Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1927, p. 10

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= ~~ "Easy-to-Find" 'RADIO PROGRAMS ~~ Tonight's Best Features. | TONIGHT'S BEST FEATURES £3 pan. CFCA (357)--Toronto, ta Claus in Toyland, 10 Red Network: --Air frélics. 00 KTHS a Springs. Plantation Kings, negro quartet. WOI (265 G)-Aes, 14. Drake Usiver 45 Fe C54) Houston. El Tex Temple Columbia Chaini--Musical Album of popular Sassen, 7.00 Shee SLES) Wer, who WT N go Regular Morning Programs SETTING UPS Wa | 6.45 a.m. Red Newer WEAF, W AE WOR Wav, WRC: alsa at 7.00, 7 aE Wor" tt irae Wellville yy ed 7.00 KINT of Ct Wig uD Chicage. YMCA. & Jost 1 KO. Woaring Lions": vister, * WCAE, Honey esky OC (375)--Da Yih am ded Sa Brg Morning WRC. 145. | 500 Wil (30)~Kansas City. GRIT Bible lesson, HOUSEWIFE FEATURES rister 9,00 am. wHO (535 5)=-Pey Moines, Victor 6.30 HOV BAL (halt Hotel Lincoln. oat. Saini Dinaer sehen 6. 14) {i cat eh " ¢ a him 5.30 WCAE (517)--Fitts. Happy hour, 600 WEBH (36h Dreata Daddy Davia 18 WALA tin Toes Tuneey: Hime Sy wv r 0 moron. i, Br Trother Club io Wir ior el Bob YW (526)~Chicago. AH i Ga Sncle Quin, --Dallas. hour, OGRAMS TONIGHT PR Uicso 256 ringfield. Organ, 7% AWS nN Ly ne HLL Detroit. Minstrels, J gs-pen field, Mass. Music, 227)--Carlinda, 1a, Entertainers, (285)--RBaltimore, Male quartet. WEAF 492)--N.Y, After dinner music, WELA 517)--Clearwater, St, Peters. Wil vi (00) --Schenectady. Musicali-- 73 Why TORO THE OSHAWA DAILY a 815 3 7.5 WEEI Sidelights. 800 Red Network: --"Great History," from WEAF, AKFRU (250)~Columbia, Mo. Radio School. (48)--Boston. "Newspaper Moments in : Farm San State College. (258)--Charlotte, N.C. Farm Sehool WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St, Paul. Civic talk wip sD Phila. Drama critic. WWNC (297)--Ashev ille, N.C, Business review, wip Gi)=Phila. American Legion an- nouncement. Wag (448)~Chicago. U. of Chicago lecture. WIP (517)--Phila, United Synagogue service. WNAC (461)--Boston. "Op'ry House 9.00 15 9.30 WRNY (309 00 . LL 10.3 WORD (280)--Batavia, Ill. Bible lec- WARE (297)--Akron, O. "News Head: wos (361) J eff City, Vi Radio School. KOA (326)--Denver. Farm Question box rN. Y. % il msback, w _ WDAF, WEEI, WFI, WHAS, WHO WIJAR, C, WOW, WSATL, WSR, WSM, WTMJ, WTIC, W TAG, WWJ. KPRC (2%4)--Houston. Auction bridge. WGES (242)--Chicago. "Maggie and 1.10 WON fone 1am. Pacibe Lune, aU WwAL, Lescol 2, DODDS KIDNEY 'a Henry. on Gans :--Retold Tales, from KPO, KGO, KGW, KHJ, Ho, KOMO. DANCE TO THESE m, WW (428)--Cinci. Crosley orches. Cer (357)--Toronto. Orchestra. © Vion (389)--Chicago. Ben Pollack's. ---------- p-------- 1x0 WAN (31)--Jack'ville. Dance orches. 0 (448)--Chi. Jack Chapman's. (278)--Detroit. Hotel Tuller. 1000 WoAL RD Baamare. Dance orches. WFLA (517)--Clearwater, Fla. Dance (265)~Cleveland. Orchestra. WNAC (461)--Boston. Dance. WOW (508)~Omaha. Brown's orches. WRNY (309)--N.Y. Melody Way Or- chestra. 10.20 WEEI (448)--Boston. Ed Andrews. 10.30 KOA (326)--Denver. Dance program. KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Orchestra, (333)--Springlield, Mass. B (349)---N.Y. Dance. $17)--Phila. Nat Lanin. (261)--Phila. Billy Hays. C (535)--Hartford. Club Worthy. 11.00 CNRR (313)--Regina. Capitolians, Faun (225)--St. Paul. Dance. M (389)--Chi. Dance music, WLW (428)--Cinci. Orchestra, WMAK (545)--Buffalo. Dance. WMAQ (448)--Chicago, Dance. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Orchestra. 11.30 Red Network: --Janssen's Hofbrau Or- chestra from WEAF, WFI, WHO. KYW (526)--Chicago. Congress Hotel, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Frolic. 12 mid, | KOIL (317)--Council Bluffs. Orches. AMD (225)--Mpls. Dance program. wih (366)--Chi. Popular dance, 12.30 WGES (242)--Chicago. Orchestra. 12.45 WDAF (370)--Kansas City, Nighthawks (Copyright, 1927) COMPLETES FLIGHT | NIANI-MANAGUA! Major Brainard Welcomed By Nicaraguans--Made One Stop Managua, Nicaragua, Dec. 4-- Flying from Miami, Fla., with one stop on the way, Major E. H. Brain- ard, Chief of the United States Ma- rine aviation forces, landed in the outskirts of Managua, at 2:37 o'- clock this afternoon. With him were Sergeant M. P. Shepard and Corporal N. M., Winchester. A great crowd gathered to welcome the fliers. The aviators hopped off fronr Mi. ami in their big Fokker mongplane Saturday morning, landing at Tela, Honduras, at 4:07 in the afternoon, having achieved and made a | the first non-stop flight from the United States to Honduras, a dis- tance of about 785 miles. They went into the air again about 11:30 this morning for their 250 or more miles to Managu: Major Brae made a graceful landing, and was mightily cheered and warmly greeted by the waiting crowds. Col. Gulick, commanding the marine detachment; Col. Bea- dle, chief of the Nicaraguan Guards, and many other officers rushed up and cong rratulated the airmen. PCoughs also all piece I Year By rub with wilh vit Y. & e 2 i PO OVER 12 MuLLioN JARS Ysep ELLA CINDERS--A Radium Recountal MONTHS AGO, QUR ELLA WHO HAS H Re ENTRUSTED "oF RADI A MAR LOCATING A XCave By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb pd NOI HOR WTS lic, @ progra Ente 2.0 wij dF Detroit, "Tonight's Din WLW (428)--Cinci. Women's hour, Bad Gia wis (345)=Chicago, Home question F M_ THAT HE DISCOVERED. 'AND COMMISSION [lel [HER TO GET THE OTHER HA o R LEAGUE PITCHER, MET LF OF E MAP FROM JonN SMITH, A AN AGED BUT ACTIVE PROSPECTOR NAMED TPANAMINT wr AG (517)--Worcester, Studio, 7.45 WIBO (306)--Chicago. Ballads. 8.00 KFNF (462)--Shenandoah, Mixed, prog KMA (395)--Shenandoah, String WADC (297)--Akron, O, Concert, Sw Ck cer, (357)~Toronto, Shopping news: Keng Wal (283)~Columbus, O, Scripture; 0! Cring Wiz Tp Mass, Organ; loan NAC Boston, Women's hour Kingo4s WIM (90--Mimwakes. Studio frolic. 1,00 WA 21 Ns, , Music, I WEAF N, ¥Y, Vocal talks, WCFL (484)--Chicago, Municipal prog, bh L H (366)--Chicago, "Newspaper: Wen A306). Chicago: Home manage: Rents period. ir 06) --Chicago, Women's hour, Bo 6)--Atlanta, Homemakers hour, 225)--Mpls, Musical am, io) i Walk 55s dey Ry Ory Jon Loyn Noo. WalN (288)--Chicago, me 98r- pan WE BH (366)--Chicago, Women's hour, Ovel, WTM]J (294)--Milwaukee, Request or- stre( gan recita r 2.30 KMA (395)--Shenandoah, Ta, Ruby Trio, 180705 KAD (309)--Lincoln, Neb, Betty La Ww aN (341)~Nashville, hox, ONDAY CONCERTS Ww No (283)--Columbus, O, Musi. val, 1.8 (345)=Chicago, R. F., D, Dinner 11, an WOO (508)~Phila, soul'2.0, WLW (428)--Cinci. ale, DR. 12.15 WEAF (492)=N, Y. Rolfe's orchestra. ciap id? (411)--Montreal, Mt, Royal Or- od celal' (326)--N.Y. Luncheon musie, and wi ! Alt (400)--Cleveland, ~~ Orchestra Forts " SCA (357)--Calgary, (eco 'A (a2)- -Moncton, Music, {. (278)~Council Bluffs, Ia, News; Concert, al A lov Solid: ance Farm