Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1927, p. 5

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| kd \ rd SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co. peration of its read in tributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. --Mrs. Ross Fuller, Drew street, is visifing with her mother at Shannon- ville, --Mrs. Hall and her son and daugh- ter, Norman sand Mary, and Mis Margaret J. Bonner, and Mr. Burtley Bonner, all of Toronto, IE ------ . VOTERS LIST COURT «Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario, at the City Hall, Simcoe street north, on the 16th day of December, 1027, at two o'clock pam, te hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Munici- pality of Oshawa for 1027 Dated at Oshawa, Dec, Sth, 1927, F, KE, HARE, City Clerk, spent the WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST week-end with'* Mr, and Mrs. Sch- wartz, Oak strget. .. --Mr. Fevtelt Obra who has been working in Os all summer has brought his family be irom Mar- mora, where they will make their future home. --Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Din gle, of 'of Toronto, spent the weeck-en Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Luke, Atl street, "Your wife selms the sort of wo- man who is bound to have the last word" "I wouldn't mind. that, but the trouble is she's bound to have ninety- nine per cent of the words that pre cede it." --e--e qu you call 'him a vitda "Mean! Why he weighs every ward he utters!" | New Sleeping Car Service Toronto to Rouyn via Canadian National Railways, Canadian National Railways have much pleasure in announcing a new sleeping car service now operating between Toronto, Ont., and Rouyn, Que., via Canadian National Rail- ways to North Bay, T. & N. O, Ry. to Swastika, Ont., thence the new Nipissing Central Ry. branch from Swastika to Rouyn, Que, This sleeping car leaves Toronto Union Station daily on Canadian National train 47 at 9:05 P, M, ar- riving Rouyn 7:45 P, M., the fol- lowing day. Retnrning, the sleeper leaves Rouyn 11:40 A, M. dally, arriving Toray 7:10 A, M, Fol- lowing morning. Tickets and reservations may he se- cured from any Canadian National y Agent, CUT ITHTHS HET RTE IT HT TD TT silverware service for four, [ETTTTITIT TOOT] peacock-blue Serving Tray, The "Foursome" : COMMUNITY PLATE 3 KezN competition--down to the final putt the velvet-green of the links to the gleaming damask of luncheon or dinner table, and the hospitable convenience of the new Foursome in COMMUNITY PLATE--the economy Twelve Spoons, four Forks, four De Luxe Stainless Knives, Butter Knifeand Sugar Spoon all complete, in a gorgeous 3 patterns to choose from, all considerately priced, ! Then from Five exquisite 'Community i Bom in , was marvied while still in the old THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2ND ANNIVERSARY OF PASTORATE | Special Service at Christian Church Conducted By Rev. W. P. Fletcher The Christian Church was yester- day celebrating the second anniver- sary of the present pastorate udder Rev, Dr. W. P. Fletcher. In the ,|morning the pastor gave a retro- spect of the last year's plans and achievements. Dr, Fletcher makes it a rule to visit each home of the church and congregation twice a year as a friend of the parents and heir children, and through the pulpit he seeks to make the Bible and Christianity a living force for today rather than a matter of yes- terday's controversary, Then through the Sunday School, and the other agencies of the church the great object is to bring out every hoy and girl the abundant life that Jesus came to give, .and to train all to service at their best, Rev. Dr, Fletcher pointed out the church stands in a different rela- tionship to Oshawa than any other church, While to the other churches there is the natural acere- tion owing to so many people of the same denomination coming to a rapidly growing city, as well as what they gain by personal work, to the Christian Church everything of progress must be earned