Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1927, p. 1

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> 4 [ JONES SUCCEEDING The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1927 10 Cents a Week; % I -- 2 Cents a Copy. i ---- i -- ah] FOURT EEN PAGES RR EO se "TAKE | HYDRO PROBLEM TO GOV'T DEC.1 | Ald. Swanson Denounces Council's Policy of Secrecy STARTS FLIGHT TO NEW ZEALAND CAPT. GILES] WINGING WAY OVER OCEAN Hawaii is First Leg on the Long Over-water Journey 26-HOUR FLIGHT Starts Out Under Favorable Weather Conditions from San Francisco (By Ascociatedd Press) San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 22 -- Captain Fredarick A. Giles, British flier, took off at 7.42 a.m. today in a se"ond attempt to fly to Honolulu on first leg of projected flight to New Zealand. The plane splashed water and mud along the runway getting into the air. Profiting bh vrewfous experiance he made the ke off with ease and his plane /seighing more than five thousand pounds and loaded with 390 gallons of gasoline, gained altitude easily. San, Francisco, Calif., Noy. 22. Captain Frederick 8. Giles, British filter, today "sonht another chance to start his flight from the Golden Gate to New Zealand by way of Honolulu, With four hundred gal- lons of gasoline in his tanks, he a- waited reports, ready to take his 5,100 pound plane and load into the air as soon as he was certain that the wind conditions would permit (Continued on page e 3) INTENSE INTEREST CONCERT TONIGHT Noted Artists to Be Heard Under Auspices of Music Study Club -- All records for concert attend- ance are expected to be broken tonight when the concert to be given by Mme. Jean Dusseau, soprano, an Signor Guerrero, pianist, begins in the main auditorium of the Simcoe strect United church at 815 p.m. The program will begin with two numbers to be rendered by a double octette of the Oshawa Music Study Club of which Mrs. C. M. Mundy is president, Vogt's "Indian Lullaby" and the | "Barcarolle" are to be rendered by the 16 ladies under the direction of Mrs. F. E. Hallett as leader. Miss E. Ma- thie will be at the piano, The members of the double octette are Mrs. Russell Bale, Mrs. Leo Gray, Mrs. J. P. Mangan, Mrs, E. East, Mrs. W. A. Hare, Mrs. E. F. Farrow, Mrs. W. Emsley, Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. G. F. Foster, Mrs. J. V. Hill, Mrs M. Reesor, Mrs. E. Bateman, Mrs. C S. Lee, Miss Jean Keddie, Miss Leah Garrow and Miss Marion Castleman. ING LIFE SWAM ASHORE RISAVED HIS WRECKED CREW Sydney, N.S., Noy. 2l. ~The story of a shipwreck and the heroic rescue of his crew by Captain Michael Fitzger- ald, master of the Cape Breton Schooner John T. Fitz, was told here yesterday. The vessel was wrecked a idoyd's Cove, Nov. 11. After the crew had crouched in the rigging for four hours, Captain Fitzgerald tied a rope around his waist, swam safely to shore and made fast a line from the beach to the schooner, enabling the othe; men to reach land. The John T. Fitz was refloated fows days later and towed to North Sydney for repairs. Most of its cargo wa: saved: SAILORS ON ENGLISH COAST RESCUED BY LIFE-SAVERS London, Noy. 21.--The efficiency of life-savers todidy was credited with preventing loss of life in the south- easterly gale which swept the Eng- lish coast over the week-end. The crew of seven of the small coastal steamer Mourne, which was driven ashore at Saltfleet Haven, was rescued by a breeches buoy. The crew of the steamer Eros, which was aun- chored in Sunderland , Was Further Eff SINCLAIR FACES CONTEMPT CHARGE IN JURY SCANDAL (By Assarlnied Press) Washington, Noy, 282--A rule requiring Harry F. Sinclair, William J. Burns and four oth. ers to show cause on Decem- ber 4 why they should not be unjudged in contempt of court as a result of the ofl cinspiracy Jur! scandal was issued today hy Associate Justice Siddons, of the District of Columbian Swe preme Court, Washington, D, O,, Nov, 29, --ontempt preceedings against Harry F, Sinclar, William J. Burns and four others in con- nection with the oil conspiracy Jury