| t ' B i) \ THE USHAWA DALY Yes, SATURDAY. DECEMBER ", 1927 nal: Lost Until You Have Tried A Want h ho goon Ea aout |X LA AR A 3. BACT) pn EN. SINCLAIR. RE ERR n ANGAN, LA. ~BAR- i ter, A bi oe yancer, loan, Fol Be Ea Bs ya. Phone d phone ig CREIGIION a= AR {tors, Con neers, tari A grer Stan Standard Bank Ry imeoe | Grierson, BA, 1 2 RS cahton, 3 | VANSON, GERMAN & MAG | | zie, ters, Conveyancers, 'otary Public, 'ete, All branches of | iminal and Civil Law. Money to Office over Lambies "tore, 2 Shs sn, i, Nera, ¥& mn 8 Sto | ackenzie, 5 PAR HILL, BARRISTER, licitor, tary Public, Convey- ' ger, NY to loan, Disney Bldg. Office. Phones, office 4; residence, 2239], (621) For Rent booklet be fur Tequest, § Drew street eat, Phone 466, tf ARTHUR a THAGH- er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupta prepared for all exams, Oshawa, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe St, North, Phone 871J, FN Te te (120t8) Insurance | VIS AND SON, INSURANCE. ing 81. west, Oshawa The ides Fos cy in Oshawa. putable (x 8ret ) Fire Companies, ts. | to rent. Phone 1728J, \| FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR 2 FOR RENT--FOUR LARGE UN- furnished rooms with bath, One block from C. N. R. Also Studs el Board" if desired. Pri- vate. 46 Kenneth avenue. Phone 13937, (141-0) FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, Private home, Excellent locality, Immediate possession, Phone 2416, . (141-¢) UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. 72 Bond street west (140-b) APARTMENT TO RENT. CON- venient 'ta four corners. Apply for particulars to L. S. Bandel, Whit by House, Immediate possession. (189¢) FOR RENT--APARTMENT NO: 4, Amylene, Quebec and Simcoe Sts, (139-0) gentlemen. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe nor Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr.) Money to Loan UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RPIRST mortgages, Building loans arran Bradios Bros. Phone 169, 420, ( HS FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission, Building loans, Lega! work done at this office. J Parkhill, Barrister, "Disney Bldg Bhone ¢ 1614. Wn (126-1) Contracting site \)UIS. 8, HYMAN AND COM ny, Barristers. Money to loan, er Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe eet north, Phone 67, residence TW, (tf) Sy © Medical i 3. C, 'W, CARR, PHYSICIAN, . vgeon, 'Obstetpiclan, office and ll sidence; 556 Simcoe Sty N, cor. Hagton, Phone 2415. i 12) Dee, 12-Jan, 2, R. McMULLEN, PHVSI- { rg Sur san; and obstetrician, Of- Simcoe street ath ig dd 2509, (11441) 1, HAROLD W. TRICK. PHYSI- i! an, n, Obstetrician, Spe. 1] re OR. to maternity work d diseasgs of women, Two years' st Frage experience, Office d ves! wher 0s, st. N., or, Bri on ' i # . i (119-tf) 3 Tn PHYSIC.AN, SUR- on, Accoucher, Office and resi- , Osha Phone 9 . GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, ¢ ses of infants and children, Of- e ne Hg residence, 97 Bond. east. one rgeon, special attention y 2 93 Cyn PHYSI- Ll if + \ -ray work and Eleetro- / ld Office, Disney Block. Phone nee, a East, commer Vigtoria: T, W, ENGLAND AND R. DOUG- lass, bricklayers and contractors work taken by the thousand or by day work, R®air work of all de. scriptions, Satisfaction guaranteed 818 Division St. Phone 2570W. (Nov. 24-Dec. 24.) Building Su lies WE HAVE ROUGH IND DRESS ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. Y Beceroft. Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh: awa, phone 324 u (69-tf) Painting and Hkcoraling R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, etc, Twenty years' experience, Prices right, Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (45-11) * Elogution MISS EVELYN TRICK, MISTRESS of Elocutiop, graduate of Ontario Ladies' College, will prepare be- gipners and advanced pupils for all platform work, Apply 182 King street east. Phone 134, (Dec, 2-Japn. 2) _| FOR SALE 1926 'Motor Cars OHEVROLET SEDAN FOR Fully equipped, Phone (139¢) CHEVROLET 1924 sale. 2473W, Note Re Cubed Ad * Efcctive immediately clos: 3 ing time, for classified ads. 9.30 am, Munday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. Ads for Too Late to: Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 am. v 4 4 4 . d 3 . 