THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER . GAIN FIRE . NEEDS oticn for Reconsideration Made But Data Not Available MATTER LAID OVER d, Schell Refers to Clause Seven But Does Not Divulge Idea S---- While the Courail was a unit in casing the recommendations and mended recommendations suggested y the recent Council committee cing on fire protection, a move is Ircally underway to have the whole patter reconsidered, Ald, Schell, cconded by Ald. Hart, moved re- onsideration at last night's adjourn- d session, but owing to certain data pot being available the matter wns aid over, it is understood, until the cgular Council meeting on Monday vening, December 5, Ald. Schell pointed out that the atter which he desired to have tha "ouncil reconsider was. clause seven bi the Council committee's report caling with the salary of Fire Chief ameron, He did not reveal what e had in mind in that connection. The obvious point is that in asking he fire chief's resignation to he ef- cctive December 15, a month's notice s not given and thus has the gen- ral effect of dismissal under a cloud. hat the chief would have cause to eck legal redress in the matter is onsidered probable, Mr, Schell, however, did not dis- uss his reasons in asking general econsideration, Ald. Hart, who seconded Mr, pehell's motion, ddvised the Council n act cautiously in the matter on fonday night, 'He also suggested hat a special committee should he ppointed to investigate the fire de- jartment, suggest changes in opera- ion and 'personnel if they so desired, nd hring a definite program hefore fe Council at the earliest date pos- ible. As the Government Control Com- ission might say: "A new store a ay keeps thirst away.""--Toronto "elegram, a, Died REW-Suddenly at Lindsay Hose pital, Wilbur Stanley Trew, of Oshawa, aged 42 years. Funeral from the family resid- nce, 128 Pari rogd eouth, Osh- wa, Thursday at 1 p.m. Inter- pent at Oak Hill Cemetery. (1263) Card of Thanks irs. Leo Bowen, b2 Pine avenue, fishes to thank the Westmount arent and Teachers' Association nd the pupils of the Westmount unior Red Cross, ard g2lso the ar; Road Home and School Club nd friends for the beautiful flow. rs sent during her recent illness. (126g) Too Late to Classify WO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO put. Apply Mrs. Grills, 273 French t. (126¢c) OR RENT--THREE UNFUR- ished rooms, gll conveniences, eat and light. Price $30 per honth. Phoae 16777. (126b) Coming Events RATES 3 Cents per word each in- sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 35c¢. emg AZAAR ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL Room, Centre St., Thursday, Dec. 1. Afternoon tea 3 to 4.3). Hot supper 5 to 7.30. Madam Nevada, famous palmist, and other attrac- tions. (121- 123 AKLEIGH - LODGE EUCHRE Orange Hall, Burns Block, Wed- nesday, November 20th. Adis. sion 25 cents. 25b) ADAME NEVADA, PAL at 267 French St. Phose 710J. Hours 2 to 9. (124-126-128) ADAME ROSE, PALMIST. 21 Maple 'St. Phone 2372F. Hours 2 to 9. (125e) UMMAGE SALE. THURSDAY. December 1, at market at 1 o'clock. St. Andrew's. (125b) ODDDFELLOWS CORDIALIgY led to the social eveninz ng Beta under the auspices of jen Lodge No. 61, in the Oddialows Hell, Thursday even- ing, December 1, 2t 8 p.m. See advertisement on poge 5 v. (1262) "FRISTMAS TREE AND EN- ainment will be held on De- cember 20 at US.8. No. 6, East Whithy, - Bare Line East. Re- serve the date. (1262) IL. MEMBERS OF POST 43. Canadian Legion are requested to attend special Thurs- "ov, Dee. first. 8 pm. (1262) MEMBER THE OSHAWA CITY Footbell Club Smeking Concert tonieht fa K. P. Fall. f126a) NCERE OF EXCEPTIONAL SF the Sunbeam Trio (three Mudes) . at King 'Street Thmrziay December Sl. aumussion 25 ceats. PL (1232) | FAMILY DOCTOR TO CANADA'S ESKIMO HAS REAL PRACTICE Dr. L, D, Livingstone Covers 2.200 Miles and 28 VII ages in Two Trips NATIVES 'RALTHY Pe-ulation of Northern Clima Vigorous and Contented Revorts Physicien Ottawa, Nov, 29,--Canada's Es- kimo inhabitants on Baffin Island, numbering 2,000, are in excellent health. Baffin Island. although not as pleasant a place for the white man as more Southern latitudes-- Is nevertheless' canable of sustain- in= a vigorous and contented, popu- lation. These are the essential points in a report just filed with the Dominion Government by Dr, L. D. Livingstone, Canadian medis anal a?