THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1927 ER Ane Radio Ww JZ, KDKA, KYW , WOC, "Wow, . 3 Le 7 Teton. drgan recital. WAIU (283) a. Organ. WBBR (261)--Mpls. ical, 3.00 Columbia Chain :--Symphoni Evening services. 1 4 B: City. Radio 4 at UR (236)--N.Y. Sacred Music. WHR "(265)--Cicveland. 1. B. 8S. A. WOO (F08)--Phila. Evening services. .00 KPRC (294) -- Houston. Lutheran Catch, t (33)--Buffalo. WH 3 (337)--Kansas Sore) (Continued from page 4) rs, from WJZ, KYW, BZA, WHAM. 6.00 KSO (227)--Clarinda, ia, VOO (349)--Tulsa. Ru 4a-aanta, Re ONY, } (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, Radin Wez, , Vespe 3, Gospel half hour, \ 250015, Mo. Vespers. Bibtioal drama. Christ Bible Little Brown A (375)--Toronto. Church services. (238)--Independence, Mo. Ves- eS. WIAX (337)--Jacksonville. Services. WSAL (361)--Cinci. Radio sermonette. 8.20 KPRC (2M) - Houston. Second Baptist Church. WSOE 9.00 yor D 'W MAG, WwW NAC, W WFAA (500)-- Aas chestra. WENR (288)--Chicago. ter Music, 330 KTNT MSc, WGY WO, lion or- Hour of Bet- (236) --Muscatine, Services. Choral Bible address. EATURES 270) --Milw aukee. £8. Variety 10.15 Ki To (345)--S. Louis. MUSICAL PROGRAMS.-F 12N. WTMJ (24) Milwaukee. - Recital, 1 p.m. WC 306) Chicago, Uncle Quin. Ww The Mediterancan; (380) Schenectady. Symph orchestra, WIiko (416)--~Chi, Afternoon program, WOR (422)--Newark. Studio program. WITMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Conserva- tory of Music. 4.00 WIP (508)--Phila. Address. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Concert. WWNC (297)--Asheville, N.C, Sacred music, 294)--Milwaukee. Old Cousin La 1.15 WI ih Folks Music 2.00 Blue Neiwork=Th ¢ Roxy Stroll, i, 375)--Davenport. from Selectivity Out of the wave- ether, you wel hes and easily -- select any station, any program you desire, by means of a slight twist of the one dial on a Marconi set. Fer a single vernicr dial controls the tuning ad the in- tensity reception. There are six tubes, Marconi Shop Phone 2604 Cor. Kinz aad Celina Streets INRDLLIECRELIRRRES CRRES IORmLS a ea an WT cesT] Tr rw hE MET > on CI PE © mr | Hymns. 10.05 WEE[ (448)-- Boston, | i 1am The Batteryl2ss Console Duo-tone WW 2Inut Cabinet -- a master- pies of McLanan craftsmanship, Burl V7: Panels. He-in speaker, 0; f light socket. Complete with t + 2.05 | { 00 We (405)--Mpls,-St, The Console Model McLagan Cabinet in Duo-tone Walnut with Burl Welout Panels. Built-in speaker. A beautiful credtios of furnie sure artistry. ; : : : : 1 l= ; Be Meo. SLR LESS LEBEN Bis SAS 5 Ba $00 WHN (BONY. Roseland orchestra, Chicago, | "Gems of 5.45 WIBO = (41 usic." 6 KDAX (ai0)-Pivu. KDKA . Little VE he le drape 6.30 Wilke (285)--DBaltimore. Concert. or- WEBH (36) -- Chicago. Twilight musical ¥HO (535)--Des Moines. Saxophone WIZ (45--N.Y. The Granadas. W ict > Hactiond, Melodies for the old 66 WAAK G3 puta. Easemble, wn 2 0) Springhill. Brus and. Cod WH AM (278)--Rochester. Studio musi- Wiz (459)--N.Y, A WO TAM (400)--Cleveland. 