Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Dec 1927, p. 1

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he Ostia Baily Ties SUCCEEDING The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1927 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. PERSONS KNOWN DEAD FROM STORM re Be haphatie f the Government 'Law as a temper- : measure was declared by the : hod of Ontario in con , The resolution paws. 'the convention asserted that Sd of motor ac- : Lah Hove n- There was pra on the resolu- york Among the res- ed were those uUrg- ing of all ar "' yuventle jmmi- ed. Am exami! urging that be- any war there gr it until the next snnual con- ni A resolution asked ex- emption from taxation of farm im- movements, while others gonght petion ot deer Bunking season trom 80 to fodici..o:. uni TWO CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH =: Mother and Brother Are Se- verely Burned--Shack "is Destroyed . {By Canadian Press) Sault . Marie, Ont., Dec. 9.-- Two, children, Mildred Samek, aged eight and her brother, Harry, aged gix, were burned death early today and their her and 3 brother-in-law, Edward #Samek, suffered severe burns when the four roomed shack im which they lived at Algonquin -was burned down shortly after midnight. Mrs. Samek and her brother-in-law were burned when they endeavored to save the children. NEW FORD CAR DISPLAYED HERE Muh Interest Shown in New Model--Hundreds Visit Show Rooms new Ford ie here. It was Ld ' SUCCUMB TO FUMES FROM SOFT COAL FOUND ON SHI Sr -- (By Canadian Press) Port Oolhorne, Dee, 8-- Ed. ward Whaler of Midland and Patrick Walsh of Soctland, en- gaged in laying up the steamer Norman Clement in harbor heve, were found dead today, from fumes of soft coal em. bers which they took from the fire hole to warm their room i the ship, Nn infuest will be 1S ALLOWED $3,600 A YEAR ALIMONY | Me. Victoria Lang Also is Given Custody of Two Children (By Canadian Press) Pa Dee, 9.--Alimony of 8,800 a year, custody of her two bot ll and the sum of $500 a i each for their maintenance was granted Mrs, Victoria Lang by Chief Justice R, M. Meredith in the non-jury Assize Court here today in her action against her husband, Jerome Lang of Kitchener of Kitchener, COUPLE GUILTY. OF MANSLAUGHTER Mrs. M. "Lilliendahl and Beach Convicted--W oman Breaks Down Mays Landing, N.J., Dec, 8,--A jury that had deliberated for more than 23 hours today convicted Margaret Lillliendahl, housewife, and Willis Beach, chicken farmer, of voluntary manslaughter in the killing of the woman's aged hus- Mrs. Lillendahl wept quietly as the jury forewoman rendered the verdict that made her liable to & prison sentence of mot more than 10 years or 8 fine not to exceed $1,000, or both. Beach, his pasty face set in 8 twisted sneer, did not 80 much as flinch, VIOLATED CITY FIRE BY-LAWS Russe'l Keonizg end Wil liam Taylor Pay $1 and Cosis The fire was on Arlington avenue on the evening of November 24, and a number of motorists were attracted by the familiar siren. Or perhaps it was because it was a car that was on fire that the m¢ oterists were lured to the scene. But the fact is that two of them we:c interested fn h our fire exasperated, asked th who attended to take t- nu the offend'ng cars, and mig and William Taylor in ¢- received summons on cho: TRting the the city by-law. Koenig immediately. saw 1! of his ways, and leaded guilt ty to the charge without comment, paving 2 fine Age $1 and $5.50 costs. Bu! Taylor pleaded mot guilty and was zranted an adjournment when the case first came before the magistrate early in the week, and in police court had L. Hyman defending him. After hearing the evidence of the constable asked through his counsel, leave alter his plea to one of guilty. which was Sranted, and he was cov victed of the offence and fined $1 with $625 costs. He has only been in the city a short time and did not the by-law, but, as the mag- istrate pointed out, this is mo excuse her ol £.L00Ur 50 s of vio- the for. violation of a law of this kind, when it is wery mecessary that the fire Aevartment be not ndered in com- botting fires. 