4 ; PACE TWO eves Assaulted Man For a P Owen Sound, Ont, Dec. % TAs tus Hotchkiss, Jo-vear-oid of Sydenham to i pera Erion ry and death 1 in the h for the { two ive eal gy Bs him, in an a 4% atcmpt 1 | hey wie i for the of J Mvp gry due SEE ome ~ ee Fit ht hosiery or- until ail oe K, Lying, swathed in bandages, in the General "and. Mating qr ve eek. | Bry tchkiss this a non gave ok account of ohday happenings, e ad been a ] qandng at least ™ fost § in fr ah s prime; and one of h hs first d statements was: "They co x dong that to me ity years dns (E. hin, which is aoa lions a Boi By nakedly from his beard, where the hair was $12 rubbed off as he dragged himself over "ap, where he lay, bound and Ra hg me, and hit me head Hey judicat- HE tried to ll me 't think wa. 481 a ar SE Ly HOCKEY AT TRENTON. Trenton, Dec. 7--Hockey in the Bay of Suinte distiiet is expected to boom a league composed of hton, Terie lleville, Picton wd N Napanee. Trenton has also en- tered a junior team in the O. H. A and the usual midget and junior lea- ues will carry on also this season. 3 meeting 1) held the following fice were 3 ected: President, Dr, a st Vice-President, econd Vice-Presi- ecretary-Trea- xecutive Com- ar ishop; tend, Heaney. mittee, C. Allore, W. Blakeley, H. Jarrett, A. Combes and C, Harrison. When relatives or friends ask for ou what you want stmas, says: "A Waterman's --the t that lasts for years, Thereisa Waterman's for each individual preference -- pens, pencils, writingsets and desk sets--and at varying prices to suit one's Chris tmas "Budget," - Pencils from $1.00, $1.50, $.200, $3,50, £4.50, Pens from $2.50, $4.00,$5.00,8$6,50, $7.00 and up. Special mount: ing in Silver and Geld at attractive prices, oe New Ladies' Desk Sets in various col vurs,in plain or pearl fine ishat $5.50 sd $6,00. SEVFN Pea-- asiliustrated-- solves the diffi cult problem of pen-point selec tion, The colour bandontheholder is your guide--six colours for six different styles of nib, lt enables you to choose, with absolute con- fidence, the exact pen-point desired. Asplendid gift: Dad, Husband, Brother or Friend. Values Supreme Now Offered at | Burns Co. Limited EXTRA HEAVY OVERS RED SOLES, ROLLED EDGE Youths', 11 to 13 ...,......,..... $1.00 BYE, 308 ;...r 0050000111000 Men's, 6 to 11 EN I I RA I IY 1.10 1.30 FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Children's, 48010; .........n0v.0.rv. § 68 RE, UL MDZ veer ss crrssicrsnion son Youths', 1380 03 ocr oocvvinnss ttf... Boys Men's, 6 to 11 re LABEP, 20 +oivreresnrverereren Lu THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1927 HE'S REAL HOME BIRD (From the Liverpool Weekly Post) The National Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children has revealed the fact that . for over three years a young married man residing in a London suburb has never beem outside his house. The man was married five years ago at the age of nineteen, he is quite well, and there are three children a lof the marriage. He has been kept indoors by his wife, not by any physical superiority but by person- al influence; and the family have been supported by relatives. The society, which is acting in the in- hi al P08 of the children, states that it is the strangest case it has ever had to deal with. It would appear that either the man is lazy or is entirely lacking in character. He cannot have any will of his own or he has never grown to man- hood. His wife must be an extra- ordinary and abnormal person, for 'la woman who will not permit her husband to venture outside the house, even to earn the family liv- ing, must be in need of some form of treatment. There are wives who complain that their husbands are never at home; they would like to see more of them. But a normal wife does not insist that her husband sheuld give up work in order to stay at home. She rightly encourages him to sally forth in order to earn the daily bread. In fact, many men who, if left to themselves, might develop ways, are kept steadily ork by their wives. The lav 's a man to support his wife - 'amily, but if relatives are foolizh enough to take over the duty the law does not interfere. Such foolishness is not common among relatives, and