Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Dec 1927, p. 11

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J ET EC Vew Models Are Coming Out is ae OS 4 DAL VIE aul Legal Music FRED C. MacDONALD, BARRIS: A tor, ete. Simcoe and Rich ne streets, Oshawa. Phone 6.22 (108-1) FRANK S, EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 3 L loan. Room 2 Repl Bank Bid imcoe an on stregts. Phon 149 12) ) it FA pr | 0 ANNIS, BARRISTERS, tos, Notaries Public, Etc, Con- ing and gencral practice of ces " Simcoe St. south, G. a Conant, 3 1. 38tf) W. E, N. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK of Commerce Building, (116-1yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A --BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- Money to loan. Office St. East, Oshawa. Phone Residence phone 837. RIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers. Notaries Pub- ete, Office over Standard Bank. i . Phone 13. J. . K, Creighton, ) neer. The $ er (Hambourg Cor B. | ronto) pupils exams. Oshawa, F coe St. North, Phon LAHOKLA STUDIOS. tractors on How I guitar, ukelele, tenor gu dolin. Wiison Phoné 2338. Opén and RIS 'PRE. | n- piano, ce book ARTHUR LYNDE, V¢ pre -- DAVIS AND SON, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. 'The o.dest | Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re putable Fire Companies, (118-tf) WHEN PLACING *. INSURANCE consult R, N. Johns, 80: Simcoe north Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protécted. (Oct. 11-1yr.) SWANS! RMAN & MAC- x zie, Bites A FauTerancess, otary €, ranches o Criminal and chit Law. Money to loan, Office over Lamble's store, 2 St, east. Phone 940. D. A wangon, H. N, German, F. G. Bia by A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Disney Bldg, ol te Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 2239]. (624) Money to: Loan | Prox Insurance {3 INSURANCE, | 1 For Rent Separate beds. 172 Celina St. (129-¢) "TO RENT, (129-a) UNFURNISHED Ap- Phone (129%-¢) { ROOM 5 HOUSE GE .. Downstairs. + + leet. I'Wo LAR to r¢ 01 A rooms, , TIVE MIN- eneral Motors, (129-a) IVE C ROOMS neo. Ime y 210 Al. (129h) FURNISHED ROOMS TO Apply Mrs. Grills, 273 Freneh (126¢) Al 7 BEDROOM to rent in =clect yHome, References required, Phone 627F, (128b) TWO WARM UNFURNISHED rooms with use of bath room. Over No, 134 Simcoe St, 8. $15. No children. Apply 13 John Street. Phone 112, (128-h) NT -- TWO tairs rivat tra A UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST mortgages. - Building loans arranged. Bradley' Bros, Phone 169, 420, (96-tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission: Building loans. Legal work done: at 'this office. . A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. ¢ ». + (176-tf) Contracting LOUIS 8, HYMAN AND COM, pany, ters, Money to loan, Over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street morth, Phone 67, residence 1397TW, (tf) Medical DR. R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSI- cian, surgeon, and obstetrician, Of- fice and: home, 456 Simcoe street south, Phone 2667. (114-tf) PR, HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- clan, Supgeon, Obstetrician, Spe- olal reference to maternity work and diseases of women, Two years' post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Simcoe St, N,, (eor, Brock) phone 308, (110-tf) DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher. Office and resi- ence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94. DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, diseases of infants and children, Of- fi nd residence, 97 Bond east. PHC 1155, DR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy, Office, Disney Block, Phone 2050, (tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat I, W. ENGLAND AND R. DOUG- lass, hricklayers 'and ' contractors work taken by the thousand or by day work, Repair work of all de. scriptions, 'Satisfaction guaranteed. 318 Division St. Phone 2579W. (Nov, 24-Deec, 24.) THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL building contractors, Let us give you our estimates. Write or phone (Whit- by) 255, (73-tf) Building Supplies SIX ROOM HEATED FLAT, GOOD location, outside entrance, all eon veniences, No small children ac- cepted, Immediate possession, Apply 165 Verdun Road. (128-c) 70 RENT--2 BEDROOMS. AND kitehen for rent, furnished, Pnone 23457, (128-¢) FOUR ROOMED FURNISHED apartment to rent in McLeese Block, Phone 1335F, (127¢) ROOMS TO RENT FOR LIGHT housekeeping, Apply. 