1 Keo-§ o OFrOr ior ildren's Shelter In 1928 women, childr shoul to the Children's Ald Board fees tured last night's election of offi- cers, C. B, Schofield and Ald Gegrge Hart were elected to fill vaeancies which have occurrec since the 1926 election, On sug- gestion of President Schell, the Board was increased by the elec- tiop of ex-Warden Jackson of On- tario County whose great interest in ¢ ren's welfare work has been Marked, A, G., Storle was also proposed for membership and unanimously elected. Three Jadies were added to the Board, namely: Mrs. C. E. Scho- field, Mrs, H, P, Schell and Mrs. 1 Moray tim; Board members clude the following: President, H P, Bchell; G. W. McLaughlin, W. D, Eliott, W, E. N. Sinclair, K. Cy MPP, Dr, T. W. G. McKay, J. A, Bickell, Dayid Haverson, T, H, Everson and 0, M. Alger; Mrs W. R., Gelkie, Mrs. F, W. Cowan, Mrs, E. W, Drew, Mrs, Frank Rokgen, Mrs. T. H, Everson, Mis. M. ke, Mrs, J. C. Young, Minis- terial members are, in alphabeti- al order, Rey, Father Bench; Rev. Canon dePencier, Rev. C. W. DeMille, Rey. Dr. Dougall, Rev. W. P. Fletcher, D.D., Rey. John Galt, Rey, F. J. Maxwell, Com- mandant Osborne, Rev, A, C, Reeve, Rev, R. A. Whattam. Official Members Board members by virtue of of- fice are the Mayor of Oshawa, Warden George Sweetman of On re-elected in- Christian, and the County Coun- cil finance committee chairman, Hoporary presidents of the So- cipty ere Messrs. F. L. Fowke, J. D. Storie and Major A. F. Hind. While the Children's Aid So- ciety closed its year in 1926 with a deficit, the books were closed on October 831 of this year with accounts praetically balanced. An apparent overdraft of some #$1,- 800 1 be written' off by receipt rants from the County of On- (Continued on page 6) RULES DIVISION OF CHURGH ASSETS Judge J. iE Thompson Hands Down Decision in ; Beaverton A ruling that certain assets of tha P.osbiterian Church of Beav- rom gre to be divided equally be- tweon the Continuing Presbyterian end the United Church congrega- tions, was , handed down by His Fonor Judge J. E. Thompson of Whitby yesterday. By the judge's decision, the organ fund of #$1.- 142.66, or such an amount as was on hond on April 5, 1927, the date of passinz of an act of the Ontario Legislature especially relating to the Presbyterian Chern, will be divided equally be- tween the two congregations with 'ntevest a+ 3 per cent. per annum. The church bell is to be sold. and the proceeds divided. eaually be- tween the. twp congregations. Money geceiwed from cushions, gowns, electric fans, electric fir- tures and other equipment, is also ite be divided. 'terio. County, County Clerk A. E. ITo Launch Drive To Secure Membership of 2,000 In City And County In Near F uture Twine Pe Biggest Drive Ever Staged East of Toronto--Sup- e:intendent O, M, Alger Submits Exhaustive Report of Year's Work, Although He Assumed Office Short Time Ago -- Over 1,100 Children Involved During Past Year -- President H, P, Schell Proposes Prepar ing for New Shelter to Meet Requirements Launching of a campaign for two thousand members in Osh- awa and South Ontario County was authorized at last night's general meeting of the Children's Aid Society, The time for the beginning of the biggest membership drive ever staged east of Toronto in this Province was left in the hands of the executive, hut the committee to have charge of the effort will, on sugges- tion of Mrs. F, W, Cowan, be composed equally of men and Other important points touched upon in the presidential ad- dress delivered by H. P, Schell, was the matter of building a new 's shelter, The plans for that institution, he suggested, at least be prepared in the coming year with a view to erection the year following, He advised the society that oughly up-to-date building is badly needed. The addition of new members fs a thor- | ARRANGE SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION FOR COLLEGIATE STUDENTS Arrangements have been made for Oollegiate Students Hving in the more southerly section of the city who will ate tend the Collegiate Institute Frolic tonight, Trustee Alex. W, Bell, after conferring with the Oshawa Railway Company officials, has arranged to have a special car for Somth Oshawa, Cedardale Bake in front of the colloetnte at 11.30 p.m, to take students home who may live in any of these districts, POLISH PREMIER ARRIVES GENEVA Pilsudski to Hold Conference Over Lithuanian Disputes (Cable Service to The Times By Canadian Press) Geneva, Dec. 9--Premier Pil. sudski arrived here this afternoon in connection with the controversy between Lithuania and Poland. He went immediately to' the hotel where he was met by Von Blokand of Holland who has been desig- nated by the League of Nations Council as a special reporter on disputes. A public meeting of the League Council will be held tomor- row to discuss the matter.» Briand and Chamberlain will be the prin- cipal speakers. Efforts will be made to bring about an amicable settlement of the crisis. It was un- likely that the Premiers of the two countries would face one another in open council owing to the tension existing between the two. ATLLANTIC SPEED W, London, Dec. 8.