Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Dec 1927, p. 4

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A he Oshawa Waily Times , THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1671 independent newspaper published every afternoon aa nie Sundays and 'legal holidays, at Oshawa, Canada, by Mundy Printing Company, Limited; Chas. M. Mundy, President; A. R. Alloway, Secre- The Oshawa Daily Times is a member of the Cana- dian Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers' As- ! sociation, The Ontario Provincial Dailies and the Audit Bureau of Cireulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES vered by carrier: 10c a week. By mail: in the Counties of Ontario, Durham and Northumberland, $3.00 a year; elsewhere in Canada, $4.00 a year; United States, $6.00 a year. ---_-- d Butidi 5 = vol Telephone f Bon ng 'emperal a 40 Adelaide 0107. H. D. Tresldder, representative, ke REPRESENTATIVES IN US. 1 Powers and Stone, Inc, New York and Chicago. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1927 HIGHWAY ABDUCCTION The next provision to be attached to the issue of drivers' permits for automobiles 4 should be certificates of character and de- % cency. Westward of the city earlier in the | week an Oshawa lady was accosted by a pair of criminals in an automobile, pursued on foot, struck over the head and left uncon- scious by the side of the highway. As this ' dastardly incident occurred on the highway, it is probable that the Provincial Police will make the fullest use of the slender clues in their possession and the culprits may be brought to justice, In the criminal world, however, crime breeds crime. And the media' upon which crime, feeds like deadly germs is police in- activity, A school boy in this city was abducted fro mthe streets of Oshawa a few weeks ago. He was taken to Toronto where he man- aged to escape. This boy returned without any hurt, It is probable that he fell into the hands of mere drunkards who had nothing more sinister in mind than the playing of a rather gross joke. But, despite the fact that the lad did not get their car number, he was able to tell the i kind of car it was in which hewas abduct- ed and that it bore an Ontario license num. | ber. § To find these men would have been easy, § pnd there is no doubt that a little police co- 2 operation would yet bring them back here | to answer for their offence, The importance of that course of action | lies not so much in punishing these men, but in making an example of them before + the whole Province, i Such an example is very badly needed as I! the unconscious body of this Oshawa woman 'and citizen declares, And the next time, | which may not be any longer away than 24 | hours, the body found on the highway may | be dead. | GAMBLING IS ILLEGAL Morality officers of Toronto are again THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1927 of platform opposition to tion which, very likely, will be used with some advantage. Particularly so in view of Governor Smith's presidential aspirations and his hold on the electorate of New York where the "All American" route to the sea' is much favored. Mr. Coolidge's recommendations relative fo flood prevention is Conservative rather than Republican, but they will not enhance his popularity in the Mississippi Valley where any presidential candidate with a strong flood-prevention plank in his platform would win both acclaim and votes. The Providence that shapes national as well as human destiny may be at work with regard to the St. Lawrence development, perhaps with a view to repeating the past half century's history of the effort to bring about reciprocity between the United States and Canada. As it happened, either country was opposed to reciprocity when the other was favorable, In 1911 it ceased to be an issue. Putting the St, Lawrence waterway into international politics may eventually work out in much the same way. Fifty years from now the world's commerce may be borne by aerial navies to harbours populous with peo- ple that will have never seen the sea. Such argosies passing, incidentally, over the sea- lanes and inland waterways of this day which, then, will be of use to man only as their tides can be harnessed to generate power for factories on their shores. » Pe WAKING UP TO OPPORTUNITY Indications are not lacking that interest in the more than possibility of turning Alber- ta's vast resources of lignite coal into fuel oil and even gasoline is sweeping the Do- minion, and Oshawa can take a just pride in the fact that the man who turned Can- ada's mind in the direction of this dazzling opportunity is one of its own citizens--Dr, T, E. Kaiser. § Business men who heard Dr. Adam Shortt at the Rotary Club open meeting Monday night were much impressed with his refer- ences to the development of