the world does not apnlaud a man who will not work. The average man is a restless person, and he must be either working or playing, A few days of enforced idleness in the house. usually depress his spirits. He is glad ta sit by his own fire- side after the day's work is done, but a couple of deys by the fireside is more than he can contemplate with any pleasure. It is just as well that this is so. If men were content to sit in the housa the work of the world would never get done and civilization would col- lapse. No doubt the women would try tn save ma 'tters by going out to work, but there are so many tasks they are unfitted to tackle that this policy of substitution would be doomad to failure. £ame men are known as home-hirds, hut they do net sit on their per:h all day snd every day, atherwise they would have no home to ghelter them. The case discovered in Lon- don presents a problem for epe- cieligts, for the wife reqnirés treat- ment as well as the husband. ENFIELD Enfield, Dec. 6.--Mr. Frank Toronto, and Mrs, Cec Branton, Oshawa, visited with Mz and Mrs, S. Page. Mig and Mrs. J. Harvey Pastoc and daughter, Lorraine, Sundayec at Mr. 1. C. Pascoe"s. Ladies' Aid held 12 for December ai the | Hoskin Smith. The new oflicers were ¢ a ceminz yeer: pres'd-. sin Ormigton; vice pres' 5. Foskin Smith; gece agsioinr Pege, their V/ill Smith; orgen- : Umith; essisiant orsanist, Miss Dovathy Pascoe' pro~r:m committee, Mrs. Rusee!! Ormiston, Misces Ruby Smith and Dorcthy Pgscoe. M William Prescott recently assed away after a brief filness The deceased who has lived in th! community for five years, was ve' ecspected among his large num ber of friends, The funeral waic' was largely attended was frow the residence of his son, I'gar Interment was made at Pine Grove cemetery. He leaves to mourn hi loss, three sons, Alfred, Almer ans Edgar, and two daughters, Mrs Wilbert Smith, of Enniskillen, and Mrs. L. Rahm, of Raglan. Our dramatic club presented their play, entitled "Patsy," a¢ Solina, at a parcel post, recently held . there. Several from here attended the party in Columbus Hall lest week. CONNEL Y OR CARSON WILL IN NATIONALS. Stratford, Dec. 7.--This morning's papers carried a story that'the Ma- roons had signed Jack Connelly, lead- ing scorer of the Prairie League last year and speedy right-winger, but a few days ago it was announced that Roy Brothers had obtained Connelly from St. Paul in a trade that sent Kentner to the American Associatiop team. Roy Brothers to-day cleared the situation entirely when he said that the Maroons desired to see Connelly in action, and if they wanted him badly enough Frank Carson would be sent to the Nationals in exc Manager Brothers is of the opinion that Carson will not come here, but that Connelly will arrive here some time to-morrow from Montreal, where he has been working out with the - Rh hu, S NLY Woodstock, Dec. 7.--W. J. (erry) Laflamme, Sr., well-known resident of this city, was "seized with a heart at- tack while on his way home this even- ing and expired on the street almost immediately. The late Mr. Laflamme, with his agmily, liye lived here for many years and was ed with the Bain Wagon Company Sploys a long period. He took a great interest in all branches of sport, and was at one time a member of the Qo Council. Dr. J. (Jerry) Laflamme, the BRR hockey referee, is a son, and Mrs. Hampton C. Norry, of this city, a daughter, Bedtime Stories. Once upon a time Rangers won the Scottish Cup. It was no misprint on the Celtic Motherwell game last Saturday. 1 hear the Fir Park people are get- ting their flag pole done up. At present, the League Flag is as like- ly to fly at Motherwell as any- where. Good luck laddies. Ferrier has a lot to do with Motherwell's place on the league table. He is one of the best wing- ers in Scotland today. If you doubt this statement, ask Sam Page, St. Johnstone's goalkeeper. Arthur Dixon the old Rangers pivot is playing as well as ever for Cowdenbeath. Centre forwards complain that Arthur's head always gets in their way. Talking of pivots, I am tipping Bradshaw of Bury, as Scotland's centre half in the international against Ireland. Bury got this big fellow for a mere