THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1927 H tours wiz = == JIGTICE MARTIN Fireamarn OTTANA VISTTOR Jo rs for i ing Raiee & nec) a at: rings a ear- Some ne SX Ah tavoiguon Cl Clam af Peck PL a et 'way Lands ship and design. Some of ate -- tain a delicate drosted test et | giawa, Dee. 14.=Mr. Justice . diamon i JA things Ww! Martin of the Supreme Court of to choose,--~rings, pins, from orna- | Saskatchewan who is the Royal ments, bracelet: ao, clocks cig- | Comurlasioner inquiring into Brit- arette cases and 8 oon, » Sulumhia'e Jim ig Jotara of "Just WI ona sores aylands, {a here in connec- Jewelry for at [Hon with the winding up or \ae has been influene XG i 'linqury. The intention is to con- ions in ron ve | clude it in January. called 3 a he Hine in i chive In British Columbia several ments. ide bracelets are worn. [hearings took place last summer, L : - : Pins are used for the sh shoulders o or [the province's case being com- ; hip, where formerly bar pins were | pleted but the commissioner will | By MARJORIE HOWE DIXON | than the average chair, which is The ¢ d glass she held upright used for the open collar of shirt. look up the records at Ottawa. O start with eighteen inches from the floor. d you of a calla lily, In its waists. Pearls fit in with wd If the present plans carry, writ- th in you must consider or this purpose there are lovely | center was a flame-shaped white eleg- kinds of costumes that they have ten arguments will be submitted J 1h recipient o the gift slightly gay cushions to sit on,--and a tray | tric globe. The effect was at onge | 87¢at popularity, and sent to the parties which may at ps i i ra wer om, and | along side of an unusual shape, with | dignified and most unusual, Consider the one on whom you are | make supplemental reply to each Bi thie aia mirror top and feet, that bring it 'Nice Things in Glass about to inflict your gift, ( me | other. It is considered that this ng to | the least bit higher than the cushions, 1 you friends who Tike glass. gifts are an infliction, aren't they!|course will materially expedite the t se he is real in wi y mid: Victarian well 44 on iff of 4 ble to, Bt in with a some, very excellent | 1 TAKS one perfectly gulp to have | preparation of the report to which : to say "thank you" for them), To you Ee ve to select with greater | preciated. There are several kinds. r selections. For . much importance is attached, It care, his gift, Of course he would | One was composed of three circular the fostede the ele is 4 punch bowl give fat very. bg Ah is expected quite early in the ses- vey admit he was mid-Victorian,-- | glass shelves graduated in size, laf wih match, d he punch cach of your friends is our parting sien of Faniament. they, Dever do, But if you keep in | smallest at the top. These had a ha A iy ha eh haped | 000d wish for you! The conclusion of the commis- ' YEty conventional and | center rod surmounted by a cut A han t h a natch for the | 7 sloner will have a material bear- ne e fae conservative you | tal handle, and the base of this rod . o the adle to projec t. The FOUR SHIPS R ing upon the Peace River Hall- Hele th inp be. le Tg 4 some | was a silver star, Another table was | (S00 ne iy p pe vith LITERALLY REACH | D BREC way project. If British Columbia's t a ed Tey ks of a most amusingly odd shape, pr the set. For © oe ray ICE claim to the "Peace River block" [Contrast these crude devices with the audiphone, lately t Jour end is & ecting. an- | painted orange with queer little | {7 A I or My he a8 well as the lands In the "rail: perfected by Bell Telephone engin hi sa 6 ) Socke"or old ot at thi ng ee = | shelves and nooks helow it. 10% several kinds of ALN nels Qucbee, Que, Dec, 13.--After a|way belt" is entertained, the prov- lo: mall Sere, and which or oid glass, or sce | © Bookends and Flowarbowls | Xie) holds he Bicker wih hard battle a inst the elements and [ince would come into the passes- |" of yo on Lic OPRORS, VACUUM tube amplifiers, h she has such: a table you may the heavy ice fields of the Lower St.|sion of very valuable properties of a tiny telephone receiver molded to fit the ear, hy fi an our task is 30me- : lasses set round it and has a high hp tml nd he peat [ane to give hex someting for andle over all, so that it may be | Lawrence, four steamers, the ice: |great financial help towards the |TBis product of Bell System research has proved a great breaker Mikula, the costal steamer | ext {oted your search may lead ! : "! carried easily, These sets come in 4 extension of railway communica- [boon in recent months to thousa 'tar Ae it will be a fas- FH if Lan different colors, rose, amber, green Gaspesia, ond freight Ae Fore. tion to the Peace River countr |ieafness, and one cannot but ng a a nat ¥ search for all that. Some of these have no mare serious | 81d so-on, In the same part of the Mos boy Murs w B " i either by the province itselt or by |, What atl greater For the Antique-o-phile