Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Dec 1927, p. 9

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= + "'Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAMS ght's Best Features, BH ( VOO (349)--Tulsa. Princess Pakanlii, pps210, and Chief Roaring Thunder, , twork :--Palmolive feature Mont. Jack ag Hb iy er ear t after 0 KoA, Koil, kX a Ger WRVA, Ne: Morning Programs G-UPS im. Red NG er 18 Eat "WEAR, WOR BG i VRC: also at 7.00, 7.20, and OR (422) Newark. Wellville Bym, MINT S20 Muscatine, Ia. "Daily mu VY of (8)= Chicago. YMCA. ex- (S 0 ( 2)--Clacinda, LY "The Boss. NEAF Tk Roaring Lions": 5 NOC (375) Davenport. Ha ppy hour. d Network--"Cheerie," 1 WEAF, VGY WRC, VDAF (370)--Kansas City, Bible lesson. HOU SEWIFE FEATURES m. HO (535)--Des Moines. Wi Bd gram, 5)=Detroit, "Tonight's Din- iy (428)--Cinci. Women's hour. S (M5)--Chicago, Home question RCL (357)--Toronto, Shopping news: UsSIC, : ly (283)~Columbus, O. Scripture; 2 a0) Springteld, Mass, Organ; UN AC 353) -- Boston. Women's hour, A 'M BHM, W Studio frolic. (297)-- fkron, 0. Musi (492)=N. Y. Vocal talks, (484)--Chicago. Municipal prog. : Eni (366)~Chicago, "Newspaper NG N (306)--~Chicago, Home manage- ment perio (HT (416) -- Chicago, Women's hour, n £6) ~ Atlanta. Homemal rs' hour, ( Morning Victor WEBH (36)--Chicago. Women's hour. wg EOIN ee Request or- ns NC RuRuby Tele od WSM (M1)=Nashville. Farm question 12 Noon WTO (AD Combi 0: Music a Too Ca Luncheon usic. mi Noon-day musi- F (492)-N. Y. Rolie's orchestrd Fr (4h1)--Monureal Mt. Royal Or- Wabe: (326)--N.Y. Luncheon music. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. ~~ Orchestra 1 pm. CFCA (357)--Calgary. News; wea: er. CNRA (322)--Moncton. Music. Koil ( Blufis, Ia. News; KTHS 385)--Hot Springs. Concert. AN 00 % Sait Noon program. D (225)--Mpls. Studio program. (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Farm WCFL (480--Chica a WDA Re Rte rm. ound Ror® Gs) -- Buffalo. Concert en- WHT (416)--Chizago. Organ, Al Car- ie (Chicago, Petite ensemble. whiN Luncheon music: VRC Gry. String ensemble. Wal (476)--Atlanta, usic, MJ (299)--Milwaukee. Luncheon Wohin (319)--Detrait. luller Trio. WHO (535)--Des Moines, The Sassadors 1.30 WFA. (500)--Dallas. Address; music, wails orion by Y. Scripture; musi- WGN (306)--Chicago, Drake ensemble. oe 1.15 Am- 1.40 Saturday Programs AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 2.00 pm. KFNF (270)--Shenandoah. time music. WSB (476) Atlanta. Farm service, KMMJ (230)--Clay Center. Afternoon program, Koft. (278)--Council Bluffs. h our, WGR (303) Buffalo. Radio Trades con. WOR (422)--Newark, Piano, vocal. i WMAQ (448)--Chi, Musical potpourri. 3.00 CNRO (434)--Cttawa. Musicale, KOIL (278)--Council Bluifs, (90) 23 Leisure Musicale MARTIN'S ONE THEATRE NIGHT MON. DEC, 12 The Annual Fun Event of the Year Bringing Up Father pois. All New ¢ of Fun Makers A Big Collection of Feminine Youth and Beaut: Prices-- B0c, 75¢c, $1,00 plus tax. Seat Sale ope: Monday, 10 a.m, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES FRIDAY. DE W. (293)~Columbus, O. Musicale. WERK (500)--Ft. Worth. Vocal \ WNAC (353)--Boston. Tea Dance. 500 KMOX (30)--St, Louis. music, WHILE YOU DINE 5.00 KDKA YE, "Pitts. Westinghouse 484)--Ch; bows Wai Gar er sago, jag, Oman. dance. 1 dio Teer City. Orchestra. WE. iY he XY. Waldori: also (333) eld. WHE Ga Ri Hotel Siping orcas (380)--Schenectady. Onandago or- (265)--Cleveland. Orchestra, (508)--Phila, Dinner dance. Orchestra, die i Q (448)--Chi. Organ, orchestra, (263)--Nofrolk. pe ke Bernie. WWNC S-aahevile, Vanderbilt, . Mpls.