ow . ; 4 N - hd The Oshawa Daily Reformer 1 mn Ba ---- l,l j VOL. 1--NO. 19 i tite OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1927 5) : x ~ -- - . x . . 4 ; . * * | PLANEDAWN [Poisonous Alcohol Claims IVILLAGESIN [11- YEAR-OLD . 5 ® I Wi ° IS STILL ON ven ee = P°E) BRITAIN ARE |OAKLANDGIRL ] (By Canadian Press) Caaane Winnipeg, Man, Dee, consumed last night at a party 8 alcohol 'a toll staged in the Chinese quarter MISSING LIST| E838 | SESS | ISOLATED|IS KIDNAPPED : nipeg during the last sixteen tims of bad lquor were ! ------ hours, it became nciper Bd in widely separated down --e Continue Intensive Of the Seven men reported Police today were tavestl. | River at Canterbury is Over- | Police Start New Man Hunt . p . ; ood that others Search to Locate Mrs, "| Sivchol canned host oe other Sine en ie det Sowing; 300 Families in Seah for Evelyn Y " or obtained a su omeless Grayson Jendlty Suwon: a: S1v urswmhod liquor" ig MA con y : +2 CITY SUBMERGED SUSPECT CONVICT WIDE AREA COVERED JUDGE McGLADE OF ee Aly gy a S-- COBOU™~ ASSES |Kent Villages Are lsolated| Man Declared His Mother Aeroplane Motor Reported SUDDENLY AT HOME| With Roads Blocked By | Would Adopt Chi'd Rut _ . Heard in Part of -- Drifts Story Proved False | Newfoundland Po ian ane oer ahem (Cable Servive to Thé M1 ope, " 3 e Service to mes (By Associated Press) Judge McGlade, Cobourg, coun By Canadian Press Calif, y (By Associated Press) My court Judge for the United London, Dec, 29 Strange stor- ASS, a Te Ta Aboard the U.S, Destroyer Counties of Durham and North. |[fes of vagaries of the big snow |of a eleven-year-old girl as the rtevant, off Sable Island, N.J,, umberland died suddenly at his |storm still come to hand. Snow- quarry, spurred police into activity Eo ou So, Jean. Fuard i ale a (te hy: | |gna vave completely 'buried 8 | here today before the Calornia pub. [-) - r - axe xcitemen nad found no trace of the Ww. H. Kennedy Reconsiders tion of County Judge a oe he of iy iu of the kidnapping and murder of missing plane "Dawn", up to eight Decision to Oppose ago, coming to Cobourg from sons, imprisoned by snow but with twelve-year-old Marian Parker in - yy O'clock thismorning, Destroyers Bowmanville, enough food to last them four days, | Los Angeles, : | Sturtevant and Mahan began al Mayor Bateman DE cheerfully hail people laboriously d The missing girl 3 Evelyn Smith, NAFLISAK 2 Suen] somuing of he o-- ALL REEVES IN "sulng salons the Jondway several daughiey of My, an Mis. LAR \ iundred yards stant, yn ' h . Rob A iad Bah 3 ase mis| JACKSONIS REEVE Many Devonshire ~'vilagos are | MCCS oh, SRT r CHEN Ronee A 2 4 J ol All Oc Fi'ss | aa TO Tia & 1 " while three coast guard destroyers | were covering the southeast quad- | yant, | The naval Dirigible, Los Angeles, peturned to her hangar at Lake- burst, N.J., after a 81 hour cruise during which 24,000 square miles | of ocean was scanned in a vain ef- fort to locate the missing plane, St, John's, Nfld,, Dee, 28,--Fol- lowing reports last night that the sound of an aeroplane motor, be- eved to be that of the missing lane "Dawn", had been heard in he vicinity of Heart's Content and Carbo r at 8,30 Saturday night, it was gated today that several ons' 'a Pouch Cove, west of Heart's Content, were positive that they heard an aerolpane at 9.20 Sunday morning, It appeared to he travelling in an easterly direction but a thick fog prevented sight of the plane. - NAYOR PRESTON EXTENDS TH! NKS {FOR ELECTION } 1} wil Enter Third Term With Same Determination to Serve DESIRED CONTEST "It is a great deal of gratification to be selected Mayor of this won- der City by acclamation," said Mayor Robert D. Preston, in an interview with the Times this morning." "After two years in this honoured jon I enter my third term with the same determination to do my very best. A great deal bas trans- ed in the past two years which ) resulted in the general better- t of our City, Large problems Jo gah us. [ shall have more to say about these at a later date." "I must admit, however, there is not the same "kick" in getting elect- ed Mayor by acclamation as there jis in an election, but after running six elections, four for Alderman, 'two for the Mayoralty, it has me 3 most strepuous political | career, time I wish to extend my Erni Nine Qualify for Six Seats on the 1928 Council (By Staff Roportcr) Whitby, Dee, 28 -Aithough W, H, Kennedy, who was nominated for the mayor's chair, qualified yesterday for election to this office he will not contest the nomination of John Willis Bateman, who seeks reelec- tion, Although