{le'0] Po Vivinaetor~ renart, lv returned from 15 menths dity in the Cazadian Apetic Archipu.- 80, Since 1922, Dr, Livingstone has been a member of each annual ex- pedition to the ,Canadian Arctic, 'At various ports of eall, he has examined the native Eskimo. Rol. lowing the conclusion of the 1926 patrol, Dr; Livingston spent the winter of 1926-27 and the summer and spring of this year in a de- tailed inspection of the natives in the interior, whom it had not heen possible to see on his previous visits, In the early spring of this year, Dr. Livingstone made his base at Pangnirtung, on Cumberland Gulf, One of his first duties was to deal with an epidemic of chicken-pox, The post and surrounding districts were quarantined for six weeks; but the outbreak was stamped out without loss of life, Previous to this, Dr. Living* stone began his patrol work. In two long trips undextaken, the Government official covered a coms bined distance of nearly 2,200 miles, in the course of which abont 25 native villages were visited. On these trips, Dr, Livingstone found that the Eskimos had a. plentiful supply of seals and other wild life upon which the natives depend for food and clothing. Of the six cases which he treated, only two were of a serious character, The first of these remarkable medical inspection patrols was he: gun on February 14. and lasted 61 days. Two officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police apd na- tive Eskimo drivers accompanied the medical officer. At the upper end of Cumberland Gulf, the party crossed the river) and followed the eastern coast line to Cape Haven and into Frobisher Bay. From that point, they made their way overland to Lake Har- bour--the sitz of the new post oR Hudson Strait. For 130 miles, the party progressed westward along the coast apd then began the re- turn journey, Probably it was the ERIE of the awiul weather for the greater part of this year that emboldened Tate to revive an old story recently. Perhaps you haven't heard it dates irom the days of the horze bus, when the conductor was in more fre- quent communic~tion with the driver. Among the outside passcmrzers was 2 native of the Fast, "What's ' e, Bill?" asked the driver. "Fancy "c's a Parsee," replied Bill. "What's a Parsee?" "Indian bloke what worships the "Oa I sce," caid the driver. "Come over 'ere for a bit of a rest, I s'pose !" iss Margerét Bannermen--whose clever eeting in "The Golden Calf" has been 50 much discussed--is re- saying things male politicians. They were Aap, | u prefudiced and so forth. At lest, a stern-faced man rose f his seat. rom Be said, speaker, gy" Je sald, ddrsing, the es asbind--does he shage these views? "Not yei," sie replied. , § reel grodP) the interrupter. And there were gusts of of laughter. "I may add," said the lady, "that I am not yet married." : Then the daughter became & F0ar. Reports received from various guides in New Brunswick state that BURNING OF MORTGAGE] AGAINST CHURCH A PLEASING CEREMONY ORGAN TSimeoe Street Church Con. gregation Observe Anoth- » er Step in Progress of the a Delightful | joe -- of Ladies' Aid Soci- eiy and Mrs. William Wal. lacz -- Organ Was Install. ed in 1919 Clearing off the last of tae ine debtedness on the organ of thelr church, the Ladies' Ald of Simcoe Street United Chureh last night, in a quiet ceremony, made the final payment o! the debt, and, receiving the martgage from its hoider, burned it in the presence of the a3ssembled congregation and their 'viends. The ceremony was a part of the program at the annual sup- ver and concert whieh is provided by the ladies of the congregation each year, the proceeds of whieh are used for needful purposes in the church plant, Supper was served by the ladles 'last might to'the largest number of people ever attending: this cyent, over five hundred In all sitting down, ' The repast provided by the ladies was worthy of the patron. age which they received, and their patreag mena we'l catisfied bz both (Continued on page 6) RACY STORIES 0F BRITISH GENERAL Memories of 80 Years Make Most Interesting Reading Lciaden, Noy. 28.