-St. Paul. Barlow's W GiChicago. Congress Hotel, ig Dallas, Raker orchestra, DDI &.00 WEBH Oe Chi "Dream Daddy" Davis. WGBS (349)--N.Y. Uncle Gee Dee. 6.15 WMAQ (448)--Chi. Topsy Turvey Time. 6.40 WTM (29)--Milwaukee. Seckatary Hawkins, 7.00 KYW (526)--Chicago. Uncle Bob, WIP (508)--Phila. Uncle Wip. 7,10 WGN (306) --Chicago. Uncle Walt, 7.30°WFAA (500)--Dallas, Children's hour. 8.00 WSM (341)--Nashville. Bedtime story. 8.3) KPO (422)--San Francisco. Big Brother 9.30 Ra] (405)--Los Angeles. Children's hour ULAR PROGR. TONIGHT 7.00 ¢ cron (357)--=Toronto, Musicale, WEAF (492)--N.Y. South Sea Islanders WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Studio, 7.30 Rad Network: --The High Likers, from WEAF, WCAE, WGR, WGY. '17 )--Clearwater. St. m, Peters. -Des Moines, of Harmony, 00 KFNF (462)---Shenandoah. Concert. KMA (395)--Sheunandoah, Songs. WAMD (225)--St, Paul. Musicale. KSO (227)--Clarinda, Ta. Music. WFAA (545)=Dallas, Music. WIP (517)--Phila. American Glee Club, WNAC (461)--Boston. Musicale. wae (469)--Wash, Kitt Hour of Music (263)--Norfolk, Studio, (400) -- --Cleveland, Pocahontas Four Kings Legion L ith uanian quartet, /. Male quartet, , M: WH AS (322) Wik 4a Phila, ' hour Vik ¥ @h- Sh A "Pianist. Red 1 1 Goud on Broadway, 'EBY, WELL, WGR, 4 Ce ater. Variety, Ait'st recital, Crian, . Musicale, eare. Luncert, t. Studio prog. a, Feature, Touston, Skyline studio, 65)--1lot Springs, Old time WHK (265)--Cleveland, Singers. Wiad (448)--Chi, Popular song cycle. 00 KFAB (317)=Lincoln, Chamber of Com- Negro Master Sidi Hepgo. Concert, )-- ey City, Popular, ) Kivi Municipal Band, WBELL (382)--Clicay Popular, WDAF (370)--ks City, Popular, Ww i AM (280)--Roc Organ, Wiz ne Duo with lo. Popular prog. Ox Musicale, WTAM Goo) .ey land, Minstrels. WWJ (wd)--Detroit. Studio feature, ,30 KVOO (349)--Tulsa, Metropolitan Male Yandering VR (283)--Chicago. Popular prog. N.Y, Dorothy Howe with '4 EMBER 9, Xouo, iid ; RFE ® Ei alate. "HE : WEA Gr . Vogal." RE. ®hbi alow ro; music. WGES (212)-Chi. Bung: 12% WM Q7)--Nashville. "Whi 1 ba Xen (469)--Los Angeles. Radio Ciu M (389)--Chicago. Jamboree « CLASSICAL CONCERTS mw WOAL Balt. Juluice Singe: iio Bi X ot ork New Yok bse | ». WHAS, WSM, 'WTIC, WIAR, WT. H, WRC. 800 WIAX ' (341)--J acksonville. Recital. waz (333) inglield, Loston Doth Chattanooga. Ensemble. yun -Ransne City. Concert or- 9.00 ens (357) Toronto. CFCA Ensemble. B i ilco Ho 22 W Wedo "DAE, WHAS, WHO, WTAX, WIR, WELW, WMC, ol) WOW, WSH, WRC, )--Chicago. Classical. WTAG (517)--Worcester. Musicale. KFAB ie: Salon orchestra. 9.30 KFAB (319)--Lincoln, Salon Orchestra. 11.00 WJZ (459--N.Y. mber music, 'ALKS E x CRCA (357)~Toronto, Santa Claus. RW0 (349)--Bristow. S. S. C (469)--Wash. Bible talk, 7.30 WEAR (500)--Ft, Worth, 8. S. Lesson, 7.50 WNAC (461 )--Boston. "Newspaper Sidelights." 8.00 WDOD (244)--Chattanooga. S. S. lesson ARR, | REGENT TONIGHT Big Laugh Bill! HARRISON FORD and FRANKLIN PANGBORN 1he Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary A TRIUMPH ON THE STAGE A Riot Oa The Screen! CRETE Our rl COMEDY Yale vs Harva rd Paramount (45 muted trumpets, 3 antic City, Studio prog. Saturday Night Review from KFI, )A, KGO, KGW, KHOQ, NEWS et #4 Cr, SARA BOWRA'S BIG 4 PHONE 10785 . a -- 2 --= With ow hard 2 NID , using 4 ~~ orecftes waste fats ¢r = i FLAKE LYE i seats Joog to male ¢ FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EVERY CAN WEAO Ohio State vs. WRNY (309)---N Redfield. Ww ul (294)~Milwaukee. Do you know (289) ola. Basketball, Wesle: A Aires by W. 8.30 i (461)--Boston. Hockey, vs, New Have. 9.00 WMAQ (448)-~Chi. WRHM (261)--Mpls. Students, 945 CFCA (357)~Torol nto. Shoe talk, 10,00 WCCO (405)--M St. Paul side Lasont WG Chic ago, » Hol Boston Rodio photologue, Associated Bible "Fire- ie 'and Jiggs. 