361 Arthur St, (127¢) T™WO PARTLY FORNISHED rooms to rent for lght housekeep- ing. Close to Motors, Apply 293 French St. (127¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Near Fittings and General Motors, Phone 15627. (127-¢) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber. lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, F, L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and weodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-tf) Painting and Decoraling R, GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, etc, Twenty years' experience. Prices right, Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W., (45-tf) Tea Rooms HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT, Special Business men's lunch 12 to 1.30 daily, broiled' tenderloin steak, roast duck and chicken dinner, Din ner dance parties arranged, Accom- modation for overnight guests. Af- ternoon tea and bridge parties. Courtesy and service. Mrs, L. M. Prior, proprietress, phone 2209, PH hh 3 4 x (N6y. 3-1mo) Transportation CARTAGE AND MOVING, LOCAL and long' distance, W. Borrow- dale, 609 Carnegie Avenue, Phone only. Appointments maye be made | 77°F: at drug store, Phone 97. (49-tf) [1618 (Dec, -1.Jan, 1) inh SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIM- Tire ited, Simcoe St, S,, phone 346w., 242, Repe ng Froat St, E., oronto, Phone Main ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING 7637, Superior Transportation Scr- at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale, | VC (42-t0) Jamieson Bros. Phone 438. (tf) | COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West, Phone Dental 82, 6 trucks for prompt service DR. D, R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- istered for extraction, nurse attend- ant. Phone 231. Residence 1087, (ti) DR. S. J, PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF - fice over Bassetts', Phone 950; Moving van and storage warehouse FOR RENT--FOUR UNFURNISH- ed rooms in new house, Apply G56 Simcoe St, N. (127¢e) Motor Cars NASH SALES AND SERVICE, Twenty-five different models. to choose from. Ask for demonstra tion, Reid Nash Motors, Dundas street, Whithy, (Dee, 1+Jan, 1) FOR SALE--1926 CHEVROLET Landau Sedan in first class condi- tion, Heater, Hasy terms, Phone 289 r 24, (127¢) Agents Wanted $4 A DAY men for distributing religious Iit- erature, spare or full time, For particulars write Mr, Conrad, Spa- dina Bldg., Toronto, (129.a) $100 WEEKLY FEASY--EITHER sex selling our cleaners and clothes pin bags. Unusual high commig- gion. Free samples. P, A, Lefe- bvre & Co., Alexandria, Ontario, (129-8) Pets and Livestock FOR SALE -- SIXTY LAYING hens and pullets. Three breeds, Ap- ply 187 Gibbons St, Phone 239 r 4. (128h) FOR SALE--SIX PIGS, 100 LBS., and =o old, I feed cutting be m separator. equipment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains, (64-1) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETEI Specialist disc: and D 'at St. Plion Residence 306, 4-1 yr. DR. H, M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE §! north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. IL. E. HUBBELL, DENTIS Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac tions. Office, Phone 948, residence, 1378M ; 35-L! DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 178). Residence. 669. 66-tf Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io La~4 Surveyors and Civil in- eerp. sub-divisions, town plan A mut...pal engineers, Bradley Block, Oshawa. Phone 1635. (104-tf) Royal Bank Bldg fo Corseteire CORSETIERE----SPIRELLA 32 Elgin St. E. Mrs. Annic managing corsetiere. Even _pointment. Phone 442], Machinery Repeiring Dressmaking OR CHILDREN'S dresses made or remodelled at 55. Simcoe street north. Phone 1493). (Noy. 18-Dec. 18) DRESSMAKING, PLAIN, FANCY sewing. Miss Flossie Boyd, 362 Les- . Phone 1842). <q Nov. 25-Dee. 9) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKIN~ done easopable pri at rn ices. Call at 2 Rowe St. Phone | 7M Noy. 19.Dee, 19) ES I Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44; King Street West. Your pat- [4 is 29-tf) Signs DURRANT MACHINE CO.