9.30 CNRT (352)--Toronto. Address, "Some | 10.00 WFLA (517) -- Clearwater. Radio} 1 am. n. CNRY (@1)--Vancouver. | & The Quai d'Orsay frankly regards HRA, ( WEY, fo Licacctdy. WGY' Pla Roe (266)~Knoxville, anes. very favorably the preliminary Am- : | : WHA yr 'WOW C48 Quah: a. 2.00 KNX a erican draft insofar as its main points : 5 oe Js, (erica. "Maggie wnt Er (IO Niaukee Serenaders. are not known. The belief also is ex- pressed there that the four points R A )( ) 11.10 bay ao a! 'n Henry." etwork--Hotel ~ Peansylvania, RAM CE TO T from Zz. hich Secretary Kellogg presented S PROG 1 800 | pi Dance orches. Wii he ae Cita FRANCO: ANERICAN give a promising basis for negotia- AS CARRIERS ANI COLLECT ORS las. "Orcncsiea, Dance. tions, it is recognized by the French 3 £30 WHN (9O-N.Y. Roseland Orchestra. | 11.00 Re ok Orga.) that the policy of finally sealing such bea Tonights Best Features bE a ae Te | 20 vi El i at fom WEAR, RD. WEAR, WO, TREATY PROPOSED Shak the policy of Smalll Sealing meh for Eh VOO (39)--Tulsa. Bryan Sisters, Eikp KFAB' Ox-Lincoln. Orchestra. k largely on whether or not the agree- | 3: TN aS McCat guariet i Em Guests. Yaup Bis. Paul. Dance, ,. ce ment is so drawn as to win the ap- THE OSH AW A D AILY TIMES 2 gn Petershieg 9.30 . Network--La --_ nce _Orches ram. . T. . proval of leaders in the United RetworkeThe he Clu Belin. Wb ("Kansas City. from WEAF. KSD, WEAR, WHAT: WEE Gay (303) Buffalo. «cub. | Kellogg Submits Tentative | £10 <crate. i 2 KOA (326)--Denver. pro- Wilk . Neu. wary Who, WL K Ca Coveland, rchestra, Je (306)--Chicago. Orchestra. Plans for Perpetual The fact, therefore, that Senator High School Boys F referred e s i WJAX ' » hp "pale Sie Christmas le : (#1)--Jacksonville. Dance or- Borah of Idaho, chairman of the Sen- Liberal commission and steady employment ture, ; WN Violin, GO (334)--Oakland. i, WRRY Sy Mme Fischer's " WES 345)--Chica "Showboat." Peace Pact ate Foreign Relations Committee, has NOX, K h the groundwork to bl 7 WMAK (345)--Buffaio. Dance. i been acquainted with the g capable boys. i Ci 5" ral Wane afte Shanice N.C. Cone. 9 WOR (422)--Newark. Dance; also |. Paris, Dec. 22--French . officials | of the proposed treaty from the be- 04 WAIU, 3 WMAF. 1. | have received Washington reports | ginning. -- Apply to -- bis wi Ea WhvA' 5)-Richmend, "Mote! Rich that Secretary of State Kellogg has We . otro. spi: WSAI (366)--Cinci, Roy Miller. submitted to Paul Claudel, the French | gay, HAS BEEN FOUND J * : DL Check WEAN oc Cleat DQrchestre, Ambassador there, spesife Sesitative BA THE CONQUEROR MR. B OYCE ds Times Off, ice SETTING. : 'dosing. 11.15 WEBH (366) -- Chicago. Edgewater | outlines of a proposed perpetual peace oe Red er RER Wa, LL BY Mh Rakin, Bo WLW, Beach. treaty between the United States London, Dec. 21.