_"Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM after Rn Krab, WDOD, Tonight's Best Features, 890 p.m. wey, (380)--Schenec! ctady sear lil Ras A A ir) Clearwater, Fla. teria Pro) KPRC "i Houston. Southern Paei- 00 Boo (39)--Tulsa, Tulsa Gleemen - Silen ight ORCL. Rl | (FUO, KOA, Regular Naming Joo Programs SETTING! bes To EAE "CAE, W WR, eh, ti32)-- Newark. Wellville oo HON 236)-- Muscatine, 1a. ® Ten a Sicage. V.MCA. ex ES =] wppy _h Vo Br, toe i, RC, 9.00 Lk om City. Moraing 4 9.00 am W 9.30 ww fh Detroit, "Tonight's Dine WLW (29) Women's hour. goo NY wt 8 (345)--Chicago, fin CRér (am =Toronto, Shopping mews: { WAIU (283)--Columbus, 0, Seriptuse; music. Mass. i "The Chel. 294) ~Milwauk Srudie frolic, W AD oD Akon: Gu Music. WCFL_(484)--Chicago. fin prog. ed Quarter: also ww & Gifs -Asuevite N.C. Rotagy Male Chorus. mR VO0, W SL. WOY WRC: also at 7.00, 7. a "Daity "The Boss." TAL ee be Whoarine Lions": 8.30 Red. Boy ork--"* HOO Sh SEATON oes: Victor it i W (428)~Cine music, WRZ (@1)-Springfeld, WNAC (353 -- Boston, Women's hour, AF (492)=N. Y, "Newspaper: WEBH (366)--Chicago. WEN S05) -Chicags Home manage i VHT Pli16) Chicago: Wi 's hour. \ WSB (476)--Aglanta, Homemakers hour, Musica program, w AMD SS Mel ¥ 1120 Yan oe ! 12 Noon Waly ( }_Chicage. sd WERH (366)--Ch eage. Ww WTMJ (m= aukee. a recital, MA (395) Ende 3 KFAB (309, Wei (341)=Nashville.. Farm question box. NOONDAY CONC 1# Noon WAI (283) Colum Y *o. Musi- Wis (345)=Chicago. R. F, D, Dinner )~Phila, Lugicheon. Wes vow cine, Ais 1 ay i 492)--N, ¥Y. Rolie's orchestra. Fp lf Sires, Mt, Royal Or- chest: ADC. (326)--N.Y. Luncheon music f WAM (400)=Cleveland, , Orchestra | Wom CICA (357)--Calgary, News; wea. the: \ --M 3 chia iA Ono 5a. News: i RIHE (385)~Hot Springs. 4 a Ser. en's hour, equest or uby Trio. Ry ¥ Betty ¥ pn Concert, KV NEAL fv) Bromo" program, WA 8, weco and -8t, i 4 Farm Am- Address; music, pot- WOAF ( we ame 'we--Cie. Organ, Al Comey, also W " WMCA )=N.Y. Siring ensemble, UL bussade dor 2 cale. Ft WGN (306)--~Chicage, Drake ensemble. " KoIL, i278) Comcil Bluffs. "Old WGR S00 Buta. Kade Trades WAIU (294)--Columbus, O. Musicale. Waal (278)--Rochester, Studio pro- 315 Wit (535)--Des Moines, Music. : 400 WEAL, (285 5)--Baltimore. Salon or String 4.3) C! RS (330)--Saskatoon. Special music. wiz (45H-N.Y. Club, fo. cic VCFL ( Chicago. Sige. Around the town Woz "0 G03) -- Buffislo, Copeert en: JID ( 360)-Chicago, Petite ensem y WIZ GS, ¥ (370, WSB _(476)--Atlanta. wim (294)~Milwaukee, Luncheon Pass & WOHP (319)=Detroit, Tulles Trio, WHO (535)~Des Moines, The LA # AA (500)~Dallas, oy Wehs (349)--N, Y¥. Scripture; musi. * j Friday Programs i AFTERNOON PROGRAMS $00 ROM Weip or sot, Home hour. hii A (476)--Atlanta, Farm service, 3 81s KOK Bore Instrumental com- J Ee Boston. Musi WALAG le otal. Musical I boa (435)--Ottawa., Musicale, WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular music, WGBS (349)--N.Y. Talk music, ip (508)--Phila, Recital wi (366)--Chicago. a hears chil- , (357)--Toronto, Studio musicale, WGN (306)--Chicago, Artists recital. VF DAF (370)--Kansas City, Ww PAF (492)--N.Y, Music hour, B QW)! ncoln, Neb. Orchestra Ww HN b395)--N. Y. > program. rsyLivic' 4. 