3 . o . a . o J 3 o aaa ass as as Rates for Classified Ads. First tnserton=--13 cents per ( Bach Sh Suhosent \martion yi inder: tions for the, orien a of two first 5 insertions cents'a word), mum charge for three sevtions, 60 cents, * Box number 10¢ additional | QOoach in excellent running condi- between 6 and 7 15 or 284 Albert St. NASH SALES AND Twenty-five 'different models to choose from. Ask for demonstra- tion. Reid Nash Motors, Dundas siraet, Whithy, Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE -- FIVE ROOMED house, furnace, light and Water, Apply 86 Park Rd. South (139¢) ON WARREN AVENUE, PAVED street, six or eight room houses, rug brick veneer. hard wood trim just completed, All conveniences Phone 1537TW or 2072. (Nov, 28-Dee, 100 ACRE FARM---4% MILES north of Oshawa on County High- way. One of the best farms {in East Whitby Townchip. Buildipgs in first class condition, consist of large stone house, hip-roofed bar, steel siding, 'hen house and hoq nen, implement shed and garage; large hardwood Iot on farm and a spring ereek, The farm is in a good state of cultivation. For fur- ther particulars apply to W, BF, N, Sinclair, K.C., Barrister, Bank of Commerce Building, Oshawa, On- tario. (136-141-147) 2% Wanted "Beauty "Paris MARIE 'RENWICK'S BEAUTY , 9 Celina street, at Watson's wr, Note, Throst Specialist RF. T. BRYANS OF 150 BLOOR reet West, Toranto, will be at his ice over Jury & Lovells Drug ore each Saturday, from 1 till 4 n., for consultation and treatment diseases of ear, nose and throat ly, Appointments maye be made drug Store, Phone (49 tf) ' Dents! . D, R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER ard's Store, Simcoe street south. trous oxide oxygen gas admin- ered fog. extraction, purse attend- t. Phong 231, Residence 1087. (tf) :. 8, J. PBILLIPS, DENTIST, OF - e over Bassetty, ne 950; si 4-1 yr. 2 H M Wich SIMCOE ST. itchell's Store. pr Mails Drag B LE Sean DENTIST, residence, 1376M 85-f CHERRY OFFICE ot Thess Phone 171 Ji? nog I AND SMITH, ONTAR: and Civil | one 948, Transportation CARTAGE AND MOVING, LOCAL and lopg distance. W. Borrow: dale, 609 Carnegie Avenne. Phone 161 (Dee, 1-Jan. 1) SMITH TRANSPORTATION TIM- ited, Simgoe St. : phone 2613, 242 Front'st, BE, ya, nto, Phone Main 7637. Superior tion Service, (42t6) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. B85 Bond St. West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for "prompt service. Moving van and storage warchouse equipment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains. Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist discases domestic animals, vat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. (56-tf) C. 8. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically | treated. Dominion Government | Veterinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone | 105]. (131-tf) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEP- arate compartments. Bond street west. Phone 82. Coleman's Cartage and Storage. " Corseteire RST CLASS DRESSMAKING 4d remodelling at 97 King street st, (Dec. 8-Jan. 8) ADIES' .OR REN'S I Fre Sort at 14935. 18-Dec. 18) N., FANCY bi 362 Les St Phos (Noy. 25-Dec. 23) KINDS OF DRESSMAKIN SE Pan LM, "dor Ay 19) L132 Blgin east. Mrs. 550 | 44 King Street W, t. es solicited. CORSETIERE spir® A snop, Annie Pent- ore. Even- (138-tf) land, managing corse: ings by appointment. Watch F. A. YON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss repair pve 4 pu zonage i J DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE do all kinds of y repairing. oily! ring gears installed ; fomnecting rods re-babbited: crown #2. 1gears or pinions supplied for all of cars. 161 King St. W. 519. (if) = » d1C EC STENHOUSE ~ rer Second floor. Ker phone 9 Shop Barber Shop, Water wages, mani cures, marcelling. pr 2653, (D: 6-220.6) yansporta- | (64-f) » GRAND CAFE WANTS PARTY TO take: garbare resularly, ther particulars call at Grand Cafe. (130¢) Help Wanted--F. ne ay tion, Very reasonthle. Phone 83§'W * SHRVICE. (Dec. 1-Jan. 1) | For dugmyt- 'Professional or Busioass' rds, $250 per month "2 wards or less; 10 ts 'a word per month r each additional word, yi: CLASSIFIED OST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 38 Ask far Classified Ad Depart | 1 Auction Sale THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RE-' ceived instructions from John Nemisz to sell by public auction, on Friday, December He 11, at one o'clock on lot 3 3, in Darlington nA Biy bo% half 'mile north of the Kingston High- way), five acres of standing tim- ber, Will sell in quarter acre lots. This timber consists of mixed (wood, Terms 10 months credit .on approved joint mote and § per 'cent discount for cash, Parties {buying lots will have two years to take wood off, BE. J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St, B,| Oshawa." Phone 1013M, (141-143-145) Notice to IN THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR WILKINSON, Qacessed All persons havin ims against the estate of ARTHUR WILKIN, | , SON, late of the City of Oshawa, the Twenty-ninth day of November 1927, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned. Executor on or before the Fifteenth day of January 1928, full particulars of their claims, d Immediately after | the said Fifteenth day of January 1028, the assets of the testator will be distributed 'amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 15th day of December 1927. National Trust Company, Limited, 20 King Ot, East, Toronto, Ontario, (Exe-| cutors. or Administrator). By Conant & Annis, Barristers ete. Oshawa, Their solicitors herein, (141.146-151) Articles For Sale POR SALE--USED GEHRARD- | Hentgman Upright Piano in splen- did eondition. Just lately re-con- ditjgned. For sale on reasonahle te to reliable party, Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times. (1411) FUR GOAT FOR SALE, IN GOOD condition. $20, Apply 21 Maple ¥ Phcne 28721, (141-3) PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furnighings. Contents of 6 room house. 159 Simcoe St, 8. (130-tf) THREE PIECE PARLOR fof sale. In good condition, Ap- ply 70 Burk street, Phont 2040W, (139-¢) THIZ SEASON'S GIFTS; ALL kigds of beautifully hand embroid- 4 linen, hand painted cushions a hankies, baby wear, lingerie apd a.variety , of lovely motions, The Daintimeid Shoppe, 4 Prince strest. Phone 1948W, (139-¢) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, IRON and .brass trimmed beds, steel gpridgs, new felt mattresses, regu- for. $18 to $26, at $10.60; ehild- EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for general hougework. Phone 538, (1414), GIR, dining WANTED TO room. Apply at once toh. Bandel, Whithy Hous (140D) al housework. Temporary position, One child, Phone b5, (140b): WANTED --GIRL FOR LIGHT housekeeping, small family, good home, Phone 307F. (140-bh) GIRLS Wl at sight for pianist, onet, banjo and ers. Apply Times. violinist, cor- saxephone play- Box "E" Oshawa Daily (139¢) Agents Wanted $4 A DAY PAID MEN OR WO- men for distributing religious lit- architectural Royal Bank Ding, Phone 1496 erature, spare or full time. For particulars, write Mr. Conrad, Spa- dina Bldg., Teronto, (141-a) SALESMANAGERS. AND SALES- Wen--Get ready for 1928. Arve you. advancing fin your present sales position? Are you satisfied with your present . income? Is | your territory satisfactory? Does a general depression effect your sales? Our line will correct all these difficulties. C.D. Rogers, 5005 Euclid Aye., Cleveland, Ohio. A141-2) ASSIST. IN 1% Vo Whithy. | WOMAN WANTED FOR GENER- {RADIO AND | 1724W, 0 CAN READ MUSIC |~ For ren's cribs, sideboards, extension tehles; + 78ipgil tables, leather froyches, rockers, easy chairs, dres- 1 kit hen canmnets, wundry stove, 3, , Bo-cars, strollers, ' ree mirrors. Other 7 Prince street. (139-e) hstan ds, LOUD WBheap for quick sale, ings 1072W. SPEAKER. Phone even- (139¢) ale 7 Sl CHRISTMAS TREES S r OR SALE. Balsam, Spruce and Cedar. Phone (137)) CHRISTMAS TREES Pho (132. po HOICE 9 delivery. ELECTRIC FLOOR LAMPS, watehes, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds, easy payments; impredi- ate [ 0. H. Dell, 22% Finveo uth, Phone 1656. HOT '3 (Dec, 2-Jan. 2) for sale Good condition. Low price. This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square feet of floor space, before new addi-4 tion was cted. It should be just! the thir r a store or apartment | block. APply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106-tf) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Phone 660. (A aesons, Meek Ltd. 1618 'ER HEATING PLANT Wanted to Rent TWO OR THREE FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms wanted by January 3, for light housekeeping. Downstairs preferred. North of Kingz St. Box "0" Oshawa Daily Times. (14le) MOTHER AND SON DESIRE TWO furnished rooms' with board. Cen- tral" Private family preferred. Box #¥"" Oshawa Daily Times, . (139¢) Rubber Goods IF YOU REQUIRE SANITARY rubber goods, write for catalogue and price list. Safe and | Sanitary Rubber Works, Dept. 14, 4906 Wel- lington St, Montreal. (Sat.