Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1927, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR NGTICE TO WHITHY SUBSCRIBERS Any Whitby subscriber who is now getting The Times by mail may have same delivered by carrier boy at the delivery rate of 10¢ @ week if they will notify the Whithy representative, Mr. W. GO. i.aake, or the office of publication at Oshawa. Youthful Orators Heard in Contest at Session Of Ont. County Council F.blic Speaking Contest for Ontario County Public School Pupils Featured By Elcque~t Addresses--War- don and Councillors Ex- press Surprise at Ability of Children (By Seaff Reporter) Whithy, Nov. 5--Unwonted floods of eloquence, in youthful trebles, filled the forum of the Coun- ty Council yesterday afternoon. The occasion was the Public Speaking for pupils of the public schools of Ontario County. Contests were conducted in each of the 17 School Pairs held in the County this vear. Mr. Croskery, the very enter- prising Agricultural Representative for Ontario County, arranged for the final contest to he held before the memhers of the Council, The speeches delivered young Ciceros were really 0 contest by the surpris- i "TUNNEL . Special for Saturday, Boys' Lzather Gloves, . 20¢ Dominion Clothing Co. 69 King St, W. "hone 2141 arr, ingly good, in substance and deliv- ery. The girls spoke first in the follow- ing order: Cecelia McCarthy, No. 1, Thorah; Florence Love, No. 5, East Whitby; Audrey Plaxton, No. 11, Pickering; Enid Cook, No. 15, Pick- ering; Helen Park, No, 6, Brock; Blanche Todd, No. 7, Uxbridge; Ma- rie McIntaggart, No. 7, Mara; M-r- garet Petre, Union, No. 5, Bast Whit- hy; Nina McRea. No. 6, Rama; Ver- na Cain, No. 9, Scot; Vivian Wal- lace, Union No. 2, Brock; Irene Pal- mer, Uxbridge; Nora Me¢Millan, No. 12, Reach. The boys were: Robert Hancock, No. 5, East Whithy; Dominic Sween- ev, No. 8, Pickering Sr.; Ted Tom- linson, No. 15, Pickering Sr.; Lau rie Wagg., No. 17, Uxhridge; Peter Corigan, No. 7, Mara; Frank Hoag, Union No, 5, Rast Whithy; James Iawrie, No. 7, Pickering; Jack Ap- pleton, No. 9, Scott; Malcolm Fer- guson, No. 2 Brock; John David- son, No. 19, Reach; Victor Aldred, No. 2, Scugog. At the conclusion of the ing, R. 8S. Duncan, Superintendent nf School Mair Work in the Provinee of Ontario, spoke on the history of the movement in Ontario and the value it carries. The first fair was held in 197% ™hrag schools, with 59 pupils altogether, were includ- ed. This vear there were 547 school fairs involving 136,000 nupils, The Warden and several me the County Council expressed gnnal hers ol oars Club-- wear, Join Our Xmas Dinner Set OUR SPECIAL OFFER PAY $ 1 Then pay $1.00 each week until fully paid. We will deliver your set before Christmas. Wonderful large assortment of patterns and shap:s to select from in fine English and French dinner- The "CHAMPION" 94 piece Dinner Set 7 00 NOW . White with Gold Lines $1 9 80 BREAKFAST SETS In Black and Orange Daisy Flat Pattern 34 pieces $8.75 See our window if you would like to see some beautiful dinner ware, and don't forget our Christmas Club. D. J. Brown *"The Jeweler" Phone 189 10 Kiog St. W. heir THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1927 Snuff Vicks up nose or melt in cup of hot water, inhale | surprise and gratification at hav- ing heard such splendid speeches | from the children. [DISCUSS METHCD OF NAMING GOVERNOR Should Be Made Upon Re- commendation of Sheriff By Attorney General | (By Staff Reporter) Considerable discussion of the | manner of appointing a new gover- Inor for the Countv Jail at Whithy arose in County Council yesterday morning. The question was hrought up by Reeve Philip of Brock. In an- swer to his iniqury, the Warden sta- ted that the thought the appoint- ment was made at the recommen- dation of the Sheriff, subject to the approval of the Attorney-Ceneral's Department. Sheriff Paxton himself was asked to explain the matter and confirmed what the Warden had said. Several of the councillors thought it strange that tie committee on County Property and Jail Manage- ment should have to help pay the jailor's salirv hot have no voice in his appointment, The report of the Committee on Roads and Bridges was presented The Warden and the