A Want Ad Is Tris CSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 192, « ft wap ow Legal RED C. MacDONALD, BARRIS- Ne Solicitor, et. Simcos and Bick streets, on Phone A (108-tf) FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, otary Public, Con cer, to loan. Room 2, Royal Bank streets. (121-mo) ANNIS, BARRISTERS, an Towing hy Etc. Con- d general practice of TC eos PA Simcoe St. south, 63. G. D. Conant, OA YLE AF. Annis, BA, LLB, 5 (38tf) ..E, N. SIN IR, K.C, BANK w ER Bui Ni (16-1 yr.) OSEPH P, MANGAN, BA --BAR- Jone Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office 1 St. East, Oshawa, Phone 145. Residence phone 837, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, veyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. A Grierson, BA, T. K, Creighton, B.A. SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, etc. All branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loan, ffice over Lamble's store, 2 King St, east. Phone 940, WY y J H. N. German, F. G. ackenzie. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Disney Bldg, opposite Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 2239]. (621) 1 W 12044 The LAHOKLA STUDIOS, IN Wilson and Phone 2388, HERBERT C, TRENEER IS PR pared by accept WR an gan toll nished upen _ request, street east. one 466. er (Hambourg Conservatory, to prepared for all I ras of ato coe St. North, Phone 371J, --_ Insurance od ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TRACH- To- | veniences, No Eulalie No Fad---The Results Will Make You Glad For Rent MODERN APARTMENTS, THREE rooms, electric Tange, grate, re- frigerator. $60. Box "F Times . (133-¢) NEW HOUSE TO RENT, § ROOMS and - bathroom. also furniture for sale. 630 Hortop avenue. (133-¢) SIX ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT. Phone 1851, ' in 1 come children. ARP ate) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent for light housekeeping, All conveniences. Apply 90 Ridon Avenue. (133¢) Ave, DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. Fi in Oshawa. e- putable fre Companies, Feit FOR RENT rooms for light housekeeping, All conveniences, 45 Westmoreland Ave, Phone 35777. (1320) WHEN PLACING INSURANC consult R, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protested, ive) Sa LYE) Money to Loan UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST mortgages, Building loans Sranged nn Bros. Phone 169, 420, (96-tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission, Building loans, Legal is office, A. J. work done at this Parkhill, Barrister, Disney pod Phone 1614. Q76-t Contracting LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND COM. pany, Barristers. Money to loan. Over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street morth, Phone 67, residence 1397TW, (tf) Medical DR. R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSI- cian, surgeon, and obstetrician, Of- fice and home, 456 Simcoe street south. Phone 2667. (114-tf) DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe- cial to maternity work 3 of womens Two years' experience. Cfflee a 167 Simcoe St. N., . Brock) phone 303, (119-tf) PHYSICIAN, SUR- Ofiice and resi- , corner Victoria ] > 94, DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, d.geascs of infants and c¢'v!dren, Of- fice: and residence, 97 Lond cast. Fanuc J. HAZLEWOOD, PIYSI- 1 Surgeon, spec'al attention wor: ond : S OF 169 BLOOR West, Toronto, will he at his over Jury & Lovell's Drug ve each Saturday, from 1 till 4 for consultation and treatment [ » and throat Appointments mayce be made Phone 97. (49-tf) only. at drug store. Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldcal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Phone 433. Jamieson Bros. (ti) Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- istered for extraction, nurse attend- ant. Phone 231, Residence 1087. (tf) DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Bassetts'. Phone 950; Residence 306, 4-1 yr. -- | 2inners end ad-anced T. W, ENGLAND AND R, DOUG- lass, bricklayers and contractors work taken by the thousand or by day work. Repair work of all de. scriptions, Satisfaction guaranteed, 318 Division St. Phone 2679W. (Nov, 24-Dec. 24.) THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL building contractors, Let us give you our estimates, Write