Mr, Kennedy has publicly announced that he will not run for election, his name will ap- pear on the ballot, and if the totally unexpected should happen and he is elected, it will be necessary to have another election should he keep to his latest statement and resign. Albert. W. Jackson was re-elect ed to the office of reeve by accla- mation, and Robert J. Underwood, last year elected as deputy-reeve for the first time, was returned by ac- clamation, there being no one to op- pose him, 0; Nine have qualified for the six seats on the council including W, M, Pringle, J. M. Denny, - D. Mowat, Charles E. Broughton, J, H (Scony) Ormiston, Frank Llewendgold, Bowman, George Keil and Robert Reid, Four of these, W. H. Pringle, J. M. Kenny, David Mowat, and Charles E., Broughton, were mem bers of last year's council, The vacancies on the Public Uti: lities Commission were filled by ac- clamation by A, H, Allin and William Vanvalkenburgh, when Fred Landon and Albert Jackson did not qualify for these offices, Herbert Webster was elected to the Board of Education from North Ward by acclamation, as was Wil- liam Harden from the South Ward when E, R, Blow and Miss Margaret Sleep, the only woman nominated, failed to qualify. E. M, Brown and Stuart Threadgold will contest in the centre ward for election to this body. DISCOVER GLUE TO MISSING BROTHERS Disappeared from Glencoe, llls,--Find Statement Scratched in Sand (By Associated Press) Chicago, Dee. 28--A sentence seratzhed In the sand of Lake Miech- | 27d igan beach afforded a clue today to the whereabouts of Alexander Maitland, 25, and Robert Chase, 14, brothers-in-law, who disappeared from Glencoe, Ills., Monday, when they departed on a hunting expedi- tion. The lettering, which ress "I'm going to run away," was sign- ed "Robert Chase". While a note ignoring the pos- sibility that the writing in sand may be important, officers thought it more likely that one of hundreds of volupteer searchers for the miss- ing pair scratched it on the beach (By Associated Press) Nashville, Tenn, Dec. 28 the habit of transposing letters ve of stammering and thumb of the word "the" when using a hides, . i Jf erely habits, A plan, said, is to repitition of have the id bo to psy- produce behaviour the asso- as mearly as possible, under the he 1 otiactly Shimmy passin, while didnt § SLE I on of t wh must of curing himself of | sire to be rid of, SOUTH ONTARIO GET ACCLAMATION 1027 "Wh ©27 East Whitby Council Returned Without a Contest FIGHT IN PICKERING ~ The electors of the respective townships in South Ontario County will not be required to elect a reeve when they poll their ballots January In every instance the office went by acclamation yesterday when the nominations were formally closed, Another feature is the re-election of the whole council of East Whitby Township by acclamation, The election of the reeves did not come as a surprise to the various municipalities, Those who will head councils in the district are: Town- ship of Pickering, G. M. Forsyth, re- turned for another term by acclama t ion, having scrved® the past year; East Whitby Township, Warren Dearborn, for a number of years an interestrd figure in municipal circles of East Whitby and also reeve of the council last year; West Whitby Township, W. 8. Croxall, who was previously reeve of the township, In addition to the gforegoing, Albert W, Jackson was also returned to head the Whitby Town Council. Reeve Jackson was warden of the County of Ontario during the past term, In- cidently last year, it will be .remem- bered, he promised that if elected last year to the reeveship, he would not contest that office this year, Yes- terday when nomination were formal: ly received, no member of the muni cipality would oppose him, thus re- turning the honor by acclamation, The honor of returning its whole township council of last year to of- fice by acclamation fell to East Whitby. While John Ross was nom- | nated to oppose Warren Dearborn .or the reeveship, the former did not ualify yesterday, R. B. Smith and Allen Layis were also nominated to the deputy reeveship, but when quali- | fications for the council closed, they | iound themselves in office under that title. James McKenzie, I. T. Orm iston. and W. D, Dwyer, nominated for council, did not qualify, thus re- turning RR, B. Smith, Aflan Lavis s Warne. For the first time in years, there will be an election in the Township of Pickering for all offices except the reeveship. G., M, Forsyth was ge- turned by acclamation. The following were the qualifica- tions for the other offices: First