720 fm Network ite) Ro wa Was, WSM aon WOW." wa Wi WSEA (263)--Noriol Concert. 7.30 Blue Sotnark Stusical Loom WIZ, WBAL. KOA (32%)--Denver. Org 8.00 wiay 337)~--Phila. Rectal. KV 349)--Tulsa. Concert. luge hn Sunday Even- WMCA (370)--N.Y, Conce 8.15 Hive Network--Collier's Radio Hou KDKA, KSD, KYW, Wi hz, WLW, erature, W Waza, WCCO, WDAF, WIR, CFCA (375)--Toronto. Musicale. 8.3 Roi. "Gn )--Denver. Dinner concert, 278)~Council Bluifs. SO Riddies 9.00 Sb ia Chain--"Effervescent Hour," WOR, OX, KOIL, KOMO, WARC, WAIU, WCAO," WCAU, WEAN, WFBL, WGHF, WIAS, WKRC, WMAK, WMAQ, WNAC. KTINT (256)--Muscatine, Variety music, s Leah (MS)--2Zion, 1. Male chorus. He Network-- wort Melodies, from Wiz 2: KLKA HAM, Ww ben Haudhox hour, 2.30 WGHS (344)--N. cert. 9.45. Blue iam 8 Tubiles Singers, from WJZ, KDKA, WHAM, 10.00 CNRW {405)-- Winnipeg. Sunday musi. cale. WBZ (333) Springiield, Mass. Music, WGES (212)--Chicago, *"Moggie and Jiggs." wit (508)--Phila, WIP Little Sym- phony, WPG (273)--Atlzaata City. musicale, WSUL (422)--Jowa City. Keith's Evening Familiar radio even 10,10 W HN ao) N.Y. American period, 10.15 Blue Network--Don Amaizo, the wiz- ard, from WJZ, KDKA, KYW, WIM], KMMJ (230)--Cley music ale, WOW (508)--Omaha. Evenin, 30 WAMD (225)--5t, Paul, Huricane, WBAP (500)--Ft, Worth, Organ, WENR (288)~Chicago. Edison hour, WRHM (261)--Mpls, Lecture recital. 3 WAMD (225)--Mpls, Harmony Hurri- cane, WTMJ Gems. 11.00 KFI (469)--Los concert, 11.30 KPO (428) orchestra, 12 mid. Pacific Chain--"Great History," from KFI, EGW, KHQ, KPO. WFAA (500)--Dallas. cliestra, WIBT (387) Chicago. 12.15 \WHB a0 --LKansas program KFI (469)--Los Angeles. WBBM (389)--Chicagu, Monday Programs AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 2.00 p.m. WGHP (319)-Detroit, hour, va hi -Denver. Organ, WJZ N.Y. Our Daily Menu, 215 wha a ~-Atlaniic City, Seaside Center, Lvening music, armony (294)--Milw aulce, Operatic Classical Seiger's Angeles. San Francisco. Moments in KFOA, KGO, Castilean Or- Gus FEdeards, City, Theatre Voeal. Nutty Club. Home 2.30 KMALT G0 Clay Center. Afternoon FOR TA ith Bluiis, hour, WGK (303)-Bufizlo. bid MAQ (448)--Chicago, ours, Wi OR (422)~Newark, 3.00 EN Ro (435)--~Ottawa. Musicale. WRBAP (500)--Ft, Worth, Vocal, WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular quests. Wane (H9)----N.Y. WHB (337)--Kansas Hour, WIP (508)--Phila, Artist recital, WJIID (366)--Chicago, Children's pro- gram st Mooscheart. WHO (535)=Des Moines. Music. WGN (306)--Chicago. Artist recital, yoc (375)--=Davenport, Tell-the-World Cl ub. 2.30 CKCL (357)--Toronto, Studio, music, 4.00 WBAL (285)--Baltimore, Salon orch. VEar (492)--N.Y. Aiternoon musi: Wenn (366)--Chicago, Songs; Trio, Wi iio (416)--Chicago. Sheridan The: Whar (370) -- Kansas Star String Trio, @ 78) ~Counail Leisure Radio Trades." Musical pot- Aitemoon pro- re. Musicale. City, Ladies' 15 .20 City. i 4.30 CNRS (329)--Saskatoon, Special prog. WFAA (500)--Dallas. Homemakers. WJZ (454)--N. Y. Manhattan trio, Paul. Readers WNAC (461)--Boston. WHILE YOU DI 5.00 p.m. KDKA (316)--Pitts, semble. WEAF (492)---N.Y. Dinner WCAE, WEEI, WRO, 5.30 WGY (380)--Schenectady, Curler. 