--The real orig- EL gE te } 130 KMOX (300) St. I B : | inally attached to the charter of > We WAC: vical roo. Teckel: 1 hi Ta : Ad Wace Congr i inches. pu Prowse In 3 sist arléahe afint William the Conqueror, which was = A oe ver i T. wor ewafk. Vin 5 Witke CP Worcsmer tam. 4 12 mid KOA (326) -Denver. Dance frolic. | may be concluded to set a world pre- | always assumed to have been lost | miscellaneous collection of articles pieced together, aided by British 2.00 KINT ee Ia. ai 1245 WOAF QUé-Mooseheart, _ Victorians. cedent for the signing of treaties of | beyond hope of recovery, has been |a red bag was discovered contain- | Museum experts, proved to be the A a Gicago. YMCA. | 990 we Feature program, owls. We EY this kind found at Guild Hall. Among an old | ing pleces of wax which, when | centre of the long-missing seal. X80 ¢ "The Boss." WA Ki WCAG, » VE Xo Clagind® Wearing Lions": AN. WW FBLy ti. WAS, ; - : | im RE Segrs Horwr dp | SNE Le 0 ELLA CINDLE oy She's Al ea ees By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ( ¢ C186 Ay vege. WOAF '(310 Ro orth, Concert, j 2 po Cr ; EP Tene I was-- "egg 1 eu a 900 WDAE (70--Kansas City. Morolag Vi ic w a's being rushed : RE Ri ERE TE > Bible Fife earns ia . The Newsboy: i : on ng the ea LOOK -- ; ail! ou hy EEG AS A oo LEAS LANDS! wm = icago. | Popuis . eo oo & | BACKED UP AND UNTIL I'M SURE YOU'VE 9.30 Wij Hd BS Detroit. "Tonight's Dia: 264) Knoxville. Stu , le HOPE LUC sur 1 UNLOADED A DOZEN PIANOS SUFFERED NO ILL EFFECTS : \ 2D rl -- 4 1 ON ME! WHERE AM 17 FROM THE ACCIDENT! a i, Women's hour. | oa WV Milwaukee. Popular prog. AAA FH orl, ENT! adlty 5)--Chi Home question 0 Reto aor Spr" Vo? North. SHOES! gm rs cago. i aw ERC (7)=Toronto. Shopping news: | WASH" (HD) Portiand, Me. Treasure yA (283)--Colusbus, O. "Seri CL Kaiy The Chimney iy He ff in-giew, Sp, --Doston, Women's gmp eriaihers, Wy Gi = Mymaukge. Biudio yh 1)--Jefferson City, time 100 W. 0. Music, 3 8 mn Vien ais Se Wifko (345)--Worcester, Belco male WEB} . DP rl Na J (535) -- Hartiord. Ivanhoe Man. 45 KF 236)--Northfield, Mini Cone, WeN NE Home manage 9 WRNY ¢ G SN. v sic PR --Chicago, Women's hour, " Alani: Homemakers hour, 100 Ww bia SV CW ane: id, w. oii Bi )--Mpls. Musical agra, i 0 (5 rt ines: Orgel WEAD. Weal, wa : ; | 'apy LE ay, eo x : Pr" | 19 iA | lh Thats os nice ee od E Chi "omen's IT, p #47 g / A ; | Wins Bee Request or: Rae: WESH, 'w iT, Wa Wey f di ill ; its the oe xe pole do! Who ls || 3 gal reécita AE A J . 3 Lidl p, fini any THN by gr oteg {ies " i 2.30 KMA 395)--Shenandoah, Ia. Ri Trio. ' En et . : Js xr A Linco Web™ Bete NE Oak, WHAS, WEN, WHC, WSN (841)~Nashville, Farm question 5X Sh WB WIN). Musicale, : By Geo. McManus NOONDAY CONCERTS Py iL" Winfls, Uncle BY GOLLY: THATS THE MACGIE WANT 15 TTT CCO (408)=Mpls St. Paul. Music, IT THAT HAD EIGHT EIGHT LEGS | MUST CIDER ] THATS A , 12 Noon WAIU (283)--Columbus, O. Musi. ia S (526)--~Chic Concert, . m BEST RIDDLE | EVER ¥ WLS (345)--Chicago. R. F. D, Dinner WGN ui6)--Chicago. Arabian Night's 'HEARD- LL TELL IT TO , AND SINGS A QUARTETTE A NEW DRESS FINE RIDDLE . LEGS AN SINGS RES® ) TOLD WOO (508)--Phila, Luncheon music, WHR "wp y. veeal i MAGGIE- ITLL MAKE HER ||| TWICE A DAY? TWICE A IN VAUDEVILLE FOR MRS: DELAYS ' ' 12.05 Ww R--Cinci. Noon-day musi. Theate. (535)~Des Moines. Capital | DON'T 4 BIC or os land. Studio prog. h . BR JE Sm Rol Roya Or: | 1030 Weed QM (0-ieveland. Stu jak (Sv ; KNOW WEEK ches artet, : 4 3; 33 WHAT 19 | T? wane (326)--N.Y, Luncheon music. VENK (288)--Chicago. Popular, 4 a WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Orchestra WIO Db 80 iasmi Beach. Organ, . concert, WJZ (454)--N. Around the piano. 