Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Dec 1927, p. 12

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AGE TWELVE m-- -- ---- NL ikiscory and ficient 3 system Fatios County Relevits any oratories as is to be found in {a A EASTERN ONTARIO HWS |= o ones ob EER I Tad his tung d yesterday afternoon when his in their home. Their bodies, mutely ne car struck a pole near the high- 3 1s the story of their struggle, rablii non Department ass > CHU ; Fi POY olice forced an |¥ay Ly r from ville. we Hud fe Tee \ po a ee filled kitchen. acceding east to Shannonville nee of hay HL o Balev i 8 ---------- whe §) tried to slacken his as [grants to ttownship Aocvey jn the Baie Gee DIES IN KINGSTON. od x . in front of of him was tury ins Rereated Fs 0 per a dition the The death hh Plie hy abet | 198 i EE Lobo d to skid Reid wa £5: 2 HH fe Hg go7 ing in Ki taken to Belleville h al for Ab pon, EE fo SE rae a ght pri te James A : ol a Kingaton, Mis | ews rm e Suest ot Mar Ottoru' a was i of Cirele - ig terboro A duated i y Ave. Toronto, of the King's Daughters, a Weber of since the discharge oJ o J usertay 907, bei insurance man, was fade here hana' nd a e six weeks ce te Srv the LODE ind rman ap inted avg supe rlntendent. cadet ba h 31 a riends of the n are scouring the count sion'. of . | 3 " , ove sister, Miss | He was one of 24 applicants for the | and being Sue afd believe that Lean wi il be Give the family a welcome io ra, 'Drothors, Tames position. The choice was he on his pn na Bri bined a few Hops esides being X portant pos th * change, some original and Francis MacNee, or was Rotice Pro cial i Hit ¥ i , 3 g - ih i i 3} ii | ; £ ot and Mr, G Fey Jog 8 red a am ior bel ok . Mifinane LU " Bute ae pat 1 he Woh wart the Hue ahaa' hy and is on i R ol hee ae Frovinow i a 0X0" Cu DEFENDS CLOSING OF LABORA. | of Refuge since he took it aver, \Va high ¥ Xe --add a few bes in th ay beck: t ThE ork were den J, A Middiston wd Fhairman pase Loh et ave the The eye to your vegetable soup, ames idely circulated in this |to make knownw the nds on which oe Sh Refuge Bea ga ch HOME NEraRy 2 DEFICIT, ik and citizens age oining in the they will ask that Mr, Hughes' They put in the rich good- ¢ ng on t - [h be seh aide, Newton Db. Baker, Pol ih beef, and im tory by the Government has aroused | i has been noted since he. took t aver, Wb ome ad Wi vs ng, of he wt, hu) learned that Major Lean I ing as a special attorney for the g ¢ oo of 1 i interest and opposition on the part of Maize was asked to resign when the bri ingston, a ete of visited H. W. Mitchell's drug store|State of Ohio, said the bill of -exeep- ctly pleasing ha Taland Light and Chav. medical doctors in that Sait, aud Grand Jury teparied hadi Ri drs was announced, chiefly due to here at 6.20 o'clock to-night, and a few | tions would not be made publie until | I ] Say het ena for tn wnr, he Ea, Salo ml ie, hd RE, ne A St, es tend ho Har 51, tn, Bsr" Bima" er 'or \ J provements 3 i, 7 Health, i Bel Der iA py Fo for assault, when a charge was "Sunnyside." The revenue was $11 |h 3 desha claration fat it was the man in| My, Mughs recommended dismissal of pr ASTHYXIATED. ent, Dr, Bell stated that the public |" 368.54, and expenditure was $13.377.56. west Seemed to. be dazed" Munro the aus Which x3 brought again against te Albany, ght to reach open air na health of Petetharo and vicinity would URGE HOME FOR DEFECTIVE, There are six children in the home "fan he did not appear to He To lin illegal diversion poi! hake safety -- ay, a man, his wife and Inat suffer, and a A Sen will have' At yesterday morning's session of 'and five in boarding houses. by ve of 'i whereaboyt e Walk-| water into the Chicago Virainage ean heir 7-year-old son were asphyxiated 'duced number the Prov ol sdwitha .: cided limp in his Teh x Chicago now withdraw 8,500 hic il ,.;. Be oe Answers Description. of water a second daily under a War : Pa. Munra said that the man Jreyered Department contract, validity of which the description sent out Police | W48 upheld by tae Master, Headquarters, He a to be! Mr, Hughes also sustained the right out 50 Years of age, in hei Complex. of Joe State to brin R the, Action to ) ian, about pix feet in height, an rates ir eommere! nterests on - w i # about 20 pounds, He was | the Great Lakes, and recognized the Pu | I © © TI + he | 43 ee (- Vey in a dark suit and coat, walk- | right of Congress to enact legislation ed Yuh a limp, and carried a cane to| governing withdrawal of water, assist