---WE do zll kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears installed ; gomnecting rods re-babbited; crows gears or pinions supolied for all makes of cars. 61 King St. W. Phoge 519 (tf) C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phore 9097. : ir Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. '67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence, 19 Division 'St. 69 King street eas Phone 2.0). Machinery HR. COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- tn Rp. "wher. ever, , nt . over AR Barber Shop, Olas. -t T{ASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS, sleighs, wagous, néw or second hand, also reppirs. Beatty stable éguip ment. Agent, H. Pawson, 557 Simi coe Street north Phone 1493]. = on. i (Wo 21-Dec. 21) Apply Arthur oe, Phone 645r12, (128-h) 8 --- TWO y in January, Fant 8, hutter y milking ind cholce, ber- T. 8, 1e 1651 21, (128¢c) "WE HAVE PAID MEN OR WO-, Effective immediately clos- ing time for classified ads. 9.30 am. Monday to Friday and 830 a.m, Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 am. Rates for Classified Ads. insertion--13§ cents word, pi : L r E r r 9 " " E r oo " r Fivst per Minimum charge--30¢, Each subsequent insertion Mb oo Pd Business a oh a word for each vaditionsl TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart ; ment, Articles For Sale CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE, Balsam, Spruce and Cedar, Phone 172¢W, (1291) PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture at 151 Brock streetseast, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 7, 8, 9 and 10, nine till 11 a.m, and two till five p.m, each day, Owner leaving city, (129¢) FOR SALE--COMBINATION COAL or wood and gas stove, Good condi- tion, cheap. Congoleum rug. Apply 68 Gibbs St. (129a) FOR SALE--FUR COAT IN GOOD washer and wringer complete, also lawn mower, Phone 818, (128-¢) ELECTRIC FLOOR LAMPS, watches, clocks, rings, Jewelry of all kinds, easy payments; immredi- ate delivery, O. H, Dell, 22% Bimcoe south. Phone 1666, (Dee, 2-Jan, 8) FULL SIZE BRASS BED, SIMMONS complete as new, Reasonable, 296 Halg street, Phone 2443F, ~ (128-¢) A QUANTITY OF FIRST CI.ASS Persian Lamb fur for sale, Reas- onahle. A sacrifice, Apply 87 Me- Laughlin Blvd, (128b) FOR SALE--FIRST CLASS ELEC- tric stove. Very reasonable. Apply 165 Verdun Road. {1828e) FOR SALE -- WESTINGHOUSE electric range, In good condition. Apply 74 Fisher St, Phone 1085F. (127¢) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, BIM. mons beds, steel springs, new feit mattresses, all sizes, children's cribs, complete with new mat- tresses, dressers, washstands, side- boards, tables, chairs, carpets and rugs, heaters and cook stoves, cheap. Baby buggies and go- carts. Other bargains. 17 Prince street, (127.c) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT t sales i with Is your wiiaf Does a your correct all t D. Rogers, 5005 Euecl'd Aye,, Cleveland, Ohio. $ (129-3) Wanted to Rent CARAGE OR SHED TO HOLD 2 or three cars. Phone 85, (128-¢) Rubber Goods IF YOU REQUIRE SANITARY rubber goods, write for - catalogue and price list. Safe and Sanitary Rubber Works, Dept. 14, 4906 Wel- lington St, Montreal. (Sa'.-tf) Wanted to Buy MR.S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and Cobds c2lled for. Phone ; Residence 99 Mill strget. (1L1tf) hi Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screen and store win- thesg a C. doms put on and removed. Phone » 1302W. for sale Good condition. Low price. This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10000 square feet of floor space, before new addi- tion was crected. It should be just the thing for a store or apartment block, Apply C. M, Mundy, Oshawa | Daily Times, Telephone: 35 * (106-tf) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD lahs, $3.50 per load. Also hone dry body wood, Phone 660. Waterous- Meek Ttd. (Mar, 26-tf) Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE-+SMALL HOUSE IN Whitby. Cement cellar, electric light and' water, Apply 152 Elgin St. E. Phone 1666J. 129c) DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE-- near High Perk, 60 foot frontage, low taxes. Price right, for quick sale. Phone 1612M. (129-b) FOR SALE---NICE WARM SIX roomed brick house. First class condition, All conveniences, beauti- ful lot and garden. 