---8ir Neville Lyt- telion's "Eighty. Years" is the most racy collection of soldiers' anccdotes since Sir John Adyc's "Recollections," published more than thirty years ago. When Lyttelton joined "the Rifle Brigade . the . . disgrace - of being "drummed out" was somctimes re- garded lightly, since he recalls the case of ong officer who turned to the colonel and said: "A fine battalion, sir; you may dismiss them, I do not | require them any more," The readiness of soldiers' widows to re-marry into the service is shown by the story of a woman who had a proposal from a ecolor-sergeant on the way back from her husband's funeral. She burst into tears, and the non- commissioned officer, thinking he had heey too hasty, said he would sce her "oh, it isn't that" che said, "but I have already accepted the corporal of the firing party." Sir George Colley, it is stated, was in The early 'seventics "regarded as ig man in the Army," whersss Wolscley was thought little 0 Wolseley was not above political wire-pulling and admitted to Sir Ne- ville Lyttelton that his extravagast praise of the 18th Royal Irish at Tel- el- was inspired hy "political reasops. Some such jnfluence appears to have Heprived | Sir Redvers Buller of the post of Commander-in-Chief after the Duke of Cambridge retired, but this may bave been fortunate, be- cause in a caustic criticism of Buller's Ti failures Sir Neville Lyttelton says: "Few-commarniders have so wanton- ly throws as'ay so great am oppor- tunity." Humorous incidents occur amid the din of battle, Kitchener's brother, who was deaf, ig with Sir Neville when a Tom" shell fell thirty yards them. Kitchener's rother y humble warsiors who partridzes have i ws" plentiful and deer vig Aro in number. rh last year. Tobi. que River beaver are ie J Hd the Bureau of Agricultural Econo- to British duced in the Badd Fuk S en | lated by the preference Empire-growa tobaccos in rd market since September Ist. "1919; says the report. "the production of tol:acco in Canada has increased a fn "782000 pounds in 1918 to 28884, [609 i in 1920: Oatarie furnishing pve t 75 per cent. of the product nd Que- bec aest of the remainder." famous corps, the Brigade, saw service. po Avion "n history is b Jeing made | vadays. Canadian Air Board of- followed bi to rick heres bi Rifle nics, Washington, Canada ranks next | ficials --_" two years and tliat the maiden wip will fikely bz to Canada. | Congoleum City Dairy .....eqees 207 oni Jr Smelters a 29 assey Harris «vi 00s 2519 Seagram Taeaeny Shrvdded | Wheat! nges A Iperial Dil terreannese 60 Int. Pete. IEEE ERT TRE) Imp. Tobacco ...... M Amulet ..,,... ATBONAUL. «4 yeaan Rarry Hollinger 4.4. Beaver HOMIE savers vrrrasent » 1338 Howey. seesrsersrses . 140 Hollinger ...... 40, 1733 Kirkland Lake ...., 258 Kootenay Florence .. Lake Shore . 2675 Laval-Que. 1vivneeyes Mecassa .., McIntyre Noranda Mine. Carpn. Nipissing .... Pioneer ., Potterdozl ',,. Premier .. 4, Ribago ..... San Antonio .., Saint Anthony Teck Hughes .. Tough Oakes , Vipond " Wr, Hargraves ....., Wiltsey Coghlan Amity A Central Man. .vivv4 Federal Kirk, Jack, Coy I 1,051, 777. Silver 584. IEEE ] EEEERREERLEEEY ' 750 450 673 62 23y; tees NEW YORK STOCKH (Supplied hy ttobie, Forlong & Co.) Stoel: High Lew 2 P.M, Amer, Can, 72 71 11% Amer. Tel. 170% 17901; Atchison .,.101 190% Balt, & Ohio 118% 117% Briggs Mfg, 27% 2% Bald. Loco. 2562 252 Can, Dry. , 60% 50% Can. Poc. ,.208% 1908; Chrysler BT % 57% 27% 28% .321 810 18% 17% 62% 62 Plyrs, 110% 100% Gen. Aspht., 856% 84 Gooderich 887% 86% Gen, Motors 127% 125%, Hudson 70 69% Int. Comb, , Hdl4 b2% Int. Nickel - 67% 66% Int. Harv. .241% 230% Int, Paner.. 80 Kan. City 8. 63% Harlepd Oil 356% Man. Elee, 5/8 Radio ..... 98% Scars Rbek. B86 Studebaker 50% UU.8. Rubber 56 U.S. Steel ,. 