s $A » rR " f| Ald. Marks Buys New OSHA r The Oshawa Daily Reformer . - a ------ WA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1927 } Martin Theatre Fo» ry Cty ty 44 MAY ENLARGE THEATRE OR BUILD BLOCK to. Which Plan to Follow PRICE ABOUT $70,000 Purchases Property from Harry Cawker -- Deal Creates Interest Enlargemetit of the New Martin Theatre will probably follow the purchase of that property, announced today, by Ald, Ernie Marks from Harry Cawker chief owner through whom the deal was consummated, It |. is understood / that approximately $70,000 was pald for the property which occupies one of the advan- tageous corners in Oshawa's busi- ness district, Ald, Marks is not, yét definitely de- termined what improvements will be made the property. He is con- sidering, first, the enlargement of the theatre. This would be logical development in view of the city's phenomenal growth, \ On the other hand, it is proposed $0 leave the theatre as it is and build & street fronting block three stories high. JN first floor would be used by st: Ahe second for offices, and the third for apartments, Improvements in any event will 'around $100,000, . he New Martin Block occupies a frontage of 66 feet on King street within a block of the center of the city, and 166 feet on Celina street, SPECIAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS One Delivery on Christmas Day, Monday--Open 9 to 11 Monday Every effort is being made by Postmaster Frank Mathison and his staff of clerks and posties to handle the heavy mails that have come, in with the Christmes rush during the past few days. While the carriers will give one service Monday they would ask that all citizens leave their veranda lights on tonight to help them ascertain the house num- bers, They would also appreciate citizens leaving their storm doors loose, thus allowing them to place Christmas bundles in between, A complete letter service will be given Monday and 211 mail receiv- ed up until noon will be given us- ual despach. A collection from the city mail boxes will be taken at five o'clock Monday afternoon, The general delivery wicket at the post office will be open from 9 o'clock until 11, for the sale of stamps, ete, NICE BIT OF WORK (Stratford Beacon-Herald) The voters at Niagura Falls, Ont., decided to accept a piece of property presented by Frank Le. lie, publisher of the Niagara Fall Review, and fit it up as a commun ity playground]. Mr, Leslie is quitc well known around here, being for some years publisher of the Tavis tock Gazette. It is a fine bit of news to read that he has arrived at that stage of affluence where he can hand ove pieces of property to the city fx which he lives, and finer still to know that he has the commuuicy well developed that he | k and act in terms o bing worth while fo of the people with whomr h lives. ¢ E $.0.E. WHIST DRIVE y whist ¥ ; i : if i i &F 2E ES = £ SHE hn 356 i ik g § EFgsiaeeil ihn Heth, it 2 E' - Hicks [re {a tE i 2 . ; i { i ALL COMMITTEES SHOW A SURPLUS Counci' Economic in 1927-- Board of Works Has $8,000 Surplus Council Committees during the cur- rent year managed their expenditures so effectively that, as shown by the treasurer's statement for the year up to December 15, each of them re port a surplus, The Board of Works surplus to. tals well over $8000 for the year despite the enormous increase . in service demanded of it owing to Oshawa's unprecedented growth dur- ing 1927, Ald, George Hart was chairman of the Board of Works, and is slated to fill the same position in 1928 should he reconsider his plan to retire from public service and be elected from the Scuthwest Ward, The City Property and Fire Pro- tection Committce, of which Ald, Marks was chairman, has a surplus its estimated expenditures at any point, The General Purpose, Committee, headed by Al, Johnston, had a sir plus of $313.90, Gencral Accounts for the year, ad ministered through the Finarte Com: muttee headed by Ald, Bradley, show. ed the following deficits and sur. pluses, . Legal fees and expenses cost the city $12.35 more than was estimated; travelling and entertaining took $41.00 more than was provided for, Citizens discounting the second in stallment of taxes were more pum: erous than was