scandal were brought to. day in the District of Columbia Supreme Court by the Federal Government, REPORT SCORES ONT, GOVERNMENT The Official Orange Statement Takes Gov't to Task on School Question (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Nov. 22--It is expected that the official report of Legislaive committee of the Orange Grand Lodge of British North America in regard to recent changes in the On» tario school regulations abolishing "Regulation 17" will be availabe tonight, according to Toronto pa- pers this report wil blame the On- tario Government for "laxity" in enforcing this regulation and will declare there was no justification for changing regulations regarding teaching of French and English in schools of Ontario. No statement was forthcoming on the matter to- day from Premier Ferguson, who is Minister of Education, FIRST CASUALTIES OF HUNTING SEASON OCCUR, IN MANITOBA (By Canadian Press) Winnipen, Man., Nov. 22--Big game season opened in Manitoba yesterday and today provincial police officers were investigating a report of a fatal- ity in the woods near Boblin, Man. James Davidson, of Boulton, is alleged to have accidentally shot and killed a man named McArthur. The same shot is reported to have wounded McArthur's cousin, whose name has not been ascertained. The cousin, meagre reports said, was not badly injured. EARTHQUAKE | RECORDED (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Noy. 22.--A fairly large long distance earthquake was recorded yesterday on the seizmograph of the Toronto Observatory, The first wave arrived at six hours, 25 minutes, 20 seconds pn. and the maximum earth movement was recorded at seven p.m. Ihe record lasted for two hours. Man, | ort to Bring About Reduction Hy 'i Rates i in This District T Hope Conference Will Lead to Writing Off Excessive Capitalization for Central Ontario System Which Would Lower the Cost of Power ARE ORGANIZING A DEPUTATION Appeal to "Government Has Endorsation of Hydro Elec- tric Power Commission Which is Powerless to Grant Relief Central Ontario will lay power and its hydro rates problem before the the hope that action will he initiated at the conference which will Jead to the writing off of excessive capitaliza- tion for the Central Ontario system, Whe would mean a reduct'on in rate, which would put mimicipalitics of this district on a party with the Niagara System's towns and cities. President F. I. Mason of the Cen- tral Ontario Power Association has, af- ter consulting with Premier Ferguson, arranged to hold the conference on Thursday of the coming week at the Government office building, Notices are heing sent out to all the IS municipalities concerned in order that the deputation. may not only in- clude Power Association members, but he reinforced by Council member and business men in general. However, the association is not seek ing to impress the Government with mere size. It bases its hopes on the thoroughness of its investigation into the question of hydro rates and ad- ministration in this district, and it is understood that the appeal to the Goy- ernment under the lay, is powerless to grant relief on its awn initiative. The special committee that has been working to obtain an interview with the Government consists of Pres'dent Mason, Vice President Conant, Secty J. O. Herity of Belleville, Mayor T. § Holgate of Bowmanville, and Honry Fullerton of Cobourg. COLD WAVE HAS PASSED IN WEST After Taking Dip to 22 Below (By Camdinn Press) Winnipes. Man, Noy. 22--Pronoun- ced moderation in the cold wave which swept western Canada for the past week was reflected in an official wea- ther report today. Edmonton, which shivered in the frigid' blast of thirty below zero yesterday was in the dir- ect path of chinook which had sent the mercury to 22 above today. Else- where in Alberta, a sharp rise in tem- perature was noted, The low pressure area was rapidly moving across the prairies, promising welcome relief to Saskatchewan and Manitoba, where dips ronging from four to 22 pelow zero were recorded during the night. John Walker