. Ashburn, Nov, 29.--Miss Hazel Mole has returned after a pleasant three weeks' visit with her uncles in Essex and Detroit. r ice storms last week played { conBlderable havoc to the telephone and hydro wires, but a gang of men from both companies came out and soon had everything in fine shape again, The remains of the late Anna- bella Campbell Pearson, widow of the late Joseph Pearson, were lald to rest in Burn's cemetery here on Saturday, Deceased who was in her eighty-fifth year was an old resident here when she was much . beloved by a host of friends, She , has of late been living with her * daughter, Mrs, Blair Ketchen, of Fergus, from where her body ¢ame ' hy motor on Saturday. Mrs, John * Miller and Mrs, James Wilker, who live here are other daughters to ' whom with the other members of the family the deepest sympathy {3 extended, Rev. W. Band, Mrs, Mitchell and Mrs. Tom Price, of Myrtle, mo- tored to the city last week, Mrs. John Taylor, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Reynolds and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Taylor visit- Mrs, Bert Duff, =m TY eral er-in-law, Mrs. (Rev.) John Stephen, Mrs, Aggle Fisher, 0 remont, has been visiting at th ome 0 her son, Mr, Gordon Pisher, HAMPTON 29, --Mr, and Bowmanville, a -------- Nov, Cole, Hampton, Mrs, Albert All Wool Sweaters, .... $1.49 Leader Dry Goods Co. spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Williams, Oshawa, were Sunday guests at Mr. Alvin Peters', Mrs, W. Ranton, Trenton, with her sister, Mrs. Gertrude Virtue. Sorry to report Miss Helen Vi- tue in Bowmanville hospital, hav- ing undergone an operation for appendicitis on Friday last. Mr, C. E. Horn and son Ernest made a business trip to Toronto on Monday, Mrs. Jerome Barrie and Mrs, Golding, Rochester, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Smale, Miss M. BE. Horn visited To- ronto and Oshawa friends recent. ly and attended the Winter Fair, Mrs. Brownridge, Toronto, at Wm. Smale's on Sunday, Miss Blanche Cryderman left forBelleville on Monday, where she has been accepted as a nurse in training at the hospital there, Several of our young people who took up the Leadership Training Course at Bowmanville last week, received certificates of their high standing on Friday night, Among those were Miss 1. Campbell, Mrs, L. Allin, Mrs, (Rev.) Bick, Mrs, Knox, Miss L. Reynolds, Miss 8S. Virtue, Miss M, Pascoe, Miss L. Horn, Mr. H, Peters, Mr, Laverne Clemens, THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Nov, 20,--~ The heavy frost Sunday night has made a difference, We do not look for rain now every day as we have had, The country roads have be- come rough and heavy during so much wet weather, Mrs, Jas, Luke entertained a number of friends and relatives from Whitby last Friday evening in her home, A very pleasant time was spent by all, Miss Isobel Pierson was a visitor with friends in Toronto over the week end, Mrs, Silverthorn and children, Miss Mildred Watts, of Port Hope, Mrs, Clements and' children of Oshawa, were visitors last Sunday with Mrs. L, Howell, A Christmas Tree and Concert 82 Bimcoe St, 8, Phone 740 r COAL - COKE - Nut and Egg sizes, pe WwW oD 15.50 r ton, Stove size, per ton, 12.50 Pea size, per ton, 12.50 Coke, per ton, Best Anthracite Coal W. J. TRICK COMPANY, LIMITED 5 Albert Street Phone 230 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1927 in the near future will take place in the Sunday Schoel. This annual event will please the children. Remember the Ladies' Ald meet- ing held in the Sunday School next Wednesday afternoon. We hope to see a large turn-out that day and hope for fine weather. RAGLAN -------- Raglan, Nov, 29.--Mr. Harry Blanchard is visiting his aunt, Mrs, Slyden, of Whitby. The Canadian Order of Foresters were successful in adding a num- ber of new members to their roll, Mr, and Mrs. F, Dring spent a few days in the Oity 1ast week. At time of writing Mrs. Melville Knapp 1s in a very critical condi- tion, Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Grose and son, Frank, visited in Toronto on Saturday, . Mr. and Mrs, Slyden, of Whitby, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. C. Blanchard. Messrs, David Thompson, Nor- man Hughson, Charlie Brawn, Rus- sell Corner and Josh Evans attend- ed a Foresters' banquet in Toronto last Thursday evening. Miss Effie and Greta Brawn spent a few days in Toronto re- cently, Miss Rose Brent is spending a week's vacation in Toronto with here sister, Mrs, Russell Rad- bourne, PICKERING Plokering, Nov. 28.