Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Dec 1927, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, a LL ie The Moorcroft Manor Mystery " By J.R. WILMOT (Auther of "Where There's a will", etc. | | To CHAPTER I #hait of autumn sunshine pierc- ithe carpet on the floor of the lit- tle room like a golden arrow, reveal- ing the worn patches here and there and altogether accentuating its drab- ness, It was curious that the shaft of sunshine had entered the room just then, because the topic under discus- sion between its two occupants was scarcely one that saveurcd of bright- ness. Mr. Robert Caine of the firm Bil- lington and Caine, Estate Agents, Brindley, leaned back in his chair wd regarded his visitor with interest. "Yeu are certain you are satisfied, Mr. Overington, that Moorcroft Manor meets with your entire ap- proval?" Silas Overington smiled. "Why certainly!" he said. "Your clerk was meticulously thorough in his varied descriptions. I forget, how- ever, whether he said that the place was built in the Tudor or the Eli- zabethan style, however, I like the place immensely, It will suit my pur- pose agreeably well," Mr, Caine slightly elevated his eyebrows, He was an old man and something of a sentimentalist, added to which a vain of curious supersti- tion ran through his nature. The contrast between the two men was striking... While Robert Caine had features soft as pastel, the face of Silas Overington was rought-hewn and rugged. There was a network of lines beneath the small grey eyes, and deep furrows running irom the corners of the mouth down to the firm obtruding chin. It was the face of a man fearless, and destined to he successful, Two hundred miles away, where Acute Bright's Disease i and Bladder Trouble Mrs, Logan Now Recom- ¢ mends Dodd's dd's Kidney Pills hy | doctored for for about three months what the doctor called acute Bright s disease," writes Mrs. M. Logan, a well - known resident of Glen Sutton, PQ. "I had used all the doctor's medi- cine and my husband was too busy to drive nine miles to get some more, I told him I would try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Within 8, a week they began 'to help me, #280 now I am never without them, f I feel any symptoms I take a few doses and am ail right again, I have advised many to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists, DODDS: KIDNEY. PILLS London--the great, grey giantess -- threw wide her arms, the name of Silas Overington was echoed in a hundred board rooms as the financial colossus to whose genius so many well-known and successful trading corporations owed their inception and their prosperity, but as he sat in the humble office of Messrs. Billington and Caine this autumn afternoon, he might have been little more than any successful man of business, bearing the scars of struggle and hardship that are so often the outward sym bol of success, "} don't know whether my man mentioned the fact or net," went on the old man, "but, if: you decide to: take the place, you will be the first tenant for fifteen years." "What of that?" the financier re- mark.d, as the old man paused, "I don't suppose vou get many people wanting to rent places as commodi- ous as Moorcroft Manor every day of the week." : The estate agent permitted himself to smile. He was wonderfully pro- vincial i. his ways, and the manner of his thinking, "I suppose," he said, quietly, "you see nothing strange in the fact that the old place has been lying idle for so long a time? I mention it be- cause, as a man of business, I thought that perhaps you could scarcely help wondering why." Silas Overington, having journeyed down to Brindley with the express intention of renting Moorcroft Man- or, no matter what anyone might have to say to the contrary, was in a thoroughly expansive mood. He had discarded his board-room man- ner as soon as he had entered the train at St. Pancras, This was to be a little well-earned relaxation from the toils: of the financial octopus which was ever ready to detain him, The renting of a country house could not, to his way of thinking, be re- garded in the light of a serious bu- siness transaction calling for all the draft and ingenuity of which he was, at most times, capable. "Now why should 17" he pleaded, good humouredly, "I suppose you will be telling me just now that I'm the most extraordinary person yon ever met just because I've taken the trouble to come all the way from London to put a little business in your way. Come now, be quite frank with me. What is it that you have on your mind?" The elder man's face brightened, He was genuinely glad of the open- ing his client had provided, for Mr, Robert Caine was troubled with a conscience, There were times when its posscssion was not altogether an asset, but he had nurtured it for so many years that he had come to re- gard it as an indispensable guide to the daily routine of his life, "I waut to be quite fair with ou, Mr. Overington," he began, "I don't want you to come to me afterwards and complain that the Manor is not