anticipated, with a budget deficit of $120.71, City front: ages and local improvements (charge: able to the city) cost $216 more than the budget makers expecied, The Diamond jubilee celebration, which was not dealt with in the budget at all, cost $3,009.08. Real estate pur~ chased at the tax sales of the year accounted for another shrinkage of $1,703. Interest coupons showed a de- ficit of two cents as compared with the budget estimate. Budget surplusses in the general account, however, were numerous, | General office salaries were $1,100 under the toial provided; election exp of the icipality show a surplus of $138.77; revenue stamps on checks cost $30.44 less than was es | timated; there was a saving of $1, 597 current loans interest; $986 less was paid out for e claims than was estimated for the year; and there was a saving of $1,273 on pay- ments to the county as well as a saving of $405 on mis cellaneous expenses, The Finance Committee acts as an auditing committee for the Council, and its recommendations are fre- quently ignored or amended by the Council in general. Hence surplusses or deficits on general accounts are credited or blamed to the Council at Jorge instead of to the finance ard, PERSONAL ~Mrs, A, R. Walker and her mother, Mrs. Heck, of Belleville are spending the Christmas week-end in tais city with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Gray. i ~Mr. and Mrs, J, EE. Wallace, Bond street west, will visit with the latter's parent, in Bobcaygeon. ~The holiday guests at the Sim- coe street parsonage will be Mr. and Mrs, H Dorvgall, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. W. Tuck, of Tor- onto; Miss Marjorie I Ottawa, and Mr. H. © Dougal, 0. . EX >? g £ i | Jobs, of Toronto, are ing the stmas w the m er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Galt, deen street. ~Mr. Wesley G. Davis, Athol street, is spending the i ty week end with his parents at their home in A of over $1,900, not having exceeded. Joys - Jago, in 1867, when the Domiu.w, of CELL WHINES 70 CAPTORS ing Innocence to Himself rp-- WARNS YOUNG MEN ing Youth of States to Profit By His Downfall (By Associated Press) Pendleton, Ore, Dec. 24--Turning of the tide in criminal care of Wil- liam Edward Hicliman began to take effect today on the kidnapping of little Marian Parker, As he fought in his cell for peace of mind by audibly reiterating again and again that he abducted but did not mur- der the twelve year od gic]. He lost appearance of bravado which had supported him throu:h his capiure near here Thursday and ensuing or- deal in which he confessed his par- ticipation in one of the most re- markable crimes in the history of the West, Toiture of bearing the role of evil enuis whose deeds hav eall but cast im beyond realm of sympathy be- gan to show when his dark eyes lost their lustre, He issucd a statement warning young men to "go st:aight." He whined 'as he assured himsclf aloud that he did not kill the girl he kidnapped, He tried to assure himself he was "decent"--that he did not drink or-dissi hat he didn't associate with women, Warns Youth Warning to young m:n to aviod ways of ¢:'me wasegiven by Wiliam Hickman in signed statement g'ven out at the city jail here today. The statement follows: "This affair has gained nation wide blicity and great reward and scarch y the people of West Coast show opposition of American people to criminal tendencies kidnapping and ca's crimes and everything shovld be done to prevent anyone from inter- fering in any way with liberty and life of America citizenship. OSHAWA GUN CLUB CHRISTMAS SHOOT The Oshawa Gun Club wil hold a Christ:uas Shoot at the trans Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Exceptionally gond prizes will be awarded. Poul. try will be in evidence. All gunmen wanticg a good time are asked to turn up ag the club, HICKMAN IN| Btls Aguinat Own Accs: ing Conscience By Reiterat- Issues Signed Statement Urg- WILLIAM HARMER Who today qualified as a candidate for City Council. Fe will run as a representative of the North- East ward. '+ Mr. Harmer is one savage murders are worst of Ameri- | of the youngest candidates in the field, He is well known locally being actively connected with va- rious sport and fraternal organ- izations, Mr. Harmer has also appe-red before local gatherings as a tenor soloist, Gale Halts Efforts to One Tummel Completed Une |" dar Sunl:en Submarine Believed Tomb of 40 Men STORM STOPS WORK Little Hope [lat Any of the Crew of II'-7z'ed Vessel Ezcaped Death Provincetown, M-cs., Dec, 24. -- With o!