Ji vv: Ral a littl down." - OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TU prs Tr ---- a ESDAY, DELEMI MBER 27, 1927 : PAGE iy rantford Man Is Appointed Oshawa Fire Chief WOMAN NOMINATED * FOR CIVIC OFFICE IS WHITBY TOWN =A, W Jackso: Re- elected Reeve Grist 'f Nommations for the Cot: sent -~ Contests Are Expe ed (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec, 27--One woman was nominated for a civic office last night | by the citizens of Whitby out. oi a total of 34 nominees. She is Miss Magaret Sleep who, along with E. R, Blow and William Harden was nominated from South Ward to the Board of Education from the South Ward, Names of others who were nominated, follow: For Mayor, John Willis Bateman, Walter = Herbert Kennedy, and Seymour Whitney, Mr, Whitney announcel however that he will not run, Albert Wilson Jackson, was re- elected reeve by acclamation, Mr, Jaclaon, was warden of the countdy during the year just closed, Ro- bert J. Underwood was nominated for deputy- -reeve also James M, Kenny, will ru nfor the office. Mr, Underwood was deputy-reeve last 4 Yoar, and Mr, Kenny sat in the coun- cil, The following were nominated for the council, William McIntosh Pringle, William Davidson, James Henry Ormiston, Albert Wilson i Jackson, David Mowat, Charles Fd- ward Broughton, George Keil, John E. Disney, Robert J. Underwood, William J, Hallett, Charles Bowman, ames Milton Kenny, Robert Reid, rank Llwendgold, Samuel Kemp- thorn, Frank McIntyre, John Me- 1 Clelland, afd Cephas Seldon. Messrs, Davidson, Ormiston, Keil, | Disney, Hallett, Bowman, Reid | Llwendgold, Kempthorn, McIntyre ! and McClelland are the new men | nominated for the office. foo Fred Landon, Albert Wilson Jack® son, William Vanvalkenburgh and A, H, Allin were nominated for the Public: Utility Commission. Stuart Threadgold, was elected to i* the Board of Education from Centre Ward by acclamation. E. R, Blow, Miss Margaret Sleep and William Harden were nominated to represent South Gry! on the Board, Herbert Webstc¥y. d Earl W, Brown through acclamat®.! will represent North and Centre Wards respectively, \ WHERE A NEWSPAPER SERVES (St, Catharines Standard) The space which newspapers are ' giving to enlighten the people in the matter of disease prevention shows i that the science of medicine is no PY longer regarded as an occult science and in a broad way newspapers can do much to make people healthier. ¢ That is not to say that all sorts of quack adyice which happens to find its way into the public print is to be relied on, There is always danger of the power of the printed word being abused in this respect. But between ll spreading information and tender- ing advice to consult skilled edical practitioners, the people can he greatly benefited, JSHAWA AND DISTRICT Murdoch's New Address Murdoch's Insurance now at 27 Warren avenue, (148¢c) Too Late to Classify Service LOST -- CANADIAN NATIONAL ticket Toronto to North Bay. Fin- der phone 2458) and receive re- ward, (148h) LOST--CLUB BAG SATURDAY | betwen 12 and 1.30 in Oshawa, or between Oshawa and Harmony. Re- ward. Apply 123 Church St, (148a) Ll FOR SALE-- REAR END COM- plete for eight cylinder Cadillac car, Phone B85. (148¢c) WANTED--EXPERIENCED FAC tory Clerk fcr out of Town Autw mobile Body Plant, State age qualifications, where experience | has been gecined and salary ex pected. Good prospects .head fo) 8 live young, epergetic man who likes work and bas initiative Ap- ply to Box "8" Oshawa Daily Times, (148b) LOST--BY SCHOOL BOY, THI» morning, two $2.00 bills. Finder | please return to Oshawa Daily Times