question Luncheon music, Noon-day musi. News; wes- c, ona IS (385)-- iat Springs, DR 0 (3499)--Tulsa, Noon program, geo iD (2 a Mpls, Studio program, den (, (405)=--Mpls,-St, Paul, Farm St, I. (481)--Chicago, Organ, -- (370)--Kkansas City, DR wi dise .J3) = Bufic'o fice Phe r-- 1) (276) =Cl . Petite DR 1 H=N. XY. Lunchioa cial CA GIONY. Suis giv 470) Atlanth, | Mu; the aw (294)=--Milwaukez, Around Concert ens (16)--Chiszg,. Organ. Al Cars casemble, music: 1 ensemble, Luncheon IP (319)=-Detroit, Luller Trio, ) (535)--Des Moines, The Am- lors, 00) = Dallas, Address; music, #9)--N, Y. Scripture; musi- hicage, Drake ensemble, / p rograms I PROGRAMS (GHP Detroit, Home sour, { (303)--su. 2! Radio Trades con. i (34)--.%, Lowe's Theatre, NY (309)--Is. Urchestra, i} (in=atl asta. Radio farm talks, vA 4 ly Menu," H (356)-- Chi cago, Studio program, 44 Joston, Studio program, (278)--Rochester, Eastman Y (448)--Chi, Musical potpourri. a. Musicale, il Bluffs, Musical 0. Popular requests ale, )--Kansas Cit i Des Moines, Orchestra hicago, Artist recital, onto, Popular music, . Salo orches, . Star's 5 Manhattan I'rio, hicago. Homemakers hour 5.00 W ( 0 (405)--Mpls. St. Paul. Readers Ciub. Ww C FFL. (484)--Chicago. Rest hour, tid &, 3 KOA (22 26)--Denver. Matinee for house- Pin wives WHILE YOU DINE KOK A Dinner con. Dinner music . Dinner music, s, ©. Dinger (5i7)--Pit*s. Willigm Penn. -N.Y. Waldorf Astoria: -- C. WTIC. VOUP (319)-- Detroit, Dinner concert. WTAM (490) ~Cleveland. State Thea. WWI (70 on WIP (508)--Phila, Dinner music, WGHP (278)--Detroit, Tuesday even: ing musicale, ¥ AX (4) Jacksonville Recital, Nee (535)--N.Y, Vocal, OC (375)--Davenport, Studio, WREY (309)--N.Y, Edison hour, wsn (VoAtlanta, Concert, WTM] (294)--Milwaukee, Conger, Red Network: --Sealy Air Weavers, from WEAF, KS. KVOO, / WEA WFI, tre, 0 (283)--Columbus, Neapolitan LE (517)=Clearwater, Fla. Songs, WGHS- (349)--N.Y. Concer Wias (322)-Louisville, aie B (341)=Kansas City, Concert, WHN (394)--N.Y, Vocal, = DOLLA U.S. Par. OFF; Copyright 1927, ropolitan Newspaper Service PROMISE OF A SHARE IN CRUNTLESS RiLLIONG PERKINS, Yio (535)--Des Moines, Bankers Life WMAK (545)--Buffalo, Buffalo Theatre, 8.45 WLw (428)--Cinci, Accordion and bari. 9.00 KFAD (319)--Lincoln, U, of Nebrasks, KTNT (236)--Muscatine, Ia, Home Folks Hour KVOO (349)--Tulsa, Polar Bear Hour, WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, Superior Quartet, WEBBM (389)--Chicago. Artist recital, woe (333)--Springfield, M jHP (278)--Detroit., Wilk (265)--Cleve, Mr, and Mrs. T (306)--Chicago, Musicale, hi (252)--Batavia, Ill, Mudie, wow {508)~Omaha, Popular and time mu WSB (176) --Atlants, Feature, WSEA (263)--Norfolk. Studio program. 15 WAKO (448)--Chicago Hamilton Club 9.30 RPRC (294)--Houston. Studio musle, D (366)--Chicago, Children's prog, w 0 (535)--Des Moines, Automatic Agitators, WTIC (535)--Hartlord. Harmony Belles, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, Vocal, 10,00 CKCL (357)--Toronto, Simpson hous, CNRR (313)--Regina, Vocal and instr. mental, KFAU (285)--Boise, Idaho, Concert, KYW (526)--Chicago. Popular concert, WCAU' (261)--Phila, Yorn songs, WCFL (484)--Chicago, r Biud prog, WHAM (280)--Rochester, Studio prog, WHT (416)--Chicago. Your hour, YIAX (341)--J acksonville, Radio Club, Hou Wiz. (454)--N.Y, The Gamboliers, WOW (508)--Omaha, Popular snd ol time tunes, 10,30 Red Network: ~The