109 WLs ( 15) ey, Chicago . Boston, 11.10 WGN (416)--Chi, "Sam 'n Henry." DANCE TO THESE 8.00 p.m. KDK A (316) itts. Barn dance. nal Barn Dance. Dance. ». WGES orchestra 5 Palais D'Or or- KSD, WGK, ins, Dance prog. ter. All-dance BEI RAD Va AN Rng 4 | witby % wo FETE A\al NUNES : WAREHOUSE SITE OBTAINED tremises at t 161 King Street West Lezsed by Con- trol Board The beer warehouse, which is to be opened within the course of a week: or tem days, will be lo- cated in the building now occupied by the Adanac Garage at 161 King streat west, it was announced fol. lowing a visit of a representative of the Ontario Liquor Control Board here Wednesday. A number of sites were visited by the Board's inspector yesterday and it was believed that the King street property was the most con- venient and most suitably adapt- ed for the purpose. Unconfirmed reports have it that the rental to be paid by the Commission is $125 a month, Beer will be transported from the various breweries to the new warehouse as goon as the Adan- ac Garage moves into the rear part of the building. Pecr( only will be =old here and it is possible for nolders of the regulation permit to secure a quantity of this bev- erage from the warehouse instead of going to the government store. Who will be associated with Mr, Donald, the manager, in the opera- tion of the warehou"e, is not known, but it is expected further announcements in regard te addi- tional appointments will 'be forth-| coming a few days previous to the opening of the Liquor Store on = -- APE Electrophonic 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records - Give Apex Records 1 his Christmas Barbara Fox Trot Record No, 8676 Un a Dew-Dew-Dewy Day Fox Trot Record No, 8642 Song Record No, ay Paree Another hit of the "VALENCIA" type and by the same composer, Fox Trot Record No, 26070 Golden Slippers Duet by Vernon Dalhart and Carson Robison'. Apex Record No. 8656 My Blue Heaven ox Trot Record No, 8667 December 12. It is planned, to have the warehouse and the store | open the same day. i The flies are the natural enemy | of the borer, They were imported | from Europe where their number is sufficient to keep the pest in check. The female lays its eggs in the | body of the borer, which is placed | in a lethargic state by the use of a natural poison. It will, ho wever, take nearly 15 years to bring about a proper balance between the borer and the parasite, according to A. Gibson, Dominion entomologist, A yearly cleaning up of the fields af- ter harvesting is still regarded as the best means of attack. FLIES T0 FIGHT BORER RELEASED Europe Sct to Work in Ontario Ottawa, Dec. 8--Three million rasitic flies have been liberated fields of Western Ontario hit the corn borer. Most of 1 carry on business imme and style of Exer- horator--have been set to he neighborhood of Chat- Parz Dry Coods ' al ihe » Lnader Dry Goods Co. 32 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 740 On Broken Hearted Fox Trot Record No, 863590 Song Record No. 8658 Charmaine Waltz Record No. 26073 Bong Record No. 8679 The.Apex Record Catalogue is a treasury of Record Suggestions for Xmas giving, Ask your dealer for a copy. The Sun Record Co, Toronto, Ont, Dealers Everywhere Apex Records are on Sale at WILSON & LEE 71 Simcoe St. North . . Phone 2388 BOYS WANTED AS CARRIERS AND COLLECTORS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES High School Boys Preferred Liberal commission and steady employment to capable boys, Liss -- Apply to -- MR. BOYCE Times Office During the Christmas Citi Season Competitive Price $159.00 Special Sale Price $139.00 Saving to YOU $ 20.00 Pay 28590 poun BALANCE IN EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS BEGINNING JANUARY NO INTEREST CHARGES FOR TIME PAYMENTS TRIC SHOP ADA BOWRA ELEC Four Premiums -FREE- With Each Washer FOLDING TUB STAND FOLDING IRONING BUARD FOLDING CLOTHES DRYER CLOTHES BASKET NORTH i . ZS a -- A ABTA ---- Te -- pr Ln. CS

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