office and receive reward. (148Db, Cpming Events RATES 8 Cents word each fn- sertion. M um charge for each insertion, 35¢c. REGULAR MEETING OF THE Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, Wednésday, Dec. 28th. nomination and election of of- ficers. Members are requested it attend. (148b: MADAME NEVADA, PALMISI at 267 French St. Phone 7102. Hours-2 10 9. (1480; Born CLEMENT--At Oshawa General Hospital, Thursday, Dee. 23, Mr. and Mrs. 8S. T. Clemeni. (nee Ellen Collins), a daughter, (stillborn). " GEORGE C. ALCHIN x Haro 3 BY ACCLAM ARTHUR R, ALLOWAY GEORGE T, MORRIS One of "Three Wise Men" Proved Unwise; He Paid $10 and Costs Today Garbed as the V Well Known Biblical Characters, Trio Travel from House to House and Receive Kind Hospitality -- Patriotic Colony of Hungarians Welcome Fellow Men Carrying Out Custom of Native Land--One Taken in Tow By Police Officer and Listed on Bloiter as Santa Claus, Charged With Intoxication The foyvourite biblical characiers of the members of the Hungar'an Roman Catholic Church at the Yuletide season, it apperas, are te three Wise Men of the East, In Hungary, it also seems, just as Claus goes from house to house in America, htree persons in the garb of the Wize Men of old parade the streets and go from house to house extefAiding and stimulating the hap: piness of the occasion and in re turn they are tendered meat and drink by the grateful members of the visited households. This year, Oshawa possesses a small but reli- giously patriotic colony of Hun garians and with tite style of their country, three of their number, on Sunday, garbed themselves in the robes of the Wise Men and went about the southern section of the city in true Hungarian fashion, All went well and to say the least, the Wise Men fared royally on the meat and drink wheih was extend- ed to them by their fellow ecoun- trymen, And so with the Christmas sea- gon still in evidence, another trio of Wise Men visited the kindly Hungarian homes of Oshawa, on Monday night and although they were this time not from the East but from Toronto, again all went well for a time, Eldon avenue, Olive avenue, Stacey avenue and Bloor street all yielded abundant- ly of meat and drink in return for 'heir patronage but alas, one uf their number, despite his contin- ued protests, was made the reci- pient of a trifle more drink than of meat, It was at this stage that a police- man appeared out of the night and the remainder of the tale of these three Wise Men is told on the an- nals of the local police station, Perhaps it was' because the reei- pient of the too much drink greatly resembled Saint Nicholas himself that so much of the liquid re- freshment was forced upon him by the goodly residents of Oshawa, Dressed in a flowing, and very much becomi ig robe and lopg white mustache, who could not have felt other than a kindly feel- ing towards him and to him 'nm particular, have bestowed a quan- tity of their very best? Anyway, Santa Claus, as he was entered on the police ledger, was taken in tow by the officer to the police station and was housed there, well away from any chimneys for the night, It was there that he was stripped of his outward raiment and these, whiskers and all, were still on display this morning in the Chief's office. The last chapter of this tale eof the Wise Men was unfolded in police court this morping when Santa Claus, alias Steven Vares of Toronto, appeared before Magis- trate Hind, charged with intoxi- cation in a public place. Throuzh an interpreter he pleaded guiliy and explained that he didn't want to get drunk but couldnt