 1V.--Helen McGill, Mar- garet Switzer, Muriel Haines, Jean Ledger, Dora Sweet, Floyd Med- land, Jack Sherwood, Helen Fletch- er, Lloyd Garbutt, Jean Dickie, E. M, Holmes, teacher, Junior 1V,--Betty Fuller, Eve lyn Watson, Arthur Howard, Mar- fon Anderson, Reta Hooper, Mild- red Burden, Willie Ogden, Helen Burrows, Truman Brown, Claire Hayton, C. M, Cruse, teacher, Senior III,--Jack MeGihbon, Louise Bennett, Roderick Connolly, Joyce Edgar, Malcolm Young, Archie Anderson, Frank Jennings, Tom Rodman, Billy Pipher, Mary McGill, V. G. Kaiser, teacher. Junior TII,--Marion Palmer, Kathleen Harper, Irma Rutledge. Clifford Kelly, Muriel Stewart, Stella Brooks, Marguerite White, Fric Davies, Wilbur Kingston, George Goheen, E. A. Lyon, teacher, ALBERT ST, SCHOOL Senior IV.--Leonard Holt, Jen- nie Gilewich, Herbie Chapman, Em LJ Street, Romantic West Tumbling LEW SF SE A Ambre production THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY So ! ong as Tom Mix Pictures Live, the Can Never Die, with TONY the wonder horse in River pun 1 Tr 7 An Avalanche of Action and Intrigue in Which a Hero Battles Against-- Apply room 4, Central Hotel, be- tween 5 and [3 pm. (149-¢) BRICKLAYERS WANTED. AP- ply Bartlett and Co. North Simcoe and Buckingham Ave. (149-a) LOST--ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, a brown leather handbag be. tween Mary street school and the post office. Finder kindly leave at Flintoff's Hardware. A14%-a) Evenings 7 and 9 o'clock. Matinee at 2.80 pm. [Devices Are Decision of Government PAre Considered Gambling Russell Attérsley, Arthur Goodall Hilton Fulton, Douglas Kay, Julia Melnyk, Christopher Mason, Ry- bert Coulson. T. A. Patton, teacher. Junior IV.--Thelma Ashton, Iv- an Grant, Margaret Walker, Chas. Mason, Margaret Wallace, Ross Woolacott, Alex Dobbins, Mazo Blake, John Davey, Willle Simp- son, C. M., MacLennan, teacher, Senior III.--Doris Platt, John Calder, Cecil Sproule, Vera Sisson, Wm, Wilson, George Wilson, Edith Lee, Robert McHugh, Evelyn Cheetham, Elsie Weyrich, G. M. Kidney, teacher. Junor I1II.--Voitto Lehti, Gord- on Anderson, Stanley McHugh, George Holt, Kathleen Sandford, Lloyd Grant, Melva Titley and Douglas Chesebrough (equal), Lorne Curry, Willlam Yourkvich. I. White, teacher. CEDARDALE SCHOOL Senior 1V,--Walter Lopuk, Karl Shaw, John Pugh, Peter Ander- son, Kenneth Gillard, Fred Moody, George Twine, Milton Smerchan- ski, John Kuzmeliuk and Fairley Evans (equal), L. E. Smith, teacher, Junior IV.--Olga Petrowski, Peter Chryk, Amelia Smerechan- ski, Billy Perkins, Mildred Mac- Donald, Frank Zochodne, Mary Moga, Agnes Murray, Catharine Venhuizen, Hildagarde McFarlane, V. M. Walling, teacher, Senior IIL.--Willle Andrews, Helen Trupish, Joseph Fleury, Fred Meringer, Lillia Taylor, Helen Goch, Alec Waduck, Floris Clarke. L. J. Pierson, teacher, Junior III.--Johnny Goodes. Victor Henklelman. L. J. Pierson, teacher, Junior [III.--Gladys Matchett, Frank Singer, George Kuzmeluik, Edna Duvall, .Rose Gulenchyn, John Bllenduke, . Ceéresa Fleury, Steve Petryshyn, Ada Canfieln, Percy Barriage. H, Barrie, teacher. MARY BT, SCHOOL Senior IV,--Margaret Cameron, Margaret Bale, John Harris, Mar- ian Roughley, Doraine Hicks, Wal- ter Vandervoorst, Gladys White, Harold Greenley, Basil Long, James Bowman, J. C, Btorrar, teacher. Junior IV,--Lois Bowden, Jean Lynd, Grace Branton and Helen Henderson (equal), Marie Kallman and Géoffrey St. Andrews (equal), Douglas Marks and Elmer Stain. ton (equal), Irene Bone and Tor- rance Yule (equal). . L. L. Moore, teacher, Senior IIL.--Worner James, Ma- bel Terrion, Margaret Daniels, Ida Flinders, Glen Lander. J. McLeod, teacher. Junior III.--Russell Wicks, Queenie Trott, Ethel Grigg, Lloyd White, Frank Young. J. MelLeod, teacher, Senjor Il.--Jean Bowman, Mar- garet Kewin Gordon Wrage. Myrtle A, Wilson, teacher. Junior III,--Elnore Blakely and Genevieve James (equal), Dorothy Dayman, Helen Rosser, Muriel Campbell, Pearl Laycoe, Flossie Morris, Myrtle A, Wilson, teacher. CENTRE ST, SCHOOL Junior IV.--James Smith, Hugh McConnell, Ruby Morphy, Rita Locke, Reta Wilson, Donald Thompson, Irving Ojlgeisser, Aund- rey Holbrook, Reggie Olifte, Paul Logeman, A, W. Jacklin, teacher. Senjor IV.--Hilda Rowden, Ear- line Maynes, Everett Disney, Flor ence Smith, Jack Weir, Edna Wot- ton, Teddy Bradbury, Olga Rolson, Margaret Dawis, Helen Hodgkin- son, Senior IV.--Frank Andison, Dorothy Dyas, Josephine Campbell and Bill Richardson (equal), Lil- lian Davenport and Jack Clarke (equal), Bill Beaton, Lillian Me- Jnipre, Dorothy Goulding, Evelyn M. Power, teacher, Junior IV. ual Scott, Fred Britten, Helen Gray, Albert Sparks, Jack Blanchard, Ada Kelly, teacher. Senior IIL.--May White, Lily Shelley, Julien Whiley, Donald Smith, Nellie Mewett. Ada Kelly, teacher. Junjor 1V.--Elsie Reynolds, Lo- rene Johnson, Marion Cook, Ilene Disney, Edna Short, Gerald Hughes, Patricia Kelly, Isabel Preston, Reginald Brent, Leslie Johnson. J. Blow, teacher. Senior IIl.