151 Brock St. E. Phone 190J, Owner onving . e) NEW BRICK HOUSE, SIX ROOMS suproom and bath. Oak floors, chestnut trim, laundry tubs, wired for electric stove. Private drive. Centrally logated. Phone 2627. (126-0) ON_ WARREN AVENUE, PAVED 1c per word, FXPERIENCED JAD BOOK. consecutive inser keeper, four years 4 choo Thise for the of two | ation, desires office position, first the Prise (three [I Box "E" Oshawa Daily Times. * sents a word), | (128-b) Minimum charge for three WOMAN WANTED. MUST BE insertions, 60 cents. good bedm whet he uy to ho- A tel work Dp y erences. Box wumber He additional Apply 8 Bond street west, (137-h) condition, Cheap, Phone 2464W, (129-¢)! AN ELECTRIC BLUEBIRD Lost and Found ) LOST ON THURSDAY PAIR OF glasses with light colored shell frames. Finder will be rewarded by returning to John Balles and Sons Hardware, (128b) | LOST--SUM OF MONEY IN POST | Office or Loblaw's store, Friday afternoon. Reward If left at Osb- awa Dally Times. (127¢) Board and Rooms TABLE BOARD, GENTLEMAN only, Home cooking. 185 King | street west. (129-a) {BOARD AND ROOM WITH PRIV- ate familly suitable for two. Gar- age it desired, Phone 1405F. \ (128¢) Help Wanted--Female Work Wanted CARPENTER WORK, SHINGLING furnaces repaired and cleaned, chimne s cleaned and rebuilt, floors oiled, cleaned and waxed, neral attend | ork of all kinds promptly to. Phone 2: A (Nov, 17-Dec. 17) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- pad Vouk A "Peon . 8ti c A one 18989. an (72.11) Auction Sale J. H. POWER WILL SELL BY public auction on Thursday, De- tember 8, at 12 p.m. on lot 19, con. 1, Darlington, one mile south lot Maple Grove, 3 geod horses, 10 renewed cows, and near by spring- 'ers, § feeders. Implements, grain, | hay, poultry, piano and furniture, The furniture will bo sold first. n, auctioneer, Theo, Sleman, (1200) HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC- tions from Mrs. Pickell and Mr, Johnston, to sell by public aue- tion on Wednesday, December 7, 1927, at the hour of 1.80 pm, at 4 Athol St. W. (upstairs), the following articles: 4 beds, springs, mattresses and bedding for same beds, 8 dressers, 4 chairs, 4 tables, fruit and pickles, 6 congoleum rugs, 2 blinds, some cu:i'ains, 2 hookease, stovepipes, 1 ofl stove, 1 washstand, 1 mirror, 2 rugs and carpet, 1 bicycle, 1 cook stove and pipes for same, 6 dining chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 1 sideboard, 1 ktchen cabinet, 1 refrigerator, 1 'spring cot, Singer sewing machine, some dishes, 8 pillows, 8 flannel blankets, electrie toaster, electric iron, ironing board. Everything must be sold. Positively no re- serve. Terms cash, E, J. Pomery, auctioneer, 18% King Bt, Eaet, Phone 1018M, (127-e) |" Notice to Creditors 16 Geo. V., Cap. 40, Sev. 52. IN THE ESTATE OF LAUREN G. "DREW, Solicitor, deceased, ALL Persons having claims against the estate of Lauren G. i Drew, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Solicitor. deceased, who died on or about the Seventh day of September, 1927, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned on or be- fore the twentieth day of Decem- ber, 1927, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after sald date, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to claims so filed. DATED at Oshawa, the 24th day of November, A.D, 1927, ' WILLIAM E. N. SINCLAIR. 1 K.C., Solicitor of the Estate, Bank | ot Commerce Bldg., Oshawa, Ont. (128-129-135) For Sale or Exchange 1 ROOMING HOUSE IN EXCHANGE for small house and lot and would pay the difference. Nine rooms, completely furnished, full of good steady roomers, good income and 2 long lease. 