resist such kind hospitality as was given by the citizens of that section of Oshawa. The Magistrate, with true 'hristmas spirit, fined him only $10 and costs, the total amount ing to $19.50, under the circum- stanees which the court acknowl- edged, were rather unusual to say the least. » In the bright lexicon of kidhood there is no substitute for Christmas. --Detroit Free Press. Some girls are wearing their skirts a little longer--they can't afford new ones. --Chicago Daily News. STOCK MARKETS NEW Y! RK Stock Hah Ww 2pm, Amer, Can, ..,, 34 74% Amer, Tel, & Tel, 10 VEE 8 Ralt, & Ohio ,,, 117% M73 117 Briggs Mig. .... 234 234 23 Can, Dry, 36 55 Can, Pac, Chrysler .... 623% % Congoleum ,,.0,, 293 28% 294% Dupont ...sveees + 35% 32334 325 Dodge "A" w... 20% 20% 2% Erie: vvrrssvsrrey 074 664 67% | Famous Players 114 11214 113% Gen, Asphalt ,,, 81} 81 81 Gooderich ,,v444¢ 94 9474 Gen, Motors .,,, 138% 13744 1383 Gold Dust vveeee 7434 74 7444 Hudson .....e0,s 8138 80% 814 Int, Comb, 4444s A 56% 57 Ini, Nicl:el ,,444 'Bi BG int. Harvester , al 24378 245 Int, Paper ..,,. 73% 73% Kansas City S, 604 5974 59%; Radio ..rieesss ' og 922 9414 Sears Roebuck . 89)4 88); 88: Studebaker ...,, 607% 59% 604 U.S. Rubber ,,, rs 5614 56i% U.S, Steel ,.,,, 153 15434 US, Cl, Pipe ,, + Aion 21656 216%; Willys Overland 187 18 185% Woolworth ,.,., 9" 19234 19374 Yellow Cab ,,,.. Bu Bu Bn REFUSED 70 SINK ESCAPING VESSEL Customs Cruiser Margaret Chased Alleged Rum- runner * Ottawa, Dee, 24.--The story of a "naval engagement" in the Northum- berland Straits in which the chief: fi gures were the Custgms Cruiser, Margaret, commandedflpy Captain Coffin, and the allege® rum-runner, Marion L. Mason stop, but this re- light in Ottawa, with the escape of the Marion L. Mason due entirely to the humanity of the Margaret's master who broke off the "fight" rather than sink the offending vessel, According to officials of the De- partment of National Revenue Wed- nesday the Government cruiser came upon the Marion L. Mason some nights ago in a blinding snowstorm, Captain Coffin recognized the ship as one which only a few weeks pre- viously had been in trouble with the Preventive Service, On that occasion 2400 packages of liquor had been seized, but the vessel was freed, Captain Coffin demanded that the Marion , Mason stop, but this re- quest was disobeyed, and an effort on the part of the: "Margaret's crew to board the offender was rendered abortive by the blinding snow and the heayy seas. The Margaret's cap: tain then wirelessed: Ottawa for per- mission to use. force, and this was granted with the result that the argaret's guns were brought into y and several were oon urtling across the rum runner's y to These were followed by rifle- shots. Still the Marion I. Mason held on her course to' the open seas, re- fusing to yield to "force majeure" and as a fast resort there was left only the native of ramming her, To have $0 Wi have meant 2 Dechablc Yon Sis Sh. hoard the n-aey: dnd & this into con- sideration Captain i" was reluct- ant to a ome measure. The r et ne Phebe of the Mar- anything ", which seemed to indicate to that something more than the offence of vagrancy was upon his MAYOR HOLGATE 18 RE-NOMINATED IN BOWN ANVILLE May Be Opposed in Civic Election By Milton J. Elliott SEEKS FOURTH TERM Reeve and Deputy Reeve in Dar'ington Given Acclama'ion (ify Biali Bowman 8, Holzale a were last night nomi mayor hy ci ize in the town ha Leen mayor for Mr, Elliott last ceve for 1 to r the eo: ty, W, BH, T. "hickson, leputy-reeve last year, RB perk unimas Elliolt for 8 at the meeting 