-tf) Work Wanted CARPENTER WORK. SHNGLING furnaces repaired and cleaned. chimneys cleaned and rebuilt, floors oiled. gleaned and waxed. General work of all kinds promptly ded to. Phone 2582W. Undoing Ean" Anbu fesie 4 KiNG ST. # King street it. | P03 fa (Nov. 17-Dec. 17) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINLS. chesterficlds made to order manship guaranteed. G. stable, 74 Mechanic St 159570. Work A. Con- Phone (7248) Wanted to Buy WANTED -- GOOD GENERAL purpose Horse for winter. Apply Holland's Bakery. Phone 55. (140¢) MR. S. JACOB, DEA! "RIN RAGS, and all kinds Buying scrap batteries, 4 < and poultr: Goods called for. Phone -2060M. Residence 99 Mill street. (1110) Pets and Livestock LOST---MALTESE TERRIER, FE- mele, #9 months old. Reward. Phone 1495. 14 Nassau St, BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES FOR sale, from registered stock. Cheap. Make ideal Christmas gifts. F. 8. Jadues, Brighton, Ont. (141-2) FREE, FREE! CANARIES, GTAR- anteed singers. Hem hind tree with sale of singer, te. lays af- ter this motice. Mrs. D. Lowars, Darlington, RR. Ko, 2, Bowmaun- 3 ville, § FOR SALE_LAYING BARRED Rocks and Leghorn hens and pul- ets. A. Tinker, 320 Buena Vista Park Road N, (140b) SUITE Witte, "(1412) , (140) Restaurants | OSHAWA CAVE. 81 BOND ST. east, We serve a good meal, "dinner or supper for 30c. Also fish and chips, served as usual. Deliver orders on Friday only. (Dee, 9.1 mo.) Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ~House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screen and store win dows put on and removed. Phone 1302W Board and Rooms WANTED--BY YOUNG MARRIED couple, furnished rooms in refined family, rooms not pecessary, Box "J" Oshawa Daily Times. BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted, Apply 105 Colborne St. Bast, (Dec. 7-Jan. 7) | Lost and Found LOST---GREEN SIDE RACK FOR truck, between Stacey and Olive avenue, on Drew St, Cartage, 89 Division Bt. LOST--DARK RIMMED EYE- glasses, with gold ear pieces, Thursday afternoon between Albert St, School and 78 Fisher street. Finder please leave at above ad- dress. (141-p) LOST--IN STEEL'S STORE, FRI. day, December 16, one $20 bill. Reward if returned to 54 Albert =treet, (141-c) Notice of Application for a Divorce (141-b) NOTICE is hereby given that Charles Henry Gifford of the City of Toronto in the County of York * iin the Province of Ontario, Mach- |inist, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session ,thereof for a Bill of Divorce from 1his wife Eleanor Harrison Gifford at present residing st the City of 'Oshawa in the County of Ontario on the ground of adultery. DATED at the Town of Cobourg |- in the Province of Ontario this 7th. day of December 1927. 1 KERR & COCHRANE, King Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Solici- (Saturdays, Dec. 17-Mar.17) Cours Army Ck Chief Stresses Training and Imperial { London, Dec. 17.--In 8 letter to Carlile, for the Church Army Com- , makes reference to the sug- he money appropriated to the un- employment fund to assit emigfira- tors for Applicant. SCHEME E PROPOSED the Times, Wilson gestion to set aside a portion of tion to the Dominions and terms .the idea hopeful and constructive. He points out that the 1,000,000 unemployed consists of shifting units and mot a fixed list of Andi- viduals, and adds it is urgently 5 ded that a mew Government "mittee be set up to give a con- tructive turn to unomplo,ment Iazislation, including the provision | ninated of much wider training schemes. Fe thinks the commitice might well in the Unemployment Act al- er the word "country" to *"Tm- ive," and that less attention hould be paid to the "strict in- urance" phase in favor of greater xpenditure in assisting would-be migrants. Did we not flatter ourselves, the flattery of others could never hurt, us. deceased, who died on or about board with one or two un-' Call Cowle! 