--Mr, Robt, Rankin, of Lansing, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, M. Rankin, Mr, ad Mrs, Hallman and family, of Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs. A, McDonald on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Austin Franklin, of Port Perry, spent Sunday with Pickering friends, It is rumoured that an American roofing company is planning to take posssesion of the Maple Leaf Milling Co, building at the west end of the villaze, Nothing definite has heen ascertained, however, as neither the village trustees nor the township council have heen noti- fled of the affair, It would be an asset to the town to have such an industry established within fits limits, It 1s expected that the Toronto- Lindsay bus service operated by A, McLennan with headquarters here will continue throughout the win- ter, at least, ag far as Port Perry, as the highway has been completed to that point, A feature nf the Y,P.8. meeting at St. Andrew's Church on Friday evening was an {illustrated lecture on the United Church Mission in Africa, presented with the ald of the new lantern recently purchased by the Y. P. 8. and the Sunday School. Rev, J 8. Ferguson gave the address which explained the pictures. Miss Taleen Wiman, of Peter- boro, 18 visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A. Burrell, The bazaar held by the Ladies' Ald of 8t. Andrew's Church in the Town Hall, on Saturday afternoon and evening, was an encouraging py 4 VO ITITTIS. re i Ful-O-Pep No waste, and Therefore, it CO yO 4 Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. - Cooper-Smith Co Oshawa - Ontario BUY QUAKER FEEDS IX STRIPED SACKS dealer for them, FUL EGG Made by The Quaker Oats Company, Peterborough, Ontario, is the most economical feed Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash and Ful-O-Pep Scrat the ideal combination to make heavy layers. Ask your Quaker -Q- mportant ingredients, provides ] rotein and carbohydrates which every money-making hen must have, Bone meal and caleium carbonate supply the minerals so necessary for heavy egg production, Those elements which the hen roduces in eggs are fully restored to her, The Cod bs Mea) in Jul-O:Dep Fee Mosh replaces missing sun- 1 luring winter months, its vitamines make ingredients do better work, ' Egg Mash is finely ground. Easil digested. i) itall, Gives Syed more f , bigger stronger- eggs, and of more hs size, MAS / SSSSSSSSN Extra Eggs Extra Profits Every sack of Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash contains the cor rectly balanced feed to make hens lay most eggs. You get biggest profits out of Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash. The base of Quaker Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash i This, with many other i op Kup Mach is the right amounts of pure oatmeal, ou can buy, Grains form TTT ITT TI TITITSS. success, in spite of the imclemency of the weather, The event wus opened at 3 o'clock, and tables of home made candy, baking, fancy goods and vegetables were attrac- tively displayed to the view of ready buyers. The fish pond and the touch-and-take table proved a popular corner with the young folks. A dainty tea was served for the benefit of the pruchasers, which was extensively patronized. ladies are well pleased with the suc- cess of their undertaking. KEDRON -------- Kedron, Nov, 290.--The Golden Links Class of the Kedron Sunday School will hold a concert at the church on Friday evening, Decem- ber 16th, when Rev. Mr. Clugston will entertain with lantern slides. Miss Irene Winter, soloist and elo- cutionist, of Oshawa, along with local talent will furnish the mainder of the program. Mr, and Mrs, W. N. Hoskin Mr. C. W. Hoskin and Mr, and Mrs. H. Davis motored to Toronto last (Tuesday and attended the Royal Winter Fair, Mrs. Seldon, the County Temper- ance Superintendent, and Mr, Har- ris, Whitby, will give a temper- ance talk during the Sunday School Sonion on Sunday afternoon, Dec. th. Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Hepburn visited in Toronto last week and attended the Royal Winter Fair, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grave, Nov, 28.--Services on Sunday were well attended as usual, Our pastor preached a splen- did sermon, . Mr. and Mrs. Iveson Munday and Miss Greta Munday spent Sunday at Port Granby, Miss Susie Laird, Grafton, spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, Laird, Miss Edna Swallow is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr, George Power visited friends in Port Hope last week, Miss Hilda Foley, Toronto, spent the week end at home. Mr, Elgin Munday and Mr. and Mrs, R. R, Stevens and family mo- tored to Uxbridge on Sunday and spent the day, Mr, and Mrs. Campbell Graham visited at Mr. W, J. Snowden's on Saturday. ORONO Orono, Nov, 29.--Mrs. William Underwood, of Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hunter, and other relatives here, Miss Thelma Martin, nurse-in- training, Peterboro hospital, spent Sunday at home. Mr. Ralph A. Fitchette, whole- sale and retall butcher of this town, is extending his business hy establishing a branch in Millbrook, opening up in the Ellie' black, Queen St., about December 1st, Messrs, C, G. Armstrong and Wallace Sissons spent a few days last week with Mr, Charles Mc- Pherson at Orilla. Mr. John Brown, whose farm is satuated just west of Kirhy and who recently sold out is planning situated just west of Kirby and having rented the Mrs. A. Laing residence, Miss Marlon Brown, nurse-in- training at the General hospital, Oshawa, spent Tuesday afternoon at home, Mr. Jim Brown. her Miss Jean Thompson, a senior nurse - in - training accomnen iad them to Orono and visited rel~*'v and friends. Mrs. Bennett, of Bowmanvil'~ spendine a few days with her n' Mrs. Ed. Morton, and other rc} | tives. | Miss Marjorle Tamblyn = the past week in Lindeav gues her aunt, Mrs. Holdre. Mr. and Mrs. Weslo manager of the Flayella «tor Mr. and Mrs. Kyle, al! nf 1 visited at the home nf WV Mrs. C. A. Chapman on dav last. Mr. and Mrs. Ocenr Ralr Percy Lunn and 10d Alex McNeil and lad Mr. Orm Ganisbv, attend sacred concert at Oshaws evening, last, given by t! Motors' Dramatic and Mu clety. The chorus num! eventy-five and the twenty-five pieces. Tt su musical treat. The engagement f= annonnes Mary Dorita Bradley, da Mrs. Bradley and the late Bradley, of Grafton. to Jam vey Bryson, son of M ¢ and the lat( Mrs. Brveon of day. The marriare will take »' the early part of December The Musical Concert given on Tuesday evening last. was a ver fine entertainment. The ta'ent "e- ing the Swiss Bell Ringers. who have appeared here on several! nre- vious occasions. The program was as usual, varied: the large audience showing unmistakeable avorecia-| tion of the music produced by the wonderful handling of the bells, the sweet music from the glasses, songs, stories, ete. The comvany ' maintained their reputation for a good clean show. Wednesday being night at the League, Church, a combined meeting was held of the League, Horticultural Society and Tuxis Square. Mr. G. M. Linton, Sperintendent Forestra- tion, gave a very instructive lecture on Forestration, the numerous lan- tern slides showing the great meed of the work carried om, and one realizes the value of our Forestry Farm here in reclaiming sand areas and preserving tillable land in such o; r- Citizenship The | ro-| brother motored to Oshawa for er, | Park Street ! {Miss Rosaline Ganisby were much enjoyed. The play "Mail Order Brides" put on by the Bethany young peo- {ple in the town hall Friday even- ing of last week under auspices of the A.Y.P.A. of St. Saviour's Church was creditably presented. It was humorous from start to finish and was thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience. Mr. A. J. Staples entertained at pink tea on Wednesday afternoon in honor of an old time friend, Mr. Harry Hooper, with whom he had not chatted for tem days or so. Social conversation was fully in- dulzed in and chiefly related to the present