in the field of individual and chureh work, and this personal work was urged more and more for the com- ing year. In the evening the church and its individuals were urged on to the gaining of those things and to the personal endeavor and attitude that would 'renew their youth like the eagle'. The characteristics of youth are growth, sociability, for- glving and loving spirit, hopeful. ness, ambition, daring, adaptability, and the open mind, and these were urged upon the individual Christian and the church in all its policies and plang, A hopeful spirit saemed to pre- vail for one of the greatest years in the history of the church for the making of the church a moral force in the life of Oshawa and an actiye aggressive agency for the Master in carrying on His work at home and abroad. Recent Deaths CAROLINE RIDGEN The desth occurred this morn- ing o* Caroline, widow of John Ridges, at the age of 81. The de- ceased had only heen {ll for about 2 month, but until death took place at a few minutes to seven this morning, at the residence of her son Charles, "208 Centred street. Betford, En gland, she country to John Ridgen. The fam- lly removed to Cepada fifty-two years ago, and at first resided near Pickering. A few years later they moved to Brooklin, and twenty-one years ago to Oshawa, where the family subsequently resided. Her husband, John Ridgen, who follow- ed the occupation of a farmer, pre- deceased her mine years ago. Mrs. Ridgen was a member of King street United Church, and was held in high seteem for her honest, up- right character. She had taken an potive interest in the work of the chureh, but for the past few years i $28.00 Bri Aadiiidbiididibicid ili Da fred Ri hod ss Bassett's On Oskawa's Main Corner ¥ 1A CANADIAN GENERAL Buy By the Carton eT. lot Souris, Man.; , 'com, 174 Athol street: and Miss Ada hand health did not allow her to en- gage too actively in outside af- fairs. | Mrs. Ridgen was the youngest member of her family and leaves no brothers or sisters. She is sur- vived by two sons and two daugh- ters. Charles, with whom she has resided since the death of her bus- band, at 208 Centre street; Robert Mrs. Charles Wil- Ridgen, pleo of 174 Athol street, There are also five grandchildren, jon, Helen apd Dorothy, children of Mr. Charles Ridgen. not yet been completed. CHRISTMAS PUDDING ing: Raisins, currants, seedless rais- ins, suet, bread crumbs, brown sugar, | 3 i was asked if he had forgiven his EDISON MAZDA | LAMDS pound each of the follow- ES anch- aces to f IE dened SL fine may : Grate suet, bread crumbs, y peel and al- fruit, sugar and spices. Steam ten hours. _ BAN TOY SANDWICHES Thee quarters cup chopped, dried fies i water, % cup of ha Sands. 4 ut 15 minutes or until kens. Cool, and add and crystallized ginger. n thin slices of buiter- ole- at bread, remove crusts, t dn triangles. Serve with An American cowboy who was very encmies. "Enemies," repeated the puncher. with a faint smile, "I ain't got mone. Shot 'em all years ago." I broke my leg the other day, Ad 2 Joydered, what the folks would The funeral arrangements have One pound of each of the fullow- | had steadily failed | one of whom is a son of Mrs. Wil- | son and the other four, Eldon, Mar- | { { { | | OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Just Above Zero Unofficial reports are that the temperature locally over the week- end dropped as low as 8 degrees above zero. This is said to be yea- terday, morning ay about 8 o'clock. Many are of the opinion that Sat- urday night was much colder than yesterday. Today, though, the tem« po is somewhat milder, Comvenors Meet Convenors of the various group- ings in which Oshawa and district teams are interested in the 0, H, A. series have called meetings in Port Hope for tomorrow afternoon when the schedules of both the intermediate and junior series will be arranged. These will be an- nounced Wednesday. Meeting Thursday Announcement 'was made in the various churches of Oshawa yes- terday that the annual meeting of the Oshawa