'REICHSTAG VOTES SALARY INCREASES Measure, Frowned on By Reparations Agent-Ge1e ail Pant. BY BIG MAJORITY Deputies Revile Each Other During Debate on the Bill EE Berlin, Dec. 17.--In a dramatic gession, in the course of which President Paul Loebe called to order several deputies for revill- ling one another iu un-Parliamen- |tary fashion, the Reichstag on third. and final reading Wednes- day passed the officials' salary in- grease bill, The hill, although one of the"measures to which Seymore REPARATIONS T0 BE FIRST CHARGE] Optimism | Mingled With Stern Warnings Keynote of Document RETR] Dec. 16--Until Germany has been given a definite - task % without foreign superv an perform or her own responsibility, without 3afoquarding measures for the protect of het Surency, neither the reparations its allied issues will na ally be waived is the conclusion wi 8. Pare ker Gilbert, ion With whid for parations, sums up his report for the third annuity ph under the Dawes an, Optimism, mingled with stern warnings, is the keynote of the document, which again constitutes an exhaustive review of Germany's eco- nomic Joiition for the year ending Aug, 31, Loyal Fulfilment Berlin, i Parker Gilbert, the agent-general |for reparations payments, recent- ly objected as likely to menace the | bataneing of the German budget in the future, had been submitted to the. Reichstag with. only slight changes. In a ten-hour session, all paragraphs, voted on separate- 1, were accepted with strikingly small majorities, while the whole {bill was passed by a vote of 383 to 538 sixteen deputies abstaining from voting. The Government parifes were supported by the Demoerats and Socialists and most of the mem- bers of the centrist party while the Communists, the Bavarian pea- sants' party and the economie party voted against the bill. Some of the centrists and members of the Bavarian peoples' party ab- stained from voting. Socialists Favor It Before the final vote the Social. fst spokesmen, explaining their position 2s friends of the meas- ures, declared that they entertain. ed many objections to the bill in its existing formr but felt that they ought to support it all he same !because If it were not passed nothing would be done to im- prove the economie situation of government officials. Clashes between the Socialists and Nationalists occurred during 2 discussion of a paragraph of the bill dealing with pensions. The Socialists deputy Erich Rossmann 141. Who compared the pensions Tecelv- |" 'Strung ( ©) 'ed by former Ministers and high | Mexico, down around Key We military officials with the rents | Branted to inyalided soldiers, was ridiculed by the Nationalist De- | puty Otto Schmidt, who, praising |me merits of the old army officers, said that they were worthier of: pensions than certain who got high posts by their party's patronage only, Junkers Praised "Your reproaches canmmot touch even the boot-tips of our old of- ficers, who will still be talked about when your men Scheidemann {and Rossnrann are long forgotten," | Herr Schmidt asserted, praising ithe Nationalist former Minister, Schiele for having relinquished his pension in favor of those blinded in the war. So he did, like 8 whipped dog," some Soflalist shouted, referring satirical newspaper articles Ee preceded Herr Schiele's no- ble gesture. When Herr Schmidt withdrew some of his arguments, President Loebe said that he had heard someone shout "A cowardly retreat," whereupon the Socialist deputy, Wilhelm Sollman explain- ed that he had shouted a *'coward- Ld rascal" and was duly callea to order by the chair, (CHINESE DISCARD COMMUNISH Awaken to Danger at Last-- Russia Staked Only Hope on World Revolt London, Dec. 16.