Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1927, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1927 - a oa ~~ Rh) GOVT STERNER} (mmm mmm sms x sit wmsirk SEI ECTION of BEST STRIPS for TIMES READ Somewheye in the Gulf of St. lawrence Looking for | | B Chasis Pi American Yacht y Bill Conselman and lie Plumb i = [i i ~ 4 BP Annan! ONLY ONE PERSO! . \ 1 = y 7 - N (By Canadian Press) : | | COULD HAVE WRITTEN THIS Ottawg, Ont, Nov. 24-QOfficials of . = Ml .& , % € SEM the Marine and Fisheries Department : declared today that no word had been | received from the Canadian Govern ment Steamer Montcalm, which is |i] $e ; OGEEGO HH! engaged in pursuit of the American Zak A Vai You T WE GOT M RE Yacht Vidor, somewhere in the Gulf | {8 - CF . 7 ANSWERS N of St. Lawrence. On bodrd the Mont ERE ARE IN A calm is the Marshal of Admiralty -- - : Court of Quebec bearing a writ of at tachment on the Vidor as a result o legal proceedings instituted against the yacht by the Canadian Nationa Railways. The government railroad claims that heavy expense was enter ed in establishing a supplementary service on Sunday, made necessary by damage done to Black's Bridge over the Lachine Canal in Montreal when the Vidor collided with it. Railway * x = ; authorities were delayed in staritng u -- | \ | g : a y their procedure and when these got | 'E pT Hip Ni) A Maal. val S 2 ? iy, % THAT NEEK! under way the Vidor had sailed. d Tr cl tg ES a8 - f = Jd " > He's always aren our Ex --~-- Assistance of the Marine and Fish ; §" Silitiggy N 4 = Tui i : = fo] Q 5 ZL ) here's kopireg Re ges ZnRQrow- eries Department was invoked and the z : fon SE TO i i U3 van us, Cop sige 1920, nT A s M0 o 4 Montcalm dispatched down the river L Z lu rr Memmi Hewmaoe Service| A RASA <A 7 : J no eye As to attempt to overtake the Vidor and to place the Court Marshal abroad the U.S. craft. THREE FINED FOR 4 BRINGING UP FATHER SELLING "SMOKES" A ad cir ; a F I'M SORRY aid RY 1 i E. ALL RIGH TO YOUNG LADS | £ I'L SORRY -- i i Aut RIG -- : WITH - MAGGIE - by Nl ui SR ' The law is strict. And the law Neer " / \ : 3 \ says that cigarettes must not he sold = ¢ Wf: : " y 4 ) £ to minors, Three local men weren't { : : A " / oid A! PET 0 And > fe g Ae V7 a _ SRRS-- CS -- particularly careful, apparently, so they paid fines in Police Court this morning after pleading guilty to an infraction of this seetion of the law of the land. They were A. Balla- hood, Fired Shellenkoff and Joseph Marchewsk, who were summoned to court after 1 . on whom officers had found cizarettes, had stated that they were willing to swear that they hought the offending articles from ihese men. The fine in each case was $5 and costs. The three in question pleaded ignorance of the section which states that salesmen must have a written || order signed Wy a parent, before cig- | | 8 © 1927 by Int') Feature Service Ine arettes can he sold to minors. They || Great Britain rigs ressrved claimed that they sometimes got | |B these orders, but did not know that it was necessary in every instance | [E of this nature. Magistrate A. P ie) Hind took note of their plea, an = allowed them to go with the small / TELLING TOMMY fine of $5. Marchewski at first |! -- A - . har Rr Gi pleaded not guilty to the charge, [A -- nil ' 4 TRL T0 THE CLAIMS OF BOTH CANACA Auf WL but after some discussion witp the bf R ; : 3 TAREE IENANIPIIRE 'nt id ADV °h Rr 00 YOU KNOW magistrate. throngh an interpreter, | kg 0 A LONG TIME AFTER i 3 a BE STREAM TENRITCRY FROM | ' AND THE us. AND IN 1852 