BIIGd OF Jee on aseount of in- tyy didn't they ¢ never hi get angry was." wm rand quarrelsome Club you aware who I am? am J, LP , one of the famous-- and Peaceful Club ember---Sel filling variety, I pre- Wn 3 rl lets out that she is ristmas present for you vies ¢ Working you for a Christmas E: po | i i "Saturday Nig 7.30 ys 10 0 lock One Hundred Ma Ma Dolls Go on sale_tonight for Each 3 day, Night Special, Each, SECOND F LOOR mss NAZEL bE hy +730 ad sr-- Fig her home, 84 Alice streey, Osh- on Thursday evening, October 15th, Miss Hazel De Guene, gave a recital, Quite a number of frien bors were present. The ed of solos, Vit hr hi, A atson, rine urn, Watson, Muriel Low, Beatrice Will- son, Gladys Watson, and Mesgrs Buster Lee, Glenn Willson, Ketresn-| ments were served and an enjoyable | evening was spent by all present. OUR DAILY RECIPE Christmas Cake e fruit cake is rather' newer i black variety, For rec-quarters -} of granulat sugar, six X SEE Whites, one cup of "what | ar, 83 a quarter cups of pastry yd oh teaspoons. of .bak- ng powder, one teaspoon of vanilla extract, one-half cup of blanched and chopped almonds, one-half cup of candied cherries, one-halp cup of candied pineapple, one-half cup of seedless raisins, Cream the butter and add the su- gar; cream both together; then stir mn the milk alternately with the flonr and. baking powder, sifted together; beat well, and gradual ly add the fruit chopped coarsely and the vanilla; fold in the iffly yhipped egg whites ur into a round cake pan that has een buttered and floured, and bake in a moderate oven for ene and a half or two hours, -------------------- Ty EL LT LT EL PP TL I A aL] SECOND FLOOR Children's Pullover Sweaters Sand, copen, rose, Sizes 22 to 26, Satur- EE S---- ht Specials 69c¢ " 98¢c presser ! Children's All Wool Pullover Leggings Sand and white only. Special Tonight CE TT PTI I TTT TTR P TITTY SECOND F LOOR- $1.39 serrrrrree Special Purchase English All Wool Cashmere Hose, all . gizes, Reg, $1.50 pair, MAIN FLOOR $1.19 Tonight, pair, = DEWLAND'S Whitby Phone 318 2 STORES Oshawa Phone 2505 i hoon S-- ph A NE BOWRA'S BIG With Eachvesimpumiss. ~ 2 GYRATOR WASHER Durin,_ the Christmas Gitt Season THE | OSHAWA DALY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1927 ENTERTAINMENT LARGELY ATTENDED Albert Street Sunday School Presents Fine Christmas Concert BR The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the Albert Street United Sunday Schoo! was held last evening. Re ch srt 1h [© mi ven teachers an efforts. The a yed a various program of dia- "recitations, choruses, . exer- clses, drills and a pantomine. The t Asihgr of the program was a orus by the school, "Bells are * then a recitation "Happy Christmas,' '* by Hdith Barrow, exer- else "The Christ-Child," by six of the pri pupils; a recitation, "Christmas Prosen * by Helen Lee; chorus, "Christmas Baby" by some of the members of the primary de- rtment; recitation, "A Serious Talk ith Santa," by Irene Meach; a re- citation, "Christmas Gifts," by Helen McEvers; a Rainbow Drill, by the girls of Mrs, Willlama' Class; reci- tation, "Santa's Assistant," by Olar- ence Harrison; recitation, "Old Words," by Verna Sunderland; four little boys gave an exercise, "Christ. mas in Other Lands"; a recitation, "Stronger Toys Please. by John Reynolds; a recitation, "Gloom and Joy," by Helen Kirk; "It is Not En- ough," was a recitation by four boys; a recitation, "Christmas Question," given by Billy Warren; exercise, 'Mothers' Reform Club," by some of the girls of the intermediate school; # recitation, "A Loving Little Girl," by Eleanor Warren; "Trials of a School Teacher," was the name of a playlet given by five girls from Miss Arnold's class; a recitation, "Merry Christmas, Everybody," Gerald Gray; and a Star Drill by the pupils of Miss Sampson's class, Lillian Williams gave a reading, and an exercise, "Christmas Traveller," was given by the girls of Miss Gordon's class. A recitation, "Jolly Old St. Nick," by Effie Stevenson; a recitation by Josephine Barrow, "A Christmas Greeting; a recitation "The Legend of the Christmas Rose," by Edith Canning; a recitation, "Babe of Bethleham," was given by Erline Palmeteer; the pantomine, "Just As I Am," given by the girls in Mrs, Balentyne's class, was very well pre- sented and the audience showed thelr keen enjoyment with their very hearty applause, The school sang a chorus, "Shepherds in the Silver Starlight," then Vurness Burch re- cited "A Telephone Message to San- ta". The last number on the pro- gram by the primary scholars under the direction of Mrs. A. Ayers and Mrs. A. Walker, "Santa is Coming," heralded the approach of the jolly old Saint, who dispensed gifts of candy to the children who had taken part in the program. Miss A, Strick- land, Mrs. BR, A. Whattam and Mr. Norman Williams acter as