deputy reeveship--G, L. Mid- dleton Sepuy ke Todd. Chapman Joh A: White, L n A: ay Snsillors, we | joe siested--Al , Moon, » Robert C, RReeson. & The village trustees were all re- turned by i are S, acclamation. W. Davis, F, J. Prouse and William Callis, East Whitby Township Council was all returned by acclamation. ren Dearborn and John Ross will be reeye and 'deputy reeve respectively, again this year, while the council w be of Messrs. R. B. Smith, Allan Layis and Charles Warne. While the reeveship was filled by jon, West Whitby will wit ness an\election for the council. Ww. 18. Cr was elected by acclama- tion to\head the body. Those on whose mames the ratepayers of the township will ballott are Messrs. C. L. Mackey, William Gerrard, Dr. J. J. Moore, William J. Cook Innis Grant and William Guthrie. Four members are to be elected. olated and there are snow drifts wenty feet deep on Dartmoor, A wmber of roads in Cornwall are 'locked with snow. At Canterbury, Kent, the river i overflowing and three hundred amilies have been rendered home- ess, Mayor Barret has succeeded n getting away from his house in a boat, Practically all the north- ern section of the city is submerg- ed with water from three to six feet deep, and streets resemble awittly flowing rivers, BANK TELLER IS GIVEN YEAR TERM Aurele Giroux, Ottawa, Con- fesses He Took $300 to 'Aid Parents (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Dec. 28--Aurele Giroux, seventeen-year-old teller of Eastview Branch of Banque Canadienne Na- tionale was sentenced to a term of 'from one to two ycars in the Ontario Refermatory at Burwash by Magis- trate Cummings in police court to- day Giroux a the town of Eastview, which is a suburb of Ot- tawawith the story yesterday that while he was alone in the bank he had been struck over the head with chony ruler of a strange man and $300 in ten dollar bills had been stolen. Last night he confessed that his story was untrue, that he had : stolen the money, | The police report he told them that when he went home for Christ- mas he realized his parents were very poor, They lice in Cornwall, where bis father is a machinist and there 'are thirteen children, It was to get , money to sent to his home he plan- ned to steal $300 from the bank. | HAVE BEEN WELL EARNED 4 (London Advertiser) Last year B75 miles of transmission lines were built for rural Hydro "Electric service in Ontario. The com forts of farm life increase--and what class has better earned them! having stolen the girl from home on the pretence that his mother, des- cribed as a wealthy Pasadena wo- man, would adopt her and furnish employment for her father, who has been out of work and ill, Mrs, Mec- Celland, the man's mother denied she was rich and said she knew noth- ing of the son's plan to take the Smith girl, HAD BEEN WITHOUT FOOD FROM DEC, 18 (By Canadian Press) Fredericton, N.B,, Dec, 28--F, W. Jones, of Queen's County, N, B,, is in Victoria Hospital here in a serious condition as a resnlt of being without food from December 18 until last night, He had reg- istered at a small hotel and re- tired with blood poisoning in one of his hands, Influenza set in lat- er, ' NO ELECTION IN NEWCASTLE Contests in Clarke Township --Acclamations in Darlington (By Staff Reporter) Newcastle, Dec, 28--There will he no election for reeve in Newcastle this year only W, Frank Rickard having been nominated for this of- ice, J. W, E. Philip, John Gibson, Harry Jose, and Orme Parker are steking the three seats in the coun- cil, Clarke Township will have a con- test both for reeve and the council seats, but William Nestron was re- turned by acclamation to the office of Deputy-reeve. M, J. Holman and Arthur McKay are the contestants for the office of reeve, while those who will seek the three available seats in the council are John Dent, John Luxon, William Payne, F, B. Lovekin, Fred Couch, and Hector Hoy. Public School Honor Roll For December Public school honor roll for the month of December showing sen- for classes only for November and December, the ten pupils standing highest in class having their names published, NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL Senior IV.--Evelyn Dell, Rae McMaster, Annie Anderson, Jean Reid, Harry Stirling, Fred Jones, Mary Glass, Elsie Loveridge, Pearl Cook, Phyllis Tresise. J. W. Garrow, teacher. Junior IV.--Carmen Hughes, Charlie Cooper, Allan Ellicott, | Thelma Mealing, Inez Roy, Lewis | Winnell, Irene Branton, Gordon Rooney, Marion McDonald, Daisy Hall, E. L. Ford, teacher. Senior JIL---Margaret Watts, Donald Ewing, Mable Cain, Isobe! Wrigley, Lloyd Young, George Herd, Oressa Mont~omery, Dorothy McCutcheon, Margaret Gowdy, Ena Brooks. M. G. Lick, teacher. Junior IIl.