1. Mr, Hol ate has three yea :, while year gorved os n Hilt who vas 'averly, or four years, W, H. Ca uthers was nominated or deputy reeve, alonz with 'er, Mv, Ca ruthe.s was a mem- er of last year's council, was George W, James, W. C, Caverly, W. A, Ed er Wadhams, M. H. Minore, W ~orbett, BE, J. Gibbs, H. D, F, H, Bounsall, George Crombie, and Thomas Crombie, Messrs Caverly, Edger, Wadhams, and Minore were members of the 1927 *ounell, G., L. Hall, P, W. Nelles, F, P, Morris, A, M. Williams, Dr, C, W Slemon, and Dr, R, E. Dinniwell were nominated for the Bchoni Board, POLICE CALLED AT NOMIFATIONS Fist Fight Threatens at East Sandwich--County Officers Take Part Anpouncement hag just been made that Miriam Green Ellis, Do- minion wide authority on agricui ture has joined the staff of the Family Herald end Weekly Star of Montreal, As a brilliant writer end a student of conditions as they effect the farmer, Mrs. Ellis is too well known to require intro- duction here, Articles from her pen have appeared in all of the great journalsl in the world of agriesl- ture snd readers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star for whom she will pow write exclusivly, are to be congratulated on having her services for their enjoyment apd instruction. This appointient is in line with the policy laid down for the coming year by the publish- ers of the Family Herald of a paper more entertaining and broad- er in scope than ever before, ENTERTAINS AT CHRISTMAS PARTY -- Mrs. Fred Swithenbank enter- tained at her home, 84 Yonge street, on Christmas Eve at a jolly gathering. Mr. Swithenbank acted 28 Santa, and distributed gifts-- to all guests--taken off the tree. Among those present were Mr. and , | Mrs. "Bill" Haley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pickup, Mr. and Mrs. MeMurray, Mr. and Mrs. Kirley, Mr. C. Lord, Mr, C. Nicholson, Mrs. Livesay, Mrs. Holt, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Longhottom and Mrs. M. Smith of England, and pumerous other Also Mr. Alban Livesay Suests. - {made a journey from Dearborn to ed | be present, along with his fiance, Miss Gladys Frink. During the evening songs were rendered and Mrs. Longbottomr act- ed as accompaniment. The house was beautifully deco- rated with evergreens and a truly festive spirit reigned. 'The panty broke up early Christmas morning and all guests departed in a Merry Christma shumor. was roai- ated for reeve along with W, C, who has been councillor jearge W, James and C., E, Reh- and so A, Pp, Moses, ACGLANATIONS LIKELY IN EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP Members of Li Last Years Council to Stand--Others to Drop Out, COUNTY NOMINATIONS West Whitby Reeve is Re- turned Without Being Opposed East Whitby Township Council will probably be elected by accla- mation for the year 1928 accord. ing to information wngpeived today from an suthoriat vl ouree In the nominations hel Columbus Reeve Warren Dearborn and John Rose were proposed for the Reeve: ship; John Ross, R, B, Smith and Allen Lavis for the Deputy reeve ship and R., B, Smith, ®\llan Lavis. Charles Warne, James@icKensle, I, T, Ormiston and W, D. Dyer for council, Last year's couneil eon. sisted of Warren Deavborn, reeve; John Ross, deputy peeve; R, BR. | Smith, Allan Lavis " . Charles Warne, councillors, Nominations received throughout Ontaria County yesterday are follows: UXBRIDGE VILLAGE Mayvor--0C, P, King, A, M, St Johns, W, C, Pollard, Gordon Me- lean, Georre N, Gagrow, Reeve--W, C, Pollard Couneil-- Thomas Oliver, Henry Medill, Cordon McLean, Mustard, Millon Arnold, John Ry nard, Alfred