Sentenced in To- for Long List of Crimes, Including Bank Robbery, (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Nov. 22--A total of six- teen years in Portsmouth peniten- tiary and twenty strokes of the lash " y Magistrate Edmund saved in » similar manner last wight lic' Const' today tb Mon: Welker, | ronto Police Court Today Holdups and Theft of Auto 16 Years and 20 Lashes For or Robbery and Burglary ho pleaded guilty to two charges of robbery while armed and to three charges of theft of automobiles. The sentences were ten years and lashes . for the robberies, and two years on each of the three automo- bile stealing counts, to run coneur- erptly, Walker had been arrested yester- day in connection with the recent holdup of the Campbeliville, Ont. branch of the Bapk of Nova Seco- tia--robberies from summer eotiag- es morth of Toronto--hold-ups of two Toronto stores and assaults on Mercury Rises | to 22 Above | | FIRST VICTIM IN CHICAGO'S BANDIT WAR Attempt Also Made on Life of Police Chief--Staff In- structed TO "SHOOT TO KILL" Armed Men Found Loitering Near Detective Headquarters Leaders Named (By Associated Pres) (Chicago, lls, Nov. 22 The first vic tim of Chicago's new gang war was found shot to death in a door way on the south side early today. The hody was that of Frank Herbert, brother of "hig" Herbert, bodyguard of Joe Sal- tis, Beer Baron, recently acquitted of murder. Police believe Herbert died while trying to crawl to his home after hecoming the target of rival gang- 1 Stes, Ontario Government on December 1, in | That war has hegun is realized by police of the city. An attempt was made against Chief O'Connor's life yesterday and the finding of armed men loitering near detective head- (Continued on page 8) BRITISH BUY NEW PLANE! London, Nov. 21. Plans for a new type of aeroplane called the Heli- cogyre, have been acquired by the jritish Air Ministry from the Itallan inventor, Vittorio Isacco, who has perfected it in collaboration with the Spanish engineer, Raoul Pescara. The Helicogyre, it is asserted, can ascend vertically and hover indefin- itely. It resemhles the antogiro, In heing lifted hy four rotating wings which revolved ahout a vertical column above the Tuselage, Advocates Securing of Expert Advice on City' Five Prote Acserts No Wembir of Coun] cil is Qualified to Say What Should ~Be Done -- Will Not Suppo:t Either Faction Regarding Proposals STATES POSITION ON FIRE PROBLEM img Absent {from Council Meeting Because He Knew Matter "Was Largely Cut and Dried" Beforehand -- Says Too Many Things Flourish Under Secrecy Swanson, who was no Thursday night's Audi a committee on Fire Protection, today declares that he is a recruit for neither of the aldermanic parties in the matter of increasing the fire department, hire chief's salary, ani establishment of a sub-station in Ce dardale. "I kept away from Thursday night's meeting," he declared, "hecause of two facts. First, I knew that the matter was largely cut and uried beforehand; seconid, 1 know that there is no mem ber of the City Council qualified say what should be done or not done to increase the denartment's efficiency. "When the subject comes up Monday night's regular session," pointed out, "I will move that the Council ask for a survey of the fire protection service either hy an official of the Ontario fire marshall's depart- ment, or that we ask the chief o1 the Toronto Fire Department to lend us one of his captains to come here and make a study of the situation. (Cenunuea on Page 3) Ald. D A] present at. last cil meeting as i he Italian Premier Hates England, Despises U. S,, Declares Major Hanley Annual Ladies' Night Banquet and Entertainment of Rotary Club Featured By Brilliant Address By Immediate Past Governor of Rotary District No. Described as "Figure of War und Menace," 27 -- Fascist Chief Dreaming of World Mastery--Evening's Entertainment Delight- fully Arranged in a Way Well Known in Rotarian Cir "cles--Fine Toast List--Mrs, Hanley Accompanies Maj. Hanley as Guest of Honor "Mussolini hates England and despises the United