--With vear-old Mauretania, Britain | that she will be speed record for tween E and fhe efforts of German crmans are now constructing 46000-tonners, the Bremen and ope, introducing, it is said, possible innovation with the inten. tion of lowering the Mauretania's colors. These shops are designed to travel 26 knots, while the Mauretan- i ait ds ia's mormal speed is 25 knots, -~ INSPECTOR T0 RESIGN IN ESSEX Lapensee, French Bilingual Inspector, Caused Dissatisfaction ASKED TO QUIT Action is the Result of Con- ference Between Inspector and Premier (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Dee, 9.--Inspector La- pensee, French Inspector in the Bilingual chools of Essex County, will resign his position after Christmas. Premier Ferguson af- ter a conference with him today said that the Inspector had ab- solutely denied complaints publish- ed in the press, 'but unquestion- ahly it appears he caused a cer- tain amount of dissatisfaction, no matter what the cause we will re- move all dissatigfaction and irrita- tion," the Premier continued. "In spector Lapensee may have unwit- tingly created this but we must deal with it. He was only appoint- ed temporarily until after Christ- mas, and after that he will be dis- continued." CLEAR COLD WEATHER FOLLOWS TEMPES) (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Dec, B==Clear cold weather with indications that within the mext twenty four hours sub-zero temperatures would be recorded, today fol. lowed the tempest which blew up yesterday. No veporys of any deaths directly attribut. able to the storm were received from any Ontario point up w early this aftermoon, North. ern Ontario points today alone reported sub zero tem. peratures, MINING BROKER DIES IN TORONTO Fred Verner Succumbs Sud- denly from Heart Attack (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Dec. §--Fred Verner, office manager for Arthur Moysey and Company, mining brokers, died suddenly last night at his home as a result of a heart attack, Mr, Verner was one of the best nown mining hrokerage men fin le Province. He was considered n authority on mines, He was in newspaper work in Toronto suine 30 years ago, but with the opening of the Cobalt Camp, entered the | mining field, BANDITS AT PORT PERRY GET 100 VALUABLE FURS AND STEAL AUTOMOBILE Issac Turner, Trapper, Hes! Storehouse Broken Into During Night and Sue- tains Heavy Loss--Police Notified and Have Case in Hand. Port Perry, Dec, 8.--A thief or thieves evidently passed through this town during the night, fo 100 skunk skins, the property o Isaac Turner, and an automobile, owned by Alex Gilboord, are miss ing. Police are investigating, but have not made any arrests as yet The skins were in a bulldinr on Mr. Turner's property ans were taken by some person or per sons during the night, and it ir believed they must have forced an entrance into the building. No traces were left. Mr. Turner com- municated with the police this morning. The Gilboord car, from what ean be learned was put in the garage last might by its owner who on going to the garage today, found it missing. BODY OF DE LESSEPS IS GOING TO SYDNEY St. John's, Nfld, Dec. 8--The body of Count de Lesseps, French aviator, who was lost while conducting an aerial survey over c, and body was picked ® ently on the southeast coast of Newfoundland, will be forwarded to Sydney tomorrow morning by the coastal steamer Cari- LINER STRIKES PIERHEAD AND 18 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Liverpool, Eng., Dec. 9.--The Cunard liner Franceonia, sailing for New York this afternoon, struck a pierhead and sustained damage to the stern. Apparently the damage was slight as the liner continued the voyage. 'TRUSTY' LEAPS INTO FURNACE Prisoner Found in Fire By Jailer and Turnkey-- May Die ) 9.