accompany pianists of the evening. Superintendent Harry Lynch con gratulated the teachers and the pu- pils who had made the entertain- ment the success that it was, then the pastor in a few words spoke highly of the superintendent who is nearing the 22nd anniversary of this work in Oshawa's Sunday Schools. Compe titive Price $159.00 Special Sale Price $139.00 Saving to YOU § 20.00 Pay SIE5:00 /ALANCE IN EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS BEGINNING J PRESENTATIONS AT CLASS MEETINGS Many Pleasing Features at December Meeting ~- Fidelissimo Class 'Fidelissimo Class of the King Street United Church held their December meeting last evening at the home oi Mrs. Barker, 213 Arthur street. There were about 45 members of the class, present and during the evening, which had been spent in the singing of Christmas carols, Mrs. W. aw so was presented with a life in the Women's Mission Circle on og of the class by Mr. W. DeMille, the assistant teacher of the class, who based his remarked on the ai A, of Mrs. Perryman and congratulated the class on the inter- est they are taking in Missionary work and the helping of others, The address of the evening was given by Mrs. J. Wilson, who presented Miss A. Jackson, the, beloved and popu- lar teacher of the class with a bluc Kenswood blanket as a Christmas gift. She spoke of the Christian char- acter of Miss Jackson, how she had been such a wonderful example to the young ladies in the class, and stressed the point that the Christ- mas spirit of giving should be shown to friends as well as relatives. Mrs, H. 'N., Hagerman, a member of the class then presented Mr, DeMille with a handsome leather travellin dressing case. Mr, DeMille's willingk ness to he of help in any way that he could serve was commented upon and the young ladies appreciated very much the work done by Mr, DRMille for the class during the past year. A dainty luncheon was served by a committee and a hearty vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Barker for the use of her home in which to hold the meeting. DECIDE TO FORM CHAMBER OF COM. (Continued from page 1) Ald. D.A.J. Swanson, Ald, Morrie Ald, Hart, Ald, Schell, and Ald. Harman, At the call of the General Chair- man, the committee will meet for its inaugural meeting to discuss the next step to be taken in the carrying out of the resolution's en- dorsation of immediate organiza- tion, Before it will come the prob- lem of deciding what steps are to ke taken for organization, namelv: The launching of a campaign with the assistance of organization ex- perts or the appointment of a high grade secretary whose first duties would he organization. The matter of name {Is also under careful thought, It is possible that Oshawa's new city-building hody will not - be known as either "Chamber of Com- merce" or "Board of Trade". Ald. Swanson, as chairman, mentioned casually that he, personally, favor- ed a new name and a new spirit. The word "Guild" appealed to him, be pointed out, as more truly indi- cating the sort of body Oshawa could foster and from which best results could be expected. Ready to Act, These matters, however, will be taken under serutiny in due course Jtee had brought it. »' the body charged with that re- iponsibility. N Ald. Swanson opened the meet- ag with a general address on the 'bjects of the meeting, and declar- 'd that he hoped to see the repre- entative body before him take up he work of organization from the 'oint to which the Council Commit- He declared his conviction that owing to the 'act that City Council members are more or less in politics, they should e allowed, in the interests of the movement, to withdraw from ex- seutive participation in favor of private citizens. That, he declar- >d, included himself as chairman ~{ the special committee of tne Council. The City Counzil, he painted out, as too much on its hands to under- iake a real program of civic devel opment not directly connected with its clearly defined duties as the city's legislative body. Illustrating this point was the need for immediate concentration of the development of Oshawa's lake harbor with a view both to the early completion of the Welland Canal, which will put Oshawa in direct water connection with the upper lakes, but with a view to the probable ultimate construction of the St. . Lawrence 'waterway which will make Oshawa a sea as well as lake port. "While Oshawa has some of the best industries in the British Em- pire, G. D. Conant declaved fol- lowing 'Mr. Swanson, 'the impres- sion is amazingly widespread that Oshawa does not want any more in- dustries. In my trips to other cen- tres I have been amazed to find that -attitude which, if we think about, it is supported by things which, to those not familiar with local conditions, must have the force of facts, "A Chamber of Commerce