urpose In this world: than to he Jove intricate arrangements of glass 3 elte a vii id or severa any private interest it might as- You may find the very thing you faughed at. Others arc ash trays or | Peads are made for gifts, --peacocks rays, [eae e i" e acient capital at 2} gop are looking for, in some tiny antique | incense burners. Chinese elephants ind pheasants and birds,--such odd They ay wh a hted ith i op in anothef town, and at the | with their fine reserve of modeling birds that ond Old in the oy Apa oy As iil ee) e time a pair of those charmingly | fit in beautifully with the modern d in Jewelry hich 1 d th P id A ves y glans DN 0 in ALY on. A Speaking of beads, if The Ji yhien battered 4 em for | hots dus: 2 » 4 0 give jewe ry ior one's gite, ere e teen twenties that you have been | Bowls for flowers come in never are things that make one catch one's | have raged on the lower reaches of t for ever so long. To one | ending varicties. This year low ones nd who, e enjoys it, there is nothing quite | of odd shapes are especially designed breath at some of the jewelry shops. | the river for the past week, ' tful as to browse around in| to hold cactus plants, Surely al i A A ttf A A A » pi que shop would not feel tempted to sit on one For contrast, let let us return to our of these low tables if a warning in a -------------------- | modern erson who | the way of many-spincd cactus sat " BY fel ik and quite R isi Ay that the | on top of it. THE CANADIAN NA TIONAL RYS, i things that ted in th AN Thi Ligh rf! ition y Xp " hu If your frie: nd Tore Jn bism she will operate the following extra trains in and out e Arts are "pe periesty dar! Is | may enjoy a new wrought iron stand of Oshawa to take care of ae something for her? in- | that holds three pots at different CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TRAVEL hts. The sl ts a husk heights. The shape suggests 3 husky December 24, 32.82 p.m, to Montreal Low Pavsptutive and vigorous sunflower, but is paint- To begin with in the modern art | ed red and green. ¥ December 24, 2.47 p.m. to Ottawa it seems to be, largely a matter of | Bottles filled with colored water December 24, 7.28 pan, to Toronto Deripee ve, That sounds like the |are made into lamps and having December 24, 7.82 pm. to Toronto bromide, --but it isn't. A low | bright pleated shades, fit in very well December 24, 11,00 pm, to Montreal pacive especially characterizes | with the modern effect, December 85, 5.28 a.m, to Toronto hs e is expected | A very new and lovely thing in the TRAVEL THE "NATIONAL WAY" % Gifts for everyone on your list, There is just the thing you want, There are, literally, hundreds of h ur of low stool, or | way of a light was held by a kneel- st ona bench lower | ing figure in pottery on an onyx base. | | | ---- EE -- | interesting items on display and so sonvepiently arvanged that selection is a delightlully easy matter, Towels, Scarfs, | Handkerchiefs, | D AINTY UNDIES Handbags, Make Fine Gifts Ete Glove Silk and Fine Lingerie qualities, Tailored 4 and more elaborate affairs, A wonderful variety Pure Linen Guest Towels from which to make the selection you want to carry 76¢, $1.00, $1.50 your Christmas cheer, Kayser Glove Silk Vests Bloomers +o s+ ss:0000s 2:78 $2.45 to $3.78 Nightgowns 0 se sree $3.98 Bloomers to match $2.95 to $8.26 Pyjamas .. ., ......,. 550 Oxford Silk Vests, plain and WOODS LAVENDER LINE fancy .. . $1.00 to $1 35 Vests, all shades ........ $1.78 Bobette Blosmen $1.25 to $1.85 Among Accessories Neckwear is Desirable for Gift Giving for they "freshen up" Win ter time Costumes, Collar and Culf Bel, Vestees ,..ssrrrrsrsrsrss: $1, 00 up to fhe mod on f ot the very 040) 0 LAL LAARAAA CA ARILALLRYY "*¥5 440040 RABALUARI G0 AULA RUALARLAZELI MAA) (1001 LASERS GAH | Handkerchichs Pure Linen Luncheon Sets A A Handbag or Someone ed, ready to _ from with colored edges $3.50 Y List put to om 5 crt cl 50 You hemstitched, Pouch Begs in genuine Loose 10¢ to 80c each $2.35 Pair leather, silk lined, fawns, 75+, $1.00, $1.50 iful Scarves, in ' Ce Beautiful es, crepe Meth Bags from Prone black, grey and tens, ois | T§196108750 $295108850 $350 $8.25 almost Ca Y Ere sortain to meet with stor , by Zit, Besex » Rpg by oie In Eohoie fs oobi por ry ines ' a favor. We have a Vet even he ey « pp hot record DT i i. pede i complete ox & Ehoasande of buyers wore io were 0 86 with other ' , PERRIN'S FANCY KID GLOVES register istaks ob ab | $2.65, $2.95, $3.50 J hn pteenca rots the vamakable octet tr te ; | Wasktlle Cope css 12215000022 S00 Chamuoisette ,, ,,,..». 50c to $1.49 Lined Cape +4 55000» $2.00 to $3.95 ; ¥ Fur Lined Cape ,,... $4.50 to $5.00 1 pty, pcs Seep : : Fur Lined Suede .. $5.00 to $6.50 4-pass. Seah 885 clusive, od b exery paso : aad ¢ " gp mi Vity Ss Zrii" ESSEX Super Sis 1 ¢ i CHADBURN MOTOR COMPANY ; NJ oie, sass, pas 50c to $1.59 : . HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS . 9 Prince Street Oshawa MM i Ms WW MM MC