148 U.S. Pipe 220% Willys Ovid, 18% Woolworth 185% Yellow. Cab 81% Dupont ,.. Dodge Erie Fam, 195% 30% 110 REMEDY CITY ROAD + CONDITIONS Cedardale Aldermen De- scribe Bad Situation in South End STREETS IMPASSABLE Board of Works Given Au- thority te Secure Tractor and Grade: Strenuous efforts are to be made by the Board of Works to remedy road conditions in Cedardale. Two car loads of cinders are to be or- dered and everything possible done to give the citizens of that district a sporting chance with the 'weather. The mater was brought ta the Board of Works attention last night by Ald. Clifford Harman and Ald. L. Jackson, who, in turn, named street after street that, due to the con- tinuing rains, have become practi- cally impassible, Ald. Hart, chairman of the Board, stated in reply that the ccehdition of the streets had been brought to his attention and that the aldermen could rest assured that everything that could he done in the matter date possible. Ald, Jackson also insisted that something should be done very soon abcut widening the CN.R. bridge near Lakeview Park. He was assur. ed that «s scon as equipment now matter will be taken up. The Council gave the Worlis zuthority to have and grader brought to Oshawa to work on streets that gre suffering from weather conditions such as in Cedarda'e. Ti the. new equpment proves cific end the price reason- Ccy..e:l will be pslied Board of a tractor to Ald. Harman als 2 attenticn to Lakev where number oe ci who are greatly matter of streeis eshied for more rdens where ns live but dice) pned in the sidewell iT TRADE Vashingion, Noy, 29,--The roth of American export trade wes deflected in figures made pub- lic by the Department of Com- merce today for October, showing the exports in that month were worth 5405,633,000, as comparcd with §$364,511,000 a year 2zo, or an increase cf more than $134,- 000,0c0, MEXICO POPULATION Washington, V, The pop- ulation of Mexico is 14, 334. 780 ge- 31% cording to the latest census now keinz completed. Genersl Store of Walter] Watt Entered By Thieves Monday Night -- Over- coais end Pry Ceods Ac Tol:en -- Left No Clue--- Provincial Police Are In- vestigating (Special to The Timc:) Uxbridge, Nov. 30.--Provincial Po- lice stationed in this county includ: ing Constable T. Mitchell of Oshawa, were in Uxbridge yesterday investi- gating the robbery of the general and dry 'goods store of Weiter Wait. This store was cntered during Mon- day might or early Tuesday morping and overcoats and other dry goods to thz extent of $1,000 were stolen. Entry was gained to the sore by - . i EEE er for your cow mor anyone elses." | ; | sort, famous ; {and love-making. Uxbridge Store Robbed Of $1 000 Worth of Goods"; CUPFALO ROBE STOLEN The Jatest article to tempt iieves in this eity fis a Etuffalo robe. While his car was parked on "lbert street shortly before ten o'- lock last night, Roy Gunn left 2 duffalo robe in it, but when he re- vrped to the car the crtizle had disappeered. The robe is eslored brown on oae side end green om 'he other. TRIPLETS AT INGERSOLL Ingersoll, Nov. 29.-- Triplets, the first to be recorded in the In- gersoll district in many years, were yesterday born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duffy of West Oxford. There are two girls and a boy, and the report from the Duffy home today was to the effect that the mother ond the babies wcre sll doing splendidly. "Things wmatrimonizl move in Americe's moviedand, I can tell you," recently remarked Flora le Breton. or. only a wash or so before I left Los Angeles fo n -- she went on--a young pT. made the Acquaintance of a pretty little show girl while steaming over to Catalina Island for a day's outing. Catalina, you know, is 8 popular loliday re- plike for tumafishing Well, at the end of a perfect day, they boarded the steamer for the re- furn journey, and the young men, Plucking up his courage, aid: "Annie, if I were to speak to you of marriage, in spite of the fact that I only met you on the way over, what woud you say to it?" fnight say, mever put off ill the return trip what you might way over," ans Charity covers a multitude of bis mew car." T) seems frank, San What eens marriage that star's off Sun. Many a like 2 nom ed landing on divorce groucds.