Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Dec 1927, p. 2

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Cabe, motored from Rochester on Monday and t the day with Mr, and Mrs. 'Perry, Brock street, --Mr, "Pete" Garrison has ve: spending Christmas week-end with his par ents at their home in Napanee, --Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Hill and daughter, Margaret, of Toronto, visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. H. Boyce sud Mr. Boyce, awa Boulevard, during the Christmas J | week-end. Herb, McCabe spent Mon- ay at his home in Consecon. _ ==Mr, Lesliv Crumback, Ritson north, visited with his par- at thelr home in Oakland. «Mrs, J. Calford has returned [ ga after visiting with Mrs, ( , at her home on Lloyd _--Mr, C. M, Freeman, of the awa Daily Times staff, is spend- B waak's holiday at his home Lond rr H. Allen Ritson Road Tend h, spent the Christmas week- with his family at their home | Brampton, ---Mr, T, B, Burner of Windsor, tario, spent the Christmas week: end with his sister, Mrs, 8, G. 'fay- flan, Olive avenue, =~Misses Mary and Sadie Thor- hoy of Toronto, spent the Christ- 4 week-end with their parents, ?, and Mrs, J, Thornburn, Ken- speth avenue, 8 ==Mr, Gerald Kennedy, of De- "#roit, Mich, was the guest of his | parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. H, Ken. me , Church street, over the s as week-end, ' ~=Miss Amy Stanlopes has re- % 'turned to her home in Toronto af- jor spending a few days at the 'home of her friend, Miss Murell Culley, Lloyd street. »==Mr, and Mrs, Ross Perry and 'son, Karl, Brock street, motored to Napanee on aSturday and speat | the, Christmas week-end with Mr, Land Mrs, Willlam McCabe, il. =--Mr, Bert Giroux has returned to. his home in this city, after vis- fing with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ) Giroux, at Peterboro, during i the Christmas 'week-end, ==Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Simpson, Chatham, are spending the tmas holidays with Mrs. Simp- rents, Mr, and Mrs, BE, L. 5 r, King street east, and Mrs. Walter Huffman and family, also Mr, William Me: Start the New Year right A Clean Tooth is a Healthy Tooth ourself with » New Brush and Tube of Tooth Paste KLENZO Dental Creme Imparts to your month that cool, clean, Klenzo feeling, 36¢ and 50¢ Jury & Lovell KiNG E SIMCOE 8, COAT Every Coat in Stock Reduced to Prices that mean Business The mild weather has held back the coat busi- Ets a the 220 han eo 2 Wied these costs, Suedenes Needle fabrics are represented in this trimmed must be sold Velours et < 1h ; £ 5 2 i b 3 EF 28s Lh : ] Hi E a --Master John A. MacDonald, son of Mr, and Mrs, Archie Mae- Donald, Simcoe street morth, ren- dered in a delightful manner "The Gift" at the morning service of the Simege Street United Church. --Mrs, C.'M, Mundy, Mrs. Jack Smith, Miss Marion Ross and Mr, Harry Salmon assisted the choir of the Knox Preshyterian church, To- tonto, on Christmas night in the rendition of the Messiah, Mr, M, M, Steevnson, former choir master of the Simcoe street United Church, Oshawa, is choir master and leader at Knox church, --Mr. A. W, Ferguson m writing to, The Oshawa Daily Times to give his address for The Times to be sent to him states that "We arrived afe- ly at Orlando, Florida, after a ten day's trip through changing country and varying weather, + Our speedo- meter registered 1,650 miles from Oshawa to Orlando." Mr, and Mrs, Ferguson left Oshawa for Florida by motor about a month ago and will spend the winter there. Their ad. dress is 421 South Lake St, Orlando, Florida, OSHAWA & DISTRICT Murdoch's New Address Murdoch's Insurance now at 27 Warren avehue, (148¢c) Negligence Case Adjourned Sartics JOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST [= PORT PERRY Port Perry, Dec. Dec. 