6.00 WAAT (246)--Jersey City. Dinner music, WAIU (283)--Columbus, ©, Twilight music. WG HE (319)--Detroit. Dinner music. WTAM (400)-Cleveland. Orchestra, 6.30 KFAD (209)--Lincoln, Neb, concert. k FW 520) ~Chicaps: Congress hotel. WBZ (333)--Springficld, al All Star Five, WFI (405)--Phila, Adelphia Orch. 7.00 whar (500)--Ft. Worth, Texas WENR R 288) Clea Tip Top Orch WIZ (454)--N. Kicin n's Orchestra. ww rs Hotel Gibson, Organ. W ry ( Non pes Af Bernie. T™) Ags Rorlolk. Den Dinnec con- Wine (297)--Asheville, N.C. Vaa- it, 7.30 CFCF (31. Montreal. | Rex Battle. Kyw 3 Hotel. RY EE ress WHO (535 Theatre hour, Studio en- concert: Hotel Van 5.00 pom. WHN Wii m, ia WCAE (517)--Pitts. pets paddy D. SEIT Cg gti --Chi, 4) sion." ig Furey Be rather, oo vening chat. CP Teenie Children's per- 8.00 WSM (841)--Nashyille. Beltine story. 799 FED (192)--XN. N00 00 (349)--Tulsa. Concert. 745 CFCA (357)--Toronto. 7.30 Blue Network: Roxy his Gang, from WJZ, w, woz, WHZA ¥ WHAM, WIR. W) WSB, WBT. WHO. Wow. CNRW (405) Winnipeg. Musicale. (277)--Clarinda, Ia. Music. KS0 745 WGHP (278) Wg ady Moon" 80 KPRF (loz) dh. Studio. ie, 80- "Heart to Vso (265) Springfield, 0. p1ano. Wer (303)--Buffalo. Tenny Wren. WHAZ (309)--Troy. Hawaiian trig. WHB (341)--Kansas City. Popular. WMAQ Sus) Chicago. Musicale, WNYC GHNYV. Conca. Violin, WOC @9-_Dyuempart. Melody makers Ww Be We ae, Toes. a & tudio, Yaohie xv, WLI, WSL, N.C. 810 Ra ba 3 KVOO A Wek @a ui Mian, Vocal. C (484 er s. Music. wha GI clarener Fla. Stuf. 322)--Louisville. WAX gu ack ville. ol i the music Wave (428)--Cinci. Migsuels, i usicale. N.C. Happi- Instrumental C (461 oly Wao (476)--Yowa City. WANG ar--Rehey ville, 8.45 Cio (435)--Ottawa. 9.00 fi Nesmotkcl --Va dé Lgath, A Wilaw, wn * Cae --Feature program, iy Wor ( , KMOX, WADC, ), WDAU, WEAN, WFBL,' WGHP, WIAS, WKRC,' WMAK, WMAQ, WNAC, WOWO. CFCF an ontreal. Willer Hour. RuM) 1. SO ( ech , Ja. The Newsboy. THE ok Hhok Springs. Plantation T Q4o)--Jersey City. Concert. AND GE Paul. Musicale. | B )--Baltimore. Concert WRAY (io )-Ft. Worth. "Sunflower Wiz 6 C0--Springhicld, Ma Mass. Aleppo or Corps or 3 riners Hand. * WhoD (244)--Chattarooga, Hawaiian Guitar Duo, WGR (303)--Buffalo. Havwaiins. WOI (25) --Ames, layMusicale. WPG (273)--Atlantic \City I A tv . i M (261)--Mpls. Fotalar program, WSH (476)--Atlanta, Conce w WiEA (263)--Norfolk, Yaa with Us" Clu WTAG (517)--Worcester. Studio prog. 9.10 Ww (428)--Cinci, Happy Harmony 9.30 KPRC (2M)--Houston. Studia, Blue Network:--Honuic