Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Dec 1927, p. 10

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ol ==] as Vv PR hala om Ras mL |] Toond | emt mma. BCR TV CRARRAROZAZ] F London, Dec. 3.--A feature of Sir Charles Wright's review at the amnual gemeral meeting of Baldwin's, Limited, at Birming- ham, was the ammouncement of their decision to close down the Toronto plant permanently, and bring part of the machinery back to England, and that on the other hand the Montreal plant was work- ing full time and promises to show a good return on the momey in- vested. ' Sir Charles Wright stated that the deficit on Baldwin's, Limited, trading for the year was £129. 970 and the directors had not con- sidered it expedient to increase the loss by any appropriation for de- preciation, pending the capital ve. construetion scheme which is un- de; comsideration. " HARMONY Cd oe (Li % THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1927 rr EBOO EL JEWISH CAMPAIGN ~~ GHATTER|TOTAL NOW $90,000 . Contined fr page 3) Bs . ¢ AI ma boas {row tre Drive to Raise $250,000 sls. Will End on Sun: : day Night - "Library circulation, due' to ibe election, fell down scamerasly last week but has made a ng Eg 3 recovery since and the total taken Montreal, Dee.3.--The $250,000 out this week will likely 'go over | cAmpaign on behalf of the Federa- the five 'hundred mark whem Mr. Hay of i TR yTiel hi rt f ouc! e A mark. Some 3 it ha Wade Bis report. Tor $6,364 in increases to "old 'sub- scriptions: was reported when the workers met at the Mount Royal the week. Last week, 282 books wera drawn which was 179 less Hotel for luncheon recemtly. "The money is here in Mo=treai than the week previous. . For reaa, ing Purposes 1,712 used the library w 139 looked up references elle week. The total attendance | 80d I am satisfied that if the sew- was 2,204. Thirty-one new read. |#h People are properly canvassed ers were added. that we will reach our objective of $250,000 this week." Al Lsser The most interesting and most shairman at the report luncheon »f the Federation campaign said. "The best salesmen im the city of Montreal are im this room, and if we go about it with a will, we can get the money required to keep the doors of our 14 social agen- cies open." Mir. Lesser continued. "Martin Simon and 1 are camvass- ing together and we have not had a single refusal. "The remarkable feature about the campaign thus far is the readi- ness .with which regular subserib- ers to the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies are vcluntarily in- creasing their annual pledges," Mr. Lesser said. "We are still in need of mor workers," Michael Morris, cam. paign chairman, told the workers. "We have had several yours men volunteer and we cam use man! more if our objective of $250,00¢ is to be reached by Sunday even- ing. "A Montreal citizen with a wel REPUBLICAN IRYS FIGHT WADSWORTH N.Y. Anti-Salcon Also Opposes Former ¢. Semator known Scotch name, sent im hk annual subscription, 'which alway: comes to the Federation unsolicit- ed," Nir. Morris said. "Two \our- ists who happened to be passing the Baron de Hirsch Institute came into campaign headquarters and asked to be allowed to give a do- ration. Mr. Morris expressed his appre- ciation of the splendid turnout a the luncheon especially of the wo men workers. He asked for th loan of a few motor cars. . The Dominion Bank sent Mr Lesser" a cheque for $200 ax subscription to the campaign fund. OVERHEARD AT THE MOVIES "Our hearts are like our seats," said a young sheik as he escorted his fair companion into the lobby of the theatre. "How? Close together?" the young thing. "No, on the left side," he hieat- asked New York, Dec. 3.