--South China is being purged of communism by fire and sword, and as a result of events this week in Canton and Shanghai, including complete severance of dip- lomatic relations between Nationalist China and Soviet Russia, Bolsheyist diplomacy has suffered the most sey- ere setback yet experienced in the Far East, Discarded Communism It is still too early to interpret the full significance of the riot of blood- shed, destruction and cruelty during the latest spasm of violence in the birth of the new Chinese mation, but observers 'here think events show that China has discarded communism once and for all. They are convinc- ed that the Third International fac- tion of the Soviet Government in Moscow staked jts fast hopes for world revolution on the Orient a- gainst the fost. If, as observers > seem to think is likely, the Russian is eli- whole puzzling panor- hag. of inated, the Chinese Civil War may what soon. 'The antagonistic factions are again gp to be grouped as Northerners and ners, as they were during tri- umphant N; campaigns last year, when, with x Bb almost within the grasp of Nationalist legions, in- ternal stri'e broke out within the Na- tionalist © wuncil. This was followed by a fon struggle between the Wa- The Agent-General reiterates his previous acknowledgment of Ger- anys loyal fulfilment of her Ob- igations under the Dawes Plan, and also gives a renewed emphatic ex- ression to his criticise laid down in is much-discussed memorandum to he German Government of Oct, 20, In this memorandum the growing tendency toward overexpenditure, overborrowing and other budgetary practices which he noted in Ger many was made the subject of criti- cism. ETE "We are still in a testing period | and further experience is needed be- | fore it will be possible to form the necessary judgments," observed in his review. Mr. Gilbert | "But con- | fidence in a general sense is already | restored on many sides." Reparation Priority Mr. Gilbert believes that this is one of the principal factors to be re lied upon in bringing about a m ually ~satisfacory settlement the time for that arxves. when He re- ut- | calls that the authors of the Dawes | Plan did not indicate when in their opinion such a settlement would be- come possible in fairness to all con- cerned. A significant passage in the report definitely places the priority of re- paration external loans floated publicly and privately, with th eexception of the German external loan of 1924. SUNSHINE BELT. OF THE SOUTH The lonzest beach in the world 'way along up the coast of blue to someyhe :] east of Jacksonville" will not mean a thing to those who never see it, nor will the warm trople suns of midwinter or the sea bathing of January, There are oranres to be Soclalists | Picked when the snow fs barricad- Ing your door, golf and tennis down South when the weather strips alone will pot debar the breath of the North. When you think things at their worst they are really at their best in Florida and along the Guilt Coast. Hotel rates are reasonable and long limit winter tourist fares giving you a wide choice of routes are surprisingly low, why not make a travel investment in health? Jor all travel information con- sult M. R. Johnson or any Cana dian Pacific ticket agent. ARGENTINE CROP REPORT FOR 1927-28 IS PUBLISHED Buenos Aires, Dec. 16.--An Ar- gentine crops forecast for the agricultural year 1927-28, pub- lished today by the Ministry of Agriculture, gives the following figures: Wheat, 6,630,000 tops; flax, 2,160,000 tops; oats, 940, 000 tons; barley, 870,000 tons; rye, 187,000 tons, and seed, 28,- 000 tons. Linfield is the only other Irish club to win the League championship three years running. IFUEL COAL Stove, $16.00 per ton Nut, $15.50 per ton COKE $13.00 per ton WOOD Soft Slabs, load, $3.26 Mixed Slabs, load, $3.50 Hard Slabs, load, $3.76 Bodywood, Y4cord, $4.25 "Buy Relisble Fuel from » Reliable Firm" Waterous-Meek [:d. Yards, Cedardale---FPhaone 1288 Uptown Office, 86 King St. 1 Phone 660 han and Nanking factions of the Na- tionalists J ayments over service for th: Gulf of gg fr p.m.~--Daily, p.m,~Daily except Sunday, CPR, TIME TABLE Eastbound Traine 10.07 a.m.~Daily. u ais P w=Daily, 45 Rey cert Bond a.m. ~Bady except unday. a.m. ~Dai ¥ ow only. ih Mn nD. except Sunda, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Going West Lea EREgseR SR 233533833883; ®PIUP i - ESCs wet 4.35 p.m. i 845 pn. 9.40 p.m, 5 m. 0 p.m 1.3 Time marked * are gh eh busses to ' i We SUNDAY AND, HOLIDAY SCHEDULE sl ¥ 88 RT 1141111 155 FS ai 3 3 - & : where to buy your supply' coal. Your meighbors and other friends will tell yom abont 'this refiable yard, COAL COKE and WOOD Bloor 51. E Phone 198