him, K. H. Cousland, 18 Glenmorris Ave., Torante, whose ite is hisce of Mrs, } " EY ean, accompanied b eehan and | (STE TI IIIA R. B, Scott, iki of Toroute has made Ty 'A VERY POPULAR SET FOR SCHOOL] an exhaustive search to-day from || Oshawa on thte west to Gabourg on | [& 1 HIS COU PON 1S WOR 1 I the east, and to Lake Scufog on the north, At 11 o'clack Jo, ght, it as " a thoug! a ean ha een locate Barona Yr * las a local eitizen had noticed a man ONE DAY GOOD ONLY | ONE DAY ein] | - . answerin 18 escripti on t = Model 4-40 Sireet, However upon vestigation | ONLY SATURDAY, DEC, 10, : at the Ontario Hotel, this person ta Hl . $225 lied with the hii By Age iden- Bring this ao ow store with only 86¢c and we will give you a new Style wn or with tification cards except that he was || Breakable re Fountain Pen and an Eversharp Style Electric Drive grey-haired, and Lean is practically Pencil, $2.00 value, both for 89¢, $265 Acgiiay Have Obisined Lif. EVERY PEN FILLED ER, oro W. Harvey, the searchers made 8 One year guarants AND TESTED found of cafes, hotels and boarding- | B Pe Ph 354 ouses, but no cldes were foun n [ who! 4 e rop. one a steady rain the search still continues, | | For the le family, AR, try, P Ine taeory is advanced that he may Different colore A West End Drug Store have secured a ride from town at | Different Styles Ny) 5.3), as he has not been noticed since Different sizes 1% af West End Drug Store48 King St. Ww. Oshawa at time, Mr, Cousland told The Globe that at | | mm clock this afternoon the Post- ote kno manufactur tain pens is taking this means of r of Newcastle saw a person N A nationally wR uf er of foun ing Lean's description standing | |B advertising a new style pen and pencil set, Come in and sce the demenstration, - > pavement in the village way- | IE is cane at passing cars as if [|=] NOTE--No 6 sets to a customer Sale from 2 p.m, to 8 ---- y lie ie QO sm ITHE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIF Tim different." relat d } aio} um not more than, $15, a he had ES TARY nked his 2 ior t art- e at 4.45 om g Agia 1e #0 of his dis- » vy i e from Toronto, "He was J 4 in 1916," Lite sca reher said, d I don't believe he suff red she i nas nev er felt the effec A wartime exper es be re, and | I ve his mind is now a total | hl ak YOUNG CONSERVATIVES. : H | 1 sr 4 mer ry iy Cla br Bel et Mens oy says Gigli--the great operatic tener - EEL a «of his performances--as he hears them "Han, G Howeid Ferre son, M.P, for South Hastings ; bg Wi Th ® ; ® AY, ol. Ireland, M P.P. for West Hast- ¢ on the new Osthgplonic Victrola. ot CLR [he Store With The Christmas Spir it Sais 7 rcaident, Shop early in the do fo for Better Choi ce, Greater Comfort and Quicker Serr beau ief, exac! el ills; Sec- vice. W, ti i th } & th pa "Aston shart ot por Yas grou ain or Nearing oil i ty ri ciary, William Warhaim," At the con- atch for not adv 1 Eoin wt EL ont VE TE TE GIFTS GALORE--COME AND SEE hosic Vil, / hy hears La £25 Victoren Ey of sound", : , of Brockville, his Bra ---- FRIDAY is BARGAIN DAY at THE ARCADE | Ph vamane 1 #0 Clasio--yet beautiully modern in design | momma HA Sms, Is 4 p : : lage pine miles south of Kemptyille, in life, the instrumental , was dpstroyed by fire early last even- like the back- itional t when Models from $1400 to 8s low by iasmsance. All he cawomens of |8f Toy Bargains | FRIDAY BARGAIN : as $115 on convenient tesms from all His the local lodges was destroyed. Voice Dealers. Oe | -- TIFICIAL FLOWERS | Bath Towels Br I pl bie Bed Wonder Movie AR of Beautiful and 2Wash Hundreds Cloths to Flowers, worth hp Dec, B--Confirmation of Books- Friday, rs Friday, 25¢ "89% FEES TRYT 7 wy that for two weeks the Syms by den en of de from g by par, n - fense pd ko al el dispute. the contr Reiween yy ¥ : : RH Fel gr Fi o Amored 8.5 || Handkorchiots for Gift dey. Each, 15¢ eso Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Momo ad = Sleighs, Fridey Each, ... $1.95 he new Auiurmaile Orthophonis Vicsele. my. Wi usdhansdesight ] in Oshawa. It will be a pleasure for us to show you our large stock |. Dolls, nicely: of machines ~~ a large stock of the newest Records always on hand. dressed. Fri D. J. BROWN - are || ea CA . Shovels. Fri- || 9300 11.30 am--2 to 330 p.m. different styles King Street West Phone 189 oem © doy 1% Gui Friday. 75¢ 4 Come In and Hear One of These Wonder SHOP AT THE ARCADE Victrolas Play For You! Oshawa's Busy Gift Store 3 Simcoe S8 North aad hii i OD

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