2M. McPhaill Feat Mos oR wit! of T est of Dr. and Mrs. J Lundy, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beare and family spent the week-end with iriends in Brantford. Mr, and of Toronto friends this week, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Beare visited friends in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. Beacock of Detroit were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Wallace over the holiday. Miss. May Cockburn AP Mr. John Cockburn of Toronto spent She oli- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, C. Cock- urn, At the Port Perry Nomination Meetina which took place last night in the Town Hall the following were nominated : For Reeve--Robert Somerville, Neill Sweetman, S, Jeffrey, W Parrish and Jas, Lucas. \ Council--Robt, Somerville, A. L. McDermott, J, E. Jackson, J. H. Ger- row, Madison wi jams, Jas. McKee, Wright Crosier, A . Kight and Frank Dowson. phan of Edveation 3, Farmer, z Walker, Gordon 'McKee, Mrs, Jackson, Mrs. Jas. Forman, Dr, I Mathers, R. B, 'Smallman, A. hers Russell Willan, John Hayden and Mrs, P, Figary, An excellent play entitled "The Touchdown" was given by pupils of the Port Perry High School at their commencement exercises, The play was thoroughly enjoyed by the au- dience. The cast was as follows: Grant Hayden, the - hero--Bever- ley Smallman, Robert Hayden, Alex Walker, Woolie--Shifty-eyes--Forbes . Nas- mith, Clark, Brown. Junius Brooks, too fat to play foot- ball--Tom Hanrsis, Holman, Rugby Player--Harley younger brother-- Rugby coach. -- Robert The charge against Frank Page,) Balf taxi driver, of criminal negligence which has already heen brought hefore Magistrate Hind, was again adjourned In police court this morning, Mr. R. G. Mills, whom Page is allegd to have caused bod- ily injury to, is still confined to the hospital and unable to give evidence. Fined $20 and Costs Thomas Taylor, Bloor street west by Constables Flintoff and Bowman at five o'clock last night, appeared In po- lice court this morning, charged with being intoxicated, He pleaded arrested on | guilty and this being his first of- fence, was fined $20 and costs by Magistrate Hind, The total amouni-~ ed to $27.40, Motor Car Stolen While working in General Mot- || ors yesterday afternoon with his car parked on Colborpe street east, Nelson Blair of 328 Centre strect i reported to the police las night '| that his automobile had been stolen by a person or persons yet un- known. It has not yet been re- covered although the police are in- vestigating. It was & Chevrolet sedan ,1926 model and painted black. Remanded For Sentence Robert Kerr, on two charges one for false pretenses and the other for fraud, was arraignet be- fore Magistrate Hind in police court this morning and was re- manded for sentence until January the fourth when more information concerning him is expected to be on hand, Kerr pleaded guilty to both charges, the one for false pretenses arising out of a grorery bill which wasn't paid and the other a matter of room rent, In defence of his actions, Kerr told the court that he had had the op- tion on the excavation of 35 cellars which bad no materialized with the result that he bad been ex- tremely pinched for funds recently end was unable to meet his debts. SALE Points E fo ] fed HH: § [RERELE | if alfour, ; ; Michell Rugby Player--Edwin Mit- chell, Prof, Sumner--Bruce Snelgrove. Wataska Faulkner, Indian Dorothea Nasmith, Rena Maynard--Isabel Cawker, Margery (she jape)--~Edith Lucas, Dollie--~Ethel Tummonds. Evelyn--Hcelen Vickery, Miss Priscilla Parmalee, Dean of Women--Mary Walker, Betwéen the Ist and 2nd act the resentation of prizes took place--A ittle trio from "the Mikado" was ven between 2nd and 3rd act by ve b Real, Hazel Jeffrey and Norine Cawker, andbetween acts 3 and 4 a solo