Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Dec 1927, p. 6

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RADIO PROGRAMS Tonight's Best Features, 0 pn. KMA (394)--Shenandoah. ha Musicians, $s WEAO (283) --Columbus. Ohio State Glee (lub. po Blue Networki-- F Mute oni 9 cert, followed by o WAL (s45)--Dallas, Mickwits Club id, KN (337)--Hollywood, Chinsese NT Rat gor Regular Morning Programs Red X 45 am. Rede al "ie, tn, ER, TAG Ne at 7.00, ipiirnd Wellville B wh (56 Muscatine, a ily ought" Wi pi AQ (UB) Chicago. Y.M.CA. ex- KSO © (22n)--Clari , Ta. "The 8." WEAF (492)---N, v hi WCAE, W¢ Ww. WOC (375) Red ry Dey wb Harm te, Morning way, 800 am, W WGY, WRC. WDAF (370) -Kansas City, Bible lesson. HOUSEW FE FEATURES am, WHO (5.))--Des Moines. a rd prograin. wv W | (375) =Dctroit, Victor "Tonight's Din. Women's hour. Wi ih WV (428)=Cinci, Home question WLS (345)--Chicago. box. CL (357)--Toronto, Shopping news: WAY (289--Columbus, ©. Seripture; music, wiz (u3)--Springfield, Mass, Organ; "The Ch (353)--RBoston. Women's hour. WMT Can Miwatikee. Studio frolic. WADC (207)=Akron, O. Music. WEAF (492)=N. Y. Vocal talks, WCFIL HEC hicago. Municipal prog, WE Bi (366)--Chicago. "Newspaper: Man.' WGN (306)--Chicago, ment period. . WIHT (416)--Chicago, Women's hour, WS (476)--Atlanta, Homemakers' hour, 30 WAMD (225)--Mpls. Musical program, WHO (535)--Des. Moines, Organ, Noon WPCN (288)--Chicago, ome ser Wilt (366) --Chicago. Women's hour, Wid) (294) Milwaukee. Request or- Home manage- (io 3 Ji WHO Gels Phone 1200 Dshawa Luggage |. YOUR INITIAL FRER On Suit Osse or Club Bag aywell & Son BOND S§T, 12 Simcoe 8, N, 1 gc, pane recital, 123% Ruby Trio. 124 oy 0 Lai Ra per hak (341)--=Nashville. Farm question San VIROL SENET, yo nD ft Ver 28 08. EN. X. Rol infin to Be Muatreal Bi \ A vera $i A (37)--Calgary, "Ha RO Manet FH cms tot Springs. Concert. WAND (239 Mali. Koon program, WECU (is) --Mpla- st. Fann icago. Organ. Aik RU ansas City. Around Wa 3 (300) «= Buffalo. Concert en- Wa (416)--Chizago, Organ, Al Car- 366)--Chi Petit ble. Win g § BN Ey 2 Bh og. News; MC 370)--N.Y, String ensemble. «Wh th) Rant. asi Fr Ed --Milw. Luncheon Sn § oy Detra hE er Trio. hols (535)=Des Moines. The Am. 1.30 A Fi A (ipa. Address; music, Y. Scripture; musi- big 1.40 WEN Rusinalbiy Drake ensemble. Friday Programs AFTERNOON PROGGRAMS um, KOIL (278)--Council Bluffs. other Hubbard." WGHP (319)--Detroit. Home hour. de (476)--Atlanta, Farm service, mu. 2.00 "ou sic, 5 KOA (326)--Denver. Instoamental con. 30 WEEIL (448)--Boston. Musicale, WGR (303)--Buffalo. Radio Trades con. WMAQ (448)--Chi. Musical potpourri. 3.00 CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Musica'e. WAIU (294)--Columbus, O. Musicale. WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular mus:c, WGBS (349)--N.Y, Talk, muate, WHAM (278)--Rochester. - Studio prog. WIP (508)--Phila. Recital. WJIJID (366)--Chi. Mooseheart children. 2.15 WHO (535)--Des Moines. Music, 3.30 CKCL (357)--Toronto. Studio musicale. WGGN (306)--Chicago. Artists recital. 4.00 WBAL (285)--Balt. Salon orchestra. WDAF (370)--Kansas City, String trio. WEAF (492)---N.Y, Music hour, 4.30 CNRS (330)--Saskatoon. Special music, KFAB (309)--Lincoln, Neb, Orchestra concert, WHN (35)-N.Y, Studio program. bA (454)--N.Y, Trio, recital, WLS (345)--Chi. Homemakers hour, 5.00 weeo (405)--Mpls,-St. Paul, Readers Wiker, (484)--Chicago. Rest hur, WOC (375)--Davenport, Crescent or. het ILE YOU DINE i Wh Petia (316)--Pitts. Country (lub, AAT (246)--Jersey City. William Hotel. WAY (492)---N.