-- Sault Dally Star. A wife, suing for mon-support, complains that she can't dress ner- self decently. Well, how many wo- men try to mowadass?--Hamilion TT ti would be carried out at the earlicst | Fire Limit as Districts "A" and "B" With Boundaries Qutlined --All Buildings in District "A" to Be Under Vigilant Inspection MAY BE PASSED AT DEC. SESSION No Bui'ding Will Be Allow. ed in City Without Notily- ing Building Inspector -- Scale of Fess Sugzested for Permits -- Modelled After Teronto's Building By-law Establishment of fire limit zones or the city is provided in the Build- ing By-law of Oshawa which receiv- ed its first reading at last night's adjourned szssion of the City Coun- cil. The measure will be set up in print and press proofs furnished the aldermen, Amendments will then be made and, very probably, the measure will be given Ms s ccond and Jhird reading at one of the December Council s The fire. limits provided for wre to be ks nown a; Distrcis "A d "B" i commercial sc: S£1008, in use in the gravel pit is frec that | s- explained that "Ford plans non-stop flight makes a fore- | nclosed within the west by a tha the ect sreots, ct sirects, nder of the lings within District "A" vigilant i Laing mut, to far rs principles ting building, as te ¥ resi conform pr cof or 1 No bullding ci any kind will be 1 in the city withcut noti lying g inspector. Minor 4 hg $100 in val 2 may, af- ter report, be autho d without a permit 2nd at no ¢h 4 permit is issued, the From § Il be £1.00, fee will he 1,00 to $4,- Over £4000 > will be ene hall mill of the ec ted total cost. Thus, a $100,- C0) building's permit would cost $5). Ths by- in generzl is modelled on: Teronto's measure which is not cily the standard fcr Canada but for the continent es a whole. However, Oshawa strikes an individual note by i that no halls or public ¢ located over a garage, , renaired t embcdies the uver where, recent- ited was destroyed) lesion with the less of sev- or 59 Joc: pr rovision par. empowers ments to call up- gathered at a fire to help re should the cccaziom de- >d assistance, utions are taken a- 1 dang of gas tanks locacd near service 102s in the ¢'ty. Avartment or tenement houses are defined as any bi ding where three re separate su.tes of rocims are i Such Aor it houses are od to bt ui id sleeping rcoms with arca of not less than 100 feet avd with a ceiling it of not less than eight feet, ¢ escapes oil all buildings three stcries high and over are demanded. Baildings two stories high may be SO cauipped if the owners are ordered to do it, All lodge rooms mu on citizens st be cquipped Zones Are Specified; Bylaw Will Be Printed and Amended Fire Limits Will B2 Known? but where | A-------- RUMANIA SENDING ENVOYS T0 CONFER WITH PRINCE GAROL | Neuilly Villa Chosen for First Meeting Since Exils ACTION IS COMING Return of Prince Considere: Official'y Sinca Bre. tianu's Death Paris, Noy, 28.--S!anificant of the change that came to his posit'on wit) the death of Ton Bratianu, Premier of Rumania, the exiled former Crown Prince Carol will have contact with accredited Rumanian representatives for the first time since the start of his exile, Carol was duc at Neuilly Villa Saturday morning by motor from D'nard. Whether this first feeler is aimed ~t changing the regincy so that Carol | can tale the place of his brother within it, or whether the aim is for Carol to take the throne which he renounced, is uncertain, But it is certain that Carol's rcturn to Ru- mania is being considered even in official quarters, freed from th2 in- fluence of Bratianu, Carol's arch- enemy. Clection D=manded Temporary Premier Ventila Bra- tianu is reported to have asked that the Carel question not he raised for another three months, but this will be possible only ii Brat'anu yields to the Peasant party in its demand that new elections he held, letting the Parliament thus chosen selcet the rovernment and decide whether Carol is to return, This demand of the Peasant party is considered to he unfavcurable to the Government, hut the difficulty lies in the cxtent of the powers which, according to the constitution, belong to the crown. . King Ferdinand zl- ways acted as if he had the right to dismiss a government and choose the next premier at will. But the re- gency is in a less favourable position, which leaves the new cabinet less protected from a possible combina- Liog of the Peasant party, with. .form- = Premier Avareszu to obtain a vot: ier m Parliament for "an immediate clection. As Canada's national bird, the I'randon Sun prefers the chicken. Same here, fried and with sweel po- tatoes.