¢ tunnel completed under the sunken su.marine 8-t and work In progress on second, op- erations were halted heve todar by gales a~d rouzh seas. Com- 'leted tunnel was about n"nefeen eet aft of bwo. Four inch maniia rable .was passed under znd lonp- ed. The same procedure will be *sllowed when the second openiny 's forced thru~h thé mud 46 feet below the bow, hen the stont hattlechip cable will replace Mani'a and both lines w!'l be attached to lifting the pontoons, Most Striking Contrast Be- tween 1867 and 1927 in Oshwa in Matter of Edi- tors -- Oshawa Was In- dustrial Village in Year of Confederation As December's swift progres: draws Canada's Diamond Jubilee Year to a close, not a few minds turn back to ask what were the Christmas enjoyed 60 year was formed. 'A glance back into the loea! pewspaper files of that period re 'veal that the tragi-comedy of life 'was pretty much the same ther as today. The most striking cor trast between 1867 and 1927 Oshawa was in the matter of e- rs. The gentleman who served : the People's Tribune on Christmas Day 1867 runs the following smu item smongst his editorial par: graphs: "Provided For--Mr. Toms has for a secord time provided the editor's Christmas dinner by bring- ing in 2 pair of toothsome young turkeys for which he has our best bow. It is comforting to think Tragedy Comedy Not Unlike Today Revealed ~ In Paper Files of 1867 hearts for the unfortunate," How editorial writers are dealt with in Oshawa as Christmas 1927 approaches needs no further cow. ment than to say that any uni- formed gentiemen appearing from the general direction of Port Whit- y are, preforce, regarded with alarm, Drew Color Line Tragedy, however, set its seal on local Christmas festivities of 1867. Winter bed set in early and it was bitterly cold. A gentieman driving on the Kingston Road be {ween Oshawa and Whitby, cume across a woman staggering blinllv in the snow, Seeing that she war in a pitiable condition, he took he to Gadsby's 'Tavern, where it war found that she was half frozen The landlady at Gadsby's refuse' to take her in. She was a colored woman, The unknown who first fried tf succor ber. went from there tc other taverns in Whitby, but every- where there was "po room iu the inn." Finally, after two hours going from place to place, she was given shelter at Sperrell's Hotel, but she died before morning. "Crime" in 1867 paper carried a report of all cases tried before country magistrates throughout Ontario County dur- that even in this uncharitarie age there some with tender ing the year. Only 55 convictions (Continued on page 8) Raise S-4 Oshawa's Christmas Day mews-|i CHRISTMAS FUNDTOTALS OVER $2,500 Generous Response to Aid Needy Families of the City A GREAT CAUSE Many Little Hearts Will Be Made Happy on Christmas Day The Christmas Spirit which has this year in Oshawa had to consider more cases of needy children than ever before in the city's history will - 6 2% 4 ad BEE RE NE » Over This No Empty Stockings to Be Found in City ~-- Corps of Workers Aid Christmas Cheer Committee in Pack- Distribution 173. FAMILIES REPORTED Each Hamper Contains Sub- stantial Christmas Dinner «Other Necessities, In: diay Clothing -- Toys _ There will be no empty stockings be busy all day tomorrow, dependis upon the final response to the Christ- mas Fund Appeal today, Last night, even as hampers were being packed for distribution this morning, many more cases were re- ported and, on investigation, showed the same pitiful facts of children without sufficient clothes to meet the rigors of this below zero weather, Christmas dinners and ioys f.1 the little folks will be sent to these hoties, ensuring joy for scores of lit- tle hearts, But the major problem is clothes, A few hundred more dol- lars must be raised if these children are to be properly cared for, Will you help? Remember, it's little children for whom this appeal 1» made, No matter what may be the causes of the poverty of which they are the victims, they are not to hlame for it, The spirit of this Hely Sea- son apheals to every heart that cher- ishes the memory of a mother, 10 ev- eryone who remembers how bitter can be the miscry of a child, Previously acknowledged ..,.