¥, Wz lorf Astoria; so WRC. woHp (319)--Detroit. Dinner conceit, we (508)--Phila, Dinner music, WWJ (375)--Detroit. Dinner concert, 6.15 WOR (422)--Newark, Dinner music, (HE UDHAWA VAIL) 7.30 CFCF (411)~Montresl, Rex Bat KYw Goi Wu WBZ (330) Springlied, Mass; Di WHO (535)--Des Moines. Paul Christ- to. ¢ Hawailen [' wr (5)-Detroit. "Michigan 7.30 KUKA (316)--Pitts. Musicale R50 a Hy ad detroit Le Y ea, BO (306 00 WADC @n-aL AlU Jr Telling Trio, WAMD sicale, WGY (380)--Schenectady. Fro-Joy WEBH (366)--Chicago. Brass ¢ artet. Cal With (341)--Kansas City, Popular WHE (265)--Cleveland. Band, WLW (428)--Cinci, Studio leature, oy roan a WCSO (256)--Spri 7.45 a U8 HP {im WIB ll eart to Home! 225)---Mpls. Mu WCAU Sa Old Timers, YiAM (280)--Rochester. urtain WHO (535)--Des Moines. Bankers Life Wiao (461)--Hoston. Viol usicale. R (422)--Newark. Popular ischer's WRNY (309)-N.Y. Mme. Musicale. Phone 936 WOOD Soft Slabs, 14 cord $3.26 Mixed Slabs, 14 cord Hardwood Slabs, 1, cord $4.00 Campbell & Barnhart OFFICE AND YARD 84 Richmond Street West Phones 936 or 278w NEW Advance Sh VAUVAE Muaicnt, $ Nea spirits "AERTE 846 WRVA 30 Richmond 0. of Virgin: 9.00 Chain: Feature fait: wake WAR Toe, TAS, WGHP, a Nodal. Shi (256)--Muscatine, Ia. § ak folks i 8 _Chicaeer & Artists recital, inda, Ja. e News. Mass. Vocal, ar tunes. Prog. Fa orient Male hts prog 1 Thea "Famcus Women' Songs of JE Yiy, fred Gy, WHAS, Ni Ba i a 361)--P e. T 0 an is. Entertainers. ¥. Koncert. tr Gertrude LL. AC (EID) ---Worcester. Fowler's Ha- oe iE og Sh)-Hartkerd Concert. a inn. Conee V ¥ iil al comedy 10.00 eu hain, "Cae Kid ro t WAG WCAQO, v, Wrnt ' WGHP, WAS, - HE WMAK, WMAQ, WNAC, Wi Rr Svimolive Hour, Jr ov Y FE, YT, Ft Wea | a WH, KSD, WRHM, WCO, WHO, ws WDAF, WHAS, WSM, WMC, 'WBT, WTM]. Ret. (357) Calgary. Musicale. KOIL (319-Council Bluffs. Orchestra, YW (520) Chicago. Concert. /CCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, uartet, GN (416)---Chi. Arabian Ni WHN (395)--N.Y. Vocal. WHO (535)--Des Moines. Capit KOA (326)--Denver rogram. 10.30 Red Network :- WEAF, KS§D, WEDH, WHO, Wow, WCCO (405)--Mpls.-S§t. Paul. WEN (288)--Chicago. Popular. HD (80 C)iami Beach. Organ. Male wig (45)--N Around the piano. 11.00 kik 1 (469) Los Yin eles. Popular music. X (2%)--Nort file, Minn. Organ. TAR (280)--Oakland. Fun Makers. wi (517)--Clearwater, Fla. Novelty el B E (270) Milwaukee. Baden hour, 11.48 WB CX eer, » 12 mid. Fac c Chain: --"An Hour in Mem- lane from KFOA, KGO, KGW, KA1, XK KOMO, KPO Fo ae hs Vancouver. Vocal, waxh (225)--Mpls. Request program, P (500)-~Ft. Worth. Musicale. WES (242)--Chicago. Ozone Club, WNOX (266)--Knoxville. Popular enter. biLidiag WTMJ (3M4)--Milwaukee. Organ. CLASSICAL CONCERTS 8.00 Red Network: --Cities Service Concert Orchestra and Cavaliers, from WEAT, KSD, KV0OO, WCAE, WCCO, WDAF, EEI, WFAA WGR, WLIB, WLIT, Nor WRC, WSAI, '"WTAM, WTIC, WT. WBAL pA String quar- tet. WTMJ (24)--Milwaukee. Classical owing In this advance showing you will find the ultimate expression of automotive engineering and design. You will find 2 new standard by which every other automobile, large or small, low priced or expensive, will be measured, 4 ' Whatever you do, set aside sufficient time to visit this advance exhi- tion of the New Ford car at your local Ford Dealer's showroom on UNIVERSAL MOTOR SALES { AV ANO es. After playing the stellar role on the speaking stage for over thirty years, this celebrated ac- tress will co-star with Phyllis Haver in the famous comedy success "The Rejuvenavion of Aunt Mary." on the Regent screen the last three nights of this week. rogram. 