all that I claimed for it. ' On the other hand you may think me an in- veterate old woman drugged with superstition and the like. As a build- ing to suit whatever purpose you have in view--and I presume that it is entirely soci ial--there is none bet- ter in the whole of the North of England. But, Mr. Overington, Moorcroft Manor has a history, In the library up there you will be able --if you are interested in the dust Lycett's Don't Fail to See II 25 King Street E. | When You're Downtown Tonight Window of past ages--to unearth much of it for yourself from the family records of the LeBretons. Dut, and mow I | come to my main pont, the reason why Moorcroft Manor has been idle | for so long is, I think, on account ol "the fact that it is popularly suppos- | ed to be haunted, and, from my busi- ' ness as an estate agent, I can assure you that people are unaccountably chary about houses with spectral as- sociations, We are still a supersti- tious people, sir, and superstitions, especially in the North, die very hard." Silas Overington regarded Mr. Caine with curiosity. Perhaps it was that in business, he had seldom met a man labouring under the stress of an exciting conscience and also, per- haps, he was thinking that the veo- erable Mr, Caine ought rightly to be occupying a comspicuous place in a Museum of Unnatural Business. At any rate, if such were his thoughts, he was sufficient of a diplomatist as not to frame them in words. Instead, he laughed. It was a low, 'musical laugh of quiet amusement, "I suppose if I were a eredulous sort of man," began Mr. Overington, "I would straightaway recede irom my bargain. But I'm not. have told me makes not the slighte. t difference. In fact, if anything, it strengthens my inclination to le Moorcroft Manor's first tenant for fiiteen years. Ghosts don't interest | me, I'm a man of the world of hard, | often cruel, facts, There is, to my way of thinking, nothing supernatur- al in life. If the Manor has a ghast-| ly visitant 1 shall be pleased to make his--or her--acquaintance," He con-| sulted his watch carefully, "And now, I shall miss the London connection at Leeds" "I"shall let you have an agrecment regarding the tenancy (To be to be contin nued.) KNOW NOTHING 0 HALIFAX BARRACKS on Report Emanating From N. S. Ottawa, Dec, 3.--Officials of the Department of National Defence expressed themselves Thursday without any information concern- ing the report emanating from Halifax that the construction of new barracks for the permanent forces was contemplated for the Nova Seotian capital, Tt was point- ed out that while he present quar- ters wera not particularly weil suited, they were In better shape than those in many other Canadian cities. as of the department that perheps the Building on Spring Garden by the Department of Public Works might have given rise to the rec- port. property of the National Defence for offices and not for barracks, What you | if there is nothing more, I must be! 8 getting back to the station, otherwise | by tonight's! post," the esta'e agent assured him, ! %) as they shook hands. uv "And I shall expect you to pay me a visit when I'm in residence up here," was the taancier's parting salutation. Ottawa Officials Commest It was thought by high officials megotiations that have been going 'no and Viilinm. oncther Lrot on for the vacating of the Bellevue Road The Bellevue Building is the Department, but is required merely BELGIAN ENVOY AT LIVESTOCK SHOW Prince Albert de Ligne fo Present Championship Trophy Chicago, Ills., Dec. 2.--Presen tatfon to the champion Beigian stallion or mare of the King Al- bert cup Thursday has brought Prince Albert de Ligne, ¥elgium' The "Strangler" told n2wspap-|ambassador at Washington, to the ermen that if he escapes the pen-|livestock exposition as one of sev alty, he will devote Lis life to!eral noted guests of 'Governor' study of religion. day" Prince Albert has been The condemned mon spends his [daily attendant at the expositior {time in this cell drawing and mak. and has expressed keen interest ir ing little bass of knotted eurd (the 11,000 head of stock, the NELSON HOPES TO ESCAPE GALLOWS Winnipeg "Strangler" De- votes Time to Making Knick-Knacks Winnipeg, Dee. 3.--Earle Nel. | son, found.guilty three weeks ago of having murdered Mrs, Emily Patterson in her home here on June 10 last, has not given up hope of escaping the death sentence. quaint little knick-knacks that [grain exhibits and other feature: might well groce a lady's dressing [of the show. table. "Love's labor," Le com So far as champlonship honor: mented when relercnco was made have gone to date with the expo to the patience ond indusiry in. sition half over, Canada, lowa an' volved. Illinois have stepped far to tt , Nelson complained of pains in|front. It was the Edellya {Nis herd between Lis left eve and | Farms, of Wilson, Ills, that les ylelt ear, stated that he hac [ America's best to a sweeping vie i been sul to spells through |lory for the international trophie: {out the greater pait of his life. [in the