--Republicans in New York state were stirred over the prohibition question om the New York Anti Saloon League virtually de- clared war upon former James W. Wadswo:th, Jr, a we! candidate for delegate-at-large to the national convention next year, the Republican members congressional delega- tion unanimously recommended the naming of Bertrand H. Snell, of Thursday. While New York League platform. associate suceaas." Senator of the Anti-Saloon League, replying to! Wadsworth's plan, said the former |, genator is i blow at party welfare and party | ooo. oon mn EXCEPTIONAL (Bystander Lomdon) First Fair Golfing Novice (to sac- | i ond ditto): I say, Brenda, that was a wonderful shct of yours at the seventeenth.' You know--that time when you hit it! St. Lawrence County, in the soren- | ' ern part of the sate as a delegate- | VIR | . at-large to the matiomal session. | Snell is regarded as a dry. i The Anti-Saloon League attack AGAINST LYNCH on Sematcr Wadsworth, his pro-| Ie | ' gram and purposes as a wet come! tender was made after he had an- nounced his candidacy as a dele. | Governor Byrd lssues gate on promise that if mamcd he! would fight to have an anti-prohi- | bition plank placed im the national | ment on Kentucky Dr. S. BE. Nicholson, | N superintendent or Dec , 1 has g wa will, net Virginia. ecent lynching near niucky border as ad cold-blooded erim rid declared in a st d Thursday night t time for Virginia of those ei of lynching ty as other m! wae | "striking a disastrous widely read of any of the periodi- eals yet placed on the reading tables in the library are the Christ. ELLA CINDERS -- Off to Sea mas numbers of the English illus- trated magazines, the most notable Wo, A --- of which are "The Tatler," "The ¥ Ta mas boat London Illustrated," "The Graph- fe," and "The Sphere." The illus- trations in these are truly wonder- ful and no end of trouble and ex- pense has been gone to by the pub. Dec. 2--Miss Ellen Tweed, is visiting Mr. Harmouy Maraw, of and Mrs. F. Gabourie. Mr. and Mrs, Levi Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs, J. Edwards of the city visited with Mr. and Mrs. McKay at Oromo on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, O. Conlin spent Sun- day with friends at Bowmanville. St, Catharines visited their aunt, Mrs. H. Willson on'Monday. Miss Cleo is going to remain here for a while. Miss Mae Winters week-end with Miss Verna Found at Courtice. On Friday night, Nov. 25, about forty people gathered as a surprise at Mr. and Mrs. Harry *Hunking's. The evening was spent in dancing and card playing. Refreshments two o'clock. All those present spent an enjoyable evening. Mrs. H. Willson, Misses Viola and Cleo McKill spent Tuesday in Tor- onto, to spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Mackie. Mr. F. St. John and his brother Sunday arc staying with Mr. and N. Sanders while the truck is being fixed. One gentleman had his arm hurt, but fortunately nothing serious, Mrs. R. Terwillegar speat T day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. | E. Fice at North Oshawa, | Mr. and Mrs. Albertson and Miss Queenie Hall were recent visitors at! Toronto. | Mr. G. Gladman of Guelph spent the week-cad with his brother, Mr, ! A: Gladmen. j win appear in Misses Viola and Cleo McGill of {ed by a display of Christmas read- spent the were served at midnight and then | erables,' : dancing 'proceeded again until about | Story of Ab," by Waterloo and | nie. |ed from Mr, and Mrs. A. Minty of Toron- | : f lit is cui apt " who were in 'the accident with the! Is cuite a departure from truck load of fish on Hart's' Hill last | a3 3 | hurs- | sts vill he placed wr lishers in order to make them the | much appreciated works thay they lare, { The display of modern drama {which was promised some time ago the library next week, the popular and interesting display from the ship "Nancy" | {glving way to it. The display of drama will be immediately follow- (ing, at which time the library wiil ba suitably decorated to ft the occasion, | Fourteen rcntals from the Pub. lic Library are among those hos™* available for reading and rental at present in the school brary, | Among them are "King Solomon™ BRINCING UP FATHER bla Aas oka Sor Bit ara 3 242227 cut -- with all her fb Li bp Ling the other half of the map --~ Mind," by Rider Haggard, "Treas | | ure hy A. P. Terhune, "Les Mis- ' by Victor Hugo, "The I'M SURE) [HEAR A | BURGLAR \ "Heir of the Ages," hy McKeck- The last mentioned Is the 8 oy of the evolution of man treat- [How KIN YOU HEAR ANY THING THE WAY YOU ARE HOLLERIN'? OE QUIET- YOU'LL NOT ONLY FRIGHTEN THE BURGLAR: CUT YOU'LL SCARE THE w 4 NEIGHEORS TO DEATH | ; the topical rather than the chronological standpeint, The upper school supplementary reading lists for poetry and drama have at last Leen issued, This year the formor reading lists in that the sp udents are dirccted to read the nrost famous poems hy ie greatest literary artists among the ancients 13 well p23 the wodcrrs These in the "aslish roams in! future | J4brory or the the near YOUTH CONFESSES 15 Par OF a opyright 1937. [5 MALE TE cog W0 OGEEGOSH! CAN'T HEAR WORD HE'S SAYING SN'T THAT EROVOXING © He's telling her where the mun i ana 34 cant hear rom OF 0 things! Moi' when: ca: ¢ ¢ PL OH HO. LITTLE MICKEY - EH? 90 YOU CAME TO MY HOUSE TO DO A LITTLE LIFTIN' | DIDN'T KNOW IT WUZ YOUR HOUSE -| GUESS FLL GIT DIX MONTHS FER DON'T 'WORRY - YOU'RE NOT GOW' TO JAIL: BUT YOU'RE GONNA DO Q0ME REAL LIFTIN'- AicManus TAKE THAT PIANO DOWN TO RYAN'S PLACE AN TELL HIM ITS A PRESENT FROM ME, BUT DONT an THANK ME OVER THE PHONE - Er -- = RTE © 1927. by Inv] Feature Se v4. Crest Britain + | | { | TEGIES: NE] Rf TE OF £1] mo ® 1d] PRs OZR] Dams. amas Be oan oo dll 2 en 1 Mr. "and Mrs. Ranes and Mrs, C. Miracle spent Tuesday in Toronto, | - * Mr. and Mrs. M. Greentree at his! y % COOPER SPENT MIS EARLY VEARS IN DALY y+ CONTACT (iT41 THE INDIANS AND THE IMARESSIGH WORDER ATIENPT, day. Mrs. Thos. Whattum spent the weck-end Mr, K. Whattam. Mrs. Wrenn, of visiting her daught cher. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maylor were i Toronto «n Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, F. Arn oi Picto wita her son Bowmanville, i rong of 1 ronto visited with Mr, cud Mrs, is Hern on Sunday. Miss Vera Gimblett of the city spent Thursday with Mr, and Mr Harry Gimblett, hd Mr, and Mrs. M. M.:Mullen of the Miss Ellen McMullen of city and ] Wilson, New York visited M- Greentree on Saturday, BURKETON > . -e Burketon, Dee. 2.---Mr. Robert Philip recently ary an almost four months' through the Western Both appeared and Mis, wip particularly well and expressed themselves as hay- °F thar be usually is. ing thoroughly enjoyed iheiy trip. It was a holiday tour visits to old Ontarie friends liv. ing fn Winnipeg, Calgary, Victoria! and Vancouver. . Mr. and Mrs. Philp are onthusi- astic about ihe wonders and beau- ty of the Rockies and British »oi- wmbia. Mrs. Philp seid, "We think they are exaggeraisl in pid- tures and write ups, but you can-| not exaggerate the beauties of the Rockies." Mr... Philp was unyres- sed with the vastness of the Prair- , les, the great variety of manufac- tures, and the. richpess of Can. ada's mines. "Even in this Jubi- lee year all we hear of Canada and her possibilities are true." he de- clared. "From the standpoint of material wealth, there is no exag- geration. "Until ome has travelled a joss the country, (a journey taking several days), lhe Las uo idea of its