-- Border Cities Star. The Hamilton divinity student who held up the clerk in a Toronto shoe store may safely be classed as 8 modernist.--Kitchener Recosd. with fire escapes and other precau- tions taken. Hotels are required to provide in- dependent stairways, exits, and sig- nal lights, Thea'res must have four aisles, a proper number of exits, fire escapes and stairways {rom balconies, dcors opening cutwards, standpipes on the stage znd hose les to eopmect with them, and where 1000 cr morc peo- ple are accommodated, theatres must employ a trained fireman. Oshawa demands in its new build- ing by-law that Luildings must con- form to their meighbors in general That is to say, no shabby building can he erected where there are good bu:ldings, EE ---- EE. EEE EE a .-.F h S Hfp Reading By City Councii | CONFERENCE WITH GOV ON THURSDAY Certrel Ontario Cenire Ses New Era With Hope ¢ Relief LOWER HYDRO RATES Oshawa Will Be reel Represented on Deputatic --M:et at 2,30 Central Cnterio munielpald believe that a naw era begins this district at 2.30 p,m, tomMOrros when the executive of the Centr Ontario Powor Association, toe ported by derutations from eifi and towns cocerned, appears fore Premier Ferguson to ask Government's z'd in securing rel from enucessive hydro rates in th ection of the Province, The canse cf the 15 municipalis ties ard four counties coprernes will be presented, on behalf of the Power Ascoriation, by Preside F. L. Mason of that hody, Vie Pres'dent Conant, and Seey, J, € % Hearity of Belleville. : It is helieved that Chale MzeCQrath of to Hydro-BEl Power Commins tan of Ontario be prerert dv:ing the contere between the prem! ter and the sociat'on. Oshawa Ww il be lergely repres sented, it | , : si~ted. Mayor has rent lottors to 100 repre tive business men ask'ng that repo:t at the Parliament Buildings a 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Dee. 1, others intevested and who did m t receive written invitations, are coPs diglly invited hy his worship, join tke delezation. Thoee planning to go arg id their names at the mayor's hb o ress office, and his worship deeply appreciative of the 'interes beinz shown. A strong delegation from 'th City Council will aleo attend t conference, and it is hoped th every member who can go will tend. NANKING'S PROMISE Henkoy, Nov. 29;--Closely fol lowing upon the subjugation the Waubean cities, (Hankow, Wa. chanz and Hanyang) by the N king Nationalists thes . unquess tiopable ev ce . of 'dissensic among the fer FA "Tecently tablished by the Nanking Gove ment. Despite the Nanking cleration thet 'the new Wu tovernment will be eivilian, giving the militarists an opp tunity to create s mew sphere ¢ influence," the mewly-arrived Nan king militerisis are openly ant: onisti-. Tero of the most important of thoze secki: 'g | to establish a follows ing ere not following fustruetio fron: Nanking, Tre Nenking Government's Pros mise to establish order has not beep peazlized, eithough the coms cession areas are quiet and ti barricades have been opened. T situation in the Chinese city fs pallicg, Ezpdits apd soldiers : looting the business district bob by é27 znd nizht and there are numerous murders. The police! there ere helpless. The rebel"ous Nanking faction: are headed by General Chen Chien who is credited with having dis rected the capture of Kenking, March 24 and General Li T Jen, who is corsidered to be ime clined toward Communism, 2 EE Solva We are Telephone~ 262 Four direct lines to Cemizal 8y Ccko Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Weed AX Feel Onters weighed on City Scsles dosed. DIXON'S