Jarvis, Alfred Broad, 'ey Page, WHITBY Mayor--John W, Bateman, W.H, Kennedy and Seymour, clamation), Deputy Reeve----R, J, Underwood, J. M. Kenny. Counell--W. M. Pringle, William Davidson, J. H. Ormiston, A, W. Jackson, David Mowat, C. E. New Martin | i THEATRE Now Playing REGIALD DENNY "Out All N, 1 g ' Collegigns COMEDY. Ob Rel oh ia oh fh ibe LLL NOW PLAYING Clara Bow in "Get Your Man" ADDED PATHE NEWS FELIX--THE CAT and an exciting J COMEDY John Lowe, Andrew Page, | W. G, Gilsillan, | Don~ld Stiver, B, Blackburn, Wes- Reeve--Alhert W, Jackson (ae- G. B, NORRIS { Walter Tunstell 8, Wilkinson harles Bennett, John Johnston Puhlie Utilities--A, M, MePh~1! Trustea Poard-- W, O'Hara. W_| 2. Ormiston, N, Alerander. UNBRIDGE TOWNSHIP Dreuagsit re, JOON Reeve Chrerles Lee Deputy | MeClel . J. Un- Necya---Ceorge Dodd. Counell--I, [derwood, George Catherwond, D. Wage, Thomas| Kall, D, ann, Sam Tew!s (all ele ted by aeclamation) |uel as om, FP, Threadgnld, SCOTT TOWNSHIP " |Carhas £lcldon, Hee e--Ryron Ftiver, H. Pear- Pris Utilities ed Yandon,|lbe son, W, J. Rynard, W. O. Webster,|A. v7. Jue con ava V7, 1, Vanval-| Vc Thomas Morrison, kenburg and A, H, Allin, ize Council--H, Pearson George a adv ent'on- Herbert Walter, W. J, Rynard, J, R, Moy-| word of ard (arcrama: | Of ers, H, Dalton, John Lockie, H, tion); 8 Threadzsld and PM, [PO Prown, Centre Ward; FI. RB Tow, Miss Marraret "ann and William Harden, South Ward. We WITTY POW NSHP id Reeve--"', 8, Croxall (acrlama- tion), Pepity Teeve--C. I. M chev, Ogear H, Downey and Dr, John J Moore, Couneil--C, L. Mackey, William Gerrard, Dr. J, J, Moore. William J. Cool, Wowa~d Magkie, Innis Grant, William Guthrie, 0, H. Dow- dr TRUSTEES RE.ELECTED TO BOARD OF EDUCATION BY ACCLAMATION cation at Toronto, Thursdey afternoon and evening. The boys are invited to take part riven, the hoard, after whi Galt the president of the Oshawa Ministerial CONCLAVE TO EE AT TON |) COLLECIATE GY THURZDAY , DEC. "y splendid p arts has | ed b wa Boys' bd or organ- gram 07 8; t Doar od rroups of bo the Oshawa Collegia made ssible throuzh the 3d *d of BEdu- to ke held on the s»ortg ard contents for which ints will be awarded and prizes "Bats" will be provided by h Rev, John Association, will ad- ! session of the City Council Satur He will tnke over his new duties on January 3. With his appointment a situas { tion which has puzzled. the city | secured a man who can take over SW ho attend the | moct to be held in the VI NEW FIRE HEF | T0 COME TO (ITY ON JANUARY Wesley R. Elliott Appointes at a Salary of $2,200 a Year WELL RECOMMENDED Council Favorably ed on Meeting Mr. Elliott Here Friday Wesley R. Elliott, member eof Brantford Fire Department was appointed chief of the Oshawa Fire Department at a special day night prior to the closing of qualifications for the civic election next Monday While there was some discus: sion as to appointment of a local man and other phases of the #f uation the council was practically unanimous in the selection of the Brantford man. He comes to this city highly recommended and very favorably impressed members of the Fire Protection Committee and other aldermen who met him on Friday when he visited Oshawa 'erording the position, j Mr. Elliott is regarded as one! of the most efficient men of the Brantford department and in him the council feel they have a man who will command the respect af the firemen and earry out his duties in a creditable manner. His salary will he $2,200 a year, to ne increased at the discretion of the souncil 2s he shows his ability, fathers for the past few weeks. has