the Bergius and other processes of coal liquefaction in Ger- many, As one of the really distinguished economic experts of the Dominion, as one who recently acted as one of Canada's dele- gates to the World Economic Conference at Geneva, Dr, Shortt's statement on the possi- bilities of Alberta fuel resources was of the highest importance, Perhaps even more significant was Dr. Shortt's reference to the cost factor. He was quite emphatic in stating that the ex- pense of the process could be reduced even- tually to a point where it could compete with hydro-electric power developed in Central Canada. Dr. Kaiser has undoubtedly started some- thing of supreme importance to the whole of C la, EDITORIAL NOTES, A man's private office is another of those places where you remove your hat. INTROSPECTION (E. W. Howes Monthly) I heard a. rather big business man say recently: "The most im- portant and valuable rule I have is to every day make an honest analysis of my faults. Sometimes 1 do not devote fife minutes to it, but do a thorough job." THE BEST MEDIUM (The Fourth Estate) Mr. Advertiser, think this over: You see page after page of full- page advertisements in the news. papers of the United States by magazines about magazines, de- signed to secure additional readers for these magazines, Why? Because the best medium for reaching intelligent readers is the newspapers. THE FINEST CLYDESDALES (Regina Leader) James Kilpatrick's tributegto the horse breeding industry of' Sask- atchewan will add to the interest which will follow the showing of Saskatchewan horses at the great international exhibition secon to open at Chicago. Mr. Jilpatrick, a citizen of Kilmarnock. Scot- land, and a man who has rendered much practical assistance to the horse breeding {industry of this province, declares that Saskat- chewan Clydesdale horses are with- out doubt the finest of any he has seen in the Dominion, TOO MUCH HURRY HE THINKS (Los Angeles Examiner) Kirogluk, picturesque Eskimo, on his first visit to New York, asked a natural but somewhat staggering question: "Why does everyone hurry so?" Come to think of {j, why in- deed? The world offers many ex- amples of people who are hoth leisurely and successful. They seem to get out of life quite as much happiness as do those who are always rushing, Perhaps the sage who said, "The more haste, the less speea," revealed a truth we could all wise- ly ponder, MARRIAGE AT TWENTY. FIVE (Albany Evening New . Not many wil lagree with pile Irene Lochs assertion that unhappy marriages and divorces would be bidden to marry before the age of 25. Unhappy marriages are not a matter of age. Many folk who wed at 25 or at 35 or at 40 find them- selves in the divorce courts and many who have wedded much earli- er remain happily married add their lives, Marriage is not and never will be a matter of practical business- like partnerships. Many authorities advocate earlier marriages. The man of 20 more often picks out a suitable mate than he docs when Lie is 40 and takes a second wife. A law to make 25 the mini- mum age for marriage would be one of the most foolish measures imagin- able. KEDPING BOYS ON THE FARM (Southampion Beacon) We give a recent personal ex~ perience of the writer to illustrate how life on the farnr is becoming different, We were on a motor trip to visit the old folks at home. While on our way, nearing moon hour, we stopped at the farm of a ablo nature of the farmer, we were asked to stop for dinner. 'We were pleased to accept, It was explain. ed to us that the meal woul® be a little lato owing to the fact that the hoys wished to hear a final that recommenda- What Others Say practically eliminated if all were for-. relative and with the usual hospit- |: By Jas. W. Barton, M.D, Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act. APPENDICITIS REALLY COMMON Wa are apt te think of appendi- cities as an alizont fromy which really only a fow individuals suf- fer, some of whom must undergo oneration, or death will surely en- sue, However, as a matter of faét. Just as it has been discovered that practically everybody that lives to middle age shows .tuberculosis somewhere in the body, so it has been learned that practically every- body, at least between 80 to 100 per cent anyway, would likewise show that the appendix at some time or times, had been inflamed. And yet there is no question but that a large proportion of these individuals never really felt an "ache" in the region of the appen- dix. In fact, where one has an oc- casional dull ache in the region of the appendix, investigators tell us that while it may be a chronic ap- pendicitis, nevertheless it is not us. ually dangerous, When, however, this chronic dull ache becomes suddenly very severe, then it may be necessary to under- g0 an operation, It often happens that an individ- ual