DREW WHERE THE he changed is plea, © new ea of | 7] '» Ef! CHIEF PHILIP GF THE TY ' : : HL i A es jeed Ms plea, he ney Blea £ THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, " \ / r i & BH " G 57 HR oy | E Up A CONSTIUTION MARYS DIAN LOST REPUBLIC na x [ : THERE WAS A "LOST REPUBLIC rl [He 4 CHOOSE TORU. 4 . STREAM A REPUBLIC. THE ASHBURTON 'ff -------- IN AMERICA TOMMY. WAS, BETTY? Bi ny 1928,1 GUESS f TREATY IN 1842 MADE HALLS STREAM ; m= \ WAL ; lk R= THE BOUNDARY AMD THE LAND 15 NOW mg THE US. wil TIME TABLE : oh | S00 Use =) PART OF C005 COUNTY, MEW HAMPSHIRE. ' Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE ii, 8 4 i9) TER THE END OLUTIONARY, SAB 2 lon WEEK DAY. SCHEDULE EE WARA DISPUTE AROSE WHETHER HALLS |i!!! 1] i : Laver" Vive de | | WAN 7 Jd STREAM OR INDIAN STREAM ins THE LLL! I1Y E Zosa mm. Zam, : \ 4 BOUNDARY BETWEEN NEW HAMPSHIRE 2555/72 EE API AlBam HII0 pm 120 pm 1240pm Am "4 Ali ; AND CAHADA THE INDIAN STREAM ISTE REE o . fg i (Rew 4 i \ A TERRITORY HAD A POPULATION OF em. an La, wes NN aly ABOUT 300 PEOPLE YHO OBJECTED #5.40 p.m. 45 pam. 6.30 p.m. 6.45 p.m oi eat mt] Rr 7.00 p.m. 7.40 p.m, 8.00 p.m, 2 *8.35 p.m. ) ' 9.30 p.m, 9.40 p.m 10.10 p.m, 10.30 p.m, 10.50 p.n2, 11.30 p.m. 11.50 p.m, Going East Leave Leave Leave Arrive Hospital Whitby Oshawa Bowman. 6.30 a.m, 6.20 a.m, 7.30 a.m, 8.20 a.m. £.30 a.m, 9.30 a.m, ¥ 11.20 a.m. 1205 pm. 12.40 p.m | | | SN 1.00 p,m. 1.15 p.m. 1.35pm. 210p.m | i pe a BETCHA of KNOW 2) 2.20 p.m. 3.35 p.m. 4.10 p.m THAT'S ) BAGGY'S HOUSE! 3.45 p.m. Arr. 4.00 p.m, | o ~ ] F 4.25 p.m, p.m, 5.05 pam. 5.40 p.m . . ! STE \ 4 WAGN TI i 6.05 p.m, 6.40 p.m { » 0880 F Ho | COLLARS oN T™E POR 6.45 p.m. 7 »m. 7.20 pm. 8.00 p.m. | |E | [ols AEE] WITH I) LAS' . ban: Aer. E20 HouSC ~--'7 N2 9.40 p.m. ¢ A p.m, 0.45 p.m = Y aii 11.00 p.m. 11.30 pm. 12.00 iB gt < It} | TUESDA ° Time marked * are through busses to IB iad I CAN TELL Whitby Hospital { 3 4 " E y OSE} SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE < \ _ / a { BAGGY'S HOUSES Going West , > al. Leave Arrive Bowmanville i 10.00 a eatures Syndicate Inc Great Britain rights reserved Whitby 11.00 a.m. 1.20 p.m. 3.0 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 4.20 p.m. 4.40 p.m. 6.40 p.m, 8.40 p.m, 10.40 pn, Arrive Bowmanville 12.00 p.m. 1.30 p.m. 5 p.m. 2.20 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 4.45 p 5.35 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 7.35 p.m. 9.00 p.m. 9.35 p.m. 11.10 p.m. Bowmanville-- Phone 412 Oshawa Waiting E. Room 19 Prince Street one 2283 : 9 Sos alison SEIS 8 TILLIE THE TOILER-- Now She'll Step Out! C.NR. TAME TABLES . . i - ; a RATS ima 2 S I'M NOT GOING TO TRAT'S SAY, MAC | JUST HOLL! 1 HAD You DOWA day" Ay eed! MAC'S i id Eur | Re Tk Ten Ye! FOR THE BLACK, Enstbound Taping MORROW NIGHT, y BUBBLES SHE .SN'T . ; p BOTYOM, BUT WL m.--Dail, sot Sunday. BUBBLES - HE WANTS D SWITCH YOUR tn Stnday only. oS a A an &2 LOR EN > 4 STONT WW) adn.~Liaily, AND. THAT SPOIL Fol ] DO 7 TILLAE'S Daily except Sunday. Dally roe t Suoliy. [THE WHOLE EVENING y Sunday. FoR ME ©) pa--Daily except Saturday. = ha 12.09 a.n.----Daily, 12.25 am.~Daily. ily except Sunday. 3 ~Daily. 58 ~Daily except Suxday. a.m. --Daily except Sunday ox Sunday only v except Sunday. ily. 'ally except Sunday. . P. R. TIME TABLE LCastoounad Trains mi. --Daily. dicate Inc: Eogat Bertain This seserved Westbound Trains 5.47 am. --Duil wily, ia asp.Datls. Sui 2a 4 s.m.--Daily exceot 2 : ~Dadhe £2 2a Dein

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