$2,12).65 Alwin and James s.ovevsn0se 1.00 Excelsior Ciass, Simcoe Uni- ted Chareh vyuspsvepssnese General Motors Corporation Musical and Dramatic Soe. I oward C, Bradley suepvees A Friend ,..vs» 25.00 10.00 vesssesssenes S300 Ltd, Mrs, Uriah Jones ,,cevene 10.00 "POP" =n #5 wm-- 5.00 Madeline wene--. 2 4 weir ---- 1.00 Mr, and Mrs. F, Patte .. 20.00 PORBY meer sme ---- $2,474.26 Mrs, A, Farew large box of clothing, : IN ITY CHURGHES --$100.00 ° address HRISTMAS MUSIC [= in Oshawa Christmas morning. More no needy children of this city will | sit down 'to tables not blessed with the substantial Christmas fare. Final- ly, hundreds of children that haven't suificient clothes and shoes will to- 'morrow morning be revelling in new found comiort. The reason for all this happiness? Let those that can think of better explanation 'advance it; but for the majority in this city that made to- day's outpouring of generous sym- phy possible, the lanation lies n the fact that over | years ago a new Star gleamed in the heavens; |8 seraphic choir brought tidings of joy to watchful shepherds; and: great at' Bethlehem 'of 'Judea 'a Child | headquarters of 'the Christmas r«Fund" thee were moved to the: Industrial Relations Building at General Motors' plant yesterday i afternoon, Ffom then the night a corps. of helpers packed the hampers that ensure Christmas for the of Oshawa 'tomorrow. | At 10,30 this morning, Chairman ). |C. Young of the Fund Committee gave the word "Go." A caravan of Good Will consisting of a score of private motor cars and trucks loaned by General Motors moved off with their loads of happi- was HWE, rrr Jou near. Disipution ; was." practically Sop i BE A 1990] At 6 o'clock last night 173 famil. Tak Homan 5 * 200 ies had been reported and approved Ritson Road Home and | (Continued on page 10) School Club ,.,,.. srisarsn. 3000 Fred ). Ross .., , 5.90 Pr.mary Class "Little Help- ers" of Jr. Red Cross, Mary , Street School . 210 ' C. W, D:tenbeck 10.00 M IS i N R o Miss Keddie 200 A Friend ..... 240 John J, Buras .,.. 0 gurss ompany Ltd, , ne Mr. H. Hall Presented With urton Grace ,,... sesrensses 00 Mrs, R. McLaughlin ........ 500 | Chesterficld Chair on Leav- G.M.C. Employees Bencfit ing Department SOLELY sasssnsrnrasrinsrees. SAP Soames Brothers saan ssIILIS 30 rr Mamie E. Wigg svsssessssse 00 | About fifty of the employees of F. J. Reddin sesnssspsnsnrnss JOBD the By Sa room of the The Pediar People Ltd, per General Motors gathered at the home W, R. Geikie +rvr00ress .» 5000 of Mr, N. Hall, 64 Hillcroft street, L'urtber donations to the Christ- | and presented Mr, Hall, . foreman mas Cheer Fund received late this! the assembly with a walnut morning are 2s follows: * | trimmed ches! erbeld' chair, Mr Robson Leaiber Company * | Clarence Keeler read the following To Norman Hall, Esquire, Dear Mr. Hall: i We are approaching Christendom's annual season Good will when i i but we , must: confess to a Ch 27 ing Hampers Ready for], Times ¢ 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. Fs » 13 » , » » » » » » » » » > Needy Oshawa Children Will Not Go Hungry Christmas CAMPBELLFORD JAIL BREAKERS STEAL CAR ARE STILL AT LARGE Trenton, Dec. 23--No definite trace as yet been found of two car thieves who resisted arrest and es- caped near Campbellford after slugg- ing a policeman and upsetting stove- fides in a shack where they were iding. Brighton Ontario Police re- ported to Chief Bain that a roadster was stolen by two men last night and it is thought the thieves: were the same two who have been at large since Sunday, A sharp look- out is being kept by the police and all border towns have been sent des- criptions of the fugitives, FEAR WOMAN FLIER LOST IN ATLANTIC No Word of Mrs. Grayson's Amphibian Plane from Coast Watchers LONG OVERDUE Anxiety Felt for Woman Who Began Trans-Atlantic Hop Yesterday Halifax, N.S, Dec, 24--~Up to 9.15 o'clock this morning, Atlantic stah- dard time, nothing had been heard here