States of America," was the declaration of Major the Rev. Joseph R. Hanley of Perry, New York, and member of the Empire State's legislature in an address which featured last evening's quet of the Oshawa Rotary Club, 27th District, veteran of the Amer- ernor of Rotary International's "Ladies' Night' ban- Major Hanley, past dstrict gov- ican Expeditionary Force to France, and legislator of the wealthiest and most populous state in the American Union, concluded his brilliant address with a warning as to what the Italian premier dic- tator's ambitio two new, monuments in Europe. n for mastery implies. The one is Canada's memorial to With vivid phrases he told of the men of its First Division who first met the horror of war by poi- eon gas, Inscribed by a grateful country to those who erved. The other is a bronze Roman centurion on a hill overlooking the Eternal City. A figure of war and menace, sculptured eyes flashing hate, and standing in an attitude of de- fiance, Before that jmare. he de- elared, the disciplined legions of Mus=ol'ni's supporters gather, give the outstretched Roman salute, and dream of world mastery contemtous of democracy. The Oshawa Rotary Club's annual "ILadies' Night" banquet was staged in Welsh's parlors with covers laid for 140 members, their wives, and evests. The hall was transformed into a bower of beauty. Festoons, of evergreens made a e2nony over the hanquet tables' wealth of out hlooms. Gav cans adorned the Club's fair guests and the members. Streamers of confetti greeted the snecker; rainhow floated over the tales: and scores of novelties eave the hevavet a torrh of Christmassy merriment. Rotarian M. DD. Bersev nropoced (Continued on Page 3) en'nred balonnrea | PLEADS NOT GUILTY OF INTOXICATION Pleading not guilty to a charge of being in an intoxicate: condition in a public place, Edward Riley was remanded in custody until Friday when he appeared in Police Court this morning. Riley was arrested on Bond street about half past one this morningg, and was convieted on this same charge on a previous uve- casion in July. WEATHER Fresh southwesterly winds, cloudy and mild with showers. Wednesday--~--mmpderate © winds cloudy, statiomeny op dower tem- perature, ction Need: q HAD BOTTLE ON HIP IS GIVEN $100 FINE It was iy one y fone bottle of liguor, but it cost Hareld Grant $100 and the costs of the prosecution when he appeared " in Police Comt this moming Lefore Magistrate A, F, Hind, Grant was arrested on Ritson road south abour one o'clock this morning with the bottle on his hip, and when he appeared in court on a charge of having liguor he pleaded guilt, The fine was paid, ROTARY BANQUET NOTABLE SUCCESS | Members Express High Ap | preciation of Committiees' Fine Efforts Rotary Club members are today congratulating the executive and special committees responsible for the lontstanding success of their an- nnal "lLadies' Night' bargnet stags ed at Welsh's parlors last night, "The best gathering of its kind | ever held in the city," is the com- ment of Rotarians, who declare that they never attended a banquet where the prog-am was carved ont so efficiently, and with general and obvious enjoyment on the part of those entertained. The Ladies' Night committee was divided into three sections. The entertainment section consisted of Rotarians Bob Henderson and George Henley. Refreshments were under the direction of Rotarians Stan Everson and Stan Philling, Dee. orat'ons, for which particular high pra'se was given were in the hands of Rotarians Bill Tait and Frank Johnston. The reception committee was composed of Rotarv-Anns and Ro- tarians as follows: Mrs. A. G. Sto- rid, Mrs. G. D\ Conant, Mrs, J. C. Younz, Rotarians Dave Tod, Chester Smith, and George Hezzle- wood. SOCIAL SERVICE SURVEY REPORT Will Be Made at the Annual Meeting of Children's Aid Society The Social Service Council's recent survey of conditions in Oshawa will be made public at the annual meeting of and Ontario County which will be held Wednesday evening, November 30, in St. Andrew's Sunday school rooms. The report is being presented by D, B. Harkness, educational secretary of the Social Service Council of Ontario, former juvenile court judge at Winni- peg, who was recently in this city mak- ing a study of conditions affecting child life in particular. The Society's annual report will he presented and officers elected for the coming year. Other important busi ness will also be up for action. Mr. Harkness' address will, however, be the feature of the gathering which will be open to the public at large. CLEMENCEAU LOSES 5 SISTER AFTER LINGERING ILLNESS France, Noy. 21.