Children's Ald So- clety would be held in:St, Ap- drew's United Church Thursday evening. The speaker will be Judge Harkness, for a number of years, judge of the Winnipeg Juvenile Court and now of the Ontario So- cial Service, Ice Maker Busy With the advent of cold weather aver the week-end the lgeal ice makers at Bradley's Rink were busily engaged in the process of flooding and the result {s that to- day there is a falr sheet of frozen aqua pura, However, today the weather is somewhat milder and whether or not the ice maker's at- tempt will hear fruit or not, re- mains to be seen. However, today, he is again busy and is doing hia level best to get the surface in shape for hockey and skating. Colder weather 18 what is wanted. Plenty Snow Required The slides which the Rotary Club proposes to erect for tohogganing purposes will be proceeded with as s20n as there is snow enough, re- cording to information given The Oshawa Daily Times this morning hy Chester Smith, city engineer. Mr. Smith states plenty of snow fe required to make the slides good. Many are of the opinion that with the advent of cold weather, the freme "werk should be stpried hut the engineer says this will not 'uve long once the snow comes. Snow j= really required more than cold weather, Had Money Stolen The meanest party in Torontn wag discovered by an Oshawa girl shopping in Toronto Saturday af- ternoon. Miss Florence Humm, 120 Burk street, was in the Queen's City and while in Eaton's some one Holmes & Edwards Inlaid worlisy ment with permanent luis. on & manner most charming. w | With blocks of solid silver nlc' FE INLAID SILVERPLATE The Permanent Gif called her attention to the fact that her purse was open. She then dis covered, much to her dismay, that $29.00 was missing. The thief was rather generous though, leaving the large sum of 2 'cemts. The young lady was rather fortunate in that she motored to Toronto and there- fore did mot have return fare to worry about. "Willesden woman: 1 gave my ten- ant notice, as he paid no rent and war a nuisance. He promptly bought the house over my aead, and gave iu: notice the next day. The period of adolescence im« poses a strain on the system, which may seriously affect the whole after life, Help Ri bey or na ¢ through this trying Xo evi is Hu ho preparation in the world which presents in instantly assimilable form the vital. elements Calcium, Jeon, Potassium, Lecithin and Sodium e body must have--and Olajen alone can supply--at this critical time. OLAJEN LIMITED 27 Front St, East, - Torenie EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Every cyes does the best it can, When you can't see print distinctly think of YOUR eyes, ano 248 =--=PHONE~-- 1516 Opposite Post Office 1516 Disney Block in u back of both handles and bow.:, | ! before plating, on those pieces most used, this superfine silverplate is safeguarded with enduring 3 [AWhat ey remarked gave me a ns check ; ELECTRIC PRODUCTI] Sad "It should have 'deca your ao | the consumer to be the sole judge { { quality to give entire satisfaction, ! it i See the unusually attractive pas i | i / h SHO homes wishing Mrs, - - Menufactured in Conade by | : STANDARD SILVER COMPANY OF TORONTO, Limiced Succeeded by Factory SC. INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY OF CANADA LIMIT™™ BASSETT'S --- King and Sigecoe Sts E. BURNS -- 23"; Simcoe St. § A. O. FELT -- 14 King St. E. 4 1927 BIRTHDAY PARTY A very cnjoyable surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. Olliffe, MX) William street, on. Friday even- ing, the occasion being her birthday About thirty guests gathered at the home and during the evening a short program consisting of a solo by Mrs. H. May, a duet by Mrs. A. White and Mrs. May, a duct by Mrs. Patfield and: Mr. Marshall, and Frank Oliffe, a former member of the South Osh- awa band and the 116th band, gave several trumpet sclos, with Mrs. Campion acting as accompanist of the evening, assisted by Mr. N. Pat- field. Mrs. Oiliffe vas made the reci- picnt of a number of useful and beau- tiful gifts, among them a lovely sweater coat of silk and wool A dainty luncheon was served to the guests, before they departed for their Olliffe many happy returns of the day. ' TAKE NOTICE THAT the Cou PAGE STOBI co S708! . a, Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R. Office Phones 143 and 144 S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager -- E, FORLONG & Grain "A wc em ------ wren ------ LORD SHAW TELLS Gther Bundle" in which he OF CANADA'S BEAUTY I follovs to.one of CG London, Dec. 4.