or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73-tf) GARAGE TO RENT, 117 SUM- mer street (off Court street). (132-¢) GARAGE TO RENT, CLOSE TO Motors, 151 Colborne St. East, Phone 620W, (132-¢) PRIVATE HOME, WARM ROOMS, could accommodate 4 roomers. Ap- ply 370 Jarvis street. Phone 20747. (182-c) SPACE TO RENT FOR BARBER' shop, Apply 504 Simcoe St, 8. (131¢) FOR RENT--APARTMENTS OR rooms, heated, All conveniences, Immediate possession, Phone, ete.' No small children accepted, ply 166 Verdun Rd, (131¢) GARAGE TO RENT, CENTRALLY located, 87 Queen street, (131-c) FURNISHED BEDROOMS SUIT- able for two rooming together, Breakfast optional, 166 Ritson road south, Phone 24667, (131-tf) TWO FURNISHED | Beauty Parlors a a a i ddd MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, mani~ cures, mmrcelling. Phone 2653, (Dec. 6-3an.6). Wanted to Rent FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED room wanted for business woman th for 20 werde A for'sach nddivionsl word: TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH . TELEPHONE 3% Ak for Classified Ad Depart: . men where two boys 6 and 7 would be looked after during day. Mrs. Rellly, 16 Bond St. W. (133¢) Real Estate for Sele FOR QUICK SALE, § ROOMED frame house on Montrave avenue, garage, small payment down. Ap- ply 294 Montrave Ave. No phone. (133-¢) NEW FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE, Eight rooms, all wired. Cheap. Apply 3rd house south C..R. tracks. Park Road south, (133-c) BUILDERS" OPPORTUNITY Close in property. Wide deep lots, high, level and dry, Reasonable prices and terms. Construction WANTED TO RENT SIX ROOMED house or flat, reliable tenants, central, Box "M" Times. (133-¢) now under way, This is worth in- vestigation. Box "J" Times. (132-1) LARGE HOUSE SUITABLE FOR rooming and boarding house. Ap. ply Albert Wolfe, Meadowvale, ... (132-¢) GENTLEMAN DESIRES SINGLE room and board, or would share room with one other, Single beds. Box "H" Oshawa Daily hiss i ] HOUSE WANTED--FOUR OR five rooms with conveniences or stool, Can pay $300-$500 cash, Ap- ply Box "U"" Oshawa Dally Sm. 131¢) Work Wanted THAT CHRISTMAS GIFT. A BED light, Lamp shades made to or- 'der, Old shades recovered, Prices reasonable. Phone Shirley 2577TW, 91 Buckingham Ave. (132-¢) ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL kinds of carpenter work. Hardwood floors laid and finished, Work- manship guaranteed, Phone 24797, RRR -- i ESS i i Articles For Sale SECOND HAND LUMBER FOR sale. All sizes, Apply 8rd house south C.P.R, tracks, Park Road south after 6, (133-¢) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber. lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F, L. Beeeroft. Whithy, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-11) Motor Cars NASH BALES AND SERVICE. Twenty-five different models to choose from, Ask for demonstra- tion, Reid Nash Motors, Dundas street, Whitby, (Dee, 1-Jan, 1) Painting and Decoraling R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, cte, Twenty years' experience. Prices rignt. Work quoranteed, 151 Huron street, Phone 2067\WV. (45-tf) Elocution McLAUGHLIN 36 TOURING IN good condition, Cheap for quick sale, Jas. E, Sharpe, 56 Bucking- ham Ave, (13%¢) McLAUGHLIN CHASSIS, IN GOOD condition, only run 10.000 miles, suitable for truck, speedster or regular body. Apply B. W. Haynes, 161 King St. W, Phone 481, or 180r2, (133-b) MISO EVELYN TRICK, MISTRESS "| of Elocution, graduate of Ontario Ladizs' College, will prepare be- pupils for Il platform work, Apply 198 | King street east. Phone 134, (Dee, %-Jan, 2) Transportation CARTAGE AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance. W. Borrow- dale, 609 Carnegie Avenue. Phone 1618, (Dee, 1.Jan, 1) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIM- ited, Simcoe St., S., phone 346w,, 242, Front St, E., oronto, Phone Main 7637. Superior Transportation Ser- vice, (42-tf) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. B85 Bond St. West, Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service. Moying van and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains, (64-1) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. (56-tf) DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrae- fons. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence, 1378M i 3 C. 8. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Goyernment Veterinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone 105]. 131-tf) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN rtments, SEP- DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780 Residence. 669. 66-tf and Surveying IDONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- fio Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- sub-divisions, town hd engineers, Ao Phone 1635. mut: Dressmaking FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING remodelling at 97 King street (Dec. 8-Jan. 8) LADIES' OR : CHILDREN'S iresses made or remodelled & 550 pimcoe street north. Phone 14937. (Noy. 18-Dec. 18) DRESSMAKING, PLAIN, FANCY owing. Miss Flossie Boyd, 362 Les- ie St. Phone 1842) DEL 1 (Nov.25-Dee. 9) KINDS OF DRESSM. lone at ices, Call at Rowe St. Phone 'M. - Now. 19.Dec. 19) Machinery ASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS, leighs, wagons, new or d hand, street 1927 McLLAUGHLIN COACH AND coupe, Privately owned, Phone 166 or 1503M, (181-¢) 1926 CHEVROLET TOURING IN good condition, Real bargain. Phone 297, (181-2) Situations Wanted YOUNG MAN DESIRES FARM work, Fourteen years experience, Experience In dairy farm work. Box P"" Oshawa Daily Times. (131-e) WIDOW WANTS WORK AS pO+ mestic housekeeper, 150 Verdun road, (131-e) Ell Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY--SMALL MOD- ern brick house on paved street. Preferably with garage. Box "L" Oshawa Daily Times, (132-b) MR. S, JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and oo Jinds of metals. Bi scrap batteries, old car: h one. BOSOM, (111) Goods called for. Phone Residence 99 Mill street. FURNITURE FOR SALE, APPLY 620 Hortop Avenue. FOR SALE--ONE COUCH, ONE organ, and heater, nearly new. Will sell cheap, Apply 263 Alvort 8, ' Cc (138-¢) | (131¢) 161 OSHAWA BLVD, FOR SALE or exchange, Will accept equity in Toronto house, clear log or mort. gage. Owner, Mrs, Hill, 478 Dan. forth Avenue, Toromto. (1320) FOR SALE-~TWO NEW BRICK houses on Nassau St, six rooms, square plan bungalow, oak floors throughout, chestnut trim down- staire, Ivory enamel upstairs, terms reasonable, Phone 2627, (1324) BARGAIN -- NEW 12 ROOM brick house, 2 three piece bath- rooms, oak hardwood floors, won- derful house for boarders, Three minutes from G. M, C, Only $6,200, Cash down $2,000, Apply 22 Bruce St, (131e¢) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE FOR sale. Apply 86 Park Rd. 8. (131¢) ON WARREN AVENUE, PAVED street, six or eight room houses, rug brick veneer, hard wood trim, just completed. All conveniences, Phone 1637TW or 2073, (Nov, 23-Dec, 23) CARPENTER WORK, SHINGLING furnaces repaired and cleaned, chimneys cleaned and rebuilt, floors oiled, cleaned and waxed. General repair work of all kinds promptly attended to. Phone 2582W. (Nov, 17-Dec. 17) CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR sale. Ten minutes walk from Motors, Richmond and King Sts, A bus ull, Safe investment. Apply C, (Nov, 16-Dec. 16) i UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order, Work- G. A. Con- St. Phone (72-11) | manship guaranteed. stable, 74 Mechanic 16957. Help Wanted--Femiale TREES. Phone (132.11) CHOICE CHRISTMAS For Christmas delivery, 1618. FIRST CLABS McCLARY QUE- bec heater, Apply 608 Front St. South, (132-e) $12 a cord. I, J. Galka Conces- sion 4, R.R, No. 1, East Whitby, (132-¢) REED BABY CARRIAGE FOR sale, cheap, for quick sale, Ap- ply 614 Cubert street, Phone 177973, (132-3) TWO AXMINSTER RUGS AND vacuette for sele. Apply 120 William St, BE, Phone 1789J. (132-¢) FOR SALE--ALL KINDS OF SEC- ond hand lumber, doors, windows, beams, trimmings, garage doors. Apply opposite 81 Ontario St. (1314) ORDER YOUR WINTER SUPPLY of "Select-Knit" hosiery now. Cash- meres, silk snd wool, and pure silk, Walter Vass, Phone 2546J. (130¢) FOR SALE-ONE CARPENTER"S tools and chest $30, Apply 123 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 1910], 130¢ FOR SALE -- ONE HEATER (Guerpey-Oxford) for coal of wood; uantity of spples; also radio poles, ence posts, and Christmas trees. Phone 1827-14. 130c Auction Sale AUCTION BALE---THIS PROPER- ty must be sold to close up the estate. Having received, fnstrue- tions from Fred White to sell by public auction the estate of William cession 2, Darlington Tp., on Sat- urday, December 10th, 1927. st 2 o'clock sharp. We also oe Ses Wars ofthe at £ovage is solicited. Fin Machinery Repairing DURRANT MACHINE CO.