Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1927, p. 7

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farmers," |: Mr, Cameron is also a financier of note in Great Britain and re- ferring to dispatches announcing the first shipment of gold from New York to Great Mritatn afew i #80, stated that he regarded t as a healthy appreciation of the {pound sterling in New York, | "I have always been opposed to an artificial scarcity of gold, Brit- fish individual enterprise is handi- [>apped, while the initiative of our American competitors {is favored | 'by the heaping up in New York of unnaturally 'and undesirably large accumulations of gold," he stated. Mr, Cameron, however, has a 300d word to say about American oankers, this being in connection with their broadminded outlook ip | matters of finance, He commented hat his constant appeal to British nkers was for greater breadth | bf view and for more confidence | in the credit of the individual, "We sannot afford to be handicapped | ln the race by too conservative a jolicy on the part of those whe rontrol our reserves of credit," he stated, and contrasted the facility vith which credit may be obtain- dd in the United States was com- )ared with the other side of the |" rcenn, { GOVERNOR ALLOWS SENATE TO MEET § Oklahoma Legislature No ' Longer Restrained by W Military Oklghoma City, Okla., Dec, 186, ~Governor Henry 8. Johnston or- ored national guardsmen, assign. 4d to the Capitol to prevent ses- fons of the sglf-convened Legis- ature, to permit the Senate to neet in its chamber to consider mpeachment charges against him- olf and two other state officials. In apnouncing he would permit he Bemate to assemble, Governor ohnston declared he did not re- reat from his contention that the enators. had mo authority to sit s 8 court of impeachment, In view f his 1 to call the session, He also called attention to the tate Supreme Court decision hold- ®t the Legislature had no 1herent right to convene, as lead- no the house and Senate con- snd. Since'the days of the Salem 'hiteh-burnings American politics ave not been involved in apy such Itajr as the present controversy 1 Oklehoma. 'The chief camse of iscoptent with Govermor John- 'on is the accusation that he is Rosicrucian, a member of a iystie sect, which is alleged to iclude witcheraft, alchemy and rcery in its creed, The Governor's enemies charge E 18t he is under the influence of is "confidential secretary," Mrs. . 0, Hammond, whom they have 1aracterized a8 8 "Mrs. Sums: ouse" and a "she-Rasputin." hey have demanded that she be ismissed, but the Governor is anding staunchly by her. ad her husband, Dr. O. O. Ham- ond, share a double house fn i ee ------; THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDA Oklahoma City with the Governor's family, Dp. Hammond was ap- pointed State Health Commission er shortly after his wife became Governor Johnston's secretary. The Governor denies that he is a Rosicrucian, or that Mrs. Ham- mond belongs to the society, Never- theless, he has admitted that he thinks Rosierucianism "a power ful and persuasive presemcsuum. He is a vegetarian--as are all Ro- sierucians--and he is said to have refused to sign a bill at ome time "because the signs of the zodiac were not right." The move to impeach the Gov- ernor has been under discussion | since February, three monthg af- ter he took office, He was ¢ from a field of seven cand part of his support coming from the Ku Klux Klan, The members of the Legislature to oust him from office took' formal action for am inquisi- tory session of the Legislature last November, At that time the Gov ernor refused to entertain a peti- tion that he call the Legislature into session, The legislators, as in the case of Governor Jack Wal ton, whom they impeached in 1923 on 'charges that he was allowing the Klan to run State affairs and was misusing State finances, there- upon called a session on their own responsibility, ITALIAN SENATE DISCUSSES TREATY Geneva Report Pictures Coal Workers' Lives in Europe ; Ottawa, Dec, 16--Regulations imposed by the Mussolini Govern- ment will have the virtual effect of an embargo on Italian migration to Canada--according to advices re- ceived by the Immigration Depart- ment, conditions will Italians he allowed to migrate from their home land regulation permits the following relatives of Italian residents in Canada to leave Italy for the Do- minion: A wife, unmarried child- ren, parents of unmarried brothers and