--Lorna Clark Jean Alloway, Muriel Kelly, Lloyd Hard: bi Evelyn Drummond, Ellsworth Leggott, Olive Favell, Yvonne Yourth, Beatrice Perry and Helen Lott (equal), L. Stephenson, teacher, RITSON ROAD SCHOOL Senjor IV.--Kasmyl Steban, Reginald Richards, Marjorie Bates, Vivian Wannamaker, Eva Bottom-| ley and Edward Roberts (equal), feorge Saunders, Irene Bond, Bil- lie Bray, Clifford Birch, Minnie Savieh, . H. W, Knight, teacher, The Oshawa Daily Times Los Angeles, Calif, Dec, 28, William Edward Hickman, confessed kidnapper and slayer of Marian Parker, Los Angeles school girl, wants speedly jus. tice, "But not too speedy", the youth hastened to add to his statement made to newspaper reporters in his cell in the County Jail, He explained that he had thought he was w Confessed Slayer Los Angeles Child Expected To Be Rushed To Trial - 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. be rushed right through trial yesterday when he arrived at the County Jail here, Hickman declared he had no intention of pleading not guilty to charges of murder and kid. napping on which he has been indicted, "I'll plead guilty and stand by my confession retardless of what this Kansas City attorney engaged by my mother advises me to do", he sald, 220,000 Letters and Cards, 20,000 Parcels, Handled In Post Office Past Week Christmas Rush This Year Heaviest Yet Experienced By Oshawa Postal Staff-- Over 160,000 Letters Pass Through Cancelling Ma- chine Weary in body, but reiterating to The Oshawa Daily Times that they had a happy Christmas, the staff of the local post offie today counted up their Christmas week's work. The total is 220,000 letters and Christmas eards and 20,000 parcels, In spite of the fact that this year was the heaviest yet experi- enced by the Oshawa post office in the point of Christmas mail, tne staff at all times kept richt up with the rush, and Christmas eve found all the mail received at this office delivered .to its destinsiiun in the city. The only mail carried over was a small amount that came in on the late trains, too late for delivery before Sunday morning. Monday there was only one dae- livery, but it was a big one, lasting most of the afternoon, An auto mobile was used to keep the posties supplied with bags and it was late in the afternoon most of them could "call it a day". This de: livery cleared away lef; over mail that had accumulated in Toronto and other offices, and which was sent down here over Sunday. Over 160.000 letters and cards were passed through the ecanc»ll ing machine at the office, and it is estimated that 10,000 more were hand stamped during the six days of last week, Besides this, the office handled a lot of 50.000 earns. ete,, sent by General Motors of Can~da. which made up the total of 220,000. Besides these, a thou sand bags containing about twenry parcels each were handled, Post master Frank Mathison {8 more thna pleased with the support of his staff and the extra men who were employed, some of them hay- Ing to work night and day to keep pace with the rush, MAT. BAG WITH $13,000 15 10ST Theory of Theft Regarding Beg Sent from Toronto to Mimico (By Capadian Press) Toronto, Dee, 28--1It known here today accord g to the Toronto Telegram that a®mail bag said to have contained $13.000 was lost or stolen while being conveyed from the post office at Mimico Beach to Toronto on December 13. The mail wes conveyed from the post office to Mimico Station in an open truck driven by a res'dent of Mimico, but it was mot mntil the mail was delivered when the train reached Toronto that the loss was discovered. The Telegram announ-ed that A. became Senior IIL.--Garnet Tubb, Rosie Olenick, Howard Birch, Anns Meyer, Roy Cory. C , teacher. Junior TV.--Sophie Miseresky, Mike Savich, Jan Muir, Merron Makh, Fred McKnight, Junior JII.--Aileen Beauprie, Peter Kryzanonski, Jack Bray. Viola Forsyth, teacher. Senior IIL--Mary Stezik, Lii- lian Pratley, Lillias Clarke, Eve- lyn Kilbank, Kenneth Williams, Josephine Gutofsky, Anna Prit (had been lost. | ble. he C. Stinson, teacher. dest chard. Viola Forsyth, teacher. Junior IIL.