was sung by Mr, George Palmer, Prize Winners--The 1.O.D.E. Scho- larship presented by the Scugog Chapter to the pupil who takes the highest standing on a group of sub- jects during the first two years 0 the course. Value $15.00 won by Ivan Wallace. Household Science Prizes--Dona- ted by the W.T.CU, Form I--1st, Lillian Murphy, 2nd, Frances Raines, Form Il--Ist, Helen Vickery, 2nd, Dorothea Nasmith, Art Prizes--donated by Miss Har- ris. 1st, Evelyn Gilroy, 2nd, Edith Lucas, 3rd Hattie Milner and Mary Walker, equal, Entarnce Prizes--donated by Board of Education--Josie Nott Ist on pro- motion. on whiten exams, Ist, Bet- ty Bland, S. Reach | 2nd, Violet Bond, 8s. Mo, Y Reach; 3rd, Eric Nasmith, Port Perry P.S, Agticuliyrg Prizes--donated by Mr. T, H. Follick.. Veg table tim 1st, Harle Balfour, Nasmith, Flower ue 2d Douglas Balfour, 2nd, Marjory Mitchell. Field Day Trophies and Medals-- Girls Form Championship Shield, presented by Miss Harris, won by orm III girls. Boys' Form Championship Shield, Jresented by Mr. Mackenzie, won by |. orm II boy! MAB Medals -- Senior girle--donated by Mrs. Fred Brock-- Walker, Junior girls--Isabel Cawker, Senior boys--donated by Mr. W. Merlin Letcher--Robert Brown. Jun- ior boys--~Tom Harris. Miss Mabel Ryan is visiting friends in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock and Miss Ada, spent Christmas with friends in Toronto, Mrs. Pollard and Miss Greta Pol- lard of Bowmanyille, were guests of Mrs. Britton ie week. On Sunday, 18th, the United Church bh oe Sunday School , Anniversary services . Ane; ! pr am ¥ was given, The he direction of Mr. { Bauer assisted by Miss Mellow at There were a great many He grm out for the occasion. The address ven by the pastor, Rey. R. T. The Port Per Mission Cis Circle met O'Neill} Ne following 3 Hon. Pres, Rice WH H. Stone; Pres. Sweet, Vice Pres, Miss iss L. Lewis McLean, Z. Ettey; D.M., Bro. E. Williams; Qa Girl--| 9 Crosier. Turkey, female 1927--Mrs. Robt. ackson, Miss Cor Crosier. Geese--~Mrs, Robt. Mrs. C. Fralick, Miss Cora Geese dis Mrs. R. Jackson. Pair Ducks--Mrs, Howard Bailey, Ducks--Mrs, R. Jackson. ckens-- Mrs. Parla Best dozen brow! Gill, Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt Frank * Allin, Best dozen white eggs--Chas. Gill, Cora Crosier, Frank Allin, Jos. Holdershaw. Mrs. J, H. Holdershaw, Mrs. Hunter, Miss L. Sonley. Largest quantity of fowl--Mrs, R. Jackson, week are: Miss Miss Edith Peters, Mr. Grant Run- dle, Miss Marguerite Doubt, Mr, Misses Elsie and Grace Rose, Mr. John Brock and Mr. Glen Collacutt. The election and installation of officers of King Edward LOL. was held on Dec. 9th. The following offi- cers were installed by Past W.M. Bro. McKinley: W.M. Bro. Wm. lain, Bro. D. Lyle; Rec. Sec, G Morrish; Financial Sec., F. Shep- herd; Treasurer, Br. B. MacGregor; 1st Lect. Bro. Tanner; 2nd Lect, Bro Mitchell; Marshall, Bro. W. Cook; Committee, Bros. Kindrick, Linclan, Boe and Crandall; Tyler, Bro, H. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. James Ruddy spent Christmas in Toronto. Mr, .and Mrs, D. McIntosh were uests of Norwood friends over the oliday, > Mr. W. S. Short of Oshawa, Mr. Clinton Short and Miss Mayreinne Short of Toronto spent Christmas at their home here. Miss Frnaces Mellow of Toronto is home for a couple of weeks, Miss Harriden of St. Hilda's Col- lege, Toronto, was a Christmas guest of Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Rose, Mr. E. Gibbie of Oshawa visited friends in Port ePrry on Christmas ay. Rr. and Mrs. Ronald Peel were guests of Mr, Sanders, Peterboro, over Christmas, Miss Phyllis Wheatley spent the holiday with friends in Unionville. Weddings DEACON--WALKER On Monday, December 26tn, at twelve o'clock noon, Mrs, Lillian Walker and Myr. Wm, B, Deacon, both 'of ' Belleville, were quietly married