been cleared up. Upon Mr, Elliott will fall he refonsibiliy of re-ors | ganizing the department but it 18 believed that he has the ability to carry out, The city is fortunate in having th office at such an early date, "HE TOOK 'MINE' : AWAY FROM ME" "Did you ever thank the Lord for your reason?" asked an in» mate of the Ontario Hospital for the Insane on King street, To» ronto, of a member of the orches. tra which was playing there last night. "Why, no," replied the surpris- ess the boys, An evening of profitable recreation end good fel- 'owship is anticipated by those in| harge of the arrangements, ed player. "Neither did I, and He took mine away from me," said the speaker, turning away. pey, William Cooner, Fred T. Rawe and J. P. Beacock, EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP Reeve--Warren Dearborn and John Ross. Deputy Reeve--John Ross, R. B. Smith and Allan Lavis. | E Council--R, B. Smith, Allan La- HI Charles Warne, James McKen- zie, I, T. Ormiston and W, D. Dyer roRT PERRY | Reeve--Robert Someryille , N. Sweetman, 8, Jeffrey, W. L. Parrish and James Lucas, Council--Robert Somerville, A. L. McDermott, J, E. Jackson, J. H. Gerrow, M. Williams, James Me- [E Kee, Wright Crosier, F, Dawsop and A. J, Knight, School Trustees--Gordon McKee, Mrs. Z, M, Jackson, Mrs, J. Free- man, A. C. McDermott, Russel Wil- lan, John Hayden and Mrs. P, Fi- gary, (TTA TREETY) BROCE TOWNSHIP Reeve--W. J. Philt, Roy Park,' J REPUB! 679, External Sinking 91% and To Yield Price: Oshawa Office, Tel. 2600 HOHE HR LIC OF PERU Principal and Semi-Annual Interest Payable in New York Bonds will be listed on New York Stock Exchange, C/SET1E, BICCAR, TURNER & CRAWFORD BOND DEALERS Established 1902. Members Toronto Stock Exchange FRED G, CARSWELL, Manager, Fund Gold Bonds accrued interest 6.80%, 11TH Di 1 ERO FF 851 King St. East John Fallawodown and John Pink- ham. Deputy Reeve--Willianr Umphrie (acclamation). Council---Stanley Miller, Harry Puryis, Jobn McDongld, John Bott, T. H. Francis, Talmadge Bryan, John Ferguson and Howard Bre- thour, SCUGOG TOWNSHIP Reeve--George Sweetman elected, mecclamation). Council--Georze Jackson, Rus- sell Carter, BR. Hood, Jonathan Al- dred, Stewart Rodman and Wilfred BEACH TOWNSHIP Reeve--W, 8. Thompson (re- elected by acclamation). Deputy Reeve--George Till (re- elected by acclamation). Coupeil--Grant Christie, 8. Me- Farlane, A, J. McDopald, William Phoenix, Robert Swanick and Wil- lism Parrot. "VICTIM MAY DIE FOLLOWING ATTACK | AT PORT COLBORNE , Port Colborne, Ont, Ont, Dec. 26--Slug- | ged by robbers Jolm "Aimer js in the Welland County Hospital with little hope held out for his recovery. He was found Christmas night, 24 hours after being attacked in an empty store he had just rented, by mysteri- ous assailants. "ic had been beaten by 8 blunt n- strument a huge gash torn | siting LA Aimer only recently arrived in Port | Colborne from Sudbury and had | been refused permission by the police | to open a second hand store in the place where he was found. robbery is said to have been the motive for the attack, his | (re- ssailants did mot wer much. A | riend assured police today tt at Aimer had little cash with him. Nelson & Bell's LAST FOUR | DA Everything left cut to the bone, and then the bone cut in two, We must be out Saturday, the 31st. hundreds of Good ones at away less than Half Price, Odds end Ends of Hosiery, Gloves, Silks, Lingerie, etc., at rdiculous prices, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. No Phone Orders YS Remnants I ESSE STSREESEEE 22g SQ so ste : SESE dESSR th pS py PEE Be eB a ws