5.00 Weco (405)? WCFL (4 WoC fu 5.00 a] "Dinner Peun hs J LE YOU DINE 5 ( 16 Pitts. Country H " Fike, Con y, : Wes (517)--Pitts. . William Wik FN, Walder Astoria Ea enw satel, Dioner concert. wavy iP Dinger "ms 4 hs Fi 5 wor pool ark, Ged p00) aneoll, | Neb, 4 WHAL a. Jinner or. chestra, § WEI (405)--Phila. i ake pe R Ac any Sonia, iE Gh Dati. Wi Rar' phd : 4 Wiese (288)--Ciicago. Tip Top Os- i WJZ (4s0)-X.¥. Abrams orchestra. 4 Wow WW (508)--Omaha. Wigner music. 5 ey WSEs Oe Roriolk eg ung i . We ( rv oO Pee. fod 3 (Montreal. a= Bs t 526)--Chicago. i 333)--Springfield, gq Dinner Wie pees Moines. Paul Chris- THE 4% bi wir (395) a Wii G2 hits Ta ncle Robert. Hour." Daddy Wns . " Uncle as Wiig Cr icnger opm Foivey od. he POPULAR FROGRAMS #0 pon. EVOO (349) . Contralito. CSO (256 i 0. Music. WRNY (39)--N. ¥. Five Messner Brothers. (333)--Detroit. x w Sy "Michigan EL KOKA Sie. i KSO ( Xo Fhecnt Git Gila. N- od WGHP ee "Lady Moon. question WIBO (306)--Chicago. Somg recital. 800 KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. Artists WADE" on --Arron, 0. "Beare 10 ( Di Cglumbus, fe Rik he Fe Vil SO I _ WHB (M1)--Kansas City. Popular (535)--Dés Moines, Bakers Life ged, Rent [" Na Bobi" wl or NY Mae Plhers Cc NC T-Asheville, N.C. Fire SL FNorialk. M sicale, Junior "hour. EL spirit. ram, Vocal. tunes. pro- i YERw 50) Mi "BE a bX ax ax irk BLN re Worceater: Nate ans, Mee frien fom X, a han C, WM WMAQ. 5 Ft Ia. FCF Worth. Som -- ' --Chica rt nt El ie A News: Dor Sesingfisld, lay WNO he he 476)--Atlanta. Army night, Rh (Eo pula: 9.30 Kirhis" (0)--tHor Springs, Vocgl a 405)--M; Mpl Ry oe North- yd on - 8. you (361)--Portland, Me. Treasure WGN (416)--Chicago. Concert. wae (517)--~Memphis. Entertainers, WO! 8 (361) Jeferson City. ert, WSB (476)--Atlanta. Gertrude L. ohnson, TIC (535)--Hartlord. ' Concert. 9.45 KFMX (23)--Northfield, Minn, Con- rt. Wii (309)-N.Y. Musical comedy 10,00 Chtutnbia Chain~* CA De Kidd," from WOR KMO!. 4 WeaD, WFBL, WG WIA WMAK, WAAQ, w AL, WOWO. from Red Network--Palmolive Hour, Y fon cale. "Indian Life." KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs, nele els (384)--Hot (Springs. ow ie Cries icago, WCCO (405)--Mpls-St, Paul. Music. WGN (416)--Chicago, Arabian Nights WHN (95)-N.v, Vocal. WHO (335)--Des Moines, AM (400)~Cleveland. 10.30 Led" Network: --Songs of the City, from WEAF, KSD, WEBH, WGY, WHAS, WCCO (405)--Mpls-St, Paul. Male 10.30 Vink (288)--Chicago, Popular, WIOD (384)--Miami Beach. Organ. WJZ (454)--N.Y, Around the piano. 11,00 KFI (469)--Los Angeles. Popular music, KFMX (236)~Nowthhield: Organ. KTAB (280 ak , Fun Makers, Bel Bo 51 rwater, Novelty E (70)--Milwaukee, Baden hor, 11.45 wap Fo Atlanta. neert 12 mid. Pacific Chain--"An_Hour in Mem: Lane, "from br KG, KG String and Concert, Capital Studio pro- WGES CE yor My Club. WNOX (266)--Knoxville, Popular en- tertainers. WT: (294)--Milwaukee. ICAL CONCER 8.00 Red Network--Cities Service Qrchestss, and Sarsliers fom Organ. 