83% Kol (394)--New Mexico College. Con- WrLA (517)--Clearwater, Fla. Wiias (322)--Louisville, Studio con- Wis (34)--Chicago. Little Symphony. 8.45 WHT (306)--Chicago, Classical, Con- 9.00 Red ttall Anglo Per sians, [i WEAF, KSD, WCAE, Ww Vo ( 0, WDAF, w BAP, WEEIL, WGN, WLIT. WO(, WCSH, WOW "PAG, WTAM, WTIC, WTM), WAL KVOO (319)--Tulsa. Princess Pakanlii, soprann, Yoon (214)--Chattancoga. Classics, WENR (288)--Chicago. Classical, 9.30 Wik (255) -- Cleveland, Moonlight wis (345) Chicago. phony, semble. WMC (517)--Memphis. WOO (349)--Phila.Opera, WRC (469)--Wash, ord Calvert En- semble, 10.00 CNRA (322)--Moncton, chestra. CNRT (357)--Toronto, WFAA (545)--Dallas, estra WIZ (459-N. Y. Genia coloratura - soprano, WLS (345)--Chi. Metropolitan Choir. WOO (349)--Phila. The Euterpians. WSBT (238)--South Bend. Classic hour, 11.00 WBAP (500)--Ft, Worth, Music, WIZ (459)--N.Y. Slumber music, RADIO TALKS--PLAYS 7.00 WATU (283)--Columbus. Farm talk. WEAF (492)---N.Y. A Trip to Christ- mas Town with Santa Claus. nz (454)---N.Y. Santa Claus and his inomes. 7.15 WBBR (265)--N.Y. S. 8. Lesson. 7.30 WKBW (2i7)--Buifalo. Prayer, 7.45 KVOO (394)--Tulsa. Fayelioiogy lecture, 7.50 WBBR (2f5)--N.Y. Tealth talk WMAK (545)--Buifulo. Poultry talk. 7.55 WOO (349) lA Science Service talk. KDKA, KYW, WIR, 8.00 Blue Network :~"Retold Tales," :--W]JZ, K¥RU (250)--Columbia, Mo, Radio Farm School. KSAC (333) Kansas State "College of the Air." KSO (227)-Clarinda, Ia. Public Schools WCSO (256)--Springfield, O. 8.8, WSUI (422)--lowa City. Spanish lesson --Milwaukee, *Do You 8.15 KFUO (545)--St. Louis, Bible school. 8.30 WGES (242)--Chicago. Sport talk. 9.00 KOA (326)--Denyer, Aggie Kickoffs, WGY (380)--Schen'tady, WGY Players. WHY (394)--N.Y, Prince Joveddah, 0S (361)--Jeiferson City. Farm talks, 9.15 RX (236)--Northfield, Minn. Popular lecture, 9.30 CNRT (357)--Toronto. Address. KOA (326)--Denver. Sunday School, WGY (380)--Schenectady, WGY Players Ww M. (242)--Chicago, "Maggie i) S. 11.00 KGO (384)--Oakland, KGO Players, 11.10 WGN (416) --Chicago. "Sam "n Henry." DANCE TO THESE 8.00 pm, RMA (395)--Shenandoah. h Wr AA "(545) Dallas. Little Sym. Concert en. Concert or- Concert, Symphony orch- Zielinska College. and Dance Orchestra, 8.30 WHN (394)--N, Y. Roseland orc! hestra, 9.00 KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Dance night. WHO (535)--Des Moines. Orchestra, WLW (428)--Cinci Dance. WOO (349)--Phila. WOO Orchestra. 9.90 Red Network:-La France Orchestra, from WEAF. KSD, WCAE. WDAF, WEBH, WGR, WHO, WLIT, WOC, wow, WTAM, WTMJ, WWJ. 10.00 whAL a Balt. Dance orchestrs. WFLA (517)~Clearwater. Radio Ram- WIAX (341)--Tack'ville. Dance orches. WNCX (256)--Knoxville, Orchestra. WOW (508)--Omaha, Orchestra, WRHM (261)--Mpls. Dance. WRNY (309)--N.Y. Dance music. WSOE (270)--Milwaukee. Serenaders. WWJ (353)--Detroit. Dan Russo's or- chestra. 10.30 Blue Network:--Hotel Pennsylvania, from WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WHO, WTIC, WTMJ. KFA (319)--Lincoln. Orchestra, WAMD (225)--St. Paul. Dance, WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Dance program. WGR (303)--Buffalo. Supper Club, WHIK (265)--Cleveland. Orchestra. WO (306)--Chicago. Orchestra WIS (345)--Chicago. "Showboat." WMAK (545)--Buffalo. Dance. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Stevens Hotel. WOR ~~ (422)--Newark. Dance: also WMAF., WRVA (254)-Richmond. Hotel Rich. WEA (263)--Norfolk. Orchestra, M (400)--Cleveland. Dance. 11.18 WEBNS (366)--Chic. Edgewater Beach. 11.30 RMOX (300)--St. Louis. Berger's. KYW (526)--Chi. Congress orchestra. WHN (394)--N.Y. Silver Slioner. 12 mid. KOA (326)--Denver.; Dance frolic. KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. Orchestra. WIID (366)--Mooseheart. Victorians. 12.45 WDAF (370)--Kansas City. Nighthawks dom CRY (291)--Vancouyer. 'Popular 200 KX (337) Hollywood. Dance music. (Copyright, oe 0273 MILTON PRISONER a Announcing GIFT 'TREASURES from Felt Bros. UPSTAIRS GIFT ROOM WING to the we have more | and months of voted to collecting ularity of our Gift Room last year, pe doubled our floor space. Mon'hs tion and thought have been de. range of Gifts for your approval, and we think you will be agreeably surprised with the variety of goods we have gathered for your selection. You will see in our display something of the dainti- ness and originality of the French people, the thorough- ness and the solidity of the British, the charm of Oriental ek and many novel and practical ideas in other im- ported goods, No matter how long your list or how varied, you can here select the most charming of Christmas gifts with no extra strain on your pocketbook, We invite you to come early and bring your friends. ~~ vy "Buy where Satisfaction is a Certainty' FELT BROS: Oshawa's Leading Jewelers 12 Simcoe St. S. Established 1886 Phone 188 Gift Shop and Store Open Evenings were examined, and denied all knowledge of Woodcock's escape, de- claring that they had not heard him Dales 18 SIMCOE STREET * EE ------ 1 Woodcock at the time of his escape, sawing his way to freedom. It is not known how Waodcock obtained the saw with which he cut through the bars of his cell and those of the cor- ridor window, which, of soft steel, proved no very formidable barrier, the prisoner cutting through ten of them and then bending them back out of his way, Woodcock "ist a few months ago com=!- ed a term at Kingston Peni- tentiary. It is known that he has very little money with -him, and the : do not expect that he will be ! arrest very long. Misses Vera anl Reta Powe spent the wee kend in Toronto, Miss Susie Laird, of Grafton spent the week end in Toronto, mm Deets. Special $8.95 Leader Dry Goods Co. 82 Bimeoe St. 8. Phone 740 Do You Realize That Oshawa Today Offers % You Probably the Great- est Opportunity for Pro- fitable Investment that Canada Has Ever Known Others Have Found It Out, and Are Cashing In ? STILL AT LARGE Followed Trail But Police Lost Clue at Buwlington A. F. Cox, Manager Bond Street West On It Are You? Milton, Ont., Dee. 7.--John Wood- cock, who carly yesterday morning made a sensational escape from the Halton County jail here several hours after being sentenced by Judge Elliot to serve three years in King- ston Penitentiary, is still at large. The only trace yet found of escaped convict is that he visited an Indian woman near his home at Bur- lington yesterday afternoon. After making his escape Woodcock walked 16 miles to Burlington, where he rested an hour or so before going on his way. He is also said to have ob- tained an overcoat. Woodcock was not put in prison clothes, because it was expected that Deputy Sheriff McCready, of Milton, would be tak- ing him to Kingston Penitentiary im- J mediately. The fous four prisoners who J rhe fia

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