cattle division on Wednes. {puting these shells, nembered nothing. i' Tim not makiy ny complaint," sald, vel to his trial he seid, helday. It was Herman Trelle, o° | Wembley, Alberta, who came back and won the oats growing chamn- fonship of North America afte he By **but that ju ; suld have return beint dethroned ns wheat kirg. jed a verd ol inzanity. Nategy The Canadian farmer bowed t bho 1 r was In Win. | few dave aco to a Montana farr e the trial. "If as, imagine it," he la 1 |nipeg at all | er In the race for whe t kine the continent hunt cama hook We" ded, nosday and defeated I. E. Pete - - gon, of Vietor, Mont,, for the sec rnd eongerntive voor for the on' [ Jr of North Amerie- ! " \ ach hes won the tit'a twice or" | one must ~ win it a~aln tn atts' J A | nrageseion of tha hn- RIAL tronh> Trelle's oats weighed 49.4 di [mornda vas haghal the heawi '| ever exhibited at the exposition I rarmanaat Snecial! Men's Hi"h Rubber "5% ht Fees, hres hd Vednesday » charge of esell Hay- hearing 8. Hard- rd was I. Collis §2 Sons 50-54 King Street West, Oshawa Opp. Centre St, Phone 733W sent up for tui murdering Policeman ward, atier a pralin holore Magistrate Wi rove, Police Clothes That Are Agreeable Let Parker's Clean and Press your clothes---quality i is our main object and nothing short of perfect satis- faction can satisfy ue. Po us prove this fact to YOU. Simply phone 788.7 59 and a driver will call CLEANERS AND DYERS 3 ™ Qn IH. E, SMITH, Manager !¢hot and killed on the | eees----------m rightsof-way o I'redericton- Grand Lake Rail while he wo head a po kins vehemiah ' necused on tho 1 him | 2 after | the tra a * | The bullet which eaused Hay- ard's death was seid to hav come {ro v ¢linp of bushes alpng {the richt.of-vay I : Hudlin, was also nr sted some davs alter the ghoot- her that they had seen em'ah Special, Saturday! Cet your All Wool Sweaters at Leader Dry Goods Co. 82 Simeoe 8t, 8. Phone 740 Aaiilil3 Shop Early for Christmas and shop at the Dominion Clothing 68 King St, W,. Phone 2141 | Dudopest, Hua Dee. 3.-- | | Agila 0 t favor of the return! [of 16 i irgs to the throne of Hun: is legitimate, Premier | ethlen <(oclared, in answering question in the Chamber of D« puties. {tation for a republi is forbidden, Le declared. ie government, he added while allowing agitation for modi fication of the existing law ex- cluding Hap shurgs, forbade the ad vocacy of force or a coup-d'etat Solvay Coke We are Sole Agents Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desired. Pp DIXON'S with their return in view, Hu 4 warned that body attempting to overthrow constitution bh: force would find all the forces « ithe state arrayed against him. | He was in ist deputy who jcan agitation rupted by a Social- sked why republi was not allowed. Count Betheien replied tha {Hunrary is a kingdom by law ane | therefore the public might agitat: {in favor of modification of th | jie but not in faver of a republic 73 RESCUED FRON DISHBLED LADNGH Rum Clases Overtakes | Drifting Boat Off Coney | lland New York, Dee. 3.--Twenty- three men, adrift in a disabled and gale-tossed motor boat, were rescued two miles off C ney Island Thursday by woastguard rum chaser. While the stor: tossed the craft off shore Wednesday night, All The Keal Estate Profits or Mean a Th Th : If You Iv Jon' ¢ Buy Real Estate Yourself -3 & a Farth Won't ing o You wre. 3+ % TA What's the use of ialking about Real Estate profits that somebody else has made? It's just like watching another fellow eating a sixteen-cource dinner--it's a splendid meal, but it doesn't do you a darned bit of good. All the golden real estate profits that will be made as Oshawa keeps right on growing won't boost your bank balance much--if you haven't any real estate of your own, - Suppose you check up on a few of the hundreds who have been making consistent profits in Oshawa real estate investment--particulerly in the Fairview district, - Then suppose you find out just how easy it is to make your first investment in real estate--you may be surprised to learn that it's just a matter of setting aside a little each month. Then suppose you take a look at Fairview No. 2, where the alert investors of Oshawa have been concen- trating for the past few weeks, and where already worth- while profits are a matter of record. After that, we'll leave the matter with you, We know you'll be on investor in re:l estate within twenty- four hours from the time you sec Fairview No. 2. i And that will be tha frst step cn the Lycett Profit- trail. fishermen on the Steeplechase pier | at Concy Island heard cries for | help, aceo>mpanied by blasts of a 'siren. ! Newspapers were burned zs sig- | inals to attract help as th: gale! swung the boat around and drove {it out toward he sea. Within a !short time spectators on shore wece | barely able to distinguish the out- line of the motor boat, drifting helplessly before the high wind. Police were notified and word was relaped to the marice police and the coastguard. is

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