8° AN it WWY. WBAL (285)--Baltimore, Siovg quar- tet, WT LJ (294) ~Milwdukee. Classic) 8.30 kab" (394)--New Mexico College. Con- WeLA (517)--Clearwater, Fla, Concert. Was (322)--Louisville, Studio con- Wis (345)--Chicago. Oriental Male arte. war (306)--Chicago, Red Network-- Mittal 0 Red WEAF, WDAF, Wake, 3 Ri 7 oN, 5 Sie Wik, WEAN Wie Kv0o tes Golden bis whon @u)--Chastancogs, VEE (anche ek WHAS ica, Vi re Classical, Ek We 34 --Memphis, Wee Co s.. Opera. Calvert en- 10.00 CNRA (322)--Moncton, Concert RT (357 in to. Concert, A, sh N IR Zeilinska, soprano. , The Eu War Gin le Band. ssic KGO (348)--Onldand. Western Artists shy Se t. Si Music . « IZ USH--N.Y, Santa Claus and his 7.15 265)--N.Y. Sunday School les- 7.0 = (#92)--N.Y. "Rock-a-bye Baby," AK (4) or 11.00 6.30 7, 7)--Buffalo. 4 er. --Buffalo, BER x Y. y 78 WOO 3495. Pha, Science Service 800 Tales," WJZ, A REW, wee ¥ , Mo. Radio (333)--Kansas State - College. Spe of the Air" KSO Er ciasiads, Public he? (256)--Springfield, O. Sunday i] So-Miwayliar. "Do You ® KO. Ss. ly. + WGY 2.15 Tous Popular lec- Bs Louis. Bible School. )--Denver. Kickoff: "2% Wikisy £309)---N. ¥. Play, "Her Ton- KBAC A wox Toronto. wey, EA Play- 100 WGES I "Maggie and nw eS VON. (416). 9. "Sam 'n Meary." 200 KMA (#5) Dance . of- WF, (545)--Dallas. Orchestra. B30 WHN (34) --New York. chestra. 900 KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Dance _ WHO (535)--Des Moines. Oschestsa. * « THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1927 oF are WOO Orchestra WCAE Wh WEAR: 230 = A gh) 10.00 Va (285)--Baitithore. Dance or WFLA (317) Clearwater. Radio aa Dance or- Kage. City. 9 Da al a Hoca Wag ++ Bi so mans Ee pn WAAD AA Orchestra. age "shawioai" a. Hotel. --_-- TT -------- NOR Newark, Dance; 'also WRY: 4 (254)--Richmond. Hotel Rich- WSEA (263)--Norfolk. Orchestra. 400)--Cleveland. WITAM ( Dance. 11.15 WEBH (365) Chicago. Edgewater Beach. 11.30 (300)--St. Louis. Berger's. KYW (526)--Chicago. Congress = or- chestra. A & WHN (34)-N.Y. Silver Slipper. 12 mid. KOA (326)--Denver. Dance frolic. KOIL (319)--Council Blulls. Oschestra. WJID (366)--Moosecheart. Victorians. 12.43 WDAF _ (370)--Kansas City: Night hawks. 1 am. CNRV dance. , 200 KNX (337) Hollywood. Dance music. (Copyright, 1927). (291)--Vancouver. Popular Light House Overalls and Smocks, per gmt, $1 98 I. Collis & Sons 50-34 King Street West, Oshawa Opp. Centre St, Phone 733W L. 5. ENVOY MAKES VIGOROUS PROTEST American Citizen Victifn in. Recent Anti-Semitic Riots Bucharest, Rumania, Dec. 14.-- William S. Culbertson, the United States minister lodged a vigorous protest with M, Titulescu, foreign minister, against the mistreatment of William N. Keller, of Linden Hall, Pennsylvania, who was at- tacked by students in recent ant' Semitic riota at Oradea Mare. Kel- ler, whose injuries were so seri. ous he had to be removed to a hospital, directed his wife to tele- graph the facts of the assault to the Uaited States consul gemeral at Bucharest. His wife did so, but the telegram was never de- livered. Mr. Culbertson, upom learning of the case throush a courier who brought him an appeal frome Mrs. Keller, immediately lodged a de- mand with the Rumanian gevern- ment for investigation of the facts, indemnification of the victim and punishment of his assailants. Deeply stirred by Titulescu, who is still confined to his bed, sent for the minister and forthwith expressed the sincere re- gret of the Rumanian Govern- ment. He dispatched a special in- vestigaior from the Department of Justice to Oradea Mare with in- structions to probe the assault to the bottom, have Xeller's asaail- ants apprehended, and make the fullest report to the government. the case. M. FOURTH TRIAL OF ACCUSED WOMAN Mrs. Gallop is Charged With Murder of Husband Quebec, Dec. 14.