Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Dec 1927, p. 9

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pf ---------------------- Boxing 1ourriey One Of Best Ever Staged here the boxing game in tals, eity. Three knockouts featutedi the nizht's boxing, and everyone of them came as the finale of an in' teresting and fairly even bout. 1 must be sald that every boy tha "ppeared in the ring, from the first until the lost, made a ver; creditable showing, The Oshawe and District fighteys were assist ed by several lads from a Toror to Club and the visitors gave a good account of themselves, prov- Boxing made its come bvack to hawa at the Armeories last night hen the Ontario Regiment Boxing ub presented a series of amateur uts under the sanction of the tario Amateur Athletic Commis. Close on to eight hundred s were in attendance and every- a left the arema thoroughl d and high ia their compli- e tvat it was the best evem- 's ysentertainment ever offord- Aida wae ing in the history of Mm---- ox AS 4 0 94 24 ON OUALITY) CONNTS/ ing to be good sports and clea fighters. : Eill Eellingham and Young Robt eris provided the first contest, eing a hundred pourd affair Soth lads did nice work and were in good condition. Young Rob- arts got a decision from the judges George Goodall managed to get "old of a decision fromx Johan: Jellichimber in the second fix ture of the evening. It, like the first, was one that both scrapper can well feel proud of, for bot lads gave a mighty fine exhibitio: of the ring pastime, The fight 1 this bout was almost a draw, bt Goodall had a litt'e edge and thy ~eceived the award. °o What was probably one of the Canada's Largest Retail Grocers Buy Your Christmas Groceries Early Good Quality Peas No. 2 tin 2 for I9° Club House OLIVES At Special Prices Queen Pimento Stuffed No. 5 bot, 12¢ No. § bot, 185¢ No. 8 bot, 20c No, 8 bot, No. 12 Queen 28¢ 20-0z, * Queen « 37c¢ Mason Jar Stuffed » 49¢ 29¢ _ Tasty Cuts | Macaroni "TheBetter Macaroni" 3 rn 25¢ FINEST CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES First 'shipments just arrived. Come and inspect the stock. Prices will be at our usual low standard NUTS Mixed 25° . Filberts, Walnuts, Almonds, Brazils ; Brazils 29c¢ 1b, 59€,. Shelled [{ Almonds iors in 28 Raisins 2 mvs, 27¢ California Seedless Peel "7: 23¢ 1. Cut Mix. | 28¢clb, Finest Recleaned Currants 16€ mw, Golden Hallowi Dates 2 1s.23¢C Cooking 21bs, 21 Figsfokios 21h 21 Glues Cherries 1b, 25¢ CANDY Sweetheart hests Assorted Chocolates, Creams uts, Hard Centres 1.1b, Box 39¢ 3-1b, Box 99¢ Large Assortment x Candy A 1€c¢c and 23¢ Cake Candies c 10S. For Decorating # Chocolate, Tea Balls y WN Wintergreen, etc, Our Own Make Christmas Chateau Loaf heese 375, J Cake if Libby's Np oH Royal Jar Mincemeat 34¢| A beautiful decoratediced cake in an individual box 89¢ exon o Ll hy 2 ws. 25¢ 5) &¥ Molasses Snaps Chrictimmas Prunes Large 2 lhs, 25c¢c Finest Santa Clara Med. C 2 ee 10%,,.5 size Pudding Approx, 2 lbs, in an carthenware bowl 75c Christinas Wines } Fort Ginger Grape 29c¢ bot. BN Icing or Powdered bi Sugar 3 -25¢ ny Shirriff's True Wg Extracts LJ} oi Rig 1%;-0z, bot. 23¢c & Delmonte Crushed Pineapple os No, 2 tin 24¢ par ¥ 7 eT OR UR Re oz ARAB LL 7 Soaps and Cleansers Palmolive Sozp 3 for 23¢ 8c E for 25¢ Classic Cleonsér tin 8c Puts Polish Silver or Brass 17g Handy Ammocnia2for15¢c B6-0z. Cake Guest Ivory Soap Baker Premium Shred Cocoanut 8 oz, plkt. 18¢ TASTY MAYONNAISE i Ae | Pure Flexo = 7 SA » 7 BI BH di i fli i9¢c DRESSING 8-0z, Jar 3/;-0z, Jar Teiephone-- 262 Four direct lines to Central Solvay Coke We are Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desired, DIX ON'S "or best fights of the early part « the bill was provided by Bob Cur ming and Harold Gatenby, the former winning by a decision. The bout was a swat fest. Early ir the first, Gatenby's eye closed and he could hardly see out of the optic, but despite this handicar he fought gamely, In the next frame, Cumming had it over Gat- enby and forced the latter into his corner, but Gatenby made a good come back and gave a nice account of himself. In the see: ond's final stages. Cumming was floored for the count of nine and he protested strongly that the blow was foul, but his argumen was not allowed. Gatenby's eye looked llke an egg in the third it was swollen so badly. 