2338 Victoria Streer, Toronto. Phone Elg. 6907. (129-a) =a ----------------] | Wanted i WANTED--FIRST MORTGAGE on residence outside of city limits. Box "V" Oshawa Daily Times. (127-¢) WANTED--TEAMS WITH DUMP wagons. Steady work. 80 cents per hour, Apply 82 Simcoe south. Arm- stropg Company, (127¢) Business Clncer ~ WILLIAM STRERRY of R. J. Siberry, Limited, Toronto. Oshawa's ever-growing business district is to have another addition next week in the firm of Siberry Brothers, formerly with R, J. 8i- berry, Limited, 629 Danforth Ave- nue, Toronto, They will open up with a complete line of men's fur. nishings and clothing, in the store formerly occupied by A. L Rogers at Celina and King street. tur- ther announcements in regard to the opening will be made 1a.ev. Messrs, Sibherry, "George" and "Bill" have had a world of ex- perience in haberdashery and their wide knowledge of this business will be invaluable to the gentle. men of this community, Work of ing streets, in the location formerly occupied by A. L. Rogers. Siberry intend taking up their residence in Oshawa. They were formerly Soon, Sell Your Old Car EY GEORGE SIBERRY The local business fraternity is soon to be augmented with two more gentlemen of marked ability in their line, Messrs. George and Bill Siberry, ictured above, who will open a gents' furnishings store at Celina and Messrs, unpacking, ete., is progressing, and it is expected that everything will be in readiness for the official opening towards the end of next week, Coming out from Ireland--that country famous for it linens--the Stberry Brothers settled down in Toronto where they have been in business for the past twe.ve years, "Bill," was clothing salesman with R. J. Siberry, Limited, and his brother was formerly with Oak Hall as manager. Of late years, though, he has been conuected with the above firm. The local firm will have no eon- nection with the Toronto business bearing that name. The Bank of Montreal, in its statement for the fiscal period to October 81st, is reporting to its shareholders a year of record growth and expansion, Total as. sets at the new high level of §881,- 548,976 show a gain of over $560,- 000,000, as compared with the cor- responding period last year; liquid assets amount to 63.78 per cent of total liabilities to the public, inter. est bearing deposits are up over 23,000,000, and out of surplus an amount of $1,000,000 has heen ad- ded to Rest Account, bringing it up to $30,916,700, In every department there are evidences of unusual strength and elasticity, It is perhaps largely on this account that the annual state- ments of the Bank of Montreal are always so closely studied, not only throughout the Dominion, but m all the important banking centres of the world, The statement shows that the to- tal assets of $831,648,967 have in. creased from $781,525,145 at the end of the previous year, Included are liquid assets of $481,996,915, as compared with $424,959,084 a year ago. In liquid assets are cash on hand, represented by gold and subsidiary coin current, Dominion notes and deposit in Central Gold Reserves amounting to $107,9583,- 213, equal to 14.28 per cent of liabilities to the public, against $100,411,634, or 14.25 per cent, in the previous year, Record Growth Reported By Bank of Montreal With the larger requirements for handling the business of the coun- try, there has been a marked gain in. loans, and holdings of govern. ment and municipal securities, and railway and other honds and stocks have also increased, Current loans in Canada are $255,155,693, as compared with $252,388,858, Call and short loans in Canada have in. creased to $29,719,404, and call and short loans in Great Britain and the United States of $§151,281,- 604 compare with $145,325,247, The principal accounts in liquid as- sets include Dominion and Provin- cial Government securities of $86,. 760,587, compared with $79,167, 614; Capadian Municipal securi- ties and British, Foreign and Cols onial Public securities $32,963,446, as against $29,280,764; railway and ofher bonds, debentures and stocks $5,344,028, up from $4,463,. 261. ' With the strong position the Bank holds in all parts of the Do- minion, deposits eontinue to show substantial Increases. Deposits bearing Interest mow total $539, 166,910, wup from $515,925,640, Deposits mot bearing interest are $161,060,802, which compare with $182,034,727, and .probably reflect provision for 'special transactions being earried out at this tinve of the year, : The Profit and Loss Account shows a comfortable surplus, after the payment of dividends and char. ges. HAMPTON Hampton, Dec, 2.