with a little gas moving about in the intestine will imagine that he has appendicits. In fact. al- though the surgeon is unable to de- tect any definite symptoms these 'severe' pains in the region, and finally thinking it to be a case of chronie appendicitis, the surgeon decides to operate, And when the appendix is examined it is found in many case: to be normal, But because the patient has undergone the operation, he believes himself cured, Dr, Krecke reports that of twenty patients operated on for "chronic appendicitis" showing normal 'appendices, seventesn were cured by the operation just because they thought the operation had cured them. Now, the point Is that acute up- pendicitis is dangerous, and you should have your physician at hand without deley when the pain in the appendix regloh persists for tve or three hours. However, in chronic cases, keep- ing the inlestine active, may make an operation unnecessary. CANADIAN JUDGE SUGGESTED FOR CHICAGO GRAIN SHOW t Winnipeg, Dee. 6.--~There should be at least one Canadian judge on | the Judging Board of the Chicago! Hay and Crain Show, held in con- | junction with the International Live Stock Exposition, since the difference in judging standards at present does not give Canadian exhibitors there a fair chanee, according to Herman A, Trelle of Wembley, Alta, "Here's Proof That ZUTO ; C. W. Mealing, C. L. U. District Representatives - WESTERN DENANDS U. S. Senate Independents Want Action on Three Issues Washington, D.C., Dee, 7.--As the Republican Old Guard in the Senate perfected ifs party organi- But you ARE king + Ye You are absolute monarch te guide your own affairs in the realm of family and business life. You have the power so to order things that your "kingdom" is secure and your "dynasty" protected, | / You can also prove once more " that "the pen is mightier than the sword. With it you can create--in an instant--a life insurance estate for the benefit . of yourself and your loved ones. * LJ LJ The small fraction of your earnings required to purchase, say, $10,000 or even $25,000 life insurance tection under The London Life prise you. "reduced premium" plan will sure The nearest London Life % office will be pleased to give you the facts as applied to your particular case. Insurance Company "Canada's Industrial.-Ordinery Company" HEAD OFFICES Policies "Good as Gold" 14 1-2 King St. E, Oshawa LONDON, CANADA 3, C Hortd tion of the policy of the United States in Central and South America. \ Berlin. Dec, 6--The Marx-Strese mann Cabinet escaped Parl'smen tary censure this afternoon by 3 votes when the Reichstag objected to a mon-confidence motion of Op positionist parties, 229 to 192, Opposing the Government wer: ------------ the Democrats, Socialists, Commun ists and the National Socialis Questions involved were a claimy o the Communists that the Go ment po longer reflects the will ¢ the people, of the Socialists th the Government economic and bor policy is wrong, and of th Democrats that financial and pep rations poficies are unsound gp that the Government is unable t take leadership in public mat baseball game from St. Louis over the radio, and didn't wish to lose more than necessary. After an px- cellent dinner we heard the whole game perfectly--the best radio per- formance we have yet heard. Three sons were there, two with. thetr | zation Sunday, preliminary to the Ends Headache 'opening of the 70th congress Mon- Mr. E. F. Tomkins, Ex-Mayor of Coat! gay, Western Republican Inde- took, Que, proves it, i pendents submitted their demands "Your Tablets are a safe and effectin (or gefinite assurance that there remedy for headache" would be a vote at the coming ses- Mr. Geo, Legge, Editor of the "Granby gion Lp what they regard as three COAL - COKE - WOOD Nut and Egg sizes, per ton, ........ ee $15.00 Stove size, per ton, 15.50 bringing the matter of slot machine devices to the attention of the courts, Evidence will be given that children, subjected to the temptation, have lost their Sunday School Fire yourself now and then for a short period and then see where you could have done the job better, Then you won't be collection money in them, There is also the case of a Toronto messenger boy who, losing five dollars in play, returned to his office with a coeck-and-bull story of being held up. The boy was 14 years old. In the former test case, it was held that the addition of a stop lever to the mechan- ism, which could be stopped by means of it, made it a game of skill and not a game of chance. The Courts, however, failed to order that the mechanism continue running until it was stopped, which invalidates their decision amongst some rather logical people. It is to be hoped, in the general interests of fools who would throw money away than buy shoes or pay for a bath, that the Courts, this time, will