Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Dec 1927, p. 2

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WA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1927 night the CUbristmas tree and [@'neart was held al the day school. Trustee Edgell made a fine chair . Mrs. Amblerson Gerry presided the piano for the whole program, the ceacluding number, when Muriel Phillips played. The : 1 rogram was--Chorus, senior pupils; ¥ al Jdrtl}, by twelve wee girls in ht gowns with dolls; recitation, 3 jor boys: Irish jig, junior girls; drill, twelve boys; barber shop ; chorus, jualor pupils; duet, pis Alexander and Alfred Mit. 1; sunbeam drill; playlet, junior ; play, "A Revel of Christmas . 3" cherus, T "At the conclusion of the program, A¥ on Dec. 28th at which every "] yatepayer is carncsily desired to be Miss Northeott then took the plat. ] and in a few suitable remarks Mr. Arnott with an um- fron the junior room, and Rathwell with a toilet set from ) junior room. Both teachers made suitable replies and thanked their pupils, The teachers then presented the prizes to tho pupils for the year's work which were donated by the Home and School Club. The wine ners are as follows: Senior room, Mr, Arnott, teacher, for passing en- trance with honors-- Francis Alexander and Marjory erry; then Miss Mildred Brock re- -{ ceived the diplomas won by herself and her brother Orval, which through . her own efforts had been suitably framed, And also the silver cup do- nated by T, Eaton Co, which she had won by obtaining the most prizes at school fairs, Besides winning for Iwo years the free trip to Toronto, r heartiest congratulations to Miss Mildred Brock on winning so many tributes, Muriel Phillips won the prize for | general proficiency in her class, i Velma Solomon, best writing in { Junior III, Everett Pogson, general | proficiency; Fred Lindsay, best writ. 5 chs in fourth class; Fred Wilson, | general proficiency; Marie Conlin, ! eral proficiency; Alma Northeott, ! t writing in her class; Irene Par- { ker for best attendance and punctu- ality, Junior room, Miss Rathwell, teach. er; Bernice Stinson, writing; Gertie Chinn, general proficiency; John Mandrake, wrfiting; Grace Warren, general proficiency in her class; Thel- ma Stauffer, writing; Harold Chinn, general proficiency; Harold Woolley, | general proficiency; Harold Farrow, writing; Frances Parker, attendance and punctuality. All the prizes donated by the Club | were books. In a few moments "| Banta Claus arrived and then the ! noise was deafening, assisted by the , larger boys he distributed the many presents for the children, Each child received a pretty gift. Mr, Alex Davidson was ticket man { i ¥ i + : i i : n, The Sunday school concert and tree will he on Friday evening, The president of the Home and School Club will meet the executive in Miss Rathwell's room on Dec, 28 , at 8 o'clock, i Mr, and Mrs, Dunn and Miss Ione | visited with the Messrs, Dunn at Port Hope Sunday, Messrs, Bruce and Norman Allin Park Rd, South, Sundayed with their sister, Mrs, C. Pogson, Mrs, Allin is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs, C, Pogson, Mrs, Bruce Anderson, Kingston Road, spent a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs. Rouston, Mr, and Mrs, Will Powell attended 8! Peace Metal Weather- strip Installed by | Hayton the Roofer Lathers and Shinglers 185 Arthur St, Phone 1648w SE INSURANCE C. E, HEPBURN 64 McLaughlin Blyd., Oshawa, Dis- trict Reprasentativ for the Great West ct Co, of i ads, Consult the Great West be- fore you buy from the rest. J ab Lamps in Polished Brass, also Brass and Aluminum Jobbing work done, W. BIRCHAM "hone 1420W S11 French St the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Phil lips Forrester, at h Jollow and sons Supddyed at Enfield. ; SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Dec. 23.