--~Jump- ing head first into the furnace in the basement of the Hastings County Jail today Frank Renaud "Trusty" attempted suicide. will probably die. The jail was den and turnkey found the man inside the furnace 8 few minutes later and dkagged him out, Rob- ert Collings, turnkey being badly wounded in the effort. Renaud would have completed bis (By Capadian Press Belleville, Ont., Dee. sentepce whose |on December 19, He wap 5 sentenced for an off. under the Liquor Control yo vale, A PRIN To Si vg Wales next year will wisit ony and other British East African He | Bey, Manitoulin Island. [Wreckag e Floats Ashon Is Believed To Be Fro Stranded Ship Aga Steamer Agawes Hay Holds! illed With Water, Being Still Hard Aground But Crew Believed to Be in No Immediate Danger TUGS ON WAY TO HER ASSISTANCE Other Vessels Reported in Distress -- Tug Which Set Out Last Night to Rescue Agawa Has Not Been Heard of Since ---- (By Associated Press) Chicago, Dec, B~With the denial of unconfirmed reports that bodies of two sheep herd. ers had been found in Alberta, the death toll in the storm on the western half of the contin. en was reduced to 28, Chicago, Dee, 9--More than thirty persons have met death in the sub-zero blast and blizzard which yesterday continued to fan the continent from coast to coast. Abatement of the snowfall and high speed wind does not mean the nrer- cury will begin a quick climb, The cold weather, however, was expect- ed to reach its peak today, Chicago reported nine deaths yesterday attributed to the cold and the remainder of Illinois four; Can- ada's blizzard toll heached eight to- day with the finding of the bpaies of two unidentifed sheep herders. Towa reported four dead. Wiscon- sin three and Minnesota two, (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Dec. §.--A special des- patch to the Toronto Telegram from Owen Sound states that at Providence Bay, Manitoulin Island, wreckage was reported to be com- ing ashore, believed to be from the steamer Azawa and grave fears were expressed for the safety of the erew. The correspondent also reports that a wireless station re- ported that the rescue tug Strat- bogie was anchored at Cape Croc- ker in Bruce Peninsula unable to proceed because of the storm, Pur- vis, a fisherman, was instructed to take food and clothing and keep tires burning in the night to be able to receive the crew if they could get mshore. The steamer Martain of the Can- ada Steamship Lines is now report- ed aground on Thunder Cape, Lake Superior, bug the crew is believed safe, Er ---- Winnipeg, Dec. 9--Four lake freighters today were aground in heavy seas. While there was anxi. ety for half a dozen other vessels which are missing, it is pointed out that none of these are equipped with wireless and they are Mkely in shelter. Disabled steamers are the Algon- quin at Copper Harbor; Martian at Thunder Cape; Altadoe at Keewan- aw Point, and Agawa at Michael All four, except Algonquin, are reported in danger of breaking up and aid is being rushed. The disabled steamers carry a BODIES OF TWO UNIDENTIFIED M FOUND IN § (By Canadian Press) Port Colborne, Ont,, Dee, «The bodies of the two " not yey identified were found) in a room of the steamer Oles? ment in the Welland Canal tos day. Police are ivergniingel NEW CHARGE IN 2 RUNANIAN GRiof Liberals Charged With voking Riots to Divert Attention '(By Associated Press)' Bucharest, DeDe, 9.--Prove tion of fatal anti-semitic riots two former Hungarian towns divers attention from the press Rumanian political erisis has b charged against Liberal Gg ment, Riots occurred in Cluff, miles from the Hungarian 16 and Oradea Mare, within ten mil of the border, Professor Madgas leader of the National Peassl Party, asserted that the Gov ment gave University stud eighteen thousand dollars to su port the anti-Semite movement, ROYAL TEWPLARS ELECT OFFICER Next Meeting Will Be in the Form of Skating Party : The annual meeting of Osh Council No. 58, Royal Templars Temperance, at which the offi were elected and other business | interest discussed, was held night in the 8. 0. E. Hall, € siderable progress for the council was reported, and a naj ber of the officers were re 8 for the coming term. It was d ed that the mext meeting, is scheduled for December would be in the form of a party, The &¥ficers are: Select Councillor D. M, G Vice-Couneillor D, Smith; B., Haynes; Chaplain, Me Crouse; Recording Secretary, L Cormie; Financial secretary treasurer, Miss H. S. How, ald R. Poung; Deputy herald, Howden; Guard, Mrs. To Sentinel, Mrs. Massey; Aux Messrs. Tonkin and Young; p Mrs, Dalton SYDENHAM FARME NOW IMPROV] Augustus Hotchiiss, the 8 Year-Old Victim of May Recover Owen Sound, Dec. 8-- While lice officers believe they are ing progress on the case of the bing and beating of susty 90-year-old den! 9 Hi | " i= ? 2 : it ] 2 4 i : EERE i i i nil g 5

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