Laddies and saxophone guartet, from WJZ, KDKA, WHAM, WIR, ' WSUI (422)----Towa City. Musicale, 9.40 WRVA (254)--~Richmond. Organ, 9.45 CNRO (435)--Ottawa., Concert. KFRC (294)--Houston, El Tex Temple and, 10.00 Columbia Chain :--Musical Album, from WOR, KMOX, WADC, WAIU, W WCAU, WEAN, WFBL, WG WJAS, WKRC, WMAK, WNAC, WOWO, WMAQ. CK A (375)--Calgary. Music, KT (256)--Muscatine, Ia, Home folks Hh WHK (265)--Cleveland. Morgan Sisters. WOS (361)--Jefierson City. Concert. WPG (273)--Atlantic City Melody pala. WSBT (238)--South Bend, Ind Studio program, songs, novelties. 10.20 Rad Network: Moon, Magic:~WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCS| WCCO (405) Mpls- Xd Paul, 3d In. fantry band. WDON (2M4)--Chattanocgs. Frolic, WGST (270)--~Atlanta, Ueorgia Tech, rogram, VHN (394)--N.Y, Voc WSM 337)-- DAE WSM, 10.45 KFAR (319)----Lincain., Requests. 11.00 KOI, (318)--Council Blufis, Mcss Charley, WAMD (225)--Mpls. Entertainers, WIZ (454) . Slumber ube, 11.10 WJAX (341) Jacksonville, Or, 11.20 WBAP (500)--Ft, Worth, EM renouse String Band. 11.30 CNRC (435)--Calgary. Vocal WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Garden, 12, mid KPO (422) tiopal music, KVOO (349) Tulsa. 12.15 WBAP (300)--Ft, Theatre. WSUIL (476) 12.30 CNRE Trio. CASSICAL CONCERTS 7.00 p.m. WCSO (256) --5pringfield, 0. Wit- tenbevg School of music, WTAM (su))--Cleveland, Light opera, 7.30 WEAF (492)--N.Y. String quartet, 5.00 CNRO (435)---O1tawa, Cuncert orchestra WBBR (267)--N.Y, Concert. WHE (295)-Cleveland, String easemble WMAK (545) Buffalo, Classical, WRVA (254)-Richmond. Concert, 8.59 WEMC (484)--Uerrien Springs, Light: house players. IX (266) --Knoxville, Studia, St, Louis. Vocal, General Motors. Family Frolic with and : Memory's -San Francisco, Interna Vocal. Worth, Majestic -Jowa City, Organ, (517)-- Edmonton, Instrumental 9.30 Red Network: Party prograr we WC SH, WJ. Ak, w WSAf, WGN WTIC, W T™J, w TAM i WiAS WLIT, WRC, KOA [325)-- Denver, Appreciation prog. WDOD (214)--Chattancoga, Musicale, WIOD (381) Miami Beach, Concert, WOO (3:9)--Phila. Concert, 9.45 KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Vocal. 10.00 WFAA (545)--Dallas, Belcanto Male Quartet. 10.15 KOA (325)--Denver, Vocal, 10.30 WDAF (370)--Kansas City, chestra, WMC (517)--Memphis. Canover concert 11.00 Pacific Chain: Opera, from KFI, KFo YA, KGO, KGW, KHQ, KOMO, 12 mid KFI (469)--1Los Angeles. Semi-clasp- decal music, RADIO TALKS-PLAYS 6.30 pm, CFCA (357)--Toronto, Santa Claus 7.10 CFCA (357)--Toronto, tical talk, 7.15 WEAF (492)--N.Y, Address, "Work: man's Compensation Law." 7.30 WKBW (217)--Bulfalo, Spiritual quart er-hour, (250)--Columbis, Mo. Radio (333) Kansas College. i. ge ui the Air. WAMD (225)--5¢t. players, WEAR iii --N.U, wi with Ww. MCA GION, .Y, Christian . Science lecture, wT MJ (294)--Milwaukee, "Do you know" talk, 8.15 wos (361)-- Jefferson City. Farm ad- dre: 8.30 CNRO (435)--Oteawa. "The (Canadian Forest." KOB (349)--New Mezsico State College. Agricultural program. WOO (39)--Phila. Address by Rev. Dagar, WSUL (422)--Jows City, Correspond- ence course, KFUO (545)--8t, Louis, Bible lecture, (394)--N.Y. Prince Jovi , WHN WMC (517)-- Memphis. Farm talk. "History of Old Vir, WRYA 50) Richmond. 