'This round was vastly @ifferent from the previous one, providing thrill: aplenty, Cumming really earned his decision in this round for h sent Gatenby to the floor thre times for the count of nine an on each occasion the loser eam back. At the sound of the be he was on the floor with the cour of six ringing In his ears. Both boys certainly deserve praise f« the exhibition they gave and the fans gave each a good hand clap at the finish. Boos and Cheers Only once did there seem to be a difference of opinion among the fans as 40 the winner and that was during the Olnk-Sweeney af- fair--a very close bout with Joe Sweeney getting credit over Kid Oink. Boos and cheers greeter the decision, Sweeney immediate- ly went on the aggressive at thc clang of the bell and sent numer- ous rights and lefts '{u. Oink's head and body and the latter came back strong, though rather low at times. There was little to choose between them, It was a pretty exhibition of boxing. Bath boxers drew blood In the second. Both hoys missed punches, but even at that it was a livelier round than the first, - The final was like the others with both boys mak- ing a nice showing, again giving the judges a hard task to decide. Storm's manager threw a towel into the ring at the end of the first round of the George Fudger Russel stormy contest, thus show- ing that his Toronto hoy was through. Fudger had it over the other lad in both build and' speed making a nice showing in every respect, Hard blows to the fac' took the joy out of the fight for the visiting boy and he wasn't feeling any too good at the end of the bout. Just before the bell rang he felt the floor for six counts, but managed to rise again only to receive a series of blows to the face, This hoy Fudger, has improved quite a bit since he last appeared before a local audience, One Thin Woman Gained 15 Pounds In 5 Weeks Men and women, weak, thin and miserable, are urged to put on weight and get back their health and strength with McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, One woman gained 15 pounds in five weeks and that's going faust enough for anyone, McCoy takes all the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee. If arter taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Me- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets 2 one dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman does- n't gain at least 5 poun: end feel completely satisfied with the mark- ed improvement in health--yoyr druggist is authorized to return the purchase price, Ask Jury & Lovell, Ltd, T. B. Mitceell or any good druggist, Big Laugh Bill / -- Wh -- HARRISO.{ FORD and FRANKLIN PANGBORN 1he R :juvenation of Aunt Mary A TRIUMPH ON THE STAGE A Riot On The Screen! Our Gang COMEDY Yale vs Harvard wr &0hhe 4 LR "awAY, DECEMBER 8, 1927 Both weighed at '118 pounds. Scored One minute and 10 seconds in the second round was all that was required for Red Cardinal to take a knockout at the hands of A'Mat- to, a Toronto chap. The first round was an even af- fair, with little to pick between the boys. An "even-Stephen"--is the words to expwess it--for both swatted ome another in the initial round and they had the customers on their feet. It was so interest- ing that for a time it looked as though the bout would be a draw. The first round certainly was, Red was very good om his feet. Lefts and rights in series featured. That fatal second, though, came as a climax to a good fight. The Toronto boy seemed to hit a lot harder in this frame, and he prov- ed his stamina in the second when he sent a terribly hard stab to the body. Just as the referce called eight and nine, Red made a heroic effort to regain his feet, but: found it impossible. Neil Morrison cf Oshawa found that the more experienced Me- Gregor of Toronto was too good for him even though he managed to send the Queen's City repre- sentative into the third round be- fore allowing him to get the award. In the first round the spectatcrs were provided with some nice box- ing, though it was evident that McGregor had the edge, His blows were more deliberately dis- charged and his accurateness was marked, 'The Oshawa chap ham. mered a number of forceful wal- lops in, but they had little effect on the better conditioned Toron- to boxer, MeGregor made blood come to Morrison's face towards the end and when the bell rang, they were in a clinch, The second round again clearly demonstrated McGregor had the edge, The third made the Motor City boy groggy and a series of rights had blood flowing profusely from Morrison's face. Two More Sinkers Short, sweet, and snappy were the other two bouts on the card, There was that school day dis- pute, between Stocks and Peters, a needle contest, and also an extra measure