--The Ladies' Ald of the United Church held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. C. W, Moon, The folliow- ing officers for the coming year were elected: Hon. Pres., Mrs. S. Rynolds; Pres, Mrs. J. Shunk; Sec., Mrs, H. Eagleson; Ass. Sec., Mrs, A. Martin; Treas. Mrs. C. Sleep; Organist, Mrs. E, Butt; Ass. Organist, Mrs. W. Clarke; Pres. Corp., Mrs, L. Scott; Quite a number attended the Port Perry Fair on Tuesday. Glad to report Mr. Orr Shunk carrying away the first prize for his team of general purpose horses The' Seagrave 8.8, forwarded a box of Christmas cheer to the mis- sion at Copper CHIL, The annual Christmas. Concert of the United Church Sunday School was held. on Thursday evening, A number of Oshawa friends were present. Mr, L. Scott is in Toronto this week on business, Owing to the bad weather only a few attended the shooting match on Monday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. James Harding were in Oshawa on Tuesday, Sanat Claus at Woolridge's store on Wednesday afternoon giving a bag of candy to all the children, Many grown ups coming in for a share as weil, J We were pleased to see Mrs, Stewart McCoy able to be out af: ter her operation, having part of her toe taken off some time ago. Mrs, J. Lamb has returned frown a visit with her sister at Black: stock, NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mr, W, », Bragg was taken ill the first of the week with sympt of red strong. Mr, D. J. Gibson, chairman of the series of lantern slides prepared by Prof. Squair showing public build- ings, 4 number of group pictures of various organizations' and prominent men of the locality in its earlier days. And thus within a few minutes of midnight the evening's en- tertainment came to a close and the hoping as one of e speakers expressed it, that these reunions would take place a little oftener than every one hundred years or so. At the annual meeting of the eit) zens in the council chamber on Mon- day evening to elect representatives to the committee of the Community , Mra. George Eli- bech and Mr. J. E. W. Philp were NEW TRAFFIC TANS FOR LONDON CITY "Backing" Barred -- No Fancy Dress as An Ad- vertisement London, Dec, 24.--Proposals for important traffic restrictions, to ap- ply to all streets within a three mile radius of Charing Cross, and various other streets ma London, are .nnounc- ed by the Minister of Trarsport They apply to: Reversing vehicles. Advertising. Exceptional loads. No vehicle, it is proposed. shall move backwards, "while turnmg or attempting to turn" in order "to face in the opposite direction to that in which it was facing." No person shall wear "fancy dress or costume," or use and vehicle or animal for advertising purposes. Load Limits « The exceptional load regulations are to apply between 9 am. aad 7 pm. They prohibit the carriage of any ar- ticle more than 35 feet long or which projects more than 8 fect 6 inches beyond the back of the ve- hicle, or exceeds one "and three quarter times the length of a me- chanically propelled vehicle. Load width limit, 8 ft. 6 ins. No vehicle to have more than four horses. The streets affected--in addition to those inside the three mile radius-- include 'all those beyond the three- mile ra but within a six mile ra dius of Charing Cross, which 'are heavily congested from a traific joint of view." pecial Occasions The regulations will also apply to selected streets im. other districts on special occasions@such as the Boat race, Wimbledon §hwn tennis tourna- ment, Hendon Air Pageant, or Rich- mond Horse Show. . Representations @ith regard to the proposals may be Sent to the secre- tary, Ministry of Transport, London, Traffic Branch, 7, Whitehall-gardens, S.W.L 1, not later than January 11, next. The proposed regulations are on the recommendation of the London and Home Counties Traffic: Advisory Committee. ~ A little girl went into a large office building @nd had her first ride in an elevator, "How did you like it?" asked her 'BOYS WANTED AS CARRIERS AND COLLECTORS we fa THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES High School Boys Preferred Liberal commission and steady sepleymandt to capable boys. «-- Apply to -- MR. BOYCE -- Times Office the child. "We went into a lit house, and the upstairs came down." father. "Why, it was so funny," answered fe hads TON ELLA CINDERS--The Lost is Found WHATS THATS WHO DID YOU SAYP TH -- LY .1 Copyright, 1087, Wan Newsgator Service i iio, nn By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb 7 This 18 THE V 8\ OF ALL THINGS! Ela bumps into more things than a Sunday arnver! Oo you suppose kaca's is really on the level, or 18 ke too deep for that PPPP acute apendicitis, We are glad to report a slight improvement in the condition of Miss Marjorie Jones, who has been dangerously ill for the past four weeks, Miss Marian allin gave a week end party for a number of her B.H.S, boy and girl friends