----Lord Shaw, Beauty spo The nearest proach which I think can be to perfect hecuty upon earth probably at Lake Louise, tha jewel in Canada's rocky crown." of Dunfermline, who was in Canada this vear addressing the Bar As- sociation meeting at Vancouver, has published a new book 'The NOTICE! neil of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intnds to construct, der the provisions of its By-Law No. 1838 and is By-Law No. 1611, as authorized by an Act respecting th Clty of Oshawa, being Chapter 122, Ontario Statutes, 1922, (12-13 Geo. V.) Water Mains on the gtreel mentioned in Schedule "A" attached hereto. Under the provisions of the said Statute and the said By-Law No charged a special annual frontage lots ¢r paits of lots, whether occupied or vacant, in the . 1611, there wiil be levied am rate of seven and one-half (733) cents per foot upon the several lands fronting or ADIGE upon all streets, lanes and alle) unicipaiity upon which water mains are to be laid as above mentioned. Any person having any objection to any of the said works may notify, in writing, the Secretary the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board of! such objections within twenty-one ( 21) days from th firet publication of this Notice, the date of which first publication was the 5th day of December, 192%, If no ob'ections he received the Board may approve the said By-Law No. 1838. In case any such objectio: be filed the Board may {issue an Appointment for the Hearing of same, and Notice of such Appointment will be given to every person fiding Street Byng Avenue Oshawa Boulevard St. Julien Street Vimy Avenne Jarvis Street Bond Street Mechanic Street Richmond Street Masson Street Hillcroft Street Grierson Street Greta Street Rowe Street The Mark ARNOLD BROTHERS LIMITED an objection, Dated this 3rd day of December, 1927, { F. E. HARE ' Clerk of the City of Oshawa, SCHEDULE "A" Locatiow Ritson Rd. to E. Limit Los 21, Plan 259, Alice St. to N. Limit Lot 136, Plan 150 8. Limit Lot 40, Plan 267 to Vimy Ave. W. Limit Lot 65, Plan 267 to 8t, Julien Sf, N., Limit Lot 7, Plan 257 to Sunderland Ave, Mechanic 8t. to Church St. King St. to Bond St. Roxborough Ave, to E, Limit Lot 22, Plan 177, 8. Limit Lot 110, Plan 146 to North Boundary. E. Limit Lot 820, Plan 146 to E. Limit Lot 857, Plan 146. Hillcroft St, to Greta St. Mary St. to Grierson St, Gliddon Ave. to Arthur St. { ARNOLD'S MARKETS ets that Set the Pace ') Special Values Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Fresh Pork S 3 1b pail, net weight 52¢ Christie's Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. 25c¢. Ribs 1b 4c ih 15¢ 8 rn bh 12%¢ Fine New Canadian Cheese 1b. 23¢. ARNOLD'S DINNER BLEND COFFEE - Ib. 45c¢. Floral or Congo ® cakes in box 2 Toilet Soap | Arnold's Orange Pekoe T ea, % ih pkg, 39 Hand Picked White Beans, 4 ibs, 2le Creen Marrowfat Peas ..... 3 ibs 25¢ Finest White Pot Barle il ib Be 3¢ Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps 2 Tos 23¢ STEAKS SIRLOIN, WING, PORTERHOUSE 1b 25¢ 1b 25¢c 1b 30¢ Pearl White Soap ............. Sunbrite Javel Water New 28 oz. bottle 10¢ | . 4 bars 15¢ Aylmer Choice Red RASPBERRIES No.2tin 25¢ Zs KIDNEY SUET - Ib. 25¢ Aylmer Brand Choice Corn Tin 151¢ L DELMONTE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Campbells | AYLMER CHOICE Tomato Soup | Yellow Peaches Tie Lic No.2 Tin 19¢ - 2 tins 25¢. z MABE O - th eh ye uy a BE an all es Ulli est

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