at the home of Mrs. George Henley, 422 Simcoe street north, sister of the hride, The Rev, Mr: Maxwell, paster of St. Andrew's United Church, performed the cere- i | mony, Mr, and Mrs, Deacon are both prominent in the life of Belleville, Mrs, Deacon was formerly Libra- rian of the Corby Public Library, and Mr, Deacon is a leading manu- facturer. Mr, and Mrs, Deacon left for a short trip to the United States and on their return will reside at 220 William street, Belleville. Mis x Jackson, Mrs. Chas McGill meén R. Jackson, Mrs. McKengie are guests Misa Edna, Jackson, Mrs. Chas Me- Display shickena--Mes, R. Jackson. Me- Butter, | 10 1bs.--Mrs, Jas. Neshis, Among the visitors in Town this Louise Carnegie, J.|1 tablespoenful = Here 18 a resolve to make before New Year's day is u : Te Jackson, Thers 'ha t w pr By of the same old 0, Well, here are some } fresh from the creative ne tion of a culinary genius, The) will make a N'w Year's dinner long to be remembered and will of- fer a precedent for all the days to os Jelly in Baskets 2 fabjetpiantuls Knox Sparkling ¥% cup hig water' 2 oups boiling water 1 cup sugar - 1 cup orange juice 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice Few grains salt Grapes Soak gelatine inc old water § minutes and dissolve in the boiling water, Add sugar and stir until dissolved, then add fruit juices. Cool, and when it begins to stiffen. stir in skinned and seeded white grapes, Turn into baskets made of orange skins, This may be served as a fruit course or as a dessert Molded Tuna Fish Salad Knox Wparkling Gelatine 14 cup cold water 1 cup tuna fish 1% cup celery, chopped 15 green pepper, finely PP 2 tablespoonfuls chopped olives % cup boiled salad dressing 14 tablespoonful salt 14 teaspoonful paprika 2 teaspoonfuls vinegar Few grains cayenne, Soak gelatine in cold water 6 minutes and add to hot boiled salad dressing. Cool, and add tuna fish, separated into flakes, celery pepper, olivés and seasonings. Turn into wet individual molds and chill Remove from molds to nests of lettuce leaves and garnish with slices cut from pimolas, celery tips and watercress, Crabmeat, salmon or shrimp may be used in the same way, h a Perfection Salad 2 tablespoonsfuls Knox Sparkling Gelatine 1% cup cold water 2 cups boiling water i cup mild vinegar 1% cup sugar 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice 1 teaspoonful salt 1 cup celery 2 cups cabbage 2 pimentoes, green or red peppers or % cup grated carrot Soak gelatine in cold water § minuts; add boiling watr, vinegar lemon juice sugar and salt, When mixture begins to stiffen, add re- maining Ingredients, finely chop- ped. Turn into individual we' molds and chill, Unmold on lettuce leaves and garnish with mayon- nalse, Duck with Orange Jelly For the New Year's Supper, ar- range cold sliced duck on a bed of Orange Jelly, A free booklet of gelatine recipes suitable for all occasions will be sent upon request to the Food Education Burau, 799 Broadwar, M b Rocky Mountain Soonory Canadien Pacific Hotels a Ra New York, and receipt of a two cent stamp to cover postage, At the Regent CLARA BOW IN "GET YOUR MAN" The title of the feature at the Regent this week, "Get Your Man," is happily chosen, and Is a great deal more suitable to the piot than are a great many titles which we find tagged to some pictures. Clara Bow goes after her man, and, of course, gets him, though she very nearly misses her aim and comes close to losing him al. together. The locale is Paris, and Clara plays the part of an American girl, who falls in love with 8 young French nobleman, who, unfortun- ately, was betrothed at the tender age of five, to a young lady of six months, Determined to hreak off the ement by fair means or foul, ney Worthington has a fake Mig outside the country home of the young man in the case. and