sisters. The romances ov iLne Italian worker who came to Can. ada, and earned money, sent for his sweetheart and married upon arrival in Canada is at an end, The only other terms under which Italians will be allowed to emigrate require a statement of the labor contract to be filed with the Italian consulate along with an Immigration Department applica. tion in blank to be filed out by Ital- fan Government ofgjcials in Italy, This means that if an employer 1a Canada wishes to secure a certain type of Itallan workman, such as mosaic workers, he must first ap- ply to the Department of Immigra- tion, If the department is satis- led that such workers are needed and not available in this country they will grant a specified number of permits, These, together with contract forms showing the wages and hours of labor, must he sent sent to Italy and the Government of that country claims the rignt to select such men as it wishes to fll the positions, Obviously, it is pointed out here, employers are most unlikely to ac. cept workers under these conaitions and the net result will be a virtuol embargo, FOURTH GALLOP ~~ TRIALSTARTED Jury is Selected and First Witnesses are Called Quebec, Dec, 16.--The presence of 80 additional prospective jurors Tuesday permitted the completion of the panel for the fourth Gallop murder trial, and the trial is now under way, the first witnesses hay- ing been heard Tuesday afternoon, Numerous motions were again made by the defence relative to the manner in which the additional panel had been secured, but all were over-ruled by Chief Justice Sir Francois Lemieux. To start the proceedings, Alleyn Tascher- eau, K.C., acting for the defence, stated that Mrs. Gallop was en- titled to a mixed jury, comprising six people of each tongue, and the m---- er ---- Only under very restricted | to the Italian consulate with a de-|d posit of $200, The forms are then | Crown, By challenging all English- secure the mixed jury to which their client was entitled. He main- tained that the Crown had exceed- ed its privilege in this commection and on. that account the assien- ing of a mew panel was comtrary to law. ' This objection was overruled by Chief Justice Lemieux, . who stated that the panel before the court was 'mot a mew panel, but a supplementary one to that of the previous day and that the court had ordered the panel at the re- quest of the Crown and with the assent of the defence. Another objection as to the manner in which the names of the prospective jurors were being called was then entered by the de- fence, but this likewise was over- ruled by the court, which. stated that the same procédure as that of the previous day should be con- tinued Tuesday. miniiamaliambmam------) "Why the five kinds"? Some housewives like to iron but do not like to wash, and we could enum- erate all the other likes and dislikes that pertain to the household laundry roblem. But we won't. nstead, we will simply state that to meet all the various requirements we have five different ways of doing "family. wach," each one taking the wash one step nearer to com- pletion and priced ac- cordingly, In this way it is possible to select just as much or little washing assistance as you need to save yourself unwelcome drudgery, We would like to have you phone us so that we could more fully, 22 King St, B, -: Phone 788 explain | 8 WINNERS AT OSHAWA POULTRY EXHIBITION Prize winners at Oshawa Poul try Show omitted from yesterday's i Cadian Compan, Toronto Swift Canadi --One 25 Ib. bag Swiits Laymore Meat Scraps, 50% proteiw, for best pen, any age Barred Plymouth Rocks --John Thomas, Whitby, One Ah Swiit's Taymor oe Meat Scraps, o protein, for pen, any age, single comb White Leghorns ee Cr teal Speciale Blachford's Cal ea One 25 1b. bag "Fill the Basket" Egg Mash to the best Barred Rocks--D. Crawford. 1 25 1b. bag to the best S.C. White Leghorn pullet--P, Coyle, Toronto, 1 25 1b. bag to the best S.C. RIR, pullet--A, Wilson, Port Hope. 1 25 Ib. bag to the best White Wyandotte pullet--L, Fisher, : 1 1b. Tea for best fancy Pigeon in show room--F, Forman, s 1 1b. Tea for best female Cavie with little under 5 weeks old--Matt Sey- den, . Gunn's Beef Scrap, 25 1b. bag-- 1--Best White Rock Hen--C, M, cLaughlin. 1--Best White RoRck Hen--C. M. T.armer, . 1--Best Brown Leghorn Cock, dark ~A. 8S. Tribb, Quaker Oats "Full of Pep" Egg Mash-- 1--Bcst Ancona hen--R. R, Me- Laughlin, 1--Best male Buff Orpington--Dr, Dickinson. 