of Mrs. Frances Wilson Gray- son's amphibian plane, Dawn, To t left Roosevelt Field, New Yi shortly after five o'clock last ni for Harbor Grace, Nfld, where a stop was to be made before attempt- ing the trans-Atlantic flight to Croy- don, England, Af 9.15 the Dawn was an hour and fifteen minutes overdue at Harbor Grace, Mrs. Frances Wilson Grayson's amphibian plane which left Roose- velt Field, N.Y, at 507 p.m. yester- day for Harbor Grace, Nfld, was not heard from during the night or early today, The last autfenic report up to nine o'clock today was that the plane had passed over the French coast telegraph company's station at Orleans, Mass, on, Cape Cod at 7.25 pm. At 725 pm. radio stations along the New England coast and in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland kept a sharp waich for signals from the Dawn's wireless apparatus, but heard nothing. The weather was clear ov- er the entire course, with a brisk northwest wind along the New Eng. iand shore,' Jn Boston it was the coldest morn. it of the winter, Apparently it was warmer in Newfoundland, as an early anormng despatch from Harbor Grace said that it was "not freezing" and >| that the wind was very light. The plane had been expected to reach Harbor Grace soon after sunrise, N---- ACCLAMATION FOR EDUCATION BOARD C. Norman Henry Dec'ines to Stand, Returning Smith, Annis and Garbutt office fice building. Lower Leokes and Georgian winds fair and today and Sundey. a | tronr 10 cents to 15 cents per ed ad PE Er SE PIE OFFERED 20 : CONTRACTOR : J. M. Kenny, Sidewalk | ; spector, Makes Charge ) y Whitby Council R FINAL SESSION ' Was Mzde to Have Poe Walks Laid E ie '| (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec. 24--A bomb thrown into the last and meeting of the 1927 Town Com last night, when J. M. Kenny, ® was appointed inspector of sidew at a meeting two months ag clared that a substantial brib been offered to the sidewalk tractors, Campbell and More, citizen of the town, if they lay down a block of poor so they could get even with inspector. Mr. Kenny said that facts were in the hands of Chi Police Herbert Gunson, This charge was aired during discussion befor ethe council account which Mr, Kenny was has ing in for inspecting the sid Reeve A. W, Jackson asked = councillor, 'Did' taht bribe refer members of the council?" : When asked by The Oshawa Times if a charge of attempted h bery would be faid against the ol zen of the town, Chief Gunson's that he could not lay the charge, 8 Jess an information was i m st the person, f someone will lay a charge st the man, we will handle § case, and will be able to produce dene to prove him guilty, but mi such & charge is laid, we can | nothing about it," replied © Grnson, h When asked by The Oshawa Dg Times if he would lay a fo ck ge against the citizens for & tempted bribery, Mr. Kenny declan that he would not do so, COLD WEATHER AFFECTS MARKEI Exceptionally cold weather k down the attendance of both fi ers and citizens ag the in Christmas Market held at the log institution on Richmond street th morning, With the barometer ering around the zero mark, 3 handful of vendors and buyers | tended and in most ceses there wa never more than three persons' hind the counter. The dozen or of citizens eager to buy fresh pre ucts waited patiently during. fi morning for more farmers to ai rive into the eity and supply with Christmas delicacies, fowl and vegetables, Apples, which go a long way making a Christmas Market ¢ spleuous were not to bé , spart from several heads of . bage displayed only by one: were the only kind of . represented, These were 2 "* --- wis hae % according to the weight. That essential item on the Ch mas buying list--fowl-- was what scarce, in fact there fewer chickens, geese, turkey et the local market than there h been for years, especially at 8 88 sone! affair. The clerk, tly fore mine o'clock told a rep there were six chickens and geese on the tables earlier im f morning. These were read bought at 35 cents per pound. N 8 turkey was in evidence, Butter' and S65 were : there being quite 8 quantity former on hand. Butter sold at | cents & pound while wl higher, the price: asked : cents, ., vv Al -- 'Delos tax he Town of [to $700 mere than