3pm, CFCA (357)--Calgary. News; wea- 1.0 RT 7)--Toonto, Apollo Male ry t, FI (469)--Los Angeles. ular music, CNRA (322)--Moneton. Pop J KFMX (236)--Northfield, Minn, Organ. Koi ( SCounes Brats, a. 'News; KIAB aati: "Fun, Maker, Milwaukee ce! KTHS G--flor Springs. Concert. | 11.45 WSB (476)--Atlanta. Mrs. Gertrude L. ohns: WAMD (225)--Mpls, Studio program. --4 . id (405)--Mpls.-St, Paul, Farm |? mE Chaln- Khor kad, row, our. KHJ, , KOMO, WCFL (484)=Chicago, Organ, WDAF Hane Cosel: sound CNRY (F}--Vancouver. B.C. Musical WGR (303) -- Buffalo, Concert en- WAND SBR ol Pol sem! Ch ; wh 5 ule. Organ, M Comer, Es {ES ce pre 0 ab. DPV, br lar) Feature Service, Inc, 8 --Chicago, etite ensemble, sid i a i WIZ (454)--N, Y. Luncheon muse: WHOA O50=Kuoaville,: Poptlar en- [Crest Britain rights restvymd WTM, Ha , (370)=N.Y, String ensemble, Bi Mimaies, Qraan. C wen Atlan, Mu g LLI hikd sd (9%) --Milwaikee, Luncheon Haire tnd Cavaers: vies WERE TE NG TOMMY F, VEN . . a EE a C. DA hk pr - 3 1s WED un-parms Tater, Tre Win, WhAa, Wok, with, Wii, kre sees Sp ---- Re rts = 7A LONG STICK. 15 ALLOWED T0 STRIKE" | f+)! WHO. (535)--Dx Moines, The Am- YEE WRC, OR ae 'WTAM, WTIC, DO MEYICAN : NO TOMMY. BUT ) Py aE WW. pe : AT IT THREE TIMES IN THE EFFQRT TO | ft MEXICAN KIDS Wai HUH! 50 THATS | 1.30 WFAA AA 0) Dallas, Address; music. -- Baltimore, ris ar \ : ¥ WGBS (HN. ¥. Serprure: musi io TY Bisons. is HILDREN HAVE § THEY HAVE 1015 3 Fi» . / BREAK IT AT LAST ONE MANAGES T0 | [§ TO SCRAMBLE §iHOW THE MEXICAN | A 140 WGN (306)--Chicago, Drake ensemble, Pi Meso College Com. CHRISTMAS ROF FUN BREAKING ; yo ! BREAK IT AND THE TOYS COME OOH | 1] FOR THEIR TOYS 1 REVOLUTIONS ¢ il : earwater, Fla. as Ou | . N : " I STAR ae, VE tite Os on TNDDMDCR ETE fl] Nek Bn. IN A SHOWER AMD THE CHILDREN | | HHEN THE PEATE f START ! am xR TERNOON TROGRANS orig] mle at Ma -- , ; ar SWOOP DOW UPON THE PLAYTHINGS ff 'S BROKEN BETT lh WGHP (319)--Detroit, Home hou Quartet, : a 3 PRONOL J Si o> IN A JOYOUS SRE. igh i WSB (476)--Atlanta, Farm servi 45 WHT (306)--Chicago. Classical, : 4 INATES ( JHCED PINYAHTAYS eo gv. ! 8. music, BErvice | 9:00 Red Nutwotk---Whittal all An De! 2.15 KOA (326)--Denver. Insti tal from WC. 23 WEE Dr Pan. agsaial. conc, WDAF, Wide, Wier) we §; wiAR: Wek i Se, Wha aL COLORED PAPER AMD SHAPED LIKE SR uo--Chicaso. wm Tei Yes Wa i, Wak, : "a, TOY BALLOONS OR GROTESQUE FIG- pun E30, usical pot- KVOO (349)~Tulsa, Princess Pakanlii, A yk : RES THEY ARE F Af 3% Nk Cotambus, 0 "Musicale. WENR, (288)--Chicago, Classical, ¢ / URESWEY AL FILED WITH: CANDY WESE S-ricags. Popular music, Sias (322)--Louisville, Violin re- ] \ : AND T0YS, ON-CHRISTMAS MORNING WHAM (278)--Rochester, Studio wo | os Wis 43).