--Eileen Birchall, Syl- via Clarke, Audrey Kemp, Gwendo lyn Reardon, Sammie Dime, Don- ald Gordon, Everett Lovell and Elvina Bradley (equal), Betty Chalmers, Dorothy James. Evelyn Currie, teacher. Senior IIL--Hilda Riley, Laura Williams, Earline Farrir, Nellie McLaughlin, Earl Salter, Kenneth Proctor, Ruby Carnegie, Talbot Ryan, Reva Ball, Clifford Hall. Dunbar, teacher. Junior x Xun Whitelaw, | Gladys Brant, Raymond Sorne, Florence Marjorie Hayward, Charlie Papi- neau, deamme, Pang. M. Sonley, teafher. Senior 0 --Russell Hayward. Dorothy YsMacw, Connie Douno- van, Joe % P. M. Sonley, teacher. E. Alleen Found, teacher. PAGE Closed By Devices -- Action First Taken in Toronto, Follow- ed By Similar Procedure in Other Cities -- Local Police Not Obliged to Step in, Store Keepers Closing the Machines Voluntarily Quietly and perhaps only noticed by a few, slot machines which for the past six months or so have been fixtures in numerous stores in Osh- awa, as if by magic, have disapp- eared, leaving in most cases bare floor space until their controllers have § ached a definite decision with the Government authorities and will then know whether or not they may continue operating the devices in Oshawa as in the other cities and towns in Ontario, The slot machines as they are known because you place a large nickel in a slot and then pulling a lever release three circular col. umns on which are described cher- ries, lemons, plums and peaches. These have been rather popular, according to those who should know, and while they were in evi- dence their lesees experienced con- giderable sunshine in a business sense. Those who operated them as rule also reported themselves quite satisfied with the results of the rollings of the three cotumns. Although one of the greatest complaints against the machines in Toronto where a test case against them was conducted, was their use by children who in some cases were using their Sunday School collec- tion to place in the slot, Local stores report that very few of the juveniles operated the machines here during all the time that they were installed. Some places in fact refused to allow children to use themy at any time, The day the decision was handed down in Toronto by one of the pro- minent judges against the sin. ma chines on the grounds that they were a gambling device, the local police made a tour of those places in which the machines were housed and found that all but three had heen taken out of the store where they were operated. These three one of which hadn't been in opera- tion for two weeks, were taken By the police who are still retaining them, Action may be taken against the owners. += LEGACY TO THE UNITED C Whitby, Dec. 28--The Unl Chuch of Canada is the chief ficiary under the will of Jo Pim, of Wihtby, who leaves an tate valued at $22,498. The © other bequest is to his broth Edward Pim, TAKES CHARGE OF FARMING OPERATIC AT WHITBY ASYL Whitby, Dec. 28--]. Stewart Curdy will take charge of the f ms ing operations at the Ontario hospi tal farm here at the beginning © the new year. He comes from th hospital at Woodstock where 'he been farmer for 22 years. During his residence at Woodstoe hospital, Mr. McCurdy has been ong of the most popular residents of ti district. Regard for him was expre sed when a large gathering of f members of the community honere Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy at a dane at the hospital. A well- filled pu of gold was presented on hehalf ¢ the community by Dr. D. M, Suthe; land, ex-M.P. for Oxford, PASSENGERS FOR HALIFAX J (Halifax Chronicle) a The prospect of a rift in .# lute of the Shipping Ring is. ¢ good augury for Halifax. Alreaw New York foresees a diversian passenger traffic to Canadian po If the breaking away of the Cam dian Pacific from the North Al lantiec Conference, because of thi reported decision of the Cun Line to reduce rates, results in a "ocean war," there will be eutti of rates which will make th Canadian route very attractive trans-Atlantic travel, Coming Events RATES 8 Cents per word each Ine sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 85c, REGULAR MEETING OF UT Canadian Order of Chose Friends, Wednesday, Dec. 28th nomination agg election of ficers. Members are rgauested attend. (1480) MADAME NEVADA, PALMI at 267 French §t, Phone 7104, Hours 2 to 9. (1481) MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, AT 21 Maple St. Hours 2 to 9, 19 King Street West OEE ERI Special After Christmas Offer A handsome 94 piece Dinner Set will be sent to your home by paying : % $5.00 Y vapid. We have a wonderful assortment of and io sis From a ne Ene and French Disserware, 0 | N L X Breakfast Sets in Black and Ora flat oe Orange Daisy patterns, See ow windows and note the beautiful patterns, i D.J. BROW THE JEWELLER Phone 189 Phone + 23872F, (140d! | | sv