1--Best {emale Buff Orpington -- Mr. Philips, Cooper-Smith Co, Oshawa--Three 50 1b. bags "Sun Beam" laying mash, for each of the following pens--Best Leghorns, P, Coyle, Toronto; best Anconas, R. R, McLaughlin; best Rhode Island Reds, A, Wilson, Port Hope. Hogg & Lytle, 100 1b, scratch for best collection Brown Leghorns--A, L. Tubb, Bailes' Hardware "Sun Beam" Lay- ing Mash-- 1--Best Sussex--Brooks & Rice. 1--Game Cock, A.V.--Ben Sharp, Toronto, 1--Best Game Bantam--Ben Sharp, Toronto, 1--Best Ornamental Bantam -- T, W. McLaughlin, 1--Utility, heavy, AV~Wm, Ed- all 1--Utility, light, A V--~W., G. Lewis. Arnold's South Store--Goods to the value of $200 for the best collection f Buff Leghorps--John Pascoe, Owen's Farms--$15.00 setting of rags. Choice of Buff Orpingtons nr thode Isand Reds, single comb, For hest hen, cock, cockerel and pullet n Buff Orpingtons or Rhode Island Reds--Dr. Dickinson, Pair of Fan Tails for best bird in how--L. Fisher, Pair of Fan Tails for best collec tion of Ben (Continued from § primi Fla, ! Radio 1 Davenport, Voss Vaga: Pm be WTAM WTM 0 wanker Frolic, A Pal bw Vadra, Es WM. Dance, WOR ewark, Pepper Pot, Jos 361)~Jellerson City, The Ram- WPG {00 Mlantie City. Dance, Wi 448)--Ch Orchestra, WRVA (254) Richmond 11.08 NAL tar) ton, Orchestra, i be i 11.45 WMCA (Z70)-N.¥, Manhattan Seren. ders. 12 mid, KOIL (31 il Bluffs. Dance: wi (394)--N.Y, Cotton Club, 1 a.m. CNRV (31)--Vancouver, Midnight frolic, , Dance h FR iy Ra He) 2.00 KNX (337)--Hollywood. Hotel Ambassa- (Copyright, 1922) A tax for a Churchyard wall he- ing proposed, a speaker objected. "Them as is in can't got out; them as is out don't want to get in; I'm agin the tax." ,'When she cut her hair to spite me, I told her she wasn't the only pebble on the beach." No, nor the only shingle on the roof, A spendthrift, blamed for burn- ing the candle at both ends, sald he supposed that it was the vest way of making both ends meet, 1.00 work Vi dance orchestra, from RA AE WCSH, WHO, WSAI Cc, WOW! WaMD ( WCA! Y, DECEMBER 17, 1927 Do You =r = PAGE SEVEN! Own Your Real Estate and AUCTIONEER 8 King St, E~~Corner Celina § Phone 205 : Standard Bank Buflding 2 King Street East For Sale New Houses Immediate Possession URIAH JONES Phone 1047W 401 Simcoe St, N, M---- REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purch sers, R. 610 Simcoe St, N, M. KELLY Phone 1663W Phones: V. A. Henry, Insur: ance and Loans 113% SIMCOE ST. S. 1108W--0Office 1858) Residence EE ---- J ------ J. H.R, LUKE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Mortgages Phone 871 or TW Regent Theatre Block John W. Lint 3 0 central, all $ ' conveniences, well decorated, niece lot Reasonable, $3,90 Bungalow, § rooms, all modern conveniences; easy terms; real value. $ 4 50 6 rooms, new, near ] General Motors, mod- ern conveniences, Easy terms, $8 50 9 rooms, brick, -plece » bath, oak floors, new- ly decorated, nice lot, concrete drive. A real home, close in, Easy terms--8ee this. List your properties with me for quick sale, Satisfaction guaran- teed. John W. Lint 67 Bond St, E, fhone 2108 Real Estate CARTER'S REAL ESTATE, 5 King St, E, THE BEST CHRISTMAS Present you can give your wife is a nice New Home with all convenieces, We have them on easy pay- ments--give W. J. Sully Real Estate Auctioneer and Insurance ® Colina Stset, Oshawa Phone 2580---716j mr -- ---- a -- 7 AA ct tm. tine ~ GUIDE TO VALUES Help to Build up Oshawa by Shopping IN OSHAW In Oshawa nen. | CARIER'S| or --- 1380 ] OSHAWA LAUNDRY Mill Street When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly JURY & LOVELL OPTICAY, PARLORS Phone 28 or 20 YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just Phone 2520 and a Driver Will call. dd and the Wonder Also Exclnive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa D. J. BROWN Read the Advertisements OSHAWA LUGGAGE Presentation Club Bags and Svit Cases with Initials in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON 19 BOND STREET WEST -- PHONE 338 J. C. 4Y2 PRINCE ST, Phone 793 Insurance and REAL ESTATE YOUNG It It's Electrical~ We Have It BOWRA"S ELECTRIC SHOP SIMCOE ST. N, Tod £1 2% 12 aX CI | old dbac who was 'dyears ba : trial wit \ 2} Trades were not cupied tl i sto glve 1 { Zdohn Ga: ® dedr to complete chige, T $40,000 time, TI jlakiner J . R000 on make go club will City, It was would ha for the ! | was forn [ foldd, 4 'the name Si Fc | Montre |B a yea % 1 Cecil Ha commenti Burke re ll | sends Ma

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