-Chicago. Sverteny sur, A ih f THE PINATE 1S HUHG FROM THE (EiL- 9 Bram, 0 iE } Er CO a) Rl we fs) Cloiand. Mosshnt. tia. : SL 0 ING OF A ROOM OR FROM A BRANCH 245 WHO (535)--Dés Moisies, Music, WOO (39)--Phila, "Story of Christ \ > NN OF ATREE I THE COURTYARD. EACH . 3.30 Kel, GE Lontiio, tudio musicale. Wikc O-Wash, Lord Calvert ns '| Fr, ZA CHILD IN THE FAMILY IN TURN, AFTER , (285) -- Aoki embie. : 1 | gf HO WBS tr amses cl." "Grin | 1090 EXRA 2) Moncton. Concert ences. » ORE | BEING BLINDFOLDED AMD GIVEN A Tri CNRT (357)--Toronto, Concert, 3 . = - ) i A WEAF (492)--N. x Mig hour, KOA ee Christmas pro: AB CNRS (330)--8as Special music, yg! The Nativity." b 60) Lincoln, Neb, Orchestra $)- Dallas. Band, " 54)--N.Y. Genia Zeilinska, / WHN 395)---N.Y, udio soprano, ey dena | SET, a ee A - e Eute: 3 ' 5.00 WCCO C05 Mple St. Baul, Readers i Bend. Classic hour. You bey AUG FOR ie YOU COULD HAVE WOO (349)--Phila, Christmas Carols z 5 ASK Si ELS FULLA CREAM Club, % FL (488)--Chi R h 2 YHAD Woe FS Docase. gt hour, or- Koo" ts 8 of the Bation ten Artists : MUTHIN IF * PUFFS, MOUNTAINS OF GOTTA LAMP HOME! chestrl, : ; ; ALADDIN'S |CE CREAM, RIVERS FULLA SHOW ME HOW YoU LE YOU DINE WEAP (500)--Ft, Worth, ; : : 2 CARLOADS 5.00 KDKA GIO) Pitts. Country Club, 454)--N.Y, Slumbe 7 y ti CHALKLIT SODA, wT EEE CO, Be WANS Gti "er J AAT k : OF CANDY RUB Eis , . 1 ego JOC SI EE 37 ke | | PP anil Wie LAN, Waldorl Astoria; 7 Wl ty Gay "Columbus Farm talk : 0% pre > Wir el ru anes" i A Soneert, WE NY sane Close and his 615 WOR (45. dian Dinner mas 715 WBBR '(65)-N.Y. Sunday School Be or | 72 Sn an Balti Dinner orche y WRAL a9 bakin, Divns crc | 748 WARK Balas" polio ; Rs alo, Di 8 7.55 woo (349)--Phila. Science Service . ctwork--"Retold Tales; WJZ, BO kA, KEW, WIE 4 (250)--Columbia. Radio Farm or a SBI aw-xans, State College. Wea KSO Sarin, Ia. Public Wiwne © CIT 2a WESO' (256)-Springhield, O. Sunday der' 3 : 2 fs CHOP (411)--Montreal, Rex Battle. WIM] (299)--Milwaukee. "Do You | EGA Bat Reon? ec Ry Citi ol 02s mrv0 Gp Se. Lowi. Bae st * TILLIE THE TOILER--Exciting News from Paris A of ; THAD = ul |] Aw] [Tas Ss GILLIE O : : AM TCA FLEUR H, WHO (535)--Des Moines, Paul Chris. | 99 WOOD [ar Bringer poll. ; . You | I MR SIMPRINS | EE : TOA na A . me 1 DONT , : gh, 00 WHN (395) 918 KEMX (36)Nosthbeld. Popular lec. TAKING OVER || xNOW HERES - 4 ARRIVE IN F Suess prey : Yes (7 "Fie Ho ture. y A PARIS vou] |SABLEGRAM YOUR CITY ABOUT THE MANAGER OF y FACTORY IF llALg| | HERE FOR vou -| I HEAD Wor TEN DAYS i ------ Davis, - Web XX. Unde Gee : WY WAS TR 615 MAD bor! Chico." A 8 : --- VE, T LA FLE 45 WEEI (448)--Boston. Brother. < ig OVER "WIT AY ? 00 KYW (526)--Chicago. _ Bob. RE AD IT") ALL RigH ARE GENERALLY MADE OF BRIGHT 6.30 CNRA (322)--M 700 KVOO (349)--1 WCSO (256) we Ww wi RH] --Detroit, "Michigan Night." 7.80 KDKA Bot Musicale. 745 WGHP Betts. "Lady Moons : W, i 8 00 xO Blut, "Artists SVADC (297)--fkson. "Heart to Home"