--Teddy Friend, Alex Sherbo, Bernice Gutofski, Joan Muir, Maxine Noble, Edith Wright, ' Ruby Menko, Joe Miseresky, Wal- (Continued on page 3) M. Gibson, Chief District Inspector of the post office department. would not admit that the sack of mail It was quite possi- is reported to have said. thet he sack of mail micht get off its course and go to the wrong ination. a ---------------------- NORTH POLE FLIGHT Ottawa, Dec. 27--Ar:, ments for a flight over the North Pole are be- ing made by General Nobilen, a Italian explorer and aviator, , who plans to start his voyage in a dirig- ible in the spring. Dr. E. Bonardelli, Consul General for Italy in Canada, has been appeale® to for maps of the Canadian Arctic region, and is re- celving every assistance from Cana- Jdian official cals, . EDMONTON SEES MERCURY REACH 20 BELOW ZERO (By Canadian Press) Winnipeg, Dee, 28-=Another cold wave was gradually ens veloping the prairie provinces of Western Canada today, bringing the threat of bitter sub-zero temperatures for the closing days of 1927, Edmon. ton reported a dip of twenty below during the night, while the mercury was receding rap. idly in other parts of Alberta, Early today the cold wave was spreading its chill over Sas. katchewan, with snowfalls fair. Iy general, ALLEGED BANK THUGS REMANDED Three Held in Connection With Attempted Robbery in Hamilton (By Canadian Press) Hamilton, Ont,, Dec, 28--Names of three men held by police in connec- tion with the robbery of the Bank of Commerce Branch at Sanford avenue were called in police court today and the prisoners were re- manded for eight days, A stay was granted on request of Inspector Cro- cker, Reginald Johnson, Toronto, was charged with robbery with violence; John Gordon, this city, and Fred Watson, Toronto, were charged with vagrancy and also remanded, Police did not submit any testimony what- ever and hte prisoners had nothing to say, ROYAL BANK SETS CANADIAN RECORD Assets, Deposits, Capital and Profits Highest Ever Recorded (By Canadian Press) Montreal, Que, Dec, 28--Annual statement of the Royal Bank of Canada, issued today, constitutes new record in Canadian banking, Total assets, total deposits and - tal and reserve, including wundiyi profits, are the highest ever record by any bank in Canada. Like wise the profits for the year also set a record for Canada, being shown at | Wi $5,370.145 compared with $4,516,239 at the close of the fiscal year in 1926. The striking feature of the balance ts at $722/6360% an increase of mearly $110,000,000 during the period. WEA Strong winds; rein tonight and of Thursday; colder by LINDBERGH STARTS FOR GUA (By Associated Press) Mexico City, Dec, 28---Just a dawn lightened the flying fi ole onel Charles Lindbergh hopped at 635 am, today Guat : city, the first stop of his Centr American good will flight, The take off was made in alme perfect weather conditions, here was no wind and a slight veil of near the ground was not ¢ interfere with the visibility, The flier's mother, who had seen her son taffe off on his' ew] York-Paris or Washington-Mexicol city flights, was at veld to.bid him good 'bye on this his latest venture When Lindbergh came to the eld] he was dressed in a dark business suit,* He put his flying suit ¢ this just before entering the plan He shook hands with Dwight Morrow, United States Amb dor,| Mrs, Morrow, members of the Ems bassy staff and a group of Mexie; army aviators, Smiling he said| "good bye" to each one of them, Mrs, Lindbergh, the embassy pi and Mexican officials stood 'on field eagerly watching the s St. Louis until it disap; Mrs, Lindbergh and y entered the cabin of the nor 0 plane and took off for Detroit ale most immediately, BOWNANVILLE WILL SEE CONTESTS FOR (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Dec, 28---Electors at the polls on Mondey will have the task of choosing mayor deps uty-reeve, and councillors for coming year, W, H. Thickson been elected to the office of through acclamation, and L. Hall, F, W, Nelles, and M, Williams have been elected the school board. i The re-election of Thomas Holgate to the office of being opposed by Milton J. who has been reeve of ville for several years, and was warden of the 1927 Council. The office a reeve, held last year Thickson, is being contested | year by W, H. Carruthers and | George W, James. Both contest- ants sat in the 1927 coupefl. . Eight nominees are seeking 8. We c Caveriy, We Ar Ager A. FA , C. Caverly, W, A, ¥. 1 Minors, bav- i ms, and M, H, ing been members of the » council, others Edward J. /iibbs, F. Bounsall, are to be elected from the above. RUSHING Yi Te (an ne their families needn't expect to much of them. New York, N.¥, Ones his to the North The New York American says ama" Bichon member pe today that Mabel Boll, known Byrd's Crew, as the *Olamond Queen" fs were said seeking Floyd Beanet and agreed Bernt Balchen as pilots for the process £ : i fis i i it : :