physic?! condition of each of the principals, ELOMVIFNT SPEAKER IN CITY TONIGHT Dr. Ceorge W. Kerby, Cal- gory, tn A Jd ess Home and School Council Many problems had to be decid- ed that would have played a vital part in hfs whole life and when these questions faced him, Dr, George W. Kerby, principal of the Mount Royal College, Calgary, Al- berta, handled them sincerely, He will, no doubt, relate many of his experientes during his lecture tonight at the Oshawa Colle. giate Assembly Hall, held under the auspices of the Home ana School Council, Dr. Kerby is one of Canada's outstanding aducationalists, having been born in this province and who spent his earlier years on a farm in Sombra township. "You can't have an education if you want to," said the father of Registrar Dreh- ner of the University of Toronto, made rapid strides in the educa- tional world, He received his low. er scl.uo¥ edusation and from there entered University. uated and entered the Church ministry. To hecome pastor of one of the largest congregations of the West was just one of the many achieve- ments Dr. Kerby. He refused of East and assume pastorates of the largest churches there, Dr. Kerby is an eloquent speak- er; a writer of rare ability and a crusader od eauses. delivered many stirring addresses including before the Chicago Association of Com rece and the British-American As also of Chicago. of g one sociation, BRITISH MIGRANTS NOT RESTRICTED Hon. Rokt. Forke Issues Denial of Rumor in Fort William , 29.--Denial rday to charges plac- before * Prit- wag J tap » Wien the > #1n ppes Owirez to in weather the attendance at the Simcoe street Young Peop'e's Union, Monday evening was somewhat than usual. After the opening hymn wis sung, different mem- bers of the Society led in prayer. Dr. Dougall then conducted a re- ception ceremony for the new mem- bers and five new members were received. A striking committee, composed of Mr. Harold Gay, Miss Carrie Stinson, and Miss Madeline Kelly, was appointed to confer with Dr. Dougall regarding officers for the coming year. The committee is to report a; the meeting on De- | cember 12. The bhymm, "I Lowe | to Tell the Story," was then sung. * Dr. Dougall gave a brief talk fror | "The Manhood of Christ," dealing particularly with the big hearted- | districts. Mr. Linton's gble add West Durham, Lawrence Allin, of this town and Gordom Colmer of Bowmanville, were both present and took the opportunity of pre- senting their platform. The elec- tion took place Saturday. A wvio- lin solo by Dr. Kerslake, wocal } selection by Miss Valeto Allen and {mess of the Master. Mr. Millard | 'of the King street Young People's Society gave a wery interesting report of the Young People's Con- | vention at Smith's Falls followed | by a second report dealing with a different phase of the Convention, |} givem by Miss Millicant Luke. The | meetirg closed with the repeating! of the Mizpah benediction. He has, | then inspector of the school dis- | Forsythe Beeton robber killed by trict in which young Kerby's home| Alex Hodge in a hand-to-hand fight | was located. The lad took these few on words to heart and ever since has by the Finance Committee of the Later he grad-| In cash on him when his body was Methodist | found, also some jewelry, and the y tempting offers to stay in the es 600 Mhere is an item of $400 | meet | smaller § NEW OFFICERS OF VICTORY LODGE Mrs. B. Gardner Elected Worshipful Mistress-- Hold Initiation Monday evening the Vietory L. 0. B. A. Lodge No, 583, held a special meeting and initiation of new membars. The business of the evening was the electing of officers and Mrs. B.. Gardener was elected as W.M. Mrs. Saunders will act in the capacity of L.P.M. Mrs. Young was elected D.M; Mrs Smith will be chairman, The re- cording secretary for next year wil' be Miss M. Andrews, with Mre Younds as financial secretary. Mrs A Foote was appointed treasurer Mrs Hagerman will be first lectur er, Miss Ainsworth second lecture Mrs. Bint will be D, of C,, Mrs. Davis was elected I. G. and Mrs. R. J, Andrews, Jr, was made A. G. The committee chosen last evening was composed of Mrs. Cornish, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs, Dainty, Mrs. Hutchison, and Mrs. Foote. The trustees for next year will be: Mrs, C. Sellick, Mr. W. Foote and Mr. R. J. Andrews, Sr. Mr. R. J. Andrews Sr., will also act as guardian, Mr. Foote and Mr; R. J. Andrews Jr.,, were appointed as auditors while Mrs, Dalton will hold the position of pianist. Af- ter the election of officers, very dainty refreshments were served. COST SIMCOE $3,000 Barrie, Ont., Nov. dertaker's hill burial 29.