-WE do all kinds of machinery rods re-babbited; crown pinions for all Beatty stable equip- . Agent, H. Pawson, 550 Sim- Street morth. Phone S081. _... Nov, 21-Dec. 21) LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST East. Ambulance. 1y Division St. 69 King street cast. Phove 20), gina and Henry White on Lot 31, Con- | Balsam, MARVELLOUS LINIMENT FOR rheumatism, paralysis, sore joints, and all external pains, Liniment uaranteed. Patent Pending 330,352. hone 14677. Salime Larocque, 112 Barrie St. 130F CHRISTMAS TREES FOR BALE. , Spruce snd Cedar, Phone 1724W. J ELECTRIC FLOOR LAMPS, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds, snsy pe ; imnyedi- ate. delivery. O. H, , 22% Simcoe south. Phone 16586. (Dec. 2-Jan, 2) Ere lsh of fame spac, eto Be Si tion was erected. 1¢ should be just for. of apartment APA EXPERIENCED GENERAL WANT- ed at once. Apply 458 Simcoe St, N. 1 (182e) WANTED--A GOOD GIRL OR middle aged woman for house- keeper on farm, two miles from Oshawa, no outside work. Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times. (132-e) WANTED--GIRL TO ANSWER phone, with some office training. Box "A" Oshawa Daily Times. (132.b) | WANTED--TWO WARD MAIDS. Apply Oshawa Hospital, (132-tf) WIDOW WITH GIRL 12, SEEKS housekeeper's position, 2 or 3 adults, References, Care of Royal Hotel, Whitby. (132-e) " Wanted WANTED CANVASSER Drivers, married men preferred State age, experience and refer- ences. Anexcellent opportunity to the right parties, Apply Box *1" Oshawa Daily Times. (132b) TAKE NOTICE that George Couch is indebted to C. L. John- ston in the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for work done on a cer- tain McLaughlin motor car bear- ing license number 94-081 for the year 1927. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that R. C. Sprentnall is indebted to C. L. Johnston in the sum of Thirty-two Dollars, ($32.00) for work done on a certain Essex motor car bearing license number 48-091 for the year 1927. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Gladys Arnold is indebted to C. L. Johnston in the sum of $18. 00 for work done on a certain Lexington motor car bearing lie. ense number 66-647 for the year 1927. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the three aforementioned ears will be offered for sale at public suction by J. W. SULLEY at 26 Athol St. West on Saturday, December 17th, at three o'clock in the afternoon. (133-8) 194 Division St, Phone 553). Lost and Found TWO GEESE AND A GANDER, strayed from 145 Olive Avenue, Saturday morning, Phone 1738M or apply at above address. (131-¢c) Too Late to Classify FOR BSALE---DOLL'S HOUSE, modelled after small home. Com- pletely furnished, even to electrie light, Apply Bex "K" Oshawa Dally Times, (1332) FURNIHED HOUSE TO RENT, 277 Alberg Street, (133b) CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE--ONE Quebee heater, one Detroit vapour coal ofl stove, one Quebec heater with oven. All in good condition, Apply 71 Ritson Rd, 8. Phone 1770W, (138¢) FOR BALE--DIVANETTE TAP- estry covered, almost new. Apply 129 Agnes St, (1383¢) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms for light housekeeping. Apply 76 Elgin St. B. after 6. (133b) FOR SALE--A NEW ORTHO- phonic Vietrola and 25 records for $100. Complete, Apply 50 Buck- ingham Ave, (133s) WANTED -- BABY"S COMMODE chair. Must be in good eondition, Apply Box "2" Oshawa Dally Times. (138s) -- $4,300--BRICK BUNGALOW, #8 rooms, all conveniewess, French doors, hardwood floors, built-in cupboard, small cash payment, bal- ance monthly, $6,400--BRICK HOUSE 8 ROOMS, oak floors in 6 rooms, 3 plece white enamel bath, French doors. chestnut trim, divided cellar, side entrance, paved street. Reason- able cash A $3,000 CCO AND FRAME 5 rooms, one acre land, 20 fruit trees, large berry patch, 2 hen houses, inside eity, close to street cars, chance for investment. $500 cash, balance easy terms. Bradley Bros. 290 Simeos street south, Phone 169, SHEEP-KILLING hit § eelP cE: <3 uner arrest by Sheriff W. B. Robin son on a warrant sworn to by Young. Blood stains also had a part in the identification, ' "THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT , MARY." Manager Leon Osier of the Re- gent Theatre certainly possesses a genius in selecting entertaining programmes for his patroms, Al. most continually during the past few weeks Mr. Osier has provided Oshawa theatre-goers with a great number of the world's outstanding film productions, and now hc comes to the front again in tne announcement df another triumph. al two-hour laugh show the last three nights of this week headed by the screen version of the fame ous stage success 'The Rejuvena- tion of Aunt Mary." May Robson, the celebrated star who created the stellar role in the stage play many years ago is co. starred with Phyllis Haver in the screen version, while Harrison Ford and Franklin Panghorn, well known screen comedians are fea- tured. Most everyone is acquainted with the story of "Aunt Mary." For more than thirty years this successful cdpmedy was presented .on the stage. It is a laugh-maker of exceptional beauty and attrac. tiveness, The action is rapid and every scene is packed with chuckles that should lighten your life tor weeks to come--wholesome, re- freshing and a fit antidote for the blues. Robert Edeson, Arthur Hoyt and Betty Brown appear in supporting roles, "Our Gang" will also be on hand to heighten the hilarity the last three nights of this week at the Regent in their recently made comedy howl! "Yale Vs. Har- vard," 'These clever youngsters are always good for a hearty laugh while they are on the screen, so all in all, with "The Rejuvena- tion of Aunt Mary." and "Yale Vs, Harvard" on the same programme, those looking for a couple of hours of unadulterated fun will regret missing the show at the Regent next week. Pathe News and Jack Watson and his Regent orchestra will as usual provide further entertain- ment in addition to the comedy features to be presented. COMING SOON---A GREAT PICTURE OF THE GREAT NORTH More than the usual interest at- taches to the announcement of the forthcoming engagement of James Oliver Curwood's "Nomads of the North" at the New Martin theatre beginning Monday. All those who saw "Back to God's Country" and "The River's End," masterpieces from the workshop of this author, realize they are justified in expecting some- thing extraordinary in the latest pic- turization of his brand of outdoors, Far North fiction, This film is an Art Brand attraction and it is said to be one of the very best features ever offered by this organization, The three high-lights in the production, according to advance information, pre: the remarkable performance of animals including many wild ones in general and a pet bear and dog in particular; a forest fire which is ac- credited with setting a new high mark in realism and thrills; and, a romance of all-absorbing quite different from the ordinary run of love affairs so 1 rsal I movies. Tha cast which has been selected to play the various picture- sque roles. in this intense drama of the wildest of God's country includes such stars as Betty Blythe, Lon ey, Lewis Stone, Melbourne MacDowell and Spottiswood Aitken. MM Le TRE sen? Grernoes GB, GO 5.Collis & Sons BO-54 King Street West, Oshaws Opp. Centre St. Phone 738W TIME TABLES x) W--t.. 2 9.59 113 aR 6.54 9.42 11.090 12.00 12.25 £23 8 ] CNR, TIME TABLE in former time May 1) Traine except Sunday, only, ly, Daily except Sunday, ily, Dai Sxeent Daily hp Sunday, unday on INTREY maNmomo - a Dail Sund = Rabon Daily except Sunday, CPR. TIME TABLE Trains Daily. =Daily except Sundagy .m.~Daily, .m.~Daily, Westbound Train m,-- iy except Sundayy m.~Daily, m.~Daily except has cx Sunder pm~Daily except Sunday, A ---------------- Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville : BUS LINE \ a a a.m.~Sunday only, a. P. WEEK DAY SCHEDULE 1.00 p.m, 4.35pm, 6.45 p.m, 9.40 p.m, DNA LN NIN 5 - 2 Sn Dear BE 8=S3n55RBBSBE: 1 2 STPTTTTPTTESS EERE EE ES $F =: Non Lm ome BRZZBual © 8 > - TYPPOPYees 8353 SE83nasnRie TOPTTOTEDSsSS 5355332388388 5 10 p.m, 11.30 pi S = Time marked * are through busses fo SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY DULE Going West CHE Leave seedy TEED Swoawmr-- > 3 - Pee Special Busses 28 EEE itby Hospital p.m, or All Reasonable Rates and Careful T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR qualities | our fight. Keeping ihe faith fs what make: iife a wonth- while advemiuce. RRR SEN RR AE S EE Si eS SE