--Adri- enne. Clemenceau, sister of France's war-time premier, Georges Clemen- ceau, died today after a lingering ill- ness. Mile. Clemenceau was 79 years old, seven years the junior of her famous brother. She never married. The former premier was at his sis- ter's bedside for a few minutes before the end. Their brother, Albert, also attended the sister's last moments, Rambouillet, CONSCIENCE MONEY BECEIVED FROM TORONTO Montreal--Two one hundred dol- lar Royal Bank of Canada bills were rece'ved here by the Treasurer's De- partment of the Cam dian National Rattevayve marked *"'conscience mon- v." by egistered letter bearing the "Toro to Ter.aimal Station stomp ose bes id, i983." the Children's Aid Society of Oshawa |. Ye HINERS ARE ADVISED 10 STAY AT HOME Cemmittee Representing the Strikers in Colorado Would Check Trouble FIVE PERSONS DEAD Governor of State Frees Head of Police of Blame for Firing (By Ascociatod Press) Nenver, Colorado, Nov. 2.- The committee representing th» striking miners in the Northern Ca! wado coal field today announced an idle workers had heen advised to remain at their homes to avond the possibility of more outbreaks gi*ydlar to the skirmish at the Col- nmhine mine yesterdav which re- gulted in the first bloodshed siure the walkout was called October 18 last, After reviewing reports of 1ne fi"ht at the mine which resulted in ive deaths among the miners aed le't a score injured, several aspri- ously. 4 0 2 FAMILY GAR T0 HIBERNATE SOON Four New Gargaes Are Au- thorized in Building Permits Julius Caesar, as all young Lmtin- ists «' 'high s_hool years know to their. sorrow----viz: "Cum Caesar in citeriore Gallia in hibernis est," was a gencral who want into wint r quasiers occekiopally. Today it is the faynily car that undergoes a sort of mechanical hiberation and Oshawa's building record benefits. Four garages were authorized in vesterday's total of building permits as follows: Ernest Turk, Risdon Road, garage to cost $100; W. CG. Kent, Elgin street. garage Lo cost $150; Peter Jchnston, garage 19 cost $100; H. Johnston, Elgin street gar ge to cost $200, C. W. Hutchinson is building. 8 combination cafeteria and rooming house on William Street betw Mary and Division streets. building will be two stories in height and cost $3.5.0, It will be of frame construction. J. A. Stevens is building a sum- mer kitchen on his Alice Street house. The cost will be $60. © "& Ccming Events RATES 8 Cents per word each nse' Minhanm charge for each insertion, 35c. poy -- MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, Maple St. Phone 2372F. 2 to 9. Fridays appointments « (1180). COME TO THE CHOSEN FRIENDS open Progressive Euchre in K. P. Hall, Wednesday, 23. Refreshments. DANCING AT THE OSHAWA ™- ter Garden, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week. Private parties arranged. Phone 2675. (T.T.810) "OSHAWA CIUB WILL HOLD A Smoker on Wednesday night, No, vember 23rd. Come and sample the tobac o and enjoy the anter.' tainment. Alig) OLD TIME DANCE IN BROOEKLIN Town Hall, Thursday, November 24, gentlemen 50 cents. Let's all go. (119%) BAZAAR UNDER THE AUSPICES of Rebekah Lodge No. 3, to be held in Oddfellow's Hall, Novem- ber 23. Fancy work, ange. cooking. Afiernoon tea served, ART EXHIBIT NORTH Sine School, Wednesday, Thu Friday, Saturday this week. . ette "Rip Van Winkle." After noon tea. Special features, Ad 21 on OE | E mission 15 cents." Entertainment. 15 cents extra. 119.121)

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