--An un- for $150 for the expenses of the late Dan July 21 last, was turned back County Council today to the town- £hip of Tecumseh, by whom it was forwarded, The robber had $157 committee feels that the bill should go to the executors of the estate, Altogether the and incidents in cost the county Beeton trials connection will of Simcoe ahout for the nursing and burial of the two Nevils children, fatally injured { in the explosion of d;namite be- lieved to belong to Forsythe and stored in a drive shed at their home. Thelr father, Sam Nevils, will in the County Court here, g Furnace 1his Week Only YAGE $5. Cleaned By Vacuum Process, Latest Modern Method To our knowledge we have the only Vacuum Furmace Cleaning Machine in Canada, having been specially built for us by the Hoover Co. of Cleveland. : Do not risk Fuel Gas-- a deadly poison. No Dirt--Not necessary to have fire out. Ts Eave Troughing--185c¢ per ft., 28 gauge iron, heavy G SECURE OUR ESTIMATES 5 Furnaces Rebuilt and Installed Roofing -- General Tinsmithing 191 College Avenue Gallagher ote e 1820.) | 10,000 VETERANS OF BRITAIN TO REVISIT THE BATTLEFIELDS] Se -- London, Nov, 29.--Following in the footsteps of the American Le- gion, 10,000 members of the Brit. ish Legion, representing soldiers, sailors, nurses and war workers from every part of the Empire, will make a pilgrimage to the battlefields of France and Belgium in August to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the last allied offensive, leading to the termination of the war. Plang are heing made to land the Lezionaires simultaneously at the Ports of Calais, Dunkirk, Ostend and Zeechrugge on Aug. 6. Twenty hattalions, each with 500 men and women will travel to the battlefield area in special trains, visiting Cam- brai, Peronne, Amiens, Albert, Donal, Arras, Lens, Bethune, Ar- mentiers 8, LOOT FOUND HIDDEN IN JAIL AT BARRIE BBarrie, Ont.,, Nov. 29.--Several rings, including a diamond, miss. ing since house robberies commit. ted here on November 10, and for which Tred Fryer and Dennis Ber- Lin were on Monday sentenced to wn years, have heen located in the prisoner's cells, hidden in the pillows, The men pleaded not guilty and. after being convicted, refused to tell the whereahouts of the miscing rings. The jewelry | stand trial on December 13 next | was located hy Governor Banting, along with other stolem loot, PLANE LANDS IN i STREET IN DETROH Detroit, Mich., Nov. 29.--To HI lustrate the practicability of aird planes in modern life, Harry Brooks, chief test pilot of the a plane division of the Ford Mote Company, today landed a Fo "flivver" plane on the pavement ol Woodward avenue in front of the Northwood Inn, near the Hie Mile Road. Brooks went to the Inn to dress members of the Birmingh Exchange Club. His schedule wa "the practicability of the airplan and he made the landing as a den onstration that planes can be us as safely as automobiles, he told the club members, many of whe saw the plane alight on the pa ment, 113 Wright Funerals | J, A. WRIGHT FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND -3 EMBALMER 4 Successors to '3 DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE: _ 82 Simcoe St, S. Phone 1082; Unsurpassed Ambulance Service Bs ial Ravers, a sas © 95 1. Collis & Sons 50-54 King Street West, Osh Opp. Centre St, Phone 7 pap-- -- It is a gift for all occasions. Good jewelry has an intrinsic value sesses. It can be readily converted into more of an investment than an outlay. Here at this wonderful store, you'll fine, reliable jewelry, comprising as well as novel, and we guarantee the find everything Come in and see--whether represented. buy or mot. It is a sight to delight the eye.-- Think it over --Remember we will help you through our easy ; | 4