song, and have since refused 25,000 dollars for him. Thomson, the young Celtic keep- er must be a marvel. With only nineteen years behind him, and practically his first year in senior soccer, he is being talked of, ser- iously, 'as Scotland's candidate be- tween the sticks. Soccer club managers are com- plaining that their fans are desert- ing the game, for the Grey hound track. Scotland is Sole to the dogs. Once the idol of Scottish Foot- ball, Bobby Walker, the old ha n- burgh Hearts player, evil days. Bobby was 'a prosperous busi man in and until the miners' strike put him to the door. A more generous man was | hard to find. Many a family have | Of §€S. in Bobby to thank for his goodness to | AS 4 ult them during those hener and \ 1921. I am sure if a benefit was suggested, Edinburgh would out to a man, to help one who has often helped them ¢ in forty-five Imternationals. his last, being against England in when Scotland won 4-1, R. §. Me Coll scored three goals occasion. -- pn _ -- has falle | AT Only a few years | Peo. around Edinburgh, [o many hard times of | turn Bobby ple i uto 1914, on that i Cripp iit Cl ildren, 'EW SMALLPOX CASES K'""HENER. | Te ------ { New Yo . Dee. 8. | y | [oi Pu » INVINCIBLE MSLaren's Adanac Store Arnold's Oshawa Market Arnold's Oshawa Market J. E. Beaton Dominion Willian Froderick 73 A. L. Hayerson J.oblaw's Groceteria H. H. Méllolerts ckett Bros, 04 Bros. Noanes & A. Stanley Store = Dlack Exchange the coupon 'below for ~ FREE f all-size package of McLaren's RASPBERRY ELLY POWDER flavored with the actual juice of ECAUSE we want every family to appreciate fully the luscicus wild Raspberry Flavor pent up inside a package of INVINCIBLE Rasp- berry Jelly Powder, we are offéring a regular, full-size package FREE to every one presenting tize coupon from this advertisement to any of the ers listed below. It is a present of a delicious dessert for Sunday, When you taste this tender-textured jelly, you will at once notice the full-flavored wild raspberry taste-----so much more piquant than that of tame raspberries, The actual juice itself of Muskoka /ild Raspberries is used for flavoring this match- less jelly powder. : In rocky, pine-studded Muskoka, the raspberries are plucked for us by the children of the settlers and the neighboring Indians, Then at our labora- tories in Hamilton, these luscious berries are crushed to extract every ounce of delicious juice--. and this actual juice is used to flavor the jelly Any of the Grocers Listed on this page will gladly redeem it SC INVINCIBL i Park Road South 16 Simcoe St. South 54 Simcoe St. North 19 Simcoe St. South 26 King St. West 2 Albert Street it Drew Street imcoe St. North 5 Simcoe St. South 5 King St. West 264 King At. East Cor. 2 188 146 ¢ Nassau Strect © adel WHITBY : dali TTC - A £ PORT PERRY Luscious Muskoka Wild Sn pberTias This process of using actual fruit juic's is what makes McLaren's Lavincible Jell y Powders so delightfully "fruity" in t a process per- fected by ourselves m: ny years ago, and is used by us not only with Raspberries, but choice Straws berries, Cherries, ( Grapes, Currants, and Pineapples are used in the same wa We are confident that you will be so de! ighted with the true Wild Raspberry flavor of the Free Package that you will be ez ger to try other McLaren Jellies. We rely on the Free Package to convince you of the superiority of our Actual Fruit Flavors. We are convinced that, once you taste McLaren's Invincible Jellies, you wiil- cone tinue to use them and to serve them frequently, So, cut out the coupon and pin it to your week-end grocery list, so you won't forget it. Any of the grocers below will be glad to supply you with the FREE Package. McLarens Limited will re- imburse the grocer the full retail price of the free package. Invincible Jellies sell regularly at 3 packages for 25 cents, 7. ~The small ¢ is causiug some alar have been discovered nging the total numb the city up to 17. pupils at # High Sche is aiternoom, © ¢ cases having col ~The Ul and Prince ere FREE DESSERT. Jor S unday s SMCLaren's INVINCIBL t Harry Allin F. 8. Coulter R. H. Dilling Dominion Store Archie Tait COURTICE Willard & Lo, Pominion Store