715 WCAL (236) --Norbtield, Minn. Book TA al icsson. U.S. farm school 9.45 Wi Mpls, Health talk. 10.00 par 258) Charlotte, N.C. Movie 10.30 KNX (337) --Hollywnod. Piayles, DANCE 70 8.00 WCAU (337) Phila. WEAR (545)--Dallas Concert or- State Paul. Northwest Interview « : a; ., T ester, Merrymakers. W (3% ville. tra. 9.30 B (341)~Kansas City. music 9.45 WHAZ (306)--Troy. Orchestra. 9.50 WEEI (448)--Boston. Lido Venice. 1000 KT Springs. ra ew our 'lowers. BZ (333)--Springiield. Dent a. BFA (517)--Clearwater, Fla. Radio wz (454)--N.¥. The Mediterraneans. WRHM (261) -Mpls. Dance. 10.30 CrCE Montreal. Jack Denny. WoC 5)--Dawesport. Voss Vaga- WRC 4o---Omaba. Wran RA 100 Rd Rh i. 13 a Lo 7a WG Di i Danes. music. WLW isle, ~Cinci. Orchestra. WMAK (545)--RBuifalo. Dance. WOR (322) Newark. Pepper Pot. pos (31)--~Jefferson City. The Ramb- WPG (273)--Adantic City. Dance.. WOT (448) Chi Let's Listen-in LUKE Furniture Co. 63 King E. Phone 79 Y OU cannot imagine the comforts to be enjoyed at home in the evening lis- tening in with a Federal Ra- dio---those hours that gener- ally seem so long will pass all too soon under the magic spell of this perfect radio set You have the music of the whole continent at your fine gertips Try this at our expense, We are Dealers in FEDERAL ORTHO-SONIC a -- ' Atwater-Kent RADIOS 11.08 WNAC (461)--Boston. Orchestra, 11.153 WSM (337)--Nashville. The Tennes- | 12 1: The Kolster 6-D A Bix Tube Set with , Single Control Jor yor ADIO--the ideal Christmas for the modern hcine-- 8 its" most perfect ex pression in Kolster Radio, In this reasonably-priced set 2 new perfection of radio reprod tion been attained--a peifec- tion that has made Kolsier "ie a Ayo in thousands of dis- criminating Canadian homes, Uncanny in its "tuning in" and Made i TORONIC Oshawa 148 Simcoe St. 5. 232 0 ive " amma KIT (469)=Los Angeles, Dance orches, KYA (309)=~San Francisco, Cliff Hot KN (337)--Hollywood. Hot 1927.) (Conyright, TL ERR YET i -- va -- 'ing out" cf stations--amaze : in its dis stapce-getting q uality Bini of gll sets to operate-- r Radio proves its very real iority and greatest "'value. per-doliag" not by claims, but by pericrmance, Leforédeciding upon your Christ. mas gift for the home this year-- heer Kolster Radio, Your nearest dha Canada by - CANADA dzalerwil be glad to d2monstrate, CANADIAN ERA 3NDES LIMITED The Kolster 6-E Moderate priced console nclosed Cone Wik ei Dimensions -- width 7", Locight 4.7, Depth 16", - Elzztric Service R. Cutts, IMgr, Oshawa cage. Orchestra. WRYVA 59 --Richmond Richmond o1- |