thus arranges matters tha: she may meet the young lady to whom her young lover has been engaged for seventeen long years. There are many interesting situations, dramatic and farcical, which raise this picture above the Clara as Nancy, is fine part as the Duke of Aly, the father of the young man she bas made up her mind to "get." "Get Your Man" is a good pie- ture, and well worth seeing. In the cartoon, "Felix" is quite up to his usual form, and the comedy *"Danec- ing Fools," is full of hilarity from ® & TH 3 - YEAR END SALES Almost Every Section of the Store Will B Featured All This Week Prettiest Party Dresses Can be chosen for as little $1 4. 95 from Paris, Regular $19.50, Be of them imported Sequin Gowns direct Others fashioned after the clever- est New York models in Taffetas and Velvets, $25.00 and $29.50 values. This Fashionable Group of Winter COATS Invites you to chocse at a great saving. Reg- ular $39.50 values on Sale for Beautiful all Wool Fabrics and newest of Fur Fabrics. Elegantly trimmed with deep shawl collars of opossum, $24.% New Spring Ginghams In a full choice of neat chick patterns, 32 inches wide at 19¢c and 25¢ yard opt AA mA A in Marion Nixon he has a swee' little partner that he evident] finds quite easy to look at! Mos of the story takes place on an ocean liner where Denny gets the job of ship's doctor, You don't need to stretch your imaginations to the breaking point to econceivr that this lends itself to manifold complications and difficulties, Many a good chuckle you will get ou of it, as you laugh with Denny and Marion in their various adventures The comedy, "Her Husky Man," stars George Arthur, as the patien' husband who, llke the proverbial worm, turns against his tormen- tors, and treats his wife to some startling surprises. In addition to the feature and the comedy, there is a good news reel, and another episode of the "Collegians." "GALLOPING FURY" GRIPPING MOVIE SEEN AT THE NEW MARTIN A well-told tale is "Galloping Fury," the new Hoot Gibson star- ring vehicle which opens at the New Liartin Theatre Thursday. It is a gripping story of the West with ample quantities of comedy Interspersed. And, {n- deed, it should be a good story for it comes directly from the pen of that ace of Western story writ- ers, Peter B., Kyne. Hoot, beloved ps always, fur ther endears himself with the screen going public by his delight: ful characterization of the Tidy Toreador, a rodeo bull thrower who mever allows his face, hands or clothes to be soiled by contact with the dusty earth. Hard-riding, two-fisted fighting and riotous comedy gags feature this Gibson picture which is one of the best he has ever done, Through it all is the thread or » heart-warming rommance between Gibson and Sally Rand, who will be remembered as one of the Wampas Stars o 192%. ery finé>human and appealing character work is done by Otis Harlan as Gibson's Whimsical Dad, Nuke R. Lee is splended as an 1. 'lan while Frank Beal as the blust- ring old father of Miss Rand in- ects many laughs into the pie. ure, being an excellent foil for 'ibson and Harlan. Reaves Eason deserves praise or ®he direction of the picture. Other players who deserve -- EA A mention are Ed Coxen, Pewee Holmes, Black Hawk and Max Asher, In addition to the above, there will be another of the well-known Dorothy Devore comedies, and the first chapter of a mew serial which is said to be extra good, entitled, "The Trail of the Tiger." i? revenue. 12---P, Radiate I Prosperity RE.ELECT Strict Justice to All A resident of the Ward for eighteen years, 'Oshawa Prospers |--A lower Tax rate, VOB ot omni a acid or out ok mol ed Police and Fire Protection Lavatory in business section. If you agree with the above VOTE for D. A. J. SWANSON In Southeast Ward

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