among whom was Miss Nellie Snowdon, who re mained over for Sunday. The two young men of Shaw's recently taken into custody for wrongfully taking material from the new broadcasting station in the neighborhood, having admitted their error, have been re leased and are again back at work with their respective employers. Mr, Cyril Manaker, teller of the Standard Bank here since last July, has been transferred to Trenton, while Mr, Hanna comes here from Trenton in his stead, Mr, C, A, Car veth is expecting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Carveth, Granada Prairie, Peace River, Alberta, to ar- rive here ahout Friday, Mr, Louis Parnell, C,P.i, section foreman, recently underwent a minor operation in Bowmanville Hospital and in consequence has been off duty for the past three weeks, He ex- pects to go back to work next week. Mr, Walter Crowther has been act- ing foreman during Mr. Parnell's absence, Grand reunion of teachers and pup- ils of No. 9 Clarke, good fellowship reigned supreme at the reunion fes tivites of the pupils and former pup ils, ratepayers, teasters and ex-tea chers, and members of their families in the Community Hall, Newcastle, on Friday evening, Dec, 16th, It was a time of happy greetings and vigor- ous handshakings; a time of renew- ing of friendships and recalling of Auld Lang Syne. The idea of hold- ing this school reunion was surely an inspired one. The splendid sue- cess of the event the joy of it fully justified all the efforts to bring it about. There are no friendships just like the friendships that spring up and grow strong in the rural school. There is a quality about the ties of school friendship unlike any others that bind person to person, Time and space seem to have a peculiar ef- fect upon these ties, As schoolmates separate and scatter into the world perhaps lose trace of one another, these ties may seem to be sundered, SALESMAN JOKE (Carnegie Tech Puppet) One--Did you hear about the tray- eling salesman who died? Two--No; shoot. One--Left an estate of 500 towels and a hotel key, THE PROUD FATHER (London Tit-Bits) "Triplets," announced the nurse to the proud father, "Really?" he said. "I can hardly believe my own census." Notice to the Public We are now doing business at our mew location, corner of Bruce and Celina streets, Oshawa, and hope to be able to ren- der our usual efficient service during alterations, While our mew building js under construction, entrance will be on Bruce this space for important announcement later, street; the telephone number remains the same, 1082. Watch Wright Funerals Phone 1082 Corner Bruce and Celina Sts. Phone 1082 OSHAWA Ambulance Service Day or Night. COAL - COKE - WOOD Nut and Egg sizes, perton, .....__. $15.0C Stove size, per ton, 15.5¢C Pea size, per ton, 12.5( 12.50 W. J. TRICK COM 25 Albert Street : PANY, LIMITED Phone 230 BRINGING UP FATHER MR- GOOFUSS 19 DOWN! STAIRS AN' WANTS TO SEE YOU: WHAT'LL | TELL HIM? | DAY: I'LL YOU WOULDN'T REFEAT WHAT I'D LIKE TO SEE [ MR: JIGGS WHEN | TOLD YOU THE OTHER DAY | HAD A SICK CAT YOU SAID YOU HAD ONE AN' GAVE HIM A SPOON - FUL OF TURPENTINE- C By Geo. McManus [GAVE SOME TURPEN ~ TINE AN' HE MY CAT SANTA CLAUS (i LOOKS LIKE, fi HIM OVER ONE HUN- § [I HE REV.CLEMENT C. MOORE, PROFESSOR OF ORIENTAL LITER- ATURE AT THE GENERAL THEOLOG; JCAL SEMINARY IN NEY! YORK CITY, WROTE THE VERSES DESCRIBING SANTA CLAUS IN 1822, THEY ARE NOW KNOWN Y0 CH) EVERYWHERE ASA VISIT ST. HICHOLAS, OR" "T¥/AS LOREN FROM THE NIGHT BEWORE CHRISTMAS Te -- * HIS EYES~HOW THEY TWINKLED! HIS DIMPLES, HOW MERRY! HIS DROLL LITTLE MOUTH DRAYIN UP LIKE A BOW, AND THE BEARD ON HIS CHIN WAS AS WHITE AS THE SNOW-=--HE HAD A BROAD FACE AND A LITTLE ROUND BELLY THAT SHOOK, WHEN HE LAUGHE"™ LIKE A BOWL FULL OF JELLY," King P seuree Syndicate, Ine Groot Britain sights reserved. br w----t-------- HUH! DO YOU {| WELL,DADDY BELIEVE THAT 8 SAID S0,AND HE STORY 'BOUT SANTAY OUGHT TO KNOW. o > ------ [W}- EN, WM AC, OLD I'M GONNA DO YOU ANOR » YM Lira AA IF HELL YOu A PRIVATE f= DEAR A ABI GIVE 1.1937 by King Fanumms Somdwnse MAY | YOU TOLD ME TO REMIND You TODAY ABOUT FURNISHING AN OFFICE FOR MR LA FLEUR WHO'S COMING FROM PARIS , MR. SitPAcny MAKE A SUSGESTIONTZ TAKE MAC'S PLACE AND PUT MAC IN AN OFFICE BY HIMSELF IT WOULD SAVE TIME WHEN Y¢ WANTED TO CONFER wWiTH MR - SAH CERTAINLY, YY,

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