--The fourth trial of Mrs. Abraham Gallop, charged with the murder of her husband at Ile Maligne over two years ago, got under way in the Court of King's Bench Monday morning. Sir Francois Lemieux, Chief Justice of the Superior Court is presiding. Considerable time was taken up at the opening of the trial by the choosing of the petit jury to hear the case. Mrs. Gallop was arrested two years ago charged with killing her PAGE THIRTY husband by- administering strye nine to him. Her first trial, at Roberval, resulted in a com tion and the accused was sem ed to death by Mr. Justice Gi Mrs. Gallop's attorneys took A conviction to appeal and secured new trial. Since then the has beccme a cause celebre. The second trial which place at Roberval, ended by. th disagreement of the jury." third drial was ordered and he at Quebec. Defence lewyera fi ly opposed the change of venu but the change was upheld am the third trial of the accused wo man opened here on October 1 with Mr. Justice Marchand siding. Evidence had practically concluded at this trial wh through the illness of Mr, Jus Marchand, the proceedings temporarily abandoned. Amo! trial was ordered and it was open ed Monday. BLLA GINDERS Loo Who's Here! U by tropolitan §. Pat Of; Copyright 22, paper YF OGEEGOSH ! ; QN\NVATTERS Neex! PI FOLLOWED YOU HERE -- WATCHED YOU COBY THE MAP~ AND HID WHEN T \ yd You WERE SURE TO LOCKED IN! By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ! THERE'S PLENTY OF TIME -- E WATCHMAN \WON'T GE FOR = AN R~S0 HAND ADIUM MAP cet BEFORE TF PERMANENTLY HAT SNEAK N EEK! | After Glia' months of search, | #8 ke going to sten in arc con | that map? IT LOOKS B. os Ex > ii a fC, Shit, Smble. 39 a BRINGING UP FATHER DON'T You = Ta v ™ SURE BE APARTMENT 19 BEAUTIFUL? 1} WANT YOU TO CO ACROSS THE HALL AND GET ACQUAINT: ED WITH THE NEIGHBORS THINK OLR THEY MULUST NICE PEOPLE TEE iad | I'LL BET THIS 19 SOME OLD GUY THAT'LL TALK ME TO DEATH ABOLT BOOKS AN' - HISTORY ME HAT 12 [Foeear SH - SH" Ll WAIT'LL | GIT | "By Ceo, McManus N ME: BUT I'M MRS JIGS FROM THE APARTMENT ACROSS THE HALL MY HUSBAND CALLED HERE ABOUT D HOURS AGCO- E HERE"? i= i MOMMY HUSBAND DISAPPEARED IE: ABOLT Tw 3 ) at YES, TOMMY, THE FRENCH IES LOOK FORWARD CHRISTMAS JUST ot EN FRANCE THE CHILDREN PLACE THEIR WOODEN SHOES ON THE HEARTH SO THAT "BONHOMME NOEL (FATHER CHRISTMAS) MAY FILL dy © L] THEM WITH PRESENTS WHEN HE COMES DOWN THE CHIMNEY. BONHOMME NOEL 18 ACCOMPANIED BY LE PERE FOUETTARD, WHICH MEANS FATHER WHIPPER IN ENGLISH. FATHER WHIPPER LEAVES A BIRCH ROD FOR THE CHILD WHO HAS BEEN NAUGHTY DURING THE YEAR, © 1927. by King Festroms Syndicare, Ine. Cont Bis i igs nd 12-14 " [=r TF Z INTERESTING THWNG YEAL-SAY | WAS UST RE/@NG AN IN THIS PAPER] JTS 15 THE R= WORST TRAFFIC [9AM 1 EVER SAW!