--Glad to 1re- port Miss Helen Virtue progressing favorably since her operation for appendicitis, recently in Bowman. ville hospital, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cryderman visited at Mr. Charlie Smith's, En- niskillen, recently. Mrs. Walter Cryderman, kn- piskillen, is visiting Mrs. Gertrude Virtue. Mr. apd Mrs. Lewis Allin visit- ed Toronto friends last week and attended the winter fair, Miss Reta Kerslake is visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tennant and sop, Bruce, and Mrs. W. Trewin, Toronto, visited at F. G. Kers- lake's and other relatives on Sup- Situations Wanted ENGLISH WOMAN WANTS DAY work. Apply F559 Albert Street. (129-2) YOUNG WOMAN WISHES WORK {by the day, Phone 1185F. (127¢) EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of bookkeeping de- sires position. Reply stating sal- ary. Box "R" Oshawa Daily mes. Te) BUSINESS CHANCES ~~ FIRST i class bakery and confectionery, also | book and stationery, cash and carry | grocery, contents of rooming house, job printing plant. Sydney Smythe, Market Lane, London. (128b) stregt, six or eight room h rug brick veneer, hard wood trim just com, . All conveniences. Phone 1537TW or 2072. (Noy. 23-Dee. 23) CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR » good buy. inyestmend. y fe CLT Division St, Phone Sa 194 J 5, (Noy. 16-Dec. 16) sale. Tes walk from Motors.| Richmond aud ing Sts. A Elocution MISS BYELYN TRICK, MISTRESS of Blocution, graduate of Ontario | Ladies' Col will prepare be- sinners and pupils for all platform work. Apply 192 YOUNG WIDOW WITH BOY, SIX years requires position as house- keeper for one or more gentlemen, Please give phone number if pos- sible to Box "I" Oshawa Daily Times. (127¢) STORM WINDOWS Combination Doors BY Res. 180 phone R2 day last, Much sympathy is extended Mrs. E. Martin and Mr, and Mrs. R. Croft in the loss of their homes on Tuesday night by fire. Mr. and Mrs. FP. G. Kerslake kindly opened up their home as a store house for the contents that was saved from fire from the store and house of Mr. R. Croft, that was burned on Tuesday night. The Mission Circle of the Uni. ted church purpose holding a con- cert and bazaar on Friday, Dee. 16th, in the basement of the church. Reserve the date. Cafe: teria lunch will be served at the close, Master Ted Johns, Bowmaay:ue, visiting at J. L. Johns'. SMALLLPOX AT GRIMSBY THOUGHT SPREADING Hamilton, Dec. 2--Three more cases of smallpox were discovered in North Grimsby by noon today, bring- ing the total to thirteen in that area. The new cascs were all in the same house. There are now eight in South Grimsby, and fears are expressed that further spread of the disease may oc- cur, So far no evidence of the ailment has been discovered in Hamilton. CHINESE INSURANCE COM- PANY ALLEGES BLIND-PIGGING Cobalt, Dec. 2--The allegation that one of the buildings destroyed in 3 fire a year ago at the home of Colin McRae, Hudson Township farmer, in connection with which he is suing the Yangtse Insurance Association of Shanghai for $49702, was used for "blind-pigging" purposes is one of the contentions of the defendant Thinese company in the action. Defendants assert, among other things, that McRae had contravened the liquor laws of the country by manufacturing home brew illegally. The case was to have come up mext week at Haileybury, but a stay of procsedin gs has been granted --- «i 0 ) a a + Wo - # - --- EB ---- WEEK DAY SCHEDULE wi, SE Them Slew 4H A a.m. am. isim wim ip He 11.0 am. *210 p.m, m, 1.20 p.m, Ev pm, 20 hm 285 pm, i pm, Ey 3 Mm. 40pm, 510 id 5% Spm, %.15 pm, 6.0 7.00 p.m, 7.40 p.m, 35pm, %.10pm, .30 p.m. 1010p.m, 10.9 100pm, 0pm UNpm, Going Hoepital 6am, 650am, 7.30 3.m., am, 8.30 a.m, ih am, 11. 20a.m, 1205 p.m, 10pm, 11°pm, 1.35 p.m, 2.30 p.m. 3.35 p.m, 3.45 p.m. Arr 4.00 p.m, 4%pm, 4.45pm, 5.05 p.m, 5.40 p.m, 6.05 p.m, 645pm, 7.00 p.m, 7.20 p.m, rom (BERAMARSE 2 : .m, 2 nopm 1130 yd Tim * "Phe ve SUNDAY AND. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE. Leave 3 10,00 8.m, 10.40 3.m, 12.25 p.m. 1.00 p.m, 2.25 p.m, 3.00 p.m, 4.20 p.m, 4] vo 6.20 p.m, 9.45 p.m, 10k yd i a ne a.m, 102 am, 1.3 p.m, 1.45 p.m, 330 pm. Am, 345 pm, 4.45 pm, . 5.00 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 7.00 p.m, d 8.45 p.m, 9.00 p.m, ; 10.45 p.m. 1110 p.m, I Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T: A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR Bowmanville--Phone 412 i I Oshews Welting Rom = Correct Glasses Oorrectly Fitted W. A. Hare Optometrist 8 King St. W, Phone 888 es y A, Mig)

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