vastness oF its varied induslries or how pros- perous the people seem. Socially and religiously, 2 great change has come. over the people. The churches generally aie wen at- tended seemingly better in 'the cities than in the country. Chureh people however, are of a different type than they were some years ago. Dancing and ecard playing seems to bec common and are not thought inconsistent with "chureh membership. The preaching. is good, but also of a different or- der. [It is not ds evangelistic, but pleces grealer emphasis upon ethi. zal duty and Christian service." Mr. Philp hos resumed his old Cuties 28 shperintendent of Burke- | maint the ton United Church Suader Cchool. 3 Outawa, Die. dian art was . exhibition « Indian art, native =n ed at the National Galler; , Mrs. K. Flet- ed from ! Provinces. | including Je bobbed : : fier ¥ ing Drowning Victim From Beat | New York, Dee. 3.--The story f what the state nlleges was a wipi fo droyn vear oll Cioldsleln * and collec' worth of insurance, ,veached a climax in a Brooklyn ourt Wednesday as Irving Rub- .1inzahl, a youth of 19, describing scene in a yrowhoat said flatly, "I pushed him offi." "What haonened then?" YC roon le (one of the alleged conspiraior) threw him a piece 'of elothes 1. > hut leg «oo the end of it. It ilcated on the water," Sowebody in ihe court rooin {}aughed hysteric I, | Joseph Lefkowitz, (he 2lleged :n- | tigator of the pilot, sas drying the sweating palms of Li: hands on a bandierchief He was even pa! | Herry Greenberg's .Adam's aD up and downm convul | sively in his throat. "Benny stayed up for three minutes," Rubinzail tinued, "then he sank." AUSTRALIAN SHIP SERVICES TIED UP Dispute Arises Between i Owners and Wharf | Laborers i ebout con Syduey, Dec. 3.-- Australian shipping services were almost com- | pletely dislocated Thursday as 2 result of a dispute between the! owners znd the wharf laborers who aie flouting the recent awara o: the lederzl arbitration ecouit and 's, Mrs. J, Gree e Sun- . lies iagimi f mother's, rs. J. Greentree on Sun-: New Yorker Admits Push- | | | their own 2zreement by refusing | 0 work overtime. The ship own. ' ers hove issued an witimatume that | if overtime demands are ignored | they will close down. { Most of the inter-state passen- | 3er and cargo slcamers are tyi:g | up their ships and paying off their | : :. Oveiseas steamers lying at ious ports are umable to dis-! e the cargoes. The ship! re now preposing to esta. | free labor Durcaus at aM and the Federal Government! | charge OWDEDS blisi ports is seeking Parlicmentary samction ifor tion it may take to! services essemtias to, { the county and 19 preserve tho daw 2 vder of | tle Cemrsoa- | ent SLealuers 1 e aud BETH we disp nEnal 4 7146 LENTHERSTOCKING TALES WERE WRITTEN BY JAMES FENIMORE COOPER, TOMMY, KE WAS THE FIRST AMERICAN HOVELIST OF IMPORTANCE TILLIE THE TOILER-- 2 MHD EXPERIENCES GAED FURNISHED HIM MATERIAL LATER FOR RIS TALES OF FO CER LIFE. a of CS James FENIMORE COOPER WAS BURI AT BURLINGTON, M.J, IN 1789, WHEN HE WAS A YEAR OLD, HIS QUAKER PARENTS MOVED THEIR FAMILY TO OTSEGO \ LAKE, NY, ON THE SHORES OF WHICH THEY FOUNDED THE VILLAGE OF COOPERSTOWN, CEATHERSTOCIING ALLS FENIMORE HL JOOPER WL L LIVE IN HISTORY AS THE CREATOR OF A FEW CHARACTERS WHICH ARE WORTHY A LASTING PLACE AMONG CHARACTERS OF FICTION. NATTY BUMPPO, THE BACKWOUS- MAH, LONG TOM COFFIN" AND UNCAS" THE INDIAN, ARE AMONG THE BEST KNOWN © 1927 by King Features Syndicate. irs Grant Britain rights mawrved ou imi uD You carr lf BETTY | ROLL "EM! 'TAINT HIE FAULT EXACKLY! LAS' YEAR HIS MOM GAVE "MA re-- - ; | a OF YoU. THE OL CONTEST TO-DAY! ZI AN NEPEAN By Russ Westover » THAT'S RIGHT! LAUGHS WHY

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