in Oshawa would show industry in general that Oshawa welcomes {n- dustries, and I believe that this meeting should emphasize that fact. We are not satisfied with what we already have, due to the ~enius of men whom this city's resent importance and prosperity 're due, We want more, and in- 'ustry seeking advantages such as shawa can offer are assured of very possible co-operation.' Mayor Preston, called upen to ddress the meeting expressed gen- ral endorsation of a Chamber of Commerce and advised that a few ~itizens first get together, pledge woney (to employ a competent sec- 'etary, and let him build the or- vanization from the ground up. Ald, Schell declared himself an mrnest supporter of the movement o® enthusiastically launched last night. He pointed out®hat the step nder consideration not only meant 'ocal development, but affiliation vith similar bodies throughout the rovince which, in their general ef- orts were building up Ontario and on in general. ition to the officers and! ommittee members named, the fol- | lowing were among those present t the gathering hich will, it is believed, rank as one of the major Aistoric events in Oshawa's annals' Dr, Grant Berry, Frank Nicholls, "rank E. Hallett, 8. H, Jackson, 0, W. Naakes, C. J. Wilcox, 8. R. Al. er, L. V. Disney, Howard "nnes, rank Chappell, A. Hind, F, + Henry, W. J. Lock, Errol Bur- ou, H. M. Black, Mrs. R. Lock, I. A, Bickell, J. C. Fowlds, G. 8. Yird, John J. Barns, A. F. Apnis, \. E. O'Neill, E. Parsons, C. E. Tavish, O, Jackson, C, M. Mundy, Down' - NG JANUARY 2 NO INTEREST CHARGES FOR TIME - PAYMENTS BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP George Miller, 8. J. Taylor, H. C. Bradley, D. M. Tod T. H. Everson, R. 8S. Morphy, H. P. Schell, G. F. Turney, McKenzie Penfound, H. Smith, C. B. Wilson, Fred C. Care- well, R. Armitage, H, Hancock, P, Bowerman, F. Cooper, N. J. Stocks, A. W. Bell, M. E. Hartley, George C. Alehin, Robert D. Preston, Xd. Bradley, George T. Morris, A. J. Graves, P. A. MacDonald, T. A. Adair, Les. McLaughlin, A. M. Heist, W. Goodchild, R. Stirling, H. P. Bull, Stan Everson, Louis Hyman, F. E. Hare, Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M.P., J. D. Ruther- ford, T. H. Campbell, E. Brown, R. G. Campbell, Dr. F. J. Rundle. OSHAWA & DISTRICT Storm Sashes Om Sale Combination doors, storm sashes and cupboard doors. Just now we are specializing in storm sash and doors and can give good service at right prices. Phone or call C. H. Millard, at rear of 442 King street east. (139a) New "Arcade" Sign The Arcsde on North Simcoe Street has erected a large sign over the entrance to the store. It fis quite conspicuous and passers-by cannot help but notice it, The sign which is an electric lighted ote, bears the name "Arcade" in large letters, One particular which makes the advertisement stand ouy it that it is designed in the shape of an arrow. It poitns directly into the entrance of the store, Chevrolet Car Stolen A Chevrolet Touring car took the fancy of thieves in this eity yesterday. Jack Crowels, who re- A beautiful, practical gift, Many styles, All pri | Jil ud J [lf fifi il Ft SY ---- FREE. FOLDING TUB STAND Considerable inconvemiemce was caused workmen going to their home in the morth part of the city early las¢ night when a street car of the Oshawa Railway system | was derailed. While the details the tie-up were not known at local superintendent's office when that official was in this morning, it was stated the matter was not a serious one. The tie-up, it is understood was caused about 5 o'clock when a car on the south end of the line left the track. ~™ry 5 se RUSSES ---- AUTHORS & COX L1o 135 CHURCH ST TORONTO and Smacks por yo: 31.98 50-54 King, Street' West, Oshawa Opp. Centre St, Phone 738W ESE Men's Heavy Rubbers. rs 98/49 Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St, W, Phone 8141 Wright Funen roving FE Sn wo Disney FUNERAL Service ®, Simeos St. 8, B mbulanc he 1003 Hayton the Roofer and Shinglers 185 Arthur St. Phone 1648w i | \ doar AN ot gloss of Evening Young Fo. Ry ob First Church of Christ, Scien 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, December 18 i "Is The Universe, Man, Evolved by Atom ic Force," Sunday School at close Church Service Wednesday Meeting 8 Including testimonies of Heal through Christian Science, X You are cordially invited to 1nd the services and to make of the Free Public Reading F where the Bible and all author Christian Science literature may read, horpowed or purchased periodicals subscribed for. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18 & 4, and Saturdays from 8 to § » Will Pay 7% for mortgage money on good mew brick veneer dwelling, half mile from G 1 Motors, about three thousand dollars required. Write Box *"K" Oshaws FOLDING IRONING BOARD FOLDING CLOTHES DRYER CLOTHES BASKET