affair between a chap named Stephenson and an- other boxer, Barrie, Serious in every respect was that bout between Stocks and Peters. The pair had been waiting for this chance for some time and last night when each entered the ring he had a determination to win and it was only after a dellh- erate attempt that one had to give way to the other. Bill Stocks sent Eddie Peters to the floor af- ter exactly one minute and three- quarters had elapsed. A right drive to the face did the trick. One minute and five seconds was all the time that {it took Stephenson to send Barrie down for the- count, A wallop to the solar plexus did the trick, Both fighters did well and the erowd thoroughly liked the short scrap. One of the head liners, if no: the main attraction, between Bil Adams and Red Lloyd, for the Regimental championship, did not materialize, as one of the princi- pals, Red Lloyd, failed to put in an appearance. However, not. withstanding the fact that this bout was "off" it was a mighty nice card and it looks as though the house will be packed nex time. E, A. Donald was referee, Jimmy Moffatt, Major A. F. Hind, D. 2 J. Swanson and Alex McKeen ably acted as judges, ete, and th: SBgouncer acknowledged thelr services from the rin all those who assisted, 5 thanking CHICAGO ALREADY WOOING THE NEXT HEAVYWHT BOUT of Another at Soldier Foresee Pr Title Ring Fi FEW OBSTACLES However, if Tunney Sticks to Contract, New York May Get It (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Ills, Dec. 8.--Chicago is wooing the next heavyweight cham- pionship fight, in spite of a few ap- parent obstacles and the generally accepted view that this particular brand of fistic lightning seldom strikes twice in the same place, for business reasons, Much of the prospect of stagin, another title bout on the embatt soil of Soldier Field is built upon the prospect of a break between Tex Rickard and Gene Tunney, coupled with the champion's expressed desire to fight at least twice in defense of his crown in 1928. There are a lot of *ifs" in this situation. If Tunney sticks to his contract with Rickard and fights only once next year, the scene is 'more than likely to be New York, or perhaps Philadelphia. His opponent, in a one-fight programme probably would be | ack Dempsey. . Jact, most siges t to a nite und alr having beea edition of this celebrated fe But if Tunney breaks away from the New York pro or otherwise carries out his flesice fo have mare action, as 2 means PINg in trim, icago may agaip furnish a battle- H a. Pi fo Chi ai grand finale with sey. providing, of course, there is no hitch 1 the "tuning-up" process. Tunney is slated for a wisit here early next week. The ballyhoo, simultancously, for his appearance in another fight here will hit a" few strident im, Mullen, Abe romoter, 'made 'a. ourishing gestures. There will be a "huddle" of the leading figures, talk of terms, and an earnest expression of desire on the part of the champion to return to the scene of his last triumph. Fresh fuel for the "long count" controversy that raged a the hight here has been provided by the publication of a new series of articles. under Dempsey's signature, charging that he was discriminated against by the referee. It is a variation of the complaints which Dempsey and his bat fight. manager, Leo boxing powers aiter the fight, The notion prevailed after the bat- tle here that it would take some time for Middle Western fandom to recov- er from the shock of $40 "ringside seats that had barely a hailing ac- quaintance with the actual ringside, or to get out the telescopes again for a long-distance glimpse of the com- from the no-famous "rim-side" locations, where it cost $5 for the experiment of seeing what could be seen an eighth of a mile from the Perhaps, as some of the experts with the } rh igars been % * A a ever before have . In such han and useful pecings 5! 4 0 ), - . Ad v A AAAs = SIMON'S ome .- HAVANA CIGARS .'. ' IN ALL SIZES / AN__- r Trio of ELGIN The World's Easy Terms 60 Inch String or + | Let Us Take abroad Yc Christmas Needs Buy Now---Pay Next Year . PEARLS F REE! ed A Lovely Pearl Necklace free with every purchase of $10 or over, You may have your choice of either the trio or the 60 inch style. 'Exceptional Values In Just the Very Thing for Him A 4 iq ---- A ur Beautiful Wrist Watches which any lady would be proud to own. See our large assortment of watches on sale for . Ri Ti en This Christmas) . Burns Jewelery Use Your Credit 23 Simcoe St. 8S.

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