take a different at- titude. And with particular regard to chil- dren who are being subjected to one of the worst of all temptations, the Government should see to it that if there isn't a law gov- erning these devices, one with teeth should be passed at the next session of the Legis- lature. While President Coolidge has definitely set at rest the rumors of his running or not running in 1928 by a plain statement that he is not a candidate, his message to the 70th Congress of the United States bids fair to breck up the political stalemate hetween tae Republi's major political parties by =iv- ing them more issues to battle over than they have had since the early days of the late W. J. Bryan. The President declares himself in favor of United States' participation in the develop- ment of the Great Lakes waterway t: the Atlantic by way of the St. Lawrencs river. Tals is 2 to tke Dexocratic Party MR. COOLIDGE'S MESSAGE free gas fired. Cussing before or at the stenographer. is all very well if one's stenographer is a lady. A lady can always make allowances for a born cad. Building up a business puts the emphasis on the first word. To build naturally sug- gests a plan. But too many business plans are just dreams. Why not try music on your customers now that reproduced music is of such high qual- ity? The younger set may want jazz and get it. But the haberdasher's cash custom- ers want the old time favorites. Bit of Verse THE GREAT OUTDOORS The outdoor life is the life for me With all its healthy knocks, And I would sleep in camp cach night If it wasn't for the rocks. i To sit and watch a campfire blaze Flare up at every poke Is what I'd like to do each eve, If it wasn't for the smoke. To kill a duek or dzer for lunch With gun or with sharp blade Vould be a test of skill P'd crave, If I wasn't co afraid. Oh, the outdoor is the life for mc When zall is said and dene. Znd I for onz would carap gli year If it only vas more fon! --Anaeiie Vaclonn. wives, and the boys were back at the plowing before we got away in our car, BORAH, THE DISTURBER (Toronto Mail and Empirc) Senator Borah is at the present time causing much uncasiness among the veteran politicians of both Am- erican political parties by his tact- insistence that both shail go on record with regard to the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act. The Senator from Idaho is himself a prohibitionist, and has been going about the country trying to show what a great thing for the mation prohibition has been. There would be no objection to this from any quarter if he did not demand that other political leaders should be equally frank, which is about the last thing they wish to be. It is true that more people in the United States are interested in the liquor question than in any other that is likely to be involved in the next pre- sidential clection, and that most them would welcome the a we 3 to go on record either as favoring the presert laws or urging their amendment. But the main strategy of the politicians is to deprive them of this chance and to keep prohi- bition out of politics. They should much prefer if the election could be made to hinge on some such simple issue as Prosperity with Coolidge or Desolution with the Democrats. NEW COMET FOUND HAVING A TAIL ess Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 6--Word was roceived at the Harvard Col- {lege Observatory from J. Hert- (mann, Director of the observatory lat La Piata, Argentina, thei Maris- | iony, 2iso of La Plata, @tscovered | arly todsy a seocxd-magnitude eomet with a tadi. | be Gotalled observation of the | comet was right ascension 16 hours 27 miputes; declination minus $50 < CZT0es. The Harvard observers |ctated thes this comet sas appar- | 2n1l7 the same as the ome Giscover- 131 by Skfzllerrn, a South African lasacaomen, located at Capstown. Leader-Mail" proves it, Se 'Your Zutoo Tablets deserve to be wide 4 Luown as & remedy that will stop A.C, Hansen, B. A. K. C., Colonel of the Hussars, proves it, *I use Zutoo Tablets and find them ¢, rery satisfactory remedy for Headache.' ! 15 cents per box--at all dealess outstanding issue, These are: -- Adequate farm relief legislation on the basis of the McNary-Haugon bill to be reported from committee on or before February 1, A bill to limit the jurisdiction of federal courts in the of injunctions, 15 Prince Offer. 5 Pea size, per ton, 12.50 Coke, per ton, ....... Best 25 Albert Street un Anthracite Coal W. J. TRICK COMPANY, LIMITED Phone 230 -------- Come in on Our This is a brand new : Beach Electric Range And we are giving it away ABSOLUTELY FREE. Call in for particulars -- ~ S. COWEL REMEMBER! This Offer is Limited and Only a Few More Can Free Electric Range Delivery any Time up to Jan. 1st | | L Open Evenings

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