Cavalcade, WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCSH A WFI, WGR, WGY, WRC, WSAL' WTAM, WWJ, WENR (288)--Chicago, Popular, WDAF (370)--Kansas City, Folger's Serenade. WGN (416)--Chi, Phantom violin, WHN (394)---N.Y, Loew's vaudeville, WMC (517)---Memphis, Cottan and Morpheus, WOC (375)--Davenport. Cornell College Alumni program WPG 7%) Atlantic City, Harmony il Wa (237)--Nashville, Pulaski, Tenn., prograni, 11.00 KDKA (316)--Pitts, Theatrical revue, WFAA (545)--Dallas. Vocal, WHAM (280)--Rochester, Request ore an music, HN (394)--N.Y., Organ, WIZ (454)--N.Y, Slumber music, 11,20 WGG (416)--Chicago. Music box. 11.30 WAMD (225)--St. Paul. Popular enter- tainers. WSM (337)--Nashville. Pianist, 11.45 WSB _(476)--Atlanta. Concert, RV 1)--Regina, Strand Thea, Clay Center, Organ, ywood. Feature, nphis. Midgight frolic, 3)-- Atlantic City, Organ. CLASSICAL CONCECRTS 7.00 p.m. KDKA (316)--Pitts. Sacred song concert, 7.30 WHK (265)--Cleve'and. String trio. 8.00 Blue Network: Stromberg Carlson Hour, from WIZ, KDKA, KYW, WRAL, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, WJR. CNRA (322)--Moncton. Instrumental quartet. KVOO (349)--~Tulsa. Classical concert, WEAO (283)--Columbus, Capitol Col- lee of Mos ic. w A assical. Meropolitan tic City, £103 Wi BIR (256)--N.Y, Studio orchestra, L& "hi. U. of Chic. lecture. )--Newark. Recital: also from Seaside (575. Atlantic City, F.Aucation concert. 20 WDOD (244)--Chattanooga. Brunswick half-hour. WLS (345)--Chicago. "Personalities in Music. 9.00 Red Network :--Everyreadv artists, from WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCC, w-- ; ERR TE - ci Ti ip FAT er] [FEE BRINGING UP FATHER FISTFUL OF RA SMILED HER TRIAL FOR GRAND L. SHIR AND INNOC QLERADING AS aN ANARCH LITTLE RECKING THE THAT HER RY JiR REL x NEB ELLA INGS, INCLUDING : ARREST AN LARCENY, ROME ROUS HARROWING HAPPEN: by EY STOWING AWAY ON A STEAM GEOLOGIST AND ENGINE NEW YORK ER WN BOUT TEN MI TO ELLA ABO EN, AGAIN ON THE TRAIL FINE LS SHE FOUND HIM- THE STERN OF A SHIP ERR ING HIM TO FAR FOREIGN LANDS, HE SHOUTED DIRECTIONS HELLO DINTY: COOK OF CORNED BEEF AN' CABBAGE AN' SHOVEL SOME FRIED ONIONS Rr ME UP A LULVBLE ORDER { AN' FURTHER MORE BARON I'D BE DELIGHTED TO HAVE OU JOIN ME AT THE CLUB S50 AS WE CAN ARRANGE AN ENGAGEMENT FOR A NIGHT AT THER OPERA WITH CUR WIVES- HELLO: JIGCS" HEY JI1GGS GONE GOOF Y - By C Geo, McManus ST ---------- s POOR JIGCS: HES fg 0] Lil IT 15 A GROUP OF LITTLE HILLOCKS WHERE PRAIRIE-DOGS | HAVE THEIR BURROYS; ISA PRAIRIE- DOG "TOWN ? 15 A TRUE MARMOT. he PRAIRIE- DOG 5 IN NO SENSE A DOG BUT GETS THE NAME FROM ITS BARK WHICH 15 SHORT AND SHARP "3 LIKE A PUPPYS. THEY BELONG 70 THE ORDER OF GNAWING ANIMALS. LIKE ITS NEAR RELATIVE, THE GROUNDHOG THE PRAIRIE-DOG CIrari-n0c -NOSGS IVE | BURROWS. It -- © 1927. by King Features Syndicate: Inc { COLOMIES CALLED "TOWNS. THESE COLONIES HAVF USUAL LY A POPULATION OF FROM FORTY TO ONE THOUSAND. OE SQUARE MILE IN EASTERN ARIZONA BY ACTUAL COUNT CONTAINS 7200 ESTERN TEXAS ONE COLONY 1S ABOUT 250 MILES LONG AND 100 MILES SEEM TO / RN \ Jil } Crest Britain rights reserved. Y1ELL, PRAIRIE- THEY HAVE SUBWAYS. 06 TOWNS 1] BE Hy TO-DATE THE POLAR BEARS AN THE WIND} od R-R""" ee CHILL AN YOU COULD HEAR Gln YCUGHTA | THE NEW © BAND oN Dost. By Russ Westover VOUR WIFE MR SIMPIAN a ab th a ded tub ath Sh Ranh tS ad

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