County Clerk were instructed to enter into an agreement with the City of Oshawa, concerning the awarding of a cou of Oshawa. The report also recom- mended that lacking authorization from the Department of Highways, no steps he taken toward accepting responsibility for the hridge between the 15th and 14th Concessions of Reach Township. Reeve Thompson of amendment, that teach moved an immediate ac is inadequate, and in the spring, the water backs up and floods the road for a considerable distance either way. The Council was inclined to admit that the bridee is not large enough but the fact of its size for- hids its: being declared a county hridge, it being only some 18 feet wide, instead of 20 as is required. The amendment, that subject the approval of the Departrient en gineers, the hridge should be taken over as a county bridge. The judge of the contest was Mr. R. Dunlop, Director of Extension Work at the University of Toronto. Mr. Dunlop, after deploring the dif- ficulty in picking the best out many good specches, awarded the first prize among the g to Miss Vivian Wallace and the first among the boys to Ted Tomlinson. The prize in each case was a cup, the girls presented by Mr. J. Wid- lifield "nd the boys hv W.E.N. Sin- clair, K.C In the absence Sinclair, Mr. Widdifield presented hoth cups afier a short address of congratulation. MISSICN CIRCLE ~ PRESENTS PLAY (By staff Reporter) Whitby, Nov. 25--Successful in very respect was the concert held in the United Church Sunday School rooms here last night. Quite a num- her of people from the district turn- ed out and witnessed the program which consisted of a pantomine and play put on by the girls of the Mis- sion Circle. The pantomine "A Bachelor's Reverie," was very inter- 28ting while the play was "Aunt Mag- zie's Will'. a comedy. yet nearly a tragedy. 'It was in three acts. Dur- ing the intermission between scenes, Miss Helen Bupper of the Ontario "adies' College rendered a solo, while a piano solo was also much appreciated. It was given by anoth- xr young lady from the College. CONSERVATIVE GLUB (Continued from page 1) imiliar organizations which are eing established at every impo 'tant ivie and upiversity center in Can- ada. Last night's executive was the ast of several meetings held du ing he afternoon and evening. Conserva- 'ive ladies of Oshawa met at 2 p.m., '0 bear Mrs. Fallis and the riding's lelegates to the Winnipeg conven- ien. The ladies went on re:ord as pposing any separation in organi- zation from the men of the party, ind will join enthusiastically in the yrganization of the club. At 5 p.m., students from the Collegiate Jasti- 'ute and young men and women from 'ocal business offices assembled at Welsh's Parlors to hear Mrs. Fallis discuss the formation of a MacDon- d-Cartier Club. Dr. James Moore, 'oon meeting, struck a significant ote in referemce to the Conserva- 'ive Party's determination to hecome tv truly national Visioning the lay when truly C .ascorvative Quebec an be brought into harmony with 'onservatism in general. Raps "Telegram™ "We can," he said, "wery well znore the eapot that ack eo AG rice» in of so at the after- tract to build the Ross Bridge, north tion be taken. The present structure of Mr.' the 'Telegram'. The 'day has long past when the Press of Ontario can hope to go far by preying om the prejudice or ignorance of the people "The Party in general agrees with ywhat Premidr. Ferguson has done, {though it looks as if a certain class of people were trying to make an issue out ef it." Dr. Kaiser, at the evening meeting of the riding's executdve, warned his hearers that Canada's crisis is !still to be met. It will come within 'ten years when the United States has, he said, paid off its war debis or shouldered them off upon those associated with the Republie in the late war. "Canada cannot hope to pay her war debts within the next ten years," Dr. Kaiser declared, "and we are bound to come into competition with the richest and most highly organ- ized nation of modern times." He suggested, what the meeting 'later adopted, that Conservatives of | the South Ontario riding should take 'teps to have the Hon. R. B. Bennett, the new leader of the Party, come to Oshawa at an early date. "And here." Dr. Kaiser declared, "in the throbbing heart of Canadian industrialism, he may well ~utline his policy with regard to industry, the industrial worker, and the con- sarvation of our natural resources which, today, are exported and manufactured in foreign factories while Canada's sons continue to cross the border and hecome citizens of {he ho country." | The committee appointed to make 1 survey leading to the organization of a Conservative Club in Oshawa | consists of Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Bull | Mrs. C. Downey, Frank L.. Mason, W | R. Geikie, A. G. Storie, D. B. Carlyle, F. W. Cowan, Charles Schofield, E i¢ Phillips, R. Cochrane, Harold Conpin H. I. Broomfield, W. H. Karn, Dr | Archia McKay, and Dr. Moore, the (chairman, ! secretary Named i Carlyle was named secreta') night's meeting and of thi Committee. Dr. T. KE. Kaiser |M P., serves in ex-officio capacity a ithe riding"s Federal representative Messrs, Millichamp, Vickery and (Geikie spoke to the motion endors inz the formation of a club. Mayor Preston gave enthusiastic endorsement to the idea and pro no=ed that at the coming banquet tr Hon. R. B. Bennett, the Club obtain of the surplus bison at Lake Park and serve them as the of the dinner. He declared new Slood, younger blood, and efficiency in organization 5 ull that the riding needed to he- ome. a Conservative stronghold "oth in the Federal and Provincial fies Ey» "favor Mr. of last Club van entire that mie Mavor Stacey, voted with those ne the organization of the club speaking to the motion suggest- that it he postponed for a second tng "ha encpaetion eo tortained hy Rernrtas of hort a was not the chair. riding delegates to "e Winnipeg Convention featured t' we alternoon wheih was nnened by Mrs. Bull who, after stat- ine the gathering's purpose, asked Ix Mayor Mason to take the chair Mr. Mason took the gavel and made his own report of the Conven- tion as he saw it. He declared that the gathering of Canadian Conserva tism at Winnipeg was of history making character, and that it was decided to reorganize from sea te sea in order that. the new leader Hon. R. B. Bennett, may soon take (the premiership of a Canada sure its national destiny. "In my opinion," he have at the head of our Party the ov oatest leader since Sir John A {MacPonpald, He is a clever parlia imentarian ; a man thoroughly -ac- | yuainted with the needs of Canada from Atlantic to Pacific. support For Leader | "We have the leader, and it de- volves upon us to give him the full- 'e<t measure of support. With that, [the future of the Conservative Paty {is assured." i Myr. Mason then called upon Mrs. Forold Downing, representative of the riding's Conservative woman- ho~A4 at W'nnipeg. Due to Mrs. Downing"s nlacement committee efforts very largely. it wae pointed out at the meeting, two o!' Ontar.o riding's representatives favorably session |of stated, "we were appointed to the important Resolutions and Organization com- mittees each of which had five mem- bers from the several Provinces. Dr. Kaiser went to the Resolutions Committee and Dr. Moore to the Organization directorate. tional qualities. Eight thousand people were assembled, and the meetings were marked, she declared, by the use of three languages--Eng- lish, French and Oratory. The candidates for the office of leader were summed up by Mrs. Downing from the woman's stand- point. Hon. Hugh Guthrie "was very dig- nified but lacked pep'. Mr. Cahan was 'too obviously a members of the old school and Hon. Robert Rogers suffered from the same defect and, in addition, lacked weight. Sir Henry Drayton was no orator, but the R. B. Bennett proved to be the Convention's ideal of leadership. Neither ta0 old nor too young, cour- azeous, deep thinking, splendid in address. Hon. Dr. Manion was too voung for the mantle of Sir John A Mrs. Howard Fallis, introduced by Mr. Mason, declared that she felt at home in Oshawa, and that 2 arowing pleasure of her work in Eastern Ontario was that in many af its centers she had found friends vhose warm interest welcomed her ach time she came. Club Service She announced that the organiza- ion of Conservative Clubs through- 'ut Canada had the backing of the Party leaders who, more and more, vished to bring women and the 'outh of the land inta the march of wogress tn which Conservatism is ow committee, In order that nora effectively, Ontario will ave a central headquarters he names of clubs and their mem- wrs may he registered, and from vhich literature and suggestions fo- pecial programs and schedules of vork may he obtained. Mrs. IFallis told vad remade the 'eterhoro. Four lared the Party that city. Due to women's interpst, it was 'ecided to hold annnal Conservative 'At bames", and out of the enthus- 'asm generated, Peterhoro now tands as a tower of Conservative trangth hoth Federally and Provin cially. Mrs. Fallis advised the women gainst any idea of forming a sen- 'rate organization, hut to work with he men on terms of co-operation vhich can alone ensure party 'e888, That the Club to he established "are shonld he permanent in concep fon was emphasized hy a story, A widower for the fourth time and nearly 80 years of age, married v girl nf 18. He met protests over thie weddine of extreme winter with arly May by saying: "Well, it would rnin anv man to then burving and burying!" Dr. James Moore, who spoke next 'tressed the impression he received seeing 300 delegates at the Winniree convention who conld meak Fneglish and French with aqual fluency. He beard one of those "am Onehee gnesk from f Canada's senior » said: 1 am hn. V- am a nol!" The Conservative Party offered anada a nath to greatnees, Dr nore stated Jt was committed to manufactures n® ite raw nradnat therehv filling jts factor workers, giving room factories, above all, keen- at home work soon where Clubs may how organization nalitical map of years ago, she de- spirit was dead in sue om rom delegates the heart provines when a French-Cana- Canadian speaking nnt ho ¢ hpmpe vith Pw hnsv fa and ng jts sons Praises Ladies Pr. T. FE. Kaiser. MP. ented the ladies on the number vhn turned ont such an in~cle- ment dav, and he read in this evid nee of interect a glowing future for 'aradian Conservatism. "y to imnress minds." he gaid "that 'hance of the (opeervative innino in Canada orvgtive make it 'he men "Organization eomnli- on vant upon there vour is Party nnless the Con- of business women their ony to help out is the secret She told of the meeting's inspira- | ! no | country | of | winn voter then hing Ch iting utes, Mason shoulder Os ed 1} not a tells As of Quality for Over -- 50 Years Know who where they live go after them. That's the that counts." airman Mason was strietly the speakers to 80 many At the minute named, tapped Dr. Kaiser on elections, 5 are and ing your and Oni Kaiser said: "Believe me ladies, there fs lereat work for you to do in Oshawa; helieve me, there is a great work to throughout Canada." hearty vote of 'thanks was moved and corr in favor of Mrs, Fallis and Downing for their addresses Tea was served by the ladies. At 5 o'clock, collegiate students I reported and were addressed hy Mis, Fallis on tha forming of a club and the principles of the Conservative Party, lim- min- \ the you A very hawa's Federal member ace hint gracefully o long as it is Frank Mason and Higher Power," "that me my time is up I don't mind." he walked to his Dr pt 1e seat, "Binantic Sale of USED CARS 1--1926 Chevpolet Coach, other extras, two bumpers, 2 spare tires and many 1--1925 Oakland Sedan, new tives, disc wheels, paint and up- holsteiing lke new, motor and rear end in first=class condi- tion. 1--1925 Essex Coach, very smail mileage, the very best mechan- ic} condition, 2--Ford Sedans, 1922 and 1923, both in first-class shape. 1--1923 Star Touring in the best of shape. 2--1922, 1923 Ford Touvings in good yunping order, very reas sonably priced. Your inspection is invited, Our time is at ronp call will ping a car to your door for inspection--Sce us before you buy. Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS Phone 1160 "ie Oshawa - 9 Prince Street COX Sak Colors, grey, fawn, beige and black; fancy cuffs. Various prices and styles. A New Shipment Just Received SPECIAL Gaytees, in black, grey